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Herr Starmer edition
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ah... hello all
2x co-op egg n cresses for midnight snack
Everybody grab a dip
i've been to tassie like that other lad
nice place
also been overseas though
don't make early news when i'm mid-conversation you stupid fucking asshole
Good evening
Mental how badly I mindraped him
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morning lad
Got no leccy in the flat
Have to turn up to toil unwashed on the morrow
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This is a photo that will make its way to the history books
Kind of weird to think that historical photos will never be black and white again
morning lad, i've been awake since about midnight though
Just take a cold shower you wuss
Very ironic how I wasn't here for that epic win. Glad everyone had fun without me. Currently taking an extremely nasty shot at my parents house after my niece's birthday party. Shall finish some wine with my father then drive home.
personality disorders are funny
it's basically "you're being a retard" and then you go to the nhs about it and they put you on a therapy thing where someone talks to you and points out how you're being a retard
then you just learn to grow up and stop being a retard
very simply
what is it
aha mental
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Congrats on the win tonight mate x
Who asked
Thanks mate x
Who put me in the game in the first place and why is my avatar Indian?
britain is crying out for a nationalist revolution
hey I'm pontificating here
Civic nationalism where only culture matters not skin colour, of course
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much on the agenda this lovely monday lad?
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very hung over lads, i drank a gin and tonic at around 6 last night and everything after that is a black hole
haven't been drinking much this year so i suppose my tolerance has reset and i can't put it away like i used to when i was a full tilt alky
Russian T-72 turret blown off by what was probably an ammunition explosion in Ukraine, note the Z marking it as Russian
Love that it somehow looks like a skull
What do you reckon this is all about then?
Keep us posted.
ahhh righto
Some relaxing wfhtoil
thought for sure that bloke was going to pull out a gun, he looks like every yank gun youtuber ever
so rape gangs that hang st. george's cross
very cool
my tolerance got obliterated after the lockdowns (I mainly drink socially you see), but you'll be surprised how quickly it comes back
on one hand most cyclists are very arrogant
but also car drivers are the most angry autistic retards ever
like I'm in my mate's car (I'm a passenger prince) and you just see so many angry retards on the road
who lets these fuckheads drive lmao
Not sure
I had eight pints of strongbow and a pint of guiness saturday night get on it wuss
You got black out drunk from one G&T?
anxiety-inducing webm
no, i presumably drank more after that but i just don't remember it
good lad
get the frozen pies microwaved
mad how if you're a tranny with a criminal sentence you're either at the absolute top of the food chain in female prison or rock bottom in male prison
so horny i could rape a horse
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mwad inni
4 kills in hunger game kidstarver bros, i'm thinking we're back
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24 hours. Soul at hazard. Spirit devastated. Done with life
They usually have separate blocks for LGBT folx
>seeking happiness
maybe he is a woman afterall
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>Decide to go to sleep early to sort out my sleep schedule
>In bed at half 9
>Actually manage to go to sleep for once
>Wake up less than 3 hours later
God playing cruel tricks on me again
good lad
i have to say i find it infuriating how at peace you are with yourself, it makes me want to beat you with hammers, but that is of course my problem not yours
god bless x
no they dont, that's only for nonces
got called a narcissist in greggs
yeah nonces, that's what jeff said
>the snack scene in the UK is really competitive
hate alphamongs
rollercoaster of a post but judging by the end you don't seem like a bad lad at all
Who said that.
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yeah nice
Your dad, your mum, your cat and your fatcunt dog
catberg somehow manages to be both fat and a fussy eater, he'll only eat fancy feast, and only 3 or 4 specific flavours
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So fucking sexy... pisses me off his grindr is just a shilling platform for his onlyfans...
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DSLs doe
seems like it's only very shitty countries that brag about their infrastructure, reminds me of that fake khazakhstani national anthem from borat where they talk about their potassium exports and olympic swimming pool
You should be shot.
>coal power plants
alri 19th century
For posting a cute, 18+ year old lad with an onlyfans? Also I'm not >>202569482
Schizo retard.
china rebuilds everything because it never lasts more than 100 years
you only like him because he looks like a 10 year old boy you degenerate
Cope on paedo
find myself able to think more clearly when i'm off my chops on opioids
the massive increase of gays is directly linked to the increase in incels in the millennial and zoomer generations
willing to bet most of these blokes on grindr are just coping, convincing themselves they like “twinks” cause they can’t get any fanny
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Any horrible smelling, impudent, ungrateful, greedy, inconsiderate, impish man in?
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a question for the ages
bet there's at least one poster regular /brit/poster whose name is oliver
fuckin oliver ass nigga
mad how literally every single bender is also a nonce
kazakhstan greatest country in the world
all other countries are run by little girls
just found out laura kuenssberg is actually italian
nah if you're confident enough to be an active bender then you've got the chops to also chat up birds
it's probably more just a social idea that's become more prevalent, a meme if you like
she's actually jewish
*raises pincer*
I have the mind of a goblin
naked from the waist down
Liking someone that "looks young" doesn't make you a pedo any more than liking a well endowed minor makes you not a pedo.
stop coping you vile nonce freak
you need locking up pronto
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190 being a pedo again
Who are your top ten artists on Spotify?
Pozzed kike shite
Whatever Spotify tells me to listen to. All the latest wog shite
yeah you're just admitting that you're sexually attracted to an 18 year old that looks like he's 14
you wouldn't be attracted to him if he actually looked his age
who the fuck uses shitify
they don't even stream FLAC
8 Hours | The Crow Meditation Ambient - Dark Ambient Music for deep Focus and Relaxation
No sleep for me, not a wink. No siree
think i had a dissociative episode last night
>you need locking up for wanking to an 18 year old
Shame reality doesn't work like your delusions.
No such thing as "looked his age". You are the age you are. What are you saying, that if someone looks young they should be barred from sex and relationships? And does your logic work in reverse? What about a 14 year old who looks 18, you'd be ok with shagging that? Because that's what will actually get you in prison, crypto pedo.
Ellietheempress wank - on the agenda
absolutely massive cope
you're attracted to him because he looks 14 years old and you want to shag 14 year old boys you nonce freak
you need locking up for life with no parole
You are attracted to underage looking boys and you don’t think you’re a nonce. OK groomer.
Just seen a piece of advice that would have given me a social life back in uni. Shame the advice is 9 years too late
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>he looks 14
By what objective metric other than your opinion?
>you want to shag 14 year old boys you nonce freak
>you need locking up for life with no parole
After being charged with what crime?
Once again, no argument.

