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rorke's mum edish
haha defo funnier the 12th time
Yeah haha so what?

Gonna cry?
i shag crisps
Link to the last funny post you made
Previous thread must be full of them, surely?
Coooorrrrrrr those flopping cheeks, perfect for my BWC
bit defensive
he's done you rorke
Spaino beat you.
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>Lust Provoking Image,
>Irrelevant Time-Wasting Question
I genuinely attempted suicide once after saying I would do so on an imageboard post and posting pics to that effect
Happened slightly over 10 years ago now and I was 17 at the time, mix of several packets of painkillers, alcohol and slit wrists.
Was taken to hospital and given charcoal and monitored for 24 hours and then released without being given any mental health support other than "please ask to be put on a waiting list for therapy if you feel like it".
Never posted on that imageboard again so I wonder if anyone remembered my post afterwards
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Explain why they replaced ether with the Higgs field and don't even get me started on universal constants
Went to Maccies. Was gonna post a pic of what I had but there were children in front of me and I didn't want to come off as a blatant nonce taking photos of children in front of the mcdem
was supposed to clean flatberg over the weekend before an inspection tomorrow but instead i spent all weekend boozing and being a big sweaty wanking slug
still not started on it
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Enjoying my favourite game x
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Directors like Denise Villenue make that style of movie where there is very little soundtrack, and when it does have music it's very minimalist and just sort of droning sounds mostly.
Plebbitors are "Ooooh it's so raw and gritty" but actually it's LAME!!!
>get warned for a shitpost
>have to view the warning before i can post again
>captcha challenge on the warning page doesn't appear because it says my browser is out of date even though it isn't
>can't update or do anything about it
>have to phonepost
what the fuck
>given charcoal
what, by santa in your stocking for being a bad boy and attempting suicide? lol
U tell me
Come again
Imagine being a rentoid
Tawk to me
Sucked off a gnome there in b&q
jannies got you on the ropes
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they were all fat. the final sosig roll was an exclamation mark to everything that had led to this point. I released my finger from the fork, and then it was over.
Don't understans this purported link between New Vegas and trannyism
bartering with the gypsies, steel for old occult secrets and the like
Penis inspection, is it?
I never played New Vegas, why is it associated with trannies?
i take a photo of meals at restaurants as i like to look at it again later
i've never posted one
If you've read this post you are gay
tactical wank before the landlady comes over
If you've read this post you are gay
Terminally online people love new vegas, trannies are terminally online
Can you turn lads into slugs cos I've got a lad here who needs transforming and his name is mousenonce
Wynona’s big brown beaver may in fact be a porcupine.
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reading this headline you'd think the knife wielding man did the injury
no, it was in fact the retarded police
First and only girlfriend used to call me daddy. Mad that 10 years ago I had a girl on her knees in front of me saying "please cum in my mouth daddy" and now I'm back in my childhood bedroom alone blogging on the incel forum just for a smithering of human attention when someone replies blog on to my post or copies and pastes my post with an image of Jay from the inbetweeners .
got called a bhenchod in euro car parts lads
I use Brave browser
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can't believe how trigger-happy jannies are around here sometimes
no problem mate
noncegardium slugiosa
job done
gimmick complete
Why not during? I saw a landlady with massive chebs once on Homes Under The Hammer and I reckon she extorts tenants with enforced sex when they can't pay her rent
just play by the rules and it's not a problem
I know exactly who you are
how old were you both?
she fit?
reckon she would have eventually slit your throat in your sleep because you unloaded the groceries wrong or something
Find it hard to believe there are people working professional jobs wearing suits who comes home to post about pooing and wanking on /brit/, but by probability alone it must be so
@ the slug over at 295, blog on
want to last longer
who the fuck wears suits in 2024? like car salesmen and estate agents?
blog on you obnoxious oaf
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*raises paw*
My brother-in-law
He makes about ÂŁ100k in a finance job in London
I remember being 20 and having a grindr hookup who was 25 call me daddy, complete turn off but I powered through
used to wear a pocket watch with my slim fit Next suit when I was at sixth form
horrid little gimp I was
sex for rent is illegal
>6 months slap on wrist for being a nonce
Men with self-respect
On the wankdule tonight: two Italian bints eating food sloppily
Crossdressing fetishists can go to hell. But genuine gender dysphoria (a rare thing) is incredibly terrible and grim.
Needs serious and persistent psychological care in the same vein as treating schizophrenics or the suicidal, not leaving our youth to buy needles and hormones brewed in a bathtub somewhere in Brazil or Ukraine.
Makes one of us
worth it
Thanks mate x
establishment ennit
expert on it are you? no? probably best off not posting then
His coke dealer makes more than that from him alone
Life becomes much more enjoyable when you have a decent savings pot lads.
Gives you security. Makes you not worry about unemployment.
Set yourself a goal of saving 12 months worth of expenses.
did this and smoked cigars to look sophisticated on nights out
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oi lads, it's the timekeeper
yes I am actually an expert on it. that's done you in hasn't it?
Alright mate, who are you, /brit/'s police liaison officer???
thing is you're not and lying about it doesn't impress me
nothing wrong with a stockings and knickers wank if you put them away after and dont want to be some troon full time
blog on
did you get the shit kicked in to you? I never did, although I'd have had it coming to me
>Crossdressing fetishists can go to hell
Fucking weird when men on grindr, the app for men who fuck men, will send you a picture of them in a bra.
>12 months worth of expenses.
Ridiculous amount for an emergency fund
Get 4 months under your belt and put the rest in longer term investments
don't need you to believe me, couldn't care less
He went through enough already

