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Piccolissima Edition

It’s this one
This is the one
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Aaaaahhhh stretchy
i love kitties
Debt and poverty aren't exactly pleasant. Neither is seeing your kids suffer. You don't have to be a genius to be affected by that.
We also grant generous privileges to the wealthy.
>muh genes
unironically the most faggy thing ever
I got 90% Trad Wife in the last one. I'm a dude?
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how do you feel about fallout new vegas or slice of life animes?
dumb OP idiot just copied another thread
Is the new matrix worth watching at all? I think the wachowski brothers peaked with animatrix
Op is bases and edizione picolissima is here to stay
haha cum :-)
Black people amirite

There's literally no reason for there to be TWO Dakotas, but the Republicans pushed through statehood for both of them and for four other states (Washington, Idaho, Wyoming, and Montana) to guarantee they'd have majorities in each chamber of Congress to ensure they could keep President Conkling in office should the 1884 election end in a tie.
Every time I see the words "we need" for a second my brain reads "Weed".
I've never played New Vegas, but SoL is what I primarily watch. Anything really with cute girls doing cute things.
jajaja pinche coñito weeeed
Muñeca system
i have news for you, sister
um, in 1884, Republicans were on the Right Side of History, so this was a good thing actually
the wrong kid died, goddammit.
Why has every general had a piccolissima Edition? Just how powerful is /ita/?
I know desusama, but still. Dick move.

The atomic bombings were also a dick move, but no one should care since the Japanese started a bunch of wars and 100% deserved it. They definitely would've nuked us (along with all of Asia) without a second's hesitation had they gotten the bomb first.
um in 1884 Republicans were actually the good party chud
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It’s just funny. The word picolissimo is silly and the tiny kitty adds to it
i am american
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Good afternoon, /cum/friends!
I just want you guys to know I love you
Except that one Canadian anon I don’t like. He’s a jerk.
we should be given the right to vote in the USA elections
I will drop a truckload of concrete blocks on your face
You should shut up and do as you're told.
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I think you replied to the wrong post or something
We literally tried to annex you twice and both times you decided to kick the shit out of us. You have to live with your choices.
Did somebody say...TINY KITTIES??!!
Third time's the charm
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This can’t be real lol
There are more things in heaven and earth, Folkwin Wulfspeer
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Sorry, Japan will be a new state long before Canada.
Just rubbed horse balm on my dick
For your perusal; the smallest cat in the world.
‘magine the scent of her pit
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We can go smaller
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I'm making pussy niggas push the panic button
just don't rub your dick on a horses bum
That’s way too piccolo
remember when everyone thought arab nations were going to secularize
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Through fear of getting stung
Arab Spring. Yes. What a debacle that was
man i clicked on /rus/ and was wondering why there were so many russian niggas in /cum/
You was probably just a child
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>Well, you only need the light when it's burning low
>Only miss the sun when it starts to snow
>Only know you love her when you let her go

>Only know you've been high when you're feeling low
>Only hate the road when you're missing home
>Only know you love her when you let her go
>And you let her go
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I can’t. I’m supposed to be working. But that’s a big reason why summer is the best time of year to ride trains in Japan.
Coke's on the table, the wine is cheap but plentiful and the water is fizzy. Staying away from pot until Xmas tho because the withdrawal with the insomnia and night sweats is crippling. We gon post music tonite mmm-mmm.
European coke must taste like shit
What beautiful lyrics
Arab Spring ≠ everyone thought secularization was coming
But we did.
cum cum cum
bussy bussy cum
No, most of us knew that pro-democracy movements by Islamic peoples have nothing to do with them wanting less Islam.
idk, but it's fairly pure here, about 80% on average.
Nevertheless that's an unavoidable by product of progress
>No, most of us knew that pro-democracy movements by Islamic peoples
It wasn't an organic movement.
It was clearly a CIA op.
Remember Libya?
Your western postmodernist concept of “progress” is not universal.
Yes it is
In its most simple form, progress is moving forward from the past. Desisting in adherence to 11th century mores can't be described as anything BUT progress.
I've been listening to these Eno/Cluster/Jarre-inspired 80s bedroom musicians now that I'd been abstaining from drugs for a while, but very few grabbed my attention. This is one that did.
based mexican disagreeing with posts he doesn't even understand the meaning of
lol no.
Progress is building on the past. It does not necessarily involve razing the past. “Old=bad” is silly.
Okay, that's your definition of progress. It's not universal, linear, or guaranteed. As if humanity will necessarily gravitate away from some views and towards others. Civilizations ebb and flow. Rome existed before the Dark Ages.
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When was the last time you hugged your sister?
Waarom zijn wij Belgen zo heckin' kute?
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Enjoy the last few days of summer then
I can't go for that type. But I'm not into blondes either, so I don't consider myself a sexual racist.
i wanna ____ my sister in the ___.
>I wanna hug my sister in the living room
Meet church
Just saw a girl amd with her ponytail she looked like a dog >:3
Everything about her was tall, and blonde!
Of course it does t raze the past. We still hold many ancient mores within our society inherited from the Greeks. Moving forward doesn't mean forgetting everything thats come before

