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employment edition
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I'd like to see bradley attempt a cash builder
wouldn't be so funny then would it
off to do a quick 2-week tafe course and then onto western australia to make a brain surgeon's salary in the mines
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western australia sounds like shit
in the middle of nowhere... in the middle of nowhere
good lad
ever smuggled drugs on a plane lads? i've got a mate who routinely carries meth in his pocket when he flies, i reckon it's probably easier to get away with here than in america
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looks like baby is crying for some attention
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>brown genes fully activated in me and I really like blonde women now for some reason
*rattles my runt cage*
let me out please please let me out
why would an amazon employee have a macdonalds pin?
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this lad was jewish
is he flying to western australia perhaps
Relative moved there not long ago.
What dont you like about it
it's a two job economy under sleepy joe biden
could probably get through southend airport with a carry on case full of heroin
luton is also lax
but idk about getting through the airport in the foreign country other than amsterdam where you'd expect them to be strict but they didn't find an ounce of weed on me when i came home (then via southend)
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new rug came yesterday
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still voting yang
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look at this lad's skull shape, no wonder he's a violent retard, the phrenologists were right
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I look like that and say that
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you think you're celebrating the attacks but since you're stepping on it you are actually condemning them
Get mousenonce the fuck out of /cum/ immediately, go to your discord or whatever you fucking losers do

/cum/ is the quality general and /brit/ is the refuse bin and it needs to stay that way, stop letting your trash overflow
just woke up lmao
boards.4chan.org##[id^=p]:has(.flag-gb) in your ublock buddy
mousenonce world tour
Alexa Swinton (aka Alexa Skye Swinton) is an American actress, singer, and writer with Scottish/Canadian and Russian Jewish heritage

New master race gene combo
Jesus Christ I love living in weimerica because man it's fun basically living like a Russian gulag worker
:mousey's big adventure
You have power over your mind - not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.
it was bin night last night and i forgot to put them out for FUCKS sake
uh oh, stinky!
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dragons are cool
if something is posted to me first thing tomorrow will it be delivered the same day? it's only about 50 miles away
Rather not block Brits as I like most of them
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spend a while in this thread you'll change your whistle real quick.
>YOU are only getting rid of GOOD users when you rangeban!!
Umm, trvth nuke?
>/cum/ is the quality general
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Why are you like this? Why do you care so much about posting here? Get a grip
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Good night and good luck
Gonna roll a ridiculously large spliff rn
ive known people who carried felony amounts of weed on a plane
the trick is to just keep it in your bag in innocent packaging and hope you dont come across the drug doggos
saved for future /mug/ posting
I take it back keep it up
the large and in charge brad
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it's funny how he posted it again lol
i've poked my head in there a few times and it's fucking abysmal, it's like no one actually wants to be there and it only exists to be a shadow of /brit/
my penis
his arsehole
kill yourself paki
It wasn't always that way
dibs on last
allegory of the cave
it's literally the same ratio of flags right now
/cum/ is on average the better thread despite it being slower.
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Going to bed l'll leave you with this thought provoking post
Now that I work for a living I suddenly don't feel much urge to post. Every waking moment of my life should be dedicated to ascending past working class runt status, I can't live like this. I can't end up like these people.
I've smuggled cigarettes across the border between Turkey and Bulgaria but that's it
if mousenonce doesn't get banned we're gonna claim /brit/
why would billions die because it's 3 degrees warmer
'just a few more years', say scientists for the bajillionth year running
It's the Mutts. They don't belong on /brit/ so they have to settle with /cum/. Hosers are welcome on /brit/ and the Spics have /esp/ and the million South America threads.
dreamt of a world where /int/ had ids and everything was better
it exists
Watch The Muppets Christmas Carol a couple days ago. Pretty kino adaptation although Gonzo and Rizzo outside their welcome with their nonsense shenanigans sometimes but I get it's a kids movie and without them kids would get bored because A Christmas Carol isn't the most riveting tale for the modern child.
suspect capitalization
you arent a german on a proxy are you bud?
Not a blue board
Trannyspammerpaedomong hows your day been?
aye but it's not really the same vibe.
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on /int/ Algeria is the african flag with the most posts, but on /pol/ it is South Africa
Good evening. I'm a piece of shit
I'm practicing Deutsch to move to Austria so maybe my brain just automatically went to capitalising all my nouns
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just had a huge argument in another thread and got that weird lightheaded feeling when you fire off a post that you know is going to grind their gears

and you feel like you got their ass, but there's still a chance they have some brilliant reply that dismantles you.

