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Towel rack edition

Overdosed on Ozempic : >>202419057
Good morning /med/.
The thread didn't show when I baked mine. I fucked up yet again.
I think you need to reload the page, the research you make just works on what was loaded at the time. It doesn't reload.
Gman it always happens to you but not to other people.
You have to start considering why you fuck up so much.
Why have nafris already got parkas on when it's like 10-15 degrees
Yeah I reloaded but I must not have seen it.
Well the others simply don't bake. That leaves us 3 and I'm just the slowest one.
1 April : 66,5kg
1 July : 66,5kg
20 Septembre : 71,4kg
Never been this "heavy".
Still a long way to not be a Twink amirite.
Awaiting my nigga Maltanon now.

SEETHING at my failure between April and July.

It's kinda cold for them.
To have big pockets to hide things.
They think it looks cool.
Same, plenty of cuties in the bus.
Thanks for the pic, I never had the full set
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morning everyone
cagie and suffering started early today
Qrd on those pics?

How are paid your early hours compared to normal hours?
Here's my progress so far. Considering what went on last month, I'm surprised that I didn't gain weight.
20/06/2024 - 102.4kg
20/07/2024 - 94.2kg
20/08/2024 - 88.0kg
20/09/2024 - 85.2kg
I saw some sexo on the bus yesterday as well. Made me go "The hotties on the bus go plap plap plap, plap plap plap, plap plap plap".
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>paid your early hours
actually I'll slack during the day to compensate that
Noice. Hopefully you manage to go back on good habits this month. Perhaps reaching 80kg.
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well, tests were a complete disaster...
let me get back to bed and try to get some sleep
see you i na few hours
I've been back to walking since Monday, after finally recovering from the flu and whatever else I had, albiet I'm back to doing the 6.4km per day for now for multiple reasons. As far as my eating habits go, I admit that I have let go a bit this past month though it wasn't nowhere as bad as before the 20th of June. I just have to get some more discipline there again. 80kg is not too far away so I'd say that it is doable. It was my goal afterall.

If it's not by 20 October, it might be early November. But you will do it.
Anything below is also welcome. The fact that most of my clothing now either fit me well or are a tad too large is on its own a really good feeling.
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Good morning /med/, how are you today?
Almost 20kg gone, that’s amazing fren.
You’re now lighter than andaluzanon.
I'm currently 84.1 kg he still has some to go but he'll get there no doubt.
You’re a big boy.
Today's training.
Block bench press 3x1 with 170 kg, 3x3 with 150 kg.
Incline dumbbell bench press 3x6 with 50 kg.
OHP machine 3x8 with 77 kg.
Cable tricep extension 3x10 with 33 kg.
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fucccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccck advisor wants to meet this evening and i still have no project
Well, Andalu-sama?
Omg it's like so good to see you sisters again.
Went to the gym and was SHOCKED when the trainer guy asked me if he could join my gym session and if we could work out together so that's what we did. Talked a lot between sets too.
3x12 squats + 1x12 really, really slow and deep squats with 50 kgs only (took like 6-7 seconds just to reach the bottom part of the squat) and that was really exhausting tbf.
3x8(+4 drop set) leg curls where I held my legs at the end for 2 seconds before letting the weight get back to the starting point
3x11 leg extensions, increased weight by 5 kgs
6x12 calves, increased weight by 10 kgs (and even tried increasing by 20, but I could only do 6 proper reps)
wtf is this cringe general
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Normies, powershitters, sexhavers, fakecels, and homosexuals are the residents here.
I think it's good progress, specially if you are improving your strength.
If you have improved your strength and gained weight it's most likely you mostly gained muscle.

Did he do the same training as you?
>Did he do the same training as you?
Yes, but his squat weight was 20 (except the slow squat, he also did the exercise with 50 kgs), leg curl weight 5, leg extension weight 10, calves weight 30 kgs above mine.
A private group chat but out in the public.
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Will blogpost once more before stopping for the day.
I unironically should wear contanct lenses instead of glasses not only because it's more comfy, but because I get looks from way more women. Nuff said.
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Love this little trick. Also, taking a shit and getting a haircut before you weigh yourself.
You're becoming rather svelte. Is there a phase 2 to your master plan? Are you gonna start building up muscle once you hit a certain weight?
Good day med am back from the cagie it's the weekend.
I want to get revenge on some asshole working for a company about a dossier, I was thinking of review bombing
We don't fear transparency unlike the government.