Humanity isn't a monolith
don't reply to rat pedo
I used to be a closet mysoginist too
but now I really like women because I've stopped believing that they owe me sex and love
>Humanity isn't a monolith
Correct, although that's besides the point or even bolsters my point more than yours. Any other non sequiturs you'd like to shit out?
You’re sooooooo smart
Don't shit where you eat.
>>Your western postmodernist concept of “progress” is not universal.
this is a notion of hegelianism, not post-modernism
my female coworkers are talking about anal sex
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I'm so tired bros
Can't wait to get out of my western shithole cunt
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>this is a notion of hegelianism, not post-modernism
Women don't have prostates, what do they even get out of anal?
imagine the smell
They love to please
one of them just said that her brother is a forever virgin and then laughed
I guess the subjection they experience in this way can lead them to rgasm. Men and women can orgasm 'hands free' simply by having their imagination stimulated
On bloodlines and breeding: In order to breed a plant with characteristics that favor the enlargening of its fruit, you must first understand which genes are responsible for fruit size.

The manipulation of genes is a delicate process, withing plants certainly, but even moreso within humans. In order to breed humans with certain characteristics (ethics not being a concern) you would have to t
I think male virginity past 18 is under-studied and too stigmatized
They receive sexual stimulation from the anus due to its close proximity to the vagina
Cum niggas woke up todays android thought to themselves today were gonna talk about why women shouldn’t enjoy getting fucked in the ass
>meanwhile Chad owns his sister's ass
such cases
Fuck this itoddler autocorrect shit
she's not even hot. she's an overweight jew with light brown hair and a slightly dysgenic face
matrix is pure kino
This just in. The World Health Organization sent a black ops death squad to silence this poster.
Post the image of Canada in his bath
Nah, she looked like a dog >:3
yeah, I'm thinking deez niggaz weren't mariners but captains
don't reply to rat pedo
Kill yourself
I heard that for the first time while tripping balls on too much acid. Blew my mind, or whatever
I love pussy but I just saw the most grody pussy close up video on my X (formerly twitter) feed
smoking a fag
not watching this because i only have 1 YT video and 9k pess as my time
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I haven't had a banana split since I was like 10. I think it's time.
I love international period psychedelia. My fav is Erkin Koray of Turkey.

the guy's a rapist, so maybe you made the right choice. The Jersey Devil is a great album regardless
is it against the law in America to tell them in advance that you wont be giving them a tip? i mean after you get your food
if you ask them while you have your food to not add on a tip automatically to the cost

or can you just pay the cost minus tip
I got like 40 lbs of chicken from work I deep froze 30 lbs, cooked 10 and have had some form of chicken for breakfast lunch and dinner since.
What is the cum consensus on the arrest of that NFL nigger?
im not gonna tip
Lord, I wish we could ban all these euro flags, I hate euros so much it's unreal
you eat more chicken that any man ever seen
Mumbling to myself, grilling, crushing beers, staring off into space. Drinking Tim Hortons in the park alone
if you want more money then you should just increase the cost
>Erkin Koray
Pulled up some of his songs just now. Seems promising.
I love you
Why do you carry so much hate in your heart
Probably, yes. But it was free so every bite is a win, I won't have to buy food for months
Is Alabama a nice state to live in?
its probably just proxy-bitching about me
because all he does is complain. all he can do is complain. he cant bitch about me here because maybe he agrees with hating tipping or thinks its cute, or doesnt want to be cute. he is that petty 2ddvk
I'm a firestarter
And there's a fucking Greek now too. Wonderful. I'm going back to /co/
all he does 20 hours a day is complain
thats why he has so much hate in his heart, and why he does it. because hes an impotent 40 year old virgin man
why is the stupid fucking cave allegory so influential? that's like the first thing anyone mentions when talking about philosophy
TWISTED firestarter

King instigator
Twisted animator
Hey now
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>I'm going back to /co/
"ive never beppe there"
im going back to /tg/
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Music for the jilted generation
Alabama is based
It's one of the first ideas taught in an intro to philosophy class.
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Don't abuse ecstacy bros
This guy killed himself because he fried his pleasure receptors from taking it too much
Also a good album. I can't really get into Experience, thoughever
I need love
There's more euro flags ITT than /cum/ flags. Disgusting.
Complain about it more
right now
doesnt mean its forever
get a grip on your shit life
>im going back to /tg/
this sounds like the first line of a Delta blues song
i'm glad
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Euros worship us and lick our anuses and can't function without attention from us so they come here. We rule their lives and they come here trying to learn how to act more like us.

