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Cutiefornian edition
Previous: >>202242657
Commiefornia edition.
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if you live south of Lodi lower your tone when posting
Need unitedstatian gf
really woke up on the wrong side of the bed today. been downright bitchy since morning.
saturday afternoon is basically sunday which is basically monday which is hell
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this is wildly embarrassing, why are libs so stupid
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you may not like it, but this is what someone who has been in the americas longer looks like.
flyover seethe in 5..4..3
> Lodi
literally where?
small gas station suburb south of Sacramento
Because they think that people are interchangeable, and that we have magic soil, so the moment someone enters a country they magically become different.
They don't recognize that much of personality is genetic, and the rest comes from generations of culture being taught to you.
people are saying that getting a women liquored up to fuck her is rape.
are the amish racist?
Like a rock or dead?
I hope so, for their own sake.
They probably don't think about other races.
it's not but if she says it is the court might agree because law and pretty much everything is massively biased towards women
>Because they think that people are interchangeable, and that we have magic soil, so the moment someone enters a country they magically become different.
How does anyone come up with something so stupid and braindead though? like it's got to just be a joke or something right
thoughts on the name Gina
Ok incel
electronic music isn't real music
none whatsoever
They don't even know blacks exist
Someone was smoking meth on the bus.
I sure do love politics, but what movement could use an angry, fat white guy who has a lot of opinions and who hates listening?

Also, and I know you didn't ask, but I'm violently angry towards white women who are either gay or attracted to black men.
That profoundly stupid idea that’s wholly unreflective of reality is the basis of egalitarianism. Look up concepts like “tabula rasa,” which is “blank slate” in Latin, ie what they think everyone is born as. It’s also why they’re so obsessed with stuff like education, since they think the way people end up is entirely the result of nurture, and not nature. Muh “socioeconomic factors” lol
>How does anyone come up with something so stupid and braindead though?
It's from people like Rousseau,and the continuation of that philosophical idea. Back when they were only guessing about how we were hundreds of thousands of years ago.
>like it's got to just be a joke or something right
Never underestimate the power of midwits to champion wrong ideas.
>Much of the social history of the Western world over the past three decades has involved replacing what worked with what sounded good. In area after area – crime, education, housing, race relations – the situation has gotten worse after the bright new theories were put into operation. The amazing thing is that this history of failure and disaster has neither discouraged the social engineers nor discredited them. - Thomas Sowell
this is what i'd guess. very very few people have ever converted to the amish and of those i can't imagine many were nonwhite. they probably only see white people most of the time. if they do think about other races it's probably in a missionary sense
if i get a vespa it will remind women of living their dream in italia riding around the old world countryside
A convenient source of energy
You had better be nice to me or I will tweet to my 20,000 followers to never come to this shithole again.
nice, i've been thinking of getting a scooter too for store runs and the like when it isn't snowy as an af outside
Of course they do
ok faggot lmaoooo
>Of course they do
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time to drink and cry
Chuds be calling for the entirety of California, New York and a few other states to be nuked but piss and shit themselves when you make a joke about Trump dying.
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georgina is a legitimately nice name, but the shortening it to gina is weird
georgie is also weird but in a more posh way
‘Tis a fine barn, but sure it is no pool, English
yes, yes... good goy... keep buying the fermented jew and going to therapy... never address your issues and opt for short term paid relief.. paid to me of course...
some guy in twitch chat just asked if suicide lines help people
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shut the fuck up
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i wish my name was homer

