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gyaldem edish
bad santa (2003). funny.
It doesn't really work like that lad she has a dominant side too, I've done it with previous girls where I made them sign a slave contract and all that goes with it but she has more mental fortitude. She's not a daddy issues runt just shags good
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the jav wife, and you?
I have a new ASMRfu but don't want her exposed to the kind of people who frequent this app
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All in here
rubbing mustard on my tits and calling myself the walrus
crazy how i can have sex whenever i want with the gf and yet now after 5 years i cant be bothered except a couple times a week

even the wacky stuff like pegging and all i just find too much of an effort to bother with

need me some of whatever it is that theyre putting in the french drinking water
poo barmer is going to allow british missiles to be fired into russia roday
imagine how tragic it would be if putin flattened london in response
imagine how many people would die
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Invented a new way of wearing a hoodie (keeps ears warm)
Give us a photo lad blur out the face
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been feeling for a Yuri Honma goon soon but I can't let Yui Hatano go just yet
already found her and asked her to do a match lighting video
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For me? Sana, lad.
Fuck off
Inshallah desu
crazy how you just reddit spaced in /brit/
Nah I wouldn't risk it particularly with the AI research thing going on. She's rail thin at 165cm
Do you watch porn?

and what?
Fucking abysmal thread so far.
still miss being in high school
im 22, and left school during the start of covid and its paranoia, so it didnt feel like i truly left
i have first in a good degree but it in my mind i still feel 16
leave it on reddit next time yeah
rorke's drip
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just sort of sat here wondering what happened to me that i became this way
i used to be so optimistic and creative and open-minded, now it's basically torture to do anything other than watch youtube and post here
that would be a damn shame, damn, damns shame, 9 million dead (including me), really hope that doesn't happen haha
high school isn't a yankism
i reckon if i had worn a hoodie i could have lessened the impact of the durian and wouldnt have hurt as much. picrel is me btw
exactly the same lad, felt like a missed a good 2 years of really important development which I can't go back and fix/finish
in my final year of uni at the moment and I still haven't really achieved anything I wanted to
>The 1st Full English Single
Cheer up pal at least uh... well you see the thing about life... this thing we call life is... uh... cheer up buddy
You probably got redpilled/blackpilled over time at some point and realised it's all inconsequential and pointless, jews will win in the end so why bother x
Bit rude
it's going to happen
puntin has sent a nuclear sub to britain this morning
>this bumder went to high school
bet he went to prom too
i'm currently posting on here though aren't i you spacker

get your head checked and fuck the fuck off
pm me hun x
i went to prom AND the after-prom party
i just graduated a couple of months ago lad, my advice is to make the most of your last year - go out as much as possible, have fun, but also dont neglect your degree ofc
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forgot the pic. i shall turn off my pc out of shame
Are there many gingers in your village
nice reddit spacing virgin
So we're all agreed right, if it kicks off, we're not going? Send the Nigerians or something.
no the prom got cancelled due to covid lol
school just ended and that was it, no big send off
Why his nose look like when I sit on an eggplant
what a shame
if poo barmer allows british made missiles to be fired into russia do you think putin would be justified in shelling bradford?
What shenanigans do they get up to in Minster
I am entitled to sex from hot women, but I am not allowed to redeem it. If this debt is not repaid soon, gamers must rise up.
starmer and his autistic lawyer background and mentality means that he wont back down because he sees himself as just or whatever
feel like threads (1984) may have been exaggerating a bit
I feel like poorer people are more likely to get married
Pooling resources
Less likely to travel internationally
Maybe less focus on career advancement
fuckin roarirang
As long as he doesn't forget Luton, Leicester and Blackburn
i can seperate the art from the artist
find people who can't weird
Getting married early is poor people behavior yeah
generally they have nothing to do but shag and get drunk
american and british missiles directly attacking russia is the start of WW3 whether you like it or not
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if ww3 starts on a weekend I'll be mildly annoyed
went there once, cute train station
Why are you ciabattas so small
nh ive only seen ginger once irl as far as i can remember
i cant eggplant this
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Colchester rightfully restored as Britannia's capital
needs more poo sauce
I’ve always been sort of a distracted mong who can’t put much effort in
Only have really studied hard like twice in my life
I’m learning a language and also plan to do some certification programs so wish I could stop being so distracted
ciabatta be kidding me
*Brings out comically large magnifying glass and looks at you through it*
And what do you get up to lad?
Not in work today because my boss is a based Anglo Genxer and believes in a 4 day work week while paying me for 5 days.
if /brit/ got shut down what would you do
i reckon id just start talking to myself
you mean like people who piss and moan about artists from 70+ years ago being racist?
I'm mentally ill but glad I'm not mentally ill enough to make this
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it's over
Sounds like a stupid boss
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Gymtoil calls
i've fucked up my life
Based high-decoupler
Toil exercise mingle at functions go on holiday try to extend the fun as much as possible before my body gives out
I remember one particular racist artist
A certain influential fellow...
He's smart that's why he implemented it. He knows people don't actually work 5 days.
did he happen to own a cat?
Reminds me of when I signed up for the uni gym years ago and did my first workout in dress shoes, chinos and a long sleeve button shirt. I had no idea what I was doing too. All dressed up just pulling away like a madman on the rowing machine.
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Lunch time
He owned a dog, and a country
need a hobby
any suggestions (for real this time)?
window cleaner still hasn't come round
Has Sir Mossball Starmer fixed the UK yet?
no, he's going to start boming russia tonight
For me, it's driving range, reading in public places, and a board games club
oh i thought you were talking about lovecraft, didn't expect you to invoke big H
People do work 5 days though
thought about learning another language, but what's the point?
thought about learning to draw, but what's the point?
thought about learning an instrument, but what's the point?
Might move to Blackpool
learning languages
board games
Can he not? I only bought a house yesterday
This. I was "working" today but in reality I just attended a short meeting at 10, went back to bed and woke up at 1, took care of a couple of chores, and then replied to a couple messages on Teams.

