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Ukrainsk Edition
why does it say i need to wait before posting a duplicate reply please??
Ah yes the 2am Commiemong edition
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fully conscious chadnadian
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>commiemong posting at 2am
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thinking about rape
terrible crime
because every post you make is exactly the same: pure shite
Actual thread for when this commiemong edition inevitably gets deleted for being about Ukraine and outside of /pol/
might get a job ferrying souls across the river styx into the underworld
Actual thread for when this commiemong edition inevitably gets deleted for being about Ukraine and outside of /pol/
seething samefag
I say the janny should use his powers to change the OP picture to a picture of a greggs sausage roll instead. you say the janny doesn't have these powers? I say different
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el proverbial cop
got a good deal (5 quid below retail)
probs could have got them cheaper in the middle of winter but maybe not
Actual thread for when this commiemong edition inevitably gets deleted for being about Ukraine and outside of /pol/
The janny does not have those powers. That's not how imageboards work
Actual thread for when this commiemong edition inevitably gets deleted for being about Ukraine and outside of /pol/
I say different
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big fan of doctor who
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well rorke?
Add a Knorr chicken stock pot or not. It’s your choice.
Actual thread for when this commiemong edition inevitably gets deleted for being about Ukraine and outside of /pol/
Pretty cool
mental how no one likes my edition but you're all here anyway
i dont like the edition but i like you x
/int/ was so much better in 2019.
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wessex has fallen
Yooo rorke on dem custard cream creps JEEZE!
next time I have a week off work, I go to a random city or town and get a hotel for the night. Just explore the place and then spaff my brains out on the Travelodge quilts
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beautiful women
dubs and you go to inverness
rorke playing fifa 12

leftypol playing EA FC 25 before everyone else
Nice VPN Ivan
the numbers Gods saving my ass there. Fucking hell
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it was still shit
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Want to go camping but I live in London
Me playing Fifa 96 on Sega Saturn
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ay, ay, ay, ay
rorke be lookin wet (ay)
ain't wearing dunks he on them custard cream creps (ay, ay)
drop a biccy in his tea, he look pathet (ay, ay)
haha fucked it for yourself get that ticket purchased
Nice VPN spainfreak
slava huntingdon and peterborough
adult deer should keep the speckled coat and fluffy tails of fawns. very cute
blud thinks he's charlie veitch
Any oldfags in? Is it true or not that in the early 90s here Nintendo wasn't popular at all and most people preferred Sega?
That's callums corner
Loves his dogshit hotel rooms
people had real lives back then
My head does NOT look like a SODDING tic tac
the numbers giveth and the numbers taketh away. Inverness it is then.
Oldfags are notorious contrarians to any good taste but i dont think they really have a hivemind preference in this case
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odd number and i go to bed
what was /brit/ like during the blair years?
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The Mega Drive was more popular than the SNES in the UK yeah, due to a different marketing campaign for the Mega Drive here which appealed to adults. But that's not at all to say Nintendo wasn't popular, just not as popular as the Mega Drive and the Master System.
Rorke on a mad one
good night lad
I have dreams all the time about not having any pants on and walking through somewhere i know
wtf is this humiliation ritual
and by the end, they're both naked
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the idea of a jew thousands of miles away wishing me a good night's sleep is simply bizarre
feel the same way about small breasts and youthful faces
why did the wog punch him then let him drive off
4chan didnt exist in the early 90s mate.
we were all on aol, then irc, then somethingawful
Why didn't he just fucking deck him? Imagine being such a pussy you let a naked twink hijack your car without doing anything
no thread subject you stupid idiot!!!!!!!!!
Why is Israel blowing up Lesbian? I thought they were having beef with Palpatine?
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crying apu always makes me sad
even number on your post
you must stay awake now
they were after Gazza last I heard
the fat domesticated wog underestimates lil timmy
hes not really a twink
its LEBANON and PALESTINE you simpleton
ladies with wobbly arses
not bothered to go to bed as it's so cold and empty and lonely
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i pgodds
porky pines are rodents
policy idea: ban the bra
>MASSIVE war in the Middle East is totally happening bro!
>Just two more weeks I swear!
I'll believe it when I see it, muchacho.
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ok i had it on auto post and i was typing something so it doesnt count

