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Creepy Chan edition
most sexo sex ever
boiling my bollocks off
really wish sunberg would do one
Are you being rude if you don't ask someone "can I sit next to you" on the bus
mouseman what did you have for lunch?
just sent a freak absolutely flying on /tv/
Not it you don’t sit next to them
had a tuna sandwich and 4 pepperamis on my cleaning break
my heart sinks to my asshole whenever i see this pic
I always say "cool if I sit here?" but I tend not to wait for a response
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Some afternoon to drop acid
sex sex
if you're ugly you should ask
Mad that we dumped our Jewish problem on Arabs and expect them to take it
Show us the post.
would this make a cool poster and shirt
>6/8 days raining
no wonder you are all alcoholics
should head off to Tesco to do some shopping but I just cannot be fucking bothered
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I am not sure people will know who this gigachad is here
>a couple hundred
may we see them?
Posting to the best of my ability
What's the worst accent in the UK?
lad, if Charles Martel hadn't delt with arabs, you would have a very different history
arabs are scum, they hate our guts, do not pity them
>put a paki in charge of a nationalist independence movement
unironically what in the hell were they thinking?
ktim down to the absolute dregs of my cupboard and freezer but really cba. looking like a bowl of baked beans and some mixed veg for my tea
why does he wear the mask?
just looked a gift horse in the mouth
mousenone WHY did you fall in love with a canadian even though he is a desperate to fit in freak with an ugly personality?
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Pipe down kid
Passed a broken down car that had a 'Yes' sticker on the window last week. Was nice to watch them suffer.
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The memorial to trainsgender sex workers has been unveiled in Trafalgar Square
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>The US is pandering to a minority internal audience that don't understand geo-politics and are shocked (understandably) by the carnage in Gaza.

>In truth, the US governmet sees a major geopolitical threat to the USA from an informal alliance between Russia, Iran, China and N. Korea. The obvious weak link in this is Iran. A way that destroys Iran's power will shatter this potential threat. Israel are in the epicenter and America has everything to gain as long as the outcome of the war is the total destruction of Iran's proxy armies and a massive undermining of Iran.

Moreover, such an outcome is very much desired by Saudi, Eqypt, Iraq and several other Arab states whose antipathy to Iran runs much deeper than their antipathy to Israel.
even the most devoted yes voter accepts that even if we were independent tomorrow there would be no world to govern in thanks to clathrate gun 2026
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>Pipe down kid
that brings back some memories
because he is so cute and not at all spainfreak before spainfreak started posting with that flag
ned kelly is a badass outlaw who fought the crown and the rich to protect poor farmers
glaswegian is the best but it’s just that most glaswegians are spastics that talk in a slow monotone monged voice that is barely incomprehensible

a true glaswegian accent on a normal man when spoken with passion and fire is sovl and sounds the best
reminder they scrapped plans to put up a statue of Elizabeth II to put this up instead
>first person to reply to me says my accent
no need to get defensive. I am a raging alcoholic too. no judgement here
want to try and corral the family into a european trip for Christmas - sick to death of the mild weather and depressing mugs around here, I need to go to Germany where I get slapped with 9 girthy inches of snow and can enjoy a festive christmas market
doesnt the statue look nothing like her?
Lad I want Palestine in control and populated by Christians. But still it's mad how things ended up still. We never reconciled with our Jewish population, we just dumped them off after genociding a bunch and of course the Christ killers get into strife in the levant
Every day I am thankful i am not brown
Same is true for all regional accents desu
Working class regional accent - sounds awful
Well spoken region accent - sovl
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>Scottish Independence Rally 'absolutely empty' as handful of protesters wave Palestine flags - 'What has this got to do with Scotland?!'
really gotten out of hand in the middle east
alright lad from anytime in recorded history
I really don't like that posh South-East but trying to sound chavvy accent. You hear it a lot at Uni and in the working world, a lot of people who come from significant wealth, but still feel compelled to drop their ts
nobody was saying things were getting out of hand in 1996
Maybe they were thinking it would score them woke good guy points on the international stage? Or that it would swing the Scottish wog population (that is only max 5-10%, excluding post covid boat wog invasion) to the SNPs cause? Instead it just enraged the populace having an unelected Muslim first minister that clearly hated Scots, and made the SNP a complete laughing stock, when they were already hated after their lockdown shenanigans.

