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bunble bee edition

america yah
is vegas that cool? I have seen deals online you can pay like a few hundred bucks even for like 3-4 nights at a hotel with flights included
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the bread is warm enough to slice, I repeat, we are bready to slice!!
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yes / depends.

If you go with a bunch of friends and all that it's quite fun. It's also pretty cheap, flight is 260 roundtrip, although the strip is expensive.
Spinster how do I stop hating women
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>be my cousin
>have a wife and kids and nice house
>dad lives with you for half the year every year
>dad is known for being an asshole
>2020 comes
>dad stays longer than usual, violating agreement
>wife becomes furious
>wife gets in massive argument with dad that results in him leaving
>he cuts you and your kids out of his inheritance (he's worth millions)
>you also have to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to remove his stake of ownership on your house

Glad I'm not my cousin
good posts
cut me a slice
this is what i looked like earlier
I'm gonna go eventually. I just have other priorities right now. I don't really like gambling. I really want to do it once for the experience at least.
Have you ever went to Omega Mart in vegas? It looks really cool
nta but women are not a monolith
sweeping generalizations are pretty useless, you should hate individuals instead of groups. don’t throw the baby out with the bath water
o algo
i am surprised by much hatred is within american families. everyone sticks together where i come from
jason is spinny
talk to them you stupid face
>where i come from
and that is where?
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They sang Hail to the Commanders instead of the Redskins on the radio and I got #triggered
let me guess food is very important in your culture
Better question is how do I stop loving women? This has only brought me misery
I guarantee there are divided, toxic families where you come from, just like everywhere else on earth.
gotta turn cold hearted, like my father.
Yeah it's definitely worth going to at least once. Even if you're not into gambling it's close to hoover damn and the grand canyon, plus there's tons of shit to do.

