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tvd edish
Hope I get a pay rise next year, no idea if I should expect one. I work in CS and started at this role in January.
all gimmicks are spammed but not everything spammed is a gimmick
Posted at 309
Personally I’d allow it, but unfortunately I’m not in charge.
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A vessel does not think. It simply acts in accordance with the collective will it has been filled with. In order to ensure humanity's continued survival.
toillleagues keep trying to start conversations and get to know me but i just cant be arsed
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anyone ever read them redwall books?
Trading time for money will never get you rich.
There are only 24 hours a in a day.

Read this book, take notes, execute:

all canadian posters are dogshite
Might move to China.
I don't spam any of my gimmicks
every time i open a new tab in chrome my browser freezes up for like 20-30 seconds, and i have a pretty fast computer, it just doesn't like new tabs for some reason, it's annoying
i'm assuming you mean me. typical. i try and do something new, and i get shat on. i can't do anything right.
CS? This a Huw Edward’s thing?
that's why I have them all filtered
You should join the filtered life
tell them you're unknowable and pull your cape over your face
So true.
>Trading time for money will never get you rich.
yeah it will
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corrrr love me pasta delivery
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*enters /brit/*
there's a few good ones (me)
Time to switch browser
Take the fosspill
Twink chicken
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What's bad about my posting?>>202314911
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can we make this thread's gimmick making fun of indians? i've got an axe to grind with their sort
feeling suicidally depressed.
Think house plants are reddit but I do love my terrarium
blud watched wolf of wallstreet once and now thinks that rich people don't have jobs or work :skull:
you'll come around
I feel for ya complainlad. I can feel the struggle.
you're obsessed with spaedo and bring him up constantly
my twink feet fucking stink
I have loads of plastic plants
Don't have to water them you see
everyone would be better off without me.
not clicking on this virus
It's very rare for someone to get properly rich from salaried work. Investment bankers/stockbrokers maybe but even then most of the wealth comes from bonuses
too much of a hassle, tired just reading it
>Trading time for money will never get you rich
What someone pays me £83 billion for a half days work?
Ghost of John AVG grabbed my hand before I could click on this
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Fascinating stuff
it lush it bloody lush
Gak on the floor outside my flat again grim
>outing yourself as a nonce
fuck off dtfic
No no come on, don’t be like that. Our inner critic tells us horrible things. There’s no truth without love. Unironically.
>national animal of england is a lion, which is not native to the uk
>national dish is tikka masala, which was invented in the uk but by pajeets
why are you lads like this?
reminds me of that tragic song. Green plastic watering can, fake chinese rubber nan
Yes! Just start a fucking business! Small and medium business owners don't do any work at all, this is a great plan
Alri Huw
i'm too stupid to understand the truth without love thing.
Never even mentioned him and now you're having a meltdown

Chill out lil bro lmfao
any shameless freloading waste-of-space dole bludging dosser man in
190 would've had a lot of advice for Huw Edwards about how to encrypt his files
How do I filter all Canadians apart from that one who posts in the evening and says "anime"?

Rich or poor, time is equally possessed, shared, and consumed by all. Every day, you use it. I use it. Your neighbor uses it. No one gets more and no one gets less. Twenty-four hours for everybody. No one has an unfair advantage. You, me, we all have 24 hours to consume, expire, and spend. Time is the ultimate equalizer

Your time is limited to 24 hours of exchange. If you earn $200/hour, you can’t miraculously demand to work 400 hours in one day. If you earn $50,000/year, you can’t miraculously demand to work 400 years in your life. Time has no leverage.

Consider this. Is 12 a large number? Or 50? Are these numbers predisposed to create millionaires? They aren’t, and it exposes why the mathematics of a job are wealth punitive: Your time is limited to small numbers and cannot be leveraged. “Hours worked” or “annual salary” are mathematically inept because they’re based on time measurements that cannot be controlled or manipulated. Mathematics doesn’t lie; 12 will always be less than 10,000,000. If leverage is limited, so is wealth creation. Small numbers do not make millionaires.

