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early edition
poopy poo smells haha :)
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in all my years of posting on /brit/ I have never been accused of being a namefag, which to me lends credence to the schizos that seem to accuse anonymous posters of being them

you've been accused of something else though, haven't you?
i've been called everything from 190 to lachie to emmayank, i think you're more likely to be accused of being a namefag if you have a non-british flag
Posting late at night for de lads
Girth of this poo I've just shat
Been watching videos on the Titanic, Lusitania, Britannic and Empress of Ireland.

Very sad. So many thousands that died over such bullshit
>massive iceberg on a moonless night
>german uboat niggers (sank in 18 minutes)
Empress of Ireland
>Norweigan sailor idiots sailing during heavy fog
who cares
Die. Literally die. Get cancer and die. Now.
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she couldn't make it to the bathroom in time T_T
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the dakota scranning
yeah it is. or is it? I can't remember
Umm that looks like dog poop
drying them reduces their potency you stupid mong
jail TOR users
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nth for the holodem
nuke australia
i didn't dry them myself mate that's how i got them
also, i pretty much doubt that because it's only losing water which has nowt in it
Bird talking about how she wants me to slap her up and bruise her
Mental how women have degraded as time has gone on
thought you had to dry mushrooms for them to work at all
Is it just me or are there more pedophiles in 2024 than there used to be?
have you tried making tea out of them?
i reckon Titanic was a conspiracy but can't say more, too many eyes on /brit/.
Oh and Empress of Ireland sank in just 14 minutes, mental.
yeah i'll probably try that next time i get some, i've heard ingesting it in tea form doesn't make you nauseous like eating them does
pretty sure Churchill had foreknowledge of the losertania attack or something idk
no that's not true at all
there are two main psychoactives in mushrooms, one is diminished by drying or heating, and the other is destroyed entirely
people who make tea with them are idiots
Not good watching videos about sunken ships when i'm in my depressive September phase
no nausea at all when I had them in tea. high lasted a long time, sat in a park for hours.
Dead happy that it's getting cold again
Love cold weather, hate warm weather.
Simple fucking as.
might put some eye drops in

The current high quality sinking ship documentary i'm watching.
have you seen the Great White nightclub fire video?
From the time the stage caught on fire, you had maybe 30 seconds to exit the club before smoke inhalation would have overwhelmed you and you'd be consigned to burn to death
just eat them on an empty stomach to avoid nausea
drying them or making tea is a waste, you need to eat double or triple the amount as opposed to fresh
can't believe there are autumn chads in the UK even though you lack halloween
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Have you seen him?
Autumn is the pengest season. Shame that we don't get snow really in Winter otherwise it would be better.
brown hands
pakis and wogs despise seeing green stuff and leavesg
Once ate like 20 mushrooms and nothing happened to me

Must have not been magic mushrooms
well the only way to get fresh is to either attempt growing them, or go out and pick them yourself which has its own inherent dangers, anyway they're not in season right now
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What's happening/brit/?
Stupid prick. Why the fuck would I want to be scorching hot in my house, walking around outside, in any shop I enter and while I'm sleeping?
the world would be a lot better if the soviets took afghanistan
we have harvest festival, bonfire night, and yeah we do halloween, but it's become americanised like everything else in this gay cunt
i hate autumn
>put on jacket
>5 minutes later too warm again
>take off jacket
cycle repeats ad nauseum
This is why jumpers exist
drama queen
how about we don't post snuff in the /brit/ yeah?
liberty caps here don't really look like any poisonous mushrooms so there's very little risk
you can eat those amanita toadstools as well but i've never tried them. had a mate who did once and he experiences synaesthesia
I met Jimmy Savile once. He was a nice man.
Suck your mum
that applies to jumpers as well, i was just using "jacket" as a catch-all term for whatever you wear as a torso covering over the shirt
Theyre gonna send the zoomers to the middle east lmao
remember he was never charged with any crimes
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>Costa Concordia
Modern wogs just LOVE their meaningless "tragedies" that pale in comparison to anything in the 20th century
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elle scranning
put some clothes on you whore
dont have this problem, me. which makes it a you problem
in my area it's p. cubensis, they're a bit tricky to identify since a lot of other mushroom species look similar, and the only place you can reliably find them is in cattle fields in the summer after a few days of rain, i don't like sneaking onto private property to look for drugs
yeah i'm sure the desert-dwelling pakis love frigid cold and rain
Why is side boob and armpits so fucking erotic?
big fart on its way
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Would love to spunk all over her face, arse and tits
yeah i bought those from a head shop back when they were still legal
mental that was 20 years ago now
fuck me i'm old
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Welcome to Omorashi High School! You're the first boy to attend this prestigious female-only academy with a twist: There's not a single bathroom in the entire school. All students are expected to hold their pee in as long as they can.

