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family guy death pose edition
there isnt an argument against right-wing politics except blinking morse code to me saying its illegal to vote for them, worse than Hitler, and somehow communism is allowed
trans rights sub edition
gay porn is literally pouring out me arse
pooing gay porn as it were
sucking a shite
2008-2013 was the peak of British girl slut fashion

it was normal for 18 year olds to go out in glorified panties and a crop top

nowadays you have a crop top but it's with baggy jeans
Like this one, lad
wouldn't mind shagging that slamSadhbh Meg
heh, this is almost as bad as the time I went on /brit/
when you quit booze and you dont even feel any better
sick of this shite
the argument against right wing politics is that is has consistently not worked
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>over heard my dad say he wants to cry
fuck lads, feel like shit
tax class: missed a jobsekers appointment so the government took food away from me and starved me for 2 days, is where we are at
I am drinking some Ale
good post
fuck off
>anime nonce
You are literally mentally retarded. intellectually disabled. Cognitively challenged. Learning delayed.
Also, nobody cares what you say.
reckon you've driven him to it?
Worked in spain
Worked in europe for 100s of years
Whats up? x
what's got him so upset lad
im also positiver your definition of right-wing applies to virtually all human civilisation
/r/ing examples of this sort of fashion
best thing you feel is the sense of shame from all the embarrassing shite you do while drunk gone
I care what he has to say x
how the fuck is james o'brien not a leftist? explain that one to me would you?
*pulls you aside*
look, mate, i like your posts. but this "sadbag" shit you keep trying to make happen isn't happening
quit that and you'll do well in the thread yeah?

communists cant build

communists even stole computer designs from the USA in the supercomputer race

communists didnt "steal" (import) ONE TIME - and it was with grains - and like 2 million people starved to death (when they tried to GMO wheat)
The Governor is one of the coolest characters in all of human fiction

Attacks the main characters in two different seasons with two completely different armies, what a leader
got a genius idea. brb x
found Huw Edward's number in his kids contacts
not sure it does because capitalism hasn't existed for all human civilisation
or even a small fraction of it
Lad, you're sad bag
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>You are literally mentally retarded. intellectually disabled. Cognitively challenged. Learning delayed.
Also, nobody cares what you say.
No such thing as left wing or right wing

We need an NHS but we don't need immigrants. Simple
negan was better
NTA but between the ages of 17-21 when I lived with my parents my dad would routinely break down into screaming, smashing shit, threatening violence or suicide, driving off in the middle of the night, forcing us to listen to him lecture us for hours straight without a moments pause for the entire period. And half the time he'd say it was all my fault for being a failure.
heya if you got any questions about chirstanity hit me up i'll give you the answers as best i can
capitalism has exists for all of human civilization

since when people were farmers and tracked their bank balances on stone tabs to trade for goods and beer
well then your definition is wrong
dm me hun x
But he was a mong
what is your definition of right wing politics then
It turns me on to think of brown illegal migrants having sex with white women
He's a liberal at best. Think you're genuinely too retarded to understand what leftism even means.
James O'Brien argues like a cunt, but he's a brilliant arguer.

He can switch in tone from being serious to joking, taking the moral high ground unexpectedly to do one over on his opponent, and generally argue like a slippery fish.
fairly sure trade would still exist in a non-capitalist society
>*"poor" man gets elected*
>12,000 dollar watch
>*his eyes pop out of his head*
an imitator of our legend the one and only DEEGZ
That’s not arguing that’s sophistry.
existed for as long as humans have been farming
nobody fucking does and your spammed signature use is not gonna make anyone start posting off-topic
get a fucking life
Forgot your dutch flag mate

he's a liberal
nothing to do with left wing politics and you;re basically a moron for thinking it is
>negan was better

Let's see

>calls Rick a liar when offered peace and brutally cuts off a main character's head with another main character's sword

