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Raining Cans sub-edish
Why don't people like immigrants?
frying doughnuts in olive oil.
heya if you got any questions about chirstanity hit me up i'll give you the answers as best i can
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>it was real
They're black
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love scratching my arse simple as
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>literally a textbook symptom of sociopathy.
odd post
If you read this post you're gay
it is. feeling sympathy for animals and none for humans is literally a symptom of sociopathy
>cleaned the whole kitchen by myself after dinner without saying anything
I hate this attitude so fucking much it
>XDDDD igood morninggg!
>hello my evropa, my sparkling summer solstice of sweet sherry. no-gods do i love alliteration
>what R U doin todayyy
>methinks at precisely 22:35 on the dot i shall tonguepunch your delectable twatterino; P
they stink
Dunno what do for my career lads
Feels like unless I get a qualification in a solid subject like engineering, I'll be doomed to flit around between mediocre paying jobs forever
"few bad apples ruin the bunch." sorry
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the fred and rose of our times
least safe covidian
I've only ever deep fried chicken in olive oil, to be clear

Reiterating again right here that extra virgin olive oil at 180c is the best way to deep fry and that is a fact
Wondering how many of you are vaccinated sheep because the government told you to get it. I'd live the rest of my life shame, soulless bugmen with no integrity. Spineless cowards.
he's loving that
actually its mental that cats never got to the moon
go into boring blogging lad you're already a master of it
just gave a brown person my seat on the train and they didn't even say anything smfh
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help your mates
Thoughts on veganism?

Do you believe it's acceptable to murder billions of intelligent animals every year just for a couple moments of taste sense pleasure that can be replicates with plant based alternatives in the current year?

Do you also enjoy watching animals die? Listening to them scream in terror and pain as they are murdered? Feeling their rotting flesh between your fingers? Smelling the scent of their burning carcasses?
Or is it only the tasting of their murdered corpse that you get pleasure from?
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grimes is alright
Oasis - Live Forever
Fuck me, do you need any more?
they should have let him die
pathetic cunt
Was at waterloo station at rush hour earlier and every single bench in the station was occupied by a middle aged indian person sat doing absolutely nothing
shagged all of them me
lol this was me (waterloo station)
bizarre post
they're s curved aren't they
Billions of bugs, rodents and smaller animals would die if everyone ate plants. Veganism is disingenuous and impractical.
Yum yum in my tum
>me coming into /brit/ with the day's problems and the boys cheering me up
glad anon posted about CPUs today
or at least he posted about binary
>vaccinated sheep
Shouldn't we all be dead by now according to the antivaxxers?
Weren't the 5G towers supposed to activate the microchips in the clot shots which would then instantly kill us all? Yeah, funny how that never happened and now you flat earther conspiracy tards try to pretend you never said all that schizo shite.
>that can be replicates with plant based alternatives in the current year?
Simply not true though is it
Might become Indian and just start milling about the town centre
it's good smoked sausage and similar to kielbasa which is polish fyi
I think you are right
looks nice
I've noticed this too
Lots of milling about happening these days, mainly indians and africans
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They're competition for the natives in almost all aspects of life. Work, schools, housing, dating etc

And the third world immigrants are ugly freaks who bring stuff that nobody wants like Islam and violence
>Do you believe it's acceptable to murder billions of intelligent animals every year just for a couple moments of taste sense pleasure that can be replicates with plant based alternatives in the current year?

