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huge manatee edish
scranned a chicken barm and now i've got gravy all over my hands and mouth
For me it's secret product and a trench
ashamed to say I saw that fella suck that other guy into his willy in the last thread and did nothing
why is the chon obsessing over that "gen z boss and a mini" girl
this is even more embarrassing than that time where you all obsessed over that food truck girl
There are multiple girls to choose from
It's to express ourselves
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What is this utter slop? Why is YouTube pushing flash games on us? Of all the additions they could make to the site and they decide to do THIS?
gonna do it. gonna set my alarm for 8 and just get up no matter how much sleep I've had (5 hours POSSIBLE). no more waking up at 2pm. gonna sort it all out starting with my sleeping pattern. wish me luck lads... and goodnight
such an excellent album
all yank slop don't ask us
millennial wagie in a shitbox
millennial wagie in a shitbox
I’m a second gen immigrant that got a 100K+ job thanks to DEI initiatives.
Life is good.
i really hate niggers lads :/
can tell tom cruise is gay because when he was young he could have played a convincing Freddie Mercury
what is your ethnicity
I grew up near a sudanese neighbourhood
I reckon about a fifth of sudo men are married to aussie women. In a decade or so they'll be a battalion of mulattos around aus beating the brakes off of chuds.
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I like 'em
what is faustian
what's faust
can't believe nicolas cage was 23 in raising arizona, cunt has looked about 35 his entire life
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Oh the misery
Every single person is my enemy
Oh the treachery
Every single person wants to be, my enemy
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Goethe's Faust is a book
You've looked ugly your whole life
faust is a german tale of a man who sold his soul to the devil for infinite knowledge and material gain

faustian is a term used to describe this, or the "faustian civilisation" as described by German philosopher Oswald Spengler, the civilisation we live in, the Catholic European one that arose in early medieval Europe and conquered the world, famously with its prime symbol of infinite expansion and boundless depth. traits or behaviours that embody this european pioneer spirit as seen as "faustian" ironically online
I am ethnically, racially, culturally and phenotypically not white
Not jewish either unfortunately
Secret trench promotes sloppy, drunken - albeit passionate - SEX
brazen post, how do you know i'm not a mental case with nothing to lose who is capable of tracking you down? think about it
you couldn't track down a pint in a pub
Get the fuck out of my country
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explain it more simply tro me please
probably some weird indian then
only thing you could track is your ubereats order you fat spastic
i'm a schooner man myself
why is /brit/ being so mean to me today? i'm sensitive for god's sake >:/
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but pubs sell pints so tracking one down in one would be an exceedingly trivial task, unless of course the pub was out of booze or something but that's a rare circumstance and shouldn't be applied to this situation as the norm
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faustian = endless pursuit of knowledge and material gain at the expense of madness or loss of spirit

faustian civilisation = the west, that commonly acts like this because it subconsciously seeks infinite expansion and knowledge
we all hate ylou for ebing a poo poo head
made for LJC
oh righttttttttttttttttttt
that's so fetch
thanks niga
I won’t
You cant really do much from over there
must be grim not being white
rajesh mukdoor
Him? Done.
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*enters the thread*
You're brown mate
Skin's the colour of poo
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It’s aight
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Bums poo
Can't be all bad can it
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...I'm Korean...
having a slice of coon
sorry, "cheer" as the woke mobs insist on calling it
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Might turn on the 'tube and watch more videos of starmer letting off migrants while imprisoning brits for a laugh
Since everyone is coming out with their race, I'll admit it too
I'm actually black lads. You've been reading posts typed by my long charcoal ashy black appendages involuntarily this whole time. Your eyes don't deserve it, I'm sorry
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Aussies want to deport THIS
why do politicians hate white people so much
Can't stop thinking about the amount of suffering in the world. It's too much to take.
Alexa, pull up that stat about white men being the biggest victims of interracial violence in the UK
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Me? I....I'm....IRISH
they put it on themselves 95% of the time
where's the scatman?
i'm the scatman.
peter folk is my favourite actor

wings of desire innit

and urghh

suffering is what makes us human or something
Damn it's so hopeless
If that was true, religion wouldn't have been invented to make life easier for people.
The only people that get deported in australia are kiwis
The rest know how to play the game and go under the rader, even retarded pozzed euros
have to learn to block that shit out, it's been a source of depression for me my whole life
...and so then I told him DAS WAR EIN BEFEHL
*roars laughing as I slap my knee*
do you reckon muslims actually care about that cube or is it just an excuse to go on vacation with de lads
do you reckon anyone cares about you?
yeah me too, I'm an empath
Look man, I'm bored, there's nothin else to do!

