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secretary bird edition

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they have eyelashes
ew who's your plastic surgeon?
don't feel good.
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Bought ubereats 3 days in a row
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instead of going for a run i ate a big piece of lasagna
they use mascara i've heard don't be fooled they aren't natural
now you're carbed up to run even further
Yes, and it would never have "gone their own way" if mail-order brides were the solution. Do YOU know what they used to preach at the beginning? If mail-order brides were the solution to marriage, then they never would have "gone their own way". They went their own way, because there was no other option.
I'm talking against the entire MGTOW movement, and saying that Passport Bros aren't winning either. I'm also saying that WMAF isn't the solution.
I'm the furthest thing from an incel's beliefs. Pretty sure you're retarded, if you think that incels agree with me.
>instead of going for a run i ate a big piece of lasagna
They funny part is the Al-Khidr story is that is a copy of the Alexander Romance, which was a late antiquity fan fiction about Alexander the Great's life. Which in turn was inspired/derived from the narrative style of the Epic of Gilgamesh. Mahometans got a fan fic of a fan fic. Really gets the neurons firing
what's the matter anon
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That one isn't loading for some reason.
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Buy a fucking ad already. No one wants to see your SFW ads for your OF.
i want her to insult me during passionate coitus
reading books on pdf on my telephone is really annoying but they charge 15 dollars for a paperback today and i'll never pay those gypsy prices
naw this bitch doesn't even make shit anymore I'm just obsessed
which state has the best pie?
you can be obsessed privately this bit is getting pretty old
>Secretly asking for sauce
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which province makes the best hockey pucks?
got nothing else to do. i'm fat, old, and alone.
The state where I creampie your mother.
I wasn't asking for a source for that OF thot.
head hurts
stomach hurts
soul hurts because of some bad things going on
2024 has not been a good year for me.
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which parish has the most flooding?
QC, specifically Saint-Alphonse-de-Granby
>saying that Passport Bros aren't winning either
I think there's an exception. The passport bros who go over there but stay over there or make it one of their residences. The problems start when you bring them back over. Once you do that it's over, it's only a matter of time.
can you post more of the OF thot? my goon meter is almost full
well take care of your headache and stomach problems first
even if you're depressed you don't have to be depressed with a headache you can help that
drink some water get some caffeine in you lay in bed for awhile or take a hot shower just do whatever it takes to feel a little better
i cannot understand people that get obsessed with one random bitch, i see this everywhere, how's this one whore different from the thousands of other whores you see online that you will never touch
just buy a used kindle and pirate them
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Quebec makes hockey pucks out of hatian refugees
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me and who
it's gonna be okay buddy
glad somebody found some use for them
it's just an autism thing
Like I said, if you have a remote job, and want to ball out, it's viable. But we agree on everything. I also don't believe that the remote jobs that the Passport Bros are using for this lifestyle, will continue to exist until they retire.
They better have a plan for the future, because once that remote job goes away, it's over for that lifestyle.
i think it's a "i'm desperate for a gimmick so i can stand out" thing
going to the convenience store for an energy drink cause i have a headache and i need one other thing
does anyone need anything im buying
i'm pirating them now. might look into a kindle if it can be had for 20 bucks or fewer. kind of a fruity thing to own though
I ain't even autistic, probably just nuts from being sexles and cooped up for so long
Give people too many (you)'s and they put their gimmick into overdrive. A tale as old as /cum/ itself.
>terminally online losers with no bitches
>get a crush on some e-thot
>have no one telling you it's a bad idea since no one knows
>crush develops into obsession
Pretty simple path. Very depressing for it to happen.
Posting about it on /cum/? Yes.
In general? No. It's not a gimmick for them. It's like the waifus/husbandos for animefags and gachafags. They never interact with people.
>>have no one telling you it's a bad idea since no one knows
Multiple people have actually told me it's a bad idea but I don't listen. It's not like it's hurting anybody but myself anyway.
you're describing an autism thing
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I'm seeing ~40 used on ebay so maybe.

>kind of a fruity thing to own though
There's a brack guy sitting across from me.
>he's into the shop-o-holic addiction tier
There's no hope, until he hits goonerbottom.
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>We need to stop the golf courses or something
Hox genes determine the identity of different body segments in early development
I'm a virgin
Which part is corn syrup pointing to?
