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Head Anthropometry edition
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a cock with a girth of only 4.3 inches isn't even worth trying to have sex with. it's so thin the woman won't even feel it. i know my place.
Excellent start to the thread
im studying and posting here
except for this short break i shall take, after this page, to go to shops to get le pizza ^\/^
brutalising a lovely sunday roast
hope you choke
what's on the news this morning lad?
Most fingers are thinner than and women love a good fingering
fingers have dexterity. it's not the same
Pizza in the morning? No no
it's monday mate
Same lad
Baked some fresh bread alongside me roast so have a few days of cold cut sandwiches and leftover roast potatoes
yeah sorry about that choke comment, i didn't mean it
doesn't change the fact i'm having a lovely sunday roast and you're not x
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toil is inhumane
Huw Edwards arrives at court for sentencing hearing over child abuse image charges
>go to bed at 12
>can't fall asleep until 2
>tossing and turning shite sleep for 5 hours
>wake up an hour before I should and can't even sleep again

fuck sake
gen Y neet and a hyundai
only 2 hours 5 minutes until lunchtime
the world is healing
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are those powerpoints american or british?
Hope you die and no thing beside remains, the lone and level sands stretching far away.
when i get this it's usually just lack of exercise during the day
she's pointing at her miniskirt
savouring the time before the yanks wake up
Take a double dose of magnesium citrate before bed :)
been having the same problem since i stopped taking my meds
Australian discovers English people are actually Saxons
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Hey /brit/ you wanna play a zombie game?
What trimmings do Aussies have for their Sunday roasts?
Mad how Shelly wrote Ozymandias about Ramesses II and we actually have quite a lot of ol' R2's legacy remaining including massively impressive statuary and temples and one of the rare extant pharaonic mummies
you lads still invest in LSE stocks? kind've shooting yourself in the foot if you do, no?
>stub my toe
>cry out "JUUUUUDEN!"
Anyone else?
why do browns creep me out
they look so dysgenic
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erryting gwan be alree
>Mary Shelleys mother was the first feminist
>Mary writes a book about somebody making a vile monster which terrifies everyone and thinks it's being nice
Not really but it still gets used as an attempted insult based on the historical settlement of continental teutonic tribes in England in the Dark Ages
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hope you've never been this lad, lads.
>magnesium citrate
I'm a serial sharter, always have been, but I have never shat so violently as the one time I tried magnesium citrate
It was like my poo became a sentinent fluid hivemind and immediately forced its way to my arse
buying the ubisoft dip
retired in 2 years tops
so here we are in merry old england
i wish i were in my merry old bed!
Aw come on man Other Joe is a cool dude
No, they are actually Saxons. Everything about English people is founded off the Saxon nation.
No, only NYSE
might try microwaving my head for a laugh
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she wants a man with weird alien fingers
watched a remarkably good film at the bfi southbank last night, called Center Stage. stars Maggie Cheung as this famous chinese actress from the 30s who killed herself. in a sort of bergman-esque way the film interlaced clips of the cast being interviewed, and was generally very meta. beautiful cinematography to boot. anyway, i highly recommend it - if you're interested then they're playing it again at the bfi on the 21st (just after another maggie cheung film, called comrades, which i'll be watching)
You should be shot
>got an NHS appointment
>on the app says it's a telephone consultation
>nobody calls me so call the clinic to check
>no no it was an in person appointment
>tell them my app quite clearly says telephone
>no no we told you it's in person
Sick of it
i remember when i measured my cock some time ago and i actually laughed at how pathetically small it was
"no that can't be right, 11cm girth? surely that's a misatke"
nah it really is just that pathetic
i should cut it off
i only said i'd done it so they'd take me cock out the bacon slicer
alri platypuslad