>believes Rick's lies and gets his throat slashed

gafferberg just emailed me and the toilphone did the outlook notification noise
reckon I can get a good settlement on a PTSD claim from this and retire to the devonshire coast
>communists cant build
Damn, I guess that explains why China doesn't have massive industry, economy, army and infrastructure and why their quality of life is on par with Africa.
Oh, wait....
Wish i had a railroad job and could work on the railroad all the linglong day
Sir Life Halfer
are you actually that bad of a failure or is he just that mentally ill?
didnt explain how he's not a leftist though
going to try again?
director of my department is pissed off with me and has arranged a disciplinary meeting
The vast majority of interactions I have had with BAMEs have been positive. My interactions with white people have been much more mixed. Simple as.

on one x
China is a dictatorship
besides i thought that "real communism hasnt been tried" - thats what you were talking about, when you made your first post
Yeah negan didnt kill any main characters...
The concepts of trade and money aren't synonymous to capitalism.
Capitalism didn't come about until the industrial revolution ended fuedalism.
You're talking utter shite and have no clue what any of the words you are using mean. Read an economics book you utter dolt.
shagging a scone
(8) you have to stop the world just to stop the feeling (8)
OK go to Africa then bye bye
cya you can go to Africa or Estonia if you want to
Why is japan so awful at chess?
They don't have a single player above 2400
almost every black woman I've ever actually interacted with has tried to help me get a job lmao
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yes, I'm a neet runt who can't hold a job

I asked how he is but he just made jokes. I'm guessing it's age, his body and brain is wearing down, sisters mental health, mum can't work, poverty, insecurities and regrets. prob thinks he won't ever retire, work till death cause he's the only one who can keep things up

he tried hard his whole life but he's got nothing to his name. masters in economics at glasgow uni but never used it. he's working a civil service job sorting out financials of deceased people
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fucks sake lads been a weird smell all day and just noticed my blister is infected and fucking stinks
China isnt communist. They dont even have universal healthcare the ussr had that
Mid 40s is definitely the upper limit of when a human can be considered sexually attractive. Probably not a good idea for me to talk about the lower limit.
>Why is japan so awful at chess?
they focus on Go
Seems to have worked if you consider the abolition of feudalism, the increase in urbanisation, massive rise in standard of living from the pre-industrial to digital age, more freedoms for the common man, expansion of european states across the globe, invention of numerous technologies and huge advancements in science as "working"
You know what's hot? A woman with big boobs and big ass, but instead of a vagina they have a big, smooth penis + testicles.
salary breakdown
>35% savings
>30% child maintenance payments
>20% rent
>15% bills + discretionary spending
>I'm too retarded to understand anything
>Please keep trying to answer me even though every time you do I'll claim I'm too retarded to understand and so shift the goalposts again
>This makes me very smart
Typical rightoid
>yes, I'm a neet runt who can't hold a job
holy fuck same

I have a mechanical engineering degree but can't get a job

my dad hates me desu
fuck lad, I'm sorry, that sounds like hell
because chess is a shaggers sport and the japanese famously don't shag
Yeah they do hire a lot of blacks at job center plus
stop saving money
have more children
im sorry to hear that
why do dadbergs always pull this shit
...they dont
I'm a little runt boy, lanky prick, here are my bennies and here are my wraps
still didn't do it
my dadberg is a nice bloke
Bit of both tbqh
Thanks, it's all the past now anyway
Fine I'll try again

>calls Rick a liar when offered peace, immediately and brutally cuts off a main character's head with another main character's sword, then beats Rick so badly that he goes into a coma for an episode

>gets tricked and betrayed by a retard, then believes Rick's lies when offered peace, and gets his throat slashed

