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La République une et indivisible - Liberté, Égalité ou la mort

Guillotiné : >>202131395
Good morning /med/.
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Good morning sisters, had a meh sleep and feeling a bit weak so I can already tell the gym is going to be mid today.
Also, I'll be alone at home for 10 days. Wonder what I should do in that time frame.
Pronounced Boxúuuuuuu
Akchually it's bokseughz
Invite someone over to have sex, unironically
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I slacked too much the past few weeks. I need to work now. Past me created hard times. But I will have good times ahead if I manage.
/med/ is dead

I'll post this fantastic goal of Stankovic since it was his birthday like yesterday:
gm /med/
i hate past me
>that girl I crushed on in highschool is in the gym again
I need to learn the times she comes here to avoid being here at that time.
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>La République une et indivisible - Liberté, Égalité ou la mort
Today's training.
Block bench press 3x1 with 170 kg, 3x3 with 150 kg.
Incline dumbbell bench press 3x6 with 50 kg.
OHP machine 3x8 with 77 kg.
Cable tricep extension 3x8 with 33 kg.
This morning's nagging, moaning, grumbling and bitching done by my mother and sister have pushed me closer to complete insanity.
Play videogames.

Maybe your visiting times coincide because fate is trying to bring you together.
> I'll be alone at home for 10 days.
Sounds wonderful.
What do they nag you about?
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Middest of mid days in the gym
6-7 sets of lateral pulldowns with different handles and weights, reps between 6-10, all below my usual weight
3x9 EZ bar curls, below my usual weight and 9 instead of 12 reps
2x9 assisted pullups insteead of 12 reps.
4x15 back extensions without a 20 kg plate

To each their own desu. I don't like being alone that much, but I'll be able to relax a bit on the bright side.
Wtf, how many brothers and sisters do you have in total?

Perhaps you should hip thrust her if you know what I mean.

Too autistic for that, sister. Even when women start to talk with me I just listen and ask questions related to the topic because I literally have nothing interesting in my life to talk about.

>i hate past me
Same tbf. What do you hate the most about your past self?
Everyone has bad days in the gym, use the 10 days of freedom to rest well without family nagging and you'll get much stronger.
No you need to learn the times she comes there to crush her.

>nothing interesting
You could talk about your pee pee poo poo pepe folder and they would be interested if they're attracted to you.
More seriously, talk about the girl that molested you so they will try to fix you.
>Maybe your visiting times coincide because fate is trying to bring you together.
I curse fate then, I want nothing to do with her.

Guys you don't understand how much I cringe when looking back then, I want to move forwards not ponder about the past and what could have been.
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>use the 10 days of freedom to rest well
I assume you don't meant that I shouldn't go to the gym for 10 days desu.
>you'll get much stronger
Damn, I hope so. All my weights are progressing but lateral pulldowns seem to be lagging behind because in the past 6 weeks I've only increased weights without lowering reps by 5 kgs. Maybe I should just skip lat pulldowns for a while and instead do pullups only because apparently that works and can result in greatly increased lat pulldown weight or at least that's what I was told.

