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Return of Candace edition
post brown girls
cheers, thanks
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can you make ones of diego
so we know how much we will have aged since he was locked up on the mental ward
Gonna move to mid-wales
No one is nuking there. No one even knows it exists
Are you Irish diaspora?
wish I had a group of mates to go to the pub with and watch football etc
need balkan gf
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Love my friends and want to live.
yh she's fell off
new album was alright but bloated
she's no CRJ x
any diego men in?
Hate my body so much
I would do anything to change my body
I have severe chronic pain and no cure plus I'm ugly
I will never know love because of this
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Irish American girl Saoirse
>it's me! hi! I'm the problem it's me!
someone should kill Taylor Swift
NATOtroons know, deep down, that there's nothing more they can do to Russia except the USA invading Russia itself which will mean nuclear warfare.
fucksake carlybenders here
>dyed blonde
in the bin
i meant mihai not diego
losing my brain in my old age
File deleted.
it's mad how horrible people are
always here hun
What's going on with F1nnster now, has he started getting his knob out the sexy little boy?
yes mate and proud
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Remember Richard B. Spencer
Kremlin Z bot has been spamming and derailing the past 3 threads with constant politics and janny does nothing
I made one joke about Kier Starmer and janny stamped on my balls
Make it make sense.
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wrong pic x
There's always the mountains I suppose since 70% of the country is covered by them, but I wouldn't last more than 2 weeks there
pre-wall hag
Yeah he's started getting nude for the lads but no hardcore action yet
got a new phone and I can't remember the login to reddit because I've made so many burner accounts and email addresses to bypass perm bans

pretty good
shan't be spending so much time on r/redscarepod anymore!
candy hurts my teeth now
Are you Irish diasproa?
Reading about Tiny Homes
you are in desperate need of a clue
mad how quickly my wanks go off track
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Who's this guy then
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The Irish diaspora and Jamaicans
They look happy coexisting in their little world of filth
you are, heathermong
Starting to believe both these incidents were staged by Trump
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aff tae bed
the shipping container ones are a huge money sink and you're better of building a proper house
half why

tell me more about her
Love shagging women I do
I am Cornish diaspora.
baldness is 100% linked to washing hair too frequently . you can't convince me otherwise
glorified RVs
Just want China to take over us all but it'll probably not happen since their population is declining already.
*start dancing to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aROwl1lxA1M in the middle of the thread*
night mate, love you
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The Irish diaspora ink
I wash my hair every day and I'm not balding in the slightest
same, I mean hypothetically so because I uhh... haven't had sex yet
CoD was only good between MW1 and BO1.
fucking moron

trumps not even gonna win and an innocent person died

and if anything the attempt helped trump i think

what a moron that assassin was
Jay Blades the Repair Shop host has been arrested for the police on domestic abuse
the lunatic
is on the grarse
that means they'll need more population soon and there's population right across the border
all that's missing is a staffie to make the Irish diaspora trifecta
The little wooden ones seem alright
But even in Britain the prices are laughable. 50k? Lmao
I'd pay 15k tops
Meant to be the Asian century mate
India to become a superpower soon
China to overtake America in absolutely everything
The sleeping tigers of SEA to pivot away from white male sex tourism as the bases of their economies
It's THEIR century, mate
only liked mw1, more of a bad company man myself
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Would happily add to their billions
>trumps not even gonna win
must be why they need to try imprison and kill him lol copeeeeeeee
post scalp
BBC Irish aggression
True, but it was incredibly good.
more of a halo man myself
Killing would-be fascist dictators is a moral duty of all humanity.
might contribute something to the christmas parties this year
me too
full of social status obsessed libtards
their audience is terrible
Turns out that skinny low testosterone left wing incels can't do anything properly LOL!
Reckon the name Abraham is going to make a BIG come back in the coming decades
doing a gay porn dance
post hairline
medieval nibbas be like "it's time for my annual shower!!!!"
fuck you on about? cod 2 is great
why shouldn't trump be imprisoned?
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Irish diaspora worshipfully listening to bixnood chunterings
to what tune?
alri grandpa
what does
Listening to Mick Gordon