I will work on my assigned task on Monday and give them some bs generic status update.
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Yes that bastard Hemingway
Get to drawing and doing watercolors lad
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The post that broke Rorke.
had two wanks today so far during wfhtoil. the looming failure to meet a deadline gets me really horny for some reason
Mad how being left-wing used to mean being anti-war and that and now it means trying to provoke a nuclear power
Not efficiently or productively if you have a proper job. Maybe not if you're stacking boxes or doing something else without much skill or intellectual requirement.
Another runt warehouse job application sent off. Not sure if I'm more likely to kill myself by being rejected again or by actually getting it and having to work there
would you consider listening to music and watching movies 'hobbies', if you put in effort to discover new stuff and expand your horizons, i.e. not just consume what's popular/new/fed to you by an algorith?
Impossible to be productive 5 days in a row is it?
wish zoomers would stop bullying gen alpha, the very oldest ones are still just 12 year old kids, leave them alone
i guess they're in a hurry to start shitting on the younger generation because they've been thoroughly shat on by millennials for the past few years
love a nuclear holocaust me global annihilation really gets me in the mood
There was an episode of Emmerdale where Eric Pollard's Chinese wife just went down the river and caught a duck for tea
imagine britain trying to fight a war against russia with out pathetic military
we would get crushed in two weeks
we'll all be speaking russian and homosexuality will be outlawed
Yeah if you take a real interest in it (e.g. studying a director's works, understanding the production process) then it would become a hobby/interest
to be a hobby you have to actively participate in it. sitting watching a film or listening to songs isn't a hobby that's just what dull people with no hobbies say
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I have watched over 2,000 movies and maybe ~100 TV series
But Leftypol said that wasn’t happening?
He’s now saying it is and it’s good?
Labour won't last a single term
lets get down, lets get down to business~

*starts humping rorke*
No but who can be fucking arsed?
what exactly does britian get out of giving ukraine all of our stockpile of missiles to fire into russia?
Millennials have zero political or economic power, get dunked on by Zoomers in terms of style and coolness, are known for cringe interests like Harry Potter, and are the biggest SJW cucks.
when was the last time labour was in power, like 2010? that's a fucking long time
Ah yes we're in the "WW3 now" part of the cycle again
It's inefficient
Shut the fuck up diego lmao
Might learn Russian
>to be a hobby you have to actively participate in it
Reading isn't a hobby then? Interesting
really couldn't tell you how many films I've seen
i think you need to spend less time on the internet mate
100 series is a mad ting
there's like 5 good ones
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who are you supporting in the uk vs russia war?
we called each other retard and faggot and even nigger on mainstream internet sites like youtube and facebook back in the day and didn't get banned or cancelled for it because no one gave a shit
checkmate zoombag
you have to physically read and process a book it's not just sitting with a fluoride stare and the TV on beaming pozzed slop into your head
can't pose that
*storms out of the thread*
asmr russian lessons here we go

china till I die me, don't care about the other teams
If Labour was all up for making "tough choices" they'd scrap aid/weapons to Ukraine, reduce our commitments and plans for 'clean energy" and stop shelling out cash for migrant hotels
But no apparently those are sacred
Actually crazy how Jews dominated the slave trade but that’s never talked about outside of fringe groups or a few very specific academic papers
Owen can
whichever side promises less brown people in britain
It's mad how you'd post this yank drivel here.
There are a lot more when you think about it, though some drop off

