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healthy edition
this is so gay
running is terrible for your heart and your joints. there's a reason it wasn't a popular activity until it was pushed in the 70s and 80s
this is so based
*Waves my wand and a bad post appears*
reckon I'd ko aurelius
sit and come relax, riddle of the mack
it's the patch, i'm a soldier in the middle of iraq
drinking pasteurised milk
err, I think there might be other piss related goings on happening in saunas lad
me? run 5km each morning and lift weights for an hour at lunch. don't lift particular heavy or want to run for hours on end and I feel fantastic all the time and it's not much time taken out of my day. thanks for asking
runners face
well, I can't do that becuase
I have a memory from when I was about 20. Grandad was staying with us in his final days. Mum was cooking dinner for the rest of the family, Grandad didn't eat much. I went in to check on him and he was dead, peacefully in bed. It had been coming for a while now, so I was able to contain myself. Just then, mum called out that dinner was ready. I decided to not spoil the final dinner she would have before realising her father was dead. She checked in on him right after dinner, so it was just a short reprieve.
Taking my くろタイツ book to costa to read to impress some women and find a gf
was lemonparty set in a sauna
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sacked tranny greeting the customers at greggs be like
i have a micropenis so haven't adjusted any of my behaviour towards the inconceivable notion that i might find a woman who'll want me, i'm just answering the lad's frogpost
he was an italian who lived in ancient times so he was probably like 5'4 max
Better than your face
>I feel fantastic all the time
10 Minutes of Delusional Woke People Getting OWNED #3
see loads of older people jogging and i wince everytime
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active fitness is a yankified activity because theyre all fat fucks driving in their runt cages to mcdonalds after toil. A true, classic englishman is walking their dog for hours in the woods in a parka jacket in the rain then sitting on a bench outside a village pub smoking old holborn
Because you're a lazy little goblin runt? Yeah we know
do I have to have seen the first 2 to get it?
the dudes that invented running in the 80s were cookin' imo
why's he got gravity defying bollocks on is ed
shit general
Prefer running in the 90s myself
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giz a snog
noooo you're not getting actual EXERCISE if you're not in pain for days afterwards! because being in pain is totally a sign of good health!
Hello zoomer with literally zero historical awareness
What does unzipping your pants in front of a bro imply in Britain?
Pray tell, how does one run in the 1990s?
don't have any one severe mental illness but do have a conglomeration of moderately debilitating mental illnesses that come together to ruin my life in all aspects, my mind will literally not allow me to experience fun or positive emotions in any capacity
old holborn is my baccy of choice but never seen anyone else smoke it
running swimming and cycling are the superior sports, plus maybe tennis once in a while socially. lifting for vanity or just to get le strong is the sign of a runt freak
Any fucking rape bullshit man in?
>in pain for days afterwards
Ah I see
You did one lot of exercise and experienced "pain" (i.e. relatively mild dis comfort) for a few days and have been coping ever since
Sad lad you are
>being in pain
Me when I'm stuck in a baguette
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ADHD mate
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Im 32 and I do that every other day. Active fitness regimes are for modern runts who live in taylor wimpey houses and eat slop all day
The 17yo gf
Well it won’t if you believe it won’t
>running puts you in pain for days at a time
think this is you problem
هذه ماتربحش وهذه ماتربحش، هذه ماتربحش
هذه تربح، هذه تربح، الآس
هذه ماتربحش وهذه ماتربحش، ديم و الآس
you need counselling you demented sick demon
they should make gay porn for straight people (such as i)
cycling is terrible exercise actually. the whole point of a bike is that the mechanism makes it easier to travel

