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edition of the weasel
poo smells lmfaoooooooo
Israel is based
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/brit/ x /china/ sub edish
Dr pepper: cracked
edge of tomorrow: streamed via chromecast
mini cheddars: devoured

its neet time
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dadberg calling me a tranny everytime I shave
just had a balti and im absolutely sweating
I dont want to eat too much more before beddy byes but i want to watch a film and scran
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Chengdu then. Or Pengdu as I call it.
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What went wrong?
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I heckin love science
"Governer of Gaza"
I'd like that title, has a nice ring to it.
Must be like watching apes in a zoo and then chimping out when you show them a banana
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The /brit/ Chinese land purchase fund has just broken the £20 (¥187) milestone.
friend of mine lived in china 10 years and moved back to the uk 2 years ago. he has cracking stories but says the old wild west period is over now, part of why he left. also chinese women are terrible in the sack apparently
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>you had Farage and Tice posting videos of him and talking about him like he was the greatest orator since Churchill
They're boomers who are stuck in "the left are the real racists" thought and are scared of Hope Not Hate and want to remind people as much as possible they aren't racist.
Tice especially is notorious for this and kept posting pictures of himself with random ethnic minorities who happen to walk by his stands.
Worst example was the actual PPB they made where they literally just flashed up pictures of all their non-white candidates over narration saying "apparently, we're racist??", like as if they have to prove it.
New Katie just dropped, trying on her latest haul, showing her fat arse and hard nipples, wanktoil sorted
/brit/ tangerine farm in Xinjiang Province
Bottle of wine almost polished off. Dare I open another bottle? I have work tomorrow
the Old Speckled Hens going through him 4 times quicker
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Peng poo
What colour cocks do you reckon she prefers?
I'd shag a chinese
>Housing in Chengdu (China) is 85% cheaper than in London (United Kingdom)
Mad really
So are they racist or not? Fucks sake.
When was the last time you went outside and spoke to a woman
Biz idea: The Racist Party
Alright youve convinced me
On my way ffs
Why would I want to speak to them?
Downside is it's in china
saw some peng chinese goth girls in the street tonight, one of them had lovely chebs
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Fucking get in
Beer that's in a clear glass bottle is guaranteed to be vile chemical shite
Business idea: hire Indians to groom pakis
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havent lived until you've speckled an old hen
need to learn Spanish so I can move to colombia I just can’t be arsed it’s so hard
They're not, but their obsession with trying to prove they aren't is not only pathetic but is also convincing nobody. Anybody who thinks they're racist isn't going to be convinced by that.
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Yeah but think of how much money you'll save
might wank to china
Green King haven't made decent beer in over 20 years
I'd pay to not live in China
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Peng Asian gf 2025 selection screen
Is it though?
Packing my bags, learning chinese and most important gaining a clue.
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henlo fren is me
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Might walk to China
Might run to China
I’m not very smart you see
>Low-paid migrant workers are an immediate drain on the public purse, costing taxpayers more than £150,000 each by the time they hit state pension age, according to the Government’s tax and spending watchdog.

>The Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) said the average low-earner who came to Britain aged 25 cost the Government more overall than they paid in from the moment they arrived.

>The cumulative bill rose to an estimated £151,000 by the time they could claim the state pension at 66, the watchdog said.

>This is because low-paid migrants – who the OBR assumes earn half the average wage – put more demand on public services such as the NHS compared to their relatively low-tax payments.

>The OBR estimated the cost to the public purse rose to almost £500,000 if they lived to 80, and more than £1m if they lived to 100.

>By contrast, the average British-born worker boosts the public finances by £280,000 by the time they reach 66, even adjusting for education and health spending before they start work.

Rasheed explain yourself
Why do you think we're moving to China mate?
Not a bad idea in all fairness
Midnight politics
Fuck off
It's a bit more complicated than that. People like Nick Griffin went to Oxford and rubbed shoulders with a lot of the people who were in parliament or working in the civil service during the premiership of Blair and Brown. This is the sort of person you need if you want to have even the smallest chance of getting somewhere in British politics.
The thing about Nick Griffin was that he seemed like he was genuinely concerned for the working class of Britain, so I think he was definitely in it for the long run.
Problem was that so many people were doing absolutely all they could to subvert the BNP and various other right-wing groups.
For example this twat leaked the entire BNP membership list which just scared off everyone from becoming a member.
Final nail in the coffin was the 2008 financial crash which screwed over a lot of people.
Nick Griffin was about a decade early. Poor sod missed the chance with Twitter and the rise of Trump.
Mad how you can get cancelled and fired from your job just for pointing out the fact that squirting is just piss. Woke gone mad.
Why are you lot being racist tonight
got the ron unz on
FUCK inkscape and any vector editing software
Cus I'm racist
In what situation would you need to point that out to your colleagues
Paint me a scenario
2035, wechat