ok then geography genius. Explain how there can be a middle of the east?
going braless is becoming pretty popular for zoomers seeing a lot of bouncy boobs with hard pokey nipples lately even year 9 girls
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Not really.
turkey was historically known as the near east, with china being the far east, hence why the arabian peninsula is known as the middle east
always assumed porcupines were related to hedgehogs but i guess i was wrong
piss off nerd
*pulls your trousers down*
Actual thread for when this commiemong edition inevitably gets deleted for being about Ukraine and outside of /pol/
wonder how liberating it feels to have the breeze on your balls in the middle of public like that
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im not wearing trousers
modes he just posted porn
holy fuck
Going for my 4th wank of the day down here in my very own particular country.
she's going spazmodic whys she doing that
ring o noodle soup. eating it right now lads
currently enjoying the latest rekt thread on /gif/
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as an American I will protect you while you sleep <3
at the park, there's a pair of tradies here who have been on smoko for at least an hour
Going to cum just by watching this girl's face >>202608444
getting an asian gf after seeing this
is it chinks getting btfo by dodgy equipment in funny ways, or just a gratuitous splatter fest?
used car for sale, female owner, excellent condition
wanted to collect guns til i found out how expensive they were let alone we can't even get cool ones up here anyway
that car needs detailing now
consider collecting a clue
hate this food trend where recipes are increasingly simplified and made with as few ingredients as possible
how monged out do you have to be to want to cook a meal with THREE ingredients ffs
going through the motorbike rekt thread atm so it's all good
not into any of those cartel videos personally i never watch that sort of stuff
just people getting squashed by lorries or whatever is enough for me
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Is there one of these memes for british empire and its colonies?
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You just know youre gonna end up eating more microplastics than actual food when you see one of those youtube shorts
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did he died
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ought to replace india with poo zealand
yeah i remember planking
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made a full american
willy wonka shit what am I looking at
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It's been quite active for a monday night.
I'm off then

I hate excessive decorating on food. Makes me not want to eat it.
Spaghetti aglio e olio Is based
fussy ponce
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The new 'ive

italians will seethe but i usually add prawns and sauteed vegetables
Isn't this guy a literal Neo-Nazi?
nothing wrong with a bit of garnish
yes there are good recipes that are simple but websites all putting out "recipes" for fettucine alla limonicina (pasta with lemon and butter) is retarded
then it's just a different dish

my point is why is there so little focus on actual technique and just learning how to cook healthy simple food every day? it's become robotic
so not aglio e olio then
pasta al limone is easily one of my favourite pasta dishes
just lemon zest, juice, some mint, and finished with pecorino or parmesan, it's stupidly good
don't why this canuck mong thinks simple dishes are bad
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fuck off you fat cunt, back to /cum/
aglio e olio refers to the sauce so it's the same dish
simple as
people who say 'veggies' should all be rounded up and shot
good morning sirs
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Speaking of
delishus diabeetus
zhang, get the nukes
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I've got your three ingredients:
-HP sauce
these maniacs are selling deep fried kool aid and youve got a problem with the word veggies
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Seethe you fucking bitch. Biyatch.
I will admit my original post makes it seem that I'm against simple recipes and want to make it clear that that's not the case
my gripe was with everyone trending toward simpler and simpler recipes to the point where everyone is publishing the same recipe for the same simple thing
so instead of there being a development of taste and personality, or exploring new combinations, it's just "classic" simple recipes that add nothing to the literature
four ingredients
here's another:
dont think i ever had HP sauce

just call it brown sauce
holy based
what ziggy gonna do
>four ingredients
five including the mint
whats wrong with deep fried kool aid?
Not based, you colossal moron
branstons mogs the shit out of hp
gonna order a doner n chips i reckon
wanted one earlier but mumberg went and done a curry
pookraine lol
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I was born on the 5th anniversary of 9/11
deep frying is the culinary equivalent of adding a bump stock. just makes it more lethal
So you've only been on 4chan for 2 weeks right? Considering it was illegal for you to browse here on 10th September or earlier.
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i'm exactly 10 years older than you
another thing too is that often the recipe will be ostensibly about a classic dish that depends on solid execution (e.g., aglio e olio, pasta al limone, carbonara, etc.) but then they'll add extra ingredients that aren't necessary like cream or substitute critical ingredients like bacon for guanciale
imma steal this rare pepe fr
I can't stop looking at this pepe
Currently listening to The Jesus Lizard

thinking about how I hate the retards who invented the iphone
kursk status?
looks like 190 found a working VPN after a few hours of trying
no, this is what happens when you make the OP image political, random jf's wander in
The ass is in the ass
The anus has been degloved
The eggs are being cupped
Hello literal child
I've been here the entire time
Mad how 16 year olds were born in 2008
Nearly 2009
Old enough to buy energy drinks
Flippin mental 'ow people born 16 years ago are 16
Imagine not being alive when Obama was elected
I am as old as 4chan I been on this site since 14
>Parents welcome twins from embryos frozen 30 years ago