Any more metal recs?
townmoor festival
why shouldn't you kill yourself you smelly paki?
I like Alice In Chains, but I never really got into any other types of metal
my hairline is like paul ryan's and I shampoo my hair every day
pubes still not grown in eh?
I really like big red 1 and the original too, the cod classic remaster on the ps3 was great too, don't think anything compares to pavlov's house
Just applied for some AOL trial CDs so, should be getting them in a few days. Will be surfing the information highway in no time.
Great on topic posting everyone keep it up
in desperate need of coffee milk
Any other person found culpable of multiple rapes in court, who had been bankrupt 6 times, with 30+ felonies for lying about financial details, who had ordered an attempted insurrection and coup... would be given life imprisonment.
they're grunge you pleb
How to save Britain

>deport all non whites
>turn landlords into prison labour
>establish a fascist social republic

Simple as
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might pretend to be a deano and do a clothes shop at Urban Outfitters tomorrow
Whats this I heard about some other feller trying to take a shot at Donald Trump?
how is the us on the good side of every issue apart from the israel palestine one
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I'm literally 28 and too young to have played CoD 2.
Fuck are you smoking in your hospice?
Deano certainly doesn't shop at UO lad
I looked up that vid because the bitch is hot but couldn't watch more than 60 seconds
Hes not the best example because he could have had any woman alive and he chose two plain jane fridge bodies asian women, not blacks
Yes two, he cheated on yoko with another munted asian
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Every Irish diaspora needs his rasta time
So funny that Belgium and Heathernonce post BBC cuck posts at the same time.

The Batman and Robin of this game.
US were the villains in Libya, Iraq, Vietnam and also genocided the Native Americans.
>replying to yourself
take your boring debunked incel talking points back to your tranny subreddit and off yourself cheers spainpaki
young black yutes slapping quickly into young tight katy
They have five (5) good songs. Which is the same as michael jackson so they're pretty good. Mad how most bands have so few good tunes.
We also sided with you against the whites in south africa
And we sided with the muslims in Lebanon against the christians
And sided with the muslims against serbia
List goes on really dont know why we keep doing it
neu-aged deanos do
in dreams
you're mine
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Schizo Copium. Only 0.001% of the public supports Trump in Britain pal.
Pic related is literally you.
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katy with the cronem x
which bands do you think have more than five good songs?
lying cunt
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Never stop fighting.
new chase looks deece
I simply don't like sitting in a chair to play games lads. With a controller or keyboard.
Laying on a bed or settee with a controller is much more comfortable.
Nobody cares about shite that democrats made up because they're losing tho
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*logs onto /brit/*
hello boys
her timmy bf sleeping rn to wake up early for this office job x
he's clueless
Wasn't worth posting the first time.
It is hilarious how badly I mindraped him
He can't ever post on his previous trip code ever again despite having done so daily for years and years
Hope he just commits suicide
I've also run test
Hair loss is genetic
rorkism with leftypol characteristics
y'ari porke?
Shawty want a thug
Bottles in the club
Shawty wanna hump
You know I like to touch your lovely lady lumps
(She lick me like a lollipop)
You are either totally detached from reality or trolling
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I seem to remember black ops 2 being alright but can't really remember desu
Are donald almost got shot again?
Another thread you've conquered.
How would you know what the British public thinks when you never leave your smelly childhood bedroom? Nobody knows you even exist aside from your mother who wishes you would die LOL!
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Irish diaspora girl and her cronem lover
And Timmy aint get nun!
mad how you use to have to pay for music
I think I'd be fucking livid if I spunked like £10 on a CD and all the songs were just trash
Lot of really sad projecting here. I'm sorry for you.
cuck posting sure does resemble racism to me
last i checked that was against the rules
the mong formerly known as spainnonce
Used to go down to market for dodgy CDs and DVDs lel

