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funny little toy-edition
this is my favourite war flick
i hate fatties so much it's unreal
there's a janny afoot
>the earlier thread gets deleted
Fucking tranny jannies.
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I just bonded with a Chinese guy over our love of Japanese girls
this is what Canada is about
for me, its All quiet on the western front or Platoon

the steel helmet was really good too
New jannies are subhumans
Can’t even do their unpaid job well
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I'm literally Barnes
I noticed lol

As I was saying this is complete bullshit. I was timed for "troll posts" when I told the faggot to kys, now I can't make fucking threads. This is just shadow totalitarianism, this isn't what 4 chan is about
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>looking thought 1800s paintings
>notice a lot of young girls with bare feet
i think it's not a modern phenomenon
>All quiet on the western front or Platoon
The scene where they're eating the officers' food and the French deploy the tanks and flame throwers is great
overcooked my 2 steaks. but the pierogies made up for it
U asian too?
Why would footfags be a new thing? It was probably way more risque to show feet to people.
Reminder: Cinderella is over 1000 years old, and the entire glass slipper is because the Chinese have a small foot fetish. They thought small feet were very feminine.
I crave drugs
>bar near me has a drink I really want to try
>but it probably wont have any chicks to maybe maybe talk to
>food is also really pricey
>could go to another bar but its expensive as shit
>but it has one of those multicade setups and lots of normies go there

wut do
a veritable youtube classic
look through bouguereaus paintings and tell me he isn't a feet fag pedo, by today standards at least
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the good news: the ssris are actually helping in a way i didn't even think was possible, i can't believe i'm not a mentally exhausted nervous wreck at all hours of the day right now? and haven't been for this week??
the bad news: it's hard to describe, but cumming feels lame now to the point where i think i'm gonna be doing it a lot less.
bee yourself
I don't need to look, I already knew that there were footfags and pedos. I already believe you.
beeing myself is why Im a chud
i don't care.
Shrink put me on Zoloft but I only took it for a week and then met a drug dealer and started doing illegal drugs and pills I wasn’t prescribed instead
>the ssris
>cumming feels lame now to the point where i think i'm gonna be doing it a lot less
Watch out, FBI. We got another potential shooter on our hands.
My lunch break feast? Peanut butter and 2 slices of bread. Wagie bros we eatin good
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aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa too much pain
Me? Cigarette and a cuppa Joe
Lunch is the same
I am going to buy
1) Salt (iodized)
2) Tea (chamomile)
3) Paprika
from the nearby grocery store, and I will be biking there.
anybody want anything? (only /cum/ countries allowed to ask)
>working out
>trying to better himself
Far right extremist spotted.
pizza flavored pringles
How do I wash a suitcase?
What kind?
Take it to the dry cleaners, moron
You ever drop crystal MDMA into an energy drink and then go for a run?
I was probably close to dying from massive heart failure so many times bros
olive oil
basmati rice
russet potatoes
rotisserie chicken
bay leaves
shawarma seasoning blend
canadian bacon
american cheese
I had an oversized chicken burrito for lunch. I have so much fucking chicken. Fuck.
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Gnomes? Hard pass.
Corrupted Mesopotamian Dwarf slavers with WWI-lvl tech? BAYI SHAAARTU!
I mixed MDMA and coke before, but I didn't go running after. There's few things in life that are better than MDMA and coke mix.
Can't go wrong with a peanut butter sandwich.
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i have no hate for anyone. i just want to be at peace with myself, helpful to others, and good at what i do. i know after taking ssris there's an elevated risk of suicide since it gives you such a... nice freeing feeling to act where before i was held back my just thinking about what could go wrong in every scenario. i could see how that leads to someone getting the energy to sewer slide but i just want to go outside on a walk right now and talk to people and enjoy nature and WOW i'm not sad right now

/homegym/ bros where are we at? i've made huge progress ever since i moved into my own place
This is a gnome general
Go back to your mines you bearded goblin
Gimme some a them kalamata olives and some pita, feta and hummus

My gastronomy must be hellenized, or it's the end of the day.
yeah or new york strip
You can take a suitcase to the dry cleaners?
I hate olives
I never really got into coke because I knew I would get hopelessly addicted
I was already addicted to MDMA and benzos
I also never tried opiates because I didn’t want to end up robbing people for heroin money
You can take a Cuisinart to the dry cleaners, doesn't mean they're gonna clean it.

