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FIFA 96 for Sega Saturn edition
bit gay me
poo smells lmao
stop making early news and commit suicide
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which on, /brit/?
sick of the woke nonsense.
poopy pooey bumhole smells is it lad?
do you have any other gimmicks or are you just poo smells lad?
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looks better above the knee
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gay me like

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>345 results found.
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say what you want about forced gimmicks - but rorke was pushed by one lone schizo for months before it took off
>friends message me to say hello
>i say hello back, figuring they must feel like chatting
>they don't respond
why the fuck does this keep happening
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Why can’t we just replace trains with monorails?
Just make them thinner and put one on each rail. We have one train using two rails at the minute. Think about how much more efficient everything would be.
As a bonus you wouldn’t have to pay these ridiculous train driver wages and I don’t think there is a monorail union either.
This one. Saw a couple of school girls yesterday with tights that size on and their skirts were outrageously short for being actual school girls unlike your chink. I'm sure they were 16, they looked like right slags it was well horny.
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where is he
must be grim for all these old YouTubers to realise that - not only are they years past their peak in popularity, viewership, and influence - but that they have pretty much no transferable skills and need to run the gravy train until the wheels fall off if they don't want to live on the streets
Years ago I used to crop reaction images from random people I knew from school's FB accounts and spam them on 4chan in the hopes they'd become widely used. Just thought it was funny
i prefer as high as possible before it becomes full pantyhose, i like a little suggestion of upper thigh between the skirt and stockings

got the gay porn music on
I'm not a big Zelda fan TBF but I enjoyed Twilight Princess and Minish Cap. Ocarina of Time was good too. Majora's Mask...well I can see how the timer adds to the atmosphere and tone of the game and makes everything seem quite tragic and melancholic BUT I just don't like being rushed.
He's always the top 3 posts
why? i've been trying to achieve a prostate orgasm for days now but all but all i’ve got is a sore arsehole
>remember old youtuber from 10-15 years ago who used to get 100,000s of views
>look up their channel now
>they're still going but only getting a few 100 views on each video

Often when the namefaggot circlejerk is in full swing here I'll take a trip to /dixie/ and observe how much worse it could really be.
Remember when ISIS was a big thing?
When I was 20 some lass in her school uniform shouted "YOU'RE WELL FIT" at me when I got on the bus
Bit grim but mental
just messaging to say hello mate
i enjoy reading your posts for the same reason it's interesting to rubberneck at the scene of a car crash
Remember when leftypol insisted on calling them "so-called Islamic State" so as not to offend Musloids?
Remember? We still had Shamima a few weeks ago trying to get back in
Yeah we did notice an improvement in post quality without you
thats not grim. id be buzzing for weeks.
pakis have fell off since then tbqh
now israel is kicking their arses
When I was 16 I was at the bus stop when this group of French girls came up to me and asked me who the President of France was. I said I didn't know and they started giggling, then walked away.
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Fucking done him
why have you held onto this core memory
It was really grim, can't have been older than 14 as at the school local to me, there are different tie colours for Key Stage 3 and 4.
Older or your age
haven't heard of any major rasheed attacks since ISIS started getting pummelled hard, they claimed a lot of credit for the attacks but i figured they were just saying that to look hard and it most cases it was just a lone wolf, but they must've really been funding them since the sheed attacks have regressed along with their organisation
Hellooooo everybody my name is seananners
Easily my most shameful would.

