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bibs edish
You? Eating meat or veg.
Me? Eating poo.
industry can't be that fucked if you're making nearly 70k a year
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>the industry is fucked.
i think alex turner is just the fucking coolest man
hated wearing those at school
they always smelled so bad
tired lads, very very tired

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Do play 5-a-side in the midweek with the lads, and a beer. It's a good laugh and we go for pints on the weekend once in a while too.

Good for the mental health.
what's the point of canada
how is it fucked? outsourcing?
>my g
>journey home from central London (£300pcm) over an hour to the flatshare in zone 5 (£950pcm plus bills)
holy fucking grim lmao
diego trying to rap with the kids about christ
Ton of birds at my office and i don't think any of them are single
Seriously don't get how people get into such high paying good jobs
>Whatever the reason, the change was dramatic and permanent. For example, around 5000 ya, the builders of Stonehenge, descendants of farmers from Anatolia, had no Steppe DNA. Not much more than 500 years later, Bronze Age skeletons had at most 10% from the early farmers, and the other 90% from the Steppe.

Fucking mental
Ancient Iranian chads big dicked the entirety of Europe and all the way to India and China
leaving you a few quid a year to spare :) should be able to save up for a deposit after a few decades :)
normie coworkers saw my metal playlist
Agile, "Product Owners", that kinda shit. I might go contract over the next few months.
Pseudoscience nonsense
toffs and tarqs with the right connections
>working with women in an office
why do southern softies do this?
dont know how diego has the stamina to argue on /brit/
call him ngolo kante
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imagine losing your arm while a crowd of mexicans laugh at you
be naturally smart, do well in school, get good degree (optional), apply

it's that easy
reckon that's why you don't have one
London is literally the only place in the country that's not third world and has jobs
Corr you lads should have seen all the potatoes i pulled up today, 60kg+, one was the size of a babys leg
they weren't Iranian. They were from the pontic steppe. Yamnaya is their name
Why was that even there
benzobros if i take a 10mg valium how long will it show up in a piss test?
that's gotta smart
>mental health.
unironically my life. I like my work and the shit London has to offer but I live with 5 others at 28 and have like barely 10 grand savings. I'm fucked
Potato picking is grueling
they do and you don't need £1250 a month to share a flat and get to work and back
might view some indecent images
just puked upall this upbooze
watched like a dozen times and it's mental that it did him like that
>5th monster of the day
>start getting chest pains
blog on
5 minutes
Christians are literally just insane, there's nothing else to it. They believe in things that are fundamentally untrue, and that's why they value blind faith. Blind faith is literally the only way to reach the conclusions they've reached, because you won't get there by reason or logic or fact or sensory experience or just common sense

Christians are also the reason for mass immigration and many other bad things, they're just worse than scum
fake diego
diego is still in the old arguing about...cannibalism
its Thursday night, knobhead
it's easy if whenever you lose you just post the same reply over and over and get so drunk you forget instantly
Ok my g
mental how she got away with this, if you're white you are quite literally legally a second class citizen
29 years old
never had a gf NOT EVEN CLOSE
only £75k savings
still live with mum and her wife
Those ancient people with no written records that might have originated from somewhere around this general geographical area thousands of years ago? Iranians
suck my stinky cosmopolite knob you provincial wastrel
why make the effort to post something as stupid and pointless and unhelpful as that. you never took a diazepam in your life you neet cunt.
okcord on a madone
feeling really mentally health right now lads

you are wrong mate the rest of the country is unemployed
Gonna play some Bloodborne lads
would shag her rotten
rage on
good lad
>mum and her wife
no one cares spainnonce/amer/190/mikey/sacked tranny/mousenonce/commiemong/2016mong/diego/brick/heathermong/lolpaki/gyaldemfreak/carlymong/nellmong/millenialmong/clogwog/dave/bottomlad/scraniel/“are you threatened by his blackness” poster/zoey/fatcam/brum/craven/storke/trannyspammer/rubyposter/bulliedbumholelad/crustybattylad/london paki mate no one cares
i lost years and years of my life and suffer permanent embarrassment due to xanax actually
that's an obscene amount just move out mfer
All they do is gossip and drink cups of tea
I literally can not be arsed.
Every time one of them opens their mouths it's some dumb cunt question or some inane dribble
I hate women, specifically the middle aged white woman, the type with a husband who won't fuck her and she drowns her sorrows in cheap box wine
ok will inform my employer in the morning
oral sex is kind of strange to be honest
you are fucking piece of piss gay shit cunt

well im not saying how long will it take to overcome addiction. i maybe take one a week if that.
>pints in the car park
>Unison union water bottle