Hence why they utterly collapsed in this general election. Also think people seen the complete beaurucratic and economic hassle that was Brexit and have been put off independence which would be even more dramatic.
should i do a shirt of cromwell or guy fawks?
is that one singular lad still trying to push "thoughever" in to conversations?
depends if you prefer your violence Puritan or Catholic
Ronnie Pickering
I think they call it Estuary English, it's like a mixture of RP and Chav
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>Creepy Chan
I'm old enough to remember when this was the hot new meme of the week
I am making a clothing line of crazy outlaws and just famous people
fawk off yank
what's the best london public school
st paul's
Don't know
tower hamlets
stick to Fawks l guess since everyone assumes he's some cool anti-authority revolutionary.
what else do you make clothing lines of huh? black cocks?
liz has a million memorials already. might as well name the country elizabeth
>We never reconciled with our Jewish population
Napoléon gave them a chance, they spat in our face and you lot were all too glad to accomodate them. As always, should have listened to us.
reckon that one lad, you know the one, should stop trying to fit in by hostileposting replies
ok itme to go clean again
after a YT video
just been eating gruel and oatcakes this week thanks to tescos cancelling on me
trying a deliveroo now
have ui ever tried leaving the house
>just been eating gruel and oatcakes this week
alri medieval peasant
No idea what accent I have, I'm from Cardiff but nobody can correctly guess where I'm from when I travel
actually embarrassing how much lsrael is slapping around these muslims
got told I sound like Caleb from Clarksons farm whatever that means
i feel like one day
reality is going to 'glitch'
possibly from an experiment that just breaks something fundamental in our local reality
just got a feeling
toil done
now to vegetate
Remember going to Cardiff a few years ago thinking it'd be nice and it was a shithole, homeless people and soulless concrete buildings everywhere. Castle is nice and I like the markets but apart from that I wasn't a fan, tonnes of homeless people too.
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mogs me
braindead post
cause americas supplying them
my favorite color is grey :3
theyre pissing about with particles and creating black holes in the hadron collider as we speak
the city centre is nice but the outskirt council estates are some of the roughest in the UK
i have but its a trek to the shops and i cant drive. i dont like doing it regardless
mousey get those youtube tabs closed and get your stinky arse washed now NOW

get the windows in that caravan opened an all
this is how i imagine all the antipodean posters
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I just left the station and it was immediately like dawn of the dead with homeless blokes shuffling around, I went for a meal and someone was going to jump off a building to an hero and a huge crowd of people had gathered to watch.
Every female family member, and one male, has been raped by a Black man at one point

wahey there he is!
Spent so much fucking money this month and it's making me anxious. I get genuinely stressed every time I spend more than usual even though I can see I have plenty left in my bank.

Just a side effect of growing up poor I guess :/
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not natural is it
blog on you insufferably boring bastard
grim, haven't lived there since 2012, it's probably gotten worse since then
her breasts look very full
what a lovely little rodent post more
does he like you
what did you spend it on lad?
>Foreign Secretary David Lammy has said Azerbaijan has ‘liberated’ land lost in the 1990’s and compared the country to Ukraine’s war against Russia

>In 2023, Azerbaijan invaded the Nagorno-Karabakh region, displacing its majority ethnically Armenian population
i'm straight but i turn into such a cock hungry sissy when i drink
might grow some hoofs and patter about the place
post body
Greggs, a vintage turntable & hifi setup, online gambling, and a couple of onlyfans subscriptions. Grim I know.
Can't believe he's the foreign secretary, bloke is a fucking moron
Will do
Travel mainly - flights, hotels, trains, etc for me and the gf. Also bought a new game, some trainers and a takeaway
spainnonce why did you give up your spainnonce gimmick?
>PM justifies accepting Arsenal hospitality tickets, arguing it'd 'cost taxpayer a fortune for added security' if he didn't
get him locked up with the rapists
British Gas man didn't even ring the fucking bell, just got a text saying you weren't in so we cancelled. Literally just seen him drive off in his van. The bell works as I just double checked. What the fuck you cunt I've WAITED AT HOME ALL BASTARD DAY FOR YOUUUUU YOU FUCKING CUNT.
>couple of onlyfans subscriptions
Going on holiday costs a fortune now, hotels are incredibly expensive.
normie cunt
even if you run out of money you can just shoplift co-op when the security guard isn't there and they won't arrest you
u've been done
he's done you
Get on the blower and rant at the minimum wage toilslave temp at the call centre lad
it's your god given right as a Britisher to moan
Probably just couldn't be arsed and didn't even drive to yours mate
sir keen gooner
>got my biweekly paycheck
>it's only $925
it's ogre
at least shoplift from somewhere guilt-free like tesco
the co op is a vital socialist institution
Always makes me laugh at the thickos who going fucking mental on the phone to some custom service toiler who has nothing to do with the problem nor has the power to change it.
A JEWISH Prime Minister? In the 19th century??!
He's away home for his tea lad, feet up, cold beer cracked and you're stewing and seething, hopping about your unheated home and there's nothing you can do about it.