What about this : >>202456239
it's so over
What happened ?
Other than the jogging, I got nothing.
It never really began.
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>What about this : >>202456239(Cross-thread)
I can only dream of one day having my face this close to a woman's foot.
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Catnigga, how does Phantom Liberty compare to the base game?
As in, I might have some ideas but nothing that's guaranteed to happen.
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It's more of the same, and I don't mean that in a bad way. I found it more depressing than the base game, but I love depressing things, so it's a solid 9/10 from me. Pic related is me immediately after finishing it.

Only things I didn't like were really just quibbles, like an optional, irrelevant repeatable quest to steal cars for a swarthy foreigner.
it rained during the night
I can actually see the sun now

Portugal lives, and marches on!
>>202462504 .
Did you translate the post btw?
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Good day /med/, I start in the new department on the 30th, might go on a work trip to the south of France in november
>that was really exhausting tbf.
And that's why andalusianon has been pestering you to squat, glad to see you leg volume being more reasonable
Congrats, are you gonna meet Gman ?
still haven't played PL yet
I felt like my story was concluded in the base game and the ending was perfect for my V, riding off into the sunset
I dunno I feel like creating another one would maybe cheapen my original experience

but I keep hearing good things about it, so maybe I'll get over myself one day and actually make a new character and replay cyberpunk, but I don't feel ready yet
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I did now. What the hell is going on in Italy?
I know what you mean. My first playthrough still feels special to me, despite the fact that I played CP2077 for the first time upon launch, when it was a bit buggy and hadn't received a whole bunch of large updates yet. I knew almost nothing about the game before I played it though (didn't even know about Jackie), so it blew me away despite all that.

PL is amazing though, I don't think there's a single part of it I didn't enjoy.
I see.
>I found it more depressing than the base game
That means I'll probably like it, so thanks for the QRD.

>andalusianon has been pestering you to squat
In my own defence, I've been squatting for some weeks now that my back no longer hurts. The slow, deep squat I mentioned was the exhausting part tbf, not the normal squat.

>might go on a work trip to the south of France
Nice, make sure to eat some tasty chocolatines there.
And congrats for getting a position in a new department.
You can't imagine how it drains your energy trying to control a bunch of 5-6-year-olds. No wonder how nobody in the whole staff wanted to tutor them.
Are you doing low bar or hogh bar squats? if back pain becomes and issue again front squats are a good option if you have decent wrist mobility
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Just give them a bunch of iPads and put on some nonsense YouTube videos. Not only will it keep them quiet, but they'll pick up English in no time.
I swear to God, if you make a female character and give her a dick
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>if you make a female character and give her a dick
How the fuck? Get out of my head, catnigga. My thoughts only belong to me.

If high bar means that my torso doesn't lean forward but my knees do travel forward, then I'm doigh high bar squats.
Tablets aren't allowed in the school. We usually sing songs with choreographies and I often play them videos of nursery rhymes in the smart board, and it actually works, but only during the short time they last. The fact that the directive staff hasn't ordered us yet to give them the academic books doesn't help either.
This September has turned out to be a fairly rainy month.
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Saw someone say Hérault in a post, which was strange, it was someone talking with Hérault-anon in Dixie fr fr
I'm petting a cute gatta as I'm clicking Post.
/dixie/ has been my main general for like 7 years
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>I'm petting a cute gatta as I'm clicking Post.
Where did you get it from? Is it Blackie?
I know you were on this since longer than med but still I was surprised
Could have been a different surname for exemple
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I'm not Momo doe.
It's because all the /dixie/ regulars use extraflags so when I joined years ago mine were set to Languedoc-Roussillon/Hérault