But yeah you can take fabric suitcases to the dry cleaners
>WOW i'm not sad right now
I was only joking about the shooter comment. I'm legit happy for you, anon. I hope you're able to use this momentum to keep making incremental improvements to your life. Remember, we're here for you.
A samsonite
Hmm interesting
>I hate olives.
cum cum cum
You should try illicit drugs too
It worked for me but I did have a two year period where I was a bit of an addict and alcoholic
watching destiny
I say this but I dont look like this
posting rockabilly in an American general (the artist is Welsh tho but shhh)
your destiny? what does it look like?
i'm trying to stop my drinking arc actually, almost started really sliding into that for awhile.

as for drugs, what kind?
When I was abusing drugs, my only rule that I managed to keep, was no needles. I remember getting my wisdom teeth removed, needing only 3 of the oxy for the pain, and then just taking the rest of the bottle for the fun of it.
I was quite addicted, and I only kicked the drugs, because all of my dealers stopped talking to me. I'm so glad that I did, because if I hadn't then, I would have been a fent addict by now.
I'm watching ltg videos
He just told a guy in his chat to "suck my virtual cock and watch the matrix nutt dribble down ya fuckin chin, bitch nigga".

This guys fucking hularious
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Sorry, hard plastic or cloth?
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more like low IQ scrub
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Outstanding post
Keep on living
>No needles
Me too. This girl I used to do speed with (we kinda did it together) we had never slammed it. We didn't trust any of our friends enough to slam it with them, so we were gonna pop out Needle cherry together. Get a hotel room and try it. Luckily we never got around to it.
This was years and years ago, before the present era
I wouldn't do drugs today if you paid me, that fentanyl shit scares the fuck out of me and it's everywhere. They cut meth and coke with all kinds of shit nowadays, wouldn't touch it
I hope you garnished it with more cold cuts and cheese so it's less depressing
i will therefore put you in remembrance, though ye once knew this, how that the lord having saved the people out of the land of egypt, afterward destroyed them that believed not
who was the first gooner?
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I used to be friends with several dealers but all of them are in prison and two are dead (one shooting one OD)
I also stuck with no needles but I tried coke once and liked it a bit too much
I honestly still crave coke and MDMA
The ones I used regularly were LSD, shrooms, DMT (a couple times a month), MDMA, weed obviously, Xanax, adderall, whatever other pills I could get
Xanax, MDMA, and weed were daily
and a lesbian :)
Usually put MDMA in a water bottle and would drink that
It’s awful tasting but it’s happy juice
>They cut meth and coke with all kinds of shit nowadays, wouldn't touch it
I was friends, well as much as you can be, with a coke dealer. I used to watch him step on the coke he was selling with whatever white powders he had in the house. Flour, baking soda, whatever. By the time he got it, it was probably stepped on at least 3 times previously, so I only bought from the stuff that he hadn't got a chance to step on again.
Back when oxys were new, so he wasn't cutting drugs with other drugs yet. All the MDMA or E that I got, was usually methy though. Not always methy, sometimes it was just MDMA.
So glad that I don't do drugs now though. I would have died.
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How you gonna tell a monkey NOT to eat a coconut? Monkey gonna do what that monkey wanna do.
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This guy posts nothing but the most brain dead shite
didn't he fuck a woman and pull out THOUGH
>tfw got my drug use out of my system before all of the Chinese fent started flooding in
You are talking about yourself surely
>I tried coke once and liked it a bit too much
I tried crack once, and liked it way too much.
>I honestly still crave coke and MDMA
That's one of the reasons I don't drink much anymore. I get drunk and want to sleep with any female that will, if there's no females around, I want coke. It's easier to just be sober, and not make bad life choices.
>So glad that I don't do drugs now though. I would have died