Last time I was there my buddies went to area 15 where omega mart is buy they didn't go into it lol...then later they figured out it's the main attraction. I skipped it cause I couldn't sleep the first night so I took a nap
take your ashwagandha. i mostly want to kill women with hand tools
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>take your ashwagandha. i mostly want to kill women with hand tools
Hawaiian pizza was invented in Canada
That sounds cool, man. Hopefully you can check it out next time. Hope you have a good time
i look like this and say this
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Feeling schleepy
California hours
good to shleep, baby boy
Hawaiian pizza is gross thoughever
take an eep then silly
reality is that american families are far more divided. only americans understand the boomer meme because boomers are the ones taking out reverse mortgages so they don't have to give a single penny to their children
Gotta be the most unfunny shit ever
Good night
you are of your father the devil
You invented it.
night bud
good night eeper
It's not but it loses all it's value when cold or heated up
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reminded me of you guys
any of you hoe ass niggas know anything about making custom artwork for a fight stick? /vg/ was worthless
Do you have violent intrusive thoughts?
mostly sepuku
they’re not violent but yes
no never
yeah we might check it out, depends on who comes. we're going to an NFL game is the main reason for the trip so that'll be a blast
what are we gooning to tonight
pro-tip: don't go on /sp/
turbo heterosexuality
i prefer cum with other homos like myself
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futa as per usual
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I'm about to tickle your bussy but you can only use an object within arms reach to stop me
I hate acai bowls, I hate people that enjoy acai bowls, and I hate the word "acai"
would you suck a trans womans dick
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im not here this isnt happening
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that early 80s synth pop just hits different
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Covfeve's ready.
they are pretty overrated i agree
Is it worth spending money on dating apps
i would if shes hot
A racist lifted weights tonight
no I didnt
if they're hot enough i'd consider it
no but under certain circumstances i would let one suck my dick. and that's as far as i'd go
what if shes really hot
Umm I already did this morning sweaty
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No vagina
No attraction
if you guys are racist why would you come to /int/ - International where you will inherently meet people from different races and ethnic backgrounds
iron sharpens iron
are you implying they arent racist too?
she will
I don't come to /int/ I come to /cum/
kind of spooky
what’s the backstory
im not racist
I like to speak to foreigners online but i don't want to live near brown people and people who don't speak english.
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there's an omegle tag used exclusively by myself and a girl from albania. we match all the time and are developing a nice rapport
me in the middle i have bedhead
I don't know the backstory I just saved it because I liked it
Secular and Christian Iranians and Arabs are based
does she have a nice penis
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I want to go back to the hopeful optimism of the late 80's
just add her on discord
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is it just me or is he a little chunky
if i ask for her discord and she doesn't have one i'll look supremely autistic. i like the nature of our conversations how they are anyway
dont cry when she stops going on omegle
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he's a qtpi
might shave
shave what
what body part
i like his lil ears
do it anon im about to take my bath too
too much effort
Is it a red flag if a girls legs are frequently kind of hairy? Like a little bit past stubble? It makes me worry that she might neglect other parts of her hygiene
Sober tonight
Have some events later this week and want to ensure I'm in good shape mentally. First sober night in at least five days
are you conventionally attractive?
who cares it's not a big deal
you watch too much porn
im 9 days sober haha
This is why people prefer anonymous internet interactions. Because you meet them irl and your like shit this mfs a soy ass faggot
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just don't make vidya like they used to
stubble. im too lazy to care for it after 4 days
Might look into doing real estate
i mean if it’s bothering you go for it anon
thats what your mom said when you were born