The wire
Band of Brothers
Generation Kill
The Pacific
Curb your Enthusiasm
Black Books
The Office
Twilight zone
Breaking bad

I could go on
One can actively watch and pay heightened attention to a film though
Whoever wins (Russia)
>Jews dominated the slave trade
in what way(s)?
because they weren't the main supplier of slaves, main buyers, nor did they own the most ships
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Hahahahhaa you spacker almost all of those are shite
you're 50/50 there, greg was right
privet comrades
How do you considered watching TV that isn't "pozzed slop" as you put it
holy fucking FOY
>China raises retirement age for first time since 1950s...
Haha I would hate to be Chinese! Spending your entire life working to death

>...The top legislative body on Friday approved proposals to raise the statutory retirement age from 50 to 55 for women in blue-collar jobs, and from 55 to 58 for females in white-collar jobs.
>Men will see an increase from 60 to 63.
>China's current retirement ages are among the lowest in the world.
Might move to China.
>t. has a film studies degree and works in a call centre
pumped that twink up the arse
dosvedanya nigga!!
Bizarre projection
Concession accepted
How did we get fucked so hard?
Hello governmentberg I'd just like to get it on record that if you try sending me to fight the Russians I will actively sabotage the war effort, no Russian ever put me in lockdown or filled my town with black people
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The so called "cronems" and " goons"
average nonsensical post from a tv "hobbyist"
burst out laughing at this for some reason
Be glad I put 2 British shows in therr
Oh true I should've included the other 30 great British shows from the last 20 years like uh skins and um Dr Who
Come friendly bombs and fall on the entire fucking country
being deployed to novosibirsk
very telling you think anyone gives a shit about this
he tried to but got shut down
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Im not the manlet baldie.
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No Russian ever called me an alt-right thug
rorke asking to be deployed to verdansk
really been enjoying this thread lads been having a proper chuckle at some posts but have to say it would just be better without yanks here and that's a fact
They did disproportionally own the ships though, they also completely dominated several industries entirely dependent on the use of slaves like rum distillation, Sephardic Jews were the source of business connections to even facilitate the trade of Africans across European colonial empires
Mad how much advertising you're exposed to as a normie.
I don't watch TV and have adblock on my PC. But if I did watch TV and use an iPhone or whatever for web browsing, YouTube, etc., I'd be inundated with so many ads.
get the nuclear bunker built
this is fucking woeful, I thought this was bait when I first saw it
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you present them more as middlemen rather than controlling the whole thing
Let's see your list then sunshine, if you can even list more than 4
getting a bbl for the lads de lads
omds it's over for rorke
New creps only just gone and dropped, perfect fit
going to find my russian trad wife in novgorod
Why does he have a space invader on his neck
Mad Men
The Deuce
The Wire S2 and S4
Generation Kill
Curb Your Enthusiasm
Peep Show
rest is shite
tv shows ive liked
mad men
twin peaks/the return
>lets compare our goyslop
rather not mate

is this guy an albino and died his hair black?
doing the thug shake in my smelly childhood bedroom
I said they were the sources for the business connections as their merchant class stretched across several important empires at that point who were usually largely at war during this time period, Spain, Netherlands, England. That’s not the actions of a middleman
Because he's out of this world x
No Russian ever tried to make me kneel for American criminals
the bbc hasnt produced anything noteworthy in decades
yeah it's grim
As if you didn't like band of brothers
didn't ask
you clearly don't watch BLACKED
no russian ever forced me to clap for NHS workers
>Mad Men

>The Deuce


>Curb Your Enthusiasm
ah hell naw
Just off the phone to the Jews
Say war isn’t happening this weekend
>marmiteman4 is typing..
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You know you don't have to continue watching the TV when the ads come on, that's when you stand up and take a break
i think the west is more sick and evil than russia, but having said that, slavs really creep me out
one album rec please
Didn't watch it

