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Morning edition
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how's it going lad
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goooood morning sirs
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mad how
*sips from cup*
denser things fall faster in water, but not in air
explain why I can dive so well, haha!
got to do gay housework all day
it's pronounced "gay housewooork!~"
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the price of freedom aint free... the grass of the squirrel park gotta be littered with the blood of greys :DDD greys aint for me :D needs to be castrated - REDS not GRAYS :DDD:D:D
the cronem smoking that loud while katy preparing breakfast in a thong
Are new builds really that bad?
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whose nipples do you want to pinch the most?
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But there's no gap that cars fill. I can do anything you can do with a car, without having a car. I'm pretty sure for you this "freedom" is psychological and not practical

I'd say, if you're "free" because you own a car, then maybe your car owns you.

Time for a coffee after that truth nuke

shadilaying and praising kek day #3156

how distressing to see the opportunity for a clue to be gained dismissed so readily as you have
ive seen that guy on YT
My dad's best mates brother used to be an electrician and he said his uncle wouldnt buy one if you paid him
just opened my fridge, coughed without covering my mouth and closed it
what if I paid him the value of the new build
is tom hardy really bi ?
sounds like you've got a cold cough!
Cars are Faustian and based.
>I'd say, if you're "free" because you own a car, then maybe your car owns you.
ah yes, this is totally something shaggers say
he says it himself so yh
and todays pic of the black haired OF?
do the gold bond tingle
No, he said they're deathtraps
yea bro have fun waiting for the bus while i drive wherever i want
Reading how the most developed pre colombian society in north America the mississipi culture fell apart due to mass immigration and too much diversity
Maybe in Australia a car makes sense, I can see the freedom angle more from where you live
I'm an AGP sissy but I've never been interested in black guys. They're gross looking
mississipi the pissy sipping missy?
I disagree, I've had sexual relations with a number of black men
I've driven all around the UK to be fair
great experience
did gay singer songwriter tom robinson really marry a lesbian or did I hallucinate that?
As a communist, I have a right to drive a 3.0 litre diesel and park where I want.
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so you have been, as is the colloquial term, "blacked" as it were
weetabix or bacon toastie?
yte sissy clitty haver just cummed back from gooning xer lil sissy cage with a vibrator to squirties
absolutely not clicking on a link to an image
if it were worksafe you'd have just posted the image
clicked on that link and lost my job even though its 1am on sunday
yte squirty boy pussyhole into them tiny yte evil devil balls made for BBC
want to get a new gpu but I'm pretty sure I fucked up the slot on my motherboard and I cba to check
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Yeah me neither I just hover.

Always nice to meet a fellow hovverchad.
multiculturalism seems to only work functionally in dystopian authoritarian states mostly led by a single elite ethnic group like in Singapore or UAE
think this is what has led us to this horrible situation. British politicians wanting to be like Singapore on paper but not putting the effort in to disenfranchise and give less rights to nonwhites and have less democracy in parliament in general
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Here her head she lay, until she'd rise and say:
"I'm starved of mirth - let's go and trip a dwarf."

Oh, what to be done with her?
be right back THIS yte sissy boy has squirties to do into the toilet like when xe goes cummies his squirty down the drain to flush xe evil genocided white seed
Democracy is all well and good, but what you need is a strong leader.
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this says a lot about society
a strong leader elected democratically by their constituents
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get the Columbo on
we need someone who's strong on leading and strong on the causes of leading
we need to kill more babies and genocide or castrate ytes so they can be good cucky bois for the single mothers with muttalo babies
Mad that vice city came out only a year after gta 3
ytey needs to pay them stepkids university fees that ytey gets them into
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a ru bod rai odo as d
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this says a lot about society
rorke deepthroating his mum's futa bbc
>British politicians wanting to be like Singapore on paper
You now remember how before covid the cuntservstives were thinking of importing all our food Singapore style
timmy saying 'mmm delicious honey' when eating fried octopus intestines prepared by his thai mail order bride
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*scares new zealanders away from /brit/*
just turned 27
virgin freak
no friends
no job
living at home

