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they/them gf edition
I love they bros
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dopamineberg messing me about again
the rape victim phenotype
arsehole gone all pooey again fucks sake
/brit/ hating on Mark because he did 24 month no bookies and you lot can't do 24 hours x
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>A scene from a horror movie': a mother speaks out about alleged mistreatment during childbirth
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non-binary is such an incredible amount of wank really isn't it
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londons soul is unfathomably deep. one of history's greatest cities
Dopamine isn’t real you mong
Love Emma D'arcy in her interviews. Seems so intelligent and articulate. Has this kind of swashbuckling upper-middle class boistrous vibe about her too.

Sometimes when you see a plain but extremely well-shaped and well-groomed female foot in robust but fashionable sandals... You just get the urge to suck and kiss.
doing 40 winks
The worst is when youre done, you wipe, and its gotten all over the side of your arse
You have to get the paper wet to clean it off
no idea who that is or why i should care
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What's the worst edition of /brit/ you've ever seen?
Niggerstrophic noncequences
this one
the ones you made
Anything by threadmeister
Feel so… relaxed :/
Never made a /brit/ thread in my life, pal.
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You lads hyped for the new Dragon Age?
The new 'eitch

Lost all my rizz.
yeah perhaps
but then again perhaps not
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She/her gf
Mental how they pander to less than one percent of the population with this gay shit instead of just making the game fun
Im going to the air in space museum at the weekend
that's just a bloke in a wig
Need to take her fucking milk money and shove her head in a locker
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these masks have no business being this cool
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Not ready for BF1 to be 8 years old.
Might go Jimmy Saville on her pussy
remember when mousey made a thread and spammed nothing but that banana image
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她/她 gf
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mmhmm the goons are batonning it into katydem so quickly
the woman / man / human in the OP
deep fry the little cunt
the autistic shuffle
haha no what banana image
Feel as though if I brought a girl to a big party she would get bored of me and end up going home with someone else. Not that I'm unable to stand up for myself, I just don't hold a person's interest very long
there was a period in 2022 where Schizospic, Spainnonce, Clogwog, and Mousenonce were all posting simultaneously and every single thread was legitimately just dogshit gimmicks and schizo babble - /brit/ legitimately never recovered from that, the difference in traffic before and after this period is so notable
no idea why anybody would actually choose to have this haircut but then again everyone who has it is batshit crazy
did you lads have any trans/enbies in your school? swear they didn't exist when I left school in 2007
Got a problem with autistic girls, pal?
watching torchwood

reckless goons
inexperienced clappers
you french?
well actually rorke trans folx have always existed
It all kicked off in 2016 totally organically
Watched it before lad? I don't want to say any spoiler things if not
>why does it say i need to wait before posting a duplicate reply please??
This is the last thing I'm ever going to post on this site. The second I post this, I'm leaving and never coming back. I'm not even going to check the replies to this thread, if it gets any to begin. I don't care if you think I'm a faggot, and no, I will not "see you tomorrow". I don't even care if this gets pruned, because I'm doing this for myself. This is my final farewell to this sewer of a website.

This place is evil. It's not just some exposé of human nature; it is intentionally designed to breed fear, anger, disgust and contempt. There is nothing for me here. Nothing about using this website has made my life better. It has had an overwhelmingly negative impact on my state of mind, and has revealed to me some of the most ugly, disgusting things that the world has to offer, with little or nothing positive to offer in tandem. This place is a factory for anxiety and depression, and I'm done with it.

I am going to make this post, exit the browser and start cleaning my house. Then, I'm going to take a shower, make a healthy dinner and go to bed on time. Tomorrow, I'm going to move on with the rest of my life, and devote the time I would've spent here to actively improving my life. I'm going to get strong and healthy, I'm going to pursue my interests, and I'm going to start living positively.