>talk about the girl that molested you so they will try to fix you.
>Guys you don't understand how much I cringe when looking back then
I do. I'm glad I don't meet people from HS.
>I assume you don't meant that I shouldn't go to the gym for 10 days desu.
Of course I don't mean that, keep going to the gym but free from mental stress.
>Damn, I hope so. All my weights are progressing but lateral pulldowns seem to be lagging behind because in the past 6 weeks I've only increased weights without lowering reps by 5 kgs. Maybe I should just skip lat pulldowns for a while and instead do pullups only because apparently that works and can result in greatly increased lat pulldown weight or at least that's what I was told.
Variation is good, you could try doing pull ups for two or three months and then go back to pull downs.
Heading up north. Will post some pics of sco'ish nature
I understand you, I've got nothing interesting in my life either
Maybe you can talk about financial stuff, I would be interested
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>Guys you don't understand how much I cringe when looking back then
Good. You have to accept that cringe feeling and you'll feel better.
>I want to move forwards
Use your past self to move forwards. One of the thing that keeps me on the grind is clearly remembering how much I hated being stuck at home and not being able to do anything when I had that chronic illness for a year. Like, let's say I wouldn't do (insert thing) today, but instead would do it tomorrow. Then I remember how much I hated not doing anything at all and it gives me strength to not postpone (insert thing).
>not ponder about the past and what could have been
>you could try doing pull ups for two or three months and then go back to pull downs.
I see, thanks *kisses your forehead (no homo)*.
I don't feel particularly embarrassed about my past self weirdly enough, I feel like I've done decently given the circumstances
I don't even know apart from my mother nagging about the rain. She nags so much.
>To each their own desu. I don't like being alone that much
I'd kill for a couple of days of solitude right now.
>Wtf, how many brothers and sisters do you have in total?
Just those two.
I don't live with much regrets of my past because I always jump on any opportunity and rarely miss out. Even if it's shit, well at least I tried.
That's a good outlook. You're doing well. Way better than I did at your age, mentally and physically and most -lly t bh.
My home address is in the past.
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>Open med
>Firefox detects French in the thread and offers to translate the entire page in English
Is this thing spying on me.
funny, last edition it detected Italian for me
all things considered french is an improvement over that
When will they be able to translate specific parts of the page, I wonder when the technology will reach that level.
Italybros... How could this happen?
One people one country one dynasty
Come home.
Same. Seems to be an update.
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Good day med, am back it's the weekend.
Gonna have to clean the car because stupid birbs pooped on it.
I ate pastrami borger (it was a bagel actually), it was delicious, we played lottery grids at work because it's Friday 13th.
Why is Spain so similar to Ingerland.
Ancient Celtic populations.
>England has almost the same Y-DNA as France
I don't know, the Irish look good to me.
it's probably indeed not very different, but following your logic lithuanians are basically tunisians
>lithuanians are basically tunisians
I don't get it
if you mean muh Germans, they got conquered by Russians and Arabs respectively so it doesn't count
also don't take memes so seriously
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good morning dudes
c'est vrai?
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>>Also, I'll be alone at home for 10 days.
You do not suffer in Magyarorszag.
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>Why is Spain so similar to Ingerland.
A good question. It can be rightly explained by examining the ethnic composition of the original Britons, who emigrated from Iberia thousands of years ago to these British Isles. They (we) remain the dominant ethnic group in modern Britain.

It would be interesting to see a comparison of the Y DNA similary between Portugal and the UK too. I bet we're even more similar.
What is orange cat behavior, there is a stray orange cat who sometimes sleeps near my house but it seems normal.
maybe a reference to Garfield
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In theory.
Stay away from Guyane.