i've officially, OFFICIALLY hit rock bottom. there is no more hope
posted it again
mad that you'd be a different person without porn
I hope you experience tragedy every day you post these images so you learn to stop
>there is no more hope
not with that attitude
I want to hear the sound
mad that gays can adopt
what's the point of posting this? stop being masochistic and figure something out
ktim but 28
have you considered getting a job or education?
it's literally too late. i'm nearly 30. even though it tried, i failed horribly.
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Everyone lives at home
can hear the chinese neighbours talking in chinese
Ok, and?
Wtf kiwis can run? I thought they just rolled around
it quite literally is NOT too late
i lost my job in june and i've been unable to get another
only places that'd accept me are call centers and i'd quite literally rather take my own life than go back to one of those shitholes.
what about the homeless mate
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I've never had sex or touched a woman's breast but I'm only 31 there's still time for me haha still plenty of time
mad how inherently cucky scots are and how obsessed they are with refugees and naming anyone not white ‘Scottish’
everyone feels sorry for the suicidal posters until you see their non-suicidal dogshit posts and realise yeah this person probably should die
boooobs haha boobs boobs BOOBS never get tired of seeing them
mine watch some sort of gook x factor evey saturday and can hear them sing in their moonspeak
that post wasnt me
nobody feels sorry for men
good lad
We should do it again for new years
Fun times
think I'm too mentally ill to work with normies.
fried eggbergs and potato bread to break the morning fast
the one on top has a nicer bum
virgin freak who lives at home too, but i have a job that pays 30k
The streets are their home
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new ice spice song is straight gas
this is a good video
well they wouldn't be called HOMELESS if they had a HOME now would they lad?
working with normies isn't fun
at my last job the team was composed of insufferably extroverted giganormies
they are such dull, vapid people
i love Reggie...
Not a virgin
2 friends that i rarely see
Full time employment
Renting but hoping to buy a house with my wife by the end of the year

Ive officially, OFFICIALLY hit peak mediocrity.
need to see them squirted with jungle juice
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succulent mammaries
this happened moments before mumsnetzgruppen squads arrested them and strung them from lampposts on liquidation orders from frau Rowling

glory to TERF island
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sounds like a nightmare
Why did Britain declare war on us?
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big ones, small ones
ever shag her up the arse?
used to think ice spice was one of the spice girls
i always make an effor tot look at the straight coombait to recover from the constant barrage of IR or gay shit
I'm not gay mate
full time employment? More like FOOL time really, heheh...
shes peng
fool shite gimp excrement
>2 friends that i rarely see
Hate how this happens as you get older
Poundland Nicki Minge
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*gives you a nod*
trannies be like were women but for some reason we're all lesbians or somethig
were women
a man who turns into a woman during the full moon, genius
get on it
Um actually "Dollar Tree" would be more accurate as Ice Spice and Niki Minaj are Americans. They don't use the pound sterling in America
really can't stand youtube channels where their whole gimmick is that they're not american and most of their videos are about comparing their own country to america, it's embarrassing
well nobody's forcing you to watch them now are they lad
post more extreme and bizarre things
i don't really care about successful normies in general but what irritates me is when normies deliberately come to a website that's widely known as a hive of incel losers and then insult said incel losers whilst boasting about their successful lives
it's just cruel, evil behavior
just knowing that they exist is enough to fill me with contempt
swelling a poo
Poundland is just a 99p Stores Dollar Tree
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Name one successful normie that's EVER posted in brit
Sir poo barmer
cant focus or do any work for 3-4 hours after waking up
look mate there's an entire /r9k/ board for you
You absolutely begging for me to start vanguardmonging
either continue posting hateful shit or be positive
Would it be weird if I asked a local priest what the ethnic make up of their church is?
i will never experience contentment like this
I'm extremely dedicated, I can work on one task for a straight 8 hours or more without even being aware of my surroundings if it's quiet enough. Observe
*goes to sleep*
you could just...go to church and see
sex is so bizarre
*picks you up and throws you in the big and flushes you away to /britfeel/ where the other VF denizens reside*
prime siri was such good coom fuel
well it's just like a handshake isn't it lad
a nice...firm...wet...vigorous...handshake
Had the exact same response.