Finding Nemo and some cunt would stand up in front of the screen halfway through
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pov: you're a newly wed Katy but cronem in front of you giving you flashbacks of your blackened past, triggering that urge..
My arse, your cock.
You in?
yeah yeah trump is actually a kgb Kremlin spy and literally Hitler!!
meds, now.
my side's a bit sore from sleeping badly but otherwise doing alri.

how about you m8?
im not going to give you a comprehensive list but;
the beatles
led zeppelin
black sabbath IF you like sabbra cadabra (i happen to think it is a TUNE)

few others
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timmies gaymaxxing
clapmeats blackened
Jah bless x
New Pendulum eh

How many meltys has spaedo had today? Seems like he's been posting nonstop
Shut up you tiresome cringecase
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just walk on timmy
This post reeks of British culture
>gets no attention on the belgian flag because everyone has him filtered
>takes off the vpn and starts spamming on the UK flag
fucking hell he's such a sad sack, I could almost pity him
he's sent you flying lmaooooo
chat is this real
mad how hteres only one female voice availble on chatgpt now
sick of this woke nonsense
he a fan of croatian football?
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timmy sr do nun
mainstream drum and bass is so fucking awful now lmao
>multiple rapes
The only serious accusation is the e jean carroll one and the case is still unironically still being appeal and decided.
Classic democrats though, attempting to bypass the judicial system and use the court of public opinion.
Also e jean carroll got famous for being the female hunter s thompson gonzo journalist, aka making up exaggerated wild stories about her escapades. This isnt even slander its how she characterizes herself
when was it ever not awful?
There were a few decent threads here and there when he was off presumably getting his nappy changed or stuffing his face with thousands of calories worth of junk food
Hymens: ripped
Tooka: chiefed
Cîroc: sipped
Timmy: suicided
Wombs: fertilised
yet another whisky? fucking hell, alright
if you insist
haha he made the white pussy for black mens enjoyment x
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americans screaming at this
I've always been a paddy. I didn't wake up one morning and think "im gonna start being Irish from now on just to piss off the Brits lmaooo" nope you are not that important. I don't give a fuck one way or the other what you think of me.
Macky g and flume
addayer dayer men dar 7awalayi el 7elwin ktar
He's an unemployed middle aged obese incel, this place is literally his entire life lol
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katy will pay 1000 dollars just to be held by my nigga chris brown LOL
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C**n lover
typo there

very unprofessional
was just enunciating this at the pub
seeing loads of people walking around with Nirvana shirts
don't want to be the guy who pulls the "name 5 songs" card, but there's no way that even half these people are listening to that band
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wonder if he manages to pleasure her in some way in the bedroom
says you heathermong
Violence has no place in democracy.

The recent gunshots fired toward Donald Trump are unacceptable and disturbing. /brit/ condemns this attack in the strongest possible terms.
Lots of underaged girls known to be Epstein victims were threatened so they'd withdraw their claims of being raped by Trump
And a court did already find Trump liable of rape against E Jean Carroll.
Absolutely beyond sick how anyone could contemplate voting for him.
Actually fuck it just the beatles and led zeppelin i can't imagine being at the black sabbath reunion and wanting sabbra cadabra to play
Haha Timmy running away to the Philippines
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pretty sure he invites some hoodlums over from the local council estate to get the job done x
/tv/ will always have more posts than /int/, simple as
making 2 posts on /tv/ to compensate for this post
Thoughts on goth girls?
Please post goth girls.
The smiley face tongue logo just looks cool innit
but someone should definitely kill Taylor Swift
with a brick
Primark and H&M have been doing sales of those shirts for like £10 for a while now - not to mention the band logo was already basically a fashion brand of its own.
It was funny how a while back they did sales of black sabbath merch and for a couple of months you'd see 13 year old girls walking around wearing a shirt where they couldn't even name the singer
People are sheep, and if clothes are cheap they'll buy them
Spain VPN Chester smelly childhood bedroom paedophile
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haha oh no no no
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The esoteric spirit of the Skyrim-playing White man.
Dad wouldn't allow me to buy a nirvana shirt when I was about 14 precisely because I only knew like 2 of their songs
These posts are good
Why don't you make more of these?
Sir Fire Starter
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lmao your dad sounds like an incel, no wonder you ended up posting here
It's believed this post on Truth Social was the cause for the attempted assassination.

