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Rubber Soul edition
190 stopped pretending to have moved to Iceland exactly when I predicted lol
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hate janny
>janny deletes the new so we have to post in his shit thread
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>be me
>group of chavs ask me to buy them fags
>tell them to fuck off
>they follow me back to my car and proceed to rip the rear wiper off
could've avoided this situation altogether
mad john and paul used to wank each other off
anyone know enough about history to know if the muslim and ottoman invaders of europe maintained comfy peaceful pleasent states in their european territories?
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Maybe don't make the new thread so fucking early then?
Stupid autists.
what's wrong with rubber soul
bet you only like their pre india stuff rorke
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>"Gimmick of the year"
>It's just a list of "thread personalities" who spam and shit up the thread
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hey dtfic
And how does this improve the thread in any way?
Well Cyraxx not getting his racing rig was kind of underwhelming I expected him to have a bigger rage out over not getting it on his birthday but I'm interested in seeing what schemes Music Biz Marty and Gloryhole cook up next with the little Goblin.
/brit/ goes at 500mph at this time of day thoughever
reckon it was because the slag in the op was leaking pubes out of her knickers desu
mongs trying to brute force memes have been the death of this general
Don't know what that means
chucked leftover kfc in the airfryer
one of those days when you realise you're going to be alone forever
did they ever do a porno together?
Gimmickmongs get off on making the thread as shit as humanly possible so they can feel like they're "trolling" and "triggering" people
really youve had it explained to you multiple times
RIP to our fallen comrade
Might move to China.
>gimmick of the year
>it's gimmicks from last year
leftover slop for you while the goons dine at the shard LOL
Have I?
time to go mobile
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kek they cant have been older than 14
accepted this recently
Frost/Mousey (2008)
Might move to the centre of the sun
chat is this real
yeah but you are very mentally ill so i wouldnt expect you to remember
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>Michigan girl, 2, fatally hit by car after being put to bed: 'Walked out of the house'
to be fair they really are fit
new girl at work called Rosie is very, very pretty and has strabismus
Was very unsure which eye to stare into and then got red and flustered because I struggle to speak to women

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Brit who has never met a Mormon in his life: "Yeah, Mormons are great! White, VERY family-orientated. Love Jesus. Definitely not vicious cunts."
doing a read
Higher pay and lower cost of living
sounds like something that would happen to mark on peep show
im not a rich goon unfortunately
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hello, good evening and welcome
...there exists images but idk about video porn
don't indulge his cuck fetish
broke ahh loser
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don't tell me what to do fucking /brit/ headmaster
the problem is that on the rare occasion that a funny gimmick emerges it's immediately beaten to death by the attention-starved runts of the general
I don't think Belgiumnonce has ever been outside or knows anything about the real world outside of 4chan or his porn videos. He once referred to "Bradford goons" as if he thinks its full of Jamaicans or some shit and not 99% Pakistanis.
ah the dutch
sinister bradley is gimmick of the year
Very rude thing to say about someone you don't know
he's wanking to your posts m8
got the lady gaga on
Do military lads implicitely know their wives will turn into town pumps while they're gone overseas?
You getting a Chinese bird?
yes he is very low iq
get the frogs gay
ramen on the hob
sorry you are right
belligerent ghouls run /brit/posting schools
The problem is the namefags and the ppl constantly riding their dicks. I'll assume you're one of them since you conveniently forgot to mention them
Dr House itt
I invented sinister bradley posting and I think it's total dogshit
Not opposed to the idea. Would probably marry the first women who showed an interest and was nice to me desu
Genuinely insane how good Top Gun Maverick was.
cronem chiefing last spliff on the balcony katydem waiting in bed
>the ppl constantly riding their dicks
for such a wise, sage poster - the fact you haven't cottoned onto what samefagging is yet astonishes me
shagoid gang yeah yeah
do you have to be a plane autist to like those films
Fair. Hope you get whatever you seek in life, lad.
Easily the best gimmick of 2024
Not attracted to East Asian women personally. Particularly not the Chinese, they have a particularly repulsive and very vain culture.
more like Plop Bum Spastic
boomer wank and ripoff of ace combat 7
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got sextapes with multiple birds recorded between 2011 and now
dude machine learning lmao
Avatarfagging like the Emma poster included (this I'll admit I'm guilty of once in a while but trying to cease)
they’re basically insect like humans

also can’t imagine the weird noises that would come out of one if you shagged her
Better than most races of women apart from some white and latina women.
greg buggering a starling
god bless you all
If you didn't gain their explicit consent for recording those videos, that's illegal and you should be locked up in jail.
It was funny for a week or two before it was appropriated by the most desperate losers imaginable
need another one of those /brit/ hunger games, pronto
drinking a can of carling
They're all consented for lad I'm not stupid
live down the road from a mormon mission, used to all be white lads but now i've seen them walking around with wogs
LDS has fallen
got the angela white on
in bed massaging my ringpiece
>buying a house
>everyone warns me area searches can take forever and I may need to wait as long as a month
>got the results back in three working days

