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this is me. im not Jesus though
neither is Christian Bale
but at the same time we are all sort of Jesus
Fuck OFF gingernonce
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unpopular opinion: cut marks make girls cuter
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Humvee with a 105mm howitzer
Only 3 minutes to shoot 2 rounds and drive off
Very cool
squirrerorke doing an operation on a sedated squirrel with some fentanyl and another (like propanol) with a big ACME mallet on a spring hovering over its head in case it wakes up (doing it actually properly would GENUINELY make big brother more mad)
Why are all the yank posters so fucking detestable and mentally ill
I say that as the biggest Brit schizo posts
Very grim
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>if millions of braindead consoomers watch it, that means it must be good!
>nooooo how could you know it will be humane unless a big ACME mallet squishes its head
football is good though
No it's not be quiet
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they're not holding back lads this is what they believe in
we tried to tell you and you still voted for them and called us loony lefties
*sniff sniff*
its not a crime to open up squirrels bellies/chests and give squirrels vasectomies
why would it not be a crime?
mouse, posts like these makes you look insane
grey ones, that is
I would love to watch a squirrel chew your testicles off
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From berlin
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it's up on hansard lads
patak's butter chicken for tea
how is it a crime? not an argument
killing them "has to be humane" - which is obviously the right way it should be (the law)
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it's animal cruelty
you cant round up all the grey squirrels and donate them to schools for anatomy class (which we should have in this country)
they would just breed more
Unironically the only way to fix the economy is to invest like mad
Get young people buying houses
agnosticism is correct
just give everyone a house
problem solved
couldn't finish this
the tories were shit, labour are shit, only a fool would think one is better than the other
can't believe bats are mammals, that's utter bullshit
can you keep them as pets?
grey squirrel zinc finger
Can't believe this honestly, you'd think the French would've milked one and made some utterly grim cheese from it
If your name is Dracula
not sure
just had a curious dream where i was a hispanic woman who was in love with her aunt and the aunt just found out she had a terminal disease, but they weren’t allowed to see each other because her family found out they almost shagged or something
gone 7 and i'm still in bed
don't give them ideas
Drank for the first time in years last night. Feel terrible now. Going to waste my Sunday…
why is this retard a senator?
have another drink
sucking on a bat's little nips
just read that napoleon wore dior sauvage
hello Israel
if there's one thing i hate it's the existence of israel
never been anyone but myself in my dreams, so yeah that sounds bizarre
>dior sauvage
u wot
we should fluorinate the squirrels
morning wood won't go away and I refuse to wank
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my very attractive supervisor paid me a compliment at toil yesterday
it was saturday yesterday mate
yes, I work every other weekend
mad that
hello Brit :D
hiya darling
forca bruta
damn, imagine having to the lawyer who tries to represent all of the gang members in America
and in the court they have pictures of him throwing up gang signs, and you have to be like
"no, hes not in a gang"
are australian unions why they moved all production overseas
I keep my racism very well guarded like it's my own secret identity but there's been so many times where I'm just having a normal conversation with someone I wouldn't normally talk to or a stranger and within a few conversation topics they'll just go fully mask off "TOO MANY FUCKING PAKIS" without even knowing if I have the same views as them or if I'm a mega antifa lefty

