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wetherspoons should do delivery
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Greng edish
Prove you are in Canada and not in your smelly Chester bedroom
doing a crap
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>Pair of white trainers
>Pair of black sportier trainers
>Pair of brown boots
>Pair of smarter black boots
Don't really see why you'd ever need anything else desu
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200 years from now the average Britain will be 1/8th Indian, 1/16th black, and 13/16ths white
and it will unironically be a better place for it, far more attractive people than the current lot
separating the wheat from the chaff
why does it take multiple days after diarrheoa to start pooing again?
Hiking shoes/boots
Running shoes
Flat bottomed shoes for lifting
Rubber boots for gardening
House slippers
Here we need insulated boots for the hellish winters
grooming gangs but white lads going after Muslim puss
No thanks
>Cheap looking novelty passport
Lol Adam
let me in
It angers me that north americans are free to enjoy weed and weed products legally while we're stuck with nothing but alcohol.

Honestly think it will be another 20+ years before it's legal here, such is the backwardness of the system (and old people).
that's what colonisation was
Tu parles français, ami? tu es Québécois?
>The first episode of season 1, Murder by the Book, premiered on this date 53 years ago. Directed by Steven Spielberg and starring Jack Cassidy and Martin Milner.
I have
>grey running trainers
>ecru canvas trainers
>green gazelles
>actual running trainers
>weightlifting shoes x3
>dark brown leather chelsea boots, commando sole
>tobacco suede chukka boots
>dark brown suede chelsea boots
>black oxfords
>dark brown leather grain loafers

simple as
Do people really get better looking over time?

Reckon it's pretty consistent across populations genetically speaking, what makes the difference is lifestyle choices (eg not being fat fuck).

On that front (lifestyle) it's not looking good, not to mention the fact that our population is aging
>I've spent more than £25,000 transforming my home and now my millionaire landlord is kicking me out - it's outrageous
>spending 25k on a rented house
how can you be this thick
it's simply not something most people really care about
We literally did that constantly from about the years 1600 - 1950
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Hey don't make fun of our passports
hello clarice
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girl at work just casually announces her boyfriend is addicted to painkillers
any ganja smoking rastamans in?
Why is it that racists are always on average the most physically ugly people in any given society?
It's always the grimmest segment of any given race that claims to represent the ubermensch
yes mate big up hallie sallsee
literally listening to Bob Marley's Jamming as I read this
Is it weird that I've never had my passport stamped. Whenever I go abroad they never stamp it. Don't know what all the pages in it are for
next non-white person i see is getting a glare
No my French is terrible I need to learn
Not up to me sorry buddy
they only do it if you're the kind of cringelord that asks them to
Look in the mirror
not me
I'm very handsome and very racist
They care enough to make sure it remains illegal though.
she wants a man from brum
you having a laugh are ya mate?
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thats me
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italian gf
Being racist makes you ugly as the constant hateful scowling changes your face
Wish we could go back to the old days
No I was just lamenting that they don't stamp mine anymore while while taking that picture to prove myself to anonymous schizo
We can also get magic mushrooms from (illegal) dispensaries in most cities since the police don't raid them anymore
used to really be into the saddle club when i was young. parentbergs thought i was gay.
dae drop they spaghetti in front of they 3dpd waifu??
>Horrific moment woman discovers giant rat staring up at her from the toilet while she was using it

