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Anne Cresacre edition
THIS should be the thread
should've been tbqh
Being a dosser is british culture
Let’s keep this one civil boys x
i know you are, but what am i?
Fence the pool, Shut the Gate, Teach your kids to swim it’s great, Supervise Watch your mate and learn how to resuscitate
oh great is this the new psyop
Slip slop slap
Im worried my programming will be activated and ill have to kill
Ill have no choice
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spotted bugberg on his shoulder lol
corr the arse on that
two toasted vegemite scrangas down the hatch
I’m famous! Hope my mum saw me
lets be honest, elden ring? not that good!
they was gonna choke him on golf balls
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nth for the gyaldem
if i go on suicide watch and try to kill myself, and get out, then the race bait posters better start guarding their lives, because i will commit a double homicide
hottentot moth
this IS the thread lad. perfectly aged like a fine wine over the past hour. now let's all get to posting some good gimmicks and have a good time shall we ahaha xx
Hope she marries a white man
dangerous and downright stupid post, that
are you quite big and strong
Im going to do some korean chicken with a sweet/spicy sauce and some rice, for my tea
nah reading the comments now and yanks are saying it's called a lantern fly and is an invasive species which has been a problem on the east coast for a few years
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cry about it, race baiter. you belong in a gas chamber. call the police. give me your name and number
Always used to think Indian girls were peng until I started thinking about how the large volumes of spice in their diets must lead to constant inflammation of the intestines and anus.
>just fuck my shit up
Dominoes are doing Korean bbq pizza, wings and loaded fries. Why bother cooking when there’s new runtslop on offer
>Sheng nü (Chinese: 剩女; pinyin: shèngnǚ), translated as 'leftover women' or 'leftover ladies', are women who remain unmarried in their late twenties and beyond in China.
>The National Bureau of Statistics of the People's Republic of China (NBS) and state census figures reported approximately 1 in 5 women between the ages of 25-29 remain unmarried.
You're telling me there are tens of millions of sexy middle aged Asian women just waiting for me?
Writing a book called Memoirs of a Niggard
imagine the farts
if you have any questions about christanity i will try to answer them to the best of my ability
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need need NEED a brown gf that knows how to cook good spicy cuisine
You've made me want to wank to Indian girls now
Tell us about the bears.
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she's engaged if not already married to a white lad
what about them
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Why did they kill the children?
Is God real
>de lads
>de lats
>my lad
>steaming as a rocket
>x been cancelled, x been cancelled
>let me tell ya, let me tell ya
>milk n more knocking at yer door
>is that alright with you de lads?
>no cooking for me my lad
>butter bob, butter bob, butter butter butter bob
>no pot washing for me my lad
>aren't I? I am aren't I?
>fink am a fokin idiot, do ya?
>cum fukkin rraaaand
>spanners all rraaaand
>pissed as a mattress
>get in, I said get in
>coming on strong
>big boy breakfast
>every day we above ground is a great day
>fuck off fly, fucking imbecile
>fresh start tomorrah
>it's Italian night, Italian night
>16 stone bracket
>stilton in yer jilton
>I've followed frew ant I?
>done me bollocks in
>let me tell ya, let me tell ya
>what i'm doing is what i'm doing
>cnut cnut cnut
>it lovely
>It four times better
>it lush, AND I MEAN LUSH
>it not for me, but it might be for you
swear sometimes mousey is the nicest person you will ever meet and other times hes a twisted fucking psychopath
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shan loves to dye