that's tradies for you; they do as they please and they get off on mugging off speccy gimps
Not him you schizo
I know mate, it's a rip off. Just staying in budget hotels mainly and even they cost a fortune. AirBNBs through the roof as well it's mental.
How am I? Just because I'm not single?
Wtf I just sit next to them, it's not their seat anyways
I never have a go at the person on the end of the line
Really low status thing to do
I'll explain my problem and why I am aggrieved and ask for help
I think AirBnBs were cheap years ago and now are the same price as a hotel
Can't believe they adopted you.
I never asked when I had to ride the poverty train
co op is such a shite supermarket, hardly got any variety in and it's expensive
what a boring gimmick to be stewing on all day
>having a girlfriend and enough money to travel but don't think you're a normie
It's a very working class thing to do. It's amazing how far being polite and well-mannered gets you in life, but povvos can't understand that.
well then why not shoplift from a better one?
got no stake in the shoplifting debate personally, was just chipping in with my opinion on the co op
Yeah it's grim, there's a good chance the owners are cheeky twats as well, prefer to stay in a hotel nowadays
Righto mate, bit of a low bar to set but sorry your life is so awful.
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he posts here
co op sandwiches are alright
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When I was working in a call centre, the hardest one to not react to was when they said "you don't really care" after them going on about their problem and me giving it half a dozen "mhm, yeah"s.

Of course I don't fucking care mate you're a stranger to me. How could I possibly care about you? Yes I will solve your problem to the best of my ability because I am paid to do so but it goes without saying that I do not remotely care.
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let me guess, Indians are the problem though right?
Wifey brought home lots of good food options I can't decide what to have for dindins!!
left the house without my phone for several hours today, lads.
the difference it made was staggering. no longer being tethered to this omnipresent connection at all times. i actually felt immersed in the world with no distractions
if this is how boomers lived their lives its no wonder they all turned out happy
he's not weak because the opposition are literally leaderless and a joke anyway and he's booted every left wing politician out of his party already
he is thoughever a cunt
and the public don't like cunts
kier starmer is imploding
phones have no doubt ruined reality
indian, paki, two sides of the same shit coin
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And that's a good thing!
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I want to smell Emma Watson’s stinky girl farts.
they absolutely have. cyberspace has become more real than the real world for any generation born after 2000, and they don't even see it
mate he's weak, it's just the tories are weaker
>Napoléon gave them a chance, they spat in our face
How so?
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You are stupid bro if you think these are indian
I would marry her on the spot
Nigel Farage is the real leader of the opposition
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>Starmer and his wife are probably on close to £300k between them
>still accept gifts of clothing, glasses, concert tickets etc from donors

so fucking grim, imagine having such little pride. what a fucking pathetic fat cunt that man is, he is so hateable
you indians are so ugly its the first thing people think off when they see "ugly"
it's also the fear of getting filmed I think, everyone is afraid of the always possible online judgement so now normies go into overdrive in being the most normie normie possible
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gave them emancipation, told them they were french first, jew second
we know the rest
always found lndians nice and friendly but l guess if l was female they would sexually harrass me
imagine being such a bugman that you own a ring doorbell system oh my days
What's her name? I can't remember
>stand and deliver!
they're darkies, honestly don't care what brand
ash sarkar
That cute girl is scary ;(
it's mad to think about the fact that, statistically speaking, the odds of some rando having taken unsolicited pictures of you is probably quite likely, and you'd have no way of knowing
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the always reasonable and friendly Napoleon
I have one, they're based. Never have to answer the door ever again to jehovah's witnesses, salespeople, TV license cunts, etc. They're based, sorry you can't afford one x
state of those women. what country is that?
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How hard is it to not take £100,000+ in back-handers in your first 2 months in office when you've built your campaign and image on being a straight laced by the books solicitor and your opposite numbers have had their noses in the trough for the last decade+?