a stationary bike you can adjust might be different. but you're better off running walking swimming than going out on your bike
Can guarantee this is something like "doing a poo"
these zoomer niggas exercise once and get pain because their body isn't used to it then they just give up
i'm not sure, i've been on ritalin and vyvanse but they didn't really help me, i just ended up abusing them and then having 12 hour goon sessions
"Active fitness" has been around for milennia
love the gym me, nothing beats it
Was going to ask chatgpt but it gave me a load of dogshit. Dunno. You're on your own with this one
cant afford the gym me
too poor on 30k you see
The only reason i’d exercise is vanity so i don’t do it. Can’t choose your own intentions.
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celebrating diversity with a fusion of slop
love thinking about men's muscles too
just stop eating dogshit fast food every weekend and driving everywhere and you wont have to have some gay little workout regime in your redbrick urban soy centre
Cycling outside is great. The only issue might be aggressive, spastic cagies but aside from that it's a very relaxing and non stressful sport for the body. People have been cycling for sport since the invention of the bicycle dunce
You do what every day? Go for a dog walk for hours and then go to the pub? What time of day do you do that then
it's a sample from "the battle of algiers" sued is a mos def song actually
so if it is about doing a poo, then i'd be VERY surprised
The world is your gym mate! Exercise bikes? Why, there's one right here!
*Knocks a bloke off his bike and speeds off on it*
How dare you shame him. Laziness is a beautiful thing.
fucking 8:30 is the last train out of glasgow
on a friday
like what is the point
Around lunch time.
for many people exercise is painful because they don't eat enough protein so they are damaging their muscles and unable to repair them
but distance running is still an unhealthy form of exercise in general
took my bike to get fixed and they stole the headlight off it, i didn't notice until recently
lifting weights > running around like a fairy
based and balance pilled
No, leisure and idleness are beautiful
And those who had time to do this in every point in history used it to do "pointless" acts including physical activity
sport is not exercise
exercise is for fitness. sport is for fun

cycling is exercise but comparatively it's very inefficient for any healthy advantage
hate it when you all opine on various subject matters like you are bonafide authorities. just shut the fuck up you cancerous virgins. no. one. cares.
fridays on /brit/
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Get the pots and pans out rorke
Haha murdered that little prick
What are you even rambling about you fat freak
What do you do for work then?
have ran out of my scrandemics
except for:
4 frozen sosij rol
marmite (actually morrisons own yeast extract) n bit of 50/50 bread n butter
3 bombay bad boy pot de nood
>cycling is terrible exercise actually
imagine being this wrong
Dog walker
That's the gay porn dance
Feeling down? Here's some solutions you may not have thought of:
Talk to your friends: Having a group meetup where you can talk about your problems can help.
Confide in your partner: Being open and honest with your partner about your mental health can be difficult, but just remember that they love you and care about you.
Ask your boss: Many workplaces offer tremendous support for their employees mental health
If you’re gonna try and be pedantic you could at least be right
reminder that while all this bizarro shite was going on, boris' government was shipping in record numbers of blacks
>exercise is for fitness. sport is for fun
Exercise can be fun (for those of us who have a stronger constituion than diego)
don't have friends or a partner or a boss
why can i never type properly any more!!!!!!!!!!!!
i am often finding myself typing letters in the wrong order!!!!!!!!!!!!
or the letter next to the one i wanted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so angry with myself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
had to buy morrisons own brand yeast extract because the proper marmite pots all had "BEST DAD" labels on them for some reason and i live with my mum and stepdad and it would be awkward having one of them in the cupboard
in short your calves might get stronger but your belly won't shift

you'll see even less if it's just a commute because you've shortened could have been a health walk down to 20 minutes on a bike
no friends, no partner, and I hate toilberg
Ok so that’s one meal, what you gonna do after that?
hate it when you all opine on various subject matters like you are bonafide authorities. just shut the fuck up you shit smeared wet wipes. no. one. cares.
I dont work. Got signed off for depression (its not real) and get plenty to live off. If its raining too hard and its cold ill just close the curtains and look up funny cat and dog videos or play halo 2 life is what you make of it
was it your fault they broke up?

It's mind cancer for intellectually lazy, existentially scared people, who are either so soft and weak that they're dangerous, or so bitter and bigoted that they're harmful
You've never ridden a bike. Any sort of cardio thins you out over time if you have a normal diet alongside it
i never said fitness wasn't for fun
hat him
Haha im very used to shopping for fathers day cards, seeing “greatest ever dad” and thinking yh, i cant get him that
*surreptitiously googles opine*
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boring mong hour is it
featuring your boring opinions about exercise related subject matter
ignore the utter spastic that's trying to cope about his fatness
Fitness cock in ya bum
rorke was never the same after this
bike is bad cardio
thanks for stealing my post from a few days ago! NOT!
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>hat him
gone from 22 stone to 19 stone me
You're not even a human being so you don't really have a say in anything related to normal British activities, sorry pal
need to get my bike fixed
too poor though you see
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>had to buy morrisons own brand yeast extract
its alright mate you can always come back later to post about your poo like you always do all day every day
pockets knives in east london be like
cannot comprehend the existence of duty free shops. typical that they were invented in Ireland, the dodgy tax fiddlers. duty free shops shouldn't exist. pay tax or die I say
not the first time ive fingered a pig!!!
Shut up
my dad killed himself when i was 5
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get a job
shut up bitch
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>my dad killed himself when i was 5
why do they not allow you to carry drinks through airport security anyway?