I wonder if the transaction volume is really low at the moment or something.
peckham hoodlum handing out a brutal swift batonnage to some blonde he just met
>binders full of women
protosoys loved this quote
That's kino though
And how does it rip off AC7
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why were her "friends" so horrid to her?
That's the inevitable fate of all Christian denominations. White people are just not into it anymore.
Noone cares about your fetish or the girl you like just saying fyi
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>Q3 2024
>buying a house
ah just like every gimmick then
My only regret in life is not shagging 40-50 year old cougars as a 20 something year old guy
when I started doing it I actually wrote fake news articles because I thought it was too pathetic and runtish to mock actual pain and suffering. when the copycat took over he totally missed it and thought I was just laughing at abhorrent tragedy.
what would be the legal consequences if you beat the shit out of them? assuming they're just teenagers
getting a gf is piss easy but not being "racist" is soooo hard
women are dodgy
aids, and that
it's really not that good. Reckon mid 30s younger posh recent moms and 19 years old are the peak of women
Mental how I would gain an inch in height if I fixed my posture.
Do you have autism? Even if you are racist you don't need to vocalise it to everyone you meet, surely.
Who's the KWABOTY of /brit/
Better than renting, that's soaring sky high right now. I JUST received an e-mail from my landlord that he will be raising my rent by 15%.
dont know if this is some schizo ratpedo post but if you got off 4chan and/or twitter for a week and communicated irl with decent brown people it would fade away very quickly
oh my god I hope they pick me !!!
Spainnonce and it's not even close
My only option is south east asia
yeah but i can't help saying nigger when im driving
the last couple of years i’ve been pretty happy with my uplift in toil then it’s pretty much been wiped out by rentberg wanting more of my shekels
Move back home
yeah the one from the other day was pretty good
I am now taking applications for lebanese migrant girl room mates. must look like mia k
the only brown people i know like that are racist
Like to pretend I have a different life when listening to music.
genuinely would never trust an arab in aus/uk
they all seem like slimy people
maybe these arab countries should stop provoking the only competent military in the middle east - who are backed unconditionally by the biggest military in human history
Such as
how come putting decking over half of your garden requires planning permission but paving over all of it doesn't?
raping my own arse
gay woke councils
why is europe like that
I grew up with lots of different races and was never even remotely racist until immigration got really bad and I started seeing fresh-off-the-boat Pajeets reeking of body odour babbling in Hindi in random places.
>vapes not allowed in japan
back on the fags for me then haha
always pretend im some successful person on podcasts and i play them in my head
Not telling you.
i spend most time alone at home talking to myself having entire arguments with different point of views.
Like to pretend I’m the girl when watching airtight TAP 5 on 1 gangbangs on legalporno
*suddenly pops head through a door in the thread*
I just wanted to tell you all good luck, we're all counting on you.
the main event is missions 13 and 14 of the game glued together
also it's critical of drones, but the movie basically doesn't substantiate this point at all (it's just part of the boomer wank) and in fact contradicts itself by then sending human pilots on a near-suicidal mission that is an ideal situation for drones
like to pretend im recording when watching the girl with the pet
going to be honest i really dont mind pajeets that much
they are by far the best brown people to immigrate to your country because of how soy they are. they literally pose no threat to you
others will take the very high iq jobs or be violent, not them
i don't like mondays
jews did holocaust to themselves
hitler was like that's too much but the rabbis insisted
Why not
>planning permission
Just a meme. Paid some guy £80 to do a dropped kerb outside my driveway years ago. What are they going to do? Rebuild it and make me pay the council for it to be done again?
tell me why
wearing this on a date with your sister
The soyness actually makes them more annoying to me. They have no style, no swagger, no vibes.
might break into the watergate hotel
You seem like a good lad but I don't want anyone on /brit/ knowing my business.
i just don't know anymore my leeeds. Maybe Seaside Mark was right all along
Yeah Asians love their tobacco.
her pristine purley fanny forever blackened
lol who cares
you dont know how good you have it. the worst thing they will do is sexual assault in large numbers which will surely get them caught and have normie people hate them even more than they already do
meanwhile every other race is protected by shitlibs because of historical reasons
SeasideMark is a pedophile and a rapist and a baby-murderer and should be in prison ASAP.
they seem ciggie friendly in all the weeb reality shows I watch not like our gay woke country
Realising I'm not actually part of the human race.