I hear you. I think back on some of the shit I did and am amazed I'm still alive now. Back in 05 I dropped 6 hits of acid at Mardi Gras , the first one after hurricane Katrina. Fucking blew my mind walking around the French quarter with all the lights and women flashing tits. Then I walked down to the moonwalk and watched ships come in all night while sitting on the banks of the Mississippi. I don't remember where I got the acid from, it could have been anything
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Might buy a bit of (legal) pot tbqh
No I only make high iq posts
Anime and manga is for pedophiles
i don't usually post anime because it's divisive sorry
Everytime you see some degenerate faggot shit it's like invariably accompanied by some gay ass anime pic
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Dividing the elderly German away from this general is a good thing
No idea, the only period of my life when read the old testament in my early teens and that was the King James Version and it was in pre-internet (at least for me) 1990s Slovenia, so something must've gotten lost in translation. I don't think I've ever read the new testament, I just watched an art movie by Pasolini and the one by Gibson about it. I'm also a diehard atheist, have been since I read Arthur C. Clarke at 15.
>it could have been anything
Been there. I was at a 7/11 buying snacks while gaming. I hadn't done any drugs in about a year at this point. I'm in line, the person in front of me, somehow drops a dime bag of some white powder. I had no idea what it was, but I swiped it, before anyone noticed. Paid for my snacks, and then discovered that it was coke at home.
It's why I knew I had to move, and never live in a major city again. Drugs are too easy to find there.
Don't worry about it pal, no harm done
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Enjoy anime
simple as
i look like that
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/cum/ has always been pro-anime
Yeah. Its been so long for me I don't even have the desire to do drugs anymore. Gimme a glass of whiskey and I'm straight
May Allah humiliate the one who posts in /cum/
it would be pretty funny if god just started putting us all in embarrassing but harmless situations
I stopped reading manga because it's too poorly translated. the transition from the mangakas words to English via some amateur translator who speaks neither English nor Japanese at a high level probably removes a ton of the nuance, not even counting the grammatical errors.
I'd just use soap and water, unless you're trying to get it passed drug dogs, then I'd just buy a new one. Soap and water should be enough, add some vinegar if it's not enough.
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>I stopped reading manga because it's too poorly translated. the transition from the mangakas words to English via some amateur translator who speaks neither English nor Japanese at a high level probably removes a ton of the nuance, not even counting the grammatical errors.
do the D-A-N-C-E 1234 fight
Hi finster
Can you please stop reporting political posts
5'4" ass nigga
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Somebody once asked, "Could I spare some change for gas?
I need to get myself away from this place"
I said, "Yep, what a concept
I could use a little fuel myself and we could all use a little change"
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get ready to ignite
I'm jealous. There's lots of times where I'm having a bad day, and having to put effort into pushing the "Doing coke or MDMA would really solve this problem" thoughts out of my head. Stay strong, brother.
Do the dance do the dance
jason is a 6 foot ubermensch
the link between trannies and anime has been obfuscated by the deep state
fk is neutral on anime though, unless he's changed I haven't been around much lately
there's like a greasy layer of something on the inner side of my water bottle
Twitter already revealed the truth.
stole this from the swedish general
I admit that I jacked off to Goldenboy manga but that was like 20 years ago
same but with adderall
yeah nah nah nah yeah cunt...or however the huntsman spider leaps on your face
Do you think the gym will be crowded on a Friday afternoon?
I'd doubt it, Friday night was the best time to go to the gym.
i'm guilty for how much i use youtube
I remember that buzz when i was prescribed adderall, it's nuts. I ended up switching because I would spend all day doing nothing but playing an engineer game and starving. I can't imagine what it does to people without ADHD
Footfags are second against the wall, right after the commies.
There's no drunken evening when I won't groove to Diana Ross's Inside Out at least once. Dem Edwards & Rodgers, man, crazy disco MF's on a mission.
it's like a productivity cheat code
i'd do stuff i had put off for months because of adderall, and i miss it dearly
do you mean you would spend all day playing as engineer in tf2
i'm back from the grocery store.
i didn't buy any of you faggots what you asked for
then whyd you ask, asshole
I wanted a street sweeper. You can get that at the mart in the US, right?
good post
What does the inside of a vagina feel like?
fish and sweat
Uh oh looks like the discord trannies are here
i was hoping one of you cretins would ask for beer, so i could get beer and pretend it was for my internet friends