this guy is weird
among its other benefits working out will make sleep easier
good man
getting good returns? what do you invest in?
should be meeting iain mcgilchrist next month
let me know if there's anything you'd want me to ask him
became a horrific coomer when i moved out for uni
spent loads of my first loan instalment on toys and stuff for dress up wanks
even went through a phase of wearing buttplugs to lectures
I always get exhausted around this time in the day (7pm) and then slowly regain energy and it becomes hard for me to sleep until like 2 in the morning
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>dress up wanks
oh yeah OH YEAH
might donate. might not
Only a jew would do that hwoece
why do you keep posting these
Frozen veggies e.g. peas and carrots
Potatoes, probably roasted but mashed or boiled are not unknown
If it's lamb it's been dressed with rosemary and possibly served with mint jelly
If it's beef it's just straight in and out of the oven without much of an attempt to flavour it
If it's pork someone's probably gone through a whole process of trying to make the crackling happen
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or do you lads reckon this charity ranking thing is better?
Today I am going on an incel excursion
love a bit of a dress up wank me but bum funs always such a hassle and not actually fun
i've become old. dull. lost my edge. lost my wit. lost that spark in my eyes. lost hope. lost my potential. lost that youthful exuberance.
i'm just a husk, i'm just a walking pile of regrets. what have i done? why have i done this to myself? oh my god, there's no going back. i've ruined it. i've fucked it all
konstantin kisin is such a midwit
seems like a nice guy tho
Explain Kent then
might as well give it a download and add it to the back catalogue
go swallow a tablespoon of baking soda for a laugh
big hands / long fingers unironically make me swoon
turned 26 recently, eh?
no reason not to go see it at the bfi tho
i see kangaroos fairly regularly but i haven't seen a koala since about 2002, even if they're hard to spot up in their trees you'd think i would've seen one in 22 years, they must really be endangered
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my best years are behind me, and i wasted them toiling, wanking, getting drunk and frivolously whittling the hours away doing nothing
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Morning guys. Not long got up. Got toil soon you see. How is everyone today? I'm not too bad.
is this just one of those bizarre paraphilia things that virgins develop after going too long without getting a shag with a normal woman
rorke is finished
Blow your head smooth off
I'm legitimately in love with new frank green and a sneaky link
good until you showed up
sacked tranny is just poleaboo 2.0
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I am the intellectual boss of /brit/
i love Australia
we will ALL return to sand (because youre Australian, im Australian)
dunno basically had it since young childhood me
Huw Edwards being sentenced right now
i am, you are, we are australian
27? That's nothing. Start learning about human longevity and begin taking steps to lengthen your life long enough until science eventually figures out how to cure natural-cause death. Quitting smoking and getting /fit/ are a good start.
600ml pepsi max up the shitter
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i am, i AM, Australian
might fill up a few jerry cans and drive into the desert at high speed like mad max
Just ignore them mate. They want to get to us but we're better than that.
chin up la, you're just feeling down today, it'll pass (it won't)
get the bums wanked
get the arses plugged
Pretty similar to hear then, clarse
She's ligetimately going to cuckold you
i reckon he's innocent
get over it mate, if you occupy yourself by lamenting the time you feel you've wasted then you'll just end up wasting your future as well
why is peter hitchens so insistent on lucy letby being innocent?
does he have reason or is he just being provocative?
there's nothing in the world for me, nothing to do, nothing to look forward to, nothing to cling onto
never gonna have a family, a house, a meaningful career
what's the point seriously
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love love LOVE elephants
I look like this
c'est fini
n'en parlons plus
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isn't one of the rorke theories is she's being used as a scapegoat to cover for a whole heap of baby deaths as a result of neglect from other (potentially ethnic) healthcare workers and it's all a big conspiracy against her
wahey look at him go
Peter Hitchens
read alan watts
saw an eagle soaring majestically in the sky yesterday and there was a smaller bird following it that had to constantly flap to keep up
wonder if it was the eagle's child it was teaching to fly or it was just another species of bird trying to pick a fight out of manlet rage
>nothing in the world for me

How can you say that when there are literally tall, muscular black men with BBC's walking around
apparently the ethnics are eating pet cats and dogs in springfield so wouldn't surprise me if they're also killing babies here
their dicks arent even that big
*pokes head out of the thread operations room*
They are though
It's okay if you don't believe it
White women do
ktim me in my nissan note flipping off bmw drivers
Some like Guinness, some like Carling. Me, I like Dixon Cider.
manufacturer advises reconstitute each 50 mg vial with 5 mL of water for injection and gently swirl, do not shake vigorously. Withdraw 5 mL of reconstituted solution, add to 250 mL of either Sodium Chloride 0.9% or Glucose 5% and mix thoroughly. The bolus injection and infusion should be administered from the infusion solution.
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One more toil week before my annual leave
lots of black guys have small cocks
not a matter of belief it's just science lmao
cope on tho, won't bring daddy back
how long you off for big man
>2nd assanaiton attempt