Sonic noooo!
It's right of the foods we eat, the rectangle on the lower right specifically
I feel like I genuinely could have met this chick in real life and had a chance with her. We're also from the same generation and come from roughly the same part of the country. It's like one of those things that feels like it COULD have been even though it is just as likely for me to have fucked her as it would be for me to fuck an anime girl, and yeah, I wouldn't want a chick who was an OF whore but I also don't talk to any women in real life at all so it's whatever. Sorry for drudging this up here for the past several threads. I guess I can try to stop for once. I just wish I wasn't such a failure in life.
i think therefore i goon
I tried to use Lyft to get a ride home from an event a few weeks ago, and it wouldn't work. It kept hanging when it tried to grab my location. I think it might have been because there were so many other people, maybe the signals got crossed somehow. I had to call someone and have them request a Lyft for me instead.
neat image. never knew how scarce state parks are
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you and your mom/dad?
I believe in you. You know how to not be a failure? Finally win. Ten thousand fails don't matter when you get your win. You don't need 100 girls interested, you just need to find 1.
Im extremely judgemental
>never knew how scarce state parks are
They are usually quite small
Dumbass dog ate something in the grass
I'm in my 30s. The single chicks my age are dog shit without exception and the younger chicks don't want guys like me. It's over even though I don't want to admit it.
It's an inherent human trait
ive never bothered to date or ask girls out. Whenever Ive ever wanted sex I just pay a hooker. I don't know how people stand dealing with women
Probably some homework
towards others, not towards yourself
If you can manage to find a decent job, you might be able to find some random younger girl. Kindness(but not beta pushover), intelligence, and potent for having a future are the most important things that you can actually control, that girls like. Obviously you can't fit your looks, but those 3 are the ones that we can control.
The final solution
Crazy how popular squid game got.
if i lived in the capital where whores can actually look good the idea of having sex with someone that has had sex with some other subhuman icks me out
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Girls are the best part of life. Finding a wife and mother of your children is the entire point of living.
pretty bird
Koreans singlehandedly elevated the global opinion of East Asians.
Was it any good?
It would be a miracle. I have no real career and there's no way I could ever afford to move out and have a place of my own in this economy. I genuinely wish I could kill the desire for love and sex in me because it only causes me pain as it's an itch I can never scratch. I've never even gotten a match on an app. It was one of the most depressing thing I've ever experienced and I ended up giving up on myself and gaining 40 lbs afterwards.
i truly don't understand individuals that like having their testicles crushed
extreme sounding also baffles the mind
>I've never even gotten a match on an app
Apps haven't been a viable option for finding a date for a few years now. Dating apps are for the unironic rich giga chads 1%ers.
An anon posted the dating app stats a few weeks ago. It was really dire.
You gotta find her somewhere else now.
>Dating apps are for the unironic rich giga chads 1%ers.
They have a $500 a month feature now for famous people only lol
dating apps should be a public service and not a private venture
Japanese government did something like that
Did it work?
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>You gotta find her somewhere else now.
What a nightmare. It's not like you can cold approach women nowadays and all the old in-person social areas are gone. Fuck, man, you see why I hate wanting a woman? Because it's fucking impossible.
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i got a headshot taken recently that i'm thinking of using for bumble, what do you guys think
Incels out
Only launched a few months ago, can't actually see any results only the announcement. Also it was only Tokyo apparently
if you REALLY want to know where to meet women i can tell you, but don't let other people know this is only for those in the know, it's roblox
why does this need a general?

this whole site is ours
I dont get the point of backup cameras
like am I supposed to be more or less liable if I run someone over? I dont even use mine anyways except for hooking up a trailer
What about volcels, femcels and fakecels?
It's a nightmare, but bitching anonymously online isn't the solution. You gotta try. Another anon posted the graph for how people met, the ones right below dating apps were met bars/restaurants, meet through friends/family.
You can cold approach in a bar, just not on the street.
Which one of you wanna be my bby girl?
no that would be weird
me in the middle though
It's a sub-/cum/munity
It's to remind people that we can claim space wherever we want. It's a thread for Canada, United States, and Mexico to remind the world that we're the best continent. We're the best continent, even without the 20 other countries included in our thread.