How can you not see the obvious own goal when you've got your chancellor telling old people their bennies will be cut and everyone is in for hard times ahead while some rich lobbyist is paying for designer clothes for you and your family in between free tickets to Taylor Swift concerts?
had a busy and very successful day at toil today. it even deserved a couple of celebratory pints afterwards.
still, mad how christian darkies are so much above the rest
almost like christianity, the roman religion, was a civilisation force unlike islam who breeds nothing but savagery and stupidity
It's legit lad
He's fucked off
He was a fucking paki too
Pakis rape a mother and daughter on a beach in broad day light and still your hate is directed at Indians ok bro….
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>married to a white bloke
So he's finally had the opportunity to make a fool of himself and by extension the entire Kingdom has he?
cute !!
my CV is 30% lies at this point
HATE ring doorbells and would never have one myself. my parents were the same until someone tried to break in to their house and then they bought one as it's cheaper than a CCTV system.
a few years ago uncleberg bought my parents an Alexa and it's been used all of three times or so and only gets wheeled out of the cupboard when he's visiting at Christmas
Starmer hasn't been PM long and he's already shot himself in the foot a few times. Labour only got in due to the Tory fuckups, looks like they're exactly the same.
Rorke strutting down Failsworth High St without his Samsung Galaxy Ace, feeling liberated and free and full of life. The smell of the kebab shops, the faint whiff of piss from the punters in Ladbrokes, the stale beer smell from the pub, the petrol fumes - all add to his heady excitement.
Can’t tell if she’s an Indian (dot) or an Indian (feather).
they take the piss because they know nothing will happen
they've got the reigns for the next 5 years at least
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we dont have feathers types here
why do they always put on this childish mannerism?
Fucking hell this does not look good for him.
Why do I get the feeling that Blair and Mandelson have been orchestrating this entire fiasco from behind the scenes?
What happened?
stupid cunt. estuary english is essex, kent
almost more common sounding than cockney
it is not robotic like ze germans
>Don’t know
>37% of 18-24 year olds don't drive
young people dont drive, don't work, and dont have sex. all useless freaks.
Being nice and keeping cool are by far the best personality traits
Too many people think their beliefs and virtues excuse themselves from this
sir queef barfer
I'm 24 and I work and drive but I don't do the shagging haha
Hope Starmer fucks off and we get Rayner or Burnham in instead. Need a proper working class PM for once not some fat nonce in expensive specs paid for by some paki millionaire
aren't they majority brown now too
there's nothing to do until the boomers die off and some money comes back into the country
>noo noooo nooo i'm in control
Do this all the time desu
how expensive do you think his glasses are?
Started a new tradie job today actually. Going out to wifi install sites, and also doing wifi tests. For a telecoms company. Alright pay, can go into fiber too where the real money is.

Was much better than the office toil in the company. No more timed breaks and screen monitoring or micromanagement or pointless meetings or “clocking in”. I just drive about in the van, taking my time between jobs, having coffee, sitting on my phone when not busy. Get all my work normally done by 3 and i’m back home.

Also wear cargo pants and steelies so look much better than the office neeks in their next jumpers and suit trousers.
they cost £2,400 according to: >>202435589
sir harrods shopper
lovely crunchy rocks for tea
starmers wife is fit as fuck
why do officemongs and programmers, who earn 80k a year to send a few emails a day, whinge about train drivers and incident controllers wagemogging them?

calling them useless blue collar people who just a push a button, when they are in charge of the lives of many people, meanwhile officemongs just smugly send a few emails from home and act better while they wank to anime girls
>British public are sick to death of growing wealth inequality and becoming poorer and poorer
>British public also hate socialism

I don't understand what people want
>canada: 69.8% white
quite literally smearing poo all over the walls of your glass house with that one
£300k is chicken feed in the grand scheme of things
People with pickled onions factories are making more than the prime minister in this country
what happens if you eat tin foil
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could you sell this surfers and stoners?
>It's amazing how far being polite and well-mannered gets you
Got caught smoking a spliff at my parents house when they were out on one of these a few years ago and it's a funny story
We laugh about it now but I thought my life was over
Just totally forgot they had a doorbell with a literal camera to their phone on it, which alerts them when someone is stood in front of it
Shiny poo
Struck a nerve, did I?
I made no such implication and am quite aware of my country's current state
Brits are largely dumb servile cattle who should be subjected to ruthless military communism.
don't get the android cringe gimmick
feels forced
Corbyn would have easily won if his foreign policy wasn't so retarded
you die
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>£300k is chicken feed
>#MrsBrownsBoys renewed for fifth full series on BBC One, in addition to the festive specials.