Yes, because that's what the intelligent animals do to each other

My cat has pouches of chicken, duck, or turkey twice a day. How does veganism apply to him?
I call it anti gratitude x
Pretty much exist in my own head 24/7, just deeply entranced by fantasies for fear of the outside world. Sometimes I snap back to reality and am overcome with sheer anxiety before returning to my headspace.
>We must torture, imprison, rape and kill millions of pigs and cows (smarter than dogs btw) every year... because a bug might die if you harvest a plant!!!
Average carnist logic
this but for vaxers
I don't dislike immigrants
I dislike the country being an open feast for free riders and people with bad intentions
he's not in zero g he's just at the bottom of a box!
this is a mental disorder i guess you might be fishing for but i cba
any harrods employees in
>implying you have the same moral agency as a cat
this is not it chief
horrible man
Why doesn't nappy put his name on anymore?
>jolene at 33 rpm
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i work in robert dyas
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deary me plod
Goodnight mousey, have a good night mate and look after yourself x
zesty donkey
seen this, mattkc is quite good
Btw you literally have microplastics inside your balls.
And it reduces your fertility.
Thanks to modern society, studies have shown that 100% of men tested, in every single time it has been tested for in a study, had microplastics inside their balls and in their semen.
is veganfreak the same poster as commiemong, they post exactly the same
I think every girl I’ve dated has been like this and I suspect it’s just how women are
already have 4 kids with plans for more
both are spaedo
your cum is only like 1.3-3.4 % sperm
2% sperm
98% microplastics
My cat isn't immoral for following its diet and neither am I. I'm not a herbivore and neither is my cat. Vegans are arrogant. They can't accept that we live in a reality where things eat each other.
like 87 to 92 % water
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its over
doc, i have micropoosticks in me bollocks...
Maybe yours is mate :/ lol
who cares
humans can choose not to eat other animals
Do you have skid marks in your boxers? Check for me now please.
Sperm cells make up about 1-5% of the total volume of semen. The rest is composed of fluids from the seminal vesicles, prostate gland, and other glands, which help nourish and transport the sperm. !
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we're so back
I stand with Lebanon
NO fuck off
do british people know about and want to have something like canada's MAID program
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The song "Espresso" is about lying in bed jerking off to ex girlfriends
Not wearing any x
no thats unethical
the coral, what a band they were
idk man, i'm feeling good. had some shit news today and it's made the feel go away.
11.50 an hour
Yes and yes. But their needs to be less hoops to jump through. Needs to be like suicide booths from Futurama.
Humans are sapient and able to understand that killing animals is bad and inflicts suffering, and so can choose not to.
A lion isn't smart enough to understand that it inflicts suffering on other animals by eating them. You are not a lion.
if you cum into a woman does that transfer the microplastics from your balls into her
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most intelligent atheist
didnt know that cows could swim. thats fucked
So all omnivores in the wild should be prevented from eating meat, because they can be made to choose to eat plants and vegetables?
about to cum
what's paedo about this image?
You shouldn’t pee in her
What about people who are suffering with no medical relief in sight
Fight for Trans rights.

Nothing else matters.
might have a tom tank
are you an omnivore in the wild or a human in britain with a co op down the road?
You're interacting with a schizo, don't get them started
>A lion isn't smart enough to understand that it inflicts suffering on other animals by eating them. You are not a lion.
Yes it does. Yes I am.

Vegans think that humans are separate from nature. We are not. Animals understand suffering. Of course they do. You fucking retard
love this webm
love the title
love love LOVE
heathermong melty about to begin
so smooth and optimised animals are so cool
Do you want me to tell you how to get a raise?
Are you actually that christmong? Why would that have anything to do with atheism?
>y-y-you're just a sch-sch-schizo

Yowza, why do normies pilfer the general of so?
theres still families letting their loved ones go
i saw a documentary where (pretty sure it was the adult) some Canadian guy lost his job and could not longer afford medicine. also that i saw somewhere that MAID has saved them like 2.6 billion CAD so far. thats my answer to your question c:
'trans' isn't real btw
could also make a choice to eat nothing but bark for the rest of my life, doesn't mean im going to
Italians love me
They are all failed normie election tourist zoomlets
they're not equivalent choices
cooking and cleaning up is woman's work mates, they respect you less just for doing it
yeah go on then
they are to me
you're utterly braindead there is nothing wrong with eating meat but thinking humans are justified eating meat because animals do it is the most braindead atheistic shit imaginable
Fuck off yank flag.
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Why should I stop eating animals when animals eat animals? Eating animals isn't evil. Did you know that bears eat people alive? It's entirely possible to raise and butcher livestock humanely. Vegans are quite simply mentally ill for not accepting the reality of life