Different calibre of villain
too busy working themselves to death to get good at chess
brb im going to get my chocolate pastries
sorry for what? his shitty mong son is the cause of it
my dad thought i was a bit of a failure for not applying myself but at the same time he knew i was very capable and always came through to fix business things he couldn't/didn't have time to do so i think he respected that but always wanted me to make more of my life than just coasting
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don't care about your gay wee characters mate
Curious how you even figured out how to post given you repeatedly shown yourself to be about 30 to 40 IQ points below average.
For Canslad it's
>8% on rent and bills
>10% on cans and the chips
>er the rest in savings? Fuck if I know what I do with it
not eaten fish in eons
be right back the neighbours are blasting me with the 5G skibidi toilet rays
they have only encoded one song in their machine
Didnt he smash (fan favourite) glens face in with a baseball bat
While the governer lied to that woman he shacked up with and pretended he was a good guy
Eating a bonbon té
Be right back forum
Ah yes, happen to know the intricate details of my personal life and upbringing so you? Moron.
>Least disingenuous leftist
The Governor is a down to Earth, realistic character who through is tragically relatable due to the suffering he experiences. He is human and has flaws but ultimately goes too far beyond the pale and thus cements himself as a villain. He is a character enjoyed by adults and those with taste. Negan is a reddit self insert cartoon villain who chews the scenery and laughs like the joker. He has no depth and no reason to act like he does. He is not relatable or even slightly realistic. He belongs in a Marvel or DC movie and is enjoyed solely by manchildren who browse r/memes.
contemplating getting a chippy for dinner tomorrow but I hear the price of fish and chips has gone up a fair bit

could just get a mcdonalds instead
if you read my first post, i explicitly stated for someone to explain to me how james o' brien is not a leftist
its taken you multiple posts and you still haven't managed
if anyone's iq is in question here, its yours, given that your reading comprehension leaves a lot to be desired
that visceral response is definite confirmation you're a shitty mong son. no wonder he's in bits, forced to look after a useless sack of shite like you
he sounds bipolar, is he still alive?
Because they don't play Chess nearly as much. They focus on Shogi, Go, and Mahjong.
chippies are extortionate these days
9.95 for a fish supper round my bit
countries done
nice relaxing song
>how james o' brien is not a leftist
he does not believe in left wing politics? he's not a socialist nor a communist
hmm not on at those prices is it really

mcdonalds it is
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he's not a true scotsman, right leftypol?
countrys gone to the dogs. ten quid for chippy tea and pints touching a fiver in most pubs.
Thats far left? Do you think labour are not left wing because theyre not communist?
Just switched from the summer trackies to the winter trackies, lads
mcdonalds is slop
honestly shite can hardly tolerate it these days unless I am absolutely hammered drunk
double quarter pounder with cheese and 3 chicken selects

can't go wrong there
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>While the governer lied to that woman he shacked up with and pretended he was a good guy
The Governor cut off Herschel's head in arguably a more brutal way than either Glenn or Abraham died by Negan, he stabbed Milton to death so that he would bite Andrea to death, and also shot Merle and turned him into a walker

The Governor is the main walking dead villain
Buy a deep fryer. Make your own junk food. Not that hard, quality is ten times better and it's far cheaper.
fat bastard
If you hadn't noticed the UK isn't renowned for chess players either
starmers labour are not left wing, no
by what metric are they? they were red roses?
socialists of course still exist in the labourr party but in ever fewer numbers because starmer has booted them all out
not him but bit weird you're going so hard on this, something he said struck a nerve?
*deep fries your willy*
right-wing liberalism is best
Is it possible to become an engineer (focusing on industry or aerospace probably) at the age of 28 if I have a history degree?

At 18 I didn't have a clue what I wanted to do but I now like the idea of creating something and I admire engineers.
can't be fucked dealing with the oil
just air fry everything me
diego on a mad one
>not him
sure pal
only time ive seen my dad cry was when my grandad died
yeah u can tell the geezer training you up about the mongel empire whilst ur measuring a cupboard lol
straight up just but the books and some tools and materials and start building
There is no such thing as air frying. It's just a fan oven. You are being scammed.
Makes the house smell like a commercial kitchen for three days after
cope on incel
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I'm not eating it every week lad.
reckon they were shagging and that's why he was so sad?
you're telling me an air fried these chips?
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get yourself one of these
He's not in bits, we get along alright now and go out for a pint on occasions, I moved out like 5 years ago.
Why are you inventing some weird fantasies about my childhood and relationship with my parents? You're an utter freak.
i accept your concession
the chinless wonder is back
utterly mad how bad your bone structure must be that at sub 16% bf you still dont have a jawline
ugly hairy body fuck off
think you need braces on those pants mate
rage uninstalled hoi4 again de lats
must be humiliating to work a concession stand
wonder what's set diego off this time
new deadpool movie was absolute shite
howling brick on the ropes
piss off vile cunt
Blackpilled by life, everyone in my immediate family got fucked. It didn't matter how hard they tried, they got fucked over. Sometimes feel we really are cursed