Lord have mercy
You’ll have to go to Beijing to meet a wealthy one though and Beijing is horrid. Shanghai is like any big city so it’s more liveable but there’s less of those sugar mummy type birds.
they weren't children
there are countless articles on it on the internet that will have a more depthful asnwer than i can give
Corrrrr, the rare WFWM dynamic
Why are white women the only demographic who don't have an in-group preference?
you dont have a soul. your mind was raped by 4chan r9k
Any members of the rare White British diaspora in
>Anne Cresacre (1512-1577) was the heiress of Edward Cresacre of Barnborough, Yorkshire, who after a turbulent childhood came under the wardship of Sir Thomas More. She was brought up within the More family, and in 1527 was betrothed (and in 1529 married) to Sir Thomas’s son John. This drawing is a study for a large group portrait of Sir Thomas More with his family, which was destroyed by fire in the eighteenth century.
Actually they have the highest in group preference but you're a cuck poster
You've been asked countless times to explain why God made two magic bears appear to maul 40 children to death for calling a man bald and haven't answered once.
Why ask for questions if your response is "google it" you fucking useless toad of a man
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someone brought a cat into the office :3
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it's standard amongst the gyal x baddiedem, amongst the couples I know of they all have white boyfriends except one with an asian bf
talking about race is the lowest hanging fruit
Emigrated from Stornoway to Glasgow.
>Using a SFW board of 4chan
very cute
watched one gun video and now my recommendeds is full of yank gun videos, i can't fucking stand it
oh nice
didnt know that happened
did you get to touch it
what was it like seeing fire for the first time?
hey x
>You've been asked countless times to explain why God made two magic bears appear to maul 40 children to death for calling a man bald and haven't answered once.
this is not true
and the description is not accurate
i have nothing more ot add than the average article that has been written hundreds of times on google
i have no specific knowledge to add to a more succint explanation of the piece
a piece of exegesis on this notriously overexegeted for atheists piece of scripture is pointless for me to try and rewrite
any steak pierish diaspora man in
Hes going to kill himself soon isnt he? Thats a guarantee
reckon we have a few hughs posting among us right now
Crikey lads I just ate an entire large bag of Skittles by myself. 136g down the gullet. What am I like?
Not worth it. No one told me there’d be so many Irish here. Miss my cave, desu.
walking through campus and saw about a million cute freshers girls
shame I'm a third year incel FREAK
Riga looks peng as fuck.
Genuinely bummed out about this. Huwie was my man, he was my icon of late-night television
this but tangfastics for me
Tell us about the bears Diego.
little critter was far too quick for me. In fact as I phonepost right now the owner is struggling to catch him to take him home haha
I'd guess 13 stone 7 lbs and around 5'9 in height, with dirty blond hair of medium length, slightly wavy and receded
I think you haven't shaved for a few days but generally don't need to as you have slow-growing facial hair, and as it's light and thin it doesn't show as obviously anyway until it's been left for a week
kek this was me last year
i recently graduated as a certified incel chud
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Hope it was these ones
one of the closest tims i ever came to pulling a girl was a third year at uni on the fresh bar crawl and talking to a fresher about lord of the rings
but being an ugly incel autist i ruined it by being cringe
what the heck is he even doing there lol
he could poo in a plant
I've got one final chance to make things right
living with my alt turbo shagger mate as well, I'm ready to leave this hellish existence
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shagging freshers as a third years is wrong because... errrrrr... IT JUST IS OKAY?
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any Binnenhof man in
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I once made a group of fresher girls laugh at me because I spilled irn bru over my hand, attracting all the wasps in the world and I shouted in such a deep voice (thinking it would be hilarious to them) "BEEEEEEEEEEES!" but I just came across as a spastic.

Still a virgin to this day.
Wee cunt thinks he’s spiderman
>living with a shagger as an incel
trust me mate that doesnt mean 2 girls come back and one is yours its means 2 girls come back and both are his
im 24 and i still go to freshers lol
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all the wasps in the world, was it
'avin a bikkie
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>I spilled irn bru over my hand, attracting all the wasps in the world and I shouted in such a deep voice (thinking it would be hilarious to them) "BEEEEEEEEEEES!"
Would I look out-of-place as a 32 year old man at a freshers party
obviously I'm not a mong, I'll just have someone to go clubbing with etc.
Have any of you cultured gentleman tried a Keralan Lamb curry from M&S? I'm having one for supper tonight
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Apparently he's only 5 months old and the owner doesn't want to leave him alone in the house and seeing as how everyone was out today she decided to bring him in. He's still not been caught by the way, he's actually vanished lmao
Don’t eat prepackaged slop.
howling at this
Her hair is falling out and she looks like shit
again you realise this isn't a case of him wingmanning you girls it's a case of him getting the girls you want and/or her friend doesnt get with you but just leaves
shaggers and incels arent meant to be together lol
This is probably LARP but I laughed anyway. Thanks fat lad
there are two families near me whose cat goes with them when they walk the dog
they don't invite him, he just toddles out and follows them
Done 'im
Fresher girls are the peak of social heirarchy in the UK
you smell like shit
don't eat vile indian slop
I wish it wasn't real. it keeps me up at night sometimes. I genuinely don't know what I was thinking.
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Gymtoil over, gonna have turkey teriyaki stir fry for tea
Dob her in, claim it’s unfair those who may have allergies are being forced by management to work under these conditions. Mind and cc HR in on the email.
I eat it every tuesday
sounds fucking horrendous you stupid fat cunt
They should make plate sized troughs to eat from
why the fuck do I have a Norwegian flag from British airlines
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it's not about wingmanning it's about actually going out and socialising instead of spending another year locked up in my incel dungeon incel posting on the incel website
hes gone and faded into the shadows the little blacky
Stink of ciggies and stale sweat :/
True I am currently taking a shit which does smell of shit like normal
not very christmassy that
alright eurovision, we don't speak hurdy gurdy here so pipe down
welcome back

