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lynchian edition
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purchase a pullup bar

begin trainining pullups

yes you
dogshit yank edition
need a gf who lets me shag her up the hairy front bum
imagine that OF model did a hooni cosplay >.<
Return of the Dogshit Yank
reckon I could a lot of pull ups if I weighed 40kg too
someone should let me rub my feet on their face
sick of the wretchedness of existence
Think you're a wee bit lost pal
blowing farts through lover's thighs
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reckon Columbo would have been popular in some Communist countries since its about an ordinary fella mostly arresting arrogant rich people
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just installed gentoo
which one x
was just wondering to myself why it's so quiet today and then realised
>too early for schizos to be up
>all the deanoids have scuttled off to dunelm with the missus to buy candles and sofa cushions
>wagies are hungover and not fit to post
so that leaves about three lads and some jfs in total
was at the Dunelm the other week

cafe does some lovely hot food and cakes
I like her jumper
shag the boats
wank the pensioners
>about three lads
all me
What are your Sunday plans then lads?
alri deano
try not to kill myself
if i cant summon a poo in the next couple of hours then nothing at all
wonder if agent 47 is a virgin, he seems to be asexual and was cooped up in that test facility until he was like 30
smoke weed and watch columbo
might do a proper roast x
Hmm well i may empty the dishwasher
Other than that i got nothin
helped dad mow the lawn and tidy up the hedges yesterday so will be enjoying a day off today
got some books to read and vidya to play, then helping mum move some furniture about this evening and back to toil monday
stellar blade followed by football followed by stellar blade
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It was mainly the elderly at the Dunelm cafe.
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what does everyone want from the pick and mix?
Do they do hot cakes tho?
are you also elderly?
shall be doing the washing up, then watching the f1 and some football
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he doesn't like to mow his own lawn?
going hospital
Some bull cocks please mate x
oman you're kidding me! haha
I don't know. You could probably ask them to put one in the microwave. I had a apple pie thing and it was nice, they served it with some cream.

yes I'm in my 30s
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mental how much a few centimetres of height makes all the difference
Could i get one big bag of you never posting here again pls?
Its literally Spaedo on a Vpn not sure why you replied to him but hey ho.
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got that's so raven on
Those Turkish Cashews are looking lush
30s isn't that old. I've never had any back pain or health issues. Idk what the fuck all these people are going on about
got zoey 101
They should I reckon they’d sell really well
he does, but there's a lot of it so I helped
it's more of a meadow tbqh
i don't keep track of /brit/ personalities, nor do i schizophrenically attribute every post i see with a weird flag to them
bit worrisome how much he lives in your head if i'm honest
council tax is so fucking expensive wtfffff
Thought this was that pick n mix you get for dogs at pets at home
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this ok?
It's old for a lot of people who don't take care of themselves
Yh I’d expect you to want everything for free, Spaedo
why do people anthropomorphise dogs so much? it's really fucking cringy
the dog doesn't give a rats arse what treats you get it, it'll scran them until it pops regardless of whether its 100% wagyu beef or ground up slug arses
mate the council need that money to house brown folk get it paid you're not a bigot are you?
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How dare you judge idle people like me
This is her missus
The Day Rorke Went Woke (1hr 23 min)
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no steak for me this weekend so i will live vicariously through last weeks attempt
Bet that’s what Spainnonce looks like. Fucking prick.
That's really offal
Post a timestamp proving you are in Oman
should I get an rtx 4060
dadberg's got some dogshit political podcast blaring on his bluetooth speaker again
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>rain bouncing off the conservatory
>reading a book under my blanket
maximum comfy rn
If I buy meat from your country will I get AIDS?
He don't

its sunny mate
fuck off spaedo stop trying to make it look like we’re all obsessed with you
anyone here want to teach/play dota 2 with me?
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>ground up slug arses
Every aussie itt foaming at the mouth
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the silent hill 2 remake is coming along nicely
hm wonder why it would break
>im breathing, nigga, nigga
>nigga i cant breathe (oh lawd)
If it were 2016 I'd put a tenner on Ozil to score a hat trick today
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open the fucking pubs
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Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords is a role-playing video game developed by Obsidian Entertainment and published by LucasArts. It is the sequel to BioWare's Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and was released for the Xbox on December 6, 2004. Like its predecessor, it is set in the Star Wars universe 4,000 years before the events of the film Episode I: The Phantom Menace.