Amish are big ballers, took dem niggas to SCHOOL
>fermented jew
What's a fermented jew?
I was closing in on 9k followers when the Elon-bots banned me for quoting the Simpsons lmao. Then I couldn't get the banned overturned since no one reviews the appeals of auto-bans, meaning I was banned by bots and then had my ban upheld by other bots haha.
my name is from the OT
i feel like this is directed at me
cause you're a faggot?
>took dem niggas to SCHOOL
Too bad it wasn't literally.
I think 90% of society's problems could be solved if we dicked down those danger hair Tumblr types
They all just need a hot dicking
shoot yourself
I'm not actually a faggot I just have a homosexual aura.
Like art dealers or the French.
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Jebediah got that wet wet, unc out there can't believe his eyes
Most of the tumblr rejects got into this mess, because they were taken advantage of, because their parents didn't raise them to identify bad people, and the birth control they're on prevents their brain from doing risk analysis properly.
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i meant to message around for apartments today but ended up scrolling instead
I recently saw someone post a screenshot of Urkel’s Twitter with one of his selfies to a Telegram account I’ve been following for a long time. Weird crossover of worlds
/cum/ is the centerpiece of the internet
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late lunch
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Nah that's /brit/
I'd get the runs for days from that.
nice mohawk
whats his favorite punk band
Imagine eating this good after abolishing the gold standard and creating the petrodollar
no it's not
Franz Ferdinand
Someone I know is both lactose intolerant and allergic to pineapple, so I imagine it’d be a similar story lol
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I wonder if General Barbecue ever got this fat cat
My brother, born over 4000 grams, has a normative IQ of 127. I was born 530 grams, with an IQ of 95. It's over
ok fat
Happy 4:20!!!! And FUCK that guy who was smoking meth lmao. Shit smelled terrible.
>Franz F
I had four slices of bacon, four eggs, two slices of buttered artisan nice toast, two glasses of whole milk, and a coffee for breakfast.
If not, that's the type of person we give citizenship to.
hey mr dj come pon de replay
hey mr dj won't you turn the music up
Anal Cunt :)
>newfag thinks his le bad word band is unheard of
go back (to india)
i'm a hawkpilled tuahcel
>NEW YORK TIMES: "It is becoming increasingly likely that there will be no clear and immediate winner on election night and that early returns could give a false impression of who will ultimately prevail."

>"If a winner is not declared on election night, it will not necessarily point to failures in the process. More likely, it will be a result of the intense security measures required for counting mail-in ballots."
ahhhh...yes...totally normal totally legit
Ackchyually it’s not funny to me because of le bad word, but rather because it’s very noisy and obnoxious music, which I find funny to imagine a bird listening to and enjoying; very unlike bird song
sounds like the fortification plan is coming along nicely
What's your complaint?
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>, it will not necessarily point to failures in the process
yup, kinda crazy that literally every other first world country on earth knows the results in like 4 hours after the polls close.
I forgive you anon.
But the important question is, can you forgive yourself?
votes don't even matter anyways, it's all about who's bought out the electoral college
Gotta justify rigging the election somehow.
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The electoral college?
drinking red wine
*and eating ham
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There's currently a group in Canada that registers an absurd amount of people onto the by-election ballots, causing the counting process to take much longer. They did it in the St Paul's by-election.
84 candidates. Over a meter long.
First time in Canadian history where there was a candidate that didn't get a vote, because someone ran that wasn't in the area, and couldn't vote for himself.
It's being done in protest, for Trudeau not doing election reform.
ooooooooooooooo you're in trooooooobbbbbbbblllleeeeee
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Nibbas cant even eat popeye's in peace without followers tweeting about it on social media(the quran)

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nigga scared to say nigga on an anonymous message board
this one is a classic
um i think you mean melanated american
"On the beach, getting tanned and sipping coronas. I've got a monetary plan and it involves a lot of toner" -Jerome Powell
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Alex jones voice: come on over here!
>the last 7 words of Jesus
Ow ow ow ow this really hurts.
cynics were found to be

- less educated in 29/30 countries
- less literate in 28/30 countries
- less numerate in 29/30 countries
- less computer-literate in 23/26 countries
please bless my stocks mr. jerome.
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>matthew 27:46
Let's get down to brass tax.
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cum is a women loving general
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Love these sharty hadith edits
Let's blow off some steam
That makes sense given that the past 100 years have been nothing but technological advancement and exponential growth of wealth.
What were your ancestros doing 37 thousand years ago?
I used to have a safe for work /cum/ girl gimmick with fake cum and stuff but then the janitor started banning me for nsfw so whatever. no gimmick lasts forever
Are you thinking of the 19th century? Stock markets have basically been flat since the Great Depression if you analyze it in real terms, accounting for inflation etc
Eating, fucking, killing, playing, developing the intelligence to build society as we see it.
okay i'm back

