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the most wonderful time of the week-edition
Really wish I could find a good SoL to watch
i have only showed off naked on chaturbate once or twice.
for some reason livestream naked makes me nervous because i feel pressured to interacting with the chat.
i'm more comfortable just posting casual nudes without a live audience.
it's the day of drinking edition
4 nin wa
my clueless best friend
tokimeki tonight
flying witch was comfy as an af
Are any of them dubbed and on YouTube
>for some reason
>gives a reason
didn't ask
Watch Nana if you haven't. An oldie, but a goody
Any welders in? Is it worth it?
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whats a good anime to fap to
Happy 4:20!!!!!
Don't look at me like that
post the Canadaaa in his bathtub pic
Naruto Episode 4 (1/3)

The good old days
i'm an exhibitionist. but i'm also monogamous. so it's hard to reconcile the two. i want to be a massive whore but i also want love.

i think the way to reconcile the two is to make amateur homemade porn videos with my boyfriend but only for us to watch and not to post them online.

i have a massive desire to show off naked to strangers which is also why i cruise public gym locker rooms and saunas. sometimes i go to public parks too.
I'm not but I worked in construction alongside many of them and they salarymogged me, so yes it's worth it. You can go anywhere on earth and get work as a welder.
You can make good money if you work a shit ton or get into more specialized welding, but the job sucks generally. Fuck all the fumes
Do It Yourself
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link the last thread you mongrol
i love romcom anime
racoon porn
learn to scuba dive and make giga money welding offshore oil drills. or get sucked into a pipe when you accidentally burst it, either or
I am an autodidact of esoteric wisdom
who was your anime crush
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misty, obviously
Just put the fries in the bag, lil bro
damn i didnt remember her being that ugly
i knew some good cruising spots in the north side of chicago but they got shut down.
i assume someone snitched and security shut it down.

one of the cruising spots was in the bathroom of depaul university in lincoln park. there were no dividers between the urinals and there was a long hallway for the entrance so it was perfect for cruising.
but now you need to scan a student ID in order to get in the bathroom which is lame.

the other spot was in century shopping center in lakeview.
that spot was also great, no dividers between the stalls and the entrance would face behind your back.
but they shut it down and now only paying customers can go in the bathrooms.
non non biyori is the best slice of life, every other opinion is simply wrong
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that big tit girl is hot
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why don't gay pipo just have sex in their car
jasonesque opinion
i hate to admit it but i do too
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me? im super retarded
i REALLY need to fix my posture jesus christ. i dont want my back to be fucked in 20 years
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Sailor Mars
The thing with the Smiths where I'm concerned is that none of their other songs had the pure joie de vivre and killer riff of their first single, This Charming Man. Anyway, I was always a Felt man myself. Felt were never cheery and the frontman ended up ruining his life with heroin, which is at least consistent.
i sucked a guy off in his car like two weeks ago. but it was risky because we were in the parking lot of a jewel osco and there were people walking by
idk who that is but sorry about your obsession regardless
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/cum/ is a Jupiter general
>newfags dont know about the gay resident lolcow
Pokemon Hoenn would have been the most kino season if Max weren't in it
I have dreams that my teeth fall out. I blame having braces for 5 years
i love jupiter, jupiterian magick is powerful
you're mentally ill
drinking boone's farm
dawn is the hottest pokemon girl
your opinion doesnt matter, newfag
you wish
So ratpedo rules the day, and Brian rules the night
This is truly a sad time for cum
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reddit is good and you're a contrarian chud if you think otherwise
dreams are prophetic messages from spirit guides. this is a warning.
try this one
that's a basic freudian thing, you should look it up

fuck yeah, this is my playlist material!
Cum is the known the graveyard of schizos, it's only a matter of time
$11k on US bonds.
Don't fuck me on this yanks please
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more like (tab)ask(o) sauce
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>reddit is good
all he can talk about