What you want is compared to Galicia.
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>Stay away from Guyane
I think you mean the state of New Amapa
Orange cat are way more likely to be male, and male cats tend to fight each other, piss stuff, and be more active in general.
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>Amapa-niggas crossing the bridge and realizing they're still in brapzil now
Maltanon SHOCKED
kek, serves them well
>What is orange cat behavior, there is a stray orange cat who sometimes sleeps near my house but it seems normal.
I will not elaborate, you already know what she means.
>this is considered a mid girl in serblands
Also remember that the average Serbian woman is a 200cm tall demi-goddess.
They don't suffer there at all.
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Please clap >>202183718
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giwtwm after doing squats.
that's cool and all, but for me it's still English Roses
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>This specific meaning refers to individuals who take pleasure in consuming food soaked in the urine of others,[2] in particular bread abandoned and later retrieved at public urinals.[3] This practice was popular in Paris and Marseille up until the 1960s and 1970s. There were numerous contemporary references in popular culture.
Hypocrisy and double standards are among the things I despise the most. These should be brutally punished
Post some Ella pics
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An unfortunate name. Let us hope he never immigrates to anglolands, where people will surely mock him wherever he goes.
Looks like she's half a chromosome away from developing Down's Syndrome.
Will never understand your fascination with these creatures.
>that webm
No, yes, no, no, yes.
Idgi chef.
woman moment
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she cute
ridiculously rude and objectively wrong
Why cant i have veiny forearms, life sucks, myself-killing lads
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Never noticed that before. Thanks for giving me one more reason.
Is that L Mcfucking PurnL?
It's so jarring that my gaze is drawn there immediately.
Tattoos and 4chan, what a combination
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Hello frens from the gym after waging
The meeting was a success, I will be promoted to the welfare and health department, hr guy basically told me that he shouldn't say that but that the position had my name written on it before it got posted, next week I will talk to the boss of the department to formalize everything, I will have a decent bump in salary and some benefits (gas, food, etc)
The fit man walks on.
anon asked, I originally posted Holliday Grainger
Il basé
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Tell me about your upcoming reforms for the Welfare and Health department. What are you planning to do?
>Colore: Bianco
have a nice glass of tinto in celebration and enjoy your new position friend
>You only get this tiny cup of sauce, and I always run out.
>the welfare and health department
Of the fishes right?
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People are going crazy after this nafri Nutella knockoff
Indeed, I do want to hug her
Congratulations, what will you do with the money ?
Many normal people have tattoos

Good pic
>Many normal people have tattoos
Normgroids doing it is a proof of it being bad fr fr
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Most people at the cagie have tattooes
Being normal is a good thing. I want to be normal. Although that doesn't mean I'm going to get tattoos. Although I could do at some point.

Nice. Any cool ones?
Mostly animals and objects if I recall correctly
Fair enough. I think tattoos can be okay sometimes. I used to work with someone who had an Aphex Twin tattoo. I've never listened to Aphex Twin but still, having a tattoo of an alternative electronic musician is quite cool.
Congrats, how will you celebrate?
Thanks frens
The most important thing first, get my hammer back, I'll get to work from there
Sure anon, they won't suffer anymore
>what will you do with the money ?
Idk, I save everything, I guess I'll get a car when the one that I have breaks down, on the long term I'm saving to buy property of my own, as rent prices are soaring right now
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You can't suffer in Britain. Currently having a wee beer next to some Norf FC bastard.
Congrats Galiciafren!
>Currently having a wee beer next to some Norf FC bastard.
Corrr go on lad get that down yer
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What a quaint lil' town. This town inspired Beatrix Potter and Sheakespeare.
kek, the dude's even got the red shirt, I shit you not.
Today's training

Triceps extension 1x8 20kg 3x5 25 kg
Triceps extension overhead 1x6 20kg (but with bad form i think) 2x9 15 kg
Legs extension 4x10 40kg
Preacher curl ez bar 1x12 10kg 3x7 14kg
Arnold press 4x8 8kg
Hammer curl 4x8 10kg
Shoulder press 1x10 40kg 3x8 45kg
Calf machine 4x16 65kg, i think i could do more weight but first i should get my calves used to heavy weight, don't want to arm my tendons

I'll also do lateral elevations with a dumbell i have at home
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FINALLY things are looking good for you irmão. I’m very happy for you, parabéns!
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This is the first time I've ever had to google a Simpsons reference. Forgive me, Brune-sama.
If you posted this picture without context, people would wonder what part of Galicia or France this was taken in. Nobody believed me when I told you all that we have trees in the UK too, so it's good to have photographic evidence.
impossible to svffer in Latinxia >>202191531

Had to google it though to get the sentence correct
tartar sauce for everybody might have been enough
What brings you to Britain? Did you want to come here? Most people don't
Britain is cool, I've been only once but I enjoyed it a tonne
I'm glad the truth is out at last. I was surprised to see so many trees t bh. This trip had made me less anglophobic. But maybe next one in Belfast will make me more so, who knows.
I'm visiting Edinburgh with my parents for a week. It's been years they wanted to go so I decided to join. Don't underestimate the numbers of UKboo in France. It's a real nice country with great history and culture.
I'm back home to spend the weekend. Today's day was so much better since I finally have my timetables for the school and I found interesting material to show to the pupils.