And neither of you have adressed whether the logic works the other way around. Simple as, you are emotionally driven hysterical retards with the brains of women.

I will continue to wank to 18+ lads often well into their mid and latter 20s, and I will feel no guilt. Sorry!
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won’t be taking anything you say seriously since you shag other blokes up the arse and think it is something to be proud of
doesnt get naked not sure why you bother
all gays need locking up because they are nonces and will rape kids at some point in their life and that is a 100% fact
being openly gay should be a crime
hate how pussified everything on the internet has become
cracking down on racism and trolling is one thing, but these poor zoomer cunts have to use euphemisms to talk about heavy topics, can't swear, can't even say the word "kill"
that’s not zoomers doing that because they’re sensitive it’s because platforms like tiktok literally don’t allow the world
blame the californian liberals who develop our social media not some vague zoomer bogeyman
since tiktok is owned by chinks i assume it has something to do with some chinky agenda to condition western children into being complete pussies, as well as brainrotted zombies
They say stuff like "unalived" because the algorithm overlords of social media will take their monitisation away or outright ban then
weird how my skillset of knowing the ins and outs of the internet and its culture has absolutely no real world use
literally something ive been using all my life amounts to nothing
no it's because of conservative groups in america and other western countries pressuring their governments to regulate things more
i'm sure it could be applied to some sort of market analyst job
i don't need to point out that all this censorship crap started about 10 years ago with SJW soylennials on tumblr and so forth, we gave them an inch and they took a mile, many such cases
calm down rorke
nah that has nothing to do with what is happening now
not really
>alright anonberg, we just hired you because of your extensive internet knowledge. how can we market our product online?
>yeah well everyone with a brain uses adblock so uhh that's fucked... want me to tell you the time i got scammed on runescape or why eoc was a disaster? maybe how funnyjunk looked like 20 years ago?
wouldn't fit well
>he doesn't know about paid shills on forums/social media sites
posted (censored) nude photos of myself on there once doing some sort of challenge and got front page and was flooded with friend requests from girls and benders
only time in my life i've felt like a chad
post pics
what would that entail, micromanaging indians and/or ai? doesnt sound like much
i deleted that shit years ago, embarrassing, also i was 15 at the time so all those simps i got were unwitting nonces
>applying the suffix "berg" to yourself
why tho
shame you didn’t also quit the internet then
there's no such thing as quitting the internet retard
the only law is survival
dead easy
just get someone to make a thread about a game on /v/ every day, use different pictures and posting styles and topics of discussion to avoid suspicion, and you will get sales from this
do the same thing on twitter, facebook, whatever, and you will see increased sales on a product