i'm just going to end up buying one in the terminal anyway???

i have an aspire membership anyway so i'll probably drink flutes of champagne whilst i wait for my flight

wholly unnecessary

anyway i have an aspire membership club card
whatd he do that for the silly git
I'm getting one from your nan right now
my carer's allowance application has been approved, a nice yummy £81.90 a week
aspire to write a more interesting post next time
scrounging bastid
More human than you you snide little corporate drone
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my dad is disabled and I care for him, I am entitled to this money
just not really something i want to be dealing with is it
at least you can laugh about it now. no one would post this here if it wasnt bradders bait
Have fun wasting your life away for slop, jews and women
were the posts about which mode of exercise truly has the everlasting benefit not entertaining enough for you?

Well done! Ive gone from 16.5 to 13.5 so I guess Im better than you
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>my dad is disabled
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what am i in for?
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footie back on tomorra
get in
post shit and curry covered hand, ranjeet
fatty boombalatty
spacker da
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>Have fun wasting your life away for slop, jews and women
>kill the old people
>kill the disabled people
>deport the foreigners
>increase taxes
>increase borrowing
>increase investment by at least a hundred billion pounds a year
>increase the defence budget to 5% gdp
>lots of nuclear

Would fix the country very quickly
alright jamie
a dead battery
probably suffered from the same mental afflictions that i'm dealing with now, fucking prick passed on his rotten depressed genes to me
The hierarchy is as follows
Most human: the rich and/or idle who use their free time for arts, sports and intellectual triumphs
Average humans: Toilers who aspire to the above
Subhumans: Lazy, feckless cunts like you who sit around decaying and being a burden
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Beautiful English roses
Lol the player in the bottom right looks like he’s been shopped in

Doesn’t even have a number on his shirt
you should do like him lad
put all taxes into death camps until we reduce the population down to like 1 million nationally
can almost close my toil laptop for 2 whole days and just sit on my personal laptop for the full 16 hours instead of having to split it 8 and 8. get in
Do they normally say the support person bit? If not you're fucked. They say that when things are going to be bad. It usually means like a union rep.
I can be your support person bro I'll make sure to support that HR bitch's car breaks extra hard if she tries to fire you capisce?
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damn you're right
You poor little slave.
just stop feeling sad, lift some weights and have a wank or something
Just tax immigrants a special tax of 50%. Why hasnt this ever even been discussed before?
taxtards pay for my new pc gaming set up that teaches me Muso Shinden-ryu
how does it feel to be a manbaby
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none of you exercisemongs understand the teaching of Ray Peat?
because then the nigerian nurses would need to be paid 500k a year
watch out boys this lad knows mushy shit poo
excellent, thank you for asking

while you sit around doing nothing in your 8hr email job i will be practicing my kanto skill listening to wagner operas
Just got rejected from a job as a seasonal temp in an amazon warehouse lads. Next job application will be for a cadaver for med students to practice on x
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here comes spainpaedo and the paedocord
legitimately does nothing.if you sit in a stupid pose and make noises and expect it to do something you're sub 90 iq
and your gf, does she like your lifestyle?
why do you think my wholesome big brad posting is spainnonce
just do stand up you're pretty good at it
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Literally scientifically proven to be effective but ok
yes she thinks im the finest tanto bladesmen in england
shit pakinonce tier gimmick
a lot of avatarposting
>support person
you're fucked mate
mad how no one with a job has any sympathy for those without even though they were and could easily still be in the same situation
it's fun
youre mentally ill
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people really sit down with a "cuppa" and a "biccy" to watch The Chase?
just stood up with a teacup and handbiscuit
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which will kier starmer ban next?
my dad used to watch it and we'd bond over our shared attraction to the one fit bird contestant or, if there weren't any that day, our shared disappointment over the lack of one
he'd dead now!
its bradfordpaki again
it's 'keir' you esl mong
Two Teir Kier
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its kier you nitwit

