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indo janny edisi
indononceposters below
Bet you monkeys would still complain it's a shitty thread because it's one of your kind who made one of these.
So I guess I just baked the bread too early then?
Sorry janjan
UwU, i feel depressed when i see janny's face. Probably will rain again.
Man, all these pending applications on POEA... Is it because I have lacking documents?
youre celebrating too early lol
this image is congolese brimsoot
why do zoomers love watching "true" "crime" essay slop?
I just think he looks funny
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Still better than my people making the new thread
Why? Still better than watching IShowPeePee
>Still better than one of the same flag started this thread
Nigga self hate is always on our seamonkey blood.
what? my reason is just simple, too boring to see Indogs always starting a new thread every single time.
>but my self hating is bigger than yours tho
indogchud look like THAT?
kaos ape sich ci
ku ngak bisa beyli
Is orei actually famous? I thought it was just some small Twitter account you obsess over
I will breed one of your women within the coming 8 years. How can I find one that is >100IQ?
horse milkers
hes a pedo who pretends to be a elementary student too
Go to the philippines, they have lots of very intelligent women there. I heard tondo is where all the educated ladies hang out
>my ex from elementary school is now a biologist
>my ex from junior high school is now a banker
>my ex from high school is now a nurse
what about yours? also i have 0 gf from my uni
Kalau hal yang paling kau pusingkan di dunia ini hanya tentang cari makan dan cari uang, jangan repot repot berkeluarga dan punya anak
>How can I find one that is >100IQ?
Impossible task. If such women exist then we're all become a smart nigga right now, we will be talking about philosophy, theology, medicine, etc instead of gooning to anime pics made by our neighboring asian countries. If anything our mother teach us to be submissive like a retard they are, this also explains the entire submissive culture, submissive and dumb culture, of asean people. a mother is the first teacher to their children after all
Why would you want to marry a midwit? Your best bet is to fuck Chinkdog women
>we will be talking about philosophy, theology, medicine
These shit aint fun to talk about bozo
this + Sulu is also a good place to look for a wife
why the fuck are you like this

not a day goes by that I don't see a pinoy flag here acting petulant, always lashing out unprovoked
there must be something in the bisaya water supply
Apparently it will be challenging enough to find a midwit SEA woman
I was thinking more of BGC or Rockwell Avenue
There must be a small minority of intelligent women
>I was thinking more of BGC or Rockwell Avenue
People from there are just as insufferable as Filipino Americans, but maybe they'd act different around Europeans like yourself
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guys, i think i fucked up
the girl who used to wave at me everyday doesnt do so anymore
in fact, she's actively avoiding me
>try and sit next to her to talk to her
>she gets up and moves
In reality, most smart people prefer gossiping in their free time. Human nature, after all
did you take a shower?
i heard durian smells from several meters away
That's pretty much the only people having kids now
The fact that you’re even neurotically obsessing over this means that you lost before it even began. If you were ever going to get with her you would’ve taken action before. You’re inaction and neuroticism led to this, take your lessons from this and become a man of action before it is too late
That sounds rude
if i smelled like durian, she'd be all over me kuya

i was waiting for payday so i could afford the date ;_;
Mi goreng is too hot n spicy for me :(
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> I thank You, Saturn-sama, for my Total-Gòngfěi-Death:
> I thank You also, Shani Dev, for my Total-Israeli-Bharatification:
AMEN: I am that I am.