The day he chose to fuck with Swifties, he is almost killed. Says it all.
Good posts.
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>tfw you find out lil timmy sugardaddy died
Knew a girl in uni who was really into reggaeton and did her dissertation on the history of black Britons
The mad thing though? She exclusively fucked whites
prefer oblivion
skyrim is boring and one dimensional
think the only way you can enjoy it is if you larp as some faustian viking or install more mods than you can count
>Me: classic democrats attempting to bypass the judicial system and use the court of public opinion
>You: immediately attempts to do exactly that, twice
What happened to Epstein's victims was horrible but its literally the most famous sexual assault case in the world and tens of millions of people want to see justice for it, there are truckloads of millionaires who would be happy to pay for the defense and protection of any epstein victim with a legitimate claim against trump.
But instead you use hearsay and unsubstantiated gossip.

Also nice job literally repeating what I was just commenting about jean carroll like a fucking bot. What do you think i was referring to about still being appealed?
Spaedo melty
Timmys next link up
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So this is Rorke
difficult to express my love for this image
may it live on for centuries
>Knew a girl in uni who was really into reggaeton and did her dissertation on the history of black Britons
>She exclusively fucked whites
timmy made up cope

oiled up s-curved longmeats been slapping into her to the rhythm of reggaeton
hysterical how this was almost his last words
Based post
Only bug men "whites" play Soirim because of obsession with modding and vikangz.
>Absolutely beyond sick how anyone could contemplate voting for him.
The majority of the population; normal people with jobs and families, will be voting for him in the tens of millions, I guess they've come to the conclusion that he's not a paedophile or rapist and the democrat hit jobs and projection have failed. But I'm sure they're sick and an unemployed tranny incel like you is actually the normal one.
Shagged a guy with the fattest bubble butt and then kissed and chatted for hours after.
hm this person was accused of rape and the case is still being appealed? I think I'll jump the gun and presume his guilt because our party doesnt have qualms about that when it comes to rape, no siree
Women are attracted to men due to mental instability and mental illness caused by the psychological trauma of realising they don't have a penis and are expected to to be submissive and the fuckee rather than the fucker.
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She aint got time to reply to lil timmy's texts but she do have time to bounce on dat tribal dick in mufasa's hut LOL
gay cunt kys
not gay, but I reckon the chat with men is a bit better than with ladies
imagine spaffing up a mans arsehole then playing fifa with him 5 minutes later
that must be really cool
me on the left
blud has a favourite penis shape
Wish /brit/ would just be normal for once

Why cant these posts be banned? But racism can? Are these not heavily racist?
There comes a point where you feel sorry for him.

This is his life.
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corrr any poo?
Are are mentally deranged
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You're currently sided with the Isr*elis against the seculars and Christians in Syria as well.

Your outsing of Gadaffi and your wars destabilising the middle east for your masters *srael is also why Europes being flooded by Muslims

Which I think is actually your goal of destruction of Europs culture and replacement of the population with retarded arab and blacks who are easier to control
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Is spaedo actually the janitor? How does he get away with this
He is the janitor
There is no other explanation
bbc s-curved longmeats only
reech da gutz
Genuinely wonder if Spainnonce does have a job and thats why hes kicking off a tantrum in here at 10pm
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I got it open in picture in picture mode while I browse the chon. 50 mins left for me x
Just had a stoke
It's not SN. It's another schizo.

We actually chatted about vidya and music right after.

No, we were clean lad. I did eat him out for ages too.