rudest German
>switch graphics
is this a comedy sketch?
Coming off my ssri's today. These jew pills don't work the way they advertise
be sure to taper
Good man
*walks into the middle of /brit/ holding a portable speaker*
*starts playing crazy frog at maximum volume*
Why, will they make me do a heckin meltdownerino mousenonce style
ding ding
stopped my wilbert getting hard so had to take different jew pills to get a stiff one
have yet to have breakfast
Another week gone by without really achieving anything. Sure, I went to the gym and my body is healthy. I look great. I know it's a cope for my unfulfilling life. I grow a week closer to reaching 28 with no real accomplishments, no incredible trajectory, wasting the majority of my 20s. It's the end of the year soon and I'll be in the exact same position a few months from now. I wonder what I need to do to change.
came off mine cold turkey in 2016 and havent been right since
being 25 is a wild time
care to elaborate
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austria managed to successfully convince the world that beethoven was austrian and hitler was german
ktim, citalopram in 2016/2017
Australia is a land of petit bourgeois yokel and venture capitalist misanthropes who should be ruthlessly liquidated by Chinese communist units.
*taps the thread microphone*
came off them to begin with because i felt nothing, just a vast apathy towards everything - which i found worse than being sad all the time
since then that feeling of apathy has stuck
cant really remember "enjoying" anything since then
citalopram as well, rancid shite
*Auto Hot Key switch and specs you*
Don't listen to the mongs who say you'll never be right again after coming off SSRIs.

You'll have a week or two feeling a bit rough then it's back to normal, normal willy function returns as well.
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Go for a walk in nature with the gf then stop by her sister that recently bought a house in the woods. Maybe hit the town later. Nice sunny weather and 19c today.
>normal willy function returns as well
proof? cite your sources with a good amount of participants?
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ssris made my willy fall off
SSRIs made his dick fall off!
Crimson and clover
Over and over
love love LOVE this gimmick ~
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literally me
Great videogame music exists and I'm tired of pretending it doesn't
don't swear in the thread thanks
remember going shopping and walking into a shop with something i'd bought but which the till person at the last shop had left a tag on
the woman at the door immediately just said, oh someone must have left the tag on - didnt ask for a receipt or anything
one has to wonder what would have happened if i was a melanated gentleman
i probably would have been locked up then subsequently released under sir keir starmers early prisoner release plan
gooning to sfm porn
steady on the language, this is morning /brit/ which sees over 500 lurkers at this time on a Sunday
wanking a poo
This is my experience exactly, although I can't say for sure if coming off them has stopped me from enjoying anything. The happiest I've ever been was in the last few years with exberg, before she recently broke up with me, and I do remember feeling genuine enjoyment at some periods when we had important conversations, which reaffirmed my self worth, or during some silly child-like activities together. Maybe everything just stems from the fact that I intensely desire a romantic relationship and love and that completely stops me from enjoying anything else in life. Might be the same for you.
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lying on my mates sofa after a big night out last night
feeling alri
rorke wandering around his council estate with his shirt off yelling "WHO WANTS IT?"
just got called a malingering oaf in argos
>pet chinchillas lived for 12 years
>always excited, every day
>one of them dies
>the other never moves after
>looks visibly depressed, as far as a chinchilla can
>dies 2 months later from undereating, dehydrating

humans are companion animals.
leftypol is never as much of the butte of jokes
how do I get a beard like George V?
Right lads. Fluffed it truly this weekend, been on a mad one. Next weekend though- believe me. Off the muck. Genuinely. Can't be doing it.
>The happiest I've ever been was in the last few years with exberg
i dont think im worthy of love or friendship anymore
Never realised prostitution was so overt in the UK
the muck crept in again
I need to cleanse
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define "muck". coke? means heroin up here. had a relatively chill weekend myself after ovedoing it the last few. the hangovers/comedowns are brutal these days.
genuinely haven't spoken to anyone besides /brit/ in about 2 weeks
for me it was the dreaded dizz
serotoninberg wants a word
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b rr aoo uaa ddd is o
fuck off
>i dont think im worthy of love or friendship anymore
ktim, so I spend my days endlessly "self improving" in every way that I can only for me to become even more detached
mad how that extremely low quality ai slop post will remain up
poo time then im off into town (london) x
yeah that was me last two weekends. hadn't taken a pill in 2 years then took 3 in 2 weekends. ruined me tbqh
tiktok keeps showing me limmy's scottish nationalism, it's honestly so bizarre he so desperately wants to be oppressed to justify his bitterness towards england but so far his grievances have been
>scottish schools go on summer holiday two weeks earlier than english schools and the bbc didnt show the kids daytime tv until the english schools went on break
>the bbc asked him to soften his accent (he also insists this DEFINITELY has never happened with regional english accents)
>on the great british bake soft they had the english regions and then scotland, wales and northern ireland and then raged that the cheek of him as a scot having to see 'north east' and know it was actually south of where he was in scotland
>he saw a sky sports billboard in glasgow advertising the england matches