fucking kek
Even if that were a valid excuse you could’ve interacted with her in a way that drew her in to you while waiting for the money, instead you did nothing but awkwardly wave at her and probably stare at her to the point of making her uncomfortable. Let this experience be a valuable lesson
>Let this experience be a valuable lesson
fuel to the fire... time to delete the gym and hit facebook
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sweaty fox
are you for real?
You mistook people with women
You don’t have to hit the gym necessarily but it would be smart to ingrain in your psyche that you have to take action when opportunity arises, lest you become an old fart that dwells on all the what ifs of his life
The only petulant here is the obsessed monkey >>202136560
who's always upset with the buzzwords that replies either an archive digback for a clapback or bringing up anti Visayan sentiments because of him believing that I was either a Sexpat, a Bisaya, or both.
for the non-flips, this is why you should stop using pagpag as an insult, bisaya works better
Good evening wagie, do not forget to slap yourself 100 times for Ms. Chrissy
Yep tangalog monkey it is.
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Ms. Chrissy, i kneel....
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Summer is officially over here bros
Mr Lim would never make his employees do this...
Why are f*males in positions of power so evil
Bisaya are so low iq that Mindanao managed to surpassed them.
But her name is Cherry?
See this is why working under mr. Yamamoto is better, he always adapt to our culture and held meeting every two months. He demand discipline but forgiving at the same time
Feels good working under pribumis
It's true, isn't it?
There's nothing crueler than a woman in a position of power.
The pretty ironic thing is it's always obsessed retards really projecting they spew at just to have someone struck a nerve and have a imaginary race war desu
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It's soooooo overrrrr.......
Even my parent advised me to not find a job with female boss or working under female leader
It was her husband company, but her husband gave the supervisor to her
My first boss was a woman and she was chill.
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how do I get a Hiro gf
Not being mean, but this is my fetish now
Bisaya ain't human thoughever
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It is soooo overrrr......
What even are these? Is this some scandal in Indo media?
tell me if you find out too
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Did you fuck her?
god I love seeing her get hurt
just one guy spamposting about gamedev company abuse
>Chindos have been wearing batik since fuck knows when
>Nobody cares
So why did Mrs. Cherry throw a tantrum then?
>Chindo being racist toward fellow chindo
What did Ms Lai mean by this?
Indos would’ve been better off if they hadn’t gotten uppity and were still working under Mr. van Dijk
It's a cliché in martial arts novels.
You see them wearing batik at church?
>Rodi 2.0
Chink Lai is CBC (Canadian born Chinese) though
she cute
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Have sex chud
zako royna?
>Cinak used Wake-Up Slap
>Not Very Effective
mleis should be taking notes before making bait threads
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Why chang do dis to their kind THOUGH
jilboob licky sexo
That made things even more confusing because her English is especially atrocious, like schizo level.
Shit, she is a Hong Kong citizen with Canadian permanent resident as she moved to Canada when she was 9 years old. I stand corrected
But Mrs. Cherry says I should be like a neutered bitch?

lol MY.
Louis made a video regarding Malaysia's DNS hijacking policy and that video got comment spammed by bots.
Did MY paid for the service or they did it themselves?
Work for Mr. Schmidt. He pay good money with full benefits.
where in canada? i will sexsexsex correction
Is just how chinks speak? I mean take a look at how Singaporeans say "lah" at the end of every sentence. Correct me if I'm wrong
>Hong Kong bitch
That explains it.
Have you ever met a native Xiang Gang person who isn't a complete jerk?
Lmao that's kinda petty.
When I start my imperium in BGC you will be my bottom bitch
she's a genius 14 year old uni graduate but she's a masochist downer kei girl.