I'm leaving you all behind. You might be stuck here, but I'm not. I'm better than this place. If you have any sense about you, you'll realize it's time for you to leave too.
I remember she put out this weird tweet where she tried to make the claim that, for this generation, console gaming is much better than the PC experience. Very odd thing to say when you consider that most people tend to agree that this is one of the worst console generations ever. Absolutely convinced the bitch is paid to shill.
ktim putting they/them on my slack profile at work
free woke points
No we just had 5-10 emo/goth kids that stood in the corner at lunch. I assume that they would be the tranny pronoun group if we were in school today
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Welcome to Omorashi High School! You're the first boy to attend this prestigious female-only academy with a twist: There's not a single bathroom in the entire school. All students are expected to hold their pee in as long as they can.

Go interact with your fellow classmates, get through the school day, and watch your fellow classmates struggle to not have an accident!
feel like i'm the only one who remembered to never purchase EA games, especially EA bioware games
seen it all except miracle day
There was a gay lad who was genuinely the most effeminate male I have ever seen in my life. Thin as a twig, dressed in proper bent clothes, styled his hair all gay, gay walking style, womanly voice. The most bizarre thing is he and all his friends denied he was gay and insisted he'd had a GF in the past. Always wonder if he ended up trooning out
there was one in the year above. he kept coming in in a skirt and getting in a squabble with various senior teachers
oh well I was going to say my opinion on Miracle Day so i'll be quiet
>the brick/diego monologue sprinkled in between hundreds of banana pics
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baton tip.
squeezed within pale clapper
I think with some trannards I would utterly demolish them, the really weak-looking spindly ones who you know were the beaten-up weakling nerds back in school. Like >>202604376 . One night in a hotel room will leave them utterly incapacitated for a year
Just realised I have 32 cans of nicotine pouches because I keep bulk ordering before I run out.
That's enough to last me until 2025
>I remember she put out this weird tweet where she tried to make the claim that, for this generation, console gaming is much better than the PC experience
She's right. I was talking about this myself a few days ago actually. The gap between high-end PC performance and PS5/XSX performance is so, so much smaller than it used to be. And given how much cheaper PS5/XSX are than a high-end PC, I think its probably true its the better experience. Then there's Nintendo who have been having their best generation of games in 20+ years with the Switch.
young tight stretchmeats
eager for young throbby goonmeats
bad stuff lad. managed to get down to 3 a day but gonna kick it for good this weekend
If it walks like a duck...
I know he was called matt, but I don't know what you /cum/mers called him
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went to a very catholic school that made the guardian when they banned the amnesty international society because they promoted condoms

the idea of a trannoid there would be hilarious
That's him
He was such a retard calling him Butthew would send him into a meltdown lol
Toby no >.<
Monumentally better than the fags though. Couldn't stand vaping when I quit so these will do for now
What was up with that period of time when he kept posting a screenshot of his phone wallpaper captioned with "BORIS???"
legitimately, yeah?
when I cum I feel empty inside
Everything is fucking bad stuff these days
I really don’t give a shit anymore haha
Condom ban for cronem.
Condom mandate for timmy.
cheeky little an hero on the cards methinks x
Don't post that slop here, please. You are making us look bad!
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Tosh a cute
Haha be sure to stream it if you do go through with it mate xxx
No idea he made me leave cum he was such a shit poster so I came here and exacted my revenge
what do you mean? youre doing to do a tranny in with your fist or your cock?
yeah i've heard it's yankified shit
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mother got engaged
Yanks be like:
>listen to this dope new track cody
>*black man saying uh yeah yeah yeah to an FL studio drum beat starts to play*
4 days of no wank then a wank today

i hate this life
would you shag her bloke
after hundreds of goons entering her
nh hes old enough to be my dad
It's really weird how some transphobic Anons on here talk in such aggressively sexual terms about trans people.
haha I do this
a silverback gorilla might pose some challenge for me, possibly even a chimpanzee given sufficient martial arts training, but I have never feared those lanky ginger mfs. if an ourang utang tested me I would unleash my flicker jab snake strike and kill it instantly.
should I have a wank?
oh shit hes a haunted graffito
get him bummed and call him daddy
treat yourself
If youve got the magnifying glass and tweezers to hand, go for it
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Learnt at taekwondo that if you thrust your fingers into the spot just above someone's sternum it's incredibly uncomfortable for them and they will instinctively back off a bit to get some room.
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alri lads