honestly has turned me right off him, it's the worst form of nationalism just bitter and petty. i dont mind scots who want independence because they are a different people and don't want england voting in the tories on them but this petty grievance nationalism is pathetic.
not based off any sources then
other than your own eprsonal experience, which is fien
most of these are him just taking the piss. I do find it annoying sometimes but these days he does seem to be saying it tongue in cheek. during the indy vote he was quite insufferable
not sure what the appeal of limmy is, it's just forced reddit tier humour with an annoying voice
I stopped taking them after a month or two. I now smoke cannabis every day instead
does anyone know a good shawarma restaurant
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Joker 2
shawarma this
*bends over and shows you my pooey hairy arsehole*
after a halal snack pack?
i will never get a gf with my 5 incher or be a proper man might as well stop going to the gym and die of alcoholism
Angela White has at least three different several hour long videos where she's not just being fucked by asian guys but being used and treated like a fuckdoll and in one of them being pretty much a rape simulation

so I take it Angela White, and Australian women in general, want to be raped by chinamen
his streams back in the day were very funny because he used to be quite unhinged, this was around 2010-15 maybe. the Twitch streams are a lot more asinine and basically are the same format and jokes day after day
i liked his tv show just good le random humour

i dont think hes taking the piss i think he legit has bitterness towards england, i think he has a certain type of 'small man syndrome for nationalism, there was one clip were he was talking about england being shit at football during the euros and brought up how england thinks its bigger than it is because it shares a border with what it considered to be an 'inferior' nation. that type of language as if english people think scotland or scots are 'inferior' utter cunt
Educating /brit/:
Buddha is NOT fat

i reckon a lot of zoomers are lowkey doing incest since they stay inside all day, are too maladjusted to have normal relationships, and are bombarded with incest porn every time they look at pornhub
what do we think
Some heavy metal tunage today
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so close! they’re actually just not having sex at all
back on that muck
old school stylie ygm
>tv show
genuine question - are you English or Scottish?
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Protip lads
Do not look at your mum’s Amazon purchase history or the books she has on her Kindle
go back and stay there
Scottish nationalism is pathetic, its mentally ill. They love all foreigners but the English. They hate all borders but the one they want to create between England and Scotland. They can't accept that they're Brits, living on the island nation of Great Britain, in a political state called the United Kingdom, founded by the Scottish Stuarts when they inherited the Kingdom of England, which included Wales. Scottish nationalists cry for a regionalist national sovereignty that they would immediately try to abdicate in favour of EU membership.

Britain is the reality. The Tories are gone. Grow up

the north east comment is far though, we should refer to geographical regions of britain, not geographical regions of england, if we're talking about all of britain
I told you not to get back on it you clown.
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english obviously, that is why i clarified i have no issue with scots wanting independence
>thank you and come again
nice to see apu moved on after the simpsons got rid of him
erm no thanks I think I'll stay here and post anonymously so you have no way of filtering me thanks for replying
the snp are dead anyway and so is scottish nationalism so no poitn really talking about it anymore

although tik tok is a threat to western civilisation because it's showing western youth things like scottish nationalism and whatnot
why does this video trigger such intense rage inside me
fluoride cuck stare gormo look
makes sense, you're just seething then
you wish you were a woman
It's quite interesting how I'd consider all of these girls to be below me in terms of attractiveness or value, but at least half of them would think the opposite.
Jen Seabass & a chippy
you hate to see women winning, sad!!!!
5'3 and new frank green are wearing very strange shoes
considering suicide
im seething at his bitterness and pettiness, like i said he wants to be independent and could just do a dankula and say 'im a scot, simple as' rather than riling himself up over nothing
was on a date with a girl yesterday and she didn't know the difference been anglican, lutheran and calvinist
I laughed in her dumb fucking face