Go interact with your fellow classmates, get through the school day, and watch your fellow classmates struggle to not have an accident!
erk mate im 40
Another horrible tarted-up slag.
do head shops still stock anything good? i've heard about those places but never been to one in real life
But officer, you’ve already seen my balls batty and dick
Gay cunt
in canada they sell a lot of kratom now
Grotty little chav
Haven't eaten in three days to lose weight.

What should I break my fast with?
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at this late late hour i am thinking about fat jew tits (and their consequences)
no they just sell bongs and papers and cbd shit, oh yeah and they all sell vapes in recent years too
arent liberty caps the most generic looking Little Brown Mushrooms going
She's fit as fuck. You are a bent little mong.
Bit of pasta and some tuna.
been called the schizos that share my flag. part and parcel of being here i think
wait are headshops and those places that call themselves "tobacconists" the same thing?
kind of but they have a distinctive little nipple on top of the cap
baking chicken thigh, 205c for 30 minutes
i dunno if there's a better temp and time for it or not
no tobacconists sell cigars and pipes and other 'genetleman' stuff like whisky and shaving gear
head shops are for hippies and stoners and other kinds of messheads
>She's fit as fuck. You are a bent little mong.
You're a porn-addicted freak.
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what do most Britons think of him?
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There’s something inside me.
It’s hard to explain.
(I slipped on it in the shower)
I refuse to support him because of his stance on AI. Hope Kamala wins, and I never would have imagined I'd say that a couple years ago.
You don’t have it in Australia
It’s probably just a rainy season for your wog country
>I refuse to support him because of his stance on AI
which is?
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hope hes doing alright
dangerous business mushrooms
He wants it to be pretty much completely unregulated and wants to spend government money funding it (especially in matters of warfare). Absolutely cannot support that.
TOBY >.<
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ive been sexting a welsh girl
when she types out things in her funny language it's so cute
You fear white man country
You’ve given into woglife and become evil and brown
for me it's unrequited love. but it has given me the strength to keep moving forward until my enemies are destroyed
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this is now a nonce thread
merino wool or smart layering mitigates this issue
No it isn't. Go away.
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i literally missed the whole Hezbollah Israel war back in 2006 because of her.
Why is british music not magic anymore ? it doesent touch me anymore

why do people who are clearly pajeets or black like to larp as british people?
thinking about lad mag slags
>Australian autumn
so what it's 20 C instead of 30 C?
had too much oprah heroin now, better lay off it
based and skynetpilled
Profoundly unattractive.
i'm not having this discussion again for the 40 millionth time
wow so cool
yes retard
sir devious plotter
in autumn I just wear a merino wool base layer and crewneck on top of that. if i get overheated for any reason, rolling my sleeves up usually makes it tolerable enough
if it's the same weather but windy i put a hoodie on top of that, and if it's rainy a very thin northface jacket. it works beautifully
where do you live
just realized that Canada is the cold version of Australia