I'm not clicking that
Rorke spending his free time browsing through r/Transgender_Surgeries
He definitely doesn't have a sexual fascination with trans genitalia though
wish i had a wife to support my peculiar whims
Having a fanta orange zero sugar.
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>Murdered schoolboy, 15, was told 'don't worry, mum will be coming soon' as he was comforted as he lay dying in the street after Woolwich attack
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*enters /briy/*
I just got in from delivery driver toil. Was out on my own for the first day. It went well. People always say that povvos are more generous, salt of the earth types and it turned out to be true. A girl in one of the worst, roughest parts of town gave me a 5 quid tip. The rich wankers in posh houses in the middle of nowhere gave nothing and some were downright rude. Ah well, no toil on the morrrow for me.
if you're so interesting why do you only post banal shit like "just walked up the stairs" or "just had a sandwich lads"
get a life
You never answered my question
Just tried thrusting my fingers into the spot directly above my sternum (lower neck) and it almost made me throw up.
You need to go to the right events to get tips from richfags
I only tip people if they are white or having big tits or a nice arse.
Ah heeeeeeeeyell nah *wags finger* mm mm mm yallready know I ain't clicking that sheet nigger
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Just walked up the stairs and, get this, had a sandwich too lads
>when the asian birds are slightly insane
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For me it's the Victorian lesbians
You would give me three tips then.
>trans genitalia
No such thing mate
What is it, some girl got a dick built out of her skin?
I never tip anybody because it's an American trait
The rich cunts got rich for a reason (not handing out tips for starters)
true, they only tip when they are all surveilling each other and noticing who's tipping and who's not
Never reply to me again you banal disgusting freak.
whats average tip including zero
also what colour are you
Who is this
Umm I'm pretty sure transgender people do have genitalia Anon.
answer my question
Would definitely give cathy the tip if you 'get' me.
reckon im getting a bit chubby. just past 21 stone
They literally get them removed mate
trans gf came all over the bed sheets
naughty girl will be punished, her cock is getting locked up for the next month
What was the question?
*jiggles your belly*
tempted to get a glass of water
might decide after changing my seating position
Nicole Shannahan, RFK JR's running mate. She makes schizo rants about 5G towers lol
a crying shame Allison Mack couldn't recruit her into the sex cult
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Would like if ciggies weren't bad for you bc reckon it would be comfy lighting up a ciggy in an English garden on a nice day you know
I can't believe it. 4chan was mentioned on Instagram. Finally this little site is going global
I'm 12 stone.
There's no such thing as transgender mate
what did the 4chan update even do? The only different thing I can notice is that now there are lines in the captcha
There's still genitalia there it is just surgically modified into something else. How the fuck do you think they piss?
oh shit alright. thank u
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she had such big dreams
completely fucked my 4chan is what it did
Ciggies trick you into believing this.
Truth is maybe 1 in 100 ciggies is a nice sit down and a smoke. The other 99 is you huddled in the corner trying to get your lighter to work and coughing
morning lads, once again i'll remind you that i have nothing to live for and would rather be dead
I need Italians to help me (escape)
Oops haha I mean this question: You have literally no life were you just sat there waiting for someone to bring up your favourite lowlife or did you make that post turn your trip on and reply to to yourself to simulate having even a single friend ever in your whole life? Seriously what is wrong with you how did you get like this?
How much money do you have saved up? Life can't be that bad
neh reckon shell be royt-o mate
if you have nothing to live for then why dont you give one of your mates a nice tug and suck?

