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You want it to be one way edition
here before the other one gets deleted
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alri lads
Exercising my basic right to work remotely as give by our glorious leader sir poo barmer.
I work in a warehouse and can't do my job remotely so I shall be getting paid to do nothing
does the uk give any money to israel
some poodle mixes
yes but not enough if you ask me
yes and it's not enough
was an enjoyable fight, especially since AJ lost
perhaps but it should be more
I love working from home so fucking much. I am the literal master race. My mere existence literally makes both NEETs and wagies alike tremble with unbridled rage. For I have achieved nirvana - an easy life, lots of free time, freedom, and a high wage.
this was also like his 4th knockdown kek
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why do some yanks have acronyms for names
"yo cody this is my buddy TJ"
Yes and far too much.
mad how low quality these screenshots are
why is rorke like this?
you let toilmeister unfurl his tentacles into your private living space, and you've been trained to celebrate it. that's sinister if you ask me
watching the first episode of the penguin and i have to say i dont understand why this fucking NERVOUS NIGGER is in the show
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t. sister is named MA
easier than saying tarshawn lequisha shaq tupac the second
get them financed

get them paid

get them compensated
Based Reform will win in 2028 and get you back in the office x
Must be fun being this schizo
his leaked arsehole pics are very peng
australians be llike
>yo cody this is my buddy TJeroo
As the person who authored many of the posts in this image I retract my statements and request you stop posting the image.
WFH is shite
how to get ez wfh kinojob?
wont be surprised if they pick up a ton of seats next election, they will immediately become as pozzed as possible if they ever get any power though
>Jonathan Reynolds and two senior staff went to Glastonbury as guests of YouTube. Until then, Labour was promising to increase the digital service tax from 2% to 10%.
>The day after the festival, it emerged that Reynolds had ditched the policy.
how did you and belgiumposter meet?
It wasn't fun desu, 2022/2023 were probably the worst years of my life.
penguins are black and white
it's like poetry it rhymes
the dizzying heights of canadian wit
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Historian Answers Google’s Most Popular Questions About Alexander The Great
Labour are so corrupt it's unreal
We need more people in rural areas

i wonder what cope leftypol will come up with to explain this
My Toilberg is sound, barely ever hear off him. Just the odd text or Teams message to check I’m getting on alright. We have our 1:1s in the pub.
Lmfao literally making up bizarre future fantasies about my downfall to make yourself feel better
Quite the opposite!
Apply for them?
just got a conscription letter
on my way to defend israel
they're all about faggotry
walk behind women at night
Labour politicians like Bridget Phillipson are the type who think because they grew up working class it means they still are working class when they're in the top 1% of wealth.
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it's a leftypol story
rorke's the one who isn't arsed about corruption
two weeks off toil starts NOW
listening to poo
know a bloke who works at Tesco and has an expensive Audi on finance

50% of his wage goes to it every month
ended up having that bottle of wine and I feel dead good and tingly now what a blessing
Mental the retarded shit being insecure can do to you lol
just got gangeaped
Not defending them but technically they're right. Class is cultural as well as economic. The flip side is true too, eg. Someone who was raised in a wealthy family and was privately/Oxbridge educated would not suddenly become working class just because they end up working as a barista.
>We have our 1:1s in the pub
Grim that.
off to The City tomorrow
see a bunch of young attractive people earning ten times more than me
been off for 8 weeks now haha
Was unironically kicking my feet and giggling with glee at this point I hate GayJ was so funny watching him get destroyed
the rare example of an intelligent working class person
fell in the chimp enclosure at the zoo and got gangaped
How so?
Piddling little crustacean
so they got a few quid for free who cares
everyone does it
Managed to get a fly with a small kitchen knife, felt like Paul Atreides duelling
finance plans have completely fucked the car social hierarchy. any old povvo freak can get a nice motor these days. no prestige any more
>rorke is not the one who cares about corruption
except everything related to covid?
Unprofessional, and sucking up to mangers outside of work. Managers aren't your friend.
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centrists quaking
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I'm on 70k and drive an astra
Plenty of socialists opposed lockdowns too.
Saw him mincing around Islington the other night
yes but not nearly enough
>kicking my feet and giggling with glee

Did you also squeeze your Ru Paul plushee figure in your thrall?
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doubt you could drive the stars with as little income as that
dont think i saw a single one in this country
What engine
My shitty campaign characters

