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She/her gf edition
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first for stafford
We all Seaside in life x
Seems obvious but why tho
Why does he despise pubs?
Cheeky little good nights sleep on the cards
got a big fat spot on my face- have 4 bird lined up on bumble but can't make a move until this little twat fucks off
genuinely the best thing in life
a good night of rest
so gammons are crying 1984 because the government wants to curb binge drinking

y'all even read that book?

dumb smug nordicks in the comments
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need a girl to spit in my mouth
scratch that, the poles and germs are getting in on it too about winter tyres
Have you read it?
just did such an unpleasant poo that I reckon I'll need a shower not to feel grim when I go to bed
Why is it the government's place to decide how much people can drink or at what hours?
yes. alcoholism was a tool of the party.
bore off you gay little fascist nonce
kind of want to put a big effort in this christmas but also kind of don't there's not much point to it
hey nerd, show me your bumhole! HAHA look how small his knob is NERD
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>y'all even read that book?
book a trip to Europe
never learned what poo steaming means exactly
he is evil. no other explanation for it.
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>alcoholism was a tool of the party.
Steaming like a poo
leftypol shouting about fascism while his government bans people from doing things they don't like
Just can't understand it. He's not even doing anything left-wing he just seems to be doing things to deliberately piss people off
>kill the pubs
>freeze the grannies
>release the violent murderers and rapists
Like what the fuck is going on. How is this acceptable?
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>Woman, 46, with severe asthma died 'in horrific circumstances' after waiting 39 HOURS on a chair in A&E
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ate a lot of chicken fillets I later found out were undercooked
Looks like a Wetherspoons
Fucking love smoking weed
it's that cute girl from Cyberpunk 2077
The ability to metabolize codeine is very less in Asians (2%) and Arabs (1%), which makes it codeine is a relatively ineffective analgesic in these populations.
leftypol loves everything about fascism except for the nationalist aspect
in every other regard he agrees with the fascist model of total state control
Such an alcoholic retard
Have no beer in the house but dying to go out and get some
just shagged a gelf
and he is happy to openly take bribes
it would be comical if it wasnt the supposed leader of the country
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>very less
>very less
yeah the one with the salad fingers voice
>When two elements are chemically bonded together forming a new chemical. For example, water is a compound of hydrogen and oxygen.

>When two substances are mixed together and one dissolves within the other but they are not chemically bonded
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Odd-looking duck...
gonna make a nice plate of penne arrabbiata
monching my meng
>out of my nuts
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Toil over

Toil on the morrow
Oh look its lowercase mong
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Another tough constipoo for me
Bumberg will be sore at toil pon the morrow
on the real balance of things? who's ever said that as a non-ESL
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>really hard problem in excel
Feels like he's speedrunning the Blair era
Tony at least was pretty popular for a few years until the wars and mounting scandals torpedoed Labour's reputation
Keir has just jumped right to the 2005 stage when they were hated by most people and only won elections because the Tories were a shambles. He skipped over the whole "cool britannia" part where they actually won over the populace and improved things
I have seen her naked
Would be hilarious if it was revealed he did black face at a party once
I'd massage your bumberg if I could, sweet cheeks
It's a bit boney not much to grab onto I'm afraid
love a nice bit of pasta me
pray I don't wake up x
praying you do x
everyone else learned this in like year 7 lol
just started raining quite heavily lads
Will nonce your dead body if you don't so you better do
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last night the lads saved my life x
the rain has died down now to a drizzle
any chronic jock itch man in?
what's the best lager
Ok cheers weathernonce. Why not post something interesting for once???
i'm batshit insane to the point of unemployability but the government won't grant me disabilitybux and instead forces me to apply for shitty jobs that i'll be sacked from within a week
might have to kill myself, there would be more honour in it
ktim. I use cream to make it go away and then forget to continue administering the cream and it comes back again haha
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i'll have the they/them gf instead please waiter
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Apparently the Blair fatigue was already beginning to settle in by the turn of the millennium since the Labour party had already experienced a bunch of scandals.
Peter Mandelson didn’t disclose a donation of £350k made to him and subsequently resigned in 1998.
Bernie Ecclestone donated £1 million to the Labour party to keep cigarette ads on F1 cars. Labour did return the money after the donation was revealed but the damage was already done which stung quite a bit because it hadn’t been a full year since the 1997 election.
Keith Vaz received large amounts of money from some Indian billionaires which comically enough Peter Mandelson was also involved with. Mandelson resigned for a second time.
This one is also quite typical:
>Jo Moore, within an hour of the September 11 attacks, sent an email to the press office of her department suggesting: "It's now a very good day to get out anything we want to bury. Councillors' expenses?"
i've tried everything, creams, washing more, washing less, looser underwear, tighter underwear, no underwear, it never goes away
Let me guess all your poor mum's fault
Pull your socks up
i have no gf
get the brazilian folk music on
don't care what anyone says
i'm not gay
i'm dissociative lad, as in pure movie plot twist split personality, as in i'll come to and realise i can't account for the past 5 hours, luckily other personality likes to sit around in my smeggy bedroom too so it's not really much of a risk factor
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what like aztec stuff?
Maybe you were just asleep
Rorke having relationships with women and sex with men
it would be funny if Jeremy Corbyn pulls a coup. at this point id honestly prefer that crackpot old socialist
I mean I just order Chinese shite off Amazon and it removes it for me. Charmpoo. But as I said I forget to keep it going so the single jock itchlet that's left is allowed to spread again.