80 percent of the populations live in concentrated areas and most of the landmass is uninhabited due to harsh environments
dogberg letting out some horrendous sleepfarts
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Pakis are born in Europe now anyways and hate seeing Europe look nice tsill they rather it be grim wet and urban everywhere, perfect weather for grooming gangs and drug dealing.
Who asked?
It’s also cringe and reddit like australia
there's no canadian version of alice springs
you just know
damn australia looks so nice
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just gained a clue
moving to Australia
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I REFUSE to believe that tourettes is a real thing. You cannot convince me that there is an actual disease out there that causes people to blurt expletives out against their will. Anybody with tourettes is either faking it or has some deep-seated mental health issues.
He's gay and she's a fag hag
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what's so special about alice springs?
in sin
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i say the "n" word 100-200 times a day. usually nobody is even around
sorry I made fun of australia earlier it looks nice in autumn <3
haha alri la-
*slips on anime girl pee*
arghhh, wtf I’m soaked!
How big is your tranny folder?
nothing. it's just known because it's common to see it labeled geographically for reasons i dont remember
>or has some deep-seated mental health issues
like tourettes?
cant post webbums but here you go lad https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/int/image/1722/81/1722811554338.webm
nobody asked me for this information but did you know the recent northward migration of somalis has caused an epidemic among their community of vitamin D deficiency

>Recent data suggest Somalis living in northern climates (Minnesota, the USA, Helsinki, Finland, Sweden and the UK) experience significant deficiencies in vitamin D

>Between 2000 and 2010, 40 percent of all US Somali refugees settled in Minnesota, which produces new cultural and health challenges for local communities and the state government.

>One such challenge is vitamin D deficiency, or hypovitaminosis D (Hv-D). Hv-D is developed through insufficient exposure to sunlight and low nutrient intake leading to increased risk for weakness and inflammation, oral health problems, diabetes, cardiovascular and autoimmune diseases and malignancies
australia is a large landmass with a great variety of climates, however for some reason it's by far the skin cancer capital of the world, that hole in the ozone layer everyone used to talk about must be directly above us
We have loads of places like that including Yellowknife like >>202647884 said and Churchill, MB
Canada is a weird shape with a hole in the middle, unlike Australia which is like a circle.
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Go to prison.
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here's your loli gf
do not pass go
do not collect $200
just dropped my pot of hummus on the floor but thankfully it is very thick so none of it spilled
thanks hummus
That ozone hole closed up and it was over the poles.
I think it has to do with ozone being more concentrated in the northern hemisphere and Aussies being white (i.e., not meant to be in the sun).
reading lockie leonard, it's about a 13 year old boy who gets a girlfriend and discovers his sexuality
in retrospect it's kind of creepy that an adult male wrote this and they made us read it in school
why are you eating hummus at 2am you odd ball
Bit late to be making hummus
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>I can almost hear the stillness
>as it yields to the sound of your heart beating
>*bum* *bum *bum*
mad how bent, dire and just generally all around spasticated southerners are
Sophocles long ago
Heard it on the Ægean, and it brought
Into his mind the turbid ebb and flow
Of human misery
it's pretty easy and tasty if you've got nothing else to scran in the house except some chickpeas
cos i was hungry duh
dipping some carrot and cucumber batons
>be me
>do poo
>have wank
>blog about it on /brit/
>get called a boring bastard by diego
>open the door
>get on the floor
>everybody walk the dinosaur
Finally becoming a man
epic, epic for the win!
Got stomach cramps and dreadful diarrhoea. Think the KFC I had on Sunday might be behind this.
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dinosaurs never existed
they're a complete fabrication
uh huh
Tourettes is not a mental health condition you nonce, you numpty.
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im boypreggers
did you get sides
Whoops! Nonce containment thread is that-a-way
what is it then smartypants
Got a zinger tower. Was very disappointing. KFC is dreadful compared with what it use to be.
racismlad in?
he'd have loved this thread >>202646790
what if your dad was a therapist and you found out your mom was a former patient. would you talk to dadberg about the power imbalance there?
A dogshit zinger of a meal?
all the so-called dinosaurs skeletons on display in museums are fake, man made plaster casts
they found like one or two big bones and just pulled the rest out of their arses
mental that people actually believe such obvious rubbish
stop it you creep
fuck off
yeah i'm here, don't really care much about what those mexican countries get up to desu
don't think they would display valuable fossils for the public to touch, breathe on, puke on, and take violent selfies with
My fat obese sister shit her pants and is now washing them in the kitchen sink by hand
sorry going I realized it's just this post you'd like >>202647314
how convenient
lots of ones on display that you can see and touch
you can also go out and find them yourself
make your fucking mind up
don't tell me what to do
haha mental
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>Woman, 77, dies after red Fiat Panda veered off a road and plunged into a river
lost my mind playing rocket league
so fucking sweaty late at night