Those were the days

A huge chunk of the most radical muslims in Europe were killed off fighting for ISIS which is why muslims have fallen off in recent years.
It was just odd innit. I didn't live in a particularly tourist-friendly area so idk why they were there either. I was also annoyed because I should have known the answer, but it was literally 1 week after Francois Hollande had been elected and I couldn't remember his bloody name.
oof that's rough - at that point you've just got to throw in the towel and retrain as a brickie or something
How did you not know who the President of France was?
>Older or your age
They looked roughly my age but idk
Am starting to feel a bit better now guys. Definitely not 100% better but my sore throat has gone off a bit and I'm now able to talk instead of having to whisper :D
helllo i didnt see your nan
when i was 14, some lass who I barely knew messaged me on Facebook and said I was fit. Then 20 minutes later she said sorry it was just a dare.
Didn't know any of her mates either but somehow I just became the default weirdo to message for a laugh
looking so fucking knackered these days, like ill be dead from "natural causes" at 45
I'm not gay
I have never been gay
I will never be gay
Being flirted with by girls will ALWAYS be intimidating tbqh
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They were going to say "Sarkozy nuts"
Noting down names and personal details from xxxposed dot fun. Reckon some of you lot will be on there.
See here: >>202645771
I could picture him but couldn't remember the name. If it had been 1 week earlier, I would have correctly said Sarkozy
Embarrassingly I had spent the night of the French election that year following the results on Krautchan, so I should have remembered
penne alla elton john
I still dont see whats grim about that. I'm not saying you should have tried to shag them but compliments from women are so rare its still nice to be validated.
mad how brenton tarrant killed 50 muzzies because he was extremely obsessed with and upset that some little girl in denmark got killed in a rasheed attack, bit noncey that
>I'm now able to talk instead of having to whisper :D
gwan lass give us a 'roo
It was but she was the same age as my sister. Was just imagining that it was my sister ngl.
9D chess by MI5
Create and fund a terrorist group in the middle east so all the radical pakis go and fight for it then blow them up with drones and the local armies you back
Not him but I don’t know who the president of Germany is. I know it’s not Merkel anymore and it’s some guy. Never bothered to learn his name and I never hear anything about him.
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think i'm a lesbian
You mean the Chancellor of Germany. It's Olaf Scholz btw. The President of Germany is a figurehead (much like in Ireland) and nobody knows who the fuck he/she/it is.
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>think i'm a lesbian
I'm 29 year old 6'2 210lb twink
They deserved it desu
>girls on /brit/
Talk about your periods next
lol now that is grim
might try and /oldeducationmaxx/
>learn french
>start smoking
>learn piano
>start twearing tweed
>get really into some absurdly niche topic in maths
>drink a glass of gin & tonic every night
what does an english rose like you do itt at this hour? please be mindful of your beauty
We should lez are knobs together
Sin and tonic. Sin and tonic.
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Paulie Walnuts
Accidentally sexted a tranny. This "girl" sent me their face and they were very cute, I genuinely thought it was a girl, they sent tits and I thought they were just naturally small, and when I asked to see their pussy they admitted they were transgender... And I fucking came to those pics...