Its alright lad I give you permission to post this photo of me and the missus for the /brit/ if it gives the lads here a good laugh
hahahaha pay up lil timmy
Yeh nobody calls him that but him
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ya kno
how is he not banned for spamming? seriously
or does he just evade all the time
it legitimately wouldn't shock me, but truthfully he's been a VPN merchant for fucking YEARS and those are pretty much impossible to counter
think it's more likely that the Jannies have just given up with this place since it just seems to be a magnet for schizos and spastics
Basic human mortality requires the imprisonment or assassination of Donald Trump
If you believe otherwise you've been brainwashed by a cult.
Properly demented hours, not sure if i want to post here for the remainder.
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lil timmy's weekend LOL
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Irish diaspora boy in his happy place
Obese middle aged shit-coloured incel hurriedly switching between VPNs in his childhood bedroom to argue on 4chan, the website that's his entire life. LOL!
Ahahaha does 2Tier realise what a pillock he looks like posing like this?

What's he got in that red briefcase anyway? should get with the times and use a regular black leather case like everyone else
luv em x

>star of david
It doesn't have to be like this Adam, there's people out there that can help you
He calls himself Spainnonce??
The syrian conflict is alawite versus sunni and has absolutely nothing to do with Israel, you look like a complete fool blaming that conflict on Israel. Muslims are just as incompetent as Israelis and create problems for themselves.

Same goes for Iraq. The Iraqi conflict was a tragedy but European immigration cannot be fucking blamed on that, there have been millions and millions of immigrants flooding in from Turkey, Morocco, Algeria, and Pakistan, countries that have never been at war with Israel and in fact have for many years been on good terms with Israel
Is he irish diaspora
glad some people are starting to realize he's the janitor and that's why the spam continues every day
get a filter
Praise Jah
nato shills are in bed as they have toil on the morrow

unemployed fsb chads we won
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shieeeeed LOL
bloke on the right is taller and has a bigger cock
he'd wreck that twink and his gf
the peak hours tend to be at about 6-9, before the dole dossers wake up, around about the aussie power hour, anyone who is awake is either employed or at least has their shit together, it's cosy posting
>What's he got in that red briefcase anyway?
arrest warrants for every white person in Britain
Ok im going to take my place at the faeces throne and when i come back you all better have stopped this malarkey
Got it?
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Timmy's gal
Scranning a poo
Im a neet and I post in those hours as I go to sleep at around 10am
uaed to do poo in the garden until me dad found out and made me dig it all up
Jet-black s-curved gut hammers
I also dont even know of any evidence that we have somehow sided against Christians in Syria, wtf are you talking about?
Syrian conflict is like Sunni jihadists majority versus the Alawite elite minority led by Assad, Russia, China, and Iran.

How do you even get Christians and Israel out of that.

Palestinians also fucking hate Assad hes their most despised target in the Middle East because he killed them and expelled them from their refugee camps in Syria, he hates them back
Why does he hate taylor swift
fuck this lesbian earth
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LOL she got that mongol horse ridin nigga look from the history channel
Cry more you boring incel freak
Oblivion is objectively worse than skyrim with just one good questline
yeah but by that point you've probably calmed down a bit
burst out laughin at this
Gonna do a /brit/ Hunger Games, submissions for tributes will be done next thread
Why did Hiroshimoot remove the ip count is 4chin dying
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rosemi mogged lulu so hard she quit
Yeah he thinks we fall for it the spastic lmao
just learned that japs already made a term for everything I've been looking for, paizuri
If it's just before bed then you'll be calmer and winding down. Probably about to post the "off to bed" pepe too.
Fucking hell just found this song after listening to my Special edition wukong OST lads....

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/tv/ used to be really creative back in the day
Some funny memes they had
Just say boobfuck titjob like the rest of us
Its honestly so based how there are these secret sects in the middle east like the Dabul and Alawites who are only Islamic in name to avoid Arab persecution, but still have heretical rites and traditions they practice in secret.

Imagine turning 15 and being led into a chamber carved out of some sandstone cave where your father reveals some ancient ceremony your people have practiced since the bronze age that you will now undergo, kept secret since medieval times

Maybe involving a pictographic script based on a pre-semetic language like sumerian
real new

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