Name a human experience, any human experience and odds are I haven't experienced it.
He was always right. He is a sage and a prophet and well loved saint like figure to /Brit/.
doing a poo?
thank God the 5G woke snowflake liberal agenda has not spread over there
most of the brown people are ok if their parents were born here, it's the blacks and freshies causing the problems
My only regret in life is not shagging twenty one year olds year old cougars as a 20 something year old guy
He's a fat diddy
eating a piece of chocolate
walking to a place
cant wait for the disabled freak on benefits to report me for racism while he remains unbanned since the turd world /int/ mods think bbc spam is "/int/ culture"
if you make ssm your role model you'll end up like sackedtranny
ain't nothing but a heartache
Why are yanks so shit at English?
Fair enough but I was more interested in the music desu
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Fuck off to /Britfeel/ you absolutely cunt. seasideMARK is a great person and I'm sick to death of incels on here trying to tarnish his reputation. You are the scum of the earth you absolute deranged freak. Give your head a wobble.
only been vaguely following the diddy stuff
so is he a bender then?
The point is humans can react in ways drones can't.
Also Top Gun Maverick was filmed in 2018-2019, AC7 came out Jan 2019
fresh off the boat goons recklessly ramming their oversized longmeats into every tight pale ting they get their hands on mmhmm
Hope seasidemark gets ran over by a tractor
Having sex with a girl who really wants nothing more than you inside her in that moment
Never had a normal healthy poo in my life
20 days into nofap and i get elections when woman make eye contact with me, starting to become a problem when im in public
charged with racketeering and human trafficking
I listen to a variety of stuff, but I've been listening to a lot of Empire of the Sun and Depeche Mode recently.
You have literally no life were you just sat there waiting for someone to bring up your favourite lowlife or did you make that post turn your trip on and reply to to yourself to simulate having even a single friend ever in your whole life? Seriously what is wrong with you how did you get like this?
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would be fun to have one with /brit/-themed customer events, like the /pw/ one
He literally raped an underaged disabled girl. That is fact. You are an apologist for a rapist.
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I just wanked to a julia burch joi
white “masculinity” LOL
Timothy James Byrne vibes
zoomers dont realise that if a gig says doors at 7 then that doesnt mean the headliner is on at 7
these stupid thick CUNTS
Obviously fake. She took advantage of him. He has TMAU and low confidence. She manipulated him for financial gain. He's the victim of abuse.
bro just chill
Who normally wins the elections? Labour or Tories?
Doesn't phase me looking at my own genitals. Something you could never say
anyone knocked a wog out after a euros game?
>tranny defending a paedo rapist
nothing new under the sun
don't believe you
why on earth would you post something like this on facebook
these people are mentally ill
fucking hate troons so much

pretty aure there was one on university challenge today

why cant they just be normal

fair enouff if you can pass yourself off as a woman convincingly.. at least it kinda looks alright

but ones who cant and still have facial hair

its like

whats the fucking point
Ukraine getting heemed by Russia right now.
Picky eater, you see. Very very very little fibre in my diet. Less than a third the recommended daily intake.
give me an example?
there are small differences between dialects, some things i've read here make me think some of you are ESLs but it's standard
Absolutely no evidence that "Employed Woman" is actually trans or that anything he/she/they/it has ever said about their life is true.
he doesnt have TMAU

this has been confirmed after someone questioned people working in his local betting shop about him

no mention of.him stinking of shit or fish
get some spinach in you
Yeah anyone who was around for the marie saga would not be defending Mark. So so grim, but no surprise the sexual deviant autogynephile is defending one of his ilk
I don't eat vegetables.
had two wanks, second one was a little forced and I wasn't really into it
probably because I had 5 yesterday
u fink?
>fucking hate troons so much
>fair enouff if you can pass yourself off as a woman convincingly.. at least it kinda looks alright
Make your mind up lad.
Not everyone can smell it dee lad. It a hidden disability
He was diagnosed by Sheffield university in 2005. A dermatologists diagnosis is worth more than the opinions of some random mongs in a better shop.
had no idea mark was a cheeky rapist

just thought he smelled like poo
lol i want to
What's happening
He really is the master baiter
Gaylord. Men can't look like women.