It's mad that people you pass on the street at doing this behind closed doors, daily or perhaps weekly.
Get coming up soon on /sp/
drinking som sports drink
Just go for a nice incel walk around your local churches to see who comes out after Sunday service
Look, I can only afford to put £25 a month into my Vanguard stocks and shares ISA right now. Yes, I know it's fuck all, you don't need to tell me but it's better than nothing ok xx

But looks, chuck that into a compound interest calculator and after 20 years I'll have about £57k
stop telling me what to do
No it fucking doesn't
What rate of returns are you expecting
Do you guys remember that one time some Deano with a tribal tattoo, a pitbull and all the grey sheets was posting here and everyone was going mental
got a headache
I've been getting roughly 15% since I opened it in 2020
imagine working for a tobacco company and people asking you what you do for a living, might as well admit you're a sex offender
I’m sorry mate I’ll go easy on you
Well that won't be sustainable (sorry, you're not an investment genius) and that doesn't add up to £57k over 20 years anyway
Been playing CS 2
Its pretty fun, I dont know why they changed it from CSGO to CS2 though.
Did the game change? It mostly seems the same with a few new guns
2020-2024 is an unsustainable growth, and 2020 in particular was a huge dip to allow that growth
7% a year is more reasonable
Rorke seeing a gospel choir on Songs of Praise and throwing his orthodox crucifix through the TV
met this lad who always seems really happy and goes up and talks to random strangers all the time, wonder what his deal is, must be on drugs
Didn’t happen
Rorke is absolutely not orthodox
mental case
[someone playing Fortnite and clicking his phone every 30 minutes] wow... agility is the worst skill ever made. almost level 90
he isnt even playing the game
these people were so bad for the game and may as well have been NPCs
thats all good and well
but, she’s thug only
>goes up and talks to random strangers all the time
where do you think you are?
mum got a dog and just revealed the regular costs are £300 a month
extra when she goes away and needs the kennels
fucking hell I don't think she spent £300 a month on me when I was a wee lad. had to beg for a tenner just to go out with my friends.
After watching 3 youtube videos on it he's pretty sure he is
Nah it actually did, it was a couple of months ago
I was hoping someone else would recall but I guess not.
man who hurt you? shameful man
he larps as orthodox or catholic
Women do just be like that with dogs though
Literally piss thousands away on the little fuckers and all they do is yap and make a mess
some girl named aisha crushed his whole fantasy
hes down so bad
halal snack pack
Despise dogs
you know those warnings about your investment being at risk? they're not lying!
mumstein paid all her money to the vet (going so far as to sell all her jewellery) when the dog was sick, even though the dog was old and had like a year or two left in it, women are fucking mental for dogs
you lot living with your rents
do they openly despise you or
like how's the dynamic
Aisha Clan Clan from the Ctarl Ctarl Empire?
Irony is if I hadn't lapsed as an anglican I could have had a nice african wife by now
tfw i am not in a relationship :(
Top shagger in this Columbo episode, making me uncomfortable
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What do you think a private pension is yet you're not scared to pay into those
god forbid you try being happy for once. bunch of miserable cretins you are
step-mum is one of those who treats her dog like it's her child as she doesn't have any kids

any time I visit I am subjected to a verbal medical history of this dog. Dog was pissing too frequently, pissing too infrequently, dog was more subdued than usual, dog wouldn't settle, dog had to get bloods taken.