loved when everyone wasnt so fucking good and you had solo mode so you didnt match against these duos and trios
why does greta still look like a kid
foetal alcohol syndrome
If you are experiencing any of the issues mentioned in this story you can visit BBC Action Line for a list of websites and helplines that can offer direct help at any time.
you lot make fun of brighton and that but i've met loads of people from the south west and they're good lads

it's people from the south east who aren't human
haven't been able to sleep much lately, starting to trip balls
Genuinely can't tell if they're censoring her fannard or it's just low quality
germans are so fucking evil
almost as bad as jews
brighton is in the south east you spastic
don't know why japanese porn, including hentai, are legally required to censor genitals even though they almost always do the bare minimum censorship requirement and you can still make it pretty clearly what you're looking at, it's just bizarre and pure autism
kek nvm that explains it
the entire south and bristol deserve nuclear hellfire
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I'm the son of rage and love
The Jesus of Suburbia
The bible of "none of the above"
On a steady diet of
Soda pop and Ritalin
No one ever died for my sins in hell
As far as I can tell
At least the ones I got away with

And there's nothing wrong with me
This is how I'm supposed to be
In a land of make-believe
That don't believe in me
>survival show
I know Huw Edwards is making all the calls he can to get on the next I'm a celebrity. It's crazy that shows become the career reset lifeline. Eat a couple of kangaroo testicles, get asked by some c-lister what that noncing business was about, explain it as just a bit of an off day and bang, public life is restored.
massive hatred for germany and germans
they lash out every now and then at us out of envy still, even in these dire times
loser country full of autistic losers
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luv the souf coast me
It's on Channel 5 so no one will watch it
you have to be really desperate to go there
not a fan of this new captcha business
I miss true Hollywood women
That Sydney Sweeney is onlyfans tier with a mong face I'll hear no different
germans be like "i know we didnt invent anything but what about the weapons of war that killed millions of innocent white people and japanese and also beethoven"
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don't lewd the horses, you'll literally get DMCA'd or whatever the japanese equivalent is. that's why there's no +18 Uma Musume doujins and little nsfw fan art
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genuinely had brighton and bristol confused this whole time

is bristol nice?
pinches yer chip
i reckon there's at least a few out there who genuinely have no idea what lies behind the pixilation
germans dont get any criticism anymore for being evil cunts
"ahh we didnt mean to kill the civilians during the war we were just doing our duty for our country"
they deserved to be nuked in all honesty

because they will still try it now if they were allowed to by the USA
they would get the whole of europe into war with russia and throw all their remaining ethnic germans at the meatgrinder if it means that they get to use their war toys on innocents
it's got a fountain
all the germans military inventions are nigger shit for targeting civilians
u boats
generally vile tactics employed such as scorch and burn
noooo you cant be mad at germany or japan for being niggers for half a century they dindu nuffin because they sold all their secrets to the USA!

fuck them all, i hope china makes quick work of them
What film is it?
it's even more pozzed and lefty than brighton believe it or not
nuke them
he literally did nothing wrong
just a victim of libshit neo-puritanism that is creeping into our
every day there is another shithole on the "shit UK cities" list that gets added to the "nuke list"

dont even know where to start anymore
hope this whole island gets swallowed up by the sea
and then japan
Bit lefty
Bit gay
Bit of somalians chopping each other up
Bit of uni students suiciding themselves

But nice yeah
he was grooming him when he was underage
germans are the turks of europe
no wonder they bond so well with turks
fucking hell lads I'm buying a house and just now noticed a gigantic problem with the title plan that my conveyancer didn't highlight at all and the seller's estate agent clearly lied about (a critical part of the garden is actually not part of the property)