Hola Amigos y Amigas. Una chica bonita por favor.
drinking milk
ABGs or Kpop style asian girls which is better in your opinion?
you wish, not only this general can be one of the slowest ones it's also shared by 3 countries
sexo con cum con bepis
why did he do it
people still meet online all the time don't believe the people that tell you they don't
online dating is not exclusively the domain of models and other very attractive people
it's not like every attractive man has 30 women on retainer that he has sex with everyday, the notion that only the top 1% of people on dating apps do well is ridiculous
look at that chonky mf
bruh, gtfo
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Aren't you banned? (unjustly btw)
>I dont get the point of backup cameras
You'd be amazed at the number of people who don't look behind them, when reversing.
>like am I supposed to be more or less liable if I run someone over?
Probably more, since the other person would say that you weren't even looking out your back window.
>I dont even use mine anyways except for hooking up a trailer
Those types of things are the only time I use it. If I'm backing my dad's SUV into his garage, I use the backup camera display to make sure that everything's clear below the window.
this is me on my cheat day i look like that and do that
what percent of your faps are to hentai? it's about 50 to 60% for me
Enjoy your whole milk, anon.
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approximately 0.01% I guess
enjoy buddy
strawberry tonight ?
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No strawberry tonight cause I've had too many sweets.
>the notion that only the top 1% of people on dating apps do well is ridiculous
Stats don't lie. They're getting the majority of responses. The average guy is putting in an absurd amount of effort to even get 1 reply.
Strawberry milk is absolutely disgusting
you're absolutely disgusting
(not really, but you're still wrong)
Russia, Iran, China, and North Korea
whats the golden rule when dealing with spammers?

post some stats then
it's more like top 3% but yes you're correct
and even for men like that the percent of matches that actually lead to sex is less than 1%
ideally? kill them
Between streaming sites and e-thots on social media, there's no need for drawings.
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apparently these live in my state but I've never seen one
yo no estoy prohibito. quiero una chica latina bonita. eso posible?
they're not as hot though
>the notion that only the top 1% of people on dating apps do well is ridiculous
It's not, in the last few years or so the dating apps have been completely gameified to force you to pay. You will get very few matches without paying for the premium features and it's designed to make you more interested in matches than a relationship. It's intentional.
he is really cute
look at this one
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Actually majestic, and I don't use that word often
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Clean it up, chop chop!
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I'm eating ketchup Pringles and I can't even taste the ketchup. I'm gonna complain and get freebies.
Why don't the janitors delete inappropriate posts within seconds?
tampon tim
me on the left who on the right
im gonna be back in like 30 minutes cause he's spamming gross pictures again
aerodynamic af
I don't remember the site that the other anon used, but I was able to find this one that seems to line up with what was shown.
3% success rate for men. That's the average across all men. So remember that the majority of that 75% of the Tinder population is receiving little to no matches, while only a small amount of guys are receiving the majority of that 3%.
I'd be shocked if it was even close to 1% for any sort of success, including multiple dates. I'd be shocked if it was 0.5% for sex.
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all their resources ($0) are dedicated to stopping jeet jokes and politics
Real women are superior to the drawings.
I'd have to go through the stats again but I think it's 1% of every conservation (not just match) leads to sex. And that's for the top few percent of men.
Sorry about spamming the chick, folks. Just kind of a mess. I don't talk to women at all.
I fucked a fat girl off of bumble and I am in no way a "top male"
The only actually cute girl I went on a date with was from hinge. There was no second date, of course
So a fraction of a fraction, because most matches don't lead to conversations, and most conversations don't lead to sex.
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Clean it up janny
yeah these are the best stats I've ever seen for a guy. He was a 6'4 guy in LA with a 7-8/10 face.
This is with him spending 15-20 hours a week just swiping, many more for actually setting up dates and shit
I never said it was impossible. I said it was way more work for the average guy. Dating apps have really fallen off though in recent years.
With Bumble, was that pre or post changes to girls always approach? If it was pre-changes, then I would believe that was easier, because of the few women that would approach, you'd be more likely to have success.
>those eyelashes
Oh my.
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forgot pic
It was a few months ago.
But yeah, average guys need to try their chances IRL. Dating apps are cesspools
They're not. It's a gross oversimplification
what makes you think you'd have any more success in real life when a girl can just get chad off a dating app in seconds
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I have just complained to Kellogg about some shit Pringles I bought tonight.