Mad Men is better than the Sopranos in terms of writing and The Deuce is better than The Wire. Both have the same writers and learn from the mistakes of the older one
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I have uncommon opinions but firghten? what's scary about the musings of a weakling?
what if everybody in /brit/ joined the same batallion
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i thought they were a fairly normal size

i did squirt more on after having a bite. best to be too conservative to start with

fuckin comedian xD
Television Marquee Moon
might make some chook schnitzel
ashwagandha and caffeine down the gullet
Drums and Wires - XTC
>Didn't watch it
Bro is gonna lecture me about TV shows when he's seen like 10 in his life...
based zoomers
another one
screaming out me arse
I'm gen y and have never watched any of those categories
on the rorketube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bHOvQ5P5Mr8
we might actually see bombs fall on london very soon
only 2 months into a labour government
Well yeah Im not a runt who watch series all day nonce
how do you meet women when the industry you toil in is basically 100% men and the few women that are around are fat lezzers?
My cum smells like a campfire
holy zestoli
Yeah when I said 'zero seats' I was mostly just pissed off about inflation and black people, wasn't really angling for nuclear war tbqhwy
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well, /brit/?
mad how mormons don't drink coffee
gonna with this, never listened to them
dating apps, through mutual friends, hobbies outside of work
Have you considered trying to meet people outside of work
ordered takeaway for lunch, then just now ordered something too for dinner, not sure who should be more embarrassed, me or the guy delivering it desu
just copped a ratio + L in greggs
is it the same guy
I'm angling my cock into ya mum's cunt
alright lads? i'm back from my week on holiday. was actually back on tuesday night but it's taken me 2 days to catch up with the threads i missed
dating apps are always going to be full of horrible slags and i don't have time for friends or hobbies
oy vey this is a conundrum
mad what it spells if you remove the m out of the middle of mormon
>dating apps
only for chads

>through mutual friends
no mates

>hobbies outside of work
such as?
would love a coffee right now, honestly
Are we still the same person at dinner as we were at lunch?


i am a working class ordinary citizen from the Cardiff Oblast and i am now demoralized, when will our government stop this needless aggression?
Open the door in just your underwear and an open robe with your hand out and shout "bring me my food worker boy" at him. That usually helps
Black or white? x
having one at 3pm me
Bro needs someone to tell him what a hobby is...
alright lads hows it foing
yellow x
>dating apps are always going to be full of horrible slags
on tinder, sure. ive had good experienced on hinge
>only for chads
im not a chad by any means (skinny, no friends, etc.) and still get likes/dates
lol at 2:31
would love a white one right now, a nice milky coffee
foing food, et toi?
yes it is mate, forgot to include that important detail, thanks

dont have a robe
What test is this?
what are these hobbies flush with single young women then?
A true takeaway of Theseus question to ponder.
yt ppl be like
>I think I’ll use my credit card!
could go for a pasty with brown sauce on it
i just had my second one of the day :>
love an 1-2pm coffee...
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>dating apps
>only for chads
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is there only one ubereats guy in your town spacker
You might be amazed to hear this mate but about 50% of people are women and some of them engage in hobbies
cool photo, but shame about the rock in the corner
could go a patsy
fucking hell
brown sos is so leng
had it with my sosij ciabattys that i posted earlier
did you see my image? could you tell me if it looked lush?
here we fucking go
why are normies like this
go on list them all out
Bro took a fuckin "wojak test"...
At least he'll never need to take an STD test
what fucking numpty made this
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no, usually theres a decent bunch, very strange to get the same guy twice in a day innit
put that freak into orbit
the world doesn't conform to your autistic binary thinking, dickhead
we can't just say "this hobby will have these people in it"
Toilberg hasn't come in yet, he's not turning up at 3 on a Friday is he surely
patsy palmer gf
nah give some fucking examples then
id like to get into badminton or table tennis
is he having an affair with one of his toilers?
pap one out then
no booze for me this weekend what do i even have to look forward to. may as well just keep toiling
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same one that made this(prob not but it's on the same website)
Why am I tired - I slept nine hours.
maybe play some badminton or table tennis
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pure wojak masterrace
Rorke wanking in his mums tights and making a big mess
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I've been done x

got no places near me to play badminton or table tennis
GCHQ nonce fuck off
ktim except my sisters pantaloons
Literally every hobby on Earth
It'd be a lot harder to name a hobby in which there is 0% women
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reckon you're fucked then
Hope not, I'm the only one that's not related
*puts you down as NPC*
for me it's her towel corrrr

do you mean her turban you paki ahaha
Get the poo made
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waste of my time
They should bring back David Cameron
i'll remember this
>Soyjak is often depicted as physically weak and frail. He may be shown sweating, shaking, or crying, and he may be easily knocked down or defeated. Soyjak may also be shown as being overly sensitive and easily offended. Despite these negative connotations, Soyjak meme can also be used in a positive way. Soyjak is also associated with intellectualism and cerebral interests. He may be seen reading books or discussing complex philosophical ideas. Some people identify with Soyjak as a way to express their own vulnerabilities and insecurities and to challenge harmful stereotypes about masculinity.
David Cameroon
the new, make it
keema naan and the lamb masalla please bossman lol x
bro was born under the sign of the soyjak
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kys cuckold
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corrrrrrrrrrr soogs
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Seggs haha get it?
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