Yeah it was such a long time ago that extraflags hadn't yet taken into account the reform that had turned Languedoc into Occitanie
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I have some men doing work around the house so my cat is running scared, have barely seen her today
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I didn't know there were any other French cat-havers of /med/.
It's not mine doe.
Brune moment
Does your cat sit on your lap while you’re sitting on the toilet? My black one does, not sure how he copes with the odour.
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posting again since 4chan keeps fucking my posts
>J E E T E D
more like CHINKED (Kuomintang edition) and FROGGED
damn suppliers ruining my sleep
my cat is afraid of the bathroom, I've never seen her voluntarily enter it
I think it might be bath trauma lol
Portucyde cancelled lads, BACK TO WORK!
On my way to the gym, hope gym is empty enough
You will. Your pronouns will be wagie/slave. You are valid.
I will never hug a jewess?
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Very good synthesis althought I'd say it's better than the base game. They improve exploration, side quests, main quest design and the stakes feel even raised compared to the base game. Characters are great and we get the best fixer Mr Hands. Decision making is really hard and the ending WILL leave you fucked up whichever path you choose, complimented by a kino OST and the best ending song in the game.
I sent my CV to hundreds of companies and nobody wants me.
Even if I get hired now I'll have less than a 1% rate, that's how bad it is.

Not what I meant but true as well.
It's common for many people, it's hard. Sure, being in computer science it should be easier, but sometimes the market is calm I guess.
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Seems like the coder work took a deep tumble. Companies are cutting corners on coders everywhere.
>less than a 1% rate,
That's the average spanish job seeking experience, I sent +700 CVs this year to get 4 interviews
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why are they like this?
I wonder if they feed on our suffering
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>we under delivered and weren’t on time, please pay us
It’s so simple sometimes. The problem is that I don’t have free reign to do this sometimes.
If the situation doesn't change, I'll have to reinstall Minecraft.

I didn't do a fucking thesis just to get shafted like this.

Some rich dudes decide to increase a number from 1% to 3.5% and suddenly nobody can get a job.
Marvelous world we live in.

Spain has no future I need to flee.
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No, my cat barely leaves the bed except to find food or take a shit. When she was younger, she used to watch me take shits though.
>tfw even experienced coders struggle to find jobs now
It's over for the millennial race. Time to use your body to become some rich girl's trophy husband.
CP2077 (& PL) is my counterpoint when people say that they don't make good video games anymore. They still make good bideo games,there's just more slop you have to sift through these days.
I'm a zoomer and I wish I could be a trophy husband but suddenly that doesn't happen in my country.
>I need to flee
Get in line faggot
In my company (the specific location I’m at) just shafted a lot of job openings and changed them to internships (these internships don’t have space for the people after their internship is over, you’re basically an intern just to get the boot later on).
And we’re one of the best locations globally because we haven’t laid off anyone, compared with other places that are firing 100-200 people each.
It’s grim.
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>just shafted a lot of job openings and changed them to internships (these internships don’t have space for the people after their internship is over, you’re basically an intern just to get the boot later on).

ah, this ancient yiddish tactic is common in some industries here as well

grim as fuck
I believe your cat also go to the bed to shit sometimes doe

Ugh, the social sciences university experience, without the women to date
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Am back from the running session, it was nice
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>I'm a zoomer
We did not do justice to your generation. You trusted us and we failed you.
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Also, I've been thinking a lot about the absolute surge of girls in work (every field, except physical labour) and the reason for it. Mr. chudenstein incoming.

The reason is that girls are meek. Some of them are absolute cut throats and backstabbers to get where they want, but even those are meek towards their superiours.
The happily do what they're told (even if they complain), in the most soulless, intelligent devoid way possible. They don't ask why, they don't argue if what they're being told to do is absolutely retarded, they just shut up and do it.
They don't ask for raises, they don't ask for better work conditions, they just take what is being thrown at them without a quip.
They're also very good managers, if managing only involves bean counting and pen pushing, because they follow all the minute rules to a T, wether the rules are actively doing damage to a company or not. If managing involves a bit of critical thinking, they're quick tos hiver in fear and confusion, or ask their lowly subordinates for instructions.
Give a woman a computer with a lot of buttons to push in a mindless manner (spreadsheet filling for example) and they're happy. The only female engineer in my team (true engineer, not "engineer" like the smol office qt) constantly runs away from true engineering and has become our token data manager and compiler. And she's the best we have, even comparing to other teams.