>Scottish explosive expert
>Australian mechanic
>Southern gunslinger
>And a English gentleman who is a expert with knives
Lol thank fuck I don’t work where you do
I wish I was born a hundred years ago, I could have put my autism and my tall male strength to use by dying in some shitty war.
Instead I'm lying here drinking myself to death self hating over not fitting in with shortstack normalfags and their zog trends.
>mfers tweaking
Total Zoomer Death
Alri Daniel son
electrowerkz? where abouts
>And a English gentleman who is a expert with knives
he's in >>202594690
what's mad is the 2:40am thread made immediately after this collage was made, using it as its OP, being spammed by the very same discord is exposed so as to get it finished as quickly as possible, resulting in the only nighttime /brit/ thread in history to end in one hour
Can't imagine how bad someone who unironically uses the word "zog" smells IRL.
pohtayto mahn
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>what's mad is the 2:40am thread made immediately after this collage was made, using it as its OP, being spammed by the very same discord is exposed so as to get it finished as quickly as possible, resulting in the only nighttime /brit/ thread in history to end in one hour
Unfortunately, none of the parties, just critical thinkers/actual graspers of historical materialism
give it a rest mousenonce
flag test
martin you're in fancy dress
Eurasianist man in?
going to spend less money this month lads
Nah those back streets leading up to Camden head
Quite fitting for a sodomite such as himself
Electoral politics is finished, anyway. You can't change anything via that method. It's just neoliberals fighting neoliberals forever until the end of time.
The English gentleman should be the gunslinger (will have been trained to shoot on hunts and will be familiar with gentleman duels)
The Australian should be the explosive expert (familiar with TNT from mining experience)
The Scot should be the knifeman (Glasgow smile)
And the Southerner should be the mechanic (biggest car culture in the world)
realistically what would happen if we just stopped
why do schizos who spend literally the entire day on /brit/ think everyone else is as obsessed with this place as they are?
I was on the train and a lad next to me was talking to some people about uni, and having a girlfriend at uni or whatever and he kept saying "and while you're busy studying she'll be out getting gangbanged by eight tyrones" and essentially saying "tyrones" instead of niggers and half of his mates were black which really freaked me out
it's only 7 days to go
The English gentleman wears a classic victorian suit and is named Nigel Gallagher
Justin Tredeau :3
but Arab
Just another right-wing freak with a racebait and cuckoldry fetish. He probably had a raging hard-on while he was talking about that kek.
yanks would pay our part +tip
need a gf like pariah the doll
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Why would an English aristocrat have an Irish name?
u u rate that pub?
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went to one of those Chinese massage places and the Chinese woman said 'you want extra?", after giving me a massage, asked me for ÂŁ40, told me to turn over and slowly massaged my dick until I spunked on my own chest

felt strangely violated after
why is toby so god damn zesty
Couldn't think of a English last name honestly he was still pretty badass though
grim af
all druggies are
Average American name is likely an English name
hate cunts that show off their mega builds in creative mode in minecraft
how was the dick massage
He’s always a bit bent when he starts drinking and acts a bit silly then he has too much and he starts getting aggressive. Give it an hour or so
toby does NOT like cats mice or squirrels
he likes rabbits foxes and horses
Good lad
my chest hurts
Wouldn’t trust him around any animal after what he did to that swan
Get the ISA filled up
Get the bonds purchased
Get the premium bonds bought
Get the gold hoarded
Get the cash stacked
Most last names in America are just English versions of German or just Irish last names

Mine is polish for newcomer
love girls with glasses
got half a thing of soup in the fridge
doing to freeze it for when i get back from my holiday x
and by the way i smelled that purple (more violet) liquid from the jar and it smelled werd. it smelled ethereal
i am probably off about the smell and what im trying to describe as how it "was" when it entered my nose, and i could feel it inside my face
i think it could be the dark red piss - from the piss jar that i made dark red somehow (from doing something before, and boiling it once i had done that - with acetyl acetate, i think). i think the oxygen from opening the jar, which broke some sort of seal, could be causing the chance after it had been done for weeks before (there is also some cummies in it still)
Wow it's Pelipper
i threw a whole pear into it
so call the cops (cause i dont care)
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>child dies
need to be a big boy, need to get a job, need to stop living on my aunts sofa
went to one of these and she stuck an oiled finger in my chocolate factory and my coom nearly hit the roof
mousenonce who is your favourite scientist?
Might spaff out a cum
there is also that cup of yellow (dried liquid) which i think mightve very well been oily, with water in it... which i think actually (HILARIOUSLY) mightve been the yellow liquid which collected under the aqueous layer layer from acetyl acetate reacting with ammonia. if it is then the compound is extremely toxic
if there were fewer layabouts my tax would be 20% less over the course of my life it would be like ÂŁ400,000
Gonna be so annoying when Mousenonce is on the news in a few years and I won’t be able to brag to my mates about where I know him from lol
>NEW: Former Tory chairman Jake Berry reveals he once had a picture of Angela Rayner pinned up on his MP office wall because she is a 'very attractive woman'
just fried up some chips from scratch
came out peng, and were quite easy. might give up buying those rubbish supermarket oven chips.
20% of your taxes don't go towards "layabouts"
got the bedlam in goliath on
so yeah i think the violet liquid might be the acetyl acetate + ammonia and then sodium hydroxide, which then has been sat around for a few weeks
What, you immediately came after she did it?
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toby I just bought a new microwave
do you want my old one for your experiments
the door doesn't shut properly
airfryer wanker loves his airfryer
Fuck off spaintard
Should I spend ÂŁ30 for 3 months of an epic updated premium experience in a dating app
will be in my hotel in about an hour
planning to get a bokkle of wine in and do a massive naked wank
don't care
are you trying to kill me!?
what if there's a hidden camera in the mirror?
Mental how reddit did a better micro analysis of brit than brit could
hope there is
it doesn't turn on
tahts't the whoel point !
The general reaction for ester formation (esterification) is:
In this case:
If you have any more questions about chemical reactions or need further details, feel free to ask!
bit mad how old i was before finding out piss wasn’t stored in the balls
never saw the point in naked wanking
just more effort to put your clothes back on afterwards
mousenonce x diego
keep it or leave it
can cum on your stomach easier
Landlady still hasn't fixed the roof and now she'll trot out the old "we'll have to wait until spring for it to be dry enough" excuse so it's a whole winter of drip-drip-drip for me
Timmy spending ÂŁ50 a month on Tinder Gigaplatinum and matching with 3 scam bots and 1 landwhale in a month