You know what the co op sells? Meat. Because humans eat meat like many other mammals do
>has no argument just insults people
>Lions are as smart as humans and so can understand empathy for their prey in the same way humans can
>Also yes I am literally genetically no different to a lion and have the same dietary requirements as a lion
This is the degree of mental gymnastics and lying needed to justify animal murder and carnist ideology when you can literally buy a big juicy veggie burger made from pea, wheat or soy protein from a shop 3 minutes from where you live.
atheistic retards be like
>hurr durr there is no difference between humans and animals
oh but i would never eat a human that's disgusting
lol, lmao even
most intelligent atheist
brick you're such a retard
hey timmt
get that fish out of the bloody sink NOW
I'll have an early night
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that's how Italians act
evens give me last orders o' the night
if ive posted that at you before then it was so stupid to reply to the post. next time ignore me if i forget. ive forgotten if i forgot
so close!
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>you can literally buy a big juicy veggie burger made from pea
quit and get a higher paying job
bears cannot simply choose to become vegans
humans can
based retard
if you think
>animal does thing
>so human can do thing
is an argument you so braindead as to be beyond discussion
and it's mad to think you can harnass language, something animals cannot. yet despite that you're still convinced there are no diffferences, cringe.
Done him
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i wonder what that 2 billy was spent on instead
I eat animals if they are tasty and stupid
call the CD drive... 1x speed
erm... dont ask questions... just do it
>1 wha-
just call it that trust me it will make sense bro
chill it nigga
just because you can doesn't mean you should
Humans are animals you pathetic mentally ill superstious retard. Your god doesn't exist. Your religion isn't true. Crying every day in /brit/ about the fact that people here do not share your insane irrational unverifiable unfalsifiable made up christian spastic beliefs hasn't changed anything for you. Your faith is just mindlessness. You're a sad cunt like all christians
the girlies will never stop winning
don't argue with disingenuous people
>butcher livestock humanely
>I can murder animals but in a nice way I'm sure they won't feel terror and extreme pain because I only meant to kill them nicely :)
What a fucking joke meat eaters are
Btw over 50% of pigs and cows in the UK never get to see the outside world once in their lives.
Danish farmers that produce your bacon don't even need to give pigs enough room to turn around or walk a single step for their entire lives. They can live their entire existence in a cage that small, animals smarter that your dog.
uve been done retardo
least schizophrenic atheist
spending money (to make money). thats how it works. got to lose some cash on some investments to make money long term - business 101
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leftypols latest read
Any games worth playing of late?
im not that anon im just telling you to relax x
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project on
Na, games went WOKE. Forced brown people and women into them, you see.
>>hurr durr there is no difference between humans and animals
>oh but i would never eat a human that's disgusting

Most animals do not engage in cannibalism either you braindead deluded pathetic schizo fantasist

>we're not animals because we eat animals but we don't eat us so we're not animals
Ah the intelligence of the Christian evangelist who keeps talking about other people's intelligence
reddit is back up now so you can fuck off back there
what am i projecting la
Yes humans are capable of understanding and empathy which is why humanely killing animals and cutting them up in an ordered way is better than ripping their throats out with our teeth and devouring them alive
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can feel one of my poo organs trying to incite a revolt
what do you think they would spend money on rn in that country
I received a (You) from a post I didn't even write in the last thread, and the post I actually made didn't even show up. What the fuck is up with this site tonight?
not torturing and killing them at all would be even better than that
>Most animals do not engage in cannibalism either you braindead deluded pathetic schizo fantasist
not only is this not true the goalpost shift is fantastic
>if some animals dont do it then it's ok for us to not do it... wait cows dont eat meat that means we shouldn't eat meat
how are you this unbeliveably retarded
state of non relaxation my g
not sure why you've youved me
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>cute girl works in another team
>she sits on the other side of the office
>we occasionally chat while making coffee, seem to get along
>today she came over to my desk to chat
>later she walks past and we smile at each other
>she then walks past like 3 more times but I keep my head down
>cant tell if shes doing it intentionally or if she's just busy
>Decide to walk past her area later and give her a cheeky smile

If I keep doing this lads will I be a creep or is there a chance she likes me? How risky is this?