fuck man why can't i just chill out
It's pretty funny because britGODS routinely dab on the dead yank thread and still manage to have atleast 5 neets/night shift Brits posting here even on weekdays.

Mental how powerful /brit/ is.
this is the level of delusion after making posting here your life.
the night guardians of the /brit/ thread
the night watch of the /brit/ bread
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no one in this thread will be allowed into heaven
chipolatas are fucking shit. i know they're supposedly the same thing as a normal sausage but they just aren't.
good thing is doesn't exist
i like men >.>
You're posting about poo and gay porn get a clue
i genuinely believe that spainparasite has 0 interests or anything about him. no personally, especially after getting his namefield gone for some reason
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Thoughts on Latinas?
actually never looked on /cum/ but then realised its a boring shithole that gets ran ragged by mousenonce on a daily basis and i laughed so hard

its fucking hilarious really. one scottish mong not even posting anything that heinous manages to rile up an entire thread and he creates multiple schizos there
habitually reddit spacing as part of the persona, it's clear as day you faggot.
99% look nothing like that, maybe that is a Cuban since that pic is South Florida, they are hot
Get the fuck out of our thread britfaggots
Stay in your containment thread
thread was okay there for a while but it's dead again
/brit/ "gives me the fear"
yeah this place starts sucking at this hour
Ran you ragged
vibe is completely killed. i'm off to play video games.
Listening to Blaze Of Glory by Jon Bon Jovi
no, i mean in general
when i'm not laughing
billions must die
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evening /brit/ards
how we doing
wish the postal service would still run on weekends, at least on saturdays
alright now that freaks gone we can post again
great film that
the borzois have let the pitbulls into the park to reduce the golden retriever population
getting blacked
public servants deserve time off too you EVIL FUCKING INCEL CHUD
ja das boot
ist gudt
ehhh sausag
ich ist incompetenten
got the afl "footy" on
every other business is open on saturdays
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hello there
royal mail delivers satudays
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im a bit smelly
yeah can't wait for apple season too
hello my bedroom
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really want to shag a french woman at least once
*rorkes scrambled visage appears via hologram in the middle of the thread*
ATTE- *kzzrrtt* -NOT MUCH TIME LEF- *kzrrggghht* - GRAVE DANGE- *connection suddenly terminates*
what makes you think it would be different to any other nation of woman
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french language and accent sounds sexy on a woman so i imagine her moans would be sexy as well
legends say if you go deep enough theres a qousoont (idk not fr*nch) in there
Why is he walking toward the camera?
if french kissing is kissing with tongues, is french cricket not cricket with tongues?
got my pooey trackies on
no gimmick comes close to the golf ball days
I hope the hate in your heart heals
ew fuck off
bloody aussies
good fucking reason we put you lot on those boats
Hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome back to five nights at freddys
to the gooncave!
*60s batman scene transition*
hur hur hur hur hur hur hur hur hur
back aches badly from toil
/brit/ is SO back
can't wait for the tasmanian football
be funny to see how they all play with two heads and one leg
think that's the first time i've ever visited cum and there's a whole heap of brit flags
deeply, deeply ashamed, shocked and appalled
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oi stralyans
stole this from reddit
if you avoid the cardinal sin I think
you'd like it
his ex girlfriend got a girlfriend
80% of them are mousey on his 8th meltie of the day (happens whenever he sees a yank flag in the yank thread)
>stole this from reddit
Go back

>cries about mousenonce every day of his life here and doesnt even make a single interesting or funny post