Leave him alone
I save and invest money aggressively because:

1. I want to retire early.
2. I want to be wealthy and wish I lived as an Edwardian gentleman.
3. I genuinely enjoy seeing my investments and savings gain interest and accumulate capital.
that doesn't impress you much?
society destroys you mentally then tells you to seek therapy where you're told its your fault for thinking bad thoughts
I'm saving up for 6-7 months post tax wages
>accumulate capital.
Don't think you know what that means
Love you Bruce <3
you truly are
have to be at least 6'1 to look good in a suit i reckon
below that you look like a compensating little gremlin drowning in it
the board is called international but i only look at the thread that's about my own country
I want britain to sink into the sea for 10 minutes then come back up. Just to get rid of all the non-swimming people.
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mental how little resemblance this bears to huw edwards. courtroom sketch artists are stealing a living.
When the Russo-Ukrainian war turns nuclear you will wish you'd have spent the money now when it had any value
Just stop thinking bad thoughts

How hard can it be?
No it isn't. It's security. 4 months is absolutely nothing. You could easily be out of work for that time in a recession, or an emergency could happen.
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any grotty skanks in?
any pictures of grotty skanks?
please share images of your grottiest skankettes.
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that's ridiculous
what if you get hit by a car tomorrow
Huw Edwards and Philip Schofield walk into a bar (it's in Soho)
are you blind? it's a pretty close resemblance
I get why we don't want video cameras in court or it turns into a yank style shitshow, but surely they can have a press camera in to take a pic or two for later release?
rolling myself up in a greasy blanket and writhing about like a salted slug
I browse and post while working (selling data to hedge funds)
Dunno why redditors always talk about "emergency funds".
My Cash ISA is my savings and emergency fund combined into one pot.
What do you do for fun?
bradders is an exception he's charismatic enough to pull off any look
thanks for proving my point
I'm taller than that but I think you're just coping for being a diagusting goblin
Plenty of shorter blokes look good in suits
Mental how it got leaked that Barron Trump likes to torture animals to death for fun and is literally the real life version of Joffrey, and not a single person gives a toss
upped my pension contributions by 1% de lads. early retirement coming on strong
you sell gay porn data for a living? mental
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Do you have a source for that?
plasticising a poo
thanks canadian who has obviously only seen his face like 3 times
Literally 90% of looking good in clothes is not being fat and having a little muscle to shape your upper body well
nah you just need a good tailor
British TV is dead, British music is dead, Britain has no culture
yeah mental that
*turns around to talk to someone else*
you need to look good to look good in a suit i reckon
Then my family would have the money.
um ok
Rorke's entire worldview and perception of the general public secretly agreeing with him just got blown utterly the fuck out
i dunno i think everyone in goodfellas looks good in their suits
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take the piss
this lad gets it. if you're an ugly fat smelly insufferable bastard it's over.
>having a little muscle to shape your upper body well
You don't even need that, just a wide frame
Wish I had the body to pull off a crop top and short shorts
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might come in this on job interview
Explains why I'm so dashing in my suits (plural)
mad how I've spent years going "lol just get over it" to people
and now that I've experienced true pain it occurs to me that it's not so easy to get over it
what would they do with it
now i can't even get my 4chan pass to work
that warning janny laid down on me really tossed a wrench into the works
it wasn't even that much of a shitpost you trigger-happy cunts, honestly it's impossible to predict what you'll become arbitrarily offended by
the key to looking god is taking oestrogen and wearing makeup and putting on cute girl clothes I think
Yeah exactly
Yeah but blokes without a wide frame can build some muscle in the arms/shoulders/pecs/lats and look good
I will show you the meaning of true suffering
serves you right
having it away
Uh oh is this a post complaining about 4chan staff and/or moderation?
>paying for a pass
you deserve a fate worse than hell
Dunno what wide frame really means desu
me when greggs runs out of steak bakes
>your driver is 4 stops away
>hours pass
>your driver has to make a few more deliveries before he gets to you
what sort of cunt spends his life filling out captchas just to save ÂŁ20 a year
>Young British men are NEETs—not in employment, education, or training—more than women
how long does it take for water drank to turb into piss
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why is that? it's only $30 a year and doubles the enjoyment of posting here
imagine paying 90 dollars for a 3 year pass when janny can just randomly decide the thread you posted in is bad and threadwipe you for a 3 dayer
should have drawn him in assless leather chaps showing off his welsh rump
What happened, lad?
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I want Emma Watson to curl out a big brown one right into my mouth.
the ONLY bearing I can find in the right size to fix my car comes from a bicycle manufacturer
not sure it'll work or if my car will start riding on two wheels everywhere
*bright red faced, screaming, jumping up and down on the spot*
in korea and japan the birds like feminine looking twinks
it's not random though is it
you broke the rules
walk into any dentistry, law firm or doctors in this country
look at what the overwhelming majority of employees are
how is this surprising news
>giving money to gookmoot
into the acid bath you go
got a stupid one month ban when mine was coming up for renewal so just didn't renew