Behind limited leverage is another corrosive wealth killer—no control. Can you control your employer? Can you control your salary? Can you control the economy? Can you earn $50,000 one year and next year bank $50 million? Can you control anything about your job, including your measly 4% pay raise? You might think you can by job-hopping, but you can’t. Control is weak, if not absent.
holy shit
losing weight by skipping lunch
dtfic meltie
Yes! We should start a club.
time's relative though
Just filter him as well. Collateral damage unfortunately but it’s worth it for freedom from the rest of the leafs.
you trying to speedrun going to prison or something?
You actually have to read the book, he outlines strategy that is not typical small and medium shite businesses that are basically jobs
Love bouldering
Cash ISA: £53,600.00
Lifetime ISA: £5,000.00
Stocks/Shares ISA: £7,700.00
Fixed Bonds: £22,000.00
Pension: £12,000.00

I earn 30k but just save my money tbqh. Only way to accumulate wealth.
he really is pathetic
Think I might just keep this up

Return of the King and all that
This 190 fella you all keep mentioning sounds like a right paedo mong
just watch this pal: https://odysee.com/@thisworldworks:1/s1MyMcqGMumpVTsa:6
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Might have a beer and half a bottle of wine after my tea
it's too difficult. but I like the fact that you don't need any belaying equipment
i'll never have any meaningful amount of savings.
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alright mate
Ponder on it.
Have the wine first, chub
not clicking that virus
It isn't. My mrs's parents have about 18 houses and they're not properly minted but they're far better off than they could ever hope to be just by working a salaried job.
not reading this codex sorry not sorry!
>Boulderingmongs are back
Thread quality will plummet
Why not?
It's simple. Just reduce spending as much as possible and save every penny you can.
Bouldering lad loves his fucking bouldering
Post tax?
That is not true.

Compound interest is for income, not creating wealth.

If you have 1 million then invest in all that shit and live off interest.

Otherwise youll be waiting 40 years to get rich.

alternate link for crybabies who think every link is a virus:
Fuck off yank
remember when /brit/ used to contrive "tb h" into every sentence and then gookmoot filtered it into desu around 2015 and never unfiltered it
i would give anything to have it back
sounds like you married up
never thought me dropping my tripcode would affect Dtfic so badly :/ sorry lads aha x
The fact is I post without my tripcode on every day and no one clocks me

Everyone just thinks I'm one of the lads
Zero. Aside from student loans that I never spent, every penny of that is mine.
Inheritance shouldn't be allowed anyway.
Before tax.
can't get any worse after your arrival
I shall not
back from my incelgrimage, good day out
i just copied and pasted it you tard

damn im trying to help you guys you better not spend the next 20 years shitting up this thread whining about how poor you are
Camp guy working at Starbucks complimented my jumper
Do you live at home, I find it hard to believe you can save that much on 30k
I suffered a serious brain injury in 2019 and can't remember much from those years
living off my 40 dollars a year in interest
i don't know what that means.

i have a tiny paypacket and any spare money i earn goes on cannabis, which i don't even enjoy any more but am addicted to.
cam guy at sexbucks
For me-
Stocks and shares ISA 52k
Cash 10k for emergencies and big purchases
About 20k equity in my house we bought last year. I've been on 3 holidays this year and go to the pub a lot, earn 40k and the mrs earns 32k. You don't need to live like a monk
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Very simple workaround was figured out the same day he did it
job = uncontrolled limited leverage
the right business = controllable unlimited leverage
Hi commiemong
Haven't seen you commieposting much lately
burn it
you're extremely mentally ill
had enough of complainlad now
Definitely Tall, Fit, Intelligent Canadian
schizoid personality disorder
Same, I really miss t b h, they should bring it back and filter bbc
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>download the app and you too can be a brown man doing deliveries on a bicycle
remembering when every post used to end with a cheeky :ok_hand: but since the freaks who run this site hate joy they removed it
need to put my above average knob to good use
yeah but that's just not the same 2bh
post BA in psychology
Alright lad how's it going?
Why are you called Complainlad? What do you have to complain about?
ah yes this is definitely a reasonable and easy hack to get rich quick that works every time
>Before tax.
So you take home about £2000 per month / £24000 per year?
And how long has it taken you to accumulate over £100k in savings?
thread's dead all day, gets to 5 and suddenly you lot are machine gunning posts out your arseholes
need a better spread throughout the day
ah yes, banter hands as we used to call it
Why is Spaino a pedo?
only got like 15k including some AVAX and PARSIQ
Don't care
do you think i've picked the wrong name for myself? would be typical me. i can't do anything right.
if you have any questions about christanity i will try to answer them to the best of my ability
BA in psychology
what's this about spread arseholes
Starting to miss the freedom of having a car for the first time since I was 18
Really want to just go camping somewhere this weekend and not have to plan it out to the nth degree
Only have £3,200 in the bank, this year has been expensive. Getting 20k for a deposit from my gran though which is good.
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rookie numbers
usually deranged freaks like him are wronguns in more ways than one
I'm 45.
is 20k enough for a deposit
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i was the first person on 4chan to do that
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Almost thirty yet I post here every day