You genuinely arent even sentient. God, it must be bliss or agony being in your shoes. Just the lack of thoughts and pure emotional reactions to every stimulus. Sad but funny, like a zoo animal.
take r from friend is fiend
me? a poosadist
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yank cunt
also funny image
this but instead of shag a french woman it's make a desert pizza
e-eeehhhhhhhh???? boku wa kimochi warui desu ka... o_O
a desert pizza you say? hmm
I like your funny words magic man
minekaze hatsuharu shinano desu ne?
mood genuinely improves whenever i'm feeling glum and i suddenly remember i'm Australian
no other feeling like it
*revokes your citizenship*
when everything is shit remember at least youre not a yank
if it wasn't biologically impossible I might feel a little sorry for them
Can a non-sentient being feel bliss or agony?
fuckup slanty boy my soul is aussie and yours is not, dont care what some peice of paper says about it
Ratpedoschizo having a breakdown in /cum/ omds
its called being a yank
I hate how I can't travel because of how expensive shit is now
flowers are blooming and birds are singing outside while you type up this complete utter tripe nigga rethink your entire life please
how many yanks is mousenonce worth?
who the fuck is he
are you talking about most of our politicians
i don't like being australian, it doesn't suit my temperament, i should've been english or perhaps dutch
Ratpedoschizo mindbroken by the singular peramonline scot piss drinkeer
who's your ket dealer I need his stuff
There is a chubby young office slag at my new toil wish i wasnt such a meek runt
the quads are a sign lad get her impregnated post-haste
/cum/ chugger mental breakdown over Toby
She has a giant bunda and a very pretty face, would be super fit if she lost a couple
bug off
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Emma Watson poo
having a bo'o'o'wa'a
i hate you NIGGA i am going to kill you NIGGA
I got a mars bar some yogurt flakes kettle crisps (fooking yanks) and some doctor pepper
propa bri'sh scran
fuckig delicous
I do quite like the simple Aussie fellas who got rich off black opal mines and shit
could have been a cool line if you added "make like a fly and" at the beginning
have an australian passport and it doesn't work for me what gives
arry ill then bed
*walks into /brit/ dressed like Uncle Sam and twirling a baton*

it's pronounced b'o'w'a
for me it's environmentalist bruce
Anyone here wanna hangout if I go to Australia or Japan? Most of my friends are unable to join me
yankee doodle piss off cunt
gees a fuckin handy
every man needs an arch nemesis at some point in his life
got the vocaloid playlist on
Let it be known, I am the one who popularized Nigga posting in brti
"commies" is a yank term, back during the cold war we used to call them "commos"
Mad how they make you grow for better or for worse
sounds very foppish, you a twink?
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thanks mate
now I can tell FUCKING COMMOS and explain it's about commies
took you thirteen whole minutes to think of this did it
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here is the non-reddit version, now save over that crap immediately
ratpedoschizo meltdown
thanks cunt
take me to the moor
off for a poo adlays let's oggg
french kiss each other as you both pull the trigger and splatter your brains all over the wall.
>scandi diaspora
arent they the swarthiest?
So if you bring me to you Australia or the UK and let me stay at your place I can bring you to my uncle's ranch and bring you horse back riding like it's the old west
ratpedo schizo loves his bi hourly meltdowns
ive finished the mars bar n yogurt flakes
onto the crisps
would consider it but i still live with mummy and there's not much space here
yank on a proxy post that got 0 replies from Brits
if you're going to have a 9 hour "one last post" tantrum can you keep it to one thread? cheers
toothbrush up the arse (bristle end first before anyone asks)
a vibrating one at least?
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what a beautiful jewish queen she was
Missing out you could be a cow boy
honestly I've done that once before non bristle end
vibrating one
wasn't bad
that's not where it's meant to go, get that outta there
guffawing heartily
*Me, a Yank*