Have you ever eaten poo before in real life, Emmachad?
i got mine before the 3 year offer came out, not sure if i'll still be here in 3 years so i can't really justify the investment (i almost certainly will be though)
honestly with how shitty it is to apply for jobs these days, I can see why people want to be NEETs
>oh just complete an essay as to why you are a good team player and provide 5 years of experience and do a video interview and a group interview and we might consider you
fuck off
Do you have a source for that?
If male british neets lie in bed all day posting here, what are the female british neets doing all day?
scoffing earwax
>not sure if i'll still be here in 3 years
Here forever
yeah nice post mate
how many times did you have to fill out a captcha to make it?
>Order placed 16 July 2024
>Arriving 27 September
Sick of them.
don't reckon poo would be very nice to eat but maybe that's just me
what gets you a one-month ban? almost everything is either 3 days or permanent if it's illegal stuff like cp or whatever
Buxom Oriental Babes
>paying for something that's free
oh no no no kek good little golems for the jewish man. pay up them shekels little goy
Getting their cervix pummeled by the mandem
verification not required
prozzies or ofs or the like
female neet doesn't exist in the same sense male neet does
nanolaminating a poo
my time is not free
i charge it out at ÂŁ300/hr
installed a captcha solver script me
i like posting here and i don't mind paying a pittance to prop up the site, don't know what your problem is lad, after all you're here too
watching blackedraw and using chocolate dildos on themselves
Real incel hours in here :/
think my cousin just plays wow all day
Doesn't that get boring after a while
I got a one month ban for posting a thread saying "hey janny be a good little bitch and sticky this thread for me" with a tux pepe with a sticky pin on it
guarantee she's obese
only thing a woman can do to fail
obviously not serious and it's at most off-topic but didn't get overturned on appeal so whatever I'm a captcha man now
that game is like heroin for some
ionising a poo
haven't seen her in years, but she was a big girl
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you now remember epic beard man (assuming you're at least 25 or so)
Don't remember that at all
floccinaucinihilipilificating a poo
i'm 33 and none the wiser
was taskmaster any good lads?
Did they catch that nonce yet
You know who
Got one month bans for all sort of stuff. Basically means the janny REALLY didn't like your post but can't perma you
deionising a poo
yeah but then it fell off a cliff
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nah, m8 cuz you're posting here now
28 and I've never heard of him
degaussing the cat
yeah but what about the new one on thursday was that any good?
got a 3 monther for baiting lee once
was he the one that punched a black guy on a bus (amberlamps)
only ever had a one month ban for doxxing (which was bullshit it was publicly available info but whatever jannies gonna janny)
also had a 3 month ban for an accumulation of NSFW bans
only thing i've copped a one-monther for are ban evasion and pretending to be underage
both seem rather pointless, for example a ban evader can just evade a ban, and if i say i'm about 15 would it not make more sense to ban me for 3 years rather than a month?
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What proportion of people do you reckon really have it? Would it keep you from dating someone if they had it?
degassing the cat. squeezing the cat until it farts, that's what i'm saying
Who’s lee?
Evri courier stole my parcel and then disappeared from the system entirely when I reported it
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never been banned, me, because I can read the rules
I've got multiple permabans under my belt
posting a poo
Apparently it's as high as 1 in 2 people
can't remember if it was a month or three but i got one for posting song lyrics, in a completely obviously song lyrics format, that said about being a teenager
got permabanned for too many bans (they unbanned me when I asked nicely) this was 15 years ago
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Going to museums
if someone with those sores gave you a blowjob would you get them on your knobule
Is asexuality real?
pretty much all bans were permabans back in the day
and you couldn't even lurk it was brutal
need to get the pubes shaved, they're itchy
Been banned more than I can kind of recall
Up to them.
I understand saving so much isn't for everyone but growing up poor means I'm extremely cautious with money.
Yes, it's called herpes
How did you reach adulthood without learning about that
most people with mouth herpes get it from their alcoholic aunt kissing them
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Why is avatar/signature use against the rules anyway when you can use a trip or just a name and achieve the exact same thing?
Never really made much sense to me.
Got that gay interracial porn on
If you're not old enough to remember /z/, /fur/, and the dozens of textboards we used to have them DO NOT interact with me.
>and you couldn't even lurk it was brutal
it was bad, even now I can be on here for hours without posting
got an asexual mate who's never wanked once in his life, although he has had sex (and said it didn't make him feel anything)
if he wasn't my oldest mate I'd probably not believe him but to keep that one up for over ten years would be quite astonishing
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>Heinz have discontinued their organic beans
it's over. they want you to eat the pesticides and microplastics
Trips and names are meant to be used for specific things (e.g. an OP dumping a translation of a porno doujin identifying themselves or whatever) not for recreating forum IDs or attentionwhoring
can't remember how i found brit and started posting with you freakoids
Going to quit my job. They hired some new junior developers that have much better people skills than me and are progressing very quickly. It's not enough to be an unlikable tech person anymore.
did you never wank together at a sleepover?
Haven't obtained enough (You)s today