>Row-paid migrant /brit/posters are an immediate drain on the pubric purse, costing taxpayers more than ¥1,500,000
might retire columbo posting
Still don't understand the whole squirt thing. It comes out their urethra, connected to their bladder, which is full of piss. There's nothing else there. It's piss.
Just say you got so horny you couldn't control yourself and you pissed. Don't pretend you have a magic new invisible organ that produces sexy squirt liquid.
It's piss.
Can tell you've never worked a day in your life
was always cringe seeing someone obsessed with the latest popular normie "sorandom" thing anyway mate
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God, please give me a smart, adorkable woman.
Inkscape and GIMP aren't too bad considering they're free
Also double funny because white people get racially abused in China and if you complain then the police take the side of the Chinese (and why wouldn't they?)
l didnt know it was a normie thing
oh what you just happened to stumble upon the same 70s tv show as a load of people on twitter did at the same time they did purely by coincidence did you?
Indulge me
At what point and how does that get brought up in a conversation with colleagues
I mean it might be acceptable if you're 17 and work at Asda
I miss vine
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l watched it when l was a kid at my grandparents l didnt just discover it. Stop harassing me please
I got racially abused once. Don't see what the fuss is about. I'm aware that I'm white, don't really care if someone is mad about it.
How does anything come up in conversation?
piss off you ugly gay
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The names bo. Columbo
That's what I'm asking
just found out columbo had a glass eye
So did Gordon Brown
>normie baby hippo spammed all day
>normie throwback tv show fad spammed all night
/brit/? more like /twit/ter
honestly shocked that my sexual preferences are so tame. got slightly molested as a child and started watching porn at 10 so by all accounts i should be a horrible little creep, but my worst vice is a little incest porn every couple of months. god is good
For the peng'ns in Pengdu and the penguins in Pengdu Zoo
yeah I just browse twitter nowadays
get the refined /brit/ experience
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t. man who browses twitter all day and knows what's going on on twitter
Your son will look like a nerd
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found out about baby hippo being a normie thing by googling it earlier after it was posted once again as being rorke
found out about columbo being a normie thing from /tv/ a week ago
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typical reaction to my thick veiny willard
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The anti-American sentiment in these threads is unacceptable. I will NOT have it!
stop apololgising
for the tuhinfs you never done
time si short
i am short
and its uo to us to schange in a crystal palace
let me in
Rotating a bushel of apples in my head like they're waltzers whilst having a threeway conversation with my various internal personas.
Ask yourself, every hour, for the rest of your life, "am I dreaming right now?" That will change your life.
fucking hate trannies
will change it for the worse as i'll be having to remember to ask myself a totally pointless question
Debating in your head over an issue is how people make decisions. Even if you don't realize you're doing it, you're doing it. Or maybe dumber people actually don't do it which is why they make dumb decisions. Truly what it means to 'not think'.
might get some marmitey toast
or beans + sausages on toast
or erm
idk like, some fuckin buttered toast or whatever
What happens if you shave a bumblebee
can't believe after all that's happened I really am just going back to tesco. such a miserable existence I lead.
Dreamlet cope
Kys anime faggot ameritranny you have no culture no history youre fat and you smell
Screwed up my steak cooking earlier on.
Still seething
Sorry I'm an attention whore.
I was hoping this was who let the dogs out by the baja men
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There must be some sort of intellectual downside from not have an inner monologue.
ALERT: ¥1100 has been deposited into the /brit/ Chinese land purchase fund.
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there's a rahman waiting in the sky
Gonna steal this photo and post it on twitter with the caption "unbumbles your bee". It's going to be a smash hit and I'll get so much money from promoting onlyfans pages afterwards
Rotating my brain backwards inside my skull
In need of MI6 protection.
favourite tv detective?
*sniff* b-but we're so nice to you in the /cum/ threads!
nice phrase - have at it.
Know a 25 bloke in a long term relationship with a 75 year old bloke. They don’t shag, mind. Young one just sleeps with whoever he wants. Old bloke knows and is completely fine with just his company.
Funny old world
columbo really is the best
That's called "love".
Beat me to it
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Lust is…le bad?
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Gone a bit quiet hasn’t it
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i'll probably go out in a similar vein
too big
Medieval Europe. Thoughts?
Not much.
dunno the elephant crashing through the wall was fairly (in fact extraordinarily) loud
kek same
reckon I'm more of a slip in the shower and crack my head open type
Nta but i go in there, post random shite, get called ratpedo and then i leave.
just realized I'm in incredible pain
We have medieval-like alleys in favelas.
get the paracetamol in. if that doesn't do it... ibuprofen too.
hawk tuah girl sloppy plap session
>similar vein
Back from toil
Burst out laughing at this
There is more to being medieval than having piss and dead bodies in an alley
such as?
i did that a few weeks ago
Might frost my tips
White people
Having someone in a suit of armour chase you with a mace
*defrosts your tips
if you had to foreskin dock with someone which role would you rather have
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Docking is gayer than anal
Opening a fecha nunca franchise in London named "never closes".
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It's thursday in Britannia so I can't post the hump day clue gained
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>nooooooooooooo you have to have a political opinion because… you just DO… OKAY?!??
what an absolute munter
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toil bought us food today I got the most expensive thing on the menu ($25)