Tyreese putting on his grey Nike joggers and chewing khat outside the student union and getting cold approached by 7 10/10 uni tings in half an hour
borderline gay
have her arrested
Tie her up and piss on her
why would you want to do that you disgusting dygenic creep
can't reach that far
I would watch that sitcom 2bh
ktim when the tranny hypno blacked incest r34 porn comes on
>Save on extra bag charges by pre-paying on ba.com. You must complete your purchase before check in.
>Take up to a total of 10 checked bags per person, including your free allowance.
who the hell is taking 10 checked in bags
yeah? *shoves a pestle up your arse*
Been pooing far too much today
Rorke why are you like this?
same, also hearing aids and braces lol
Girl from my school has 2 kids now she’s only 19
eating pasta and bolognaise
my experiment failed by the way
who the fuck shops at sainsburys
don't know a single person that does
Did this when I moved abroad
deegz is trans noW?
chinks love bringing loads of cases filled with dodgy meat and vegetables on those border security shows
Everyone who shops at Sainsbury's shops at Sainsbury's
*raises malnourished wrist*
remember when mums used to go to iceland? they don't do that anymore do they
just another victim of the woke mob
so she had sex at least once
if you're working class you shop at aldi
if you're middle class you shop at tesco
if you're upper class you shop at waitrose
who does sainsburys cater to?
Mad how I've been blessed with a 7 inch tree trunk for a penis and yet I have not inserted it into a female so far
My mum shops at Iceland. You can buy Greggs sausage rolls from there :3
The middle class definitely do not shop at tesco, they shop at M&S
i wanted to see what might happen if i ate a bunch of sugar and carbs (via these fibre boosting cereals, with the sugar-glazed bananas) BEFORE i sniffed that piss, which is the sort which every time makes me really hungry afterwards. i was hoping to provide that immediate-release energy up-front before there was a demand for it when the body recovered by drawing out of reserved or using up the supply - but all of it must have evaporated already
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>if you're middle class you shop at tesco
sainsburys has an excellent gluten free range. the gf chocolate cake is better than most sponge cakes you get in shops
im upper middle class and i shop at morrisons
how did you carry them all
would rather chinks and dodgy food than pakis ferrying over their 23 brothers and sisters
tesco is working class pal
Also entirely depends on what's available where one lives
If Tesco were nearer, I'd shop there
bizarre freak
Got a small 4 inch penis but I am a gay bottom so no need for anything bigger really x
go away you putrid oaf
only billionaires shop at m&s
just ate an entire pan of pasta even though halfway i was full. i had some energy drink too ^.^ my last one...
Only upper-middle can afford M&S
>NEW: Former Tory chairman Jake Berry reveals he once had a picture of Angela Rayner pinned up on his MP office wall because she is a 'very attractive woman'
Did you lads know this?
To be fair it wasn’t quite 10, more like 7 or 8. You can borrow a trolley at the airport for carrying a lot of luggage and I managed to fit all of mine on two.
Price compared it's only slightly more expensive than Tesco nowadays
Cozzie lives
me? working class, but i do my weekly shop at M&S because they have the best quality produce
stop posting this
*kicks your head off* ok so?
>my last one...
Tony no!
hate those pisses that make you really hungry afterwards if you sniff them
Nobody does a full food shop at M&S
You can now use app notifications to sign in?
Watched an execution the other day, the executioner was having trouble with the rope. The condemned piped up 'don't leave me hanging!'
just got gangbummed
im all out of energy drinks now. its gonna be rough
>Just Eat notifications
>Still uses Facebook
>credit score checking service