some people will be like "oh but people on 4chan will just pirate it"
yeah some will
but people pirating, playing, and enjoying your game can still work as effective marketing, they were never going to buy it in the first place, but others might buy it if that person enjoyed it
/brit/ not /aus/
fuck off
the only fact is death
there's at least two occasions in the sopranos where tony says "let's address the 500-pound elephant in the room", he specifies 500lb to make it seem like it's large even for an elephant, but 500lbs would actually be very small for an elephant, in fact a typical elephant would weigh around 20 times that
and taxes
Rainfall Warning
Bath and North East Somerset; Bedford; Blackburn with Darwen; Blaenau Gwent; Bournemouth Christchurch and Poole; Bracknell Forest; Bridgend; Brighton and Hove; Bristol; Buckinghamshire; Caerphilly; Cambridgeshire; Cardiff; Carmarthenshire; Central Bedfordshire; Ceredigion; Cheshire East; Cheshire West and Chester; Conwy; Darlington; Denbighshire; Derby; Derbyshire; Devon; Dorset; Durham; East Riding of Yorkshire; East Sussex; Essex; Flintshire; Gloucestershire; Greater London; Greater Manchester; Gwynedd; Halton; Hampshire; Hartlepool; Herefordshire; Hertfordshire; Isle of Wight; Kent; Kingston upon Hull; Lancashire; Leicester; Leicestershire; Lincolnshire; Luton; Medway; Merseyside; Merthyr Tydfil; Middlesbrough; Milton Keynes; Monmouthshire; Neath Port Talbot; Newport; Norfolk; North East Lincolnshire; North Lincolnshire; North Somerset; North Yorkshire; Northamptonshire; Nottingham; Nottinghamshire; Oxfordshire; Peterborough; Portsmouth; Powys; Reading; Redcar and Cleveland; Rhondda Cynon Taf; Rutland; Shropshire; Slough; Somerset; South Gloucestershire; South Yorkshire; Southampton; Southend-on-Sea; Staffordshire; Stockton-on-Tees; Stoke-on-Trent; Suffolk; Surrey; Swansea; Swindon; Telford and Wrekin; Thurrock; Torfaen; Vale of Glamorgan; Warrington; Warwickshire; West Berkshire; West Midlands Conurbation; West Sussex; West Yorkshire; Wiltshire; Windsor and Maidenhead; Wokingham; Worcestershire; Wrexham; York
2 days ago – Met Office
Areas of of heavy rain are expected to affect many parts of England and Wales during Monday. There is still some uncertainty regarding which areas will be affected by the ...
your mum weighs even more
thoughts on the national trust and preservation societies
in this fucked up commercialized financialized world of ours we -berg ourselves everyday we go into the office
Autumnal Equinox

Christmas season begins
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Banksy's latest
is it not just easier to say the entire country at this point?
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It's still summer mate go out there and get shagging.
these were working class dago mobsters from new jersey so you must be a bit more forgiving when it comes to their zoological knowledge
You have to forget about me
>hmm i will go over there and make life objectively worse for the people who live there
certainly should be a crime
britain equal dead
letby equal innocent
tories equal bad

there, saved you some time
don't want to x
i'm a working class mong who dropped out of school in year 9 and you don't see me going around being zoologically ignorant
I don't even know who you are
well they're busy hustling all day, cracking skulls and watching strippers
want to get drunk but my tummy is feeling delicate and anything i drink is going to come straight back up
Go on with the advice then!!
I can't do that Dr Dre
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>my tummy is feeling delicate
this fucker was Peruvian probably teeming with diseases like rabies
you will pls and ty x
i'm 29 and i'm about as mature as maybe a 17 year old at best
i've recently acquired a vague sense of what's appropriate to say and to whom but i still think racism is funny
is this autism?
Sam hyde is terribly unfunny and obnoxious and I don't understand what this site sees in him or why he's treated like "site culture", I've known dozens of youtubers who were ten times funnier just blogging about their cats or about World of Warcraft
Amerigoyim love him

shuills on /tv/
they dont have souls
i have a hard time hating boogie2988 even though everyone else does and his life is objectively a trainwreck that just keeps getting worse
maybe it's a wakeup call that i still find a guy like that likeable
>i've recently acquired a vague sense of what's appropriate to say and to whom
ah that's good. Maybe by the time you're 40 you'll figure out how to apply for a job
>I don't understand what this site sees in him or why he's treated like "site culture"
OK the real reason is because Twitter memes that were "4chan memes" too about him.
So all that "sam hyde shooter" meme stuff.
And so tourists come here and start being like "HEY GUYSS SO HAVE YOU HHEARD ABOUT SAM HYYYYYDEEEEE"
already had jobs, i unironically keep getting fired
Sam Hyde? I'm more of a Timothy James Byrne man myself
And basically overtime these tourists take over and create this shitholes like the fishtank thread on /tv/ that gets spammed 24/7 every day with all worthless Amerimutts in them simping and spamming and whatever the fuck they do all day.