since he has stopped more people have enjoyed the thread or had discussions - less complaints ITT
One comes as the other leaves but they're never at the same time. Really makes you think
i am a follow of the dark path
should i jerk off
jerk off right now
literally why the fuck would you invest right before an election
>brian is here
it's over
post canadaanon in his bath
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do you mind if I speak urdu
M*ther does a whole laud of laundry for one sock and a dish towel
not good for planet...
Before nearly-guaranteed FED rate cuts there's a very limited downside on holding long-term bonds and a maximum upside of ~50%
stay up all night and post here about how someone else stays up all night to post here
stroke that cock fast and hard for me
I stand corrected. Johnny Marr should've joined a Soca outfit
wat dat
but im ot posting Canadaanon in his bathtub
Pakistani Hindi (as in the language)
7 dollars a day, daily parking
are those prostitutes rates
dont stop gooning
cajuns like to say ca c'est bon or c'est vrai. pretty much the only french they still use
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are you schizojeet?
Your mother would know
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Do they really
Wait, that last song has 19 MILLION views? I never knew zoomers enjoyed 80s jangle, I had no idea!
Drinking a pumpkin beer and watching Friday the 13th soon
why do American men think it's okay to wear bracelets?
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it's not from the 80s
but enough about your granny songs, Paul
done him
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Fashion trend among blapipo
I know that, but it's still 80s jangle, just like Greta van Fleet is 70s hard rock. 2013? Not even a zoomer band. What made them explode so hard? I'm just miffed at this development.
>watching another man have sex with a hot woman on your computer for sexual pleasure
you are a cuckold
they have doomer music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1h1AOeVQ38&pp=ygUMY3VycmVudCBqb3lz
I wear a bracelet
hahah, they ripped off T Rex for that opening tattoo, that's an achievement for any doomer band. DADDYYYY! MOMMYYYY!
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I'm wearing a watch (casio) does that count as a bracelet
I look just like a primate
post the Canadaaa in his bathtub
this guy traveled around europe and slept outside, he goes to ljubljana at 12 minutes in
remember this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9wiEM0s4aCQ
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My bf wears a cute bracelet I bought for him a lot of the time, it has a cute half moon on it, very gothy looking
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me and spin
me? apple watch
I love nazrin!
OK, maybe that's just my wishful thinking because I think Longlegs's such a brilliant idea. It's just one big meme, T Rex, Nic Cage and all. The song I thought that intro copied:
Beer time

Should I get an apple watch? I kinda only want it to monitor steps
El Cuco...remember The Outsider? That shit slapped, Steve King doesn't get nearly enough praise for how good a miniseries that was in this day and age.
I would shake that back into the bartender's face
that is an affront to god
just download a step counter app on your phone.
>The Outsider
haven't read it, but i have read the outsiders
stay gold, ponyboy...
i dunno
post 'adana in the 'ub 'ic
please stop. go to /lgbt/
you'd think Ljubljana is this south European city...but really it has the climate of NYC. And you get torrential downpour and hailstorms and blizzards in May.
my collection. and i got 1k arrows profit today
5k pess to go
>erm, hello lgbt? post Canada in the bathtub
america should create its own anime instead of ugly /co/ slop
Vgh... home
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you made avatar
finished the wine. /cum/ decides if i drink beer or rum next
hola! :D
For me it was the stories in Skeleton Crew, especially Jaunt
>Inhuman big eye slop instead of Alex Ross kino
neither. alcohol is poison
>I found some woods
60% of Slovenia is forested but that is actually the country's largest park, Tivoli.
>abandoned house
the former Hotel Bellevue in Šiška, Ljubljana
drink kombucha
evens then beer
>yeah, this is probably the town with the most anarchist graffiti I've ever seen. That speaks to the maturity level of the people.
i dont have

beer it is then
based post
idk what you are talking aboug
Anarchist graffiti is based
i have to poop
he stopped making videos, even put it in his channel description saying he's done. he has a kino catalogue though
what if we drew an anime girl but we gave here eyebags and she was a loser and played videogames LOL
When Russia annexes the USA you can all stay at my house.
you aren't a loser to me bbgirl, come to the pnw and be my femcel gf
>have 1 cup of covfefe 12 hours ago
>still shitting now
I remember why I don't drink coffee.
>bigs up a metal band from a torn poster
Oh, now I see why the misanthropy and reserved stance. And why he's uproariously funny. Still, it's pretty weird a metalhead would go tramping about.
vagrant holiday?
hey fellow ameriniggers would you say that people in your cunt in your state love your state?

