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Guernsey edition
love poo me
posting in an epic brit thread!
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bobsledding into the new
toasting in an epic bread! haha
Russia is single handedly fighting all of NATO and winning, and we have to respect that.
might start saying... that word
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shut up spaedo
Can’t even BEGIN to imagine how many white slits are being shagged silly by haitian cronems in springfield.
read that as whining and it made more sense
oh my days that is so peng
hello you australian cunts
how do we turn the cat eating to bbc gimmick in the mainstream media
haven't wanked in i think 3 days might only have been 2 though
France can be very pretty at the right time of year
same, prepping for one now
cartoonishly shaped poo
toilday morning coming down
I genuinely do not understand the mindset behind these posts.
Even if it's "ironic" I don't see how anyone could possibly still find it funny at this point.
Richard B. Spencer
i'm gona wait until i get a boner or really up for it and then let loose
was getting a bit hot under the collar during the footie earlier with some of the slagposting, gonna wait till i feel like that again
Can anyone recommend me a nice sofa?
Jonathan David Anthony Bowden
You've spent the past 2 threads relentlessly insulting Britain and making out that Russia are the perfect innocent heroes of the world
I'd tell you to move there but you're almost certainly a Russian bot
U in the spurs thread mate? Saved quite a few slags me
spainpaedo is unwell
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Why did he betray the NWO lads
tempted for a spot of gyming, but it's like a 20 minute walk away which is just such a fucking pain in the arse
bershka any good?
I support a British-German-Russian alliance, expelling the USA from Britain, and partitioning Europe into spheres of influence.

Simple as.
ye i was. some good ones posted today
Kremlin bots currently raiding /brit/. I'm off for the night then x
they sell those gordon ramsey frozen dinners at my walmart, should I scran?
Ok but he did invade a sovereign nation so you can't really spin them into the good guys Vlad
Channel Islands seem to be pretty interesting but no one seems to talk about them
Don't know if I'll make it through the night
wonder how many times ruby has wanked to that harry potter in the bath tub scene
Why don't you start talking about them then
Go on
Hope I don't
do you have any idea how many western countries have invaded sovereign countries
Give it a rest you Zigger freak
There entire history can be summed up with
>use to be French
>became British a few hundred years ago
>nothing happened for 800 years
>the Nazis stayed for 4 years
>back to nothing happening for the last 100 years
I think they had a serial rapist for a while which made the news, but it's an utterly unremarkable island - probably the most peaceful patch of land in the entirety of Europe honestly
channel islands mong is back again is he
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this one
bit late innit
wild that people get off to this.
she's literally just done a big jobbie on the floor
it's unsanitary
not an argument
i accept your concession
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humanbros, it keep happening
Never really cared for Russia but I’m supporting them out of sheer spite for the British establishment.
Seems cringy and pathetic but I’m just fucking exhausted with how this country is changing.
Every successive government is increasingly authoritarian, both legal and illegal immigrants keep pouring in, houses are now financial instruments for international financiers.
genuinely dont know what this means and thats without doing the dont dead open inside gimmick
I wish I lived in the Mediterranean
why are we confined to this stupid island
they have everything in the Mediterranean
wish i was brazilian or mexican
you can’t be an incel in latin america
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cute rabbit
European countries haven't invaded by right if conquest since ww2
timmy on the street seeing emma’s wide stomach and beaming; thinking the birthrates are saved

not knowing she’s carrying a cronem baby LMAO
https://rumble.com/v5f20k3-i-have-the-best-viewers-in-the-world-appreciation-positive-optimism-ssday15.html we're in here
Isn't there some islands where half the male population is child molesters I hope that's not the channel islands
you will never guess
This is your 10th pro-Russia post this thread
Why don't you shut the fuck up. Actual Russians aren't as insufferable as you.
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>when america and britain does it it's just different because IT JUST IS OKAY
Pitcairn Islands and no, they were all teenage girls
it's overrated except for the sun and even that gets annoying after awhile
You don't know what right of conquest is do you
i think thats israel you're thinking of, cheers
Feels about 5C in my bedroom right now
watched Tottenham today, couldn't name you three players
>when it happened a long time ago it different because IT JUST IS OKAY
Can british citizens just move wily nilly to any overseas territory?
grim lol
you see this as a negative because a black men bred a white woman
I see this as more mulatto women who are culturally white coming into the world
Liquid poo
Its happening
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i ordered spaghetti and meatballs with a side of sliced italian sausages
they substituted the sausages for the meatballs
i have no meatballs
>According to a 2019 study, "senior British intelligence, military officers and diplomats in Cairo were deeply involved in a covert scheme to drive the King to participate in the Arab states' war coalition against Israel."
Jewish American paedophiles flee to Israel when their crimes are exposed in the US, and the Israeli government refuses to imprison them or send them back.
If I were an Israeli Jew I would be angry about this and demand they be sent to prison.
Yes, women love 5ft4 men who live off cats and rats
That's why Toby has a harem
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Glad I live in Hull. It's just not a vapid place at all.