im not even gonna say its just zoomers, its clearly discord paedophiles
d'aww he's learning how to mask
good for him
>called New College, Oxford
>founded 1379 AD
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amerimutt be like "wow thats nearly as old as Harvard!"
lads did you ever just wake up one day and realise you're a complete dickhead?
you have pictures like that saved on your computer which means you lose
yeah it was March 23rd 2014
happened years ago
tried to fix it
not done a very good job
figure I can't change
oh well
Nah I've never woken up as an Australian
shaved my arse
not in a gay way, just prefer the aesthetic
that kind of diligent timekeeping is not indicative of a dickheadish personality
well the first step is admitting it, surely once you realise you're a dickhead your most urgent instinct automatically becomes to find ways to undo your dickhead status?
low-effort post
Made a bumble account. If I don't get any matches in the next fortnight I might legitimately neck myself.
yes, friend?
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cope mutt
Good luck my friend hope you look handsome and likeable in the photos
personally I feel like I have been systematically removed from society by the powers that be. It not my fault
I'm feelin' pretty damn great lately
I wake up with a smile every morning lately
cause every single day I see the sun high above
and I feel like I'm chillin' way up there the ground above
absolutely hate having a shaved arse, it gets sweaty and makes my farts twice as loud, don't know how i coped before i started growing arse hair
>shaved my arse
Realised this when my best friend just randomly stopped talking to me one day in 2017, blocked me on all our socials, and we never talked one on one again. Engaged in a little introspection and realised I was a massive twat and that we were only friends because we were in the same classes, played tf2, and had a similar sense of humour. Took me a very long time to get over it, was absolutely devastated because I was convinced we were best friends and would be forever, but I only had myself to blame and I'm still quite ashamed of the man I use to be.
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missed the last train because i was boozing in the pub
just got home
what a fucking mess
that seems like a pretty shitty thing for your friend to have done to you, no explanation or anything, still you might have deserved it idk
I've got a few decent pics, not handsome but I think I look presentable
venture to a pub close to you then fucking gimp
that old lady who got a little famous a few years ago for playing skyrim while old is still alive
What kind of bullshit study says that only 4% of Americans are naturally blonde? That actual fuck
yeah good "advice" mate
Sometimes care about the fall off the west/white people going extinct then I see some shit like this and go back go being compeltely apathetic >>>/pol/482542878
Wasn't around at the time personally. I was um...non existing or something. it was alright I guess
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>That actual fuck
you going to become muslim or amish or something?
hate how every youtube video these days is either a minute long or about 20 minutes longer than it needs to be
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Whites won't go extinct.
Yeah he was a bit of a prick about it, but I definitely was quite a nasty piece of work - lied compulsively, could be very two-faced, antisocial and barely talked to anyone, oftentimes lacked empathy, emotionally blunted.
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you wouldn't see a brown person do this. Where is our familial loyalty? Was having conversations with a female relative and I dissed boomers who don't give their kids any inheritence and instead spend it all on cruises and she said she doesn't see a problem with it