>she then keeps walking past
they should really hurry and perfect lab-grown meat. will solve all the vegan's problems
So has the meat eater Vs vegan debate now replaced the constant religion debates on /brit/?
Can't imagine it being any less boring and annoying to see fill up the threads
good footwork
do you ever get the ban screen for posts that you didnt make
how am i projecting that lad
im just observing you debating and insulting people and im like man you dont need dat shit in your life at 10 to 10 on a thursday you get me
Get her shagged in the copy room
my g takes 10 seconds to type a post and i call a spade a spade that's chilled my g
sounds like you getting bit riled up tho by your logic you feel me
Only when using public wifi, which is understandable.
love the fellas in the corner just watching it unfold
ok you want to play around so fuck off
>and win every time
>presuming people you debate with after reading this book just stop eating meat
yh im not saying its hard but why do it at all
dont know why you think im riled up im just puzzled
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Imagine believing "it's okay for me to murder animals because I do it using technology such as electrocution/ gas chambers/ being shredded alive by machinery, instead of my teeth like a barbaric animal :)"
Imagine believing that and thinking you are in any way logically coherent and not just pure coping.
just applying your logic my g
just step away innit why you engaging chill
what are you 16? just ask her if she wants to do something this weekend spacker
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your game week 1 table
animal protein is necessary for optimum human health. find a better way than eating them and i'll do it. until then, get over it
>>if some animals dont do it then it's ok for us to not do it... wait cows dont eat meat that means we shouldn't eat meat
>how are you this unbeliveably retarded
I'm not, because I didn't say that

You're writing out entire sentences that I didn't write and you're arguing against them like I said them myself

Every single day you make posts like >most intelligent atheist! but you're a total fucking retard who makes things up

Humans are animals, omnivores, mammals. It's natural and correct for humans, as well as other omnivorous animals, to eat meat.

You're only upset about that because you believe in an INSANE religion that says that we're actually fallen angels who came from a rib, instead of what I just said about us being mammals
im not calling you 'retarded' or anything tho am i were having a chill discussion
there's nothing else about
You can kill an animal without torturing it. Infact its been proven to be better for the mest quality

Because you replied to me mongo
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'Yes, I'm ever so proud... my children dey got free education, da medical bills and we are free'

celtic mentioned
jjsut puekd up this obooxr
please kill me
would you eat lab grown meat?

currently experiencing the most heinous autistic burnout imaginable

you neurotypics seriously wouldn't understand it
Literally looks like a gorilla
u calling me names tho judging my mental state my boy
similar vibe innit?
>reee why did you apply my logic to other situations that's not fair it must be only applied as i want and not to situations where i dont like the outcomes
also nice attempt at deflection and goalpost shift because your "logic" has been obliterated
go eat some humans you dishonest rat
so you're the spastic who thinks animals = humans? fuck off then you retardo tbqh
Can I fuck you first
do what you like
just kill me
Genuine mong
Ah boring endless samefag argues with himself about veganism, fabulous.
you've been done
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Humans were never designed to eat meat.
Not any of those people you're replying to but you sound like an actual schizophrenic
im not calling you names by observing that your posts are not chill
i mean look at the rest of this post: 'dishonest rat', 'fuck off then you retardo' etc - if i see anyone saying this ill assume theyre a bit wound up
if you had a lot of money would you still post here do you reckon

You've got one fucking life and you've gotta fucking make it count.
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i must be loyle to my capo
By a retard? Dont think its possible la

Why do we have canines then?
Esoteric Ziggerism
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Splash splash splash
too soon lad, need to tread carefully nowadays
brick be like:
>it's ok for humans to do it cos animals do it... wait not like that no it's not ok when those animals do it we must be different to those but not those!
project on
just projecting again my g
maybe you need to chill for a second and stop engaging innit
if even a retard is doing you one shudders at the subhumanism of yourself
roaring is that st
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Can't even get 3x 10" pizzas for £10 in Hull anymore. Games gone.
we cant synthesise our own protein like other apes can.
therefore we need to eat meat
>Admits hes retarded
Ok great
>Why do we have canines then
Please don't eat your dog, lad
>Why do we have canines then?
They're not really proper canines are they.
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Dividend investing is based. Growth stocks/funds are jewish. Companies should pay their stockholders dividends
>admits he's below a retard
you on the L train
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so this.si ROEKE
dont know why people are still giving her attention, she hasn't shown her tits for 3 years now, should have faded from the consciousness within 12 months at most
Completely misrepresenting what I'm saying and then naming ransom logical fallacies that you've heard about won't make your fake religion true so I don't know why you're acting like this

We are a certain type of animal. Omnivorous mammals. We eat meat. Eating meat isn't evil. What we do is justified by what we are. And that is omnivorous mammals. We are animals.