happy for you both
it’s good to know when to take a break
like becoming an agent?
it's not a terrible career but it's definitely the kind where the top 10% earn 90% of the money. you'll likely be picking for scraps.
feeling hopeful for mamala
I was thinking of it as a side job
in that case it's a good side gig
drinking milk
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i think i would make a good president
would you guys vote for me
my first policy would be to give every cum user 5 million dollars btw
I heard there's flexibility too and you can choose your workload.
where are you going to get those $50-$100M from (assuming there are 10-20 unique posters)?
i would just make a law called the ‘feed hungry children act’ that gives a bunch of money for free school lunches nationwide but also has the cum user stimulus package attached to it
nobody in their right mind would vote against the “fees hungry kids” law
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>be my cousin
>uncle a known alcoholic stays at his house also his dad
>cousin has a religious wife she's qt but too naive
>cousin sends me a message because he thinks his wife is fucking his dad
>don't think about it because i just dismissed it as a cuck fantasy from him
>he caught them cause he installed some spy cams
>his wife gets fucked like 3 times a day
>also she's pregnant and he hasn't told any of them that he knows
Don't live with your dad if you're married i guess
fake and gay
what the fuck
just like in my hentai doujin
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I got home late so the dinner is going to be pretty light. But it’s nice.
yeah, if you have some targets set and don't push yourself it can be pretty lax. in my state agents get 3% commission so selling a single 350k house (which is about average across the country) nets you 10k. in bigger cities with more expensive houses, that gets higher. my understanding is that seller agents have a much easier time of things since they are selling a known quantity instead of having to walk a buyer through 30+ properties. only downside there is that it might take a few months to make the deal whereas buyer agents can usually get things done quickly.
wot dat?
Devoured a bowl of pasta and chugged a glass and a half of milk and now I feel bloated and fat
Looks like el monterey frozen burritos and beer, maybe fat tire
i think it looks like shit but people have told me to try growing it for at least a month. these people are my manager at work (60 yo lady) and my mom
those are some of the worst burritos
Flavorless but cheap
boomers dont know shit
That's what you get for drinking full fat milk.
In my state it looks like 5-6%. Even if I sell a cheap 260k house that nets me a pretty penny.
I put Diablo sauce on it. It taste like something now.
only if he's intolerant
I was gonna watch this a few days ago thanks
He said he was feeling bloated not shitting his brains out. He's just fat because he's American. It's ok, I'm fat too. We can be fat together. Let's work on losing the chub together, and our first step can be drinking 2% milk instead of homo/whole/3.25% milk. (American milk is disgusting and full of hormones and antibiotics anyways.)
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Lads it's pretty crazy when you notice how much raunchier JAV has gotten in the last few years or so. Pissing is now a totally normal staple of a JAV and puke is becoming more and more normalized.
I was drinking whole milk but Im not fat
all that matters is how you feel about it so if you think it looks bad then you don’t have to have it
this is really cool
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White women are killing the white race. They are bitches and refuse to have kids so the white men are going for the other races like Asians, Latinas, and blacks. It’s literally over.
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ok it’s bath time now that my stomach is okay again
can you imagine being one of these guys that's played gta online for the last 10 years
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I heart Canadian dairy.
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someone post the cats being tortured webms
Blasted way past my calorie limit today.
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shut the fuck up
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you cant make this shit up
funniest fucking thing I ever seen, morty
Bagged milk isn't a thing out west, aka the true Canada.
Just obliterated a spider on my bed.
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it's no longer the chinese century
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>Enter the Us legally becaise I have Yuro passport
>Stay in sanctuary city
>Marry some chubby corn fructose 28 year old girl for greencard.