Probably 1 in every 5 or 10 cars here has some kind of state-related bumper sticker (the word Love with our state supplementing the V and so forth) on it or something and I'm curious as to how universal this is. Whenever I see out-of-staters they never have anything like that on their cars, but then sample sizes for that kind of thing are obviously skewed towards native populations so it's hard to judge on that merit.
I need some sort of feature on Spotify that uses AI to turn all of my liked songs or songs on a playlist into instrumental versions without vocals temporarily until it's toggled off
my company clocked 50 million bucks last year and we have 50 employees, where the fuck's my bonus
good word
If you can make a demo of that Spotify will hire you and give you like $300-600K USD per year btw
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dont need AI to duplicate it isolate it and invert the duplicated track
gonna down this bottle of stella
you know what's another good word? egregious? everyone thinks that means 'blatant' and uses it as such but really it means 'exceptional'. I think Orwell commented on that.
gonna down this bottle of syndrome
I believe it. I just really want this so I can read while listening to my favourite music.
based go off qing
dude imagine a cute anime girl- but get this- she's madly in love with and wants to have sex with ME an unemployed man who posts on 4chan wouldn't that be so kino
woah there hardman >>202209509
wow that is interesting
good post
yea i linked slovenianon the video (honestly because i remember him being kinda harsh on that country, or at least the capital)
stella's such a good beer. It's probably what I got drunk on the very first time I drank.
be right back going for a piss and pizza no 3
this is a general for canadians, united statians, and mexicans, NOT anglophones. fuck off back to your own thread
miss him, maybe he'll come back with yet another project under a different name
I'm here to console you
I don't have a thread. Ex-yu is in Serbocroatian, which is not my native language or even a language that I speak proficiently.
i wasn't talking about you, you're cool
console the holocaust
only a matter of time before we all hate the slovenian guys guts
you guys are such faggot cunts
reminder that my posts are only a problem because he has a problem with them

the thread has had more activity and discussion, less complains, without his

that is all. compare this thread to the 70 post sections in the last, or 100 yesterday
holy fuck a post punk song that is actually good and it has no listeners
is putting sage in the name field a bannable offense?
he doesn't post very often anyways so that's unlikely even if there is anyone here who would dislike him
Well, I only come here every two weeks or so when I'm shitfaced. RN I'm kinda nervous cause I'm taking a test to acquire a tour guide license, and that's kind of demanding. I'm also applying for neetbux, in which case I'm gonna start streaming strategy games on twitch and also get fucked up more regularly again. But anyway, why do you say that?
feels powerful having knowledge of this song... I should be careful... I can never post it
this one's for the jangle guy, my music guy
dude's a freak, ignore him
fat isnt being shameless or ignorant of the facts and this new information