Now I barely bother, waiting for more things to go wrong
20 minute Mario 64 documentary again
akshually it saves heating up the big oven when im just making chips or something so im saving on electricity
Air frying makes things taste nicer than frying in deep oil anyway. Way less greasier, gets crispier, better maillard reaction, everything

Only council estate thickos have a deep fryer in their house
are you gay xx
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Leftism is anti-capitalism.
If you support the continuation of Capitalism you are not a socialist or a leftist.
Starmer and O'Brien are both in favour of liberal capitalism with elements of mixed economy and public services. Neither wants a transition to a socialist economy.
I'm not but thank you for enquiring.
it is. but im usually able to cheer your mum up with my dick
Dont really remember. Stopped watching when beth died retardedly
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Paris Hilton and George Sampson attend the Nokia 5800 launch party, at Punk in London, England (2009)
two pints of beer booze at the pub
on the wine booze at the homestead now
honestly mate I'm sorry but no
to be an actual engineer people won't look at you unless you have an accredited engineering degree.
even then there aren't all that many engineering jobs due to the the way the UK has set up it's economy (focus on services) and the jobs positions are super competetive, and also poorly paid in comparison to other countries.
t. engineer that now works in IT
Diego’s been here all day, and he’s been in a proper foul mood all day as well what the fuck has gotten into him :/
done that the wrong way round
get some liquid courage to talk to people in the pub before you head out
pooing peng gay poo porn pengily through my peng gay porn arse
My dad didn't cry when grandma cried, at least I never saw him cry. That was the first time I heard him speak like that. He spends half of the time not working sleeping. His body language looks laboured and tired. I'm worried
lol if you say so incel. im glad my parents aren't ashamed of me
Bizarre terminology not supported by anyone but yourself
Yeah ok but it's still an oven. It's not a fryer. So you are being scammed because it is false advertising. Also you could just buy a halogen oven if you wanted a small oven.
>George Sampson
rum bloke
didnt he have some disease
Not going to lie but if I had to work standing in the booth at the petrol station in some Asda car park I'd kill myself within 2 weeks.
in a proper angry incel mood today he is
what do you think the definition of left wing politics is?
social democracy
that it is
anything outside of this is not left wing politics
we used to be a proper country
what if they gave you a wee stool to sit on
>Only council estate thickos have a deep fryer in their house
No they have an air fryer because GMTV told them to
Labour never offered change they simply spouted the word “change”. Anyone scrutinising their actual offering realised they offer the same program of austerity that has been undertaken since Gordon Brown left office. The current leadership stole the Labour Party from its members and from the wider Labour movement for their own ends. The Labour Party now represents the defeat of democracy and nothing more. If you want to defeat any policy the Labour Party proposes simply describe it as “Corbynist” and they will defeat it for you. They are engaged in a systematic dismantling of our democracy and treat the Labour Party as their own personal property.
im an engineer without a degree (yes I'm the same anon from earlier)
used to stand at the till all day at poundland
Bizarre little freak you are
give an example of how they got fucked
I am starving but too exhausted to eat
what happens now
i was at work mate
bizarre proposition
Yes I know I'd have to study, what I mean is that possible?