Extremely, extremely rubbish image. Couldn’t be anything other than a /brit/poster
can you make an energy drink out of your own piss?
how fucking long is your phone?
*wallops you off the stage with my massive feet*
don't open with this
bet you're fat though
probably an inch of buried bepis
taking a calculated flight risk
>two Just Eat notifications
Fat fucking pig.
keep working on your tight five, it'll come one day
um hiya
my piss is magic ^.^
now im missing him :c
You’d think so but no I’m skinny as fuck. I am genuinely 4 inches hard.
that would appear to be the case



they're literally the app trying to remind me it exists with some shite about 50% off veg or whatever
just did a wank to that hairdresser sex audio from the last thread
I could thwomp the lot of you if I wanted
gibbymoojoiwanktoil on the cards
>NEW: Former Tory chairman Jake Berry reveals he once had a picture of Angela Rayner pinned up on his MP office wall because she is a 'very attractive woman'
ciggy and then bed for me ...zzz...
actual study tomorrow. i wanted to take this day to do some garden while it wasnt raining for once
And you didn't take advantage of the 50% off veg?
Appears you may be a fatty after all
doing pizza in the microwave
stick that up your woke liberal agenda
ummm link?
Make him leader I say
running done a number on the knee
hey siri give me some stretches to help unstiffen my knee
>bollocks drivel reply
*reddit space*
>bollocks drivel reply
*reddit space*
>bollocks drivel reply
*reddit space*
>bollocks drivel reply
*reddit space*
time for a w- *strobe lights you*
ehm what the fuck
Done it wrong haven't you
Silly twit
this is what a cheeky wog thought once
knocked him out with a single punch, wouldn't be surprised if you're a wog too and no doubt would face a similar fate
just got off the blower to poo barmer himself and you're getting locked up pronto pal
yeah I'm not clicking that
anyone got the music on?
It's alright but it's never not packed
There's better in the area
Then why ask you fucking mong
probably the concrete done it
no good for you, running on concrete every day so I hear
Pure-blooded white British male me. And I just love to thwomp. Don't tempt me any further, boy
that's cute
unlike my giant hulking 5.5 inch third leg
mad how you could walk down the street 10 years ago without seeing a single wog
ouf i cant breafes after all of that pasta
the usual spot hurts and ii know that it isnt from the aortic arch specifically the caratoid artery which supplies the brain and neck with blood, and not the subclavian artery which supplies the right arm
What is Hermeticism?
I don't need a virus to wank
reckon sacked tranny and mousenonce should link up
Rorke's 5 inch BWC
I think as long as the barber (female) continues to rub her tits against my face, I am sorted sex-wise for the remainder of my existence
Ukrainian Jew - Ethiopian Jew family
it's still more or less the same price as in store and i buy my veg there
not sure i've ever seen someone not put a space when they're replying to several posts but okay, here goes. let's see how this looks
leftypol's girlfriend makes him use a penis extension device
Artery mong loves his arteries
popping to Marks', you want anything?
Whole serie of reaction images could be harvested here
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Not me. I grew up in south London
got a 6 inch willy
might shave my pubes to make it look bigger
hmmm yes I will...and then I'll have a wank in the mirror I think
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4 pints of organic, unhomogenised cum please mate
Yes a bogstraffel kremlin pie please
it IS the subclavian artery (the left)
if that is so then i dont ahve a guess for what the vertebral artery is for

it is near the related caratoid artery but i am hesitant to think about that yet as there is the other one - the carotid (i think it is called, and couldnt find that in the notes i think)
got a cock like a mcdonalds chip
last time i got my haircut it was a bender instead of a fit woman
felt disgusted thinking where his hands had been
him sargon
what's your favourite type of porn mousey?
hung like a bookie's biro me
Did that and then posted a pic on here. Got me banned for a month
bog sim
you going to homogenise it then? seems a bit gay, that

do you want to borrow my vernier caliper to measure it?
you're not allowed to post about the arteries
They're literally everywhere now and the government is doing their best to further this by distributing "refugees" across the country
End goal is that there will be no areas of English/Scottish/Welsh culture left
was probably out fisting lads 5 minutes prior
hung like a doormouse
he is now a labour councillor
cream and jam scone in the cafe please lad
hung like an argos pencil
a website said that "anatomy doesnt need to be hard"
and apart from the two different spellings, there is really only two things to remember, and then half of it branches off from something which is made up of words ive already seen around from the lungs (and this makes sense as it goes from this side (the right atrial and then into ventricle, then lungs) past the pulmonary valve


don't think this is true
ur rec?

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