It's like hoo hoo I live in London/Manchester and can go to a restaurant were beer is £7 and the waitress swears at you for Instagram reels
I’m not that anon.
Genuinely didn’t give a shit when we bombed the Balkans or when we went to war in Iraq and Afghanistan because at least life was good here.
I always do my pre-bed poo first then the pre-bed wank
genuinely fuck off MI5
Tottenham cheering as they got bummed by man city and excluded from European football because it meant depriving Arsenal of a trophy will go down as one of the - if not the single most pathetic moment in the history of the club
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Elegant1Lady, just made a nice big splooge lads won't lie
You first, FSB
>genoicdes were okay because the UN (Stalin and Biden 1.0) approved it
>the UN isn't fit for purpose because all these small nothing countries vote against the genocides the US wants to approve
>Unironically enjoying tomato paste noodles under balls of meat
I don't want to be silenced they are probably powerful people
>SOVL kits
Arsenal, Blackburn, Chelsea, Leeds, Newcastle, Tottenham, Wimbledon
that's filthy, bed should be entered showered and with a clue
Will Russia actually attack NATO if the Ukraine uses the missiles?
could never get into a good poo routine
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sovl overload
love when I get the house to myself and I can sing Justin Timberlake out loud and LARP about as him
Russia are pathetic
It's really a mystery that Epstein didn't flee to Israel.
Or did he?
superabundance of Mediterranean women
Did you know the NHS has pain clinics for people with extreme severe pain of unidentified cause, but that the waiting list is 18 months - 2 years for even a first appointment?
Imagine you're in severe debilitating pain every waking moment of your life and it will be like that for at least another 2 years before you get any help or legal pain relief
nobody wasnt even talking about ukraine until you came in to shit up the thread. you have an agenda you fucking shill
thank you for bringing sexy back
maybe idk, I'm not Russia
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Yes, there are no soldiers in Moscow while many live in the Eastern Ukraine
some hoodlum slapping his big ting silly into katy in one of those homes x

need natoshills eradicated
rocking your body actually
That is a fair point
just dropped a bell to putin, will let you know when he gets back to me
Do you ever think about what a fucking loser you are
if they use the missiles on some sensitive targets they might do some mad shit
true, the women are good looking
>post picture of putin

>natoshills in overdrive believing everyone in the thread to be a bot when they're the ones acting like bots

kys everyone of you pathetic cretins
BIG tune
alone in the house and learning to dance like this
how did smartschoolboy9 slip past the nonce hunters all these years
Z tard is seething after being called out for spamming the past 2 threads with his political bs
the most unbelievable scene in any capeshit flick is when bale batman lifts up liam neeson with one arm
Coincidentally all the patients are Pakis who now have to receive 2 years of medical leavr
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Similar IQs come together
going to sleep now
True tbqh Liam Neeson is a big dude ngl
nobody did this

natoshills just come in with any ecuse for the monty python ' i'd like an argument please'
10+ rubles
pathetic insecure nato creep
Leader of NATO here,

We can't win but I found Vladmed Binputin and he said over it that hell give me a farm in Siberia
you are aware people can literally scroll through the thread and see you're lying right?
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I'm a skinwalker. AMA.
No, they are autonomous in power and can legislate on several policy matters like immigration and trade.
>laying in bed and say "Hey Siri, set a timer fo-" as I usually do when I want to wake up in 15 minutes
>start gasping for air
>crawl over to phone to try and make it stop
>it stops on its own, i go to pick up my phone, theres a black screen with a button and some info i cant read because its blurry
>click the button and it makes a call
>start choking again rolling around on my bed
>clicking my phone and it pops up with some fat guy rubbing his belly and laughing
>manage to flip the phone (i can barely move) and look again, it isnt flipped
>flip the phone again so they cant see me through the camera
>choking through all of this
>rub my belly like the fat bald guy on the screen, wake up
His talk on historical revisionism should be essential listening for every white man
it's just sentimentalism that makes you like it but if you look at it for what it is, it is simply human domestication
sad that this is now even aspirational, most people live worse than this
>ohno a post i need to respond to!!