I'm an incel who sexted someone for the first time and it turned out they are trans. It all feels so unreal. I can't think straight. Is suicide the best course of options at this point? I'm devastated.
President, Prime minister, chancellor, supreme leader, same thing. We need a default name for it all
Interested in learning Latvian at some stage.
just remember with tweed, around town never brown
*hides post*
bet the girl's parents were paid off to say that they were disgusted by what he did and their daughter also would've been
that will come in handy being the bag boy at aldi
HAHAHAHAH he done a number on you there mate
Anyone seen my post? Swear I left it here
now he wrote some tunes
might kill me own self
Why do you have such a fascination with ex-Soviet countries
not always the same thing though are they
a lot of countries have a separate head of state (monarch, president) to the head of government (prime minister, chancellor)
all paedos do
Sweden. He made a kino and for that he will be remembered. Still its not worth throwing your life away to do something mental like that.
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not a tranny, and have no tranny intentions, but I have very envious about their clothing range. with blokes anything above a t-shirt, jeans, and a sweater/hoodie and you're liable to have the piss taken out of you. not something that happens amongst women, it seems - so they can wear a much broader range of fabrics, patterns, and colours.
At ALDI a few weeks ago I IDd someone buying alcohol and they presented a Texan driving license. I asked a manager if we could accept it as valid ID and they said yes.
>obscure eastern european languages
very feminine hobbies must say
definitely not an autistic male
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Rorke's Google history
Have you considered just not giving a shit? I wear clothes with lots of different patterns and colours and people like it because they suit me. In fact girls have often complimented me on the way I dress
>Still its not worth throwing your life away
it is if you're a balding manlet like he is, those types of blokes have nothing to lose
almost as fascinating as the fact that you have a pair of bollocks but call yourself a woman
nobody’s stopping you from looking nice hun xx
Interesting history and culture and nice interesting languages. French/Spanish/German don't interest me in the slightest.
leftypol insisting that autistic gay kids have their genitals lopped off
asinine soliloquy
well duh
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Anyone remember the Jannercel?
>I asked a manager if we could accept it as valid ID and they said yes.
Well what else was the fucking answer going to be
Shouting into the void
i was considering this too but i dont want all the women who have crushes on me to be upset
quite alarming how many hours of tv and youtube i've watched - and then the amount of time I've spent on 4chan now must be close to a thousand hours. grim - could've learnt a language in that time.
what the fuck is deeprouting?
Never thought I’d say it but I side with those angry lesbians. Imagine being a lesbo, trying to get some cute lesbian girl to eat your hairy minge, then all of a sudden some bloke in a dress walks up and says he’s a lesbian too and tries to shag the girl you’re after.
I’d be fuming too.
I thought valid ID had to be either a passport or a UK driving license.
What do I have to do with this?
>with blokes anything above a t-shirt, jeans, and a sweater/hoodie and you're liable to have the piss taken out of you
only beta incels care about this
i wear floral shirts with chinos and smart shoes every day and regularly get told how good i look by both women and by other men
on the odd occasion that some sad sack makes a negative comment (usually a chav in a tracksuit) i just keep on walking, fuck em
Chappell Roan seems like a bit of a cunt, but Hot To Go is a good song
remember that german lad who tried to copy brenton tarrant by shooting up a synagogue but he couldn't get in so he just killed an old lady who took the piss out of him and then a couple of random people
bloody sadact
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Tbh I think cis lesbians who shag non-passing "transbians" are just bisexuals in denial. Saw someone on Reddit a while back describe it as they just want a feminised, submissive man to take care of cause they're less threatening. Might be a fetish thing too

But if a cis lesbian dates a passing trans woman I don't think there's anything unusual about it
That was a pretty blatantly obvious set up by German intelligence.
TBF that American lad with the Texan driving license was very friendly and handsome.
>a passing trans woman
literally no such thing
Makes for a funny webm though to be fair
nth for the baddiedem
This does not happen in real life.
Served Count Dankula once when I worked in Asda
Callum McGregor too
not true. he could have found happiness as a normie if he wanted. he had a lot to lose and has lost it all. i do wonder how he is doing these days. 5 years wasting away. still a lifetime to go. i hope his mum and sister got over it and are keeping in touch with him.
Yes I do remember that lad. I also remember Brenton Tarrant.
But I don't really like thinking about them or any other murderers.
only absolute bottom of the barrel whales would ever settle for a non passing transbian
feminisation is a purely male interest women have zero interest in it
spaedo is a proper 4chan ghoul
barely human anymore
That's a lie.
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she's perfect for diego
got a little emotional at this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JywyBE-cyHg
How would you know? You could have seen a passing trans girl IRL and not noticed. You only notice the ones that don't pass.
jobsworth wanker
united won the slag market
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AI-generated garbage. Unironically kill yourself.
big moment in your life?
there are some properly pathetic individuals on 4chan
>hope his mum and sister got over it and are keeping in touch with him.
that would be social suicide for them
adam barrett why did you stop pretending to live in spain?
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I find this style of woman to be utterly repulsive on a visceral level.
wheres the new watch
Might have some fruit. Vitamin C and that is meant to be good for illnesses.
Boring story hour is it?
Did I ever tell you about the time I met Adam Lallana at vue cinema in southport? Lovely fella. Just said “hey you alright” to him and he said “yeah mate you?” back to me then he bought his tickets and went off to a different screen than me
got rumbled like 190 and now dedicates his life to spamming this board