he just doesnt care at all about the general - in fact, he wants you to be sad, and the general to be shit
think about THAT
i never got drunk on stella. she ain't doing a good job.
girl power!
people were getting creepy trying to find out who he is
you're the freak
vagrant holiday is an edgy douchebag
/druk/ gets deleted so I have to shitpost with you guys
Actually I'm gonna watch a kino
please post the image that ive been asking for
for me it was hobo stobe before he got ACKed by a train
fucking hell, the song I posted has almost 400k listeners. I mean, I'm glad I live in a reality where postpunk is popular, I just didn't know it existed. And if we're in popular postpunk territory then why not go balls out, feat. The Turtles!
tour guide license?
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I put your up on your hip I dip you dip we dip
no canada bathtubs, toby
im an empath and for a short time (i think in the other thread) i started eating my feelings, which i put an end to FASTly
to be honest, stalking, doxing and attempting to do so, and cultivating lolcows is actually faggot behaviour. i don't care if the person you're stalking is an annoying tranny you are cringe and a faggot. it's painful to watch. i would argue it's the the biggest downside of 4chan
indeed, do you not need one in the land of Jan Kees?
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but we did
i dont think so. i worked as a tour guide on a college campus before
im an empath
4chan doesn't dox and stalk lolcows anymore, that role has been taken over by other big imageboards like the sharty or lolcowfarm
woah, dont go off the deep end, becky
bit undercooked but what i am gonna do ...
Pies are overrated
well, I have to pay $800 and learn the shape of Martin Luther's buttocks despite working in Slovenia
Being naughty and smoking a cigarette
Having beans with tomato sauce on toast
did you see me eat a pie and you got a pie and ate it
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me right now
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i am one of souls of 4chan this website (second time today)
Some say that all forms of musical cheese follow a king. A King of Cheese who lives on the moon, which too is cheese. And by golly, they just might be right...
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As I've grown older, I've come to appreciate steak fries more. Though, I have no idea why they are called steak fries.
/cum/ niggas be like
"woooooahhhh, Ive had 2 white claws, Im sooooo drunk right now"
did you know that jesus is coming in 6 years
I like all fries
I made homemade ones recently that were incredible and have more waiting in the freezer for me
holy christ. linked the wrong post once again >>202209896
my mom always made these kind of fries
Some people liken my looks to Jesus. But rest assured that I'll come long before then.
ive had 2 glasses of wine and now on beer
Can we do a /cum/ movie night tomorrow
what should we watch
sure why not :)
but I have to go to bed early tomorrow :(
i already got moved up from building pallets to operating the casing machine, it pays to volunteer for an extra shift
you know what burns me up?
slow your role becky, that boxed cabernet is almost enough to blow a .0001
There is a based anon on /tv/ who will probably be streaming some kino 35 mm scans
He's streaming three John Carpenter movies tonight
He started the Thing 30 minutes ago
good for you
Where is the delightfully wholesome female poster at
I vote for Henry Fool (1997) though I'm going to a concert...but I might be in later on. A very 4chan film. And it has Parker Posey.
it was rioja,
Which concert
this guy sells guitars in Rochester, NY...but was also one of the funniest people in 1970s rock music
Shut the FUCK up. You're approaching ratpedo tier annoyance
Bad Notion, my friend's retro blues and hard rock band
idk there is some remnants of it on generals and some other boards
Marty 1955
That's the first post I've made in days
i'm an evil faggot
always is
i want to respect the elderly but their severe mental retardation makes it difficult to do so
the most claps a fruit fly can take before its tired out is 3. some of the fall at 2 (and cant get up). so ill be doing this for a bit tomorrow so that i can jar them
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my evil's big
>steak fries
Google says they were the fries served with beef steak in France and Belgium. Ask Belgians, as they claim to have invented it.
making the ultimate trail mix which will be like what dog food is to dogs, but for humans, like a long shelf life trail mix with every possible nutrients needed for humans to live well, but not too crazy with clashing flavours
>pumpkin seeds
>sunflower seeds
>sesame seeds
>dried cranberries
>pieces of dried mango
>coconut slices
>pieces of dark chocolate
>pieces of beef jerky
yeah but none of this finding dory minions 2 rise of gru shit you guys always put on
im also going to order some KFC eventually (idk if i can this month because ive still got to pay my phone bill when it comes around) and sprinkle the leftover chicken-on-bones with phosphorous from matches. fruit flies have "fat sacks" so hopefully the phos will be toxic to that
oh and
>pieces of salted shiitake mushroom chips
nigga we put on El topo and midnight mile
I've met more retarded young people or middle aged people than old people. Some of them get memory lapses but usually can communicate okay
This would make me shit uncontrollably for days and would tear up my asshole. IBS is a bitch.
my input is that you might include a bottle of alcohol-based mouthwash, to fast at the beginning of a nuclear apocalypse whilst using the mouthwash daily, for a few days. then your healthy mouth bacteria will be dead, and you can make more as you eat the trail mix to have a mouth suited for that and not your previous diet. then you can start using flouride-based toothpaste again
do you have a BA in psychology?
I hate old people.

Growing up, old people would be in the way. Situationally oblivious. Going shopping is a total nightmare. Turn down an aisle, there's an old people. Blocking the entire lane, waddling slowly. If you chortle and try to excuse yourself through, they're deaf. No choice other than to risk being mistaken for assault, or turn around and bypass using another aisle. Except 70% of the time, the neighbouring aisles are clogged with slow moving old people. Or again while I was growing up, I'd be in the local grocery mart. I'd be standing in front of a cheese fridge trying to decide which to get. All I see is slow shuffling from the side of my vision. Old people. Taking up residence between me and the cheese cooler. No idea I was even looking at it. What the fuck. That's happened ALOT. So you can tell, I'm not generally impressed with old people.