this is the behaviour of a paid shill
good thing they're all making it up
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it's scran time
anyone want to teach me dota and play with me?
theyll threaten again for the 85th time this week
Just got cucked by my pet white boy
vi sitter här i venten och spelar lite dota
she's a lesbo

We have to go back
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why are people concerned if russia will attack other countries if they can’t even defeat ukraine
I hope Russia launches a nuclear strike against Britain just on the off chance it might kill the zigger retard who has been shitting up and spamming the past 2 theads
natoshills think they need to defend their military alliance online because it would go to bat for them if they were ever in danger. the truth is it never would unless their life aligned with some broader economic or political goal. when it doesn't, they happily let you perish
you're not allowed to post ikea runes in /brit/
english only please
the ol' weiner in a bake trick
time for a discord wank sesh
you posted it again haha
the proverbial willy barm
Just received a warning from the janny for making a joke about Kier Starmer 5 threads ago

Odious unemployed cretin
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Mad how water just makes the fire explode and burn more
>I hope Russia launches a nuclear strike against Britain

+10 rubles
Spain VPN paedophile was molested as a child

Spaedophile hates russia and makes posts like this >>202283092 instead

If he was making a post pretending to support russia or whatever it would have some hint of this BBC cuckoldry shit that has raped his mind to the fullest extent
how do you deal with excessive praise lads

my boss with overstate my skills and achievements when talking with people and it's very embarrassing, don't want to correct him on the spot but people might get the wrong impression
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Why would Putin attack the UK he literally owns like half of London
>Russia can't conquer a slave state funded by the entire western world
they've got that lesbo spacker on taskmaster

KIll yoourself

YOu arent even real. tell me one thing which is real.
there is no modern state worth being loyal to
simply not my problem if putin wants to take over europe, I will likely personally benefit from this
natoshills have fucked the thread. time to go do something else for a while
schizophrenia at work
Is that the one with nice tits but she can't finish her jokes quick enough before the audience get the punchline?
>no we cannot stop the darkie hordes
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shared iqs
I am a schizophrenic and a racist, but I am not a schizophrenic racist
natoshills are demented schizoid freaks
harry could've laid pipe with the black waitress in half blood prince
why didn't he?
was he bent?
Donedon is fucked
the marvel universe :>
we are lied to that we are all going to get put in gulags and not be able to be british or whatever because ukrainians are basically russians and speak russian

nooooo ofcourse youre better off with us, demonic pedophile satanist elites who want your kids on hormones
well if they cant conquer that what would happen if they tried an actual western country
not watching it me hope they take notice that they're a viewer down as a result of their woke nonsense
oh my days you posted it AGAIN what are you like
can't understand a word she's saying
taskmaster has been shit for years now but this is it for me
I thought season 13 was alright
have you lot seen this hawk tuah thing
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wouldnt mind a little seal mate
keep him in the bath
feed him fish from the fishmongers
maybe take him for walks to the pond if its raining out
Mad how heathermong stole my whole gimmick and passes it off as his own. Irish diaspora is MY jurisdiction now!
stop riding my meat
no, give us the details
/brit/ feels a bit spacka today.

What have you lads done this weekend? Played in my first 11-a-side football match for years today and played quite well.

Put some shelves up for my girlfriend in her shitting room and had tuna pasta for tea.
art 1988 (1/2)
if she dont hawk tuah i wont tawk tuah
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I have heard of it but I still have no idea what it is because it sounds stupid and probably some kind of mental virus so I won't look it up.
Massive levels of mental illness, virginity, and unemployment in this thread.
Smells like chud in here.
did a massive rave last night until 6 in the morning
what's the three anime girls dancing music video called?
mad tha
the irish fella was funny
went to b&q and bought and new lamp shade
then to the tip and got rid of some old crap
played a lot of far cry and wrote some rust
more likely the natoshills are unemployed as theyre on the sick with long covid
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its a meme
first one just looks like a big otter
Developing hypothermia as we speak, so fucking cold
My inevitable death will be Starmers fault
knackered and it isn't even 10 yet
Theyd do it easier because people are wealthy
238 quid spaffed away on council tax. what a rip off.
evolution would be mental if it were real
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Seals and Seal lice.
Cool stuff lad, what kind of tunes?