who gives a shite
think i ordered some scran last night and passed out before it arrived
Im feeling happypilled and positivitymaxxed today
Why did he fuck with a Ctarl Ctarl? Doesnt he know they are one of the most feared races in the Galaxy?
ssd died lads now I need to piss about opening up the old pc and changing them around
Based fellow Joychad
storage not the best thing to have it die, except your penis
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believe it or not there are places which are inaccessible by train by virtue of there not being tracks everywhere
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Business idea: Live and work near readily accessible public transport and rent a car when you actually need one
invent a fruit fly swatter which doesnt kill them, but removes their wings (such as by way of electricity or fire) so they fall down and starve to death
It's over
Private pensions immediately double your initial investment, so they mog your S&S ISA returns immediately
Crazy how Euros went on some mental WW shit twice and it resulted in their accumulated empires and political sway over the world being completely destroyed kek
And then America offered to rebuilt Germany and lend money to Europ countries and made a shit ton of money and also filled the power void
past performance does not guarantee future results !
inject grey squirrels with tartrazine
>it resulted in their accumulated empires and political sway over the world being completely destroyed
thats just the entire of history of europe in a nutshell
not him, but cope on LOL
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I don't think you guys give a damn
That was genuinely smart and humane on your country's part
Could so easily have gone back to giving them a Versailles style kicking
look at these shitstains
me? pay the max into my private pension that my employer will match :)
might piss on a sleeping cat
Yeah, everyone get power hungry and starts infighting or attacks the neighboring country and some shit goes down
ya seethe?
being sober is underrated
i'm back to sanity, everything is normal
youre supposed to enjoy sex too, rorke...
I don't get the joke so I'll assume this is Fred and Rosemary West's house
is youtube down for anyone else?
>That was genuinely smart and humane on your country's part
It was calculated and self-interested
Mental how many jobs I just stopped turning up to eventually
not i
>Arriving today by 10 PM
paying £95 a year for these delivery times amazon should hang its head in shame
I accept your concession
they've locked me out the bastards it finally happened
im permanently in keto
makes me shudder to think that north korea has approximately the same population as australia, all those people living under the relentless jackboot of some fat twat
Yeah, and everybody won, nobody got strip mined.
Let them in!
im in a permanent keto
>everybody won
wonder if they'd all run away to white countries if the north korean regime collapsed or just sit there and wait for south korea to take over and build modern infrastructure there
just can't be arsed with it
don't think I'll be putting up the christmas tree this year it just isnt worth the effort honestly
doubt north korea exists
i've never been there, have you?
i dont have to put jam on my bread
Also the commies didn't take over
How do I cope? It’s so frustrating that all the pengest tings just want black thug dick, not a little timmy like me
wonder how many north koreans have seen angela white before
>the commies didn't take over
itching my foreskin by pinching it between my finger and thumb on the inside and outside
It won’t last
Mad how the norks would kick australias shut in in a war and it wouldn't be close
I know what is he like here we are living under a communist europe and this lad is all like "Also the commies didn't take over" and I'm sitting over here like....mate I can't even say paki shop anymore THE COMMIES DID WIN LMAO
this too shall pass
(except suffering - you will always suffer)

IP grabber
I mean they took like half of Germany for around 50 years, I am pretty sure they Influentially bled into Hungary, had control over the Baltic countries for quite some time.
I dont remember if the Baltic countries were on their own before ww2 t b h
she's shagged asian fellas, literally several hour long videos of her being tied up and asian'd, must be because she's australian
We're just a touch too far away
They could maybe nuke Townsville at a stretch
Bless you xxx
yer da cant open his car bonnet
eyebergs are doing that thing where they involuntarily twitch from side to side
mental retarded
Angela White getting tied up by 5'0 Chinese fellas who ride mopeds and dont take their helmets off when they fuck her
got prong on
child groomer
in a full tilt war with them we could draft up a military less than half the size of theirs and absolutely rape them because they're a bunch of malnourished little chinamen with shitty archaic equipment
It's called Israel, Leftypol
soviet union? oh that thing that ended decades ago?
fuck off
All the commies run the EU now
Turkey has never been part of NATO
youre a paedo
such as?
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any ball kicking going on today?
hello daddy touch my feet touch touch touch touch touch
>they're a bunch of malnourished little chinamen
get the bet builder made
10AM hes had his wank to IR porn
time to call everyone and everything a pedophile
Nigga u dumb
yes? spit it out
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bitch exactlyyy
*bashes its head in*
so thankful for america magnanimously absorbing us into its neoliberal empire
i <3 insular atlantic economic zone #1
During Brexit Nigel “Liar” Farage was trying to scare everyone telling us they’d join NATO, but they never did, and they never had.
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eating faeces
squelching a poo
gay poopy
Nah mate that was eurovision
are you literally 12 or 13 years old? i know its supposed to be ironic but i honestly cant fathom men into their 20's sitting at a computer, typing this shit, posting it, having a chucle to themselves. it gives me the fear to be honest.
mad how peng peng gay poo porn is
watching the proper peng gay peng poo porn
i'm in my 30s :P

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