Inoculating some grain
Me personally? Have a racist smug expression on my face all the time that drives the ladies wild.
Racists only breed amongst their own kind (very narrow gene pool), drink heavy, smoke heavy, are angry much more frequently than normal people, and hold a heart constantly full of hate towards everyone slightly different to themselves
It would be extremely weird if they're weren't all ugly orc looking freaks with missing teeth.
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They stamp it for Europe since Brexit
depends which countries you go to
they stamped mine when i went to the US
they stamp it in EU though that will change soon
some places are digital - i dont get my passport stamped when go to HK
arsing mine own arse
have you seen that webm of a toilet seat being lifted and there's a bloke at the bottom of it looking up with a mask on? cracks me up and this reminded me of it
pooing some wee out of my dick
Me? More of a smug racist. Don't hate any particular group or anyone because of their race, I just know I am better. Feel it in my bones. Don't see the need to be mean or rude to other people just because I am superior though.
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You know you don't have to post your meltdowns here
Just punch your own walls without us knowing then come back when you've settled down
this is meeee...
the zesty mandem is coming for you rorke
>Flat bottomed shoes for lifting
you should lift weights nude
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Cute guy on grindr is flirting with me
>>Pair of white trainers
What brand though
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eight more people died trying to cross the channel lads
we're all gonna die one day
we don't have infinite time
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I just have some white nike airforces
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bro on that 16 year old philosophy grind fr
what happens to me after the body dies?
the show was a bit gay to be into if you're a lad but i watched it a fair bit too because i had nothing better to do, why did you like it?
don't care
wont be so cute when hes trying to shove his knob up your poohole
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His profile says he's a vers bottom so I'll be doing that I think lad
dae live on a space rock and is made of star dust???
dork academia
go to heaven
oh right as you were then
lads will see a hairy pooey arsehole and be like corrr scran
Job interview next week. Haven't had one in 5 years, reckon I've forgotten how to do one and I'll cock it up somehow
Musk and freaks like him talk about civil war in the UK.
If there's a civil war here it'll be between the Hindus and Muslims, not between Whites and non-Whites.
These monged up foreign losers don't know shit.
don't have to worry as much about wasting my time because i'm genetically engineered and will live for approximately 450 years
they’ll see a clump of poo and arse hair and be like ‘oooo with bits!!’
why wouldnt i? not gay at all now is it?
Need a cock in my holes PRONTO
bit gay
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catberg staring at me
think she's spoiling for a scrap
I barely lift anything need to get going properly
got a hawaiin shirt on for no good reason
going full dodgy uncle today
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what about all the women who do exactly the same about men's arses?
I'm terrible at interviews
interacting with turbo normies makes me nervous
I'm a watermelon slammed into your driveway
Crack me open so I feel the air inside me
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Maxed my Lifetime ISA for the year de lads
how many jobs has AI made obsolete now?
i genuinely reckon politicians should be kicked out on their arse and put a computer in charge
poopiter is in retrograde lads
medal's in the post boringlad
never mind, apparently the "winner" was offered 10k to go on a boat trip with the tranny lol
I misremembered things, saw it when I was a kid
preferred the old school asmr where it was just tapping and doctors office roleplay
none of this weird gimpy virgin sex shit with half naked women shoving their tongue down your earholes
pus oozing out me toenail
no self respecting manager is ever going to trust an ai with any job even resembling some kind of authority or importance
Yeah except without the poo
what am i supposed to do if i dont have any goals or desires
Recognise that simplicity and comfort is a goal or desire and work towards that
a poo
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Wow that's worse than Chicago.
That's crazy, you guys are fucked
become an investor
men see a womans pooey arse and fish stinking bloody flaps and be like "I need to rub my face on this now!!!!"
we need to get you onto the GP pronto lad

get you sorted with some SSRIs and 6 sessions of cognitive behavioural therapy (on the PC)
get the blogs bloody posted
based BJM fan
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Boggles my mind to think I could well be posting here right now with people too young to remember the 2000s. The fucking 2000s.
women are clean and hygeinic, and don't sweat, chud
how do you cook pork steak
was my childhood
a good era by all means
worst part about staying up to fix my sleep schedule is it highlights just how terrible my life is, sleep is my only respite from the horror that is every waking minute
lets get the first drink poured then
>women are clean and hygeinic
lol, clearly you have never lived with women
fucking love this band, not heard this one before either
quality quality rec
ooof hoodie season
been buying hoodies all day
no indian summer this year
neighbour who lives a few doors down has the chad embrace and dresses quite grungey, and while he isn't attractive, he just oozes a SEX aura. might try this style instead of dressing like an office slave
lived in multiple varied flatshares actually
the ones with females are always much cleaner and nicer smelling
i was once in a 6 bed of all men and it was rank
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limmy on the verge of suicide lads
i'm a grotty cunt but got zero sex appeal
i dont even remember last week mate
man just needs to get back on the alcohol and jollymax
Needs to get his arse shagged
not a big fan of his comedy
burnistoun is just strange
gonna buy a suit and start walking around my shithole in it
I'm gay and this image just made me vomit
alcohol's such a fine line between casual jolliness and staggering back from a offie at 6AM with a bottle of vodka
Sir Keir Starmer.
would love to have a munch on tha
you can't post that
need to declutter my flat
one settee
one chair
one desk
one telly
two laptops
one light
two shelves
one bookcase