You followed the instructions with the creams and it hasn't removed it at all?
Why are their babies so fucking massive it's not right
wash more regularly. i get it if i dont wash enough. canesten clears it right up for me
i like cheese and tabasco
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yes pls x
Tobusco >.<
you tell em kiddo
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>My name is Scott Bradford. I'm 19...well I'm gonna be 20 in like Decem-ACK
imagine being the bloke who nominated hitler for a nobel peace prize
probably never lived it down
Just did a nonce poo
clapmeat coming back out of the shag shed with her bantu bull
How come Aussies are so much more alpha than Brits?
Was it Hitler
please try not to sexualise the penguins
whats his problem with Gaz Nev?
there was a fly in the fridge earlier which gave me the final impetus to give the bastard a proper clean
feels much better now
mad how cats can have down syndrome
drunk man outside going UUGH UUGH UUGH
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Are they noticeably more stupid than standard cats
dunno why but I love Tranmere Rovers walk out song. not a Tranmere Rovers fan, just a good instrumental tune.

just recently learned what a gammon is (in a slang context), been looking for this term for ages, i've just been calling them bazzas
Remember when Obama got the Nobel Peace Prize solely for not being Bush
cronem got done with her pale flapmeat
Hate life and living.
imagine how long he must have sat trying to make an anagram out of that and other variations and that was the best he could come up with
¡Ay, caramba!
That's me mate. I'm just reciting my speech for the upcoming Mensa International conference. Apologies if it is disturbing you at this late hour.
catbergs are already pretty retarded, it most noticeably affects their motor skills so they're not agile like normal cats
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mad how they can have wobbly cat syndrome and be all wobbly for their entire lives
trying to recount the last time I saw a catberg doing something clever
probably used one of those anagram generators
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wobbly man syndrome
Hiding in the warehouse so i dont have to toil nomore
wobbly willy
Wish Kelsey Grammer was on the first plane that hit the WTC
Ok but we’d all shag one of them if no one ever found out right?
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What went wrong lads?
wobbly fat evil man syndrome
uggalee baby
27 HECKIN degrees outside
Watching FRASIER!
They're callin' again! aha
this is painful to watch. i fucking hate nerdy girls so much.
I never liked Shartli XCX.
reduction in the consumption of offal
Incel moment
Erm that's problematic
mad how most vegans are severely malnourished
don't care if she is a tranny she is makes good videos and has good taste in games. yes i call her SHE because i'm not a CHUD
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>she is makes good videos
Genuinely have a huge crush on her
You mad rorke?
qrd on bribes?
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trannyism is just a way for nonces and woman-haters to give a thin veneer of moral superiority to their shitty behaviour
This room reeks of body odour and mountain dew I bet.
i'm not british to worship any 4/10
mad how Queen Victoria didn't believe lesbians existed
I really don't think your country's women are that attractive to be honest. They're overhyped
prime ministers used to be having pints with chinese president now you close pubs because health reasons? why is britain not free any more?
>They're overhyped
they are indeed. we have some 11/10 goddesses but the average is just like any other place in the world.
Seen her getting piped up the shitter
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genital preferences are just another kind of racism
If keir legalised weed I'd build a statue of him out of marble using only plastic spoon
Is it a good vid or is it grim
thread's full of grimbob grims
i'm out
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Literally nobody in their right mind has supported incels just because they happen to also be trans. Get help.
Genuinely what do you think the year 2100 will be like?
too poor for a girlfriend, me
can't be fucked to get a job, and only have £4k to make it through to next year
throw a bird into the mix and I'd get through that allowance in a fortnight.
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Flying cars and video calls
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i quite enjoyed jak x combat racing myself although i do prefer the mainline games
We already have flying cars
yeah trannies never talk about the 'cotton ceiling' do they
the former head of stonewall never compared lesbians who won't sleep with trannies to racists did she
lying cunt
I'm not optimistic.
poo barmer has been accepting bribes. fancy clothes for his and his mrs. donations for access. a few of his cabinet have been caught out for doing the same. the thing that really pisses everyone off, because we all know politicians are corrupt, is the blasé way they have handled it being exposed.
Corr love ladysmell
feel like the internet is just a nonstop barrage of vitriol exchanged between rorke and leftypol with onlyfans slags acting as cheerleaders
i'm not having anymore of it
love her. them. whatever
>yeah trannies never talk about the 'cotton ceiling' do they
I've never seen it be discussed even on heavily trans communities like /lgbt/ here or on Reddit.
I'm pretty sure it's just a term one pervert made up and then people started latching on and assuming "all trannies are like that".
I saw something on the news about a politician over there paying $14,000 for a birthday party. Is that the same thing?
when did "rorke" come to mean anyone left-wing rather than meaning specifically a british right-wing imperialist tory type?
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>when did "rorke" come to mean anyone left-wing
anyone right-wing i meant
i'm using my own smeggy /brit/ cultural background and applying it to the world as a whole, it translates perfectly fine
think my cat might have down syndrome :/
He must have been taking notes from Trudeau. Plenty of examples where he would take lots of free stuff or simply charge taxpayers for luxury hotel rooms and vacations, media would run a story on it, then nothing would come of it and it continues.
It will only get worse and somehow become accepted as status quo despite seemingly everyone agreeing it is unacceptable.
sick of being called a granny shagger for dating a woman ten years older than me
yeah its "i didnt take bribe, a rich business man just gifted me a 10k suit" and they didnt bother reporting the 'gifts'.
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don't think that's a song on the album
the lack of self awareness is so tragic
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yeah almost like it's a mental illness or a cult or maybe both
kek how is that even legal?
I never played a Jak and Daxter game. I also never played Crash Bandicoot
just learned about xlookup
this is a game changer for my really hard problems in excel
absolutely no chance i'd be able to live with myself if i were one of these, the SSRIs must really be working
femoids make oestrogen sound like a drug addiction when they moan about menopause
not that i dont believe them its just weird
Wonder what happened to this one. This image is really old from like 2010 or something. Where are they now?
kiss me
missing out lad, jak and daxter is the only truly great naughty dog series (fuck uncharted and the last of us)
i've heard ratchet and clank is very similar and possibly better but i never played it
the labour apologists have been saying "the tories did it" as if that makes labour not look as bad. its absolutely status quo now and there is nothing anyone can do.