all men are pigs, i've seen their dicks
fuckup 190 you genetic detritus
dicks in cider? alright have this *zip*
yeah you would know wouldn't you
given that you've sucked many a black dick
No we don't
My birthday today
>it's just science
stick your finger up your bum
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FBI really don't want to work under his leadership again lmaooooo
happy birthday lad *blows a noisemaker in your ear*
"black men" and "small penises" don't belong in the same sentence. a complete logical contradiction
Your dick too small for that shit nigguh
Okay now what
I don't think it's a stretch at all that they'd rather place the blame on an individual than expose the third world conditions of many of our hospitals
reset your router 190?
i'd like to be, under the sea
in an octopus's garden, in the shade
Happy birthday fren :)
that's up to you lad i'm not your boss
yeah so take my word for it
ya hear?
happy birthday x
hey guys Yuji Sakai here, testing out a new gimmick
the prospective watches: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZ0iqgHwI30
he looks pretty funny and has good production quality
and there is a NEW https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NH-RE4t7IE8
ye but you dont consider that im secretly gay for you so i was nursing a semi when i did it
watching the pizza one as we speak
i usually only get about 30% through these videos before i get bored and click off
the story behind it seemed fake as fuck too, remember reading that she had bits of paper in her home just laying about in the open that she'd written like "IM HORRIBLE AND EVIL" "I'LL NEVER BE NORMAL" "WHY DID I, LUCY LETBY, MURDER ALL THOSE BABIES" just the fakest sounding fabricated planted evidence you could think of
thats okay c:
how are the toilers this morning?
Thanks for the birthday wishes mates, I will have a good day today :)
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wahey it's me look how jolly he is haha
great thing about being an unemployed freak is that all the normoids are busy toiling so public spaces are much quieter
not doing too well lad
not doing too well at all
ktim except 32
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9 days of bliss. DRDR coming out Thursday so I'll probably play that.
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what do blind people dream about
Last night I called the living room the kinoplex and the gf just got up and said she "can't do this anymore", grabbed a few things from the bedroom and left. Not heard from her since despite calling multiple times
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saw this .webm on 4chan
remember the pre-indian internet?
fucking heaven on earth it was
never getting that back are we
happy birthday my man
have a wonderful day!!!
whats goin on man
mental how Germany tried to take over the world twice but this time we believe them that they won't try it again
on a comedown and cba
atleast my role is very chill
Alright lads, this morning I'm picking up where I left off with the Bayeux Tapestry
Technically it was austria pulling the strings, both times
mousey wouldve loved this
Mental how much the Germans seem to stick their noses up at the UK for no apparent reason. I mean, I understand them doing that to us but Britain? The hell did they do?
hi lads, just to preface this post i'm a vile overweight transgender woman
last night my weird autistic 5'3 boyfriend called the living room the "kinoplex" (?) and started giggling like a virginous little runt, just another one of his pathetic terminally online mannerisms that i can't stand
i said "i can't do this" so i left and went to my friend Tyrone house instead so i could get my rotting axe wound dilated more than a piece of plastic ever could
really want to do DMT soon
don't think WW1 was an effort at world domination unless you count dominating europe as dominating the world
i am HIM
dmt can be really scary, can't imagine there are people out there doing it constantly as casually as they'd smoke weed or drink
you wouldve loved that
i wonder what fictional scenarios you'd be inventing if you were forbidden internet access
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Why do rabid Anglophiles pretend Gaelic was never spoken in the Lowlands?
your head's been proper rotted by this place, utterly fucking grim stinking shitheap of a post
First day at the new toil. I start at 2pm and working till 10pm. Feeling anxious and struggling to eat.
dont think you've read much into the subject and you should stay in your own lane
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Think all of you should scram, capische?
Exquisite image
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the cheeky late breakkie
you're repeating and apparently believing a really old canard and accusing me of being ill informed

do you believe that the goal was ""world domination"" simply because it was called a world war?
You working at a supermarket mate?
wish the pajeets would put a firewall around their internet like the chinks have so i'd never have to encounter them
Mad how there's a famous bodybuilder whose last name is GOGGINS and he's BLACK as well
fuckingf hell anyone know how to delete pics on here
we need to get young men and boys back into the workforce
mad how nobody can name 30 black inventions but theres a whole month for their "history" of getting fucked and blaming it on the white man
Went to the doc and said "I have athletes foot" and then dropped a chopped-off foot of an athlete on his desk
I quite enjoyed Goggins' up until a certain point. Mental how a guy with learning disabilities was able to overcome that and become a SEAL.
(in the style of "Our House" by Madness)