no, there are unironically more non-black people in this religion than black people despite it originating from africa.
the gods do not care what your race is. in fact this religion's mythology teaches that these african gods created white people along with other races.
how it works is through symmetry magick. the coconut is symbolic of the person's head just like a voodoo doll is symbolic of a person's body.
by inserting ingredients in the coconut like hot peppers, gun powder, etc (all magical ingredients with very hot, firey energy), you are making the person agitated, heated, etc.
by inserting the person's name, address, picture, etc in the coconut, you form an energetic link to them.
okay so basically i have to be very careful with how i explain this because i don't want to be put on a hit list and JFK'd.
but basically the economic state of a country is not indicative of how powerful their system of magick is.
europeans once had powerful magick but unfortunately most european religions have not survived christianization and have been watered down unlike afro-caribbean religions which is why afro-caribbean sorcery is still powerful.
western elites (royal illuminati bloodlines) practice high magick in the form of kabbalah (qliphoth) which is how they run the deep state and control all internal affairs of western governments.
caribbean magicians could easily overthrow their governments if they wanted to but they still lack the intelligence, education, resources, etc to successfully run a country.
but that still doesn't mean their magick isn't powerful.
this basically
i left them to the sun and sky and let nature and the universe do its thing.
i drove to the park and left them there
Only 6 more working days until I am on vacation for 6 weeks. I can't fucking wait
“In case of a nuclear war 99% of people in the Untied States, Europe, China and Russia would die.

5 billion would subsequently starve”

You, who reads this tweet, would be dead!

-> Folks Ukraine is not worth that!
this nigga really believes in voodoo
Swedish incel streaming
you know that feel when you eat something super greasy and you feel like shit
brian is a yakub believer lmaooo
no not really
I’m R1b, so if you walk back to ancestral haplogroups until you hit the time period you stated, they would have been in Central Asia or Siberia, per this article:

This would have been before the Proto Indo European (Aryan) culture developed, and before Native Americans and Europeans split into different groups, going opposite directions
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I like this kot a lot
some of the gods i'm devoted to originated from voodoo.
voodoo comes from vodun in west africa.
some orishas/irunmoles come from the kingdom of dahomey if i recall correctly.
i think i heard one guy say obatala comes from the arara people of dahomey.
babalu aye is also a notable example of a spirit from the dahomey kingdom.

also there are white people who practice voodoo
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Begal cats are expensive
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why are they so expensive though
Supply and demand people like coat
*beagle cats
>western elites practice high magick
>opsec = magic
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hmm I also like Maine Coons they're cool as well
it's so fucking over
Literally yeah. What do you think the word “occult” means
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Those are big kitties
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yeah they are though almost too big
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don't click on this if you don't want to see TRIBAL TITTIES I just thought it's funny seeing a modern grocery store and girls from the stone age
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kot love borgir
The most obvious sign that someone doesn't read the NYT is that they think it's some ultra-lib paper that's biased against Trump lmao. The entire paper's basically just the geriatric comments section from Fox News.com at this point, something that leaks out from the op-eds and ends up in every other section. It's like the entire staff there's wholly dedicated to sanitizing every unhinged, unfounded, and idiotic thing said/done by the GOP so that the Republicans can be presented in the best light possible, while working overtime to paint a constant message of "Dems in disarray."

Everything sex-scandal and court conviction Trump suffers is actually a "win" for him and the Republicans, who are always united, confident, popular, and strong. If Trump is so rattled by performing so terribly against Harris that he refuses to debate her ever again, even on Fox, it’s actually a sign he both won the debate against an overprepared Harris and that he only lost the debate because it was rigged against him. If the majority of TV viewers say Trump embarrassed himself, the NYT will find the undecided voters who believe Trump won and therefore plan to vote for him a fifth time this November.

It’s almost impressive how ruthlessly effective the Republicans and their supporters have been at taking over all mainstream media in the country. Simply keep screaming that there’s some leftwing conspiracy and that the voices of wealthy white people, rural white Republicans, and white Evangelical/Trad Caths are being silenced and you can operate the NYT like a puppet. Just keep screaming that the country’s moving ever-leftwards and you can get Utah Republicans to start calling for the total eradication of Social Security, Medicare, and the Department of Education, and a Republican justice calling for the overturning of Brown v. Board, all proposals that would’ve horrified conservative Republicans back in the ‘50s/60s/70s.
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yes he do
didn't read lmao
ur wrong
leaf filter = reenabled
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kot also love BLINI
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only russia kot does so
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lmao that bird wanted a snack
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I love college football, bros
what does "opsec" have to do with anything
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I never got into it, but I'm going to a pro game this year, ought to be fun
goyslop entertainment
i wish you nothing but pain and suffering
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yes! thankfully kot sit behind glass pane safely
That looks flavorful
its basically NFL football but with more meme magic, fun, bullshit, parity and drama
>wanting to have sex with a child
illegal, toby. now that you're back, i'm outta here
eastern europe is a shithole but some of the info in the temple of maergzirah comes from slavic mythology.