So the other day, I'm taking a trip back to my home town. Good fucking god DAMN to I not regret getting out of that place. Fucking FUCK. We were TRYING to have a good time, but the whole time I am just boiling with fucking rage. Allow me to regale. Right away I'm getting irritated. Everyone knows what it's like to be stuck with old people on the roads. Remember this is old people central. Every car runs in slow motion. Twitch.

As I'm leaving my current town, not entirely void of old people. I'm behind this old people in a van going down a ramp to a merge on the highway. Now, as many (but not enough) people know, you're supposed to pick your spot as you come down the curve, and speed up while signaling into your aforementioned spot. Merge in, and continue on. This douche coasts down. I'm picking my spot trying not to hit this jackoff. There was one goddamn car that I had to worry about. Had this douchenozzle sped up and merged like you're supposed to he'd have had no issue. Instead he PUTS ON HIS BRAKES and I almost rear end him. Then merges ahead of the oncoming traffic anyway. MOTHERFUCK man. Every time.
What's up with this meme?
watching a video about carl jung and synchronicity
well trail mix has to have a long shelf life.
been a fan of Jodo since high school, but by MM do you mean that great 80s movie about nuclear annihilation? Cause I can't find that exact query
wait until you find out about anti-nutrients in nuts and seeds
If you want everything you need, it needs something like cod liver oil pills, or some sort of fish. Also way more meat, and milk products.
Have you ever been known by another name?
I have a PhD in kicking ass. Punk.
if you fast for 2 days you get super saiyan powers
strange, i dreamed about something like that just last night
its friday the 13th
BAPesque I would try it
holdin my pud
waitin for the right time

RIP chopper bro, 4evr in our hearts
ok so youre underage
*walks away to talk to someone else*
that wasnt his answer...

antinutrients are fun. its why you boil out the water
Yeah and nothing bad has happened. *knocks on wood*
There were 3 people with my name at one job before.
>and me, my name didn't matter, because no one talked to me
They'd just come up to me and start talking, without ever saying my name.
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Why is there 2 threats that are both around 30-40 posts from cap
the problem with that is those things expire
*If they had to talk to me, they'd just
mods deleted a fat chunk of the british pedo's posts from the old thread
before he says it: and fat
Slowpoke kinda looks like Ice Spice
nap time
Listening to Stratosphere by Duster
What are you, a baby or something
I have another name in a language I'm learning (rather, engaged with), and I plan to change my legal name to it. Both my first and last names. I don't want to be a Canadian anymore
Canada in a bathtub
at chic-chocs lodge Ontario
nigga its not even 6 PM
i'm old
Salmon jerky exists. Cod liver oil pills don't expire. There's all sorts of ways to keep meat from spoiling, like making pemmican out of it.
The only problem is the milk products.
How MINDBROKEN do you have to be to make that many posts in a single thread lmao
what language family
indeed, after he said it (fat)

20 hours a day
Who here wants to be slapped the fuck up by me
Slavic, but before you think so, it's NOT Russian
what are you talking about
make new
Did I stutter monkey
i'm sexually attracted to my own feet
*kicks you in the nuts*
shut up, BITCH
poet Dante
i have a white name. everyone calls me Earl
what do you think of using milk powder would it be gross?
cod liver tablets expire
the gel caps
It could work, so would evaporated milk.
Eventually, but not immediately.
doesnt your body spend like 20% of its energy just digesting food? thats a lot of fat to burn through, to digest the food - like cod liver oil tablets
and protein is so good because 1g of protein is as dense as 0.5g of energy from i think just carbs, not fat, but still better. thats why beef and nuts are also good
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stay in school niggas
stop replying to ratpedo, how is it this hard for you idiots
so what thread do i go to
20 hours a day ^
/cum/ is actually one of the worst generals on /int/. out of the ones i used it'd the worst.
kill yourself
What the Ohio rizz gyatt?
made a Chrome thread in /mu/. You probably don't know them, they're too avant-garde, underground and coup d' etat

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