You must all now tell me your most perverted sexual fetish
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it lush
what are some good shitposts I can make larping as a Norwegian
who is more serious than 911
but not emergency. so like 998, but more serious
for the fire fighters. because fire fighting is epic
hilarious stuff here. haha
bbc cuck
imagine carrying a baby for 9 months and then naming it Callum lmao
That one where you don’t say anything because no one cares, gaylord
have worked at several freshers nightclub events and ended each shift wanting to kill myself because of those dire little freaks. but i myself was also like that once upon a time aha x
might move to china
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I g-g-genuinely can't.
> and I shouted in such a deep voice "BEEEEEEEEEEES!"
Vocaroo this I'm having a hard time imagining it
honestly you're better off going out alone than going out with a shagger as an incel
Middle aged Japanese office ladies in tights wanking me off with their feet
And what exactly is the appeal of such a thing?
kid on to be spaino to wind up the schizo canadian
ringing 911 doesnt work in this country. Amerians wont pick up
Steps homo
make it thighs and you've got a deal
Of course, H from Steps as he’s more commonly known.
catherine tate is a pozzed woke goyslopping kikebower
toby you can't set fires ok
for me, it's Claire
Haha yeah he's just a norweigan yeah ahah wont post his passport nope
Make a thread about how you and your sister used to have loads of sex and it's normal for Norwegians
i don't remember posting this
being pissed on by multiple women at once
Problem was the lost prophets lad liked them 5,6,7,8 months.
Yeah that too. Or assjobs or that thing where they rip a hole in the tights and slip your cock in and just grind your cock between their arse and the tights until you cum
keep going i almost have a Bingo
good film
Why not? Spill the beans, lad. Tell the judge you were engaging in a creative writing exercise (hashtag LOL)
gentle femdom feminisation/gender transformation
Post every page from your passport, home address, flight number, height, weight, and age or your Spainlad
errr clownpilled troonworld cuckwaffle..
Nice try, Spaino
Why do you desire such a thing, Brucey?
the Raped
he's not a normie deano shagger he's a short alt kid with long hair who's very loose and will sleep with anyone
and I reckon I'd be fine pulling, I've turned down 2 opportunities in the past because I'm so wrapped up in my own little head
Post proof you have an IQ over 95 or you're Spainnonce.
this plane is landing so I'll just do what I do when I get a British flag and post "we're better than you" that always spawns seethe kek
lmao so you were just frauding before
you're not an incel
and he's not a shagger
so what was the point of that post,
state of you
classic goalpost movement cope from the groomlord
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I would but I don't know how to post images on here. Sorry, lad.
name on adam
no fucking idea
My IQ is at least 190 but probably higher
big smelly poos
melty sounds like a word australians would use for ice cream
tuna melt, surely
in any sense really yeah can be surgical
irrumatio with lots of vomit
how is someone who's permanently shagging not a shagger?
sorry for stealing your little incel badge of honour deegz but I'm still a dysfunctional unloved ghoul even if it is my own doing
schizo canadian who is obsessed with spaino
desperate to fit in canadian who is obsessed with toby
I wonder how many english women have satisfied man's best friend over the last 24 hours, I bet it's at least 500
Might have a cheeky meltdown lol

No meetings today, such is life for us WFHchads haha x
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/brit/ is my Checkers board
punished coomer
schrodingers shagger
state of you
not a clue what such a thing means tbqhwyl
Haha don't mind me just posting in my favourite thread: /Brit/
me and my effay asian gf
>maybe if I post on the wrong trip, they'll think i'm trying to be him to make them think I'm not him

retard paedo
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>Aww yeah mate nipped down to the servo and the melty machine was buggered so I said yeah nah a tinny of roly poly coca coly will have to do it I reckon
rogers crouton
just don't spill it on the lounge in the lounge room
sg legs o'clock
I'll fucking kill you
sorry got distracted, here's the booze order I mentioned in the last thread
anyone seen my vape this is an emergency
Blow it out your arse
You are gay
Finally I can get back to work now
right. yeah. okay?
lol they do be like this
rorkes da
toby WILL put out the fires