It's just boring when you're being this much of a dishonest retard
me? I've got £1370 to last me until the end of the month. Should do something with it really
>we cant synthesise our own protein
Yeah we can, we do it in a lab or a factory by processing plants or fungi.
Movimento Sociale Italiano
Can I strangle you as I ejaculate inside your bum? I want to position you in front of a mirror and watch the life fade from your eyes at the very moment I climax and unload in your bum
It will be painful
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Milling around has come to deep England
>reeee how dare you repeat what i wrote yes i admit now it's retarded but nooo that's not fair
so go eat human meat
oh wait you're a hypocritical retard
me i've got about 2400 to last the month, should drop 2100 in the Cash ISA
ok lol maybe you just use insults etc more often and thats just your personality but if my mate started using those insults in a discussion with me id assume he was a bit wound up, as would anyone i imagine
not that any of this 4chan talk matters lol
bit drunk haha1§ §
more of a Stocks and Shares ISA man myself, but I already paid into that at the start of the month
ISS currently visible above UK.
Btw Britain has the highest percentage of vegans of any country on Earth.
Between 0.5% - 1% of Brits are vegan depending on the study.
About 5% - 8% of Brits are vegetarian.
12% - 16% of Brits are on some kind of diet where they limit or reduce meat intake (including Flexitarians, Pescetarians, Vegetarians and Vegans).
>>it's ok for humans to do it cos animals do it... wait not like that no it's not ok when those animals do it we must be different to those but not those!

When did I say this? When did I say that it's not okay that some animals do something and that we must be different to them?

Literal fucking schizo right here, or some genuinely sad cunt with no friends whose only social interaction is to pretend to be like this. There's no way that you're not sad
Cant see any ethnic names on that village war memorial... but Britain has always been diverse
How is this possible?
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yeah sounds good mate give you a bell tomorrow yeah? x
dego on tje [iss
disgstuong FFREAK
if you wait too long she'll get bored and move on
haha mate you kinda guy to start getting lary when someone uses any vocaburary u start raging when i go "sup my cunt" haha
need to chillax it innit
lmao internet doesnt forget im afraid my little shcizo >>202445630
OPPSIES lol, lmao even
What does Mousey do when he’s not posting here?
from me toil
im a senior software engineer mate. i spend fuck all on myself.
Tbf thousands of Indians and Africans served under the Union Jack in WW2
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on my ted kaczynski grindset

love how you can tell that's a man even from those 12 pixels
>so go eat human meat
>oh wait you're a hypocritical retard
Eating the meat of your own species is a different thing to eating meat. Why can't you understand this? Most animals do not engage in cannibalism any more than humans do

You're just so much of a pathetic cunt, you really should just kill yourself. Even if you got some schizo pills why would any one want you to be around?
Diego comes here to 'win' because he has lost at life.
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>eating meat good cos we animal who eat meat
>eating meat bad cos we animal who eat meat
least incoherent atheist

all south east
These dudes right now sound like they watched 1 episode of a Jordan Peterson video and think they experts on all things psychology
Omega cringe
Indians fought valiantly and with distinction throughout the world, including in the European theatre against Germany, North African Campaign against fascist Italy, and in the southeast Asian theatre; while also defending the Indian subcontinent against the Japanese forces, including British Burma and the Crown colony of Ceylon. Indian troops were also redeployed in former colonies such as Singapore and Hong Kong, with the Japanese surrender in August 1945, after the end of World War II. Over 87,000 Indian troops, and 3 million civilians died in World War II.[2][3] Field Marshal Sir Claude Auchinleck, former Commander-in-Chief, India, stated that Britain "couldn't have come through both wars [World War I and II] if they hadn't had the Indian Army."[4][5]
Think youre deliberately misunderstanding my post
unironically hate the Moon, can't see fuck all else when that fucker is lighting up the night like permanent day. we should fucking blow it up
brick the kinda nigga who is so b raindead he go
>we eat meat cos we're animals
>oh but we are not one of those animals that eat their own meat
how do you know that?
>err... umm... SCIENCE
what's your salary lad? I'm on a decent wage like but I still burn through it
you to stop posting the word cans
I think I'm missing something here. I thought you meant that's all the money you have.
Think ill have a curry next remembrance day cheers mate
literally what are you talking about
I genuinely can't figure out what you think your point is. Humans engage in cannibalism no differently than most species. Most species do not engage in cannibalism unless forced. That's like us. We eat meat like other omnivores and mammals. What is your major malfunction here lad
no it doesnt offend me or anything but i just dont like my mates getting aggressive over stupid shite
ive always been quite quiet so its just not part of me
How'd you get into it
most carnivores are not cannibals, this is a very coherent and easy to understand fact
pooing and crying