You ever seen the Disney movie The Jungle Book? Where all the monkeys wanna be like the humans? That's the Euros on this board

Check it
Momma said knock you out
13-09-24 its 7PM (was 6PM) and the autistic kid is screaming when back at home again, just like how it used to be
same as it ever was (same as it ever was)
it's communist now
czech united kingdom mongolia
I love that song
first bit of caffeine in 24 hours, be right back
I forgot to mention, today after work, I got home and I felt like masturbating so I looked up this foot model on Coomer and it turns out she does blowjob videos as well. So I checked one of those out and the guy had the most disgusting cock ever. The tip of his cock was fused to the shaft. Circumcision freak accident type shit.
It's drunk driving o'clock
alri lads
drinking coconut water :)
is based
Cucumber water is good too. Hydration? FORGET about it, you never BEEN so hydrated.
Please don't. It's so selfish and reckless
drinking water like a normal human
Based water drinker.
Water and milk are the only acceptable non alcohol drinks.
Hot chocolate is fine once or twice a year
drinking battery refil liquid
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My grandpa knew Louis Prima in the 60s.
Why do Americans have such a hydration fetish?
filtered enjoy dying via coconut water drowning
I have a real soft spot for Montreal's Arbutus Records scene of the 10's. I love TOPS and Grimes' Visions, but there were many individual gems by other artists, like these gay guys:
blueberry faygo
What else am I supposed to do on friday night alone?
you wanna play tf2?
Anything else?
You live in France, go walk to a local cafe or something
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forgot to set a second thing rather than waiting for fat to start crying again
so this could go on forever
i will listen to a song or two and start (YouTube videos later i cba)
trans friends 2?
I'm SAYIN bruh don't these niggas have they own genrals
Apologizes for the cross know many of you gay or bisexual and live in Minnesota.. I’ll drive to you

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i love Reggie
just saw the color blue. i love him so much
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>Please don't. It's so selfish and reckless
Don’t mind if I do…
*unzips pants*
Being gay is completely nature. Keep seething
>completely nature
What did he mean by this?
You guys can’t even fathom how much I hate Somalians
And we hate you. See where this is going?
you're the biggest loser i've ever seen. the average somali is better than you
Ive had many German femboys from the Midwest bottom for me. Even the first time I had sex with a girl she had a German last name
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this is what the dog girl looked like except she had a ponytail and actually was blonde / had no roots
and she sounded silly because she was from like Denmark or something
Natural *
My iPhone is retarfed when it comes to autocorrect
country full of average (you)s - mostly average Germans - makes Germany
country of Somalis makes Somalia

thats who is better and who is not
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I can't go home till 7 pm. It's only 1138
new EU5 maps just dropped, this time of an actually exciting region - Persia & the Caucasus. I'm gonna stream this game on twitch next year or I ain't a nearly middle aged drugged out aspie! Who's not half bad at EU4, it might be said!
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For less than the cost of a Big Mac, fries and a Coke, you can buy a loaf of fresh bread and some good cheese or roast beef, which you will enjoy much more.
the poster whos been coming here nightly (daily for you) is sat in /brit/ compaining about nothing and i think maybe trying to pretend to be me?
I want one of these kitties
we will be voting for kamala in this general
Nice try faggot

Albini was a real nigga. He knocked it out of the park with Razorblade Suitcase
you have to go back to China
Live yourself
i drank 2L of sports drink a day for 3 days and got kidney stones so be careful and my skin cleared up. its no longer greasy
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Bf came down my throat even though I kind of wanted it on my face since it's been a bit since he's done that

Will now be ordering some za
my skin is so soft now too
and my hair is but thats compared to when i drank a lot for a week
When the lady at the DMV told me I had $50 in fines before I could get my tags, I remembered I only had $17, so I closed my eyes, hung my head and said aloud "It's over."
She asked me what I said and I opened my eyes, quite embarrassed, and quickly walked away
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Watching a series of etymological maps of Europe for 40 different bird species that I found on reddit. My main motivation is to finally learn more English bird names.
Anal mucus sandwich
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uccelli sono carini buy I heard many kinds of disease can be transmitted between humans and birds so you have to be careful when handling them and always wash your hands after handling them
I don't see it. Id 100% laugh if it was accurate, but I just don't see it.
and its in the soil!!!
Meesa president
or one of the diseases is histoplasmosis
in detroit they have another one, from bats (blastomycosis). bizarre
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I've got a picture of my actual cousin and she looks so hot I want to share it but I'm going to post this one instead wich is very similar style
how to pronounce pierogies
How it’s written
how to say "squirrel"
it's time
Imagine how she will look in 8 years after her terms are over. Most presidents look they had several brain strokes
daft punk - digital love
except Obama
make rent cost $250 a month for everyone except rich people living in mansions
trying to roll a cig to smoke but it wont stick
I roll exclusively, never could stand regular cigarettes (or vaping)
i roll them too
its too expensive and also easy to chain smoke if theyre already rolled for you
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I can't stomach the taste and compactness of regular cigarettes unless I'm shitfaced in some club, I find them a completely different experience to rolling tobacco
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I started to take this herbal supplement and after years of heavy desperation drinking I've completely stopped craving alcohol and haven't had a drink in a week.
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how much would it cost to have custom guns made that are actually fully functioning reliable guns, is there even anyone that makes custom guns
did you get the jab
There are tons of boutique gun makers
I don't know about import legality, but i heard India used to have a lot of small scale gunsmiths who could probably make what you want for a very low price
yes, a two-in-one type of deal, but only cause I was in love with my psychologist
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Want to make webbums but don't know how?