autists are exceptionally hard to deal with, because by their very nature they're absolute slaves to pattern and routine. only the firm hand of a janny can stop them, but they rarely do.
baller back in the mid 2010s
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shit taste
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any green eyed CHADS in the thread with us? please only reply to this post if you are green eyed CHAD
what did he watch
we must return the sausages to their homeland
Would you like to practice your taekwondo on my bollocks?
Nah, I have excellent taste in women. Meanwhile you wank over generic Tiktok bimbos that look like they're straight out of a Pornhub video while rotting away in your smelly bedroom.
most people who say they have green eyes actually have brown eyes
same except for soogs, she's really the odd one out and by far the most attractive
not him but wouldn’t go out with one of these women but would shag them rotten
bimbos are sex objects nothing wrong with that, they’ve committed to that ideal
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beautiful dog
His brain is hooked up to the mainframe in an almost literal but mental sense, he's more 4chan than human now.
Don’t know. Didn’t want to interrupt him and he wasn’t regular enough in Liverpools first team at the time to warrant asking for a photo. Nice lad though
You have really poor taste. None of those women are even remotely attractive, not even for a shag. I'm not joking when I say it makes me feel a bit sick to look at them.
the one in the milan and united shirt are gorgeous
you’re a poof
not really. social suicide was what he did in the first place. im no fan of muslims and that mosque was known as a hotbed of radicalism and supporting terrorism and i frankly have no sympathy for them. but massacring 50 people is an act of social suicide however you look at it. however its not his mum or sisters fault and no matter how fucked up a crime you dont turn your back on family. if Brenton were my brother id send him books and stamps, ring him or visit when possible, put any money i can spare in his commissary. its not even condoning what he did, its just what you do for family.
ah shame
what did you watch
I'm a hazel eyed master race. We are the next step of evolution.
A hybrid of brown eyed perserverance and will and blue eyed majesty and ingenuity.
god why are cars just getting more expensive
int hazle just what brown eyed people call brown eyes
meeting in 15 minutes kill me
saw someone obviously new posting here saying this place was of a similar vein to "nevermind the buzzcocks" that tv com and i just thought this is the type of person who i have to contend with whenever i want to post anything
They really aren't. They look like Barbie dolls. Really plastic and fake-looking. I'm not a chav or a third worlder so i don't find that attractive.
Right. Got some pineapple chunks in juice. Tinned. Drained the juice off and drank that. Now eating my pineapples.
got red eyes me
I make my own fanta using an electrolyte tablet, orange squash, and water. It nice
I must be a chav then
>int hazle
Fuck off inbred
mad how Pocahontas was released in 1995
what happens in sibu lad
egirl aesthetic is grim shit it only appeals to people that subscribe to these women online
i have purple eyes
If I were a woman I'd just dress as a bloke
Even on special occasions I'd just wear a suit
red more books then youve eat hot kids sunshine
You just have plebeian taste in women. Let me guess, the thing you like most in a girl is either "big boobs" or "fat arse" isn't it? Many such cases. Not everybody can have patrician taste like me.
Think it was that San Andreas film with the rock in which turned out to be a pile of shit
I have blue eyes and I very frequently get compliments on how beautiful my eyes are.
literally aimed at porn addicted incels and trannies
first movie I ever saw
Pretty much yeah
Whats your taste in women then Lord Fancypants
Omds mate you are propery bent. Go see a doctor or something.
It appeals to third worlders who are the most likely demographic to spaff their personal funds on OnlyFans slags.
never heard of it
fucking hell fine, here's the attention you want
The Force: North East
Ah good stuff nostalgic
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nah bruv
Why are you trying to be a spoilsport?
no clue. i dont even know whats happened with my life anymore let alone in sibu
>its the thirdies
>its the incels
>its the trannies
Nah mate it's just us white anglo saxon protestant chads who appreciate beauty when they see it.
Sorry youre jealous roasties and transgenders getting mad at egirls being cute and sexy.
In /sp/ those slags are the ones the thirdies spam over and over again
>anglo saxon protestants
i’m a fenian though
I like real women. The sort of girls you might see casually on a day out. Not caked-up slags who look like pornstars. The most beautiful woman I ever knew was just some girl I shared a few classes with in uni