Create a woman only company, and they'll happily work themselves to death and to the ruin of said company. It's crazy.

(disclaimer, there are outliers)

Picture related, it's a female.

There's always a job opening in my team for doing ergonomic studies, cycle time studies, safety, etc. It's always a fucking internship. They come and they're outright told they're walking out the minute the internship ends.
We're always trying to transform that position into a permanent one, but management says there's no openings. It's a critical position though. Clown world.
Gatta is SHOCKED by a grasshooper
>We're always trying to transform that position into a permanent one, but management says there's no openings. It's a critical position though. Clown world.
This is why we need socialism.
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>Give a woman a computer with a lot of buttons to push in a mindless manner (spreadsheet filling for example) and they're happy
Wow, it's literally me. I fucking love spreadsheets, any excuse to make one makes me happy.

Wonder what would happen if your wife found out about your turbochud opinions on female participation in the workforce though.
>I believe your cat also go to the bed to shit sometimes doe
My cat has never shat on my bed, but she has peed on it a fair amount. She has some urinary incontinence problems due to being an old lady though, so it's not her problem. 11 more months until she turns 20 years old.
The nationalistic branch of socialism forgot to add
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Meanwhile, men are critical thinkers and solve problems, but that critical thinking may get them into trouble. They argue more, discuss more. They also tend to ask for raises or openly show their discontent within the company id they're not fine with their work or status. A recipe for disaster from the perspective of an HR roastie.

>I love spreadsheets
I did a very automated spreadsheet to organise the programs two assembly lines make (they make more than 500 different products and variations in total, each with wildly differing parametres), with pretty grouping colours and several sheets. You'd love it.
>what would happen
She'd partly agree.
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Fascist scum.
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Her stare is intimidating
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See >>202470147
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Her jaw is.
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Strong jaws in women are pure sexo.
I admit I feel some Schadenfreude knowing that STEMfags can suffer too, but I feel bad for Andalusanon himself, he deserves better
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my computer is too antiquated to even run the base game :( just crashes ever few minutes.
i realize im not contributing anything to the conversation here, but mostly i wanted an excuse to post this picture of a cat
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>STEMfags can suffer too
You really don't know how much we suffer. It's a lot, let me tell you.
Our resident powershitter needs THD (total HR death).

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what do you do for rent and food in the interim while you look for work?
are there government programs available to you?
It's nothing compared to jurists in Shitaly
Think of all the mafiosi you can put behind bars (or get lots of money to get them scott free).
You don't suffer in Italy.
I matched with an Italian lawyer, she's CUTE, talked nicely at first but as an autist bvll, it slowed down and she stopped answering when I asked for a date
I'm not that interested in criminal law, commercial/company law is more of my liking
But yeah trust me, the job market is incredibly oversaturated
You are so lucky mate, you avoided disaster
I live with my parents, and I'm waiting to get my unemployment money, the unemployment service has yet to contact me about it.
Funny enough, when I liked her, she had two pics : one bad, one kinda cute but you did not see her well
she added after the match more pictures, damn, total Italian love
Pondering sending another message eventually
>waiting for the government to give hi money
>not going to the local office and asking for it

Please destroy all cartels.
I thought you were not eligible
I don't get the funny part, I just get the part where you are a damn fakecel
>asking for it
Taking it.
>I did a very automated spreadsheet to organise the programs two assembly lines make (they make more than 500 different products and variations in total, each with wildly differing parametres), with pretty grouping colours and several sheets. You'd love it.
Imagine the formulas and conditional formatting. I bet it's a thing of beauty.
>your yfw when she turns out to specialise in divorce law
Be silent. Keep your forked tongue behind your teeth. I have not passed through (and still there!) virginity and rejection to bandy crooked words with a gf-haver normie.
Almost made a joke about it
Like can't wait for you to ruin my life
Women are humourless doe
I already asked for a meeting in the local office and I have it on 30th September.