VGH proper blokes
i'll be crushingly lonely if i move out, will go weeks if not months with no human contact outside of work
assuming i can even afford to live without dipping into my savings
Got a couple of weddings coming up. Last chances of the year to get a gf I reckon.
5 mins
better than anal
anyone else get that lingering taste after sucking cock? feel like other people might be able to smell it
Half of the music since 1999 has been AI generated
>i'll be crushingly lonely if i move out, will go weeks if not months with no human contact
sounds like heaven
Still cannot for the life of me figure out why that christmong freak was obsessing over cannibalism
Yamnaya were 50% Iranian 50% east Europe
usually swallow it quick enough for it not to linger
think im gonna have a bash on bumble next march after bulking session, for me
Listening to Knife Party a lot

diego would argue with a door mate
far from it!
yeahhhh fucking knife party
some times I get bored and just sit in the bath until the water goes cold
Prefer to savour it personally, gargle it a bit before taking a big gulp and Ahhhhhj yummy fill my tummy
diego and brick sharing a fight club type relationship
(8) ok here's the plan im going to fly you out to amsterdam i got a good hotel to fuck you in... (8)
this kills the kwab
and glitch mob
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bit weird that
some times just sit in the dark staring at the walls
what you having?
don't understand why retarded diets of just red meat and eggs etc are so popular these days
it's pretty well established that a nice balance of meat, fruit, veg and complex carbs is what to eat
so lonely
so alone
used to do this when i was 15
mumberg was concerned
Artificial restrictions for people with poor self control
I'm right here
vanilla negra in celebration of diversity
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people like simplicity and not having to think too much
if there's only like 5 things they can eat then suddenly dinnertime is a doddle
I do enjoy a bit of knife party myself.

The knife party:
Prefer the album version desu
I actually have no idea what the black part is
maybe like treacle or something
people love fads especially for dieting
my mother has always done fad diets and she is near anorexic
oh no I love the taste too much to do that. I just HAVE to swill it around with my tongue before letting it slip down my throbbing gullet
(8) we're still obsessed like we just met
and when you fuck me it's crazy (8)
what the fuck are you doing you clown
Steak is, without doubt, the most overrated food going
I like a steak every now and again but so many meat/poultry dishes that are better
really turns me off when women get clingy
prefer it when they're distant submissive fuck dolls
diego would love charli xcx's colab with bladee
please stop posting images of that disgusting groomer freak
(8) tell me why im stuck as a virgin with rage (8)
listening to old popular british music and crying

Such as
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>ooo aaa southern poofters in yer expensive flats why do you do this
not like we have much choice
move north where it's grim and know nobody and you're paid less wow amazing
you knob. i posted that thread accidentally but intentionally didnt post it itt. now janny is going to have my arse for breakfast.
when's charli and carly collab
Knife party
Aka london
why is the black one biggest
too many posts to "ok" so just picture it in your head
(8) despite all my rage I am still just a runt in a cage (8)
in 2018
(8) nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga, I’m 100% nigga (8)
am fuckin disabled man
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Literally a men's sexual rights movement.
lost my grip on reality
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despite all my rage im still eating sausage with sage
surely you are enjoying the hustle and bustle of the big city however
you will never own a house
yh i mean a new one
how is this any different to incels feeling they're entitled to sex
corrr imagine if she had a little bald stunted cock to nibble on
trannies are incels
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Whats all this then eh?
Listen to SCARLXRD

>Netherlands: One dead, more injured after stabbing in Rotterdam, suspect shouted "Allahu Akbar."
mumberg going drinking at the neigbours then coming in like a flipped switch being aggressive to my dad and I because she's a vile alcoholic
dadberg being a cuck who puts up with this shit on a weekly basis
love it
yes i got hustled on my way to work and bustled on the way home it was very enriching
Funny how charli xcx is having an extended public meltdown about becoming a lonely old hag lol
They were white m8
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made out like a bandit
motive as of yet not clear
rorke don't even start mate
eggs status?
*comes running up* ill have sex with her
Remember what someone posted about no longer having erectile dysfunction yesterday or today and i realise i myself am starting to all wriggle free from the dreaded EvilDemon

turns out you just have to eat well, sleep well and move your body for a few more hours every day
going to eat some pasta. its a bit late and not good for my diet but fuck it. had a busy day and im sore and hungry
any gay men in want to cuddle kiss and bum
Got a fresh dozen in the fridge, why?
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It's literally exactly the same thing.
Foul createure.
>he uses a clubcard
when he shops at poverty supermarkets like tesco
I'd breed her if she's up for it.
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I deserve to have sex with YOU anon >:)
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>paying less for your shopping is LE BAD
didn't ask for your opinion if you weren't interested pal x

