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look like a right mug edition
haha are ‘uw what is he like the rascal
Looks like my dad
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nth for the baddiedem
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Rourke webm
Do you lads remember that utter mental case who was trying to insist there are people in Surrey who have never left their village and how you'll be socially shunned if you don't turn up to church every Sunday?

WHAT was his end game?
still no response to anything I’ve said because there is no response, and to attempt one would require you to confront your own delusions, something which you, as a manchild who requires a skydaddy, cannot bear
no wonder he was into cp. imagine reaching that level of fame and success but you can't say anything out of the ordinary, you have to toe the line for the establishment. all that comfort and wealth but you have to act the most boring man in the world reciting the same tired talking points on the news every day. i'd be chomping at the bit to do something anything even remotely edgy. success is a double edged sword
No 190 I don't
Please go outside
This bastard be giving the Welsh a bad name
2D looks fitter
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Remember Axel Rudakubana
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can we take the government to court over mis-selling of student loans? when I was 18 I was not financially responsible and they should not have given me £40k that I had no chance of repaying. it's just an additional tax on ADHD zoomers like me
*curbstomps her face into the gutter*
this is power
this is strength
Got the wife pregnant again lads wahey
Post F in chat for the home office
face like a slapped arse eating a bumblebee
Both are 3D mongo
Couldn’t care less about pensioners, anyone alive in the west from 1945-2000 did nothing but absolutely suck every speck of value out of their society so they could have an extra buck to spend on a flash car or whatever. they can fend for themselves as far as I’m concerned
just no need for that is there really
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good works is the fruit of faith, you won't be saved by being a "good person". all people fall short cause of our sin nature. we are saved through faith and if our hearts are saved of course we'll produce good works, particularly works that glorify God

2.5D mogs
Why do you hate the Jews?
Kek alri there surrymong
>8 month suspended sentence
what a joke
Plan 1:
>If you were paid the first loan before 1 September 2006: The loans for your course will be written off when you’re 65.
>If you were paid the first loan on or after 1 September 2006: The loans for your course will be written off 25 years after the April you were first due to repay.
Plan 2:
>Plan 2 loans are written off 30 years after the April you were first due to repay.
Plan 4:
>When your Plan 4 loan gets written off depends on when you were paid the first loan for your course.
>If you were paid the first loan on or after 1 August 2007: The loans for your course will be written off 30 years after the April you were first due to repay.
>If you were paid the first loan before 1 August 2007: The loans for your course will be written off when you’re 65, or 30 years after the April you were first due to repay – whichever comes first.
Plan 5:
>Plan 5 loans are written off 40 years after the April you were first due to repay.

Howling. Some people are stuck with an unpayable loan until they are basically retirement age while mine is getting written off in my mid 40's.
There he is
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olivia utleys's big bosom
How many Sallies couldn't wait and killed themselves before it happened?
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Had a really fun fuck with a chubby Chinese lass yesterday.
>the government forced me to go to university
Good morning gentlemen
*raeps ur mum*
teepee nuffin persanawl kiddo
>james 2:24
> You see that a person is considered righteous by what they do and not by faith alone.
so is the Bible wrong on this point then?
How was there not a single picture of him after about 12 years old released
fitting that a nonce announced the death of the nonce mother
thinking of velociraptors again
Read the Beatitudes you subhuman simp spammer
i'm literally only interested in skinny bitches
Clean shaven. Always.
raping my own arse
cope, you simply can’t grow a beard. patchy haired little boy
do you think he'll kill himself?
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Female cops are about as much use as an ashtray on a motorbike.
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I am willing to debate anyone, the winner gets 100€.
This is my 100€ challenge.
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atrr uree durc imuu opnr
errrrrrrmmmmmmmnmmmm that’s not possible. you see, rape requires a lack of consent by at least one party, and since you are both the proverbial giver and receiver in this situation, it’s impossible to unconsensually do anything to yourself. please refer to r/rape if you have any further inquiries
if oyu have any questions about christanity i will try to answer to the best ofm yaiblites
unironically got stopped by a male female police duo the other night
male was far more friendly
it is possible
i don't want to wank, i want to quit masturbation, but i have no self control so when i do wank it's literally me raping myself
Fuck off 190 get a job
The women have to be aggressive to compensate for being weak
Sam Hyde female cops vid. get it watched
Hope it's better than your spelling abilities!!!!
why are the 7 commandments of noah and 10 commandments of moses similar and different in random places?
not like I can pick and choose.
same with small dugs
Might lead a coalition of nations into the invasion of Iraq and the deposition of its dictator
yank loves his magical lemon dreamscapes
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>ashtray on a motorbike.
female cops have a reputation of being mouthy and aggressive to compensate for their obvious weakness and to mask their fear.
nope, cause those who are saved will produce good works that glorify God

>Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
>Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.
>Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.
>Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.
>Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.
>Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.
>Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God.
>Blessed are those who suffer persecution for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
so true x
Huw Edwards gets a suspended sentence. Good job he hadn't done anything as bad as shouting at a police officer at an anti-migrant protest.
Two Tier Keir has still not charged those involved in the Manchester Airport Assault
>*screams into the void*
CAN YOU be more specific in your issue?
A. S?
muslims are a protected class
how's he ever going to go out in public again lmao
Oops lol meant sermon on the mount where he says coomer retards like you are as bad as adulterers and will be punished x
batons and clapmeats is hereby the new word for willies and fannies
honestly think this sort of society has been dead for 200 or more years
started watching sigma muslim tiktoks as a meme awhile back and read that as Alayhis Salaam
chat am I cooked
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About to visit Pornhub. YOU choose the genre I knock one out to.
>no "gay"
I'm White English, im a tax cow to be milked in Two Tier Keir's Britain
JOI doctor
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you ever make a shite lunch and it leaves you feeling a bit empty
didn't have any fats to fry my veg and it was awful
ebony fellates bwc
PC Botox
Bimbo. Always.
lesbian anal prolapse
why do they overlap in same commandments and not in others?
>White English,
Which implies there are black English
>christfagspammer btfo
>cuck fetishists appear
I'm 26 years old ffs how am I still here
for what would assist the flourishing of the noahites and what would assist for the flourishing of the israelites
They've been here for hours, fucktard
British government allowed British muslims to get kidnapped and tortured by the CIA

British government made a British muslim stateless because of pressure from tabloids

British government didn't protest when Israel murdered three British nationals for helping deliver aid to muslims
Interesting how the whites involved in the recent riots or just saying mean things about immigration online were charged and jailed with dizzying speed while the BBC produced a searchable database to doxx them. Clearly this had been long planned for.
Only in Two Tier Keir's Clown World
Okay enjoy your thread then
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I don't wank to the gyal x baddiedem tho. I admire their aesthetics x
get a gun and shoot them already! I would do it, but cuckstralia doesn't allow us to have shooters
I can go weeks without seeing a black person
so god gives different advice to different people?
you mean the nationwide unrest lasting many that included arson attacks with intent to kill got more media coverage than a single incident that was neutralised immediately?

absolute pozzed clown world for real
It is the same thing you sub-80 IQ porn-brained retard it is also breaking the rules
Don't think they sell guns that can shoot across the Atlantic
probably all terrorists
Yes 190 we know you don't got outside

The whole human race belongs to a category of doomed creatures. Damnation is the lot of all people, whether virtuous or evil-doers. We are conceived in iniquity and born in sin.

>I will go down to my son mourning in to hell (Gen. 37:35)

said the holy patriarch Jacob of himself and his holy son Joseph the chaste and fair. It is not only sinners who descended into hell at the end of their earthly pilgrimage, but the righteous men of the Old Testament aswell. Such is the power of the good works of men; such is the worth of virtues of our fallen nature!

For salvation (to restore communion with God, redemption is necessary. Redemption of the whole human race was not accomplished by an angel, nor an archangel, not by some other of the higher but still limited and created beings -- it was accomplished by the infinite God Himself.

Execution was the lot of the human race, commuted by His execution; the insufficiency of human merit was compensated by His endless worth.

All the feeble good works of men, which lead to hell, are compensated by a single powerful good work: faith in our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Jews asked the Lord:

>What must we do, that we may work the works of God?