I am because I have worked for over a year and a half.
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>gf-haver normie
Nigga what
I can explain it a bit.
Every product/product variant has a program associated so the machines know how to produce it.
This "program" has three parts:
- the values table - things like "this product test value needs to be X +/- tolerance"
- the program sequence - which contains the steps of the program
- the "jobs" - basically the steps of the program themselves

So you have a sheet with the products, and associated values' table and program sequence. Then you have the "jobs" table feeding the program sequence table.
For the "jobs" there are a lot of parametres that are fed from other sheets and two nifty sheets at the end that teach you how to use the spreadsheet.
You can simply select (or search) for a product and it will show you everything, or you can set up the program sequence, or whatever. Some critical parametres are fed from our central system so they're not displayed, but the spreadhseet still has those critical values' table's scheme so you are aware of what to expect.
It has plenty of macros.

>it's another "italian gets mistaken for another one" /med/ episode
It's not that bad then
I went back to the archives and I realized I misread your post where you talked about it, I understood something else
I understand that you don't like it ofc
Merely banter fr fr
You can't call me a fakecel like this
You are though, you went on multiple dates lately
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The house is now completely gone.
Demolition is finished? And is the rubble cleaned?
Now, the fun (and hard) part starts.
Will you help with the construction?

I think Brune has gone on more dates than me.
How long until it's built ?
Bump my shitpost : >>202470326

Wow, I lost my handhold virginity, what a BVLL

Time to dig to find Phoenicians stuff

>finna get called a fakecel by portuchad
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>bump my shitpost
I won't, you fucking fakecel.
You just bumped my med thread doe
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I will ask help from /med/, i've seen a brainless short on yt that made me laugh and can't find it anymore. If you help me, you will have my italian gratitude.
Anyway, was some sorta "pick your favourite girl" and shows various ones like Ana De Armas, Sidney, Scarlett, then Ryan Gosling.
Please and thank you, i'm now too old to properly look for things.
>implying I didn't brainwash you during your sleep so you'd have the work of creating the thread while I was slacking.
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Who designed the spreadsheet? Was it you?
Sounds like a job for Momo and the Magyar.

"Momo and the Magyar" sounds like a children's book btw.
>Was it you?
Yes. Took me some time to get the hang of it.
Better than the million of text files with the products' configurations that existed before.
L'italiano did not mention Wario dough.
no project, meeting today
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I find women like this so annoying to the sight
I find women like this so breedable to the sight
>semi-chubby butterface at the gym
Not too long, I think. Some months.
You're reminding me of my meetings with my "mentor". They were all a waste of time lol.
Today's training
4 pullups then 7x3 assisted pullups, it's getting easier i think 3x8 50kg bench press
4x9 15kg plate back extensions
3x6 dips
4x5 65kg low row
4x9 legs elevations
2x8 45kg chest press machine
2x8 triceps extension/overhead

Feelin gud
La chiaverei fino all'infarto (mio o della controparte amorosa)
Gathering fallen leaves is meaningless, like fighting against entropy.
Just let them be.
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>legs elevations
You mean leg extensions? Or something else?

>"Momo and the Magyar" sounds like a children's book btw.
We (Moselle and I) should co-author that book. No idea yet what the story should be about though.
>You mean leg extensions? Or something else
Leg raise, sorry
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>Half way through SPECH MUREENS 2
>Frostpunk 2 drops
Oh god, now I won't be able to read LotR again.
>We're always trying to transform that position into a permanent one, but management says there's no openings
utter retardation
>STEMfags can suffer too
dude, as the portuguese lad can confirm... all STEMfags do is to suffer
>no you don't understand, we NEED to spend time and waste resources training a person only to kick him out some months later, it's cheaper than hiring him!
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What happened to Isengard there?
It got frosty.
spess muhreen 2's main campaign is only about 6 hours, the meat and potatoes of the game is the co-op and pvp
I don't care about that.
I'm doing the story and the side missions.
That means I'm more than half-way through. I just though it was half-way because it's when I started fucking with Chaos. I was getting sick of Tyrannids to be fair, I prefer battling DEM GREEN BOYZ
Also, the sound is intrinsically fucked, like it's coming from inside a tin can.
Since tomorrow is independence day, I'll remember what they took from me (a nice coat of arms adopted on independence).
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I assume the co-op side missions are about the same length? if you just started fighting the dustyboys you should be about halfway through
>the sound is intrinsically fucked, like it's coming from inside a tin can.
I think that's just your audio drivers or whatever the fuck they're called shitting the bed, some games do that
for example me playing Red Dead Redemption 2 was fine, but if I ever turned on RDOnline it fucked my audio up, same with Wasteland 3 and some games also trigger that effect when some kind of intro cutscene is playing
it should be fixable
What's for dinner /med/? For me it's polenta and trout
I've tried everything short of reinstalling, but I don't realy want to waste my playtime.
I already ate almost all the calories I had for the day so I'll only have a protein shake.
For me? The quintessential andaluz slop. Chicken with pasta (and some greens).