that's all i need i reckon
the rest of it is just noise
Jolliness is a characteristic of being happy and lighthearted. Santa Claus is said to express his jolliness with a cheerful "Ho ho ho!"
my gf is a disaster most of the time
Almost need to lock her in the house to get her to wash and fold all her laundry
love a bit of mid 90s post-hardcore / early emo
none of that shit popstar metal screaming bullshit of 2000s/2010s fake emo, but real heroin addict suicidal late 20s lads screaming from genuine deep psychological distress
Good way of putting it :(
haha KILL JESTER mate hahahaha kilo of feathers *does a puzzled face* hahaha classic!
Evil little austerity loving neoliberal capitalist and slave to Israel. He's not a socialist he's David Cameron 2.0.
I find that the best songs are the less popular ones than you might have heard somewhere else or on spotify so I always make an effort to find the most obscure and least popular versions. That was from the singles collection.
Meaty fanny on that lass. Could be my breakfast, lunch and dinner.
And he's your Lord.
Uhm, no he's not actually
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don't get it
this is rorke?
I'm back, good to see the spainpaedo meltdown is over
He needs locked up, vile creature
what are your favourites then
i just dont like genitals full stop horrid little stinky sticky things
he makes you have a tantrum
Tell me, was becoming a 30 year old virgin part of your plan?
>two laptops
Funny it actually just started up again when you returned and started talking about him out of nowhere
one for work and one not for work
dont have a tantrum dtfic
lost my virginity at 28
can't help but associate this genre with glasses wearing redditors with beards
it has begun
good for you
reckon he's a '?
got horny and had a wank lol
spaffed a fair amount, some dripped down my balls and onto my thighs
will give it a listen, thanks la x
Why are you telling us?
alright lads
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Sir Two Tier Sit Down Here You Big Queer You Must Fear Wank Them Near I Will Sneer Covid Beer Ten More Years Kid Starver Queer Harmer Poo Barmer Shit Farter Rorke Raper Piss Taker Cock Liker KIER STARMER
was just listening to jawbreaker earlier
inane blogs about not having lost your virginity are so fucking gay and lame i can't stand them
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There isnt a huge amount of racial mixing
all that effort and then you spell his name wrong
was it all a waste? was it all a waste?
Indian lasses fannies
>One day of the week people have a load of free time
>Shut all the shops early so you can't do anything
Yeah nice one. Great idea this is. No wonder kids are out stabbing each other and smoking meth.
sheep are so dumb lmao
brown and grim
Nobody in the UK does meth
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They can't flip themselves, don't be mean
A perfect Sunday for me is going to the butcher and getting a huge piece of meat to roast later in the day while I prepare all manner of delicious side dishes
crazy to think he only has days to live before being horribly slaughtered
blog on you boring fool
Sounds like there's a gap in the market then
bit rude la'
Some guy offered to buy me a dinner yesterday, he gave me his business card and asked me to give him a whatsapp. I looked up his companies website and I think he used to be MI6, it's a private security contractor company and he had spent 20 years doing "military intelligence " for the British government.
Ah love murdering and butchering innocent animals just for a quick few moments of sadistic pleasure when their decaying corpse touches your tongue do we?
Don't forget to also burn the corpse before consumption to avoid parasite eggs hatching inside you!
I also like to open a nice bottle of wine from my growing collection.
Usually this is all accompanied by a tasteful selection of music, too.
This afternoon I'm probably going to make a curry, though.
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Reckon there's some absolute freaks that post here
Bolt to the head. Could be worse
why are sundays so depressing
hannibal leafter in the house
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I don't kill them myself but yeah I do actually lol
Sometimes I'll cook seafood while it's still alive, too.
Rorke's whip
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You dont murder them at the butchers leftypol
Need Priti Patel to fart in my mouth desu senpai baka
yt ppl love this shit
whos watching the ol' Dota then