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Imagine fucking an indian girl and an asian girl at the same time...Aussies really have no room to complain
yeah i reckon they think it's like muhammad's tomb even though it's kind of a secret what's actually inside, muzzards are wacky
really just sounds like something really fun to do
like a massive carnival with likeminded people, you'd go
most psychopathic mfs always be saying stuff like im an empath
Nahhh but they also have to fuck the Abbo girls too.. and imagine that fucking smelll,.. Bro they're gonna fucking die from that smell.
it's abo not abbo
Aussies are WILD mate
They'll fuck ANYTHING that's not nailed down
Nah son. It's Abbo. I decided that 15 years ago.
it IS abo, not sure where you're getting the extra b from
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here's Flora
exactly. sounds like a lads holiday
Yeah? Who says it's "abo"? Cause I didn't says that. And at the end of the day, it's I that makes the rules innit. Me. And I says it's Abbo. Capish?
Abos are mostly good people brought down a few slew of bad
I once rode my bike through a few abo towns, i met so many people that invited me to their house for a feed
aussies be like "aw nawr! it's an abawr!"
it's short for aboriginal which has a single 'b' in it
take your meds mousey
bro typing like an italian mob boss on 4chan
I'm not Mousey.
well take your meds random unnamed schizo
imagine being spoonfed by an abo… here comes the aeroplane
never met an abo before. would probably ask if he's half black or something and it would be very awkward if i did
Got weirded out when I saw hundreds of new posts then realised I've had a cheeky hour's sleep on the sofa
Scran a moped and take the homelesspill
reckon a lot of aboriginals (not using cringe aussie slang) could pass as some type of Hispanic if they lived in the states
full blooded abos are very very black but i think the mixed race ones are more common than the full blooded ones these days
we don't and it's not
The only people that really hate abos, and I mean really hate them, are whites in rockhampton and the like
But if you've ever met them, you know why exactly abos act the way they do there
It's a tit for tat situation

P.S most abo cusine is just basic bitch Anglo-Aussie cuisine
>cringe aussie slang
it's literally just an abbreviation that is now widely considered offensive
they look quintessentially american
is it just me or is this dude shaded like a cartoon character? when I opened the pic I thought he was a king of the hill character for a second
"spic" is widely regarded as a slur and it's just an abbreviation of "Hispanic"
I'm straight up not having a good time
I've unironically met more than a few really dark indians who've complained about cops/clerks being rough to them because they think they're abos
sosij ciabatta and sosij roll for the half past 4am ish scranolio
in my opinion abos look quite similar to some groups of south indians
I just watched the pilot for Columbo, shall be watching every episode
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Yeah he's cel shaded bro
this bloke looks just like my uncle tho
for me it's Princess Bride
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very based
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silent hill 2 remake looking good lads
What happened to those planes that flew into the towers on nine eleven? Did they land in the field afterwards? What became of the poor souls on board??
wtf is this real?????
time to meticulously study his diction, mannerisms and style then adopt it, I'm thinking.
Kek and based
oh my days
Is this real?
they melted the steel beams
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Am I meant to believe that this image is from the same game as this?
gamergate failed, chuds lost.
I got wet in the rain and when I got home I undressed and my testicles were hard as rocks, just like when I get out of the pool.
no you didn't
be quiet
>when the year is 2028 and Blackrock police agents come to seize my vinyl records because I cancelled my Spotify subscription
>my vinyl records
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reckon you lads were right to leave the EU. sinking ship imo
dudes with their retirement accounts be like
>oh boy I'll be so financially stable when I'm 80!
hehe lad

im a lad, your a lad, hes a lad, shes a lad

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I snort bitches farts like it's cocaine
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Fuck off
like your posts are any better
Why does she have such long fingers?
probably the most rapeable phenotype
all the better to stick up ya bum
are you considering raping anyone in future?
The old Blair is now a ghost, clanking his chains at dinners and symposiums, imprisoned for life in a world of irrelevance by his foolish decisions. Ever since this tragedy (for him, not for us), others have been seeking to emulate his magic. Keir "Poo" Barmer has done it.
Might become a gymnastics coach
he looks a bit like the bloke who played llewellyn moss in no country for old men (2007)
Do I have big hands lads?
A lad off Quora said to glue a piece of rubber to wood and tap them and drink protein shakes but I don't know wtf he's even talking about really
screaming if that's real
no + get a grip + lose weight
of course it's not real dummy
it makes sense to be that angela would be a bit dumpy given how traumatic her life was
why are incels so allergic to unattractive women in games, and then flipping over to screech about unrealistic male beauty standards in games
you never know with japs, sometimes they make extremely inappropriate remarks because of a combination of cultural differences and translation issues
>been a NEET for 1.5 months now
>live in London yet half the offers I get on Linkedin are in Newcastle