And the Lord answered them:

>This is the work of God, that ye believe on Him Whom He hath sent (St. John 6:29)

One good work is necessary to us for salvation: faith; but faith is work! By faith, and by faith alone, may we enter into communion with God, with the aid of the sacraments which He has granted us.

You are quite wrong, then, if you think and say that good people among pagans and Moslems are saved, that is, enter into communion with God! You are quite wrong if you look upon the opposite view as some kind of novelty, as some kind of error that has crept in! No! Such has been the constant teaching of the true Church of the Old Testament as well as the New. The Church has always acknowledged but one means to salvation: the Redeemer.
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I'm enjoying the beauty of God's creation
god emphasises different things to assist in the flourishing of a particular cicrumstance
might get on it
hairy pussy solo
t. your inner monologue when you see a penis
Kind of want a gf, is that gay?
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Given that Lucy Letby is actually innocent, which woman should we simp for now?
Watching daytime TV lads

Is there anything comfier? God I love being NEET
If only she was lucy letme
Can't stop thinking about the video of that boy who got punched once in the back of his head and lost his vision
So fucking scary
that crow movie is terrible
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just saw this lol
what do you want, me to play along and be your fucking dancing monkey? Oh yes hehe wanting a gf is totally gay my fellow redditor pls enjoy this updoot and gold. YOU sir, win the internet for today!

get fucked
He really hasn't helped the narrative that the BBC are all nonces or nonce-enablers
>Eric Gill sculpture outside the BBC (Eric Gill was a nonce)
>Jimmy Savile
>Rolf Harris
>Huw Edwards
we will boil him soon
webm board not description board
>he writes in text so the boy will never know
gone and had 3 sausage rolls
Literally no evidence he lost his sight
who's next?
You gave me my (you) i have already won you ape
this is why i never understand a lot of peoples willingness to get into fights
yeah he just screamed 'i cant see' for a laugh after getting hit in the place that affects vision
did the ol' bumsex with the new gf last night lads. very agreeable i don't mind telling you.
and it was a white kid... lock that little race traitor up until his victim recovers his sight
Imagine if you were blind and found out about /brit/ from text to speech as an adult
What if you had a kid but it died you'd be spewing
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your kids will be fags if you dont stop your bum banditry
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>Child dies
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>Eric Gill sculpture outside the BBC
Rob Brydon. Think about it:
>Ian Watkins (Welsh)
>Huw Edwards (Welsh)

(For legal purposes I must state this is a joke and I am not actually suggesting that Rob Brydon is a nonce)
Why'd they chop his cock off
suspect you'd lose a lot of context by not seeing images, but I bet there are geluar blind 4channers
feeling sexy today lads, the cut is going very well, no abs yet doe. 4 more kg
just because some little kid starts screaming incoherent rubbish that may or may not be "i can't see" in a very short video with no further context doesn't mean he was permanently blinded
Andrew Neil is a paedo and this is not a joke
metal how both famous ian watkinses are welsh
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Why didn't the do the same for the annual Notting Hill riot I mean carnival, in which blacks run amok, stabbing, stealing, sexually assaulting? People were actually killed.
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>geluar blind
>starts screaming incoherent rubbish that may or may not be "i can't see
it's very clearly 'i cant see' unless you have hearing difficulties
stop asking questions
No, it isn't.
sorry i was hit on the back of the head and went deaf
extremely low quality
Can't wait to get some of that privilege I am owed for being a straight white christian male
Just isn't. You can have faith in that piece of audio existing in that clip, but it is not evident.
liked watching ricki lake, trisha and maury when i bunked off school
On Wednesday it will have been 10 years since the Scottish Independence Referendum
How hard is it to google a word to check your spelling before you write something?
Any chance they had of another one died with Sturgeon fucking off
and infinity years since anyone asked
what else does he say then?
thats horrible hope it was only short term. can't imagine going out to play with my friends one day a coming home blind
You're gonna rattle the runts with this one
He's not going to recover his sight
He clearly says "diego is a paedophile that rapes children", play it back
'traps are gay'
might drink some alcohol
Sturgeon was the reason it failed
She easily could have economically convinced people but decided to use Londonian economic reports
just put a jumper on
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3 days for sure with no wank now. might have even been 4 i don't really remember.
gonna have a big, BIG wank soon enough.
dangerous and downright stupid
He peobably just had slightly blurry vision desu
its mental how fragile the human body can be
dont know why some cunts are obsessed with fighting and public confrontations when your life can be radically changed in one incident
>while the BBC produced a searchable database to doxx them
What would the world have been like with an independent Scroteland?
a couple a week is perfect imo
hard not to relapse and coom 4 times after having one though
they have the kind of life they wouldn't mind radically changing
I had two wanks yesterday and one this morning so it balances out.
Joyous Scots, suicidal Englanders
Would be glad to be rid of them
>after getting hit in the place that affects vision
Your eyes aren't in the back of your head, rorke
If England was allowed to vote they would have been gone in the first election.
yeah they become more enjoyable which is why i'm doing it. wouldn't consider my wanking a problem though, was wanking once a day out of boredom mainly but not enjoying my wanks as much as i would like