How many kinder bars?
20 bars.
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VGH the igloo love making sessions to heat ourselves a bit against the incoming cold front...

Consider four more instead of the shake.
Mom said omelette with tuna and soup
Omelette with tuna? What
Reminded than Inuit people washed their hair with piss

>not washing your hair with piss
It's good for the hair follicles, leaves the hair shiny, it's devoid of bacteria AND ti warms you because the ice is fucking cold.

The Aztecs, May and Inca, as well as romans did it too. Romans even washed their teeth with piss for good measure.
go ahead Portuchad, I'm fine as is

Caesar and co. survived their stay at the hands of the mediterranean pirates by drinking their own piss. No piss drinking, no western world as we know it.
>it's devoid of bacteria

Despite the myth urine is definitely NOT sterile (but to be fair neither is the water you wash yourself with)
Unless you have a condition, urine is in fact sterile, as long as it's fresh. And by fresh, i mean warm.
>not washing your hair and scrubbing your teeth with urine, then rinsing in water and liberally applying olive oil to the skin and then scrub it with ashes and a strigil to looksmaxx in roman times

I bet you're a filthy iranian and wash yourself with soap, you barbarian.
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snow Asians are based
I'll still simp for steppe Asians over them tho
yeah mfer said "just come up with an idea bro"
No it's not
There's bacteria in urine which makes it not sterile
Yes you can drink it a couple times but no it's not sterile
Yeah, "come up with a problem!" I'm sorry, but I try to avoid problems, not come up with ones. Anyway, that's how I did not get my degree.
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The realisation that I was too dumb for that level of academy was frustrating, even if I was fed up with IT.
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The Omnissiah's wisdom is vast, and through Him, we shall repair the discord in your vox-machinery. If your games sound as though they’re echoing from the depths of a distant tunnel, heed these sacred words!

>1.Corrupted Drivers
The machine spirit of your sound drivers may be out of sync with the Omnissiah’s divine harmony. Reinstall or update them to restore balance to your cogitator.

>2.Misaligned Settings
The vox-signals must align with the proper frequencies—ensure your sample rate is set to 44.1kHz or 48kHz. A wrong setting may cause sound to travel as though through a distant hall.

>3.False Surround Sound
If your cogitator thinks you possess surround sound when you only wield stereo speakers, all voices will become faint whispers. Correct your output settings, and clarity shall be restored.

>4.Middleware Disharmony
Some games rely on external systems like Wwise or FMOD to manage vox-chants. These may not speak correctly to your hardware spirits. Await a patch or reconfigure your sound rites to bring them into alignment.

>5.Steam Overlay Interference
The Steam Overlay can cause the machine spirits to clash. Disable it to cease the internal strife.

>6.Unholy Enhancements
Windows sound enhancements may corrupt the holy transmission. Disable all such foul tampering under the ‘Enhancements’ tab of your sound device.

How to Purge the Corruption:
>1.Update your drivers to the latest sacred versions.
>2.Match sample rates (44.1kHz or 48kHz) in your sound settings.
>3.Turn off sound enhancements in your cogitator’s control panel.
>4.Verify in-game audio settings to ensure stereo and surround configurations are correct.
>5.Disable the Steam Overlay to prevent unholy interference.