thats so hot desu
This Cherry Lai is some femdom porn actress?
You will never be successful like Mr. Schmidt cause you're full of hate.
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Cherry correction now !!
literally who doe
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Selamat sore you handsome devils
I wouldn't be surprised lmao. Dominatrix who stumbled upon the game industry, would be one hell of a JAV story.
Lets hope this Canadaflag do the needful
That’s not how the world works, Crisanto
That's ironic of him. If that's a Flip his heart would be full of hatred as well.
Mr. Schmidt is successful while you're not, proof is in the pudding.
Morality is man-made and doesn’t determine success, you literally have seen several screenshots within this same thread of a successful person treating her underlings far worse than I ever could. Secondly you are comparing my success to a made-up person so there’s really no way I could ever win that comparison no matter how successful I am in real life as you can just even him to be even more successful. Also I’m not really a hateful person either
please stop bullying filipinx
Why are so many german posters into asian women?
he is an obsessed autist even got our chan nuked from his excessive gooning
do NOT check out that other thread
He’s Turk
he looks good
stop hating fr no cap
He's not a made-up person but a made-up name.
Why do thirdies always revert to this? It’s such a cucked mentality as well because you’re basically upholding the ideal of white superiority. I’m just sitting here with my lily-white ass and some Flip, Pajeet or Bundazilian starts screeching that I’m a Turk or a Nigger for disagreeing with them. So odd
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Being handsome is a state of mind
I still don't know what that means. Stop saying this to me
they handle the fact that huwito man is shitting on them so it must be another fellow crab in a bucket seething brownoid
eternal inferiority complex, white man chastising them=death sentence
you can see in this the other thai flag shilling our cunt, he does the same routine song and dace every time a euro flag shits on him and calls them a turk or a nafri
>Being handsome is a state of mind
Being ugly is absolute
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I thought it was a meme, but 18:6 is unironically healthy.
now repeat after me: asyhadu
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Why did he do that
I NEED Ms. Cherry sex. Literally impossible to suffer in tringapore, chinklaysia and chinkdonesia.
Bruv you got your Guo Huaping already.
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you forgetting something? you are the 23th province of china
Chink here only enslave other chinks and illegal sea immigrants in their secret POGO offices. Chinoys don't count btw they are ethnically h*ng k*ngers
filipinx homeland is already annexed by zhongguo
it's only a matter of time until the pic you posted becomes reality
Cassandra Ong mogs her
She know I'm a plumber, 304 bounty hunter (Aye)
Bitch, I'm out the jungle, I'ma sell this anaconda
Preferer Jessica Sianida though
Also doesn't help that Visayas & Mindanao unironically have slave mentality and are basically okay with cinak annexation because they say "they have nukes we cant do anything if they decide one day they want to own the country"
I should learn chinese just in case
if nothing else chinese is basically the only other globally relevant language aside from english so you can only stand to benefit from it
Old British man who LARP's as schoolchildren by poorly photoshopping his face onto children in school uniforms and posts it on multiple accounts saying shit like he's a smart student and that the account is managed by 'mum'
why isn't there more photos and videos of him? surely in this day and age a grown man prancing around like that would have been recorded many times.
Prefer msbrew though, that tits amazing
Kinda creepy ngl
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>traveling in Indonesia
He started deleting his stuff as soon as attention was drawn to him
No I mean other people recording him. This dude is dressed like a clown walking around in public and no one thinks of taking a video or a photo at all?
>Korean feminists hear about GISB

It's so over
The what now?
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Orphanages linked to Business conglomerate with former ties to fucked up cult al arqam got raided. Some fucked up shit found out inside.