It's that simple isn't it?
why americans always seething at canada
Correct. It's the jeet century.
Almost every muscle in my body is sore bros
is it only me or there are far fewer chinese posting from this cunt?
lmao have you tried not being a fatty
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I'm white. Here's my hand to prove it. That lil mark above the 2 is supposed to be an apostrophe lol.
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>day month year
janny is NOT gonna like this
2/10 would not receive handjob from
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me thinks you're replying to the wrong poster
that's a swarthy mena hand though
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Cope nigga!
i larp as a jeet now
post your nails
why are they like this >>202608161
Hold on I'm gonna cut them first.
Saving, keking, and sneeding.
Ipecac, now there's a word!
that's something about cement or something
**cums on your hand**
hope you dont mind :)
Your mom is cement or something
It's a drug that makes you vomit, used to treat poison in the olden days. Not really used anymore
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>walk into any supermarket
>pistachio cream and nut covered choccy bar for 0.60 euro
euros dont suffer
My testicles have grown
connections is a 404
wtf what do i do now
I don't eat things attached to wooden sticks because the texture of wood in my mouth makes me want to scream
Why do we have wings
If they just crash and burn
i dont have wings
play a real fucking game instead of this normie shit
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>dreading the thought of paying electric bill after weeks of hot weather
>check current usage and amount due
Thank you commiefornia
>real game
it's just a daily puzzle
what a retarded thing to seethe about
dont you have a credit card?
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need a cosplaying gf
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The nail clippers I currently have access to are shit so I wasn't really able to cut them but here ya go.
When are they mailing out ballots? What the fr*ck
bath was successful but brief cause i'm ravenously hungry
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Am I white?
weird ass looking fingers
enjoy buddy
they look fine anon don't let them pick on you
you're all swarthy pacos, it's so over
**cums on your hand**
I got really short fingers. It's a condition I'm sure of it. Nothing I can control.
quit being racist you goober
I'm a swarthy Stavros Milonokopolis
that's a 3d cg thoever
Meant for >>202611937
imagine it wasn't
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I have a friend that I need to send this too
benadryl is kicking in
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good night
you shouldn't use that stuff long term for sleep though it can give you alzheimers
hi seal anon
pretty picture i would have a picnic here if the stinkyness of the seals would permit it
Just a reminder if you are having weird page refresh issues is not intelligence agencies intercepting your connection
epicinternetgf has a similar body, i'm sure there are other thots out there like that too
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not horny, i just like women
I'm drinking covfefe so expect me to be here all night.
use what
night bud
Garlic and Onion, name a better duo
salt and pepper
meth and porn
benadryl, you shouldn't use it long term for years because it can give you alzheimers and dementia
bread and butter
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messsican bummy and my pp
My balls your face
or perhaps
My dick your mom's vagina
that's cool but you don't have to share everyone already knows you are a regular gooner
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It's a great place for a picnic, but there aren't any picnic tables so maybe its a walk and snack kind of thing. They were only revoltingly stinky in one section where you are closest to them, it's fine for the most part.
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where do you feel at home /cum/?
You should stuff your balls into a pussy sometime. It hurts at first but then it feels really good
alcohol and my 2011 corolla
I literally can't
ummm wat
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why? you got a problem with it? is it triggering your dysphoria or something?
i looked like that earlier on the top right
cute pic, yeah i wouldn't bring a whole picnic spread probably. picnics are best had in a calm meadow with lots of wildflowers anyway
I'll stuff your mom's Oreo cookies you piece of shit
You spread the pussy with one hand and get a ball to the mouth of the vagina then push it in with your thumb. Feels good
don't ever compare me to those people
dick in your butt
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this is one of those sort of randomly generated word posts that i was laughing about the other day
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My mom got me a bag of these I'm so happy.
No thanks, that sounds so awkward and uncomfortable
what's a croquant
don't worry girls love it broham
crunchy in french
Its cool. if a girl does kegels and stuff its like her bajingo is sucking on the ball trying to milk them. A strong vag can probably rip a nut off. The risk is part of what makes it so hot
sounds painful. ill pass.
gonna go take a poo
thanks for the update
I don't believe you
Pics or it didnt happen
Poop has corn in it
I just ordered a bunch of snacks from 7-11 using Uber Eats. We are living in the future
i got door dash to pick up some stuff from cvs for me earlier, i love it
Damn CVS open at this time of night would be nice
You don't have a 24 hour one near you?
it was earlier while i was contending with a really bad tummy ache
i got ginger ale and tums delivered
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decided against the poop
gonna extend my nopoop for one more day
Eastern belief systems say that fapping drains your life energy
very sweet
>we isolated ourselves, you understand
No, I do not understand. You isolated and then what?
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goodnight and sweet dreams
well you know
they made whoopee
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good night
have this opal
I gave your mom an opal necklace
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I'm going to slap you
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It’s so terrible that we live at the same time of two massive genocides but we’re conditioned to only care about one. One day, humanity will win.
that's nice of you
Huh did you know there are certain webm that are auto banned? Accidentally clicked one trying to upload something else and was immediately banned
must have been something pretty heinous
Which ones?
I got a few webms that get auto upload failed, but never banned for them.
Cinnamoroll is a good creature
I just get "Error: Upload failed."
No it's just this short midget guy who's running around naked in Brazil, it's pretty funny actually. Fucking annoying that it's an auto ban though
He was only 17 years and 364 days old when that was filmed you monster
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he is a dog, they don't specify on it any further than calling him a 'puppy' but in my headcanon he's one of those fluffy white poodles
but he can also fly with his ears and poodles can't really do that, but he was born in the clouds and accidentally fell down and landed at 'cafe cinnamon' and they gave him the nickname cinnamoroll because his tail resembles a cinnamon roll
Muslims are anti-human anti-life though.
Thanks for the lore dump
Rarest kind of African.
no prob bob
I think those are Melanesians, but I could be wrong
Hello Kitty is a girl. I doubt that Cinnamon Roll is a dog.
Your mom is a girl
this went viral recently but they have already put something out on this

>In 2014 an anthropologist was told by Sanrio that Kitty White was not simply a cat (i.e. "depicted on all fours"), describing her as a little English girl called Kitty White, from outside London.
>Following reports that interpreted this to mean she was human, a Sanrio PR representative said that the organization had "never said she was a human", explaining anthropomorphization by comparing the character to Mickey Mouse: "No one would mistake the Disney character for a human–but at the same time he's not quite a mouse.
>Just like Hello Kitty isn't a human, she's not quite a cat either." Sanrio stated further, "Hello Kitty was done in the motif of a cat. It's going too far to say that Hello Kitty is not a cat."
Sanrio lore is serious business
I like Keropi
thread dead, it's officially goon o'clock
Ryan Murphy shouldn't be allowed to make any more TV shows

I like the dog one
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Very little things I could care less about than this sanrio shit
Have you ever said anything positive in this general?
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good choice not the most popular so i respect it
is it pompompurin? i love him too

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