maergjirahan sorcery is more powerful than qliphothic sorcery from what i've heard.

me reckons this is a mousey imposter
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that is a very LONG CAT
about to have sex
i'm convinced people who like cats have never actually owned one because if you did you'd realize how shitty they actually are and their cuteness doesn't justify their shitty behavior.
they're worthless animals.
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he's easy to tell apart
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boring bait from a low IQ retard
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>but you shouldnt stop with yourself and trying to do your job properly, and, if you cant explain how him posting the game show character over and over again isnt spam/flooding, then ban it

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>and if you dont believe me that i have more to say - i would use my example to ask you if you could ever go to the /brit/ threat, at any time of the day, on any day, ALL DAY go to /brit/ and look through the thread, and not see a single Bradley. if you went there all the time to do that, then by the end of the week how many threads would there not have been a single bradley (noting that it is all one person) in it, in 7 days?
ive more to say about that and then on to the next but i just want those posts to be ready
mousey isn't here. it's a bunch of retarded brits spamming our general
I am the guy from this morning that was struggling with a bike ride. Turns out the brake pads are rubbing against the wheel so it barely moves. So I'm not THAT out of shape, it was just my bike was barely functioning.
non sentient amerifat schizo
go touch some grass it should still be light outside where you are
Reminder you can't report me to the janny
I am the janny

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are large buttocks evolutionary advantageous
Lmao I even remember talking to my dad some months back and listening to him seethe about how Biden WASN'T going to pardon his son for the crimes he committed. Why was my Republican father seething? Because he was 100% confident Biden would pardon his son right before he left office, and he felt that doing such a thing would be a scumbag move. Why was he treating this thing that hadn't yet happened (if it ever even happens) as yet another "injury" Republicans have already suffered, and yet another episode of Republicans being victimized? The answer is painfully obvious, even to the most brain-washed of Trump cultists: pardoning your felonious family members is something that Trump would do, the obvious next extension of the scandalous pardons Trump had awarded out to his friends and political allies irl. If Trump’s strategy is to undermine the justice system by bailing your friends out of facing consequences for their wrongdoing while decrying every prosecution done against you and your friends as a political witch hunt, then surely the Democrats will do the same exact thing the Republicans are doing, right? Which is therefore an automatic cause for more anger.

>Yes, it might be we Republicans who’re fighting dirty and hitting below the belt, but could you imagine if it were the Dems doing to us what we’re doing to them?! That would be outrageous! Why aren’t we fighting back against this thing we’re imagining happening to us! We need to go even MORE scorched-earth now, since everything we’re doing to them is actually being done by them against us!

It’s often observed that Eisenhower, Nixon, and Reagan would be expelled from today’s GOP for the crime of being lib-tards, but I don’t think that’s fully accurate. They’d more likely just be shot by today's Republicans.
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yeah cause they make you want to sexo
kisses u o nth ebelyl
You can't post that
>replying to yourself
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it's over, done, finished, it never began actually
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It's a secondary sex characteristic. It's not directly advantageous for things like food creation, etc. It secondary, because it makes men what to bang them, passing on their genes.
kill yourself fat
what physical features in a woman are directly advantageous
an IQ
STUDY: Whites who endorse diversity move away from diversity.

Anti-Trump whites move to areas that are *no less* white than pro-Trump whites.

Same result in Britain with white pro- and anti-Brexit voters.
Fine motor skills of fingers to create the pottery so we could store and clean water, to sew hides together for warmth.
can loremasters tell me why he's called mousenonce/ratpedo
He obsesses over this cartoon mouse >>202249649
These republican pick me girls who vote against their own interests are a dime a dozen.
Same women who vote red then get upset when they can’t get plan B at the pharmacy.
the real mousey is here
Ca va
Obviously. Multi-culturalism is a failed experiment. White Flight is a term for a reason.
Also bringing in immigrants is a luxury belief of people who won't feel the ramifications of it. Remember when that rich area of NY(Martha's Vineyard or whatever) got buses of illegals, and they called a State Of Emergency? It's only a problem when they have to deal with it, if everyone else has to deal with it, then they don't care. They'll burn everything down, so long as they can get cheep slaves.
>who vote against their own interests
Except it's not against their interests. It's against your interests.
>can’t get plan B at the pharmacy
Conservative women aren't going to parties and getting pump'n'dumped, so they don't need Plan B. I think you're confusing the sluts that are around you.
Reminder: You can claim to be conservative, but not actually be conservative, because it requires actions and not just words.
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There's bound to be a ghost at the back of your closet
No matter where you live
There'll always be a few things, maybe several things
That you're going to find really difficult to forgive
what's your favorite candy? nerds are mine
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who, not that.
peanut m&ms.
that's why i'm attracted to guys with big beefy hairy butts
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as much i hate mexicans, they have better candy than americans.
hate mexicans? how come?
five pin bowling doesn't exist outside Canada