Xitter. The Korean ones kinda buddy-buddied with SEA ones some time around the nth room case
then why are we still 3rd world country?
Isn't majority of China is a Thirdie outside Beijing?
>mfw malaysians who go to korea will be bullied
we already flooded korea with illegal workers who disappear once the plane touches down
i feel ashamed
Bro, have you heard the whinings of the expats there?They look at SEAs the same way we look at Banglas
xi said if you forfeit your claim over south china sea he'll make filipina 1st world pinky promise
NTT but that's if and only if Sara D. Ogre sits at her throne but she's getting ethered by the libtards kek
if china managed to industrialize the Philippines we'll be the next ones on documenting reality and watch people die. If chinese regulations suck, filipino regulation will suck harder and deeper non existent wise figuratively and literally.
i bet she can get the throne if duts wills it i mean look at marcos jr and our vp
nice artstyle yaara
Good evening sir
Urumqi is in the middle of a desert and still looks better than Ortigas
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whiter than a whitest aryan
What things can I know which would impress an Indonesian
Tell them that nasi goreng is better than mie goreng. If that fails just be white, they seem to like that
>be white
>walk amoung indonesian in public place
>greet them with smile
Literally that's all
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pagi gan
i don't w*rk until monday
going to libraries for CDs, i want bach and metallica
wasn't that just a publicity stunt by the libtards and the otso diretso camp?
Cariin aku pacar bang
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makan keju
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bang cariin aku pacar bang plis
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Esok weekend ges
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>157 million
imagine how much of those are just diaspora or temp OFW overseas
they make the Middle East denisovan together with Indian immigrants.
ballet industry complex
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1. Kota Londana (for London)
2. Pekan Bermangga (for Birmingham)
3. Lestari (for Leicester)
4. Kuala Beraduwara (for Bradford)
5. Kota Seri Manjalari (for Manchester)
6. Kampong Lidapura (for Leeds)
7. Bentara Gelaskawi (for Glasgow)
8. Tanjung Lutangan (for Luton)
9. Bukit Selugang (for Slough)
10. Sri Wuluhaputra (for Wolverhampton)
I do. I'm the one wearing it.
Watching Speedy's Day 1 stream just debunked that richoids in BGC that mogged him are really just monkeys with a silver spoon stuffed deep on their asses and it's kind of ironic where the pagpag eating slum niggas in Tondo, though being trolls, they really kept him have his space.
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important to note
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it was so fucking over, we never had a chance
This already debonked afaik. Indogs are now expected to never hit 300 mil pop due to increase of incel population.
Bila kau hilang
Hilang kau datang
Mr. Lim is pribumi he's Indonesian unlike the jabLai bitch
Good night anon :D
Time to change cex. What other cex is less likely to sell my personal data?
>What things can I know which would impress an Indonesian
literally just say "selamat pagi" irl
we are impressionable bunch
She's so close yet so far.
my page 10 soon-to-be dead thread got manually deleted by /a/ janny just so he can ban me from /a/ for 3 days wow
/asean/bros, now that omegle is dead how the fuck do I easily meet filipinas and other asean women online?
back then it was so easy to find one that would have snap and I would get my way until she watched me cum in videocall but it's been a while and omegle is now dead
I dont mean something like telegram or snap. I mean an app which lets you match with them like omegle (not tinder, it requires too much effort)
OkCupid, you can change your location without having to pay
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But I'm afraid of becoming pic related :(
you're still a squatter that will gladly lick the shit off my shoes tondonigger
menstrual cycle, probably
>>OkCupid, you can change your location without having to pay
bro, I did specify an app or site which requires no effort like omegle
what a pain in the ass it is to create an account and make it look realistic, not gonna do all that effort just for single-use videocall cumdumpsters
also they probably require phone verification
unironically this >>202136708
with women, you may lose the battle before you realize it even started
specially for an autist spending his 20s in this shithole website
chads subconsciously/naturally read the cues and act accordingly
not to mention, she was just waving at you (whatever the fuck that means). Do you fall in love with every girl that is nice to you? that's peak beta living-in-an-anime energy
I think I'll come here more often
makes me feel better about myself that at least I am not as beta as most of you despite all of us being virgins
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gonna make curry again tomorrow
Why wet girls so hot bros
Hello /asean/, I've noticed that barely any Singaporeans post here at all, even though they're the country whose official language is English. What gives? Is it just due to their small populayion?
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the pope ordered a total social media blackout, sorry
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i need to sleep
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I have a dastardly plan, but need some advice.
>fly to (undisclosed SEA country)
>spend my days hanging out in malls and internet cafes
>drink beer and eat grab delivery all day
>spend my evenings on the rooftop drinking and playing Mobile Legends (establishing myself as the undisputed god of my favourite characters)
My plan is already godlike, but I want to know what else you guys do for fun so I can experience 2020s life in SEA to the fullest before it fades into a nostalgia-driven aesthetic 20 years from now. (Yes I am autistic)
Also I don't like Karaoke
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Who's Willie Salim again
>>fly to
philippines innit?
I actually haven't decided yet.
I am torn between Manila, Kuala Lumpur, and Jakarta. They all have the vibe I am looking for.
Why all this effort to obfuscate that you're going there for easy sex?
toasted pukis is my new guilty pleasure
Do you eat spekkoek?
last i ate was a decade ago, dont love it the og lapis is better
271k followers on twitter
75k followers on ig
66k followers on tiktok
mid-size semi popular
kinda big on twitter
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if i visit your home on the sea, what do you expect me to bring?
Poffertjes is better
But I'm not. I don't find asians, especially SEA asians all that attractive. I want to spend a year or so rotting and playing vidya in a way that is significantly cheaper than doing it here. For example my monthly expenses here are about 3.5k-4k maplebux
If I can cut that in half or more then I'l be happy.

--> >>>/trv/
made some latenight tomato friedrice
Just take a safe bet and go to Bali or Bangkok. You will unironically suffer in Jakarta. There's nothing good in that shithole. Also beer is extra expensive and rather difficult to get in Jakarta.
It's so over
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rujak bokong if you please
I'd rather die a virgin than this kind of shit.
Isn't wearing a condom rule one of having sex with whores?
i doubt condoms can protect oneself from flesh-eating bactetia.
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english roses
Of course they can. It's the latex-eating bacteria you need to watch out for
gave me a slight chuckle there lad
she's scottish dough
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wtf, june is a brits !!??
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zero energy, slep now
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her dad is german i think
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How'd you know my plan anon
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If you want affordable go to vietnam or bangkok, island sea countries are more expensive for a decent standard of living, PH especially.
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Dress black mine big :/
Based diseased slumwhores keeping SEA safe from sexpats, one necrotized penis at a time
same grammar structure as my language.
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hawk mean throwing up in lao
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not him btw, I think he meant to say "hok," (which means 6 in both Thai and Lao.)
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did you know chinese number is similar too?