Which end?
how exactly are we meant to "get" him out of your thread?
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Might buy a Flanged mace or a Wakizashi
I feel like the dust has settled and I can make them cool again just as long as I get so drunk I want to swing it around and accidentally blow out my bedroom window or chop my computer screen in half.
so we're getting bulled AGAIN
black olives are the ultimate filter.
i genuinely dont think spaintard has any personality at all. no hobbies either. he just latches on and copies and whatever else, and thats because he is a parasite
tut tut, back to /cum/, no one cares about your cross thread tantrums
he just wants you to go there to complain more about the thread. and he wants to come here to complain. all he does all day is complain over there about problems that he makes such as brits in cum after secretly linking the thread in brit
would fucking demolish that tbf
Black olives are good, but that is some DIRE shit.
A lot of the common dishes English seem to eat as takeaway are like caveman tier creations
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God save Canada
Done him
I guess no one wants to be my friend I wanted to hangout with people and stay at their place while in the UK
nigga get a fucking grip
200 tabs open, check.
flicking through each one for a couple seconds then repeating all night, check.
yes lads we're on it tonight.
sorry eh
your takeaway sucks lets be real
I said you could if you’re white and have blue eyes
Fuck off
mad how you've made this place your entire life but your presence is barely even funny or even remotely interesting at all and never was to begin with and you're going to die alone etc
such a bizarre waste of life
bro spent money on excess ram just to have 200 tabs open
suffocating under my own inertia
I am white and have brown eyes
need a gf who is 6 years younger than me (i am 22)
and he always avatar or name fags as if his posts need to stand out
he doesnt have any personality or interest. just follows people around trying to imprint and copy - thats because he is a parasite
a scrangedy
02 master race
grim how im nearly 10 years older than you
need to get the fuck off 4chan
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>brown eyes
Mad how you wasted your life typing this shit out like your his mom and need to teach him how to behave. Your entire existence is a joke, the fact you sit there and judge, contributing nothing of value whatsoever
dude cody you're not his frickin mom bro back off
I fucked your mom, bro
id say would but I don't think I'm gay enough yet
also rat
is it even the real him anymore
Youre so fucking mindraped by internet memes

Do americans even have a life outside of the internet and work anymore
Do they even look at food when they eat it?
can somebody translate this to english
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not all of it tbf
spaintard is crying for banning the mice as "spam/flooding" which meant he couldnt spam/flood his images of bradley walsh
I am in a union
I voted NO to the contract and YES to strike
Can you say the same imperial?
Print it out and shove it up your arse
might get some blacked edits of his avatar cooking
You can like what you like but that shit is fucked
tinned black olives drained and poured over fries?
changed my mind actually mousey is probably 190's best character
not a very high bar to begin with, mind
Can't be associated with this rabble anymore
your takeaway is objectively bad it's not memes and internet brainrot
cheese on a baked potato is gross
doesn't get gayer than me
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i love Reggie/Whygena
because im not him - probabyl why hes got a problem with me. he has all them personalities but 0 of his own. sad!
Mindraped brainrot
you're wrong
shut up cunt
Permaonline american smelly neet buzzword because hes too dumb to form a coherent argument.
this thread is helping my menthol elves
Going to take me own life
ktim when on speed
his best persona is not his at all. LMAO
cry more
could sloppily rape an hsp right about now
i'm actually 29 im just fucking around
a 23 year old gf would be nice
i'm all natural unfortunately. might have a problem. been procrastinating playing my video game for hours now.
kebabs are drunk slop food so that's mid at best
and i prefer it when it's compact in a tray
so lads
Final ever episode starring these three bozos
A bloody shame
22 bloody years together
No Shaemus you cannae do eet
take me out to the poo game, take me out with the shite
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Will Larry get a state funeral when he dies?
mi tink me gwaan tek me own life
Honestly fuck it please literally let me sleep on your couch if I go to Australia or the uk pls?
the universe
might hire a hitman to kill me
mad how these pictures always look like they're off the cover of some sci-fi book from the 70s but they're completely real
real new
*grabs you by the throat*
back the fuck off!?!?
don't threaten me with a good time mister uwuw
the new as it was
friend is in a silicon valley cover band called LinkedIn Park
i hate when the washing machine is on the scary part
me when your mum

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