its bowling but with five pins and smaller balls

we're a nation of small balls
Dodge or Parry?
they're unintelligent, uneducated, trashy, loud, obnoxious, they don't assimilate, they trash up entire neighborhoods, their kids assimilate into black american culture and act like niggers, i could go on.
Dreaming californication
damn san francisco is so beautiful
is that all?
Depends on the game. If both are equally viable, then parry.
you could shit your pants although youd have to duct tape the legs to make sure no fruit flies go up there
yea pretty much. some mexicans live near me and they're insufferable
Current immigration is just a form of punishment for out-group whites.
>nerds are mine
Noooo don't eat me :p
I don't want a gf I NEED a gf
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little unintelligent, uneducated, trashy, loud, and obnoxious myself
you need a boyfriend
white trash and mexicans are one and the same
you are the definition of white trash thougheverbeit
i am an upper class member of society
Sexo con spinster
you'll never work in this town again, toots
I will always find it hilarious that brian is a libtard, but also insanely racist to the point he'd be in the KKK if he were older.
i'm more so classist than racist. it's mainly lower class mexicans i hate. upper class mexicans aren't subhuman like them.
also life is nuanced and only sticking to one political side is really low iq.
upper class mexicans are half spanish or more, that's just racism also you don't make enough money to be considered middle class, you're lower class
probably why i get along swell with them.
>Asian Girls or Asian Girls (male)
White boy's dilemma
it's okay for men to cry
but only if their favorite football team loses
maybe if their grandma dies
but thats it
>also life is nuanced and only sticking to one political side is really low iq
so why are you always spouting libtard talking points like you're a speechwriter for kamballo
very gay post
Nword backwards is Brown
Mousenonce head in a hydraulic press, he screams in pain while his eyes pop out
ah boloney. i cry anytime i feel like it and have the privacy. great for the feelings and sinuses.
Water is the tool of the devil
class is a state of mind and being. i have more in common with the average upper class person than the average lower or middle class person.
plus i am a temporarily embarrassed millionaire.
because it's funny making chuds seethe.
i act more liberal if i'm talking to chuds and more right wing if i'm talking to libtards.
My tummy has hurt ALL DAY. I woke up having shat the bed (literally,) and I've been on the toilet a solid 6 hours today, pouring gallons of dark liquid out of my anus.
>and more right wing if i'm talking to libtards.
I've never seen you do this. Just admit you're a libtard it's really not that big of a deal, they love the gays like you
Sounds like you need a bidet
Forgot to renew my Illuminati membership card!
> I woke up having shat the bed (literally)
yeah that's not a stomach problem that's you being a nasty ass
that's because libtards aren't on 4chan, they're on reddit and tiktok where i shit on them.
i resonate more with the left culturally and more with the right with views towards the government, diet, etc.
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>I use reddit and tiktok
>they love the gays like you
they hate right wing lgbt people, just look at all the hate blaire white gets on a daily basis from libtards even though she's trans
you need to sacrifice your yearly infant
and? the average person does. being sheltered from mainstream culture is incel behavior.
fat is having a mental breakdown
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I use my bath faucet as a bidet.
Mousenonce in a wood chipper
i mostly follow cute e girls and musicians on tiktok. i use instagram for memes and also cute e girls.
There's nothing wrong with tiktok
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Le namefag low quality post ::::DDDD
what did you eat that is causing diarrhea? also, please drink gallons of water.
>no 35mm stream tonight
I suffer
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drank some milk that was 2 weeks past the expiration date and now i feel dizzy
christianity is the only reason why people are even right wing
>le cinephile poster
i didn't want it to go to waste
But you already did
I love Freddy Got Fingered
i drank it, so it didn't go to waste
it is mostly pulp that he streams but the rips looks great and you get to arch with fellow anons
Feels like being in an old theatre with friends
make new
But you let it expire first so it was already wasted
What's a 35mm stream?
>finally get home on time to watch UFC and drink beer
>Women's MMA
No thanks.
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thank god im not a fuckin wop

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