I'm also passing through the same blessing/curse as G-Man and Portubro: hot co-workers.

Congrats, finally a job in which you don't have to risk your life anymore.
That's cool. I liked Italy when I went there. The pasta dishes were much better than what I get in Britain.

>I'm visiting Edinburgh with my parents for a week. It's been years they wanted to go so I decided to join. Don't underestimate the numbers of UKboo in France. It's a real nice country with great history and culture.
>This trip had made me less anglophobic.
Nice. I like France too. France is really the UK's most obvious European friend when you think about it, because our populations are the same size, and we were allied in both world wars, and we're the only two nuclear states in Europe (R*ssia is Eurasian by their own admission)
It looks cold, and stunning.
Nice. Congratulations.
Typical shitlib nonsense.
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>I'm also passing through the same blessing/curse as G-Man and Portubro: hot co-workers.
This is a subject both close to my heat and of profound pertinence to this thread. Could you elaborate on your attractive Spanish coworkers? Your thoughts on their odours?
>This trip had made me less anglophobic. But maybe next one in Belfast will make me more so, who knows.
You deny accusations of anglophobia, yet you tiptoe around the heartland of the UK, where the anglomancy is at its strongest. Will you visit Wales after Belfast, before flying back home?
I personally would be fine with travelling only in Europe for my whole life, it's already got everything, the only places I would like to see elsewhere are subsaharan Africa and one of the Polynesian islands
I'd like to go to the US I guess, but it's so expensive for flights etc. Europe has tons and it's much cheaper to get to, so yeah, Europe is good for travelling.
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>Pov: catnigga's dinner on his first day in Italy
Pro tip : save money by not tipping
t. never went in amerikkka
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Should we play some gartic tonight, /med/?
I'm the Brit who said I went to Italy but I'm not the cat guy.

That might save a bit, but just flights alone are very expensive
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Might create a room for 21h30
>Could you elaborate on your attractive Spanish coworkers?
These are the ones that call my attention the most so far:
>Brunette, very dark hair and eyes and around 175cm tall. 26-28yo I think.
>Nice thick legs and lips. Nice figure overall. Kinda looks like Dua Lipa. Friendly.
>Very cute, brunette, big smile and with freckles. 26yo I think
>Very posh regarding style and mannerisms. Slim figure and one small girly tattoo at least. The one I've interacted the least with so far. Friendly.
>Around her late 30s/early 40s.
>Pale skin, very expressive face, dark hair and tattoos which give her a unique vibe.
>The least attractive one objectively speaking.
>Nice hazel eyes and kinda chubby, in her early 30s I guess. Loud but friendly.
These two perspectives would be completely compatible if Ivanka had a ridiculous haircut and AOC had a very normal haircut

Whether that's the case I dunno, but it could be
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>I'm not the cat guy.
Assumed that much desu, but I've been wanting to post that pic for days.
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That's nuts! Red squirrel bros, we are BACK!
>hot co-workers
RIP fren. For me it's just a curse as I couldn't get a gf outta them...
>France is really the UK's most obvious European friend
Yeah true. A lot of links between the 2 that's for sure.
It was actually quite warm, considering we're that North.
I was right in its heart, as Beatrix Potter exemplify british cottagecore the best. I was at her exhibition and fell under the charm of her victorian qtness.
I'll go there in December with a friend. We'll go see a rugby match and visit the city over the weekend.
Wales looks cool but I'd prefer to go even more north to the highlands if I come back to the UK afterwards.
I see. Also, Dr Pepper is tasty. I could do with some right now.