Fuck off 190 you evil ghoul
Do prostitutes have a workers union or anything like that? Can they go on strike if punters are unpleasant or if they feel wages are too low?
I am not 190 and I even posted proof in this thread you spastic retard
It was a lovely throw to be fair
For me, it's the black keys
Yeah mate of course they do x
ffs all the local prossies on are stike
Evil, hope you go to purgatory and experience exactly what you did to those poor animals, being repeatedly boiled alive.
Yeah not gonna lie it was fun to watch
obviously a gay man trying to shjag you
love every song simple as
Fair pay for a fair fuck
I really want to see you
Really want to be with you
Really want to see you, Lord
But it takes so long, my Lord
*enters /brit/*
No more snorting coke off my arse unless I get a bump too
dont think i could ever bring myself to fuck a prostitiute

imagine how many niggerdicks and decrepit old coffin dodger dicks have been in there

might as well be eating food you found in a city-center bin

grim grim grim
You one of those chinese contortionists?
so wheres Mousey?
very aesthetic desu
i think in some western european hellholes they actually do
What are their demands?
Bit like Lysistrata
up my bum x
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corr yes
scottish mafia finally got him
You think the average gf hasn't experimented?
Fighting the urge to go to the corner shop and buy ciggies, energy drinks and spicy snacks
wouldnt know mate, my gf was a virgin until we met
virtual anonymous pub
any former scout here?
do scouts do kayaking?
Saddens me to think at least 2 posters here are known to have died
Mihai (the Romanian bender) and Ulster (famed for that meme of him wearing a tie and walking towards the camera)
RIP big fellas.
if one more WHORE on hinge asks me "why the long face" im going to lose it
She says
It's /cum/'s weekend with him. We have him next week x
is this bait?
goign afk in my mutliplayer onlinegame to be with you guys :)
>imagine how many niggerdicks
Mm, mm (Gurur Brahma)
Mm, mm (Gurur Vishnu)
Mm, mm (Gurur Devo)
Mm, mm (Maheshwarah)
>my gf was a virgin until we met
believed that did you? you dolt. total fucking muppet.
in america prostitutes call anal "greek"
>greek is extra!
is something you'll see in their ads

eating pussy is called "dining at the Y" or "DATY" presumably because of the shape of the letter Y
Stick your “storm shadow” toys up your butts!
Gonna cry?
I will continue to eat all kinds of creatures prepared for maximum gustatory satisfaction for the rest of my life and there is nothing you can do about it.
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prossiers do that here too
got the senny 650's on
Please Ivan drop a nuke on Chicago
well then you're obviously a bit of a newcunt then. the lad in the tie isnt ulster
All of us have a homosexual part of 25%, which I also have. The only thing is that I, after a profound examination, have realised that my homosexual part is lesbian.
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*rapes you and gets out in eight months*
nobody in the UK cares about Russia
You're just a snowy version of Africa, of the Congo.
You have the same crime/violence/corruption/drug use/AIDs infection rate/constant wars as any other sub-saharan jungle nation.
dey milking a horse
He's served his debt to society, get him housed and on benefits so he doesn't reoffend.
>Vance claims he and Trump have to "create stories" about migrants eating cats and dogs "so that the American media actually pays attention to the suffering of the American people."

>There is then some awkward dead air as Bash tries to highlight the absurdity of what he just said
insane how Trump so easily threw away his lead by picking this absolute sputtering retard as his running mate
did mihai really die?
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been here since before you could walk
no proof so its anyones guess
his last few posts were very melancholy
De lads
ok you're just retarded then
yes, from a drug OD.
Didnov Askatol
make the new
why did you have a melty earlier
opened my chromebook for the first time in two years
quite a cool little device truth be told but i have essentially no use for it
Guessing this image is from some sort of video game but I've no clue what point you're trying to make
A new? At this hour?
a hair system
pakis... >_<
will you be cremated or buried
can't use just use chrome os on a regular laptop using a usb flash drive or something
i'm sure i read that
getting myself cryogenically frozen
reckon this post would be quite funny to those who know what game that is
alas I do not
Werent those basically just very slow low quality Google versions of the new Macs with arm chips?
whoah slow down there walt disney
you started spamming loli and gay porn
there's chromeos flex but i think might be a bit of a dead project
Thrown in the woods with a stick to defend myself from wild badgers
That is such a brutal pic

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