Been listening to Jon Hopkins' new album/ambient piece

Fair play mate
I am eating some leftovers and am thinking of a couple packets of migoreng too
you vill pay ze vull council tax, single man
yesterday took mum out to lunch after her hospital appointment to cheer her up a bit
today sat at home and wanked 4 times
me on the left
one of the many things that keeps me up at night:
all the millions of horses that were used throughout war in history
no fucking idea what was going on. charging to their death, nothing but fear and confusion, unable to understand
poor creatures
Both irish and blacks have the capacity to spawn these obese pudgy ogre abominations
Phut mon
Proud to say I listened to the first episode of the talk tuah podcast the day it dropped
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what we call it
>jon hopkins
Nice kid

Hope it's nothing too bad mate, parents are mid 60s but healthy so nothing bad yet touch wood
heathermong on a weird one
least contemplative and thoughtful and caring /brit/ poster
her fanny is begging for my willy
Modern horse racing is basically the same thing. Same abuse and murder of horses just because humans desire it.
>yesterday took mum out to lunch after her hospital appointment to cheer her up a bit
like taking mumberg out to nice places with michelin stars, but she's a bit embarassing as she's not got the airs and graces i've learned
the plan now is just good simple pubs, she enjoys them more
what do you guys think about the clitoris i think its well weird
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This Velvet Underground remix goes very hard
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YTD I have paid over $23k in tax and I'm supposed to be grateful for the privilege?
*runs into thread*
any living with the rents and wants to die but literally no other option man in haha
otter is a form of seal
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Irish diaspora want more more more blacks
Just a micropenis with no wee hole
fucking two tier cunt is out to get me. first its coming for the ciggies. now scrapping the single discount. im going to have to get a gf just to avoid his tyranny.
Ate dairy with my fish today I think this is it for me.
went to some boring heritage places with my parents yesterday and out for some food then got steaming and did a bit of coke I had before gooning for a bit but couldn't cum. today I read for a few hours then watched footy in the pub with my mate with a few pints then I came back and watched peep show now I'm browsing /brit/ before I get an early night
mad how much good music there is out there which is barely listened to at all
you'll just stumble across a masterpiece on YouTube with like <100k views
He's gone a bit hippy recently (in a rich person ayacahusa and cave expedition to South America kinda way) but man he captures something divine in his pieces of music. I didn't even realise this one, A Drifting Down, existed on an obscure EP

NATO Just announced its giving away free estrogen to volunterrs
ktim no need for a £300 meal she's quite happy with a Toby carvery
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Darren the doorman spoke to Shelagh Fogarty on Friday, where he expressed his sadness at the divisions in British society.

"You have to make adjustments to people that may be different or have come from a different world," Darren said,

'Sometimes, when I walk down the street, I’ll see some Muslim women and they’re a bit nervous because of the way I look so I deliberately give them a nice big smile or say to them ‘good morning ladies, how are you?’ just to make them at ease.

“I’ll tell you my experience of immigration. I’m 55. I remember when I was a young nipper in the 80s, the Jamaicans, the Basians and the West Indians and all I went to school with and their mums and dads who’d come over in the 60s…

“They were our bus drivers and our nurses and they’re part of our community now and we’re proud and they’re proud.

"You see them wearing England tops and everything but in the 80s they supported West Indies.

"Cricketers today all support the England team because they see themselves in the England team."

He then went on the explain how he believes other cultures have enriched what it means to be British.

"Saturday night, I go for a nice Indian curry, I have a kebab on the way home," he told Shelagh.

"I have culture, I have colour, I’ve learnt things from around the world.

"They’ve enriched my life and my community.