This song will never stop being a bop
Warm, the wetness is mostly the same stuff that mucus is made from. The psychological/emotional feeling is like validation and "oh fuck this is great" mixed together.
why dont you go figure that out on your own
I rewatched Terrifier 2 over 10 hours yesterday and I wasn't even hungover. All at once it loses all momentum within the first 5 minutes, is somewhat boring, sporadically gruesome and exciting, and beautiful and sort of epic despite the low budget. I still think Damien Leone's a great schlocky talent who WILL deliver with Terrifier 3.
what kind of friend doesnt buy his internet friend pringles
what does the inside of a mouth feel like on a cock
when theyre around they make me feel like im the only guy in town
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My legal weed has been ordered and will arrive within 2 hours, however I will not be smoking it until tonight at which point I will inflict my terrible posts on /cum/mers
i don't *"BUY"* seed oils
If you microwave some mayonnaise and put it in a ziploc bag then masturbate with it using moderate to light pressure thats basically it.
It has to be ziploc brand and you can't use miracle whip
well, that's how psychiatry works. you try stuff, it works or it doesn't, you adjust doses or meds until you narrow in on what does work, then you stick with that. i agree with you and my own personal theory is that the ADHD meds were trying to solve a physical exhaustion, when I have issues with a mental exhaustion. SSRIs are working a whole lot better
ask your mom, she's an old pro
this anon likes little girls
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>If you microwave some mayonnaise and put it in a ziploc bag then masturbate with it using moderate to light pressure

you n*ggers need to seriously reevaluate your life
but she doesn't have a cock
i'm not asking what it feels like to suck cock
keep projecting
>DUdE vaginas!
>DUdE weed!
and like I said, you're moms a pro
Wdym? I don't mean until it's hot. Just like body temp or a few degrees more
you ain't got to be bad, ain't got to be so cold
this dog eat dog existence sure is getting old
gotta have a jones for this, a jones for that
this running with the Joneses just ain't where it's at, boy
i'm stupid you need to break it down for me
are you telling me to ask my mom to suck my cock
i need a song thats actually good
let's just say, she won't explain to you what it feels like
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This mothanikka's job is to stand there.
See >>202203137
As a baby you drank her milk
Isn't it only fair she gets to drink some of yours?
If your mom bottle fed you then obviously she doesn't love you enough to say yes.
water bottles i put in the fridge got so cold it hurts to drink them. i love it.
esus christ they made a clean version of a song about whores
6 more years until jesus comes
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night guards get it so good. i knew a guy who did night guard duty, he ended up hooking up with a fellow night guard and they basically just got to fool around in an empty building for a livable wage
>DUdE incest!
/cum/ niggas be like
"this water too spicy"
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The funniest thing is some lonely fuck will fall for this if you keep reposting it
all night guards are men, that guy was having gay sex and telling you about it to your face
6 confirms
tired of not having my dick sucked
it's a welcome change from them getting torn apart by a baying mob during the storming of the Bastille
what's he got on the plate next to him? im so hungry :(
Ideally she's going to be jerking your shaft while sucking the head, so it feels like getting jerked off with a bunch of extra sensation being given to the head of your dick. If she's not doing that, then her mouth is going to get tired from solo mouth use, and it'll feel like a wet but light jerking off, at best.
I only do it like once or twice a week but it's legit
I saved so much money on prostitutes with this one little trick. They HATE me!
what if my dick is so big its going down her throat
the years creep slowly by lorena
taking a nap at 22:00 UTC
oh so we're posting music now
what does it feel like to stick your dick in that box from dune
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there's a rock type that's literally just shells
looks delicious
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got shampoo in my eyes
You'd need a 9+ inch dick for that. Also it depends on if she has a gag reflex or not. If she doesn't then the head of your dick is going to hit the back of her throat. I don't have a 9+ inch dick, so I'd assume warm, wet, and pressure.
If she can't deep throat, which is the norm, then it won't matter how big your dick is, because she's not going to want to choke on it. Unless she's a slut, then she'll force herself to. Which is more psychologically rewarding, watching a girl try to get all of your dick in her mouth.
connections was not bussin today
almost fell for it. wtf
looked like a bunch of frosted flakes stuck together
i don't like the idea of microwaved plastic being on my cock
i had the gf dream last night
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try this next time
Kinda feel like chewing my finger nails. Not just biting I mean chewing them after biting then off
mania, but pronounced "mon-ya"
"I fuck arses". Who fucks arses? Maybe HE fucks arses!
ive never had the 'gf dream'
don't do that
stop replying to ratpedo
i miss having crazy abstract dreams instead of just mundane normal dreams
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>____ containing E
Maybe you are the gf dream
hair are your aerials, anon
might start taking zinc again for the cool dreams
also the huge loads
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try eating different things before bed until they come back
>DUdE semen!
do you have a nail clipper
say this every time i bust
I think so yeah. but I'm at work
Just found a tranny in my area or as it calls himself a ladyboy
goodbye forever
well just hold off on it until you get home and you can clip your nails
chewing your nails is a nasty habit that makes your nails look bad and makes them grow back weird
this song also obliquely references Nick Drake's All Of These Things First
crosspost it properly
This tincture slaps
what if i told you that you're a victim
stop responding to ratpedo
I'd still tell you that it's my fault.
kill yourself
Only if everyone stops responding to fk
GOD I love quesadillas so much