Or is engineering too hard? I've worked in technical sectors before where I did problem solving.
halogen ovens weren't on sale at lidl that day
used to work at poundland (your mum bedroom)
Those are literally just accurate definitions of those ideas.
Not supported by anyone? Literally read any politics or economics textbook you fucking nuclear grade imbecile.
You're coping because you're wrong and retarded.
what sort of "engineer" are you
hate to be a rude cunt but I've come across a lot of people that claim to be engineers but actually they just put up shelves or are something like a "customer satisfaction engineer"
Ah yes another Air fryer vs oven autusm debate
mad how hysterically zionist labour are
Proper angry little freak hours
To be fair it's even arguable if social democracy is left wing or not, Communists consider it not to be left wing at the least.
reddit is back up now
Is brit an apple or android general
ad hominem already oh dear
You WILL downsize your household appliances
you WILL buy the goyfryer
im a fascist religious-extremist but im anti-capitalist so therefore not right-wing
mechanical design engineer
apprenticeship > draftsman > process engineer > design engineer
Okay, so you're just claiming to be troll now that I've proven you're retarded. A classic.
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>you fucking nuclear grade imbecile.
which religion?
>Or is engineering too hard?
definitely depends on what type of engineering you do
electrical and aerospace is flat out just too hard for most people
mechanical engineering isn't easy but is the most accessable and doable
it's a huge undertaking and then at the end would an employer want a 30 year old graduate?
it is definitely within the realms of possibility but I've known lads hets 1sts and still had a hard time landing a grad job
Ok fatso
On March 3, 1969 the United States Navy established an elite school for the top one percent of its pilots. Its purpose was to teach the lost art of aerial combat and to insure that the handful of men who graduated were the best fighter pilots in the world. They succeeded. Today, the Navy calls it Fighter Weapons School. The flyers call it...
i have both
from what year do you think a majority of British people (by nationality) would answer the following question 'no'?

Q: Should Britain remain a majority white country?
take the shallowfry pill
fair play
Basically left wing
lol nice pen mate
This is going to be a government run by civil servants. The culture of the current Labour administration is simply going to be too weak, and will simply find themselves overruled by the permanent secretaries who they then won’t have the courage to push back against.
need fried potate and sosage
>Air frying makes things taste nicer than frying in deep oil anyway. Way less greasier, gets crispier, better maillard reaction, everything
Absolutely the fuck not true. You don't get a better fry cook using a tiny bit of oil and a mini oven. Deep frying is by far the superior method for people who actually know how to cook. You're just pretending you know things. Better mailard reaction. How the fuck. How the fuck could sticking something in a shitty little (toxic) mini oven produce a better result than deep frying in in extra virgin olive oil at 180c, below the smoke point?

I bet you've never deep fried in your life. You've certainly never deep fried with a quality oil. You don't have a clue

>Only council estate thickos have a deep fryer in their house
Like fuck, every chav has an air fryer, they're the ultimate kitchen gimmick for the mong class

>it does everything omg I love my air fryer

It's a shit mini oven for retard kitchen homeopaths like you

You simply couldn't handle a machine like this because you are a child. You basically own an Easy-Bake Oven for lazy manchildren
shame you yanks can't make a decent sausage to save your life.
why the fuck is deep frying using extra virgin olive oil lmao
ain't nun they could do nuh uh no sir
The machine in question
Anyone want a fight? We go until one of us gives up or someone hits the ground.
Bare knuckle, fists only, only punches above the belt.
Those are the rules. I'll meet any of you, any time, anywhere, if you genuinely want to go.
Doesn't matter even if you knock me out in a single punch, it's the taking part and providing we've got the balls that matters.
Just because you have an airfryer and drink diet coke doesn't mean you aren't an obese piece of shit.
i remember him talking about deep frying in olive oil years ago. he's a fucking lunatic
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Raped that faggot up the arse
>deep frying in in extra virgin olive oil
shut up retard
Baited successfully lmao
Thoughts on Keir Starmer?
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Going to sleep soon as got toil tomorrow morning guys
think you'd like this
thats rorke, believe it or not
>deep frying in in extra virgin olive oil
now this is god tier bait
It's depressing how I'll never have a good job because I picked the wrong subjects at A Level and didn't give my best efforts.

Got ACD, probably could've got ABC at least if I'd tried harder. I was lazy.

Parents made me go to university, studied history which is fucking useless for jobs.

