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María Alfonsina Edition
is this the thread?
i look like that
Looks like Gracie Abrams
spanish girl feet
Sexo feet
gender pay gap bring it back
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Any esoteric Zionists in
that's it, I'm going for a poo
yeah, well, it might be a joke to you but i prefer a proper telly show, a proper drink, and a proper bird NOT one with a "cock" like these woofter blokes are into
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good luck dont envy you right now mate
posted it again award
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howling at this image
hey guys had sex with a teacher when i was 14 but if you ask to me elaborate i will say it's too long of a story but it's definitely real x
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Employed Woman is FKA Twigs
Thanks, on the loo now
Insanely peng Brazilian girl looking for a (girl) roommate in my city
Should I offer her a room for below her budget..?
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The reason of mass mental illness in the digital age is that we are constantly exposed to perfection that we will never attain for ourselves. The internet has destroyed the bliss of ignorance and forced upon us the burden of comparison. Thus, the average man can never be truly happy.
what was his name
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No you won't
you should probably elaborate m8
Who is the angel in OP's pic?

Sorry for posting.
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Good text but terrible image so not sure how I judge your post
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Israel is out there committing genocide and we're just sitting here doing nothing about it
find that picture a bit inappropriate mate
you see del thought the bar was there to lean on only it had neen opened so there was in fact no bar to lean on meaning when he went to lean he fell aha he FELL THROUGH the bar
Israel did/doing nothing wrong
What rule is he breaking “mate”?
she has onlyfans
that's simply won't do, how can we help?
i’m wanking and farting
Stu is that you?
The pedo rule mate
its inappropriate
fuck your “rules” janny shagging poof
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/brit/ turning me gay :/
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>What rule is he breaking “mate”?
Thanks, god be with you.
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they're monetising it too
The final cling on has fallen.
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Oh no are the brown people blowing each other up? How terrible.
my life is over i am 21 and can't even afford to live anywhere on my own
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you're not going to make me care about le current thing. i'm sorry but you're just not, ok
so rorke was captured
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new weed just dropped
cared enough to reply
Free my nigga rorke
mumberg thwarted my plan to order myself doner n chips for tea by cooking an admittedly peng chicken curry
strange mare even put raisins in the rice
i said to her "you're making me craison!"
then we shagged
why are they so comically evil
Why did you reply to yourself
Come over. I'll sort that out for you. ;)
America lets Israel kill US citizens for the same reason Britain let George Washington start the Seven Years War. Just as America was once Britain's vassal, Israel is currently the vassal of America.

Although sometimes it feels like America's the vassal of Israel amiright?
wont someone think of the poor terrorists
Wish you got dropped
Nobody pretended Jews were anything but slimy scum until the 1990s
I laughed for about ten minutes the first time I saw that image
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proper can't be fucked with toil now
think i'm gonna quiet before they relocate
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wish shed drop one (squirt) in my throat since were sharing
Fuck up
dont get it
reminds me of this

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Your exact post was used as a caption for that image just a couple hours ago
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>Bro isn't enjoying life
mental illness award
prove it
done the poo
I am gonna travel to the uk and smoke shitty cigarettes and be depressed in london
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nihilanth lookin ass nigga
>surely only one person could consider Israelis comically evil
Halloween costume ordered
The raped
sexy one yeah
done me there
Did you know that Britain cries out for autistic brown American loners
raped that sissy up the arse
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i had planned to get meself a doner n chip tea tonight >>202592931
but when i got hungry i realised i could smell mum cooking something
so i go downstairs and what do you know? mumberg's done a chicken curry
so i say to her, "oh fair enough, i was thinking of maybe getting myself a bab but i suppose i wont if you've cooked"
plan was that i'd order one regardless of whether she was cooking tonight
problem is, i lost my bottle and buckled
so now, no bab n chips
then, after eating the delicious curry meal, we had passionate, steamy sex with each other
You are extremely mentally ill.
>autistic brown American loners
i am a white autistic loner with issues
bizarre post
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well then lads?
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hadrian did nothing wrong
It's a female. Some bloke is probably dredging up it's canal.
horrible post
the darker the meat, the tastier the treat
how do i meet depressed london women to ruin my life?
bleached the bog for the first time today
im fucking amazed
im going to start bleaching everything
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this lad from hotline miami
vegetarian, 3, E
so much 50 year old minge out there desperate for my 28 year old cock
seething jewboy
don't eat meat cos it's cruel
rarely eat bread cos i'm a bit intolerant
don't drink tea cos milk is cruel
2, 3, A
Get the nigger poo sharted
1, 2 or 3 depending on the type of steak
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and tell me... would i have received a total of 4 (you)s so far over my 2 posts had i not made reference to having sex with my mother? would a simple doner n chips post have garnered such attention? i think not

