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opal edition

first for sexo con cum
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*enters /cum/*
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How it's going
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cum is a pawg loving general
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I love women
I liked this movie
that is a bovine, sir
god i wish that were me and my ex
She’s groce
That's not even a PAWG, more like a white milk cow
She looks like a cuban with bleached hair
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good afternoon
resisting the urge to buy expensive rocks currently
>His secret police, the Securitate, was responsible for mass surveillance as well as severe repression and human rights abuses within the country, and controlled the media and press. Ceaușescu's attempts to implement policies that would lead to a significant growth of the population led to a growing number of illegal abortions and increased the number of orphans in state institutions. Economic mismanagement due to failed oil ventures during the 1970s led to very significant foreign debts for Romania. In 1982, Ceaușescu directed the government to export much of the country's agricultural and industrial production in an effort to repay these debts. His cult of personality experienced unprecedented elevation, followed by the deterioration of foreign relations, even with the Soviet Union

>As anti-government protesters demonstrated in Timișoara in December 1989, Ceaușescu perceived the demonstrations as a political threat and ordered military forces to open fire on December 17, causing many deaths and injuries. The revelation that Ceaușescu was responsible resulted in a massive spread of rioting and civil unrest across the country. The demonstrations, which reached Bucharest, became known as the Romanian Revolution—the only violent overthrow of a communist government in the course of the Revolutions of 1989. Ceaușescu and his wife Elena fled the capital in a helicopter but they were captured in Romanian territory by the military after the armed forces defected. After being tried and convicted of economic sabotage and genocide, both were sentenced to death, and they were immediately executed by firing squad on Dec 25

afternoon bud
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i only love some women
This chick is not white.
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That wasn't real communism or something
I don't like fatties
MANY such cases
>look at fat person
>start imagining them sweating and breathing heavy as they stuff their face with food
>a wave of fear and discomfort overcomes me
Does this happen to anyone else?
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No bikini but I think this is cute, if I get more time later maybe I will try hand drawing her, I have been trying to learn how to
I see the vision anon
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i want to try to draw her later im not good at drawing but i wanna contribute
what kind of things does she like
I hate fat people
Fat women more than men
eternally stuck at private to honor the legacy of private urkel who died in combat defending the great nation of china (pbuh)
i'm ugly, it is what is it
I miss the so it union. They were peak effay enemies, much better than the sand people we've been fighting for 20 years. China has emerged as an enemy and Russia is back for round 2, but they lost all their...je ne sais quoi and style
i don't know, what is it?
She's a /cum/ mascot, she would like poutine, mexican food, the military and schizo babble and hate jeets
it is
i want to draw her furiously typing out a long winded reply about how the mailman is a stalking agent sent by the cia and multiple people replying to her telling her to take her meds
i see the vision
I just feel bad for them
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cummies, im drinking covfefe
wtf bahahahaha
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TikTok normies are on to us
with milk?
i'm going to make some now that sounds good thanks for the reminder
Some days
Some nights
Some live some die in the way of the samurai
wasn't this a blahpipo thing for a long time?
These meximutt variations are never funny
I got some caffeine pills at the wallgreens down the street
cleared my nostrils of boogers
And ate them, I suppose??
why is everyone doing streams these days? even the guy who made invader zim has a twitch channel.
I was given some weird "breakfast beverage" powder at work. Im pretty sure its just caffeine sugar and coffee flavoring