we're so back
Sure she's hot and a millionaire but she seems like a nut case and is old now
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Get your cock out then... If you dare.
Kemi Badenoch said in an interview that her 4 year old child is very right wing
Mental given I'd never heard of politics at 4 years old
project on
started reminiscing to when I used to drive home from work on a friday evening. now I wfh life is so miserable.
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Want to root a paki girl in one of my classes.
holy kino
fucking wankered desu
toilberg will not be pleased
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It's so confusing sometimes, to be a girl
Top 3 worst lagers?
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get some rest pam
you look tired
Even better I could shack up with her and leech off her.
thats no a girl mate its a phone
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zestiest gentleniggas in eton
how am I projecting onto you an unwanted opinion when I didn't ask for yours in the first place
any nicotine pouch man in
>student union carlsberg
>student union carling
>free pick
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Corona, Stella, Madri
got a dilema tomorrow lads.
been invited to a pub crawl, but I've also been invited to a toil-do which will have a lot of people there I need to get face-time with, what should I do?
Hard to choose out of all of the shite 'foreign' beers brewed under license in the UK, they're all terrible, but probably Red Stripe is the worst, along with Fosters and Carling.
proejctcb on
gymtoil completed
calories scranned
vitamins taken
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Can't fucking sleep no doubt due to my borderline personality disorder giving me an erratic sleeping pattern. I have fucking toil in just over 7 hours I need to sleep fucking hell
blog on you boring bastard
Sympathy is a Knife is an absolute banger tbqh
It wouldn't work out
A clue gained
just stuck one in the gum just there
Met someone who's into Celtic paganism. Feels a bit niche, like you'd expect a pagan to be Norse/Germanic or Greek/Roman.
neighbours shagging there. She didn't sound that into it.
Madri is an MI5 psyop designed to prove Brits really will believe anything

For those of you who don't know Madri is a brand of beer that's gone everywhere over the last year. It's marketed as a sophisticated Spanish lager, the sort of premium option you get if you pay the supplement on the all-inclusive in Mallorca or Gran Canaria. But this isn't true.

It's brewed in the very not-Spanish Burton-on-Trent by the same brewery giant that also makes Carling, which is sort of a crack addict version of Stella. All they did was crank up the ABV by 0.5%, put a Peaky Blinders-style dickhead with a cloth cap on the logo and bosh, new lager!

Case closed, surely? The big brewery just made a new product?

Not so.

As we all know, the British are amongst the most psyopped nations in the world. You can make these people believe anything in spite of the evidence before their very eyes.

Getting Deano and Smithy (Assistant Executives to the Regional Manager at Sports Direct) from Wellingborough to believe that, yes, this actually is a sophisticated imported lager akin to what they drink on holiday and drinking it will make them look like Tommeh Shelby is not only a test of MI5's psyop abilities, it is incredibly funny for those involved.

They aren't trying to do anything with Madri other than flex on the society they're tasked with manipulating, for their own amusement and to prove the British really will put up with anything.
power bottom diego everyone
take the pub crawl, they'll make you redundant no matter how much facetime
erections gone again

elite post
whinge on you incel twat
why don't 4chan allow vpns
alri ED la
CPU temperature gauge is all over the shop
GCHQ doing a number on me here
sister is a big fan of stouts
never once seen her drink a cocktail
because y'all can't behave
So you'll pay for a pass
the most boring attentionwhore on 4chan
how does it feel having such mid iq you cant even cry for attention effectively despite doing this all day
single celled simple parasite
i’m descended from the gaels so if i had to do a pagan larp it would be that one
lots of preserved mythology and festivals
imbolc (feb 1 spring festival)
beltane (may day festival)
samhain (where halloween comes from)
broken bloody brexit britain
stinky /brit/ boy feet...
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aff tae bed


ED is basically all in your head.

I was terrified when I first met my missus, but she was patient and loving and now I give her all 6 inches of willy whenever we both want to
scythivn blood courses through my veins
Fannies just look better shaved and I'm not ashamed to admit that.
got the king of the hill on
comfort show, innit
I'm descended from the vikings yet you don't see me being a cringe LARPer praying to Odin in my back garden or acting like Skyrim is real
Just enjoy the myths for myths and don't be a cringe freak
>comfort show, innit
you tell me
The government can't track you as easily if you use a vpn
Nothing sexier than a fanny shaved in to a landing strip or loveheart
not going to get my 8 hours. productivity is taking a hit tomorrow I'm afraid
Why are you giving him attention then
wasn’t was i
no it doesn’t. scythians were an iranic people that existed around the time of the greeks on the steppe
gaels had been living in ireland for ages at that point
its a comfort show, i tell you hwhat
If it's not a massively hairy unkempt bush, too much hair to fit inside whatever underwear she's wearing, then I'm not interested
on the velo meself
is this really what british life was like in the early 2000s?
Got two pots of bolognese going on the stove don't I
(8) if you wanna run away with me i know a galaxy and i can take you for a ride (8)
the stream crashed on my linux and only his webcam froze i thought it was my linux that made the streamers webcam freeze and nothing else on his stream
watching a documentary on luther vandross x
hope it blows up and you die
no you don't
Ten minutes to midnight
Three degrees, we're outside
And we're alone
Caught a train to nowhere
Travel where, we don't care
I'll take you home