imagine how smart a 30 year old baby will turn out to be
old enough to fuck
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9 more days until I move to the uk I love you all
No, they're objectively not.
>discover 4chan in 2017 because YouTubers thought it was cool
>End up being stuck here
Thank you for making my autism worse
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Honestly the fact that prozzies are legal in Australia but not in the U.S. is absolutely BANANAS
trannies are disgusting
I have been to England, Scotland, and Northern Ireland, but I have never been to Wales.
Should be raised to 18.
Well I was 14 autistic and my mom and dad were never home
It's shit just like the rest of them >>202609228
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>Woman, 59, and four runaway horses die in horror crash between Mercedes and van on Scots road
Then go. what does it take you like an hour to drive there? Britain is so small lol
not much there, better off going to the isle of man
I started using 4chan at the beginning of 2015. Planning to quit for my 10 year anniversary.
Trans women are cute
I want a trans tradwife
why is that so crazy?
It's all England mate.
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You could LITERALLY leave around breakfast time and be eating lunch in Cardiff Lol
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the lads
Literally everywhere along that route is a dirty wog infested shithole.
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mental how much yanks ruined this show
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*enters brip*
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but I'm not from London
Idk maybe our general attitude toward freedom and capitalism and whatnot.

Far stricter gun control in Australia for example. But we are still puritanical about women exchanging sexual services for money despite things like OnlyFans being hugely popular and legal.
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scored some gear lads, the next week or so is looking very comfy
As a Scot, I have a fear of England because it is overpopulated.
they ruined everything
On my way to college I shat on the floor because I couldn't make it to the toilet it was really massive and explosive hopefully they won't ask me about it
thank you for your service
I’ve been to Southampton but never been to Scunthorpe
you didn't really though did you you're just making up stories to try and fit in with us /brit/ lads
have you been to scarborough fair?
great album lad
Ngl I ate tacos from a gas station truck and decided that I rather shit on the bathroom floor than my pants
mass shittings
the deadliest high school shooting was also done by a jewish amerimutt
Southampton is vile. Fucking hate Hampshire. So many dirty chavvy shitholes in one county.
Fucking Aldershot. What a shithole.
*puts rorke and leftypol to bed*
Gravy’s good tonight.
going to freshers week to shag the 18 year old students
keep getting big whiffs of aged cheese but there is none here just me
i'm basically the opposite of james bond, i don't know how to talk to women and i'm pretty much completely without any discernible skills
You guys ever shit in a urinal I used to do it because I thought it was funny i also shat on my professors porch because he lived nearby me
The bab n chip
bros i just ate 3 hamboogas
let's start writing comedy
Going to freshers week to shit on the floor.
oh gay can you wee
by the dawn's early shite
all the places near me don't do delivery at this time
even maccies has mcdelivery "unavailable"
pisstake, really
Love Halloween me
fucks sake
are you the lad who has to eat bread if he gets hungry at night from before
all my bed sheets are even too smelly or havent dried yet after the wash
Sauce in a separate pot please
big boy
you never did any of those things you're just making up stories to try and fit in with us /brit/ lads
this could be me tomorrow but i probably just won't get up instead
i just cook my own food if i'm hungry
just a shame i can't order a takeaway
So I order so hard, motherfuckers wanna serve me
But first niggas gotta find fish
What's fish fillet to a motherfucker like me?
Can you please order for me?
Order so hard, this shit crazy
Y'all don't order that don't fish faze me
The fish could go 0 for 82
And I look at you like this fillet with gravy
Order so hard, this shit fillet
We ain't even 'posed to order here
Order so hard, but since we here
It's only right that we'd order fish fillet
Hungry, I'm liable
To go Michael, take my order
Fish, Tuna, Catfish, Game 6
Order so hard, got a fish fillet
Fishies that don't glug-glug
Waiter's that's losing time
Hidden behind all these big fishes
E-eat so hard, I'm hungry too
I'm supposed to be ordering too
You ordered what I ordered
You'd be in Paris getting fish fillet too
Order so hard, let's get fish
Le Fishe for like six days
Gold fish, scold fillet
Spillin' sauce on my sick F's
Order so hard, fish, behave
Just might let you meet 'Ye
Chi-Towns, D. Rose
I'm moving the Nets, BK
Ball so hard motherfuckers wanna fish me
That shit fillet
That shit fillet
That shit fillet
Order so hard motherfuckers wanna fish me
That shit fillet
That shit fillet
That shit fillet
She said, "Ye, can we get fish at the mall?"
I said, "Look, you need to order 'fore you eat
Come and meet me in the restaurant
And show me why you deserve to eat it all"
Order so hard
That shit tasty (that shit fish)
Ain't it Jay?
Order so hard
What she order? (What she order?)
Fish fillet?
B-Ball so hard
Yo' fish fillet so cold (fish so cold)
This old fish?
Ball so hard
Act like you'll never be around fish like this again
Bougie girl, grab her fish
Fuck that fillet, she 'on't wanna dance
'Scuse my fish, but I'm in hungry
Hehe, I'm just orderin'
Prince William's ain't do it right if you ask me
'Cause I was him, I would've (ordered fish fillet)
Always laughed at how Kanye said "Prince Williams" in that song like he thought Williams was his surname
oh haha sory had a convo with a lad before that started the same
huge shame that though. there's not much i like more than a doner n chip in the middle of the night. makes it nicer if it's eaten at this time
*resists arrest*
To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour.
hope that horrible hong konger who posted that cat killing video here last night gets a visit from wei shen
Never heard a Kanye West song in my life
business idea: up syndrome (you are born with an IQ over 200 and look different from normal people but in a good way)
That's a lie.
No. I haven't paid any attention to pop music for almost 20 years. I have no idea what he sounds like. I'm sorry if that confuses you.
never really got into anime because of the trash on cartoon network late at night, looked gimpy as fuck
maybe they did that on purpose to save us from weeb mental illness
That's a lie.
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had a mate when i was a teenager who had an older sister who was completely wheelchair bound and crippled, drooling over herself and looking like she was in pain (looked a lot like pic related actually)
didn't know if she was also mentally retarded, but i honestly hope so, can't imagine anything more hellish than living like that while having normal cognitive abilities
think it might've been muscular dystrophy and they're not normally mental spackers (just look at stephen hawking), very sad
That's a lie.
was she fit?
Unless you've been locked inside your house for the past 20 years, you've definitely heard Kanye's songs at least a few times.
Did she have nice tits?
Oh do you now, how interesting, I shall write this down in my moleskin notebook... Yes, He Loves Halloween, he says. Period. And how does that make you feel, Andrew?
it's true mate, i remember her parents mentioning that she was like 25 or something but she looked about 12 to me
not an appropriate thing to ask (but no)
That's a lie.
nice to meet you
nice to meet your mole
Got a huge willy
ALS not MS i mean btw
That's a lie.
saw a plane spraying chemtrails earlier
That's a lie.
That's a lie.
Oppenheimer or Goodfellas. Tick tock tick tock tick tock. Toooo late. I shall watch Goodfellas, you're mad at me? Gonna cry about it?
leftypol's pecker rock hard at this
oi won moi fockin dinurrrr
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i've got photographic proof, read em and weep
That's a lie.
That's a lie.