is Newcastle experiencing an economic boom or something?
europapa europapa
>why are all the NEW jobs appearing in NEW castle
you figure it out mate
>>been a NEET for 1.5 months now
ktim except 1.5 decades almost
have you considered getting a job?
yeah, i'm thinking about getting a certificate in whatever i need and becoming a fifo miner and getting rich
watching spanian videos
even though he's a depicable thug and king of the eshays i find him interesting
are they offers or "offers"
a lot of jobs on linkedin tend to be fake because they're trying to generate traffic so the algorithim notices them and then advertently starts pushing them forward, making it a loop
about to get started on the cans
somersby apple cider that is
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Bro it's fucking OVER my dude
I need training tips, HGH
I've met him three times (unlike you)
He's not a thug, you unironically won't meet a guy as genuine as him out there. Just don't do business with him and you're good.
This is so: >>202213661
i haven't met him and i don't want to, once a degenerate always a degenerate as far as i'm concerned, he's also a clinically diagnosed psychopath
Now /int/ come
I mean Australia
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Thas a doo
He is by definition not a pyscopath because he clearly cares for the kid he had with his ex.
Ye /int/
The streams of migrations we are showing
people with antisocial tendencies can still express compassion for children and animals, this is well-documented
he very openly doesn't feel bad about all the shit he did in the past and says he loved being a criminal
screen just went orange
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doing ein poo und einen wee
Wikipedia donation ads are obnoxious as hell just use ads like any normal website sanctimonious cunts
also not for one second do I believe their claim even 2%of all their readers donate more like 0.002 or something
find it weird how there are ESLs on this board with their own generals where they speak their jibber jabber language to each other like it's totally normal, gives me the fear to be honest
coldberg rearing its ugly head
weekend ruined
lads are you city, country, or suburbanite?
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Genuinely baffles me that this is a Hollywood leading lady now.
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had a dream that I bought a ham pizza and on it was just one enormous circular slice of ham
sounds vile, almost gagged just reading this
He sold drugs, which was shitty, but it's not like he was a murderer or whatever.

Not condoning his lifestyle, I never got into drugs hard myself. But most people in spanian's shoes are doing life in prison or dead.
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ffs rorke
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before he was a drug dealer he went around mugging people at knifepoint, sometimes assaulting them with bricks and shit
not only that, even after he retired from criminality he made videos teaching people how to do this, he's not sorry at all
yea spanian is a subhuman as well as anyone who defends him
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luv me centrelink
fucking her in the bathroom as she dies
things done changed on this side
remember they used to thump, well now they blast right
>white american women when their 23andme says they're 10& Native American.
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irish people are highly unserious
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>29 years old
>extremely mentally ill
>long term unemployed
>live with mum
>no gf
>no social life
it's over isn't it
ask your mum if she'll be your gf
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Taylor Swift performs with Cher Lloyd at the Staples Center in Los Angeles (2013)
Just done one of those farts that scratches your itchy arse.
you're just an eternally online sperg not "extremely mentally ill" just apply everywhere and hope something good sticks
i'd like to have given either of their toes a nice sucking after that show
get in the mines lad
how does being an eternally online sperg not constitute being extremely mentally ill
I've got something that can scratch that itch
no sympathy for people aged over 30 who are still fuck ups
it’s understandable for someone in their 20s but by 30 you should have figured it out
mad how oblivion came out 18 years ago and is still better than most of the goyslop getting released today
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>mum is nice enough to let you live with her
My family situation?
What constitutes a fuck up? Just still living with parents and without a career? Reckon I can get that solved by 30
being extremely mentally ill is like being in a psychward not that
i've in in the psych ward a couple of times
Being incel as FUCK
it's honestly a buggy piece of shit with horrible combat
if it came out in 2024 you'd hate it
feel like SHIT
having trouble balancing my two favourite hobbies (driving around aimlessly, and drinking)
extreme mental illness means literally not able to function, borderline insane, not a lad with a bit of the 'tism sitting at home quietly typing out normal coherent posts
thanks for saying my posts are coherent, probably the nicest thing anyone's said to me in years
Have you tried combining them?
Comparing the sentiments when he visits a ghetto in Australia/the US to a ghetto in Eastern Europe is funny.
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>10-year-old girl dies from cardiac arrest after falling out apartment window in the Bronx: police
NGL lads my knee hurts like FUCK
dogberg likes going for walkies
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hmm it could work
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Model Jordan (R) poses with Paul Gascoigne's father during the reception party for the annual British Book Awards (known as the Nibbies) at Grosvenor House, Park Lane (2005)
prefer MSM powder over that honestly
drinking wee
walkies ball Z
I have glucosamine and potassium chloride...what's the sulfate?
i dunno about eastern european but he walks around the "hoods" of sydney which are just a bunch of centre link dorks on loud bikes and compares them to actual unironic ghettos where people die everyday
blows my mind
get some jello (gelatin) in you
just popped in the thread to say poo
I'll be off now
Best I got is pectin...
Is it..*GULP*..Over?
When he visited Dandenong & Wollongong most comments were like "yeah, this is a shithole".
When he visited shitty parts in Serbia & Romania most comments were triggered and were talking about how safe it was despite it looking like a shithole.