Christ warned them, diegs
ive decided to change my toast selection to 4 or 5
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It is over
Hotline... Miami style

would have been a bizarre post even if you omitted the last line
Are you ready to die for ZOG lads
love how oblivious fat boy is when she thinks hes her hero
get the oil fields protected
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eat my shit
still waiting for the iranian response
sir war starter
how did you shag your mom
d or e
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Skin Diamond
rumor has it they have a big red rocked with Acme written on it aimed straight at israel
the iranians have no interest in starting a war with the US
all the aggression is on israel's side
when you played footy in school what position were you lads?
They raised the slightly brighter shade of red flag
>the iranians have no interest in starting a war with the US
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I ain't doing shit bruv
extracted semen from mine wilkins to her before
No, but the Belgian is. He used to post in the exact same style under both the UK flag and Portugal flag.
The recalling of the golems.
oh for fucks sake. i'm a troop. this is the last thing i want.
>me shuffling into bed with my gf*
*i will get a gf someday and this will be me
left back, in the changing room
Is 190 spainlad
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ngl the internet investigator is hot sadly no woman like that would be into me
blud been thinking about 190 for half an hour
Can't say I have, but her Going Deep episode with Kassem G is very funny.
when I played football we didn't have positions we just chased after the ball
fuck sapien gon do
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why are they like this?
so they won't touch isreal even if they invade lebanon?
I pretended to be the linesman which was more of an adversarial role since they never followed my decisions
way of the road, bud
Might become Jewish
>drop three bananas
>pick up two
Stupid chimp.
Rorke listening to rammstein on his £50 android with his £5 tesco earphones and staring at the paki bus driver.
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the ultimate convenience
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yeah this was me with my ipod nano 3g
did he just go to sleep?
nice, do you have the template file?
This is blatantly AI-generated garbage.
satire sites are great for exposing brown people like yourself
Same. Seems like the Jews are the only one willing to go crusading against the Saracen anymore.
americans are the orcs of israel a corrupted form of anglos and germans turned into a crude mockery of nature and twisted
im sorry lad didnt intend to be mean x
he died and the bloke was arrested today
dumb sket took her rebellion against christian dad too far

worlds strongest cyclist
fake and gay
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nothing gets past you huh sherlock
thats scotland
HATE perfecting liens on vehicle titles lads
banan' redeemed
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AI spammers need to be rounded up and reeducated
Anti British sentiment is on the rise...
Amazing post.