Except Robert Webb's legs in tights doing flashdance
>jerk off instructions
need you all to FOY
Such a grim place this
Even worse when most of you cunts are like 28 fs
>India reports first case of mpox from fast-spreading clade 1b variety
Remember when Mark went missing on Christmas Day that one year and had helicopters out searching for him cause he uploaded a bunch of cryptic videos crying and saying he was gonna kill himself
He's a good person and a hero to many. Trolls are always trying to tarnish his reputation.
Battering them in Donetsk.
I always think 'liquidate' means that the person has been blended into paste / juices
I'm 32 :D
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actually im 29
(i agree with you ngl)
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get in de lads been signed off toil for smelling a bit like poo
Ahh yes the famously prestigious "Sheffield University" who apparently make a living diagnosing random benefit-recipients with made-up illnesses
so fucking depressed
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>Images suggest Russia’s new intercontinental ballistic missile suffered major test failure – as it happened
>give me an example?
I'm 30
left for a year and when I returned it had descended into non-stop /brit/ "personality" spam
reckon I might leave again and see if it's improved in a year
have some fucking shame
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When will Ukraine be forced to the negotiation table? Make them give up Donbass already
the footage of him going on the railway tracks is still on youtube somewhere
The trolls hate Mark because they didn't think of the genius CEX banking scheme
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>come to the seasideMARK general
>abuse him and post lies

Why can't you freaks fuck off to /Britfeel/?

His benefits are all above board. He has SVT too.
as a student i'd sniff jobless wasters and tell them what they smelled like
one lad comes up to me, i say fish, he leaves happy
comes back, i say shit, he leaves confused
i saw him walk into cex and that's all ive seen of him since
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this is me
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hes looking grim nowadays, remember when he was /brits/ primary gimmick
Remember when Mark fell in love with some random middle-aged bint he knew from the 90s and started talking about how he wanted to marry her
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What was the plan here?
Tim was always a /britfeel/ gimmick. seasideMARK has always been our guy.
I do remember
You should chuck 4chan altogether. Make it your 2025 resolution.
why did he do it?
reckon those posts are from one singular brainmelted schizo
imagine if i quoted mousenonce with his incoherent rambling and asked why brits all suck at english
>spend my bennies on gadgets at cex I can trade back in
>they're my bank now
it not right what they say about our Mark. He got a hidden disability and we should be kinder to him x
looks exactly like my local buses
thought nafo meant north atlantic faggot organisation and was a derogatory term used by Z mongs
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reckon they're related?
We can only hope he lost his hand.
This must be TTC
Adam Sandler is based
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going to London zoo on Saturday
>Chat GPT: Excessive daily masturbation can indeed lower testosterone on a temporary basis, but it's important to remember that these changes are usually just temporary.
>Me: Surely they are not all that temporary if somebody is releasing that many times a day
>Chat GPT: Excessive daily masturbation can indeed lower testosterone on a temporary basis, but it's important to remember that these changes are usually just temporary.

Being gaslit
Fair. A solid 25-30% of posts here with an American flag have some sort of spelling or grammar error so that's what I'm judging your entire country on thoughbeit
to me, Berlin and London seem like cities with a shared soul
are we? where are we meeting
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Need to shower guys
Berlin has infinitely more soul than London.
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Schplorted at this image
which exhibit are you going to be in haha
reading a manga about older women in Japanese showbusiness
Bet she loves anal
Sacked tranny soaping up his cock and balls in the shower then shaving his 5 o'clock stubble before coming back to his smelly computer to tell us all how he is a woman.
Funny robot feller
Disgusting, degenerate, misogynistic and needs to be banned ASAP.
the cronem are active
youre not
london has so much soul
Boring gay retard writing erotic fan fiction about a fat tranny to share with people who hate him on 4chan
How exactly can a computer be "smelly"?
watched a bukkake video like this once and just felt sad and empty afterwards. put me off porn
It's a cesspit.
Sometimes when you see a plain but extremely well-shaped and well-groomed female foot in robust but fashionable sandals... You just get the urge to suck and kiss.
Anything can be smelly really when you think about it
far too early
worst post itt
Janny sort it out would you.
Not really. A computer doesn't have anything that would produce bad smells, it will just smell plasticky and warm if anything.
you holding it for 2 hours
My computer is covered in old dried cum and spilled food
Now janny is going to delete my thread because you linked it early
Big fan of j-drama I am, was watching this show from the early 00's. One of the characters was this super hot bird in her 20's. Googled her name and saw that she only had one acting credit plus some light modeling work back in the day. Did a pimeyes search on her because, again, this bitch was pretty hot. Found out she did some JAVs back in 2017 under another name. The Asian countries really do treat women like shit after like age 27 lol
how old is sue now
You tell him.
Ever think of cleaning it? Eventually that's gonna seep into something in there and it'll be broken.
No I need to keep it like that as an example to people who don't understand that dirty things can smell bad.
must be something in their genetic makeup which causes them to act like this
cant think what

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