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why does every girl has a bf and or always hooking up and never alone, where are all these extra men coming from, is it just because they're dating older men?
Because quality women aren't on dating apps
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>janny bans fk for saying he doesn't like the Philippines within seconds
>brian has another homo meltdown
>"better let that stay up lol"
What can be inferred from this?
Because all of the charm, body language, etc doesn't work online. When you're on a dating app, it's closer to a narcissist video game, than an actual mating strategy. When you're in real life, assuming you have the slightest bit of game, you have a much better chance. She's getting direct attention from you, instead of phone attention.
Looks pretty gay anon
Women can all get in a relationship or hookup within minutes if they want (but not with any man they want). Men cannot except a very high calibre of men. Women do not even need to use apps. This is the dynamics of relationships since forever.
yeah keep telling yourself that
Some are dating older, some are sharing, most aren't on dating apps because they already have a hundred guy's numbers in their phones and millions of potential guys on social media.
Some guys say that Insta is a better dating app, than actual dating apps.
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I'm not going to let your bitter negativity affect my outlook.
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I hate my job so fucking much
but of course its the only place that would hire me
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this bird also has lashes
what happened to ur leaf
More girls are using dating apps as a source of entertainment with their friends, than actually as a dating app. They go on, mock uggies and fawn over chads, and then never actually respond to messages. Maybe 10 years ago, you'd find quality girls, but now it's a needle in a haystack.
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H.. hot
I raked it.
he lost it for not shitposting enough
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no way
are you that /sp/ fag?
dating apps have never been good, they've always been male dominated
fucking newfag incels
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they are p2w now, that's not how it always was. Ofc the male-female ratio has always been terrible but you didn't need to pay just to see more matches. Most of the people here are LARPing about it anyway dw nothing EVER happens
I don't visit /sp/.
This is one of my main boards and I rarely post in /cum/.
Of course they've always been male dominated, but you're fucking delusional, if you think the odds weren't better a decade ago.
Zachary Quinto looking like an absolute mega FAGGOT on the tonight show right now.

Like holy shit what the fuck are you wearing dude
>Most of the people here are LARPing about it
I haven't seen anyone say that they were matching at chad rates. One dude said he banged a whale, and everyone else has been saying that dating apps are over.
What LARP?
literally who
Just looked it up: he is an actual gay

Makes sense because he's acting like a total queen right now
Apparently he's the fag who played Spock in the Star Trek reboot movies.
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The guy acting like he is gonna do anything IRL and the other anon pretending this was all just incel fantasy and not how apps are in the [current year]. Nothing ever happens
He was also in Heroes
And really sucked at it.
Pepe is a nudist?
>The guy acting like he is gonna do anything IRL
I was trying to motivate the one anon who kept posting OF thots, if that's what you mean.
>the other anon pretending this was all just incel fantasy and not how apps are in the [current year]
Not sure which anon you're talking about.
>Nothing ever happens
You're nihilist attitude does nothing to help. Most people who are terminally online, and stop, aren't returning to give updates about their life going good. The majority just stop being here, so you never hear about the successes. Nothing ever happens to faggots like you, because you wallow in being a faggot.
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gn for real this time
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nighty night bud
>anon gets mad because he erroneously thinks I was talking about him episode #2508
I have a gf, relax
Lol wtf
is it over ?
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is coney island really like this
If the West has fallen, then shouldn't the graph on the right be trending upwards?
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no not like is it over in rhetorical way
i meant is the mens butthole spam over
NYC sure has some characters
janner once gave me a 90 day vacation for posting the batman bin superman ID because apparently it was doxxing.