If you use AI wilfully in any capacity, you should be killed.
any of your mates racists?
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You're obviously posting it in an attempt to "trick" people into thinking its real, because you get off on the idea of trolling people into believing in fake shit for some bizarre reason. Off yourself.
yeah, reported him to sir kier
Copy and paste that from your BNWO Twitter account, did you?
i'm the race realist around these parts
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nth for the baddiedem
Just not going to see it anymore
and if they were then they'd no longer be my friend
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She couldn't make it to the bathroom in time T_T
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Going to two weddings this year. Need to practice my gf-acquiring skills.
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me with my geetar tuned CFCFAC
what's wrong with indolads?
Mental how we all have to cope with the fact that none of us will ever be truly happy, and being bored interspersed with pain and grief is the default state until we die and shit ourselves in a hospital bed.
Just going to see people replying though
Why would you filter leafs?
Sir Old Slaughterer
Mad how Imperial Russia's economy in the early 20th century had a growth rate of around 10%.
>Still not filtering US
See, that's where your mistakes started.
what does that tuning do
does it become a banjo
had my fennel tea now
any of you lads planning on committing any crimes then?
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>no United States
get the yanks fucking filtered ffs
Why do I get the feeling that all the hipsters migrated over to veganism? It feels like the exact same group of self entitled people.
would love to throw starmer into a vat of hot oil
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ah... hello all
Terrible posters
Most American posters aren't that bad
might be English in public tomorrow
xD! Epic! Fashpilled! Aryan, Faustian, Nietzschean, Goyimpilled, Gentilepilled, White, Implicit, Waffen-SS pilled, Panzerdivision pilled, aristocratic, porn-viewing, cocaine-snorting, EU-supporting, Remain-voting, Hitler-saluting, Ukraine-supporting, NATO-supporting, landlord-defending, austerity-enforcing, tory-donating, Costco-consuming, zesty, moist, LOTR-consuming, Israel-supporting, Marvel-watching, JAV-gooning, Evropean, Germanic, National Socialist, Skyrim-playing!
morning lad, what's for brekky?
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yes... tonight in fact...
i've had yanks filtered (along with the canadians) and the thread is pretty great
no one cares about veganism anymore
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Yeah well when your national GDP in 1900 is the equivalent of £1, and by 1901 you're making £1.10, it's not hard to keep that pace going.
>ur added to my.... LE FILTER!!
fuck off
>zesty, moist,
haha lad i think you accidentally included a couple of words from your grindr bio lol x
was is das
Watched this vids again recently
Nearly cried when Aurelian was murdered
Except it was the fifth-largest economy in the world at the time.
watch him, watch him
man in the high castle
pretty good up until season 4 then it goes to shit
based and rapepilled
Year is nearly over.

What the actual fuck. Time is moving so, so fast.
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80 years ago, in 1944, the Red Army liberated the city of Tallinn from fascist invaders. An active part in the operation was played by the 8th Estonian Rifle Corps of the RKKA. Regrettably, nowadays attempts are being made in capitalist NATO-controlled Estonia to rewrite history & vilify Soviet soldiers.
might racially abuse the black penalty taking lions years after the fact for a laugh
just a coffee lad, but I'll have a sandwich later
sweet , thanks
Bonalf Brumpf MUST be kept out of office or he'll surrender Israel to putler
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he too old to be suckin dat shit!
this time next week it'll be christmas
it's only September behave yourself you daft cunt
Burst out laughing at this
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Day 97 of manifesting a bongland bf who will watch HxH and Lucario and the Mystery of Mew with me and swap our dirty diapers~~~~####

>I may be down anon I'm in the UK and I'd like to rewatch HxH also I'm an open minded degen. I'm 25 doe so how old are you and also r u a boy or trans or what?
sry I fell asleep come back

>i'm from the uk, haven't seen hxh (have heard its good) and into diapers. 25, 6ft3, skele build.
where'd you go
mental illness moment
aye that it is lad
and we're at the pointy end of the year as well, next few months will be over in a flash
got the atmospheric drum and bass on