nice one lad
maybe he's a teacher
bit silly to put it so far away from the eyes
John Peel too
leftypol you can't be this retarded....
The occipital lobe (back of the head) is where the visual cortex is located, so if you damage it, you can lost your vision permanently. In the situation that you described, it is possible that some sort of damage happened in the occipital lobe, and thus your friend could lost vision permanently. It is also possible that the damage is temporary, but that would need a medical evaluation to see the extent of the damage

hope he recovered quick
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i once again didnt see the femboy while out
i wonder what would actually happen if i shouted at someone so anxious and femboy-ish "FEMBOY" - what would they do. like really
what is n word
Why isn't the apple rotating?
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Should probably do some exercise, lads. Getting fat 2bh
I would recommend limiting yourself to consecutive days of wanking (once a day), any more and it's bad.
lionel rich tea
and they call it intelligent design!
England's economy would have shrunk due to mass suicide

That's about it
Mental that the apple gets sucked in through your eyeball and travels up to your brain.
Think how many white babies you could put in that belly...
English people in Scotland are the reason it didn't leave
mental how i've almost finished season 3 of prison break despite finding season 2 (which was far, FAR better than season 3, but paled in comparison to season 1, which in itself wasn't even that good) to be a dreadful slog to get through and despite telling myself the whole time that as soon as michael ended up in the stupid panamanian prison i would stop watching
really not enjoying it at all but i'm too invested in it to stop
That's if there's any room after 2kg of shark fin and 8 puppies
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i hope i see that femboy again
femboys and all associated tranny nonsense isn't a real thing IRL, it's all makeup, photo editing, angle frauding, etc
same with egirls
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I don't think she eats babies, lad.
sunk cost fallacy
>baking her own shit
Fucking hell that's quite a service
stop using the Australian flag to avatar you worthless cretin
i know, mental how ((they)) get you
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why are people so fragile these days? getting hit after chatting shit is normal

(not in the case of kid who seemed trick)
Laughing at the idea of some runt ordering a turd in the post thinking it would be really erotic and then being utterly repulsed when they get it.
you dont function on the same level human beings do
thats why you belong where you came from
the poo must be vacuum sealed if they're posting it to you. like when you order weed off the dark net
just taken a clownmaxxed troonpill
ask me something only an aussie would know
>chatting shit
Saying n*gger amongst white people is not "chatting shit"
Nah she just poos into an envelope and pops it in the postbox
why did you molest your niece?
get in lads asked line manager to start referring to me as poo woggins and he seems amenable
>not in the case of kid who seemed trick
Go back
oh bugger off 190 you spoilsport
that post wasnt me,it wasn the type of person who calls everyone and everything a nonce
i hope GCHQ looks into it
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nah we love it
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at least theyre white
might sample a sit down piss
it's chatting shit, especially if they have black friends. you've never punched someone for dissing a friend of yours?
love sitting down to piss
its all kicking off in my smegroom
my brazilian dad aka. dadmar
it's only natural for boys to be neets. it comes down to biology. girls are laid off 9 months any time they procreates. guys can keep going. so society has never needed as many guys as girls