0: 零 (líng)
1: 一 (yī)
2: 二 (èr)
3: 三 (sān)
4: 四 (sì)
5: 五 (wǔ)
6: 六 (liù)
7: 七 (qī)
8: 八 (bā)
9: 九 (jiǔ)
10: 十 (shí)
lmao what a faggot what's the point of being a freak if you're scared of going public fucking pussey
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Cantonese number is even more similar. chink linguists even claim that the Tai language family is a subgroup of the Sino-Tibetan language family, but other linguistic experts reject this theory, concluding that it is its own language family (many similar words are due to the Tai people lived with Cantonese for centuries, from the Han to the Tang dynasties).
>Thai is actually east-asia
We lost another SEA member...
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ืืืืnah, that isn't east asia at all. all seamonke were baiyue lived in southern china anyway
baiyue =/= han chink.
persetan kebijakan populis
yang ada makin jongkok aja IQ kita, tax makin tinggi, makin macet karena semua poorfag mau punya mobil dan motor
>b-b-b-b-but im a poorfag
Indomie for brekie
Selamat pagi!
A healthy breakfast sets you up for a healthy day
How did vietnam gain only 2 million people in 20 years while the Philippines gained 30 million? That's fucked. We're cattle here
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kerja kerja kerja
dumbass take since majority of filipinos live in the shitty islands. And anyone who gets out doesn't breed like vermin
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It's so fucking over
Leave this cunt ASAP if you're not part of the ultra-rich or something
And this comes from a monkey who like to lick the shoes of a whitoid gladly.
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what other cognates are there
The only thing the poorfag monkeys do here are the 3s: Slave, Sex, Suffer.
I had coffee for breakfast today, my body doesn't seem to like having rice or bread these days
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yasuke spotted
I've been to BGC and it's just full of service workers and foreigners. No regular people.
kofi and egg (3x) was my brekkie for the longest time
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your country's birth rate is still far above replacement level
even india is at 2.08
The case in point is the autistic FNAF zoomer that let in on the Mercedes Showroom that Speed wrestle for a short while.
POEA should add a new rule in their orientation seminar: "Don't trust other Filipinos."
Or do they consider that tip a common sense
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I'd have maybe a maximum of 2 eggs and some beef tapa but skip the rice
Starch makes me feel weak for some reason
>it's the flexing richoid monkey
i'm sorry that bali became a hotspot for draft dodging hohol and ruskie tourists
Bago bego
bago time?
(The) dress (that is) black (that belongs to) me (is) big
omg bago
han chinks assimilated with ancient SEA people after they had conquered the south
Why are you so passive aggressive?
Are you talking about my tapa meal?
>tapa - 60 pesos
>fried egg x2 - 40 pesos
That's not rich people food, dumbass
omg bago now
If you don't want to be called a Tangalog Monkey, then don't like act one like a obsessed shitflinger. Simple as.
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I used to think that there's too many pinoy and its the reason why this shithole would remain a shithole but i'm all over it now.
with how the state of the world is, how firstoids are literally setting theirselves on fire trying to replace their own population with pajeets and niggers.
I'm just fucking happy that there would be 50 million more pinoy in this world and that's a good thing.
lmao confirmed squatter ito loool
Imagine being so poor that you think posting tapsilog is flexing. Grim.
>errrrm si nigger streamer masnagustuhan kami mga squatter kaysa sa inyo mga conyo so kayo mga unggoy

squatter ka pa rin, jepoy
The irony of it is the obsessed monkey clearly acts like one from the slums whenever he sees any post that affects him with a couple of buzzwords that make him very upset
jepoy padeliver ng jollibee bigyan kita ng 20
tang ina mo jhepoy dizon
Is tapsilog considered high cuisine is visayas?

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