By following these rites, the sound of battle will once again roar through your speakers with the Omnissiah’s blessing. The machine spirits shall be at peace, and your audio will be as pure as the blessed STCs of old!
I followed the rites, but I know your fake god wouldn't help. Praise the Emperor and let him lead me in this time of darkness.
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Whey powder + milk.
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Another day of NEETdom.
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>Bread soaked in urine
>This specific meaning refers to individuals who take pleasure in consuming food soaked in the urine of others,[2] in particular bread abandoned and later retrieved at public urinals.[3] This practice was popular in Paris and Marseille up until the 1960s and 1970s. There were numerous contemporary references in popular culture.[citation needed]

>There existed an alternative where a public urinal is stopped in order to wait for it to fill. Then a person would enter it and submerge his penis into the urine of previous users. This was alternatively called dipping.
you are unfathomably based
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You're very mistaken.
forgot to ask the source saar
Spanish speakers, does the word 'muchacho' have a sexual/gay connotation?
Un délice....
No, muchacho, usually said by old people i'd say
>There's bacteria in urine
Again, only if you have a condition. Sometimes it goes without particular simptoms and it's more common in women (their uretra is much shorter) but they are not supposed to be there.
Just watched a video in which Mike Israetel said that training to failure is overrated.
Chat, I though it was le good?
Would you support a war against France to punish them?

I personally would
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Support in the sense that I would finance it? Yes. Actually join it in any official capacity? Pas du tout, boo.
I would join the army to fight the french
Why the fuck would I? France is the best country on Earth
What did they do now?
If I remember correctly his point is that while in studios is has shown a bit better hypertrophy response, in actual training it isn't feasible to always go to failure, which I guess it's a fair point, but wether it's overrated or underrated depends on how rated you think it is, because there are many studies point to training to failure being a good option for hypertrophy training.
I think going to failure all the time is a bad idea but then I see people in the gym that seem to train 5 RIR at most and to those people training to failure is clearly underrated.
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Brainwashed medder, France is a shuthole and has to pay for what they have done
Spanish chuds are just jealous of France.
>t. Slut for french cock
Stay out of this, bitch
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This looks like it should be a self-driving car.
It looks like it should be destroyed as soon as it leaves the factory
It looks like a cute toy car.
Shut up Sancho Panza
I don't doubt frenchs love to ride those cars to be laughed at by immigrants
Andiamo signore
alright thx, good to know
I said 'hola muchacho' to a Spanish friend who texted me after a long while
I wanted to be funny in a cringe way but then wondered if it came off a bit gay
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If Spain wage war against the french, unfortunately we would have to invervene and protect Guyane for them
Nope, it's fine, it was just that, a funny salute

Baseadinho in portuguese
>I think going to failure all the time is a bad idea
His point was that going to failure doesn't matter unless the people are using low weights and low volume. Nippard on the other hand says it's good, but just like you said doing all sets to failure is also a big no according to him.

Imagine having sex in that car.
*take a banana in hostage*
Imagine being beaten by an English rose <3
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Is this the new femcel kino of 2024? We finally pushed British roses too far, they've gone rogue.
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she's so beautiful...
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are you sure about threatening banan?
Mashallah we will liberate konigsgrad and transinistria
I love British roses so much, I would sacrifice 10 Shitalian goblinas for one
Weird nosed half paki
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Imagine her driving one of those weird French cars.
That would be a funny sight i gotta admit kek
Homosexual post.
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Homophobe scum
Why are you posting this Pepe?