You can't call others uneducated when you can't even capitalize your I's sweetie, it's simply not on.
I mean I can't go around talking about nazbols so instead I must play dumb :)
Must be a shite place if that's their most expensive dish.
Screaming at that file name.
I remember when ramadan ended and most people at work are muslim so a manager ordered a huge pizza to celebrate, during the peak of covid, and then almost everyone caught covid, so everyone was told you have to come in even if you have covid
maybe the reason im apolitical is because im more educated than you, woman!
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>Asian man who posed as far-right hooligan on Telegram to lure the EDL into Birmingham riots ambush is jailed for more than two years
kiwis in mourning be like
>my deds ded
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i count NINE of these mfs in my house right now. where are they all coming from. i leave them alone but they are fucking annoying
Yes, and I'm proud about that.
What do bongs call these things? Some parts of the US call them "daddy longlegs," while others call them "mosquito eaters."
I would never spend $25 on a dish so it was a nice change
190 190 190 how's the niece how's the beaches of island etc etc
they come out of the ground you must live near some ground where they came from
considering screaming "nigger" out my window very loudly, dont think theyd be able to pinpoint my voice
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the wife
world record holder, me. you know what in. it involves ingesting huge amounts of a certain fluid
they will when your voice cracks after the first syllable
we call them daddy long legs
weirdly they don't eat anything at all in their adult form, they only live for a few days and their sole purpose is to mate and lay eggs
their larvae live underground for a year where they eat plant roots and can be a serious pest in lawns
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that's not how it works you don't inherit world records, it belongs only to her
Only release for this clown world is driving alone at night and screaming like an absolute lunatic in my car at the top of my voice.
Have you tried yoga
blackbird outside pretending to be a car alarm the cheeky cunt
anyone want to hear a joke
>their larvae live underground for a year where they eat plant roots and can be a serious pest in lawns
Didn't know that! Least of my worries though, currently having a rat infestation somewhere around the property. My cats are bringing home at least one per day.
want to hear a joke but worried he's just going to say something mean to me instead and trick me
go on
what does her skin colour have to do with it?
I, Adam John McGowan, would like to hear your joke.
getting radicalised by excessive internet use
radicalised in what way?
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im in love with a hippo
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This is Rich of ReviewTechUSA signing out, have a good one.
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If they want people to stop being radicalised then maybe they should give it a different name.
"Radicalised" sounds like you're being turned cool.
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brain surgery costs $2 million in the USA
how much in UK?
I used to watch him all the time. Never understood why he got bullied.
Iceland belongs to the gael
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which one of you was this?
They can have it. I shop at Waitrose.
How do I get a feet fetish? Do I need to have feetsex first?
developing an extreme and dangerous set of beliefs about your mother's bumhole and what i'll do to it
so this is how i get treated for being civil
British public's satisfaction with the NHS at lowest level in over a decade. Public satisfaction with the NHS has fallen to its lowest level since 2007
How about you get a fetish for clues?
he's fat and bald
It's free.
coorrrr what it needs is more money there's just not enough money being poured into it that's the problem
I'm in need of that as well.
thank fuck there weren't any coffee-coloured indigenes on this rock before the vikings turned up. you'd never hear the end of it
And the NHS staff ethnicity statistics over the same period?
sent that runt to the library
Wish I was in the merchant marines
i like being australian
chatGPT wouldn't do this when i asked it to...
do you have any sheep?
Do you ever eat food alone in your flat at 3 in the morning pretending that the world has ended and you're eating food that have you scavenged from the local supermarket?
It makes me enjoy the food more pretending it's a scare commodity.
may as well send pensioners to the morgue if we're freezing them
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That's because it's racist
"negro" is clearly fine to say and i'm tired of people getting offended when i use it irl (usually a few times a day)
bloody hell i need to move to the uk
what sort of job are you supposed to get if you're a directionless mong with no qualifications? i'm too old to work at mcdonalds
I do cybersecurity. Only make a little over $100k but it's WFH so there's upsides
don't you have to be highly skilled with computers do that?
If I was Australian, I would have sheep.
Why are you thinking or talking about negroes in Iceland?
Become a warehouse runt like me
negro is fine to say if you're speaking spanish
Some sort of civil service job probably
magical negroes, the negro leagues, negro spirituals, obama, meghan markle.. need i go on?
bloody poLICE double parking their car and also leaving their car in the middle of the road. Just stick the blue lights on and you can do whatever innit lads?
Had to choice but the squeeze through the tiny gap they left me. You know they'd give me the whole criminal damage speech as well if i as much as scratched their car.
This is fucking brutal.
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Aussiebros... have you seen all these species?
It's 2am on a Thursday. Go to bed. You know you shouldn't be awake on /brit/ at this time.
Sort your life out.
same species, different types, whatever im tired
might buy a boat and live on it instead of a house
Take your own advice, you smelly little scrotum.
college is so shit honestly and all white collar jobs will be replaced
Okay. Goodnight mate x
My Chemical Romance toil.
done him
don't understand why some baldies are scared of taking finasteride or minoxidil, the alternative is being bald, how is that a difficult choice to make?
Sort your life out.
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Like wow i can't wait to go to college don't you? atleast in the uk you don't go into debt for it