You're an imbecile who can't think for yourself and just follows what makes your pee-pee hard. Pornbrained lunatic.
this young pajeet lad i met at gymtoil has started taking tren, i knew he would eventually the bloody sadact
can't be easy being a pajeet, you have to take as many unfair advantages as you can get just to barely keep up with the white man
yeah you responded in a similar manner last time I asked you what happens in a malaysian city
what happens in penang lad
Fucking love hurricanes as a fed

Installation closes so I don’t gotta toil but I still get paid for the day
I like them too. But I also like sex dolls with huge tits, you don’t need to be either or
fuck i didn't mean to reply to your post, ignore that
it was my sisters favourite disney when we were growing up. it could have been made the same year as Peter Pan which was my favourite as a kid but was released in 1953.
>beauty is when women look like caked-up thots from a brazzers video
Yeah nah mate you are definitely not white.
fucking derpy looking slag imagine thinking this is attractive
It's mad to me that every teenager that stabs some other teenager and kills him always pleads not guilty of murder. Recently in the paper there was that kid that got killed at his own party in a field and the kid that stabbed him said he didn't mean it, he wasn't sure what happened and also that the stabbed kid had been full of himself before he stabbed him.
>Since its release, the film remains the highest-grossing live-action Hollywood original film of the past seven years as of July 2022.
Just an earthquake disaster film that was heavily shilled at the time
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>Meanwhile you wank over generic Tiktok bimbos that look like they're straight out of a Pornhub video while rotting away in your smelly bedroom.
really? am i a for loop
I was never a huge fan of her but she is still SIGNIFICANTLY more attractive than every single one of the women in the webms posted above.
why does she look like the default imperial character when you start up oblivion
>The most beautiful woman I ever knew was just some girl I shared a few classes with in uni
did you talk to her
too late. already read it.
pajeets are subhumans and should go back where they came from.
Alexandra Daddario's tits are a core memory
Gyaldemfreak's story so far - for those unaware:
>no friends
>abandoned by his family
>porn addict
>spams trannies all day
>parasocial relationship with ewhores - whom he saves thousands of pictures to his PC
>replies to normal posts with his disgusting ewhores
>from liverpool
>Christian like Diego
>possibly also the carly rae kepsen bender
goodness under a rock arent i
>watching anything made in the past 20 years
lmao what why
Dont think youve seen a brazzers video in a while.

None of them are slim or young or trendy. Theyre all "MILFs" who only ever do interracial scenes.
She was an acquaintance of mine so yeah we did talk fairly regularly, but I never made a move on her, no.
where did i see her get them out again, was it true detective?
>from liverpool
Chester actually, hes one of those "liverpool fan diaspora" types who never goes to any of the games but insists hes a scouser until he dies.
Apparently I thought my parents were taking me to church and really didn't want to go so I threw a tantrum but then was VERY happy once the movie started
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>bruvs ITT wouldn't shag chaii
cannae believe it