Yes but he'll be back in a few days
When jannies/mods don't like you specifically they do stuff like that. I made fun of the jannies here long ago and got banned for 30 days for posting something against US law
> it was a /cum/ beast image
cooner love
if you tell anons to stop eating meat/beef they start gettin real chuddy
Mom is saying I have to go back to school so we can get the government money. Looks like it's finally time for me to apply for welfare. Anyone got any tips? I've tried applying for welfare before but kept giving up because the application process was a chore.
do you have a disability
literally only beef, vegans bring up meat but all the others are fine even by their stupid environmental standards. Chickens are only slightly less efficient than ze bugs
my foot feels really sore but theres no welt on my ankle or anything
smart of you to post this after the 2 resident foot freaks here are banned
did you do anything to make your feet hurt today
i get like a thousand bucks by being a neet
well I was on my feet for 12 hours because my boss is an asshole
just get your mom to do the papers for you
disability or the EI meme?
yeah that might have something to do with it
why is your boss an asshole did he say you can’t sit down or something ?
he made me work 12 hours after Ive been doing this job for all of one week
its called persons with disability or something
that sucks anon, that’s something shitty managers do is completely abuse and burn through new hires and then throw their hands up and say “nobody wants to work” or “you can never find good help” it’s like yeah anyone with a brain has already left you idiot because of your actions
what’s the job?
lol yeah that'll do it. Enjoy the neetbux anon
didn't you get a 30min break?
5 hours ago
Yall are stank ass poop monky
nuh uh
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I'm not Brazilian though
it would be better if poland used cyrillic
It would be better if Polish women all came to the US
They would need to be Orthodox first
people from the south say this and i hate that it’s frowned upon here because i have to adjust my speech
not a big fan of southerners
Don't adjust your speech; every English dialect is precious and must be preserved.
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Non-Southerners who say this need to be waterboarded
saying y'all is a southerner's birthright but liberal city fags saying y'all need to be executed
the only birthright a southerner has claim to is a rascal scooter and insulin because theyre obese and retarded
>homosexuals in Yurop say it now too
Truly the worst timeline
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kill y'allselves
there are plenty of educated and physically fit southerners
i'm not saying those people don't exist they certainly do but there are exceptions
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Ducks are cute and have good personalities but they smell bad.
where should they go on a date do you think
unfortunately you are right
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>yah I graduated valedictorian at Birmingham Agricultural college, what gave it away?
but the peer pressure
My dog loves me so much
She doesn't care that I'm ugly or short or out of shape
She just loves me for existing
Though I'm probably eligible for bennies, I'm not pathetic enough to leech off the government; I'd rather sleep in the park.
she only likes you because you give her food.
dogs love unconditionally
i miss my boy so much
No you're thinking of cats
so the government can steal your money but you don't think it's okay to take some back
your prerogative i guess
no, cats actually like you
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just fired off an absolutely RANCID
good lord
>Eddie Redmayne
he stopped acting for some reason
Cats like your warmth and your pampering
Dogs like you for existing and friendship
business idea: kms
stop feeding your dog see what happens
Seems like a poor business idea
that wouldn't be a very good business anon don't do that
had a comfy dream about being in a haunted rainy swamp
interesting proposal, what are the profit margins
that would be an excellent business tho. one via which, the entire world will benefit

not sure
Scooby Doo-esque dream
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>the entire world will benefit
I need to know your ethnicity before I agree or disagree
you are overestimating your impact on the world
you aren't alleviating anyone's suffering by killing yourself, only making the people who care about you sad
you might as well ride it out and see what happens
how the hell do people keep beards and facial hair? its so damn itchy
That's pretty normal if you've been on your feet all day
>its so damn itchy
that just means you have dry skin underneath
Stop shaving. Get a beard trimmer, and you won't experience an itch.
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southern europoor
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You can just say Italian it's ok, this is a safespace. That would not be a benefit to the world btw.
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Western euro would be accurate cause when I said 'southern europoor', I had bongland as a reference in my head.
the pager situation is pretty funny ngl the jews did well with this one
If you stop feeding your child he will grow to resent you.
Does that mean that your child only loves you for your food?
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canadian kit
he needs to take it easy on the poutine
I like how when cats get morbidly obese their eyes don't line up properly anymore.
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Remember when people hated the previous prime minister of Canada? I miss those days.
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goodnight and sweet dreams
good night
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dang you're right
is that fella in the backround smoking one of those volcano vapes? it's been ages since i've seen someone talk about one of those
Would you rather live in Cuba or Venezuela
Lol yes.
Looks like a geeb to me
If you are in Toronto you can still see some seething old lesbians with Stop Harper stuff on their lawns and bumper stickers. Mostly switched to Ford now thoughbeit
cuba because it's closer to the us so i would have a better chance of getting home on a boat
i never used a herb vape i just went straight from flower to vaping oil i never got to that stage

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