kier is gaelic for fruitnut

scotch word
walsallpaki and his discord crew back again
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wasnt worth posting the first time, wasn't worth posting now, and wont be worth posting again
witnessing some low quality posts rn
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the runt was caught being bad
I’ve really been enjoying wanking my cock recently. Glad I’ve come off my antidepressants.
>it's some zoomer spending £1m on a derelict house
hate tarqs, really really hate tarqs
how does this happen
they hire illiterate africans
No! Fuck right off. Bradleyposting used to be a bit of cheeky fun, an infrequent but amusing occurrence from time to time. Now, it's ruined and you're all to blame for the downfall of one of our greatest gimmicks.
don't know what breed of la creatura this is but i kinda like it
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should let it rot then, should we?
strange post.
correct, swimming is way better aerobic exercise and even if you're a prune of a old person you can do it, alternatively try cycling or weightless squats etc
running wouldn't be too bad if you do it on soft soil but running around on pavement is basically asking to be a gimp at 60
where was this when the mongs started doing sinister brad? i'm trying to bring him back to the wholesome character he used to be, twat
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roaring at lammy going to an important geopolitical meeting wearing a pair of running shoes
at least he's got a left and a right
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>he'd dead now!
time to give him to the local chinky
me and the ryuzen seven deciding which method of disposal we should use to dispose of boring normie bloggers and other assorted halfwits
two bits of flesh shite tumbles out of
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Cute slag
need to know how clean her arsehole is before proceeding
rewe lad
get that hog back to the pork section
gaunt looking heroin addict slugworth bhenchod
slugworth the second
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>me and the ryuzen seven deciding which method of disposal we should use to dispose of boring normie bloggers and other assorted halfwits
why do new famous people in the 2020s all have to have dead unsettling eyes
why is that the meta
roared at this
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mad that Rorke needs gay little cartoons like this to go for a walk and eat his veggies. He really is a stupid little boy.
My mum reads the bible and shes fat so clearly this is bullshit
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dorset chichiman
leave it on reddit next time
leave it on /tv/ - Television & Film next time yeah?
screamed at this
everythings reddit to you isn't it? roaster
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me and the gf
did the cha cha slide to this
actually it's poo barmer
london gettin active still
You have inferior genetics if running negatively affects your joints. Swimming is definitely superior thougheverbeit
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its literally a combination of the two most reddit memes out there atm
hehe now imagine if instead of holding peep she were hugging a giant wheel of cheese or something ridiculous like that!
if she's a diva for that then I'm Tina Turner
haha don't be ridiculous she'd never do that
I am money-poor, tax-rich
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What a depressing world
extremely low quality post this
don't understand why vloggers sometimes film videos while they're driving, seems pointless and dangerous
What's the shortned version for Nigella

alright nigel
alright nig-
I don't use reddit so I wouldn't know. Anyway why shouldn't I find something funny if it's been posted on reddit?
finally have stopped getting acne at the age of 23
blow your head smooth off
Cum muncher
grow up
Rorke and London paki
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and whitey's on the moon
fix it yourself
thinking about what the world would be like if poo were stored in the bum cheeks
I've never bothered asking landlords before putting up nails or hooks
Not really their business until the lease is finished
If it's bad I'll just fill in the holes and paint over
sending this one to Private Eye
I pull this expression consciously when encountering a non-white on the streets

I know they be seething in they head
tfw no cheesewheel gf
women would take drugs to induce constipation to make their bums as big as possible
*splatters diego against the ceiling with this*
false advertisement, methinks!
they probs say ella or jella
saw my first ever goldcrest the other day
was dead chuffed
Need to take a hoover around
is there something more runtish in this world than elon musk worship
need a nelly the elephant gf to hoover my bollocks up
what's wrong with his hands
This is my property
I OWN this
I go by the three S’s. Sex, Shitting, and acting Strangely
rorke needs viagra to poo
why does andrew tate look brown and his brother looks white
Dogs don't have hands mate they have 4 feet
Woke lefty detected
ROARING at mumberg to make another brew, gasping so I am
cool it with the microaggressions yeah?wouldnt like it if they did one of their non white expressions at you
oh cool
too small for someone as blind as me to even see
so hungert
hate it when toilfreaks add you offline on places so now you're constantly stressing about toil on your days off having this person in your life because they wanted to play a few steam games or something
matey's got a 4 foot dog
I've got a foot long hogg
your mum from munchkin land?
hooves then
With strawberry blonde paws?
got more poo infused in him when he was a fetus in his mums bum cheeks
You effing twat!
captcha's not working, someone get on it
Man's a prick but I still like his batteries, his internet satellites and his Boeing alternatives
imagine putting the feet in fetus
Some of them are really hard it makes me feel stupid
i'm not 60 yet so can't say if the amount of time i've spent bashing my joints on pavement has caused any real damage

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