Arms open wide
Vampires will let you inside
And if we're going through hell
You can be my Archangel
boring post
dua lipa
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>Ford’s ability to deal with Congress was significantly weakened during his first months in office. He assumed the presidency amid an outpouring of goodwill. His plain-spoken, down-to-earth manner and personal warmth won widespread praise. He set out at once to heal wounds left by Vietnam and Watergate. In his first speech, he vowed to be truthful and solemnly proclaimed that “our long national nightmare is over.”Making good on his promises of healing, he offered clemency to those Vietnam War draft evaders who submitted their cases to a federal board. Although well-intentioned, the move infuriated conservatives and fell short of what many liberals wanted, especially in light of his second major step, a “full, free, and absolute” pardon for Richard Nixon.
s curved
Poop in my arse
i want to learn machine code
First bird I fingered had a hairy bush and was wearing girl boxers. Nearly put me off minge forever.
you need to update your drivers
yes it does
scythivn blood COURSES THROUGH MY VEINS !!
odd posts
Don't understand the appeal of Dredd's porn, he only ever shags them prone bone or sideways and the shots are all closeups mostly of his own arse and the woman's legs.
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Yes I do
sudo pacman -syuu
Love fit men and fat cocks
Spoons is like a big cattle pen where the runt classes drink their £3 pints and cheap cocktails to forget their mundane grim existence
>sacked tranny blogpost gets no replies
>switches on belgium VPN
this place is his entire smelly obese incel life lmfao
not canadian
send him an email
piano is such a beast of an instrument
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post proof youre in canada or youre spaedo
Ai image
done him kek
and where gymtoilers go for high calorie runtslop to fuel our gains
mate that is loads
And yet it's one of the liveliest third places in most parts of the UK

Grim innit
Looks like Elton John sharted in it
that's him done then looool
You're intimidated by people enjoying themselves
the thing says hot chud which is canadian for just normal hot
foreskin is so fucking disgusting holy shit
Looks like somebody knifed their fanny and pissed out a ton of blood and fanny meat
bizarre attention seeking behaviour this evening spainpaki
disability carer was off sick today? she's probably exhausted
where do high status types frequent? I'm high status myself but only recently, so not up to date on where to go
might kill me own self
making a lot because I made two batches of homemade tomato sauce so I'm checking the difference by splitting the meat portion
Slug and Lettuce
nearly liberty cap season lads
New Linkin Park singer is:
>A woman
>A hardcore Scientology cultist
>Appeared in court as a character character witness for the defense of a man who had committed numerous rapes and sexual assaults and sent to prison for a long time as a result

What's even weirder is how the comments section of all Linkin Park's media is now being moderated 24/7 by Scientology agents who keep botting to promote her and give themselves the top comments, while reporting and down voting and criticism of her.
stay chipper
he will be melting down until the sunrises now
junkie bastard
no one asked
um no
cronem doing their ting rn
edumacating myself for a long happy career
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Wonder what this places looks like now. They love a dated aesthetic those Scientologists.
takes a special kind of lunatic to dig up a corpse and wear his shoes
And yet you replied
Who cares they were always a shite band anyway.
10 minutes inhaling deeply with my nose lodged in her arsecrack and i could die a happy man
whilst you post on 4chan in your incel bedroom lol
You seem low energy tonight. Are you depressed?
kill yourself
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well that's all I got for ya bud
Pendulum's cover of The Catalyst by Linkin Park is better than anything LP made themselves


Chester sounded so whiny tbqh
might just go and kill me own self then
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good lad!
*places hand on your inner thigh while making intense eye contact*
stay... for me...?
are liberty caps any good? not done shrooms in years, since i lived down under and there it was all about Psilocybe subaeruginosa
sleepy x
the problem of life is that you never know the answer to "is is going to be ok?" until it's too late
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Hope you die x
dunno never done them
ahah cheddar brad xx
You cant post the poo
well that one's going to get deleted
Yeah not using that one
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>He’s just gonna have to pay for his existence’: Mom videos herself suffocating infant until he was ‘blue,’ told friend it gave her an ‘adrenaline rush,’ cops say
actual new
non-tranny poo new
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Meltdown has begun
I'm out
sort this mess out janny
You idiots
someone make a new

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