I'm a big fan of red squirrels but my part of the UK has been completely taken over by grey squirrels, I see grey ones all the time but I've not seen any red ones around here
Would probably be cold to me.
>Dr Pepper
Never tried them, what do they taste like?
Same, I could even do with France, Italy and Spain.
Otherwise, I'd like to do a roadtrip in New England, see Istanbul and go to Japan.
I'd go for every single one.
kinda sad. I mean the grey ones are cute too but it's fucked to see them invade like violent little vikings.
Yeah I guess so. We've had a few cold days before. I don't know how they do it. I like the cold, but the sout west France cold heheh.
I remember when I was on that Northern Europe cruise, it was at late July/ beginning of August and the weather up there felt like winter in Malta.
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I need that
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Readjusting my sufferometer to account for this new information.

Spain's new reading is now 0.
>Arnold press 4x8 8kg
Bit cringe, the twisting of the dumbbells isn't loaded so essentially is just a dumbbell OHP in which you waste some time between reps.
Also how often do you do legs each week?
>expanding universe.gif
einstein shocked
decent bunda
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je veux apprendre une langue med...la culture med est supérieure
Tu sembles en connaître déjà une mon ami.
Charged up the car without issues this time, dunno why it works some times and some times not.

I want to play Pizza Tower, any medder played it and would recommend ?
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First step is eating some poutine.
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Ne t'inquiete pas, si tu parles anglais, tu parles déja une langue méditerranée.
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Another day of NEETdom.
>Also how often do you do legs each week?
Twice a week
Your leg training seems insufficient then with just one quad and a calf exercise each (I suppose today is counted as one of these two days).
No news from the Belgian company ?
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That a Gartic phone room will be created in about 25 bings (21h30)
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Sometimes I see people who are happy and I wonder why they're so happy. What do they know that I don't know? By hook or crook, I would demand they tell me what they know.
I'll try to make it
Have you tried contacting other international companies besides that Belgian one ?
mental fr
i want to drink dr pepper
I'm sending my CV to many companies using LinkedIn, I'm searching for programming jobs in the whole European Economic Space (EU+Switzerland+Norway+Lichtenstein).
And to think they call us the insane ones.
Would you be okay working in Eastern Europe ?
they have the right mind, but us autists must ponder about the industrial society
Yes, anything is good for now, I could leave after a few years with more experience.
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if you eat rice your whole life, you'll be satisfied. but once you taste steak, then the rice won't satisfy you anymore.

information of better things create unnecessary greed which makes a person unhappy. information should be restricted, our brains were never meant to access such information.

i am simply an addict and so are they. they should be deported and internet access needs to be cut to middle east. i do not care about other continents never did and never will but internet television music etc. must be banned.
Are you not afraid of war, my fren?
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>Andalu-sama piercing the fascists lines, colorized.
In Eastern EU? No, Russia won't attack NATO, Russian is already struggling with NATO leftovers, it couldn't handle a few F-35s.
Even if Trump wins and sabotages NATO, just France + UK + Poland would destroy Russia.
Yes, i don't want big legs to be honest, just functional and tonned
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There's no putting that genie back inside the bottle though. And I bet that smiling chicken woman has access to the internet and the wider world just as much as I do.
>enough is too little
Literally me :D
Well you say this now but once you start getting mocked for your chicken leg you'll change your mind.
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It's out !

I don't know, i could also use the leg press
would an average european person know what phrygia is?
Okay I'm in, let's have fun !

Phrygia deez nuts bro
Let's start !

Late niggas may join, they will be included for the next round.