toby WILL castrate the grey squirrels

and you'll do NOTHING about it
mi bombaaaaclaaaaaarrttt
having an all aussie adventure
>Hywel ap Cadell, commonly known as Hywel Dda, which translates to Howel the Good in English,[1] was a Welsh king who ruled the southern Welsh kingdom of Deheubarth and eventually came to rule most of Wales. He became the sole king of Seisyllwg in 920 and shortly thereafter established Deheubarth, and proceeded to gain control over the entire country from Prestatyn to Pembroke.[2] As a descendant of Rhodri Mawr through his father Cadell, Hywel was a member of the Dinefwr branch of the dynasty. He was recorded as King of the Britons in the Annales Cambriæ and the Annals of Ulster
Ill throw him a fucking parade
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>rhodri mwaaaar :3
British Prime Minister Toby M. Nonce
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Was hoping they'd plummet to their deaths
just did a rape
least mindbroken paki
nasty little boy
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impressive how he managed to cut through her stomach without severing any of her internal organs! a magic chainsaw, mayhaps?
is your mom pressing charges
...and the latest from the rorkedem?
you will never be a rapist
actually i bet firefighters go out to the station to ask them in person because theyre extroverts
nah, your dog is
Sir Spain Poster lmfao
leatherface wasn't as agile as this. he was a fat fuck who waddled around
blacked to death inside HMP Sir Woke Barmer for rioting
woke mob…
i really hope none of you lads would ever actually do a rape. terrible stuff
any dowagers hump man in
Selling my autism on eBay. 99p starting bid, no reserve, free UK postage.
some women deserve it
just a bit of rape
nobody died
Buy a new one
they call it woke because you gotta be sleeping to believe that shit
Being a virgin freak is a mentality and way of life, it's nothing to do with how much pussy you get

For example I shagged this weekend but spiritually I'm more of a virgin freak than any of you
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mad how women want to be raped but consenually

odd bunch
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No-one will believe I'm posting from Canada :/
Shagged a fat chink did you
Hearing a lot of sirens outside my smelly bedroom window. Last time this happened some fella stabbed a bunch of kids at a dance class. Bit concerned.
I've found that on reddit tbqh, also surprising how many have a thing for dogs
male virginity doesnt exist. there's no male hymen.
this was a big hit webm back in the day
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starmer needs to fix this
i think i heard on YT that the hymen doesnt exist
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>male virginity doesnt exist. there's no male hymen
just did a chortle
vaginal rejuvenation therapy
nah thats what your "virgin" gf told you
it's not hyMAN is it
Two whole months since the big man's last post :(
>the hymen doesnt exist
copilot wont tell me!
dont have one since i quit smoking weed
funny how he finally got banned for cp
>stabbed a bunch of kids at a dance class
the fact we don't kill such people shows how sick our society is
there's no redemption for a man like this
men literally have an organ that excretes pheromones that goes dormant the first time you have sex lmao
swear nobody works on my street
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what exactly are these men doing? They aren't looking after family, they aren't studying, they aren't ill. Just Other and it's rising rapidly.
Don't think that's true
sounds nonsensical
mousey's copilot history
it's bloody mousey's copilot history
are there hymens
mousey's copilot history
>Shitty miserable job - £24k a year
>Job that requires skills or qualifications - £28k a year
>"In 2023, we have calculated that a single person needs to earn £29,500 to have an acceptable standard of living,"
Yeah mental that people aren't working hard just to have a shitty life
wanking and pooing wasnt an option
Just can't be fucking arsed
this just isn't true
Never going to work for a country and government that actively hates me and says I'm a bad person for no reason.
T minus 12 minutes until the big birthday coffee walk commences de lads
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There is a 60% chance a 24 year old man doesn't have a job and isn't looking for one.


24 years old and doesn't have a job and doesn't want one. It not right.
curry or as I call it poo risotto
so people can smell the virgin on me? This is...concerning
what's the point of participating in a system that hates you
It's 10% of 16-24 yr olds, nothing worrying really.
>cant afford anything
>dont work
>cant afford anything
Just check the archives and no one from Croatia has ever called curry poo risotto
Chink no
She was... larger however
well shit i thought i was a retarded minority
my contrarian nature now thinks i should get a job
any Norah Jones enjoyers in
It's not 60% of young men it's 60% of NEETs
Did she make the Earth shake with every thrust
Every professional workplace in the country is filled with women. Women have a huge huge advantage when it comes to getting these jobs. It was bad 5 years ago and has only gotten worse. But of course this all be blamed on men as usual and only continue to get worse.
NEETs aren't even looking for work. Most have zero interest in ever even finding work. That is totally insane. I hear all day about how being a NEET is the worst thing in the world and it's the NEETs saying it but they won't look for work.

can't be that bad then
i'm on my knees youre majesty... :'(
>Every professional workplace in the country is filled with women
Cooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr need to wank asap to the mere existence of women
*reaches out for the fruit that stops oil with a shit eating grin on my face*

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