speaking of oblivion, I'm watching ame atm


this has been debunked
He's not from Liverpool, he's from London as evidenced by the fact he has mentioned supporting Arsenal several times and speaks in London ethnic slang. That + the fact he is a devout evangelical Christian means he is almost certainly black, likely from an African family, which explains his shit taste in women.
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Chester isn't too egregious to be fair - I know a lot of cunts from Surrey who are Liverpool fans who cope about "my dad is Irish" and "I grew up in the poor part of Surrey." But they are always strange people.
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louder for the people in the back
Bizarrely at uni I knew a lot of proper right-wing Tory lads from the home counties who were also diehard Liverpool fans. Have no idea why they chose Liverpool of all clubs. We're not of the age for them to be the glory-hunters club of choice either
never once seen him support Arsenal - but he's constantly banging on about Liverpool on /sp/, you might be right though - I'm not here enough to know all the ins and outs
cannot for the life of me see why these kinds of videos are popular, they're creepy, fucking weebs man
based quads gyaldem paedo
i did not attend any diego parties
Rorke is against African immigration
But get this
Humans originate from Africa!
mental how they banned billboards with healthy looking women in bikinis but they allow this
support indo british business
might move to bravil and sell skooma to children
>We're not of the age for them to be the glory-hunters club of choice
eh - I don't know, they did well in the champions league in the mid-late 00s, and were jockeying for the premier league title in the 2010s too. Maybe not Man United or Chelsea tier plastic, but they have to be up there.
>but he's constantly banging on about Liverpool on /sp/
Not the same guy. You're confusing him with the guy who spams images of trans women he follows on Twitter. That guy supports Liverpool yeah.
Lads any way to get a live transcript of a phone call fed into chatgpt. Need to get this job.
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you gest, but this isn't a million miles away from how some leftists act
I just would have thought if you're from Surrey and come from some posh Tory family and grew up in the 2000s, you'd be much more likely to bandwagon Chelsea or Arsenal, who are the southern toffs' clubs of choice and were both successful back then
What a knob
Gyaldemfreak is a literal African from London. He used to talk about it regularly and even posted his (black) hand on here
gyaldemfreak spams trannies too - he got outted as the guy who posts the moon-faced trannies a while back. though there is certainly more than one trannyspammer.
what a fanny
He might do, but the Liverpool fan you refer to is a very specific trans spammer. He's also the guy who invented the "LIV ERP OOL" gimmick and posts a lot of lefty politics stuff
they're fun inni
irish diaspora
He is also transphobic.
>discussing the identify of some tranny-loving porn addict at 1AM on a workday
it astonished me that I have to work 40+ hours a week, sometimes weekends, often evenings, never clocking in late or leaving early - easily north of 60 hours a week a lot of the time - just the pay your bennies while you discuss this shite
Wouldn't be surprised at this. He's an evangelical and they are the most notoriously conservative branch of Christians.
No, you are transphobic, an incel and also the same person.
Yeah he’s a nasty cunt. Typical Christfag
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Alri spainers, so any news on what the next dire gimmick is going to be?

Oh it actually is spainnonce samefagging lmao
And what a fine job you're doing!
*enjoys a heart laugh with my neet brethren*
I appreciate your hard work mate, thanks for working so I don’t have to. Now hurry up and piss off to bed I’m gonna be here until at least 5am x
are gyaldemlad and baddiedem ad the same lad?
I have to say 190, this was a really funny one. You almost had me.
must be earning way more than you need to be doing that much work though right
'trans' isn't even a real thing
just nutters and fetishists
Trying to work out why you think I’m sn can you give me a hint?
uh huh
life is a gyaldem, and i wanna ride them all night long
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yh, but the number of gyal x baddiedem posters is plural x
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Very obvious, go neck yourself you vile gimp.
there are lots of movies i've been meaning to watch but i cant seem to recall any of them. amnesiac, me
freakishly early new
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I'm pro love x
he alwasy calls himself sn now, weird. you can always tell its him "denying" or whatever.
Good album
eating some scran
scranning some food
scranning some scran
fooding some scran
eating some food
eating nigger shit
piss in my underpants
poo for tea x
very high lads
me when i see white tourists

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