"When I say my people, because I love my country and I love my people, I’m talking about the people – doesn’t matter what colour, creed, religion you are – if you live in my community… you are my people,” he declared passionately
bernie sanders for prime minster of the united pozdom of wales
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check out this remix of a Velvet Underground song
just odd innit. i always struggle figuring out how hard to press it
FSB spammer bot is back again after his coffee break. Fucks sake.
Issue is that's genuinely true and I can never forget it.
Kinda odd what you're trying to say with this stuff. The English brought Africans as slaves to Jamaica, the ancestors of jamaicans. Get some brain cells ffs.
the term clitoral hood makes me think of a cute cartoon clit in a hoodie drinking a cuppa drawn in that simple face dot eyes style like how people draw cartoon cactus
used to like him during the early 2010s
saw him live during that time and it was great
but i saw him last year at a festival and thought he was shite
Sounds a busy one lad
what's he spamming now?
seems like a kind of copout
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>Toby carvery
Man eating mice
copout of what
Two fingers, medium force, circular motions as the standard but change it up a bit occasionally, increase speed and force as she gets closer to cumming.
Always worked for me.
a girl I was seeing had a massive clit that felt almost as big as my flaccid willard
rosie jones would get it but only if gagged
Went to see him with a mate.

Took some Es

My mate then proceeded to make a girl feel really uncomfortable so we had to leave a bar afterwards. Absolutely ruined the vibe.
nina hartley. iykyk
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I know it's beyond foolish but
sometimes I think if there's gonna be a war, I wish they'd just get on with it
at least all my petty problems would fade away and I'd have something real to worry about
thats the go to but sometimes theyre just funny about it
got the scampi and chips on de lads
i've only had sex several times with 1 girl
We are not very methodical people, and our house is far from clean, so we don't complain when something goes wrong unless it's a major problem, but this time we were so disappointed that we didn't ask the staff to do anything. I had reported this many times and was shocked, so I wanted to write about it here as well.
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Can we not have a world war yet? I've literally just bought my first house a few days ago at 34 years old FFS I'd like to be a proper adult for at least a little bit
last time I had sex was in 2013

how hard is dating these days? I'm 5'7
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grim feet
>feel really uncomfortable
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Monday morning at 7am

>You ready g-man?
not sure if you'd call it ED but there are times I've got into bed with girls and realised they are fat munters (beer goggles/ horny vision wears off) and then not been able to stay hard
once I faked cumming lel
wartime clunge must be nice
game changing shit
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sorry lad too late to worry about all that now.
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literally me but I'm 5'10. don't know what dating is like though as I haven't had sex since 2013
In case of war I'll be moving to Malta.
Shan't be dying for a country-sized tax collecting entity.
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troon discord is upset again
Mummy and daddy won't let me inherit mine until I'm 40 FFS they got it written into the terms of their trust
I guarantee this person is Irish diaspora
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what? what entity?
fucking malta, a rock with no arable land? lol
Basically we met a group of guys and girls, and I was having a lovely time gassing with them. My mate tried to pick one of the girls out and corner her basically, he was bad for it at the time.
she hates you too little D the smallest man who ever lived x
Men and women are biologically much similar than people realise.
It takes clothing, make-up, hairstyles, gender stereotypes to hide that fact.
It's also why sex repulses me.
We all start of as female in the womb.
In normal development 6 weeks after conception if there is a Y-chromosome, then the SRY gene located on the Y-chromosome should trigger a reaction causing the mother to release testosterone into the womb in sufficient quantities to masculinize the fetus one body part at a time.
One of the leading theorise for why mtf trans and gay men exist is that this section by section masculinisation process might fail to complete properly when it comes to the brain, given that the brain is the last part of the fetus effected by the process.
ngl I'd slip me cock up his arse repeatedly until I achieve orgasm ifyaknowhai'msayin
>mummy and daddy's trust
holy fucking tarq
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The government.
>rock with no arable land
Better than dying in a trench for a literal balkan country.
penis in vagina tomorrow, lads
it's always a thrill
tfw no greekette gf
finnster is the poster child of the dangers of gooning (and being too young on the internet and getting groomed)
may God have mercy on his soul
Taylor Swift is particularly fucking gash now.

Basically the songs serve as vessels for her to say too many words about the petty squabbles her midwit fans gobble up.

Like Shake it Off is fairly punchy in parts but even there she can't help it.
>the smallest man who ever lived
but there's a hilarious vid of him driving to her music
>makes sense, penetrates
oh. funny way of putting that
does the greek government even collect tax? I thought everyone evaded

you'd be better off in some greek rural shit hole with farms and that. you not got an ancestral village to go to?
I gave it a chance, but that is not my cup of tea

sounds like The Fall
tales of f1nn shall delight english boys for years to come

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