fair point, reckon I'll see if I can get her for a drink after work, seems like a decent middle ground
apparently i will be able to see the iss go directly past the moon in october
will probably forget tho
theres nothing inherently wrong with eating human flesh. we dont do it due to cultural reasons
68k/yr 4k/mo
i spent 1600 quid a month on bills and that
you'd think it'd be a nice job but fuck me i'm trying to quit this fucking industry. i love writing code (writing a GPT now) but the industry is fucked.
this is happening everywhere now
country is literally full of brown people doing nothing
it's insane
Phone posting and sighing
humans are animals... except arbitrarily we aren't... and the reason i know this is... er.... just is... definitely not some kinda moral agency... definitely not... we are just animals...
as i said the first time this being brought up regarldess of the goal post shift this simply isn't true anyway
no one aggressive my g you bringing the aggy vibe atm desu
>Jordan Peterson
He claims that he, his wife, and his daughter are all on the "lion diet" which means they only consume steak, salt and water and nothing else.
He might be lying given his career is in being a grifter. But if he's telling the truth he'll likely be dead from malnutrition within a few years.
>>eating meat good cos we animal who eat meat
>>eating meat bad cos we animal who eat meat
I literally didn't say this

Your constantly making things up, all you do is show the entire thread that Christians are low iq, dishonest, and indistinguishable from schizophrenic shitposters

Humans are animals who eat meat. If its not evil for other animals to eat meat then it's not evil for us to eat meat. Cannibalism is something that animals typically do not do unless forced. That is the same with humans. As we are animals

Did your dad rape you or something? There's got to be an extreme explanation for you
youre not aggressive i mean my friends
Must be one of the most boring jobs ever
ahh sorry about that gota cut em out need chillords only
>i didn't say that
>proceeds to say exactly that
you MUST be a troll
oh fuck aye fair that's a good chunk. I feel less bad on my 41k then. What makes you want to quit though? i'd suck shit from a blocked drain for that money
>humans are animals... except arbitrarily we aren't
Who said that we aren't other than you?

You're incapable of making an coherent argument about anything which is why every day you go "most intelligent atheist" instead of actually saying something clever

Constantly talking about other people's intelligences when you've never said a single intelligent thing
least incoherent atheist
What would you do with 60k a year
>>i didn't say that
>>proceeds to say exactly that
But I didn't

You're just lying about what's being said because you can't handle the basic point that humans are animals and that your entire worldview is false
errr... lads...
They're still at it...
who cares dude? No one
>eating meat good cos we animal who eat meat
>humans are animals who eat meat. If its not evil for other animals to eat meat then it's not evil for us to eat meat
>>eating meat bad cos we animal who eat meat
> Cannibalism is something that animals typically do not do unless forced. That is the same with humans. As we are animals
like utterly howling how you write out what i accuse you off but you're so thick you dont even realise it
you are utterly incoherent, illogical and retarded
enjoy your last (you) you dribbling mouthbreathing waste of timer
hard to do because the moon is so bright it's hard to see the ISS so that you only see it easily once it's a shadow going over the Moon but that won't last long. Wont get the build up of it traversing the sky, so have to be on the ball
None of those things are the same

What you're saying is LITERALLY not what I've said

You keep saying
>you're saying this!!!!
but I'm not

Eating meat is good
Cannibalism is bad

Cannibalism isn't simply "eating meat"

Your entire point is pretending that cannibalism is literally just eating meat

Eating other species and eating your own species aren't the same thing

You've made a trillion posts about this bullshit because you are a RETARD

Your god doesn't exist
virgin post

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