Wish I could stop but I can't :/
this a fella?
He's done you
Alri Ruthmong
Yeah obviously. I do maybe want to buy a flat or small house eventually but I intend to max my lifetime ISA for 4-5 years before doing that.
>40k and the mrs earns 32k.
That's 72k combined, I half less than half that. So to catch up, yeah I do need to live like a monk.
Yeah about that.
It's taken me just over 6 years of full time work.
My next goal is to get to 200k.
haha x
i thought you had more money than that diego
Radiohead- Sulk is a banger
Get the clappers posted
It is when you're on 35k, had a mortgage advice meeting recently and I could get a helping hand mortgage and get up to 200k surprisingly
it's seasidemark's daughter
i'm so tired.
you need serious help dtfic
You need to kick the cannabis addiction.
Leaching off your parents, no wonder you don't believe in inheritance, you've had yours early
stop having avocado on toast and costa coffee every day
simple as
Just is a banger too
The stocks, cash and house equity are just mine and we've only lived together since January. I'm 29, if you're only earning 30k at 45 that's a you problem
I doubt someone in their 40s posts on /brit/
good to know
ampethamines should be prescribed to people with bpd
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Women wearing work gear with tool belts and cargo trousers and big boots
I have £4k in my ISA.
i've tried but i just can't. my life is rubbish and i need something to make it bearable as i just don't have the strength to make my life actually better due to my mental health problems.
that wouldnt help
they get qutiatpine insterad
why don't we elect doctors as politicians. they're clearly the smartest group in society and also abide by an ethical code
Knew a lad who got a load of money for a deposit but because he was on a shiut salary like 23k he couldn't get anything so had to go with a buying scheme so only owned/owns something like 3% of his flat. Salary makes the biggest difference, also apparently credit rating means fuck all and as long as you have no bad credit you're fine. People who have 5 credit cards they juggle are wasting their time supposedly.
Is that James Cleverly? Looks like him
not giving that a (You)
>Leaching off your parents
I pay them for food.
>if you're only earning 30k at 45
I'm 28, most people don't earn 40k. I'm surprised I've even made it to 30k.
>It's taken me just over 6 years of full time work.
So you've saved about 70% of your income over those 6 years? Yeah you really have a lot to thank your parents for
>smartest group
>Google some symptoms
>Do what Google tells you
>Earn 100k a year
I've known quite a few doctors in my time and they may be intelligent but that doesn't mean they're wise. You can be a good doctor just by being good at retaining information.
just realized all my cool and funny posts go unseen because a lot of you filter my flag :'(
and worse sometimes one of you will copy my posts and post it yourself and get the adulation of the community
Look up Harold Shipman
financial chat is so dead urgh
especially considering most of you freaks are 30+ and living with mummy
What problems?
>I pay them for food.
>>I pay them for food.
what the fuck
even if you think thats all they do(you dont really think that), then it does make them smarter because they're hoodwinking us
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gymtoil soon, went off it for a few months and it took me nearly a week to recover from my first returning workout
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im in my 40s
Might not be loads but I'm proud of my £4k ISA
we need him back
30k isn't even 20% over minimum wage these days, we just live in a fucked economy with no prospects for the normal working man
Quite literally the entire job of a GP
i have social anxiety and almost certainly adhd though i;m not diagnosed. i've been suicidal for many years. i'm also short and unattractive so i can't see much hope for my life. my penis is small also.
I could've blown my money on expensive cars/clothes/alcohol/holidays etc, but I didn't.