Thank fuck for that it's a stupid diet and lifestyle
You are extremely mentally ill.
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damn she's super famous gets posted here all the time.
Lovecraftian post
You should hang yourself
>Lucario and the Mystery of Mew
wahey I actually remember this from when I was a kid
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any linux user in
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new creps lads
janman finally had enough of wafflewog's shenanigans
sister gf wants me to come to bed but I'm not tired
so this is toby
another image in the fucking filters
Yea but I'm a straight white male so I use Linux Mint.
not a hat person me
This weed is really good. Is Canadian poster here?
first fleshlight i ever got was stoya

coomed in it a lot once and didn’t clean it then saw an insect inside it going at my spaff
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me? wanked to many things over the years. interracial, milfs, asian, children, cucks, anime, blender, redheads, Latina. But never trans. it's something I'm proud of
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reporting in
Said this the last time you posted this and I'll say it again:
Wanking to cuckshit is 1 million times gayer than wanking to a trans woman.
good lad
>Christensen was born in Las Vegas, Nevada and trained as an actor. A devout Christian, in 1991 he moved to Scotland, and spent eleven years doing youth work with charity Scripture Union in Fife.[1] Between 2002 and 2005, he appeared in Balamory in the role of Spencer, a painter and musician.[1]
I like Starmer though. The bluest Labourite is infinitely better than the reddest Troy.

I'm also qualified to express my opinion on British issues since my grandmother once shook hands with Liz.
What are some fun programmes I can install on my new Macbook. I've been learning how to draw digital art with Krita lately but a lot of my attemps so far look like Chris-chan drew them, so I'm trying to refine my process a little more.
Same. Never watched gay porn either
Honestly getting fed up with /brit/. Struggling to justify enduring the slog of dogshite posts and mentally ill freakshows. More and more, I find myself closing the tab mid-thread and just doing something else.

Between getting a bit older and realising what a time sink this place is at the best of times, to noticing how absolutely dreadful the thread quality gets. The novelty of /brit/ may have finally worn off after years of coming here religiously.
>defending Queer Starmer
right that's it yanks are going in the filter.
no sorry
Starmer isn't Blue Labour.
Blue Labour is economically left, socially right. Starmer is economically right, socially left.
Troy? Who the fuck is Troy?

The reddest TORY*

Fuck me.
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rorke would rather fantasise about being a cuck than admit some trans women are peng kek
on the bog having a poo
haha yeah arch, i'm not a tranny btw
yh yh see you tomorrow etc etc
>Blue Labour is economically left, socially right.
doesn't exist
leftypol's only choice in life is either being a cuck or a troon loving faggot
yes it does
Been saying it for a long time now: There is a lot of suppressed homosexuality within the right-wing youth scene. It even manifests in some bizarre forms like those /pol/tards who "hate trannies" but fetishise "femboys" and don't see any contradiction in this whatsoever.
no it doesn't.
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By far the weirdest set of countries to have filtered.
They barely even post on /int/
And a lot of members of the Black New World Order fetish community are Rorkes or former Rorkes.
Whatever. You know what I meant. New Labour. Tone's Labour, but a lot less sexy.

Should be called blue Labour, but I forgot that's already a different thing.
Oh look another early thread
Have you lads given any more thought to gimmick of the year awards on December 13th?
>poo smells
>fucking hell lads what is wrong with me (last years runner up)
>Irish diaspora
>Sir Keir posting
>bradders (last years winner)
>new trainers/fake self-dox
Quite the list isn't it
What compels someone to write such a boring and off-topic post?
pure projection from leftoids
I'll just stay here till that one gets deleted
can't see that edition surviving
probably 190s vpns
Nah, if you're ever unfortunate enough to get involved in BNWO fetish content you'll realise a lot of them are Rorkes.
need to take a shit but i know its going to be explosive dieorea so I need to gradually let out the gas and liquid shit :(
got my vote though canslad is a close second
>thinking /int/ - let alone /brit/ - is moderated anymore
Not just a lot of, the vast majority of them are. Racial cuckoldry is rooted in racism itself. "The big, scary, black brutes are going to come over here and STEAL our women!"

Left-wing cuckoldry does exist but it tends to take a different form eg. polyamory where they just get off on a general idea of their partner being shared with many people.
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It used to exist before the Thatcher era iirc.
good lads

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