you wont get anything out of it but he'll have a hell of a good time
Is it really a sex cult? Thought NXIVM was bigger than that. or their purpose extended past banging each other
>that flag
>posts in /brit/
>uses 4chan x
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this guy pisses, are you saying he has genitalia?
obviously none, what kind of question is that?
yeah soapy finger round the ring for me
Genitals are reproductive organs not urinary you mong
Google broken?
Yeah i get some soap on the sponge i have explicitly for the arse, scrubbed well
Why 'obviously'?
I don't really focus on it in the shower. because if I take a shit I make sure to wipe it clean. so I figure it's never really that dirty
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No it was pretty much just a sex cult. He got his money by recruiting millionaire heiresses into it that paid for everything.
Why is there a pair of pliers in his neck?
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dont you have some abos you ought to be sucking off
You wish he shagged you be honest
Yeah unless they can be seen to be generous they dont give a shit.

im white and have had my bottom complimented but you wouldnt like my hairy man tits. did get a good look down a birds top and she had massive chebs so that was as good as a tip.

honestly its rare that i tip. i dont really get things ordered and if i do its royal mail delivery and they never get tips so ill never expect it. was just interesting to see who will tip.

zero. ive done 5 shifts averaging 20 deliveries per shift. admittedly the other 4 i was with another driver learning the ropes so people probably arent going to tip when there is 2.
im white, English for at least 250 years because ive got an uncle on both sides who did a family tree. do have a Scottish surname though.
god real life women look so grim whats even the point
Wash twice with soap then dry off well with a separate towel
women aren't allowed to do the haka in maori culture
Use the shower head and aim up at your asshole. It kinda hurts sometimes but it gets the job done. I highly recommend doing that thing some people do here where they poo in the tub first and carry it to the toilet afterwards. The squat position is the ideal way to empty the bowels.
Kind of mental how most of the women got a slap on the wrist
Apparently Allison Mack still attends fan conventions and shit
new bird at toil has a massive wobbly arse and she wears tight black leggings that slot right up her arsecrack can't stop staring at it when she walks past
Got the 'white male, Indian female' porn on.
I got lucky and received some money from a liability settlement recently and get money every month for doing fuck all. You need to earn save and start investing so you can live off the income from your trades
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Answer my question
Isn't this guy a literal Neo-Nazi?
No, it's an evil question and you should seek psychiatric help.
it must be so grim being a woman
being old, decrepit, senile, saggy tits
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>Isn't this guy a literal Neo-Nazi?
listening to miles davis
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Why don't you have any friends?
What made you this way?
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things were rough before the 2007 fiat 500
>poo in the tub first and carry it to the toilet afterwards
Anon what the actual fuck are you talking about?
think I would leave and take my wedding gift with me if this happened
Which record
I'm funemployed :^)
You were literally defending a pedophile in the previous thread. YOU need help.
In 2020, “Vanguard” Keith Raniere was sentenced to 120 years for abusing women. Meanwhile, Mack received a sentence of three years in prison and three years of supervised release for her role in the scheme.
Have a weird attraction to an indian girl I work with. She's an immigrant so she has a thick accent, she's chubby but curvy and has big tits. Not even that pretty and I'm making her body sound better than it is. I feel like a loser with low standards for wanting to shag her but I think that makes me want her more
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if maori want to do their little dance that's fine but i dont think the civilized whites should try to copy it
Why are you @ing me? Leave me out of your feud.
imagine how her curryhole looks like
Zased. So fucking Zased.
>She's an immigrant so she has a thick accent
you lost me
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No I mean Miles Davis lives in my walls and talks to me
my dad had a fiat multipla from 98-2002. dunno what possessed him to get it besides that we were a family of 6. ugliest car ever but it was alright inside.
Indian accents are really unattractive on women. Not even a racist thing it's just the way they sound is very unfeminine. I feel similarly about Northern English accents desu.
Seriously though you apparently waited all day lurking here until someone posted about your fave eceleb clown then you started spamming about him vigorously don't you have ANY friends or even acquaintances you can spend time with outside this website?
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>he doesn't shit exclusively in the shower or on the sink
Slap on the wrist compared to Keith
Stupid sexy Selby
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>Spainnonce, Clogwog
ye da drives a fiat 500
Mark Selby is a zesty man.
In Scotland and just saw something like 15 fighter jets fly south
dont they say loads of animals have got eyesight ten times better than us
why dont they make human eyes as good as theirs with their technology
I just happened to come on /Brit/ at that time.
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He's literally me
dunno why i just remembered this but i just thought of a weird clip of muzzies telling an old lady in a hospital bed saying words that convert you to islam or whatever and remember a lot of seethe as a result of it
as if saying some dumb arabic phrases will change your life or something lol
Would you rather be killing it socially but have a crap job, or the other way around?
finally, the revenge of the flying jocksman
What's he saying
easier to parlay social life into a good job than a good job into a social life
Love dossing about. Love doing nothing. Love bumming around. Love sleeping. Love snoozing.
Just disrespectful though isn't it.
on the berghain subreddit trying to crack the code
That's racist
just made a banging chow mein, the secret is msg
No you don't
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leftypol on the pull
cracker honkey
Chow mein? What German dish is that?
me? more of a Stephen Lee
Spainparasite posting the most boring shite and getting no replies but continuing to do it every day of his existence out of some deluded idea he's trolling the same 3 or 4 people who also post here every day.
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how old were you lads when you had your first wank?
how so?
yayyy i love animal abuse
please post more animal abuse webms!
Old enough to seed you enough to sneed
*to the tune of Karma police*
Starmer police
Arrest this man
>Less than a fortnight until TF2 halloween returns