grey area i suppose. its fucked up but thats politics.
nowt wrong with trannies
just the weak taking themselves out of the genepool innit
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I do own the Crash remasters on Switch but haven't got around to playing them. They look pretty hard from Youtube videos I've watched. As for Jak I know they re-released them on PS4 and was thinking of playing them soon
>grey area i suppose. its fucked up but thats politics.
Politicians here take legalized bribes too, but that's just very blatant. Here they have to jump through way more hoops.
what's a chaser
No thanks
that's me in the dreamcloud but all the trannies in my area are grim
"straight" men who "chase" after trannies
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>the Tories did it
they catch the contestants on the chase and try to eliminate them from the game
Cis male who has a sexual fetish for trans women but doesn't really see them as women and usually just wants to get fucked in the ass or something
the trannychaser scare is a load of nonsense perpetuated as a meme entirely by self-concious fags who just want an excuse to weed out the ones they deem too ugly
yearning for a /brit/ where people dont seethe over trannies or even bring them up
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>the trannychaser
No it's definitely real. Just look at all the lads here on /brit/ who spam "coorrrrrrr i'd love to suck her knob" every time an image of a trans girl is posted. Those men should not be let within 5 miles of any trans person
dunno how long its been called X but I'm still calling it twitter and do not think that will ever change
emerald mine saffer tarquin really fucked up with the rebranding
I'm a chaser but I'd never suck a knob or get topped
I only want to bum them
katie and big harv
that is the tranny discord and you know it
a girl who hasn't brushed her teeth breathing on your face
>taking anything you see on this website seriously at all
idiot bastard
luv em x

kino aroma~
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nth for the gyaldem
>Cis male who has a sexual fetish for trans women but doesn't really see them as women and usually just wants to get fucked in the ass or something
you have literally just described a homosexual man
why are king crabs so delicious lads
it's like god deliberately created the perfect food animal
some real fucking freak hours right now
may as well be on /r9k/ at this point
wikipedia porn >.<