What's the problem exactly? I never ask my parents for a penny and buy them decent gifts occasionally.

If they asked me for 5k for an emergency, I'd give it to them in a heartbeat.
Minimum wage is 21k
You can get over social anxiety through exposure therapy
no one would want to talk to me anyway.
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gfberg is in medical school to become an OB/GYN, not sure why any freak would want to specialise in that, it's almost as weird as being a proctologist, but to each his or her own
It's more that my university degree isn't really useful, and I thought I'd never get a job after university. I've done alright for myself, but I sometimes have imposter syndrome.
>I could've blown my money on expensive cars/clothes/alcohol/holidays etc, but I didn't.
Being a miserable neek with no interests isn't really a virtue, commiemong
Got 10k in mine+ some interested
(Deposited 4k twice )
>Aside from student loans that I never spent, every penny of that is mine.
What on earth does this mean
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Our PT
if you're a proctologist you never see any time wasters
I gang my own gait and have never belonged to my country, my home, my friends, or even my immediate family, with my whole heart; in the face of all these ties I have never lost an obstinate sense of detachment, of the need for solitude--a feeling which increases with the years. One is sharply conscious, yet without regret, of the limits to the possibility of mutual understanding and sympathy with one's fellow-creatures. Such a person no doubt loses something in the way of geniality and light-heartedness; on the other hand, he is largely independent of the opinions, habits, and judgments of his fellows and avoids the temptation to take his stand on such insecure foundations.
It's generally the highest paying field for women the only one that usually pays higher is oncology
who that? think i see her at fold
expensive cars/clothes/alcohol are a genuine waste of money so he's right there.
Money is quite nice desu
Ever since my grandad gave me some it's giving me a sort of warm feeling in my stomach
It's comfy
Which country has the most hope? I want to move to a country that isn't on a permanent decline.
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London and Berlin are on exactly the same latitude.
Expensive clothes aren't a waste
mind poison more like
got good news lad. you're moving to China
24k now
what an absolutely dire hour of salary and moneymonging
my god, this has been dreadful to be a part of
No booze purchase has ever been a waste
Messina hembry is such a good website
>Buying new clothes
i concur
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33rd degree latitude goes right between Nagasaki and Hiroshima.
Harry Truman was promoted to 33rd degree Freemason after this.
Dallas Texas where JFK died is on 33rd degree latitude.
t. manager at JD Sports
Mental how badly I mindraped him
Most female doctors I've seen are pretty attractive actually. I suppose that fits in with the theory that attractive people are more intelligent and more successful on average
used to be able to drink any old rotgut and as long as it had alcohol in it i was grateful, now i can't stomach the cheap stuff anymore, must've gained a clue at some point without noticing
Don’t know what to wear to my job interview tomorrow. Will feel like a right spanner if I turn up in a shirt and trousers since it’s a warehouse job but don’t really have anything smart casual that looks good
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>download audiobook
>instead of having chapters, it's one 20 hour file
how the fuck am I supposed to navigate this fucksake
you've clearly never drank coors, haha am I right fellas?
Might cop some second hand boxers from messina hembry
getting close to what I earn
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the rizz
every female doctor i've seen was a paki or chinese
sex sex
Could finish that in less than one day lad
jjb php development machine operation manager
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doctor power levels
House > Chase > Wilson > Foreman > Kutner > 13 > Taub > Cameron > Cuddy
it is if it's carling or bell's
All job interviews should be done in full suit and tie. Better to be overdressed than underdressed.
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didnt he rape somebody
Go and buy a casual long sleeve cheque shirt
Shirt and trousers is just normal clothes
What do you mean you idiot
Not like you're wearing a suit
That would be neeky, but a shirt and trousers is completely appropriate
You strike me as a bit of a pleb
I got a 2:2 in archaeology, literally the worst grade in my uni year of all 20-odd archaeology grads. I grafted on site for 4 years and 8 years after graduated I'm an associate heritage consultant working on nationally important infrastructure projects
Even "useless degrees" can lead to a good career with graft and intelligence
i inherited money and posted a screenshot of one of my bank accounts like a week ago when someone replied to my post complaining about salarymonging
sounds nice, paid to do fuck all and fit women always around
Shaun King on a mad one lol
had to get my arse inspected by a doctor that looked like my mates fit mum

if i hadn't done a precautionary wank before definitely would have got wood
jjb php development machine operation manager loud pack
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So weird when something tragic happens to someone that you've fapped to
monday's ONLY purpose to to prepare your arsehole for the rest of the week
literally no one cares how little work you do
2010 doesn't feel that long ago to me but it really was a completely different era in terms of both technology and social climate
Corr does look good that
i would rather die of prostate cancer honestly
for the pussy?
hate how many of these grotesque learning disabled freaks there are, just an embarrassment to humankind
Becoming a pornstar is already tragic desu