Makes me wonder if the vast majority of the public is racist
yeah don’t know mate which country is actually good these days? feels like the west has broke, east is not very good either, and going south feels like a death sentence
seeing a white woman with a brown is probably the worst thing I can think of
at least black guys are portrayed as cool and trendy and are powerful and masculine
what could a brown possibly have to offer a white woman? just pure subversion from the white female devil
You're a cuck
and gay
>Makes me wonder if the vast majority of the public is racist
I think they probably are desu
don't hang out with any racist people myself
fire engines are epic
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mental how none of you read books and instead just turn your brains off drink another can of stella and watch men kick a ball up and down a field
and so is asbestos there i said it
reading books is extremely unergonomic and a pain to do
You probably do
If youve got a reputation as being openly leftypol they're probably just keeping their views private from you
I have read a book
worry about yourself
bad bait tbqh
*Martin Luther voice* i have read a book
afaik it was just greed and lack of interest from the gov in supporting local manufacturing. we can import stuff cheap from asia and make bank exporting raw products
read this post in a German accent
I'd say post a pic of the last book you read but we both know you'd just grab a pic off google out of embarassment
what is the difference between tea cakes and currant buns?
Going FONT (Fuck off normie twat), Borough later for an on wall sesh
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well i haves read ze book ya?
so... yes
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Bet Emma Watson cuts the cheese.
oho but you vill watch ze brackdancing
corr love a pic of Emma and pretending she has a nice body worth posting or talking about
would you buy her poo if she was selling?
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reckon most fathers fancy their daughters a bit?
they did surgery on a grape
how did you infer that
probably not no
Of course, but I would have to see it come from her anus first.
The v4-v6s blacks at freeklime York have been reset corrrrr
unions give even more of an incentive for greedy governments to not have interest and go offshore
just did a quick google search and saw that holden's exports were capped by unions. it's a big factor
peaked in Order of the Phoenix
too old
reckon the silent hill 2 remake will be exactly the same as the resident evil 2 remake
watching penguinz0 watch someone breakdance on him after he lost a fall guys game
sitting there looking down getting breakdanced on
Greatest video game of all time
probably time to grow up isn't it
what would you do with it?
well its certainly true but the blame lies with the corporate class not the unions
should clearly be written past tense as brokendanced
Best video game of all time
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I like german accents :) but I like austrian accents better
been watching some dota2 international, miss the game but would never play it again
lol after all those years of him winning nothing, someone else came in and the party won
How often do you lie to your gf?
Reminder if you get belly button fluff
You are a yank
*gives away northern ireland, the falklands, gibraltar and all our nukes*
haha based corbs
if you told nothing but the truth to a gf it would make her upset all the time
being in a relationship is learning to lie a lot and frequently but most often to protect feelings
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>in Tolkien’s Legendarium, the original name for the elf Celeborn, Galadriel’s husband, is Teleporno
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Holy kino
Reckon I could start a lucrative only fans account
Won't because I'm not a degenerate
white people watch a film at the cinema and then ask you "What was your favourite part?"
just had a massive poo, a proper tip out. felt about 2 stone lighter afterwards.
what would your gimmick be on OF?
usually associate this image with the "open the fucking pubs" gimmick
katy preparing breakfast for the hoodlum
lol hes getting breakdanced on again
why is it that corporations can be greedy but unions cant?
why should some uneducated eshay mong in his ute demand a considerable amount of money with benefits compared to someone intelligent who does life changing work? it goes both ways. but because i am not australian, i have no real way to speculate this
keep in mind I am not anti-union, I'm just annoyed by this one dimensional thinking. it's always supposedly corporations and the big man being greedy while the small businesses and workers are angels
this members' statement will age incredibly poorly
it's like if a senator said "trolololo" on hansard in 2010 or something
I hate Christianity so much, I'm so glad it's irrelevant in Britain outside of vicars and priests doing everything they can to flood us with immigrants

Imagine if we had to listen to a never ending argument about abortion every day. Laws flip flopping at random.

I didn't really watch that last debate between them properly but they were just arguing about abortion mostly from what I can tell. Their country is falling apart and is being dragged into war yet all they can discuss is whether they really believe in their bullshit religion or not

Not to mention that these dumb christian evangelicals will only end up causing more abortion if Harris wins
just cutting in to say you sound like a BITCH
>A horrible famine on the Continent in 1879 proved a bonanza for the United States, leading to massive exports of agricultural products and full recovery from the Panic of 1873. Alarmed at the flood of American imports, European nations began to limit and then ban them.
that would be epic
she squeaked in as part of a ticket with a major party, then quit a few months ago over gaza and is trying to create a name for herself as an independent to improve her chances of being re-elected
>American meats were probably no less safe than European, but rumors of disease were used to justify what was economically and politically expedient. The British consul bemoaned the fate of one poor victim who found worms “in his flesh by the millions, being scraped and squeezed from the pores of his skin.” Britain limited imports of U.S. pork and beef.
youre destroying the animal
its just still out there taking up space to fuck other squirrels without being able to conceive
Ldll bakery has the best bread but it's so grim having to queue with all the povvos

A very significant proportion of them haven't worked out that you can pack the items into a bag as you scan them
neither appropriate nor humane
bit fucked in the head aren’t you
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they eatingf dog
putting them asleep and smashing their head in with a mallet is a humane way of destruction
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I should make friends
been doing a lot of weed since it was legalized and I feel chatty when I do
but I have no one so I make annoying off putting posts instead without meaning to
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absolutely bizarre jumping into /brit/ to find a yank trying to lecture people about ford and holden leaving australia as if it had anything to do with the unions and not the poor fiscal policy of the then-new government, particularly its bumbling treasurer
a union being greedy benefits workers a corporation being greedy does the opposite, as for the rest of your post im really not sure what you’re yapping about
cant tell if she is a horse or cat
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fuck off yank
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this is my world today
and thats just your opinion
not that the law DOESNT say that castrating them is illegal - its that it is saying that its legal to destroy the squirres
I've received an email with a verification code for a site I've never used lads.
Should I be concerned? Is there a chance it's just a mistake?
gonna go out on a limb and say the bloke's probably a goose
get tae fuck
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Lad some of the more vocal "Drumpf isn't going to ban abortion nationwide? I'm refusing to vote for him" e-influencers were found to be on the Russian government's payroll, like Lauren Chen
Would not be surprised if these other pro-life nutters are similarly coordinated by similar funding streams. Might seem ironic considering the "muh Russia" scaremongering of previous Trump government but I very much doubt Putin wants an unpredictable and volatile Trump presidency to rein him in on Ukraine, he would rather the soft uselessness of Biden/Kamala
if you castrate a squirrel i will have you arrested and convicted
it's as simply as that
don't do it
She's my wife from Umamusume which is a gacha about horse racing