(Dandenong & Wollongong are about as safe, if not safer)
what are YOU doing to contribute to total aryan victory?
watching columbo and smoking weed
watching weed and smoking columbo
is she pregnant with big harv there
He's the poor mans hero. The modern day Robin Hood.

Petrochemicals. Ring any bells?
Playing dragon quest 1
Under 3 quid (android) seemed like a bargain
stop smoking that muck
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I'm escaping ELF waves by washing the morgellons off my skin and eliminating them from my body
good thread here about yanks fundamentally not getting it

They may not necessarily be classified as 'edibles' but painkillers and vitamins are often packed full of petrochemicals. They contain acetylsalicylic acid, the active ingredient in a multitude of over the counter painkillers such as aspirin. Food additives can also be packed full of petroleum.Jan 15, 2016
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Heh...fuckin little yanklets oughta kill them themselves
Then we'd all be satisfied
just used the term mumberg in an irl conversation, tried to pass it off as a cough but idk if it worked
when I was a wee lad I used to suck on pistachio shells because I enjoyed how salty they were
rorke getting farted on as we speak
there is an obscene number of Irish people in Sydney
I've got something salty for you to suck on
*basketball swish sound effect*
Irish people are traditional custodians or something
Need powerful AI to find oil alternatives. Need super-recycling. Need a clue. I need a woman. Not some Vegas slut. Parading around in those tight pants with your pussy showing.
you have 10 seconds to name a British speech as iconic as the US Gettysburg address
enoch powell rivers of blood
I have something insightful to say about this but the janman banned me the last time I said it
nahhhhhh rorke
the Churchill one about fighting on beaches
was waiting for this answer
well done
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SHIEAH dis nigga TIREDRAW it dis nigga bedtime bouta catch some Zs
i hate winston churchill, literally was manipulated by jews to warmonger against germany because he was in debt to them
nothing wrong with jews
grow up
*instantly grows a long grey beard*
say it
he masturbated jews
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corr great substitution
all upside for me
When irish girls aren't in their racially designated role in australia as lollipop ladies, they're working in call centres as telemarketers

I've done work for a few charities which often had a disproportional amount of irish women and they (unlike spanian) were honest to god psycopaths. I mean literally finetuning script that others had to follow when making calls to make it as gut wrenching as possible and shaming the customer for not donating.

Also, absolutely huge sluts that would fuck anything.
wassup niggas
...bit racist
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All women are whores and all women make everything impossible
don't understand why people wanted to be rich prior to the mid-20th century, there was nothing to buy back then, no lambos or yachts or anything
I'm a 30 year old virgin, I can't grow a beard, I have a full head of hair, I'm 5 foot 6, I am still ID'd in off licenses and I have a 3 inch penis.
being poor meant you were much more likely to die
believed it until willy size
no one has a 3 inch willy
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off to gymtoil, enjoy your new thread waiting room suckers
girthmogs me
kin ell
would love to lick the bellend until you moan and squirt on my tongue
yeah that's not you
Drawing/painting materials
Grand piano
Foreign nicknaks and gadgets like Chinese silk paper finger traps
wee woo wee woo early alert
JANNEDRAW in real time
Just witnessed something
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picking chunks of poo out of my arse and giving them a sniff and a lick
the official new

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