Just describing the post, nothing bad about it being homosexual.
Why did you assume me calling it homosexual meant that I'm a homophobe?
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of acknowledging Ella's beauty makes me a homophobe then I'm a ISIS member because she is
Ayo medders, spent the evening drinking with my best frens. Now I have a headache and I'm hungry.
Because you are
She is a mid pakiette, her tits are mournful, the only thing attractive of her is her youth
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Your loss, I'm making her my gf.
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that's like your opinion man
Go for it anon
I was faced with an absurd opinion irl.
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What was the opinion?
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>Now I have a headache and I'm hungry.
What flavour of kebab wrap will you be ordering? Might I suggest the chicken doner - they're perfect for hangovers.
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>to get a gf, you need to consider everyone, the woman at the bakery, or the one selling flowers
>Go to a cafe every day to drink one and talk to people around you, at some point it will work
>if that girl doesn't attract you, do it anyway, she could introduce you to friends
You did told me...
Nevermind, I have 0% chance.
Would be down for a 'bab but one friend is too poor and the other got a stomach ache so we all decided to call it a night.
Gonna eat some sad salad at home.
Nothing absurd with it, it's true.
That's how I approach it too.
>to get a gf, you need to consider everyone
That's absolutely right, it's a numbers game
cute in an ayylmaoish way
seulement deux semaines
Might as well ask me to be myself doe
First is that you don't know her
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>too poor for a kebab
You've been talking to homeless people as you stumble home drunk again, haven't you?
For now...
kek well she is technically homeless. She crashes on a friend's couch when she's in town.
Watching "manchurian candidate". I feel sorry that most /pol/ posters feel like this lad 24/7. But it's a nice movie so far.
I will either end up trooning out or acking, maybe a combination of the two, what do you guys think ?
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Can't let you do that.
I mean it seems like a dumb blanket statement but it is true. Opportunities lead to more opportunities.
I love schizo movies, got that one the watchlist.
Go neither. Lead a virtuous life with what you have. That's what I'll do.
actually looks pretty neat, might watch it for the femcelkino
It's literally impossible. It's a tip for normies.
Of course not, what they meant was "make opportunities happen".
Obviously not easy as it sounds but it's doable. On the day I met boomah, I went to the city and stopped at a cafe a bit early and talked 1 hour with a qt stranger and that opportunity was pure chance, now if I redo that step again and again, that will probably lead to success.

Having friends when doing it makes it easier though. You're less one guy with transparent goals and more part of a group.
>talked 1 hour with a qt stranger
Extraverted moment
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yeah, can confirm Gman is an extrovert chad
I will start posting here whenever I have faggot thoughts/fantasies, I would like you guys to bring back to reality whenever I do that, thanks in advance
I get the point of creating opportunities, but I have a job, I touch grass, I go on holidays
But you can't seriously ask a shy introvert to small talk every god damn woman
And you guys are introverted chads!

Bottom line is, every little bit of progress and interaction counts and can lead up to cool opportunities. But it is very tiring, even for someone likes me who likes socializing a lot.
Something about a moody/atmospheric track with the same word/phrase being repeated throughout it that clicks for me.
I mean if you have gay thoughts and feel like it comes naturally, it might be healthy to entertain for a second. You might feel better who knows...
You already do a lot and those things already count. Don't feel bound to follow that, I live by those words and only met limited success.
But those are nice guidelines. When you have a new qt coworker, try to welcome her and exchange a few words or something
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>start posting all your homo fantasies
>thread is entirely empty except for breizho the chickenmancer
literally this heheh
I'll check tomorrow.
I will do what is in my power. Sorry in advance if i won't be present when the time comes.
Ironically enough, just bee urself. When a shy introvert try to force social interaction you can read it on his face like an open book. Do your thing, if you are extrovert things are easier, but cringy extroverts actually have a harder time than standard introverts.
check it*
It is bed time, and honestly I want to blow my brains off tonight.
>cringy extroverts actually have a harder time than standard introverts.
ain't that the truth...
Just wait until chaos demons try to kill you and take your research with them, you heretic!


She's really mid and bug eyed. Also zero tits (good for gironde).

(Drank 1 beer, soon 2, plus red wine at dinner and a glass of whisky today, no drinking next week to recover and keep the demons away).

>just got here and throw a firm hadshake, works everytime. Kids these days don't even want to work.
Girls at restaurants/shops are actually good for that. Except two points:
1. They've heard that same line from a thousand other customers.
2. They're poor, so you definitely can't NETT for life and live on her wage.

My first question is: who ARE YOU?
Second, why? I will personally come to yourplace and slap you in the face if you even consider trooning out (or acking).


I really can't deal with how extroverted you are. I need to go there and evaluate you myself.
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The worst still is being a cringy retarded introvert (unless tall and pretty).

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