I love england and its history, I sometimes feel sad I wasn't born there, I would have a portrait of the queen/king in my room and I would publicly support deporting all muzzies
youre not the law. you are powerless
you can pretty much safely ignore those, it doesn't mean some paki has access to your account
Yes, but I've never made an account on that website. I wondered if someone was trying to use my details.
show me where it says that castrating squirrels is a crime
im not lecturing anyone
if it's not in the bible it's not a real law
yeah looks like someone was, but it doesn't mean they've hacked you, pakis spam thousands of emails into random sites every day, could also be bots doing it
castrating squirrels not against the law
get the squirrels castrated
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how many twatpoints have you lot accrued then
train horses to kick grey squirrels out of the air
train grey squirrels to jump out of trees
Dreadful thread
train yourself to shut the fuck up
i dont like people who go around trying to intimidate or threaten people using the law or rules as a weapon
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>Utah Mom Fatally Shot Her 3 Children in Car Before Turning Gun on Herself
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>Latest modelling tips fourth La Niña for Australia in five years before the end of 2024
fucking SICK OF IT just want a summer where it;s not raining please no no NO NO NO NOOOOOOOOORGBGEHUFEUHRUHEFUREFHEUASDN
Niggers love their skull emoji
how is that her fault
Would it be worth actually making an account, then making a ridiculously long password, to stop future attempts?
You cannot castrate the squirrels.
you cant tell me what to do
who are you to tell someone what to do
bit too much squirrel castration talk going on
depends on the website, it could also be a phishing email
Bodyclockberg has me on the ropes. Can't sleep until 3am, wake up at 7am every time, can't make it through the day without a nap. Just not on, lads
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totally arsed up my life
shoot grey squirrels in their nuts
throw grey squirrels off 5 story buildings
behead grey squirrels
you cannot post the mice
you cannot castrate the squirrels
you cannot go within 100m of a school, youth club or other establishment catering primarily to children
shoot grey squirrels with a bazooka
classify the reds that got hurt as non civvies
would love to see my wife getting turned out by grey squirrel BBC
this style of thread is so shit without ids or a large bump limit
ahhhh come on now
lethal injection warranting post
shoot grey squirrels out of a bazooka
into other grey squirrels or claymores

how many rubber bands can I wrap around my cock before it bursts
that's great mate
drown grey squirrels in mud puddles like in Highlander
can't believe i went so long without a drivers licence, i feel like i've just gotten released after being imprisoned for 10 years
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how old are you?
old enough to know better x
honestly not even that fit
good lad
cannot fathom why someone wouldn't get a driver's license. Felt more like an adult when I got my driver's license at 17 than I did when I turned 18 and could legally drink.
The independence is pretty critical
Most squirrels where I live are brown.
Could suck a nigger at night
pointless and distracting jew ink on her
Yeah I won't use the email link, I'll go on the actual website, make an account with a complex password, then try to log in. Good idea?
don't be silly, she's a beautiful woman
I can't because I'm too disabled to
sure if it gives you peace of mind, make sure it's not some dodgy website though
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weekend almost over
just ignore it, go on that link i sent you and find the details that have been breached and change the password on any account you have that matches
that's not your fault then lad x
I mean people that should but don't
more like GAY squirrels
trolling a ciggy
not keen when women have just one or two tiny little tattoos, either have none at all (based) or have loads of them (even more based)
tattoos on women are a top tier incel filter desu
It's tiktok lol
I never use matching passwords on anything.
there's a lad on my street with flid hands and he still drives about in a specially modified Mini, how fucking disabled are you?
shut it incel
the price of fuel and dickheads on the road handicaps the feeling of freedom a little bit
good lad
you're the incel, incel
*incels away to my smelly incel bedsit*
why does alcohol make me sleep so much
you get used to that pretty quick
too expensive + im an agoraphobic incel that hates going outside
>don't share the same preferences for women as me? Guess you're an incel
this is what they are like
glad to see silent hill 2 remake left in the part where james sticks his arm in a pooey toilet
incelling around incellily
anons: associates
namefags: made men
avatarfags: soldiers
tripfags: capos
diego: consigliere
2016: underboss
threadmeister: the don
hello incels
why is /r9k/ like this
Heavily tattooed women are built to be pissed on
emmys tonight