I see adverts for jobs which sound interesting (aerospace engineering, chemical engineering, architecture etc.) but I've got absolutely no chance of ever getting. Frankly, I don't know how people even get into those careers unless someone guides them. I had absolutely no clue what I wanted to do with my life at 18, still don't really.
fuck yeah im a genius
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*enters brit*
Would you like to have sex?
Honestly don't care if you're a fat hairy balding man, a tranny, or a woman.
>deep frying in extra virgin olive oil

imagine being this deeply DEEPLY fucking retarded lmfao
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*monitors the thread for wrong think*
literally no one cares
if you genuinely killed yourself at work like you tried everyone would have forgotten about you by now
destroyed that mong
Leftypol supporting rights for mentally handicapped people and demand they have right to vote
Leftypol calling everyon who disagrees with them a retard and smugly proud of defeating a mentally handicapped person in an argument
Hello sir fine evening this evening
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cared enough to reply you fat mutant freak
Probably not due to past trauma stemming from childhood sexual abuse.

You are fat :)
You literally don't have a fucking clue what the difference between a liberal and a communist is do you?
>deep frying in extra virgin olive oil
im willing to be proven wrong but this just seems incredibly gay and stupid
Wish I could just take estrogen and because a tranny domme for hire that takes dumps on people.
You wasting your life typing away inane shite like this on 4chan
pov you're an arsenal player looking up at the 50 empty seats
Diversity is our strength herr starmer
I only use the air fryer for making things nice and crispy, things like chips for example
some fat cunt is having a meltdown in his greasy oily bedsit right now because we are laughing at him frying his chicken nuggets in extra virgin olive oil
Sleep tight are Tilde x
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bed soon
Corr miss lemon
Need someone to play my arse like the drums
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this guy is such a psycho

feels like watching a reptilian pretending to be human when he reacts to this shit

So if you multiply a value by 10^2 you get a hectounit.

So if you have 1 metre (m)
>1 m X 10^2 = 100 m = 1 hectometre (hm)
Whats wrong with that
I started the slander against air fryers in this thread and was the original poster to promote buying an actual deep fryer but the anon saying to deep fry in extra virgin olive oil is a massive mong and I just want to distance myself from him.
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>deep frying in oil as strongly flavoured as olive oil
If everyone in Britain had this outlook, we'd be much better off.
incels loving this post like a moth loves a flame
Mad how there are people who live in London and enjoy it.

Personally I'd fucking kill myself, unironically.

wouldnt frying olive oil make the black smoke
Cope on leftypol
t. poorthern mong that earns 27k a year
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never bettered
I am the last White man in London. They're hunting me down in packs.
not sure how that would create a fictional character from the tv show Lost.
what an evil person
If you don't have a variety of oils - olive, sunflower, rapeseed, chilli, sesame, etc...
Then you've never learnt to cook, not properly. You're missing out on an entire world.
Rorke after a long day of being an intolerant xenophobe
yeah got a bit of a drunk on now
feels good man
your mum's got a variety of oils
I love london so much
Ah yes now the thread dies as everyone awaits the new edition and doesn't want their post to go unread
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>what an evil person
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post big water creatures
i use a variety of oils when im shagging your mum
Extra virgin olive oil at 180c is the best way to deep fry

This is a fact
aw ive seen this LEGO video
literally a textbook symptom of sociopathy.
I've lived here for 30 years and it's turned into a SHITHOLE
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I also did some russian studying. Primarily comparatives but also some vocabulary.

To form a comparison in russian you take the adverb form of an adjective.
>Быcтpo (quickly)
Remove the -o
Then you add the ending (usually -ee).
In a sentence you could say
>Moй кoт быcтpee чeм твoй.
>My cat is faster than yours
After чeм the nominative case is used. The genitive can also be used.
oo, interesting
thought you were going to bed
shoving chess pieces up my arse
Really pornpilled at the moment
Can't stop ripping my cock off to these hypersexualised, stick thin, rock hard tummied, long legged eastern euro birds with amazing tans, perfectly round bolt-on rock hard fake tits, fake lips, hard makeup, big nails etc wearing proper extreme turboslut outfits on webcam
nigga just take the L and move on
won't feel good in half an hour, an hour tops
Done them

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