what accent is this
I legit hate college and i hate my dad is always like "dude trust me college sucks for everyone trust me once your 2 years in you will love it"
Man can't even speak English properly and is worried about being underemployed postgraduation :skull:
The ideal roast:
-Roast potatoes in duck fat
-Honeyed carrots and parsnips
-Stuffing balls
-Yorkshire puddings
-Chopped vegetables in a vegetable stock
-and of course... the meat itself, which varies
fuck you i am trying to type with a bottle of stoli in my system
what else can the jews explode remotely?
their tampons? vibrators?
uuooohh oooooh yummy YUM-MMMY!!(this is not an ironic response or meant to mock)
Whoa I take it all back. I didn't know you were cool!
Even if you hate it all the way through, probably still a good idea to finish. People that say "dude just become a tradie" are the same people telling you to shave your head. Pure, unfiltered COPE
>dude trust me college sucks for everyone trust me once your 2 years in you will love it
That's true, tho.
.. / .... .- - . / -. .. --. --. . .-. ... / .- -. -.. / . ...- . .-. -.-- --- -. . / --- -. / / -... .-. .. - / .-.-.-
she sounds really weird
strange accent aside shes trying to imitate a customer service robot
>Chopped vegetables in a vegetable stock
What is this? Like a vegetable soup?
two yanks talking about american college on /brit/ btw
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i guess? i got a bachelors at a state school but it's only top 200 in the US
it's expensive to live in the us
no thicker than that. just something completely peng my ex would make and it was perfectly for filling a yorkshire with. the only ingredient I know for sure was chopped celery.
forgot to include your bollocks
forklift bvll
They keep the thread going overnight, leave them to it or filter them
no cunt cares
>waste 4 years of my life
>get a piece paper
>can't even get entry level job
>end up employed in wagie job
>even if the degree is good
I am gonna become tradie while the college tards cope
Cope and sneed. You're on an American website, vassal state.
Friend just sent me "cycle..." I fon't know what he meant with that. Is he becoming trans?
is cyber security still worth getting in to or would ranjeet from delhi take it
what about that poor cunt who was doing a forklift job and got his entire lower body and one arm cut off
i don't care fuck off
no not really sadly his job will be replaced by a indian or ai. While i will be making a decent living while he is fat and poor
its one of the things that cant be outsourced because of security issues
Didn't he drive his forklift off a bridge? Never seen it happen at my work.
i identify as a cum guzzler
I'm lovin' trannies instead
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Can’t be wearing trainers after 30
cant be wearing a backpack after 15
Cum? You want it? It's yours my friend, as long as you have enough pubees.
makes sense, tradcaths are gentrifying rorkechuds online spaces
shan't be kissless after 12
cant be wearing clothes after 7
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can't be at all at any age
>just a piece of paper
i just received a cheque for a billion fifillion dollars, but money can't buy happiness and it's just paper i am a whore
Alcoholics, the unemployed, angry loners
what is this old pish?
can tell you are like 45 or something
any low iq susceptible to conspiracy theories man in
Me me me me me.
>conspiracy theories
those are too high IQ for me
genuinely think flat earth theory is a psyop to make all other conspiracies look bad

Fave track
Holy fuck, my mind just exploded.
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been doing poos that are both type 1 and type 7
Don't recall pooing
dunno why the police send in their most heavily armed units for victimless crimes like bank robbing, just seems like a waste of the robbers' time and police time
Should I sort out my life by size or date?
*believes this straight away*
yeah yeah legalise bank robbing, legalise rape, legalise murder
waste of time init, police overworked as is trawling social media for hurt feelings
rape and murder have victims you fool

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