prefer it to the oscars me
you: bent
made men are by definition at least soldiers
off to the ale house anyone want anything
fallout was alright
some seed and also feed
aint no way the new true detective was nominated
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Any Faustian individuals in
TV is shit these days lad
Succession and Severance are the only things that have been on TV in the 2020s that I've been impressed by
watching penguinz0 play ROBLOX
rorke's forke and sorke
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arb uor dao ida osd
might put a bet for some of these
6 hour Demon's Soul session today lads
>it's another birthday where mumberg gets me some shite clothes I won't ever wear
always feel like I need to keep them for a bit but I'll literally never wear them so this time they're going straight in the bin
grey squirrel utopia experiment
no penguinz0
might make some cheeky chinky ramen for breakfast lmao
Diego's Rent and Bent
havent seen severance but yeah
all these new shows are bizarre, it feels like nothing happens in them at all
no-one has given me a birthday present since I was 16
Sausage sandwiches with ketchup for breakfast
gang of zoomers surrounding diego and forcing him to do fortnite dances
grey grey squirrels red 40 rage and blue food coloring
mousey you need a hug
conceding defeat to today's flipple
I'm not toby
i would go out tonight,
but I haven't got a stitch to wear
>YouTube video of a """"Brit"""" explaining the UK to Americans
>dark as pitch baboon babble "right so pham the UK is well different to Americans blud you get me"
grey grey squirrelham of the squirrelham ham squirrel ham grey squirrel farm
get them worn and stop your mithering
vile cunt
give them to charity
ungrateful swine
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rorke exposed
feed grey squirrels impossible berries
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>dark as pitch baboon babble
he's not wrong
hungry but because it's sunday you're not allowed to buy food until 10am for some reason
played vidya when steaming last night and ruined my save by spending loads of money and undoing grindtoil
is this the science teaching YT black guy
don't eat breakfast me
disgusting, red sauce shouldn't be on bangers
never mind :)
you're still fat though
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Feel hungover but if I sleep too much I won't get up for work tomorrow
quite the contrary lad
I don't get the freedom of driving. How are you free for driving some distance and driving back? I can walk a distance and walk back. I could get a train somewhere and a train back

At least I don't have to park a car or pay insurance or worry about being pulled over
how do you get lithium out of batteries en mass
severance is 10/10
only 9 eps
give it a watch
you really shouldn't need this explained to you
it's being unburdened by distance (walking) or reliance on a third party (friend, taxi, bus or train)
public transport is great and certainly has its place but it doesn't equate to the same freedom permanent access to your own car gives you
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>please don't harass him it could ruin the police investigation!!
>the police investigation finished and we found he broke no laws :) don't you dare be mean to him or you're going straight to jail!!
you dont have to wait for a train and you're faster than one
pretty self explanatory
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this is why clapped lel roon is NOT a real pop star but chadbrina carpenter is
there are specified times and stops for public transport
you can stop where you want with a car. you can drive in a car when you want. you can go very far for a fraction of the cost of a British train ticket
was talking to a london black and he literally didn't know what counties were. tried asking him where dorset was and he hadn't even heard the word before
of course no one could make fun of him because that would be racist
not him but QRD?
wtf is that one woman still doing there
I genuinely think Christians are the worst people ever and that Christianity is the worst thing ever

From the fall of Rome, to the American Revolution, to celebrating Putin's invasion of Ukraine, these people are always there causing problems in the name of their imaginary friends
maybe get off twitter
unbelievably low IQ post
strongly agree with this post
don't deadname x
neither agree nor disagree
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well good morning
pretty self explanatory
police looked into him and decided they couldn't arrest him because no laws were broken (more likely they just didn't want to put another brown man in prison because it makes them look bad)
>there are specified times and stops for public transport
Traffic exists too, road rage exists
>you can stop where you want with a car. you can drive in a car when you want. you can go very far for a fraction of the cost of a British train ticket
Cars costs fuel, insurance and premiums and excess, maintenance, you can get speeding tickets, parking tickets, the cost of the car itself
that guy who pretended to be far right?
if not then idk what this guy is or has done
in bed picking my nose and eating it
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how's it going lad
No, you're just mad
he's basically the world's most insane paedo
freedom isn't free
public transport is A to B basically- a sort of paint by numbers, but your own vehicle lets you get to where you want however you want. more liberty in the choice of route and journey and how you plan it
doesnt really tell me much
Not really

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