Havent tried it yet
thoughts on the ku klux klan?
do they still exist?
lowest effort form of popularity/retards giving you money if you have even a modicum of a platform to shill your stream somewhere
my ancestors unironically
Everyone in the world wants to get paid to play videogames this is a fact
that sounds weird
i used to drink those meal replacement shake things in the morning
>not brown
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My town is so boring there's nothing here but trees for miles
Only fun thing here is like TGI Fridays or something
It ignored that part no matter how I phrased it
Maybe blonde hair and blue eyes override the skin color
>retards giving you money
I don't understand how people give them money to talk about their life, there was a spanish guy that used to draw comics and upload videos to youtube one day I remembered him, I looked for his channel and it turns out that now he streams on twitch by chance I watched one and it was him talking about what he bought in the store, seriously people like to see that kind of content?
i know how you feel
i have to drive like an hour to get downtown to actually have fun and do things
i tried living downtown and i hated it so this arrangement works for me
we should transition the kkk from an overtly racist self serving group into a subtly racist self serving group, like jews
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Is it Carnation? Idk about the new flavors but the original chocolate ones aren't bad if you mix them with milk and they don't actually have any caffeine
C’est la vie, like Italians say
My town is rather quiet but 20 minutes from here a lot happens
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i don't really understand people watching most streamers, only the informational and smart ones are worth watching
Had egg salad with sweet pepper, tomato, and lettuce on homemade bread for lunch
There's a whole generation coming up that deal heavily in parasocial relationships
Got his ass
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the truth is that they are very funny
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I fucking love egg salad
we were just talking about ipad babies and i guess that as they grow up they turn into parasocial streamer watchers so that makes sense
what a horrible one sided simulacrum of a relationship, so many young men are gonna have such strange ideas about women because all they know is booby streamers
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I'd rather get mugged than die of boredom at this point
Homie lives in Hicksville, NY (suburb of New York)
>group of like 5,000 nationwide, 4,000 of which are feds
>transitioning into anything
>my ancestors unironically
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this sounds really good
what kind of bread did you make
Half whole wheat half normal flour. Used sourdough discard too.
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Got his ass
Very meta
she's a feisty lil spinner
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ummm what if I hate everything?
It’s really not that funny
me? I like anime
and baseball
sounds yum anon
whole wheat is way less dense than flour so like you can use less whole wheat by weight, but get a similar volume
i need to make bread again i don't know why i stopped it was really nice
The shittiness and moodinees months have begun. How do you make it stop.
normalize being enthusiastic and genuinely caring
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it's over bro give it up
you can't top what he did
increase your vitamin d intake a lot of seasonal depression stuff is because of the shorter days and you get less vitamin d
me personally i get sad in the summer and things look up in the fall and winter
your mom intook my vitamin D(eez nuts)
I don't think it's cool to hate things. I just do it because it's fun :)
>me personally i get sad in the summer and things look up in the fall and winter
literally me
I wonder what certainty there is that vitamin D supplements actually metabolize properly.
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what should i cook for lunch
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very low
Why'd he get lighter
they use lamps for this reason in like countries that are super far north
if i ever found out my doctor made tiktoks like this i'd sue them for malpractice
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my grandma once told me that god is not in a dirty house and a dirty body so don't forget to bathe and clean your houses.
>mexican flag with a leaf
Buck broken
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Gold is currently at about $2,800 an ounce and silver is at like $30 an ounce.
Platinum is at $970 an ounce.
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what streams are we watchin today lads
cubs v phillies might be good
nah, here you can't look for any type of mineral in the mountains or the army or the narcos will kill you.
I don't say that, but I also don't look like that
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watching a little bit of the poker
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didnt ask
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Mexican people love the government so much that they have two governments, the mexican government and the cartels.
i like poker and i've always wanted to play it online, but i also know it's a game you have to study a lot of theory to be good at and i don't want to just piss away my money
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Wednesday I’ll win the lottery
the good you are, god makes your skin lighter. why do you think michael jackson turned white?
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You VILL monetize every zing you do
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But what did the CATHOLIC church say on the matter?
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"Absolute cleanliness is godliness"
–Dr. Bronner
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Welshman's dream
do scene kids exist anymore or has that morphed into something else
I'll need to restock on edibles soon
they’re alt now
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reminded me of you guys
this is what i look like
for me, its pepsi twist
post some bikini pics
you first
i like your little spectacles
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This was requested btw
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me and my gf
Sei Italiano?
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Hey leafs, you hype yet
Tu sei piccollo
imagine liking rei, might as well get a sex doll since they'll behave the same
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>imagine liking rei
I dont have to
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shut the fuck up
I was walking from the beach late one night in Hawaii in a place known for for drug activity and I walked past this closed down gas station and I saw this white guy take off running from the back and this big mook of a Hawaiian dude come lubering after him screaming YOU RIP ME OFF....HOWLEE I FUCKIN KILL YOOOOOOOU! HOWLEE (HOWLEE (sp lled haole) is the Hawaiian word for gaijin)
>A schedule posted by Paramount, which owns CBS, says RuPaul Charles, the host of the show RuPaul's Drag Race, will also be a guest on The Late Show on Monday. The Late Show with Stephen Colbert airs in Canada on Global.
>Trudeau made an appearance on the Canadian version of the drag queen competition series last year.
did he catch up to the haole
I keep tabs on all the other generals
I don't know but I doubt it because he was like 260 lbs and the white guy was maybe a buck o nine soaking wet
is /cum/ not good enough you harlot
I don't post in them, I watch what is being deleted and at what time. You wouldn't get it.
where do gfs come from?
the gf store
Asia mostly in my experience
I only post here and in /ita/, but ita is usually hostile to Americans so I don't stay long
those arent real
Silly Anon, gfs don't exist. They're make-believe like leprechauns and eskimos
>Americans (and to a lesser extent Canadians, Aussies, Brazilians etc.) are interested in their ancestry
>Euros: FUCK OFF, but those brown migrants? Mamma mia, 100% autentico!
What causes this?
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Jedi cats
/ita/ is a mixed bag. I visited this morning and they were pretty chatty, but other times all they do is yell at me
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might have to goon to voluptuous women with large breasts
both are fine
Loro sono stunad
They hate Americans and are jealous so they try to deny us the one thing they can which is acceptance by our ancestral people. It's the only thing they have "over" us so they gatekeep it with all their body and soul
You can take me hot, to go!
brutal titmog
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Would or nah?