Btw how are you doing, Jeffo?
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the kind of guys to turn up to a minimum wage job in a shirt and tie and wonder why they don’t get the job and why the staff laugh at them :skull:
they should reduce the work week to 4 days, making friday part of the weekend, and say it's inclusive because now you've got the christian, jewish, and rasheed sabbath as non-business days
Yes but you can't break into that 40k band without having a very useful degree or being a manager.
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2006 was the last normal year. 2007 was the beginning of clown world although the less spirirually attuned people didn't really notice clown world until about 2014.
Imagine blaming all your problems on some fella with a big nose and a yarmulke. Runt behavior.
Honestly what's the point of it all if some charismatic Deano builds connections with people in the civil service and makes millions from government contracts.
Feels like the only way to win is to just bullshit as much as possible and take advantage of weak government
vax status?
wanked over her a couple of times since
was a bit weird but not that bad
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I love Australia
Lads, dare I say it?
my double vision gets the best of me
bins go out tonight
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>every female doctor i've seen was a paki or chinese
it's lush and i mean lush (the weather)
find canadians in general to be pretty weird people
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how many fingers am I holding up
There is no best of you

There is no best of you
i was 12 in 2007 so i couldn't possibly comment, seemed like a pretty good year to me, probably the last time i was happy
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gonna wank to her gdp scenes again later as a tribute x
wouldn't know, i've got the curtains closed
I look down upon drinkers

Supping their grog and conversing with wenches

Because those cretins don't actually improve society and their order will fail.
Hard work, labour, discipline, thrift improve society.
on the railway Friday basically is part of the weekend
throw it back into the ocean
What do you think it means?
back from toil. get about 3 hours to myself before it's time for bath and bed get in. the life of a toilman
*ignores everything terrible about you that you've shown time and time again over the last year and a half*
nothing wrong with a man who loves his cans. fuck the haters.
Wouldn't wear a tie you mong
But shirt and trousers is appropriate for even a really shit job
You should at least dress as smart as you would to a posh restaurant
Otherwise you just look dim
if you started throwing specifically grey squirrels against trees then over time would it develop into a thick skull, like in koalas
Yeah but if you're intelligent you're more likely to look after yourself, eat well (proper diet), good exercise, good hygiene etc. ...dress in a smart way that suits your body.

all that can contribute to attractiveness
i'll make the new, no one else push in and make it early or else we'll be having words
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Clown world began in early August of 2007.
know someone with a phd from cambridge and he's still depressed
prestige does not buy happiness à vrai dire
well it is anyway
Bognor Regis Football Club
leave the squirrels alone
tell that brainlet depression isn't real, he'll snap right out of it
leave those squirrels alone
polo shirt and jeans
t. knower
buy all my clothes from charity shops and MUJI
hey i said DON'T make it early you fucking tosspot
I remember there was one lady who got savagely beaten by her mma boyfriend but still eventually returned to make more videos
seen her with her tongue in a black mans anus before
You've never worked any manual labour job have you? The best attire you can wear is coming in your own steel cap boots
Wahey lad you know me I have the BIG CANS and might even pop out for the BIG CHIPPER
Your parents put you through your uni living expenses
Well I know that's hard. I struggled with mental health in uni.
Just have to find some sort of pleasure in life. Or focus on self improvement. Learning, exercise etc.
reckon degens would wank to her being fucked when she's paralyzed desu
Only really occured to me very recently how Chinese Thailand is
that's different

Polo shirts are awful you dim bellend
my friend played for them in goal
>that's different
He specifically said it was a warehouse job so he didn't want to go full shirt and trousers you dim bellend

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