1. Remove audio from video - www.audioremover.com/

2. MP4 to WebM Converter - https://cloudconvert.com/mp4-to-webm

3. Compress Webm - www.xconvert.com/compress-webm

I ran a high fever all night long afterwards, it was really bad
Wa la
i just put it in .webm for retards
I remember that clown ass nigga
Ill get it closer to winter when respiratory diseases go haywire. The 2 dose novavax one seems good because it looks like the protection lasts longer
The entire gif is fake, because you'd be dead, if you were that close to lava.
maybe its just because its summer
by a very cute pharmacist, sweet and tender and shy. I'd slay 10,000 men for her hand in marriage. if the black haired castiza who jabbed me at CVS is reading this, I love you.
My name is Mr. Smith
Everybody knows it's fake cuz they've seen the real one where she falls in the ocean, but you over here thinking you the Dark Knight detective making an ass of yourself tryna look smart
>1 skilled
>249,999 unskilled
finally got a cig rolled
I've never seen the original, because I'm not a terminally online faggot.
Brown hands. Who TF uses these terms?
no, that was after I took the jab, though it was the summer
I don't think I ever got covid though, even though I did have a bad summer cold for 10 days once.

I know a Smith. Weirdly enough, he's Slovenian, tho his dad is English. Most Slovenes with a similar surnames are Šmid's
well, ive heard that the flu vaccine can cause flu-like symptoms for a few days afterwards in some poeple
Then you're in the wrong place, because everyone else has seen it, chump
Any latinxa enjoyer would understand. There are many subclassifications of latinxa women.
white men.
YWNBW Danny Gonzalez
>y-y-y-you're wrong no matter what
You love to see faggots coping. Thanks for the (You)s.
I'm pretty tough in that way. I never get sick for more than a day even though I drink and do drugs a lot, hangovers following binges excluded. I used to be quite sickly but somehow I got better once I turned 30.
I'm an even-toed ungulate.
stop seething that your women are commonly objectified, Paco.
>you haven't seen this tiktok of a woman falling down
>wow go back to ribbit
good/trained immune system
it can also work the opposite way in some
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It worked!
i think it's time we unite our incel knowledge into one unified incel lexicon
train your dog to swim into vents/holes on the sides of swimming pools
Your name is John Merrick
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I made a webbum
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cummypies, im drinking covfefe
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Good luck with that.
so is cannibalism and genocide, stupid faggot
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this image lives in my head rent free
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sexo con mejican bummy
Wait a minute the janny deleted the original post that told the fag to kys??? That's fucking censorship and it has no place on 4chan
the jannies are axe wounded or south asian.
They're literally trannies
jannies and mods have long since been compromised, some would argue since the beginning
Freedom of Speech means even people who say stuff you don't like still have a right to say it, janny
WTF is this real?
This was a good edizione. Let’s do it again sometime
nothing turned me against the Russians more than their sympathizers banning people left and right for the slightest hint of disrespect of the motherland on this board. It made me think back to the grim business that was internal affairs in communist countries.
i've caught three dayers for telling someone to kill themselves twice in the last month
I used to be extremely cringe when I was in my early 20s listening to nothing but SoundCloud rap and dressing specifically to attract girls
Reasonable people don't desire power, leaving all the people who shouldn't be in power, with the power.
Jannies would be better if it was coded to randomly assign any IP to have janny powers that's posted within the last 24 hours, for the next 24 hours. Then after that 24 hour period, you're locked out for 24 hours from the selection group.
You'd statistically have less discord tranny janies abusing power, and less often. 4chan would be a much better website, so of course they'd never do such a thing.
If it makes you feel any better, I unironically like this song, and loved all the tiktoks that used the sped up version.
Hmm that sounds like kpop, brother
I know, I'm just saying that we all like cringe music from time-to-time.
I'm the guy. I got timed for 15 minutes and now I can't make threads even tho I made this one

Tried to make the new and lookie lookie

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