thank god mexico exists
OK Mobb Deep
Holding off
we can all be victims
good be strong soldier o7
With cheese?
you did not make it, victim!
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That Anzu thread got me in my feelings
I never understood why everyone went bananas over Elf it wasn't even that good just a standard Farrel affair
she needs chapstik asap
idk but i haven't watched it in years and it would definitely be nostalgic to watch it again since i grew up with it
Explain to me why I have to wageslave for 40+ years and live with chronic stress all day every day. Who came up with this shit and how can I reach him
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Why is the pedo going crazy right now?
who cares? filter his flag and you dont even have to see them
kill yourself fat
you don't know that you'll live for 40 years, bud. cheer up
The demiurge came up with it
The Germans confused it for a movie starring an 11 (Elf) year old girl and rushed to the cinema in droves
it's one of the last good christmas movies made imo
Because Millennials didn't really have a "Christmas movie" for their generation. Home Alone/2 were sorta, but still on the tail end of Gen-X. Elf was distinctly Millennial movie.
It's alright, but as you said, no where close to being as good as his classics.
Nothing will top Night At The Roxbury though.
>*looks around*
>you are the only one having a mental breakdown right now. you look like an idiot
the best way to spread christmas cheer
is singing loud for all to hear
i like the anti-establishment message when the swat team is trying to arrest santa in central park
8 hours of work, 8 hours of fun, 8 hours of sleep. Be thankful for the union strikers that fought for and died for the 40 hour work week. It used to be 60+.
was it the Shrek of Christmas movies?
Sucks that Uranus is so cool but it's impossible for it to get much positive attention because of its name
there are a lot of pro narco mexican commies on 4chan I don't understand why.
The mega melty continues
I think rockets should be sent up there
miracle on 34th st
charlie brown christmas
the life and adventures of santa claus
rudolph the red nosed reindeer
year without a santa claus
jim carry grinch + the original

the GOAT xmas movies
poor uranus
the butt of the joke for decades and never taken seriously
a big long rocket
it allows them an escape from their personal shortcomings. same with pro drumpf chuds here. losers all the same
>jim carrey grinch
nah elf is better than that movie
-like in uWu
-like i ran away
-like the group of us went to the store
But that's not nearly as fun as saying Your-anus.
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>nah elf is better than that movie
i'm going to get up to piss, wait here while i'm gone
I refuse to live just to pay bills and consume plastic shit
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Any reason why rat pedo has been having a melty for several days straight? What possesses him to sPam this thread for 20 hours a day? This is his life.
didn't ask
you're wrong he's right
your options are
>be homeless
>be ted kacynzski in the woods
unless you have some amazing skill or talent you can make big bucks off of
Uranus is cool but hardly the most interesting planet. Europa NEEDS to be investigated, badly.
>volcanic activity (heat, minerals)
>ocean twice the size of ours
>tidal activity (more heat, movement)
>protected from Jovian radiation
there is going to be life under Europa's ice sheet exterior
still not drunk
reading smut stories about female orcs even though I have no interest in fantasy, I just like big loud women with big tits and thick thighs
Le drunk at le bar
Can't even handle money anymore
Seen way too much of it
Like wearing the same outfit every day
frozen peetsa
So you like black women then
How is this thread still up
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Should I hop on minoxidil and fin? I don't have male pattern baldness but I do have some pretty noticable thinning in the font, sides, and back.
Lamb meat is really good.
Start fin now. Don’t listen to the people online that say it will make your dick fall off. Future you will thank you.

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