I would
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i look like that right now
do you look like this
Id hit it
with a truck
I wish
I don't have a six pack, I have a keg
you're super gay if you wouldnt
maybe but I must be wearing a goku costume.
Would, but you can tell she thinks she's 10/10 not a plaphog
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that's fine too
honestly i probably look more like this anyway
Would I what? Dress up as Raven and go to a convention?
No, I don't think I would.
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I once fucked a fat argentinian girl and it was one of the best fucks I ever had.
>you can tell she thinks she's 10/10 not a plaphog

Many such cases
Women have got too cocky

But desu if she's dressing up as a comic character at a nerd convention they'd probably treat her like she was a 10/10. Women's hubris is fuelled by mens desperation
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everyone report to be hit with the anti horny stick and go to horny jail
>She's got the "I prefer White men phenotype"
VGghh, Americans claim to suffer with these women running around
>if she's dressing up as a comic character at a nerd convention they'd probably treat her like she was a 10/10. Women's hubris is fuelled by mens desperation
Yep, if that was some literally who female sorority she'd be seething at Stacys who mog her. At a convention she's unironically like top 1% of the attendees and the men are all spergs who will simp over her. We need a total hoe valuation reset, the market is out of control
I want to learn to swim but the local pool is full of children and fat ladies.
you can use my pool as long as you behave
i might even bring you sweet tea
I wish I had a pool
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sounds nice
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can't handle allat
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>basketball americans never left antartica
lmao wtf
this is what my car looks like
anyone wanna hang out with me
Can anyone recommend me a bathrobe? Like whats the sports car of bathrobes? I'm looking for something big and comfy with some large and accessible pockets, maybe a hood. Something I can wear at my desk during the winter. $2000 budget
I don't know. I never wear clothes at home so I've never needed a bathrobe
dis nigga posting in his skivvies
i love my brooklinen robe
I have a really good blue one thats served me well for years but I cant tell you the name because I got it for...christmas I think
My grandfather is 159 and will be 160 in november
actually its called 'Blue Star' if that helps. Blue, 100% polyester, big deep pockets
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lol why the fuck would you need a bathrobe
theyre warm and comfy
it's sexy
it's comfortable and easy to wear when you get out of the shower
Usa so prosperous schizos have cars and normal lives
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3rd cup of coffee down the hatch
Merkel really takes after ol' Adolf more then the germans realize
She's shaking like a crap game
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what a crazy time we're living in
His words mean nothing when their Supreme Leader wields absolute power
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Almost 500 people killed in bombings today in Lebanon
im constantly switching between too hot and too cold. I need something I can wear around this winter that I can slip on and off as needed. It's the superior lounging option because its easy to slip on and off and the high pockets make stuff actually acessible
What the fuck is the US government doing letting all these Haitians asylum in Ohio???
Because Springfield was looking for workers so the Hatians went there so they could be employed
Maine too
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now this is the kind of information I want to fall down the rabbit hole for
Ouais, mais en Maine it's a bit easier for them because there's a sizeable French speaking population in Maine
why did he do it
she's having newborn foreskin blood withdraw, she needs her fix
>my milk has lots of small lumps in it but tastes and smells fine
What's going on?
That's cottage cheese my man
i look like this and do this
hey bbcakes, you want to slip into my pants?
I drank most of it and poured out the stuff at the bottom incase a lot of the lumps had settled.
Now I'm going to be paranoid about this happening when I buy milk in the future. It's expiration date was October 1st...
midday fap entices
such an alluring mistress
alas i resist
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oh no she's so abusive
There's a lot of people in Maine with family in QC. It always surprises me whenever I road trip through New England and some guy sees my license plate and starts speaking french to me
This isn't a haiku
*looking for workers that were easier to exploit than the locals
so how about this election!
I didn't realize that an election had been forced in Canada.
Was it announced within the last hour?
Who here is tryna get slapped up by me?
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I'm bricked up so I need you to slap it and spit on it a bit.
What do you want me to say?
there is nothing more useless than a history degree