That's a lie.

That's a lie.
hmm, what could they possibly have to gain by mostly sending over young military-aged males?
jarvis, open up flightradar...we've got work to do
Got a small willy
You're mad at me. About choosing to watch Goodfellas on a Monday. I bet that makes you quite sweaty and foul, be gone from my premises, and don't forget to kys.... should you ever lock your door, I shall be watching Goodfellas again and again and again ahahahahahaha
I am still working out while sick because I ain't no bitch
That's a lie.
That's a lie.
Yeah I bet you'd love a Goodfella in your smelly bedroom tonight wouldn't you?
Why can't everyone just admit that nobody would oppose middle easterners coming in if they were all fit birds. We just want the men to fuck off and die.
what are the best smoke spots in demons souls?
seen goodfellas too many times so i would oppenheimer
That's a lie.
I'm going to act like I've never heard a Kanye West song then reply to EVERYONE saying that they're lying lol xD
it's amazing how accurately he portrays a dropkick 13 year old australian kid
Actually going with Oppenheimer, you're right
That's a lie.
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new shirt whaddya thing
bit earl lee
yurt's cage in 3-2
imagine the vile sort of runt who would wear a garment like this in public
miss wheatley was fit
just desperate to have your new aren't you
I think /brit/ is the most incomprehensible general out here. Like ya'll straight out rambling your subconscious shit.
2nd film is genuinely an excellent political thriller intrigue film
sverigetraden is like walking to a special education class/psychiatric ward
i don't undestand their language but i can tell they're all complete fucking autists

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