Has a massive BBC

Has a massive BBC
i asked them too
they cant either
if only
doesn't take that much, they already clap and honk
trickiest part is probably balancing a ball on their nose
Seek mental health support.
cheeky bugger
"trust me bro" on YT sounds cute. i like his voice
it is like hes really talking to a friend instead of a microphone, and hes capturing that cuteness
no you
feel like going for a night drive but i am quite drunk
Wouldn’t recommend it lad.
thinking beer
Mental how /brit/ posters want American flags gone but you enter one of these threads and the entire discussion is about BBC and yank politics
its probably a really fat smelly black man talking about yte wumens every morning
and thats even sadder
Yes. Asda delivery driver.
sounds like a tranny
at least half of the videos i watch on youtube are about video games but i barely play video games anymore
mate had the "funniest thing he's seen in a while" to show me this morning and it was just that Dracula flow shit
love him dearly but his lack of a sense of humour is draining on my soul
shadilay my fellow kekistani
sucking an airhorn duster
Should be alright mate. First day will probably be training anyway. Take it easy and take in as much information as you can and don't be afraid to ask questions. Best of luck to you pal.
reckon he stuffs his fat black todger into tight pink fannies?
miss the days before every jeet and african had 24/7 internet access via cheap Android phones
would happily deal with 2003 internet speeds if it meant 2003 internet demographics
reckon hes extremely racist
i unironically love working. going to call my boss tomorrow and ask to do overtime next week
i'm good at it and it pays well and i enjoy it. what's not to like?
don't you bloody start
big black cockwomble
Remembering how utterly cringe this shit was in 2016.
this is where the black says "but i am racist"
and thats sad
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How do you mean by scary
would rather endure a black ops style torture session than work
yeah, the legend of the dog faced woman~
two packets of bbq super noodles launched in the pot cooked to perfection and scranned down my throat for the runt breakfast
smart them mate
i poke my head out of the gutter for one freakin second and fate shovels shit in my face
do you remember the documentary video? well the SAS cant even torture people anyway
so gay
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going to my gran's later for dinner
why is it asking me to wait 300 seconds before making a thread on /mu/
advertising is against the rules
why dont white women see what we see when they meet black fellas. how can they not realise whats about to happen
shut it twerp
Giving Employed Woman a peck on the lips and laughing as she blushes! :3
without limitations /mu/ would just be 10 pages of kpop general
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Rorkes Last Stand
detected your dogshit taste and wanted to save them for a while
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>I want LAWrenn SOOthern to suck my peenurse but she's in Canader.
What do you mean
Thanks pal. Yeah it is a training day.
just a measure they implemented a few months ago to inconvenience spammers and ban evaders
keep up
wish i still had a gran
why doesnt the SAS do something about the grey squirrels
she's waiting for you in the afterlife lad
based and clarificationpilled
Nobody does this and even in Edinburgh the majority of placenames in English are either from the 1500s or actually Norwegian
the price of the toll
same, miss mine
Holding Employed Woman’s small, delicate hand and going for long walks on the beach! :3
for all boards or just /mu/
it's man sized and hairy
had a tiny little fart that travelled out of my arse and up my crack to exit right at the top of my bumcrack and it tickled a little bit when it came out
but not outgunned
whos nuts wins (the SAS is nuts)
What would you like them to do?
mt druitt kfc car park 15 minutes i'll fucking punch your head clean off cunt
got hairy toes me
like a hobbit
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Whay you mean like not being able to walk properly for a few days?
genocide them obviosly
how do their spindly legs not break easily
employed womans got hands like Dida so i heard
enjoy smoking the herb, eh?
they do break easily, and they don't heal either
looks like that pic of john lennon walking like a spastic
i mean the black guy to black eye pipeline
only the finest pipeweed
Choking chuds like this out so Employed Woman can walk safer on the streets! :3
They break easily
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you tried the nik nak edition yet
virgometer beeping like mad
chewing gum doesn't have a windpipe
dont believe you. a creature would never have evolved legs that fragile
i dont have a problem with white immigrants having a problem with people saying "go back to where you came from"
someone saying "go back where you came from" and all the browns around saying "but there are loads of us here and were brown" is just sad and those people are shameless NPCs and should go back to where they came from even if they were born in the country just fuck off to space or something
So you think you know better than FEMA what to do with this month's Ambrosia shipment?
mousenonce you've gone feral
a prey animal hyper-specialised for speed would
i'm not shocked by black hobbits
don't do shit all day, love smoking weed, when saruman comes and finally puts them to work they hate it
of course they're black
all boards as far as i can tell
wren was good but doesn't hold a candle to le corbusier
Rape and kill them
imagine a world where white people didnt exist
remember to throw a car battery in the ocean within your lifetime just in case. not because i want them to fail or because they will but because i know they will and i hope they also enjoy acid rain ontop of that
why do fingernails get so dirty so fast
Inceltrain leaving the incelstation
they would need strong legs not fragile ones you dolt
rorke rorkeing his way rorkeily to the rorkeathon
stop sticking your fingers up your arse
im on the zaza pepperoni and low hanging fruits pizza pack of filtered marlborough foreigns color, an ultra-rare breed of marlborough the general public or general surgeon hasnt even had a chance to try or mediate so they put in and keep there all the good shit
an incelgrimage if you will

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