had a cute optician with stinky onion breath breathe on me once
why are you asking /brit/
we don't eat crabs in this country
Yeah but they're in denial about it is the point.
pray may i ask why ever not?
love cute girls with bad breath
I think English women are underrated desu, they at least enjoy being women I think somewhere like Denmark Sweden or Germany would be worse where women all have little man syndrome
bland diet of beige dinner doom cycle
Why be a chaser. Why not just be a normal guy who is attracted to trans women
thats a man you blind ape
i thought brazillians knew about trannies
You freaks will make a fetish out of anything
Soon it'll be
>a woman who is really ugly and fat and disgusting in every way and hates my guts and doesn't want to have sex with me
What a fucking weird thing to fetishise
just started raining again
having had a date in 3 weeks so im thinking of chopping my cock off, giving myself a hair-filled bleeding permanent gash and rendering myself impotent for the rest of my life
clearly not a man is she
blud browsing /lgbt/ and reddit
was just saying this down the pub
Yeah and you browse /brit/
he got arrested for pepper spraying a woman who was burning koran pages recently
also he's a tranny now. shocker!
saars... >>>/lgbt/37376557
ofcourse a yank browses lgbt

cant make it up

im bisexual
rubbing my knob
its literally you and one other freak who do that bud
It's the resident trans yank probably, she's been here for a few years
Every time I check in on /brit/ this lower case /pol/tard is dumping his images and ranting and raving about trannies and Jews and whatever else
1 in the morning and he's still going at it lol
Sad fuck
>in my area
yanks love their general threads
absolutely love their gay boards
idk, probably /soc/
I don't do that though.
>tranny is violent towards women
wow never saw that coming
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One day she will get married and have children
not gay enough for /lgbt/
not pathetic enough for /soc/ or /r9k/
that's why i come to /brit/
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>feminine pronoun
yeah clearly is
ugly one at that
I went to the same uni as her at the exact same time as her btw
broke my chair again
Did you see her? She was usually in the library.
Low effort Spaedo bait

>1 in the morning and he's still going at it lol
>Sad fuck
You need to really self reflect this is quite the projection.
lass here on Bumble that's out of my league has messaged me. Waiting for the thing to reveal itself as a bot
okay sacked tranny
No. I didn't go to the library much
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that's a lesbian
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when I see a really elderly person I think how the fuck do you get through each day knowing that every time you go to sleep you might fucking die, or just thinking you're enjoying this season of the year and then realizing this may be the last time you ever see this season, shit like that
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mate that applies to all of us. might get hit by a bus tomorrow
Don't most of them believe they're going to be resurrected and live in paradise?
eddie izzard sex arse
plants don't have over fifteen micronutrients
thoughts on exeter?
been talking to this lad on grindr and he says he uses he/they pronouns
It's shit and I hated it
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They are having a much better time than any young niggas
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imagine being these people and having such little activity in your head
chin up la x
Flirted with one the aldi shop assistants today.
Really cute even though she was a bit fat and had these poorly fitted glasses on.
Exeter Uni is where you are meant to find English wives
You lot like to shit on these lads but I genuinely wish I had a family relationship like this
My dad's a miserable humourless bastard and my brother's estranged from the family
get the pensioners warmed up
catbergs might be thick but i dont think theyre as thick as marmots and groundhogs. theyre very emotive at least
the cute portuguese lady at my aldi i used to flirt with left :(
The girls there were mostly ugly. Posh girls with horsey faces and obnoxious accents
KTIM at 22 years ancient
tried to do some exercise today (I asked about getting fit yesterday) and suffered cramps up my back and in my bum so painful I writhed about on the floor for about five minutes making pitiful noises of pain I couldn't contain and my bum cheeks are still sore now. guess because I didn't warm up before doing a superman hold and squeezing my bum and lower back.
My dogs are very smart combined IQ of probably 190 maybe more
girlie what the duck
Exeter uni is where you go if you were too dim for oxbridge
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I am getting dhitfaced and chainsmoking alone tonight
was trying to meditate at the park but the mosquitoes kept biting me
what breed
Just have a conversation with him about what he wanted to do in life before he got your mum pregnant they're good talks to have
isn't that durham?
No clue I'm talking out my bloody arse I never even went to uni lol
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golden retriever
hate it when I come across as intelligent to people irl but really I'm just miserable
if I was really smart I think I'd be happier
reckon i flapped it on message 1 lol. Not a good move to ask her if Mark is trading in the PS5 to Cex tomorrow morning
start the pension warmers charity organizations

get them mits and firewood
Exeter, Durham, Bristol are probably the "big three" of Oxbridge reject unis
York too
fucking hell get it made
Hypothetical, subjunctive mood.
think I read somewhere that our IQ deprived brethren tend to have higher rates of depression. Ignorance is not bliss, it turns out
posting in here because it was posted first

not posting in here because it was posted last
he's right

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