I'm feeling dizzy
Gotta a problem with a picture of a cock covered in wasps?
was it the real lee though?
there's imposters out there
sick to death of youtube videos with anything mildly controversial happening being flagged as "inappropriate for some viewers"
wish there were a way to turn that shit off, my youtube account itself is almost 18 years old, i'm not a bloody child
Who could tell?

Not like impersonating him is difficult
ngl the royal arms museum will be a fun visit n
remember when hue shifted malcolm mcdowell spam crashed the site? might have just been /b/
>Big Ange
delaminating a poo
screaming at dtfic trying to brute force sn's trip

bizarre cunt
I was a /sp/ chad but the quality of the board was declining and somebody posted something about /brit/ and I came for a look and never left. used to be scared to post though because you were all so horrible to each other and a couple of times I did post you were awfully mean
I remember when /brit/ flooded this board.
And when the swimming gay anime was announced by kyoani and the whole of /a/ shit itself
FOOD alright?!
Glad you're enjoying it mate

It is driving me... MENTAL
>used to be scared to post though because you were all so horrible to each other and a couple of times I did post you were awfully mean
ktim now I know I'm better than any one of you
remember when we raided /cgl/ and then the jannies deleted all /brit/ threads for a few hours in retaliation?
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This pic gets you p&b& on /pol/ if you post it
honestly really only visit London for the museums and thats it
/brit/ peaked back when we were all watching ar Tim but it hadn't reached the stage where stupid evil mongs were sending him pictures of Moni in the post or harassing him at his front door
think the most I saw was about 12 /brit/s on the go when janny was asleep
Had to click through suicide warnings just to listen to a song the other day and they had a big banner for the Samaritans underneath the video. Wasn't even a sad song.
feeling… sensual..
favourite brit night was when mark davis doxxed himself and ran about the internet deleting everything
/brit/ peaked when it was on another site
We had a time where /brit/ was basically all threads on /int/ many years back
Bit bored now
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feeling... hungry..
>I remember when /brit/ flooded this board.
we've done that at least twice from what i've seen, once a few years ago and once more recently, just a few months ago i think
you lads not have ublock? never seen anything like that
>oldfags pining about their glory days
Give it a rest you boring geezers

Why not make the thread good now?
it doesn't block those warnings
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Did you do the S.W.E.A.T pledge today toilBros. That mortgage ain't gonna pay itself
kill yourself
I have no friends
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No. Looks like this though
that would be an improvement
drink bleach
he was a real jerk
Heading for a poo, anyone want anything?

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