We're the wrongun race, we really are.
hate youtube shorts
No, just going to stop caring about politics or getting mad at the small boats.
Maybe in Ethiopia that halfie swarthoid would be considered white, but not here. But once again, I don't care.
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If my grandpa were a nonce I'd probably squeal on him too
those people, in manhatten? they are better than us. because they want things they haven't seen.
i've had about 3 people do the same to me, although the first one ditched me because i wasn't very socially adept and made him look bad in front of his other friends, that was geniunely cunty, he came sniffing back to me about 2 years later and i ignored him
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if a haunted house gets torn down does the ghost just haunt the empty plot of land then
i've always very strongly associated india with poo (especially diarrhoea) since i was a kid, long before the poo in loo meme
what is it about indians that invoke mental images of runny poo?
watching ashes to ashes
it really is and have you had enough with the theatrics mate
clearly a reason i went into town to go to the pub wasnt there otherwise i wouldnt be complaining about it
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Imagine having several thousand years of culture be boiled down to poo in loo and SAR SAR DO NOT REDEEM
she hawk tuah spit on that senate
not even 1pm and I'm falling asleep in my computer chair
was in a department store the other day and saw a bunch of mrbeast shit for sale
thought that mfer got cancelled, who is buying his merch anymore?
annoyed at the idea of toil in the morning as if im not going to sit on mute for the frist hour then be back to shitposting here for the rest of the day
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well rorke?
>first one ditched me because i wasn't very socially adept and made him look bad in front of his other friends
Definitely a shitty thing to do, but then again at those ages (presumably you were somewhere around 13-18) it is something you sometimes have to do to socially progress up that weird secondary school social class system.
>cherrypicks the whitest most attractive girls who were technically born in india
am i expected to believe all indians look like this?
also i bet their accents are still horrid
figured you'd take a train into town and not plan accordingly like an absolute mongrel
youre seething
janet jackson in trouble for saying kamala harris is indian not black
deary me this presidential race is really heating up
those tech support scam videos are just a socially acceptable vector through which the internet expresses its racism against indians
and that's a good thing
was about to watch the good place but about 10 minutes in i realised i'd already watched the entire series and just forgot about it
no u
kinda wish i could get into a tv series but it seems like such a dull normie thing to do
mumstein is a retard who unironically buys shit that appears in youtube sponsorships, she got one of those fum things, tried it out for about a week, the went straight back to smoking, probably healthier to smoke because god knows what's in those things
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beautiful dog
looked it up and it's inhaling essential oils. what the fuck?
how often do you go to the barbers
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yeah it's really fucking stupid
bout tree fiddy
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hey it's me, the john wick skin for bonzibuddy, go call that guy a faggot
maybe 2-3 times a year
I've cut my own hair for maybe 3 or 4 years now
I just shave my own head every other week now that I'm balding
love dogbergs me
My blood is more caffeine than iron
feel like being a baldie would be a blessing in disguise in this regard, don't have to worry about keeping your hair looking presentable or have to do the death march to the barber and try to incel your way through 20 minutes of small talk
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used to be every 3 months but increasingly getting more frequent due to my balding head and trying to sculpt whats left into something presentable
does it look good
now this is the sort of hard hitting journalism i pay taxes for
i would shave my head but i tried it once and it made me look extremely racist, now granted i am racist but i don't want to tell the world about it
He who keeps a dog will lose out of his good deeds equal to one Qirat every day, except one who keeps it for guarding the fields or the herd
Truly awful to watch
coffs harbour mentioned, thinking about moving there
wahey look at him go
don't really know what bluey is but i'm glad it's popular internationally and the australian children's television industry is being supported
racist online or racist racist
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racist in the sense that when i see a non-white person in my vicinity i think "fuck off" in my head
must be a terrible series if that happened
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i remember enjoying it a fair bit actually
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lost it when he picked it up agian
hate the barber that much do you
used to get buzz cuts as a teenager only because i had no idea what haircut to get so i said fuck it
one time barberberg asked me if i was going into the military of something, derogatively
no one told me what looked good how was i supposed to know
been sporting the same hitler youth cut for the past 12 years or so
reckon my sister is a really spiteful person, we're both fuckups but i'm slightly less of a fuckup and she makes a few comments here and there that are worded innocuously but are actually little jabs intended to undermine my confidence and bring her down to my level, i hate that fat cow, she's just mad because she's childless at 35
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an old archived /brit/ thread from 2015 and some of the things said there were very relevant to today, bordering on prophetic
We don’t want none of your drills
Name five
used to be convinced that there was a little man who lived in my bumhole and the only time he ever saw out of my bum was when i'd just done a poo, so his entire window of existence was a toilet bowl with poo in it and he knew nothing else like in plato's cave
at the end of the day it all comes down to money and power
no you weren't
Searching for posts that contain ‘screaming’ and in ‘gb’. Returning only first 5000 of 21464 results found.
His name? Mihai
wish i'd grown my hair out mid length in high school. looks much better and probably would've helped climb the social ladder
got nothing to water down my gin with except water
Mate it's not even the fucking afternoon
what was that hunger games cringe fest about earlier?
Pooto as it were
i know but i'm severely hung over
what's your party trick lads? me i can correctly sing most of "informer" by snow
you won big guy
Morning faggers
Won what
dunno as i am familiar with the franchise in name only
don't think cheating in online games should warrant a permanent ban
So do I fit in now or what?
ah poo
or some say poop
In what? My bumhole? Doubt it, it's like a corridor in Versailles down there
Only a bit of me needs in
So this is it then, the last ever /brit//
bore off 190
He hasn't posted here in years

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