Where did the time go lads
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tonights viewing
It's getting deleted when Deadlock launches
>TF2 halloween returns
What's that?
190 my son please stop posting
you just know she stinks
you can sense the BO
*closes /brit/ and gets on with my life*
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Explain this to me nigel, if you sent all the bad people to straya then how come they have boobamonke and you have that ugly rat thing
Valve never deletes games. You can still play TF Classic now provided you could actually find anyone to play it with you
look at us. so alone
Doing nothing is the secret to happiness
I want to stay up but I can't find any reason to
I was gonna watch inside out 2 but I realised I just don't care to watch films anymore
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big if true
I liked the monkey girl from house of dragons better

I heard that GRRM called season 2 shit
It's late go to bed and wake up early
feeling properly unwell atm
this you?
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whats wrong with you need a good kick up the arse do you
George R R Molkien
Looking for bum fun in SW1
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the minority report is upon us, lads
imagine the smell
PLEASE be a hetrosexual woman willing to travel 150 miles to Staffordshire
When all our jobs are taken by AI, will we just all become bennie scroungers living in pods and watching YouTube all day
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vgh... the beauty of the anglo-saxon race shall never perish from Eorþe...
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Can't wait for it to fuck up and misinterpret evidence (or just invent false things) but you won't be able to criticise it without being called a "luddite".
My dream is to fuck a tiny girl so hard that she snaps in half like a twig
Nah, if that happens it will be Minecraft time and the rich politicians and corporate overlords who forced this garbage on us will be in big trouble.
Arsehole feels like it's about to prolapse
You will get domed instantly by a killbot
>Pubs could be forced to close their doors early under “nanny state” measures to target harmful drinking.

>In a move to roll back the “Continental cafe-style of drinking culture” introduced by Sir Tony Blair, Andrew Gwynne, the public health minister, said the Government was considering “tightening up the hours of operation” of bars and pubs.

>Mr Gwynne said the idea was being examined by ministers as part of efforts to improve health and tackle anti-social behaviour.

Comically evil
doing a suckcocko puzzle
living in SW1 must be sick, makes N16 look rural in comparison
The sheeple in this country will be all for it considering how duped they were into taking an experimental vaccine
ffs i flipped a coin to decide whether or not to go to the gym and fate has destined that the gym it is.
im going to do a poo
24th September in 15 minutes
you best start believing in dystopias
you're in one
Soon be christmas
two tier poo barmer is absolutely determined to close every pub in the land
shes a 10 in my book. congrats carly

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