women are getting dumber lads
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Current feeling: So back.
you really docked your penis into my penis with this post
on today’s episode of things that never happened
dont do that :(
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>been running a calorie deficit 6/7 days this last week
>weighed myself again this morning
>have gained 0.2kg
I am NOT happy
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just killed the strange man who kidnapped my son with a single powerful metallic uppercut, and now I need to figure out how to rescue my son from the room they have him in
You're an astute one
eh? Going to the beach to celebrate the Prophet Muhammad's birthday, peace and blessings be upon him
shouldn't you be getting to bed?
Would really like to work in Europe for a year. Would be happy to even do some kind of runt work, like just working at McDonalds
*grabs your tits*
mawlid is bidah akhi please stop being a filthy kafir astagfirullah
ibadi are khawarij
You joke, but I know a lot about this. Actually, I know about an incredibly wide range of topics, mostly acquired by reading a lot. I'd guess from 4chan, reddit, news sites etc. and my exgf thought I was incredibly intelligent. I'm genuinely perceived as one of the most intelligent people that many people will ever speak to just because I read constantly and have a very curious mind. It's really strange to think about.
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Just benched 130kg lads
must be nice to sit down and take the weight off your feet
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shouldn’t you be prepping the bbc bull for his daily milking into your gf
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ktim last week. congrats
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Wouldn’t you rather have blessings you cuck
right there, on the beach
have you ever ever really
really really ever love
a woman
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rate my download speed
ktim, jumeirah in 24 hours
people think I'm rainman because the average normie is a fucking moron who doesn't know shit
I met a girl who didn't know who Stalin was once
the ignorance of the median is really underestimated
sabrina carpenter sex arse is held up in customs
just benched 131kg lads
hello gamer
Love brazillian hotties
plot lost, at least the footballs on later
she's a disappointment
thought she was tradcath
in reality I could only say that about one. and she rejected me.
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you could put a fish in that download speed and it wouldn't even die
my bum is full of poo
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brasil sexo
downloading the master chief collection
im going to bench reggies butt
renouncing a poo
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rate mine hehh
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at that price it would be rude NOT to
must be the only man in the world who doesn’t really find latinas attractive, I hate their whole brash masculine aura
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why do they do that? a stranger did this to me
yes. every day I hope, just a little, that my ex will message me back or return. I don't want to bother her and reach out so I'm left waiting and hoping for a day which may never come. I don't think women are capable of doing the same.
Covers the salad leaves in oil, cheese, and who knows what else to get it down
Just eats the fucking salad
learning about imaginary numbers
seems like a bunch of gobbeldeygook
just say you're gay mate
arbitration for so wide use
are running bodies raining odorless ash dust
because her son has added island ownership
sort of download speed I'd expect a paedophile to have
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>peas instead of baked beans
this means they feel unthreatened by your homosexual aura
who /unabashed/ out here
they want you to grope their tits a little
i put olive oil and pepper on my salads :)
northern Brits are never snobs about food
eating out has got so expensive
that's a 7.90 meal in my mind
is that a croque madame or just gammon and egg?
yeah nah I don’t think wanting a screeching aiaiaiaiai (more incomprehensible brown screaming) gf makes me gay
I swipe left on every South American on the apps, but then I do the same with Filipinos. Not racist, I'm a culturalist
Russia is winning you retarded gypsy wog
not worth a tenner that
how can i be racist when my wife's boyfriend is black?
surprised oyu were even able to load that image with your pathetically slow speed
is this for real? id do that. im going to do that
Brits be like
>Wot you fakin mean there's no baked beans?!
swipe right on all non whites because I'm a bit of a race fetishist but even then I barely get matches, proper blow to the JBW ego
that is white man
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Did they not wanna cook the gammon fat?
youre gay just accept it
you can't suffer in america
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Do you fucking see any bread?
Might order a halal snack pack for lunch
you absorb more nutrients out of greens if you eat them with a little fat
i need my balls sucked i mean dick. need my dick sucked
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yea the boys
You're going to absorb my fist in your chin if you don't shut up
I melt a little butter on my salad greens
how do suppositories work? how does the pill digest? won't it fall out, and then you'll just be left with a pooey pill?
your arse eats it
Eating limescale chips out of the kettle
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So true
the edge of the gammon look a bit like a weird toasted bread crust
and also a thick slice of ham with an egg on top sounds disgusting to me so I didn't want it to be that
the chips and onion rings look nice though
thats how youre supposed to eat it
>2.98MB image
No need for that is there
only if you have an elastic john arsehole
with women it goes
> asian = white >>> mena >latinas >>> indian >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> black = aboriginal

this is simply true, you can disagree but that just makes you wrong
red rooster for tea
>the chips and onion rings look nice though
>Yay chippies and unnun ring!
Hello literal child
and the days picture of the cute girl with black hair from OF?
interesting how bloated I was after eating those 6 triple cheeseburgers last night but now I look very skinny without even needing to shit, must have almost 100% effective digestive system which leaves no waste
they break down fast
homofags can't use them, due to the fact that their anuses are crusted and busted due to years of subhuman faggotry
hwo fucking cares
This except white>asian
hello mum
6 triple cheeseburgers
bit much
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secret australian
mena > latinas > the rest
Kys cunt
biting into a raw potato
I disagree but I know I'm right
> mena = white >>> >latinas >>> indian >>> asian >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> black = aboriginal
the peas also look nice ok are you happy now I like peas
the salad is sad though I can't cope with that measly amount of mesclun

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