lets fucking go
wonder what are nige has been up to
jewish women are ghoulish
toby no
realistically the only reason train drivers get paid what they do is because they have a rock solid union

for the same reason, trains in the UK will never be automated. Not because it can't be done, but because at the merest suggestion of it potentially happening (some day), the entire workforce of human drivers will strike and grind the system to a halt
Yeah they don't want to become an even poorer more unequal shithole by giving everything to a minority of ugly loser freaks that want to murder all normal people
>British public also hate socialism
it's boomers
Welsh Labour leader got canned for something similar, right? It seems endemic in the Labour Party
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part and parcel
starmer gets a clothing budget why does he need more money for clothes
We want things to be better with minimal possible change duh
Bit different actually very different
were the red neoliberals just as corrupt as the blue neoliberals? fascinating, who would have seen that coming
can't Starmer just send the lads in to beat the unions up and make them agree?
hes the leader of the country mate get a fucking grip
Unless you went to uni for something actually useful (stem, medicine, law, dentistry) then your degree is largely worthless and anyone with an iq over 90 could be trained to do your job in a year or two straight out of school
British people want the economy to grow
They don't want gimmicks
They don't want the economy to be a political football
They just want it to work and to grow so we can be prosperous
>actually useful
swear to God 2025 is gonna be my year, the year everything falls into place. it makes sense too since 2025 is like bang in the middle, a proper year.
you could probably learn a lot of stem stuff on the job, without a degree, too 2bh.
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fucks sake rorke
So they want fantasy. Got it.
>Not because it can't be done
It's far too dangerous to leave hundreds of lives to a computer.
>in the grand scheme of things
fact is most jobs require a degree as a standard
its a symbol of general applicability
Oh great the Liberals have cut the temporary foreign student visa limit to only 435,000 this year! Phew!
I'm such a cute white twink I just know the Indian man at the curry house spat in my food when putting it in the doggy bag. Maybe even came in it.
yes this is why there are no computers aboard trains or aeroplanes
300k per year is a huge income whatever the scheme mate
the welsh menace strikes again
I don't deserve to be shamed for my kinks
proper tired and know I should exercise but just want to go to the pub for a pint and a fag instead
why did she do that then
Anyone who spent 3-4 years studying a "useful" degree could also be trained to do a specific job in one or two years.
Most degrees aren't occupational and you only use maybe 20% of what you learn for your degree in a job.
DLR has no driver and runs fine. No rason it couldn't be upscaled to all trains.
Both of which have human controllers
Shit like this is why the UK is declining
Americans would laugh you out of the room for suggesting 300k is absurd money
Mate he's fucking loaded, he has properties all over London, standard gold plated civil service pension, his previous income from the CPS.
Decline the gifts = nothing to declare in the register of interests.
He could have easily borrowed £100k and it would have been absolutely worth it because very few people become prime minister.
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you know you'll feel better for exercising
im am engineer and never did a degree lol
How do you have sex with a tortoise? Is it just someone wanking onto its shell or something?
you're online too much
shouldn’t be though
now you have degrees and 5 year experience needed for office jobs most people could do standing on their heads
and people coming out of uni in their mid 20s with no prospects because they were told if they went to uni (no matter the course or degree) they would be assured a comfortable middle class life like their parents by the time they were 25

thanks tony
already completed gymtoil today and will be going for a few pints and fags shortly. find a mindset who can do both
14% of americans earn that much and above. its not that common even there, lad.
and thats a fully capitalist nation with strong home industries.
300k is a big salary. accept it
Weird how the turtle is the headline but not the CP
not much point exercising if you're a smoker and drinker
reporting you to the engineers guild
shagging a turtle
>shouldn’t be though
why not? why shouldnt the standard of workers be higher?
a degree proves you can dedicate your life to a goal, that you have a high level of written language skills, are capable of communication and can understand concepts. that's not good enough for you?
yeah because health issues never compound do they
>14% of americans earn that much and above
there is no way this is true
>more than 1 in 10 people make this much money
that makes it pretty common actually
Hardly the income of the 99% is it
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you don't even need a degree to be in imeche
you'd be healthier by giving up the fags and booze than going to the gym
any functional adult can do these things degree or not
university is a charade that most people go to for either partying or because its the done thing
3 doctors earn that much here
Knew a girl like this, some dumb guy probably killed himself over her. I told her her demeanor and the way she treated me put me off and I only like cute Asian girls (with burning passion). Alas bitch would not listen, she is forever tainted in the sanctum that I call my mind
only 1.4% of americans make over $400k
I exercise 6x a week and i drink and smoke maybe once a fortnight
neeks actually believe this
the vast majority aren't close to that so no its not common at all fella
wheres the fun in that
>dedicate your life to a goal
only takes 4 years to get a degree
I both exercise and don't drink or smoke myself, just giving you some advice on what your priorities should be
they may be able to do them, but not to a high level, most employers will flat out tell you they wouldnt even consider a non degree haver, for a multitude of reasons.
Goes at 40mph and it's tiny

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