even artfags end up being to sell their artwork or manuscripts ABOUT art to some idiot
Sociology degree is preeeetttyy useless
Been carless almost 3 months now, and I've been getting along perfectly fine so far. Might not ever buy a new one.
Mr. Speaker while I cannot take the time to name all the men in the House who have been named as members of the Communist Party and members of a spy ring, I have here in my hand a list of 205
You are Quebecois?
Would only be accurate if she was latina
White woman would cut off his dick while he's sleeping and black woman would just cheat on him back if she feels she's being cheated on
Asian woman would probably say some shit about dishonorabru or some shit
oh my god do i try...i try all the time
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Gommunism really was a stupid idea
And it's 8 in the morning and I step outside and I take a deep breath and I get real high and I
Really interesting to me how commie musicians like rage against the machine and immortal technique never grew out of it. Like their ideology made perfect sense when I was like 19 or so but then I grew out of it but they never did apparently
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AAAAAAAND he prays
you can see the gta 6 plot coming a mile away bonnie and clyde shit woman will be the main main character and get betrayed by the boyfriend yadda yadda yadda
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1000 hours in photoshop just for you anon, the first and possibly last original /cum/-chan art
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post something already
something already
no point in living
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Bf bought some coke oreos, they taste okay desu, the oreo coke is bad though
make her more golden brown instead of poo brown
thank you that’s super cute
ill try to draw something a little later tonight i like the mascot very cute
but for now my tummy really hurts and im going to lay down for awhile and take a bath so someone else will have to make the new
if it’s moo deng related you will get one favor from me
she is mexican brown I just color matched the AI photo anon posted
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pigged out today im never going to leave skinnyfat hell
PLEASE be quiet, the kitty is sleeping
Thanks anon I've been practicing a lot lately, it's still pretty bad but the fact hat I can now draw something recognizable feels good if I draw anything else it will be her eating a lego and saying yum microplastics

love when my orange kot is sleeping and stretches and makes cute noises
I think giving her a more visually appealing skin color will make the chances of the /cum/ council approving her to be our mascot
The /cum/ mascot is already bebe
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then draw her with lighter skin anon we need more pictures for her to become a mascot anyway

We need an OC though
Cum bebe is oc you newfag
it be like that bro..keep pushing

buddy want that HAWK TUAH on that THANG
I cant draw
Brap tuah
Fart on that thang
Nah, but I grew up there.
bebe hippie
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much better
God I wish that were me
Oh you liked that, white boy?
honk mimimimimimi
U-u-uh w-w-w-well boy I will slap the shit out of you if you don't speak clearly
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Guess who I am: my values have not changed
devouring trail mix and grapes like a true gamer
Spinster, new please
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that just looks like a spray tan, here is slightly lighter
You ain't spinster!
better than the original

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