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I was just about to piss.
Now you can piss in peace
Almost cold outside.
I didn't elaborate about smell because they just smell good.
Me too if I was single. The directive staff likes to arrange a lunch out every month to strengthen the good atmosphere among colleagues, who are relatively young and some of them are in a relationship as far as I know. There's a lot to discover about these people, the vibes are good already.
I wonder why I'm the only one doing Arnold press in the whole room (not the anon whom you replied btw).
Sheeeeit, I fucked up the last one really bad. Wonder how big the butt of andalucia is fr fr.
Next round at 21h45 so our old man can pee
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I drank 5 pina coladas, I couldn't help it.
Andalusianon sure have been the star of this session
Join us !
Have you heard Hitler's speech in english translated by AI? It really hits close to home
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>I wonder why I'm the only one doing Arnold press in the whole room (not the anon whom you replied btw).
Yeah same, people mostly do lateral elevations

I'll try a new thing the next time, i've seen some people doing this exercise and i really looks good
Alcoholic or virgin coladas?
You niggas draw so well it wants to make me kms fr fr. Meanwhile I draw like a 5 yo.
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I left because I had to pee again and I couldn't hold it in.
Alcoholic, of course. Who drinks virgin pina coladas?
It looked like that desu
I don't draw that good kek
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>I wonder why I'm the only one doing Arnold press in the whole room (not the anon whom you replied btw).
Change it next time for a better exercise so you won't feel alone.

I feel honoured whenever I appear in these.

For dumbbell curls I like the science based™ lying incline dumbbell curls, to get peak tension on the stretch position.
Why don't you come with us dough
>lying incline dumbbell curls
Sounds gay, what i posted looks better, and the people who i've seen doing it in my gym are jacked, so it's empirically proven that it works
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What happened to Felix Guzman ?
Literally me... A scottish qt smiled at me in the train and I could have died then
I don't have my PC available at the moment and my internet connection is very bad.
Once I leave my hometown I'll be able to join.

The guy in the pic is an ifbb pro and likes them.
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I desperately needed to pee just as the game started.
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>I don't draw that good kek
Yeah, sure thing, Moselle...

>Who drinks virgin pina coladas?
Me desu.

>what i posted looks better
Bruh moment
>and the people who i've seen doing it in my gym are jacked
Going to the gym long enough will make you look jacked even if the exercises you are doing are shit.
Alternating dumbbell curls are goated imho (then again there's a great change andalucia would disagree with that statement of mine).
>there's a great change andalucia would disagree with that statement of mine
Not really, all these exercises are fine it's just splitting hairs at this point, but I like recommending the one that should be most optimal considering the current knowledge in exercise science.
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>Alternating dumbbell curls are goated imho (then again there's a great change andalucia would disagree with that statement of mine).
I'm afraid of developing some muscles too much, i just want considerably big biceps without being massive like this
>Not really
I was just trying to joke tbf even if the joke ended up being horrible.
Btw I'm debating whether I should go to a new gym tomorrow just to check out their equipment and have a push day. (my gym is closed tomorrow)
I'm not sure that's natty tbf.
I'm aiming for something like this and it's maybe a little too much
You'll change your mind soon.

I think you should go, personally I enjoy trying new equipment, and you need to train for mental health too so skipping the gym even if it's not your fault might make you feel worse.
Not sure either, but anyways i'll give it time
>You'll change your mind soon.
I don't want to be a beast man, i just want a body like Henry Cavill in Immortals or Brad Pitt
That takes many years to get to natty and by the time you are there if you haven't left the gym you'll probably want more.
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Good night med I'm gonna sleep in my sweet bed and not waking up early tomorrow
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>so skipping the gym even if it's not your fault
>I don't want to be a beast man, i just want a body like Henry Cavill in Immortals or Brad Pitt
That's what every single guy joining the gym for the first time thinks.
That majority that take it serious end up changing their minds.
Nah, once i reach a certain point i'll just want to mantain the level, not growing more, i should try hitting the obliquoes
There's a point where too much muscle is ugly and even a little impractical because it lessens your range of movemhrtryent and cardio
nafris think that I’m french and the french can’t tell that I’m arab, great success.
So you are the opposite of picrel, huh.
Covfefe moment
Bordeaux moment

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