that coupled with the fact that the uterus does priortise females during hard times . modernity is an explosion of comfort and luxury so we've ended up more millions more men than we need
look past the hate and racism
once you understand WHY they cant go beyond "muh dick", you can start to laugh at them, like how they deserve
their entire race has done nothing despite being here first
My friends aren't emotional low inhibitions retards so no
>you've never punched someone for dissing a friend of yours?
Punched? No, I'm not council estate scum
How are the magpies?
sucking an imitation crustacean
was just saying that down the pub
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Another Brick In The Wall is a disco track and I'm tired of pretending it's not
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going out drinking with friends for the first time in almost two years tonight and I'm really looking forward to it
that’s not something to cry about
what would YOU say or do if your skin colour had never done anything and deserved their reputation? exactly
Good album except for the 2nd half which was thoroughly Rogered and very on-the-nose
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35 year old kinda jacked French girl
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Might play some video games, lads.
about to enter waitrose and look at the fancier people than me
not fully into the spring weather yet where i am so i've not seen any of them doing their angry swooping yet but it's only a matter of time
i dont care GCHQ
i have questions for him. i NEED answers. i need someone thatll give me a reason to clean my house, to take him back there
you ought to be able to do deduce why
it IS something i can cry about - if i could cry - i NEED him
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what happened to honour culture?
feels like less pressure but then on the other hand it also feels like im never done
and stick it in some wraps
and squirt a load a burger sos over it
and then sCRAn tHe lOt
and then? POOOOOOOOOOOoooo
please don’t do that. i really feel uncomfortable when women stare at me and start drooling
...alright. I'll belive you. For now...
It's not illegal to french kiss them.
ha ha i'm going insane
all im saying is that you never get told to "pick up your litter young man" by a spook
the only people getting into fights are either people who have experience fighting or people who are too dumb to realise how fragile they are
Could you BE any more of a paki
imagine being one of Rupert's white kids and having to split the billions of inheritance with some hapa cunts 3 decades younger than you

I'd be fuming
and if you did, it would be because they wuz kangs of Egypt and wuz superyeoyor for they skin colour. never tell you to pick up your litter, always live in slums. all im saying is that they have done absolutely nothing for their entire existience and the same for their race
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it's so sad how easy it is to guess the replies

a person replies out of ignorance or perhaps mistrust of internet narratives and all he receives is racist abuse. people are evil
leftypol watching cowboy bebop and the occasional ghibli film
rorke watching 534 straight episodes of I Can't Believe My Little Sister's Shit Tastes So Good!!
pelicans aren't to be trusted. saw one eat a seagull once.
https://jav.guru/404653/real-796-schoolgirl-impregnation-rape-creampie-20-consecutive-times-x-10-girls-200-shots-best/ mid afternoon wank on the cards
how do you know i work for gchq?
black people dont have an answer to "imagine a world without blacks" other than their ignorant "imagine a world without whites" where global warming didnt exist because cars or houses were never invented
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not yours.
yeah haha i'll brad this to be sure to be sure
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>yeah haha i'll brad this to be sure to be sure
choosing between mental breakdowns
Hmm maybe if the world was entirely black
Asians would have industrialised themselves, possibly even poos
unironically about to reheat my kebab meat and have some doner wraps
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Actually mental how much Huw Edwards looks like my dad
imaigne a world without them
anime nonces getting uppity
remember that woman who was like this mf aint real
Reheating my shish kebab in your mums tandoori oven
anime nonces and japcrap lovers? would be bliss.
who's "they"?
the world with black people in it
what exactly does it gain? what does history gain?
a memoryholed psyop
https://i.4cdn.org/gif/1726283804836159.webm FinaleDemonic
I shoulda learned to play the guitar
the government making it illegal or them threatening violence, for you saying the world gains nothing by having them in it having to care for them, is not the same thing as what is your best interests. you being unable to critically think is in their best interests, including the blacks
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end your pathetic life
When was the last time you examined your testicles?
not to be an incel but she belongs in a gas chamber and womens rights were a mistake
fuck off you cunt

There are of course. I think David Lammy tweeted a while ago saying that it makes racists mad when he says he's a black Englishman
95% of Japanese porn is censored doe

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