I was going to happily sign the contract tomorrow morning but instead I'll be savaging my conveyancer for being a blind incompetent cunt then giving a very angry call to the seller's EA

either way I'm out of pocket for surveys and FURIOUS
He groomed a kid. He's a homo and a paedophile. Literally a pedarast
the 20th century got memoryholed so hard

dont look back in anger!
home counties
They're called Somalis, you nonce.
>just a victim of libshit neo-puritanism that is creeping into our
You forgot to finish off your falseflag "right wing degen" copypasta leftypol
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>A capitalist land baron complains he's not exploited enough money
Let me get my tiny violin out
bye mum, moving to cumbria!
schizoid is just another word for reclusive innit
shut up you nonce
Germans wont lash out again because Prussia was dismantled and the junkers were scattered

Probably the most unrecognized consequence of ww2, never hear anyone bring it up
the world is not safe as long as germany remains a united country
Want my Prussia dismantled by a huge big juicy BBC
france was chomping at the bit to de industrialize germany after ww2, the anglos wouldnt go for it though
did you see that ludicrous display
I'm on the seafood diet; I see men and I eat their semen
grooming is an overused meme term that used to refer to actual children being exploited, now it's just any "power imbalance"
people call leo a groomer for fucking girls 8 years over the legal age in the US, it's meaningless
imagine the drone strikes thatcher would order if she were PM today
get the germans deported to africa
get the turks deported to south america

get the anglos in
get the slavs in
get the white meds in
get the chinese in

white utopia created
loads of fags about
maybe germany is a cursed land but i think its worth a shot just removing germans, their language, their culture and everything else and creating a white european utopia free of autistic malignant german freaks and cucks and porn addicted furrys and cannibals and shit
ok groomer
if the romans had done it and conquered them and sent their warriors to italian gulags we would have all been better off
the uniting and breaking apart of germany was one of the biggest disasters of european history
Yh basically
*floats into the thread*
sucking a golf ball
>match with attractive girl
>tell her i am autistic and awkard
>she said she couldn't care
>she is willing to have a ice cream date

Am i gonna be murdered?
remember a couple of years ago when there was some incel streamer going around macing women?
romantic/sexual grooming doesn't exist in your mind because people on the internet think leo fucks girls that are on the younger side, amazing
does germany even have castles

that seems like more of a french and bordering countries kind of thing
schizoid are those type of people who think their brain is like a radio antenna picking up government signals that are trying to program them. or the song on the radio is a direct message to them

you'll find them doing strange things like walking around somewhere with no logical explanation, or scratching up their glasses with a coin
Mental how badly he mindraped him
एक सौ नब्बे
she was 21 years old you sick fuck
Why does toilet paper exist? How does smearing poo all over your bumhole constitute making it clean?
in america you get murdered by anything and anyone
it's a pornography store, i was buying pornography :)
anglos are animals, continentals sorted this out ages ago
yeah they have loads
Hahaa, got him good
fair point i don't think women would be attracted to a autistic man
Rorkey shops at Tesco's, where he buys his best clothes, la la la, lla la la
the paper is designed for the poo to adhere and absorb. as well the soft texture makes it comfortable
thought about buying female clothes, not tranny ones but they just have a greater range in shops and nicer clothes
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Get this jew off my screen
vast majority of women's fashion was originally for men
I never realized
I am on this side
Never to meet you
Ever again
Jesus is the way, the truth and the life.
I am a soldier of Jesus
feet stink, arse stinks, clacaoa stinks
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>I took my fleshlight into the theater
I took my fleshlight into the theater with a blanket. I milked my dick so fucking card. Her tiny ass shaking in that leotard while my adriana chechik fleshlight sucked the soul out of my cock made me cum harder than ever. My toes curled, i straight up lost my breath and was sweating. I pulled my cock out and my cum spilled out. I jacked off again, didn't clean it. Fucked that creamy fleshlight. It farts loudly lol. But I came again.
Imma go again today, waiting for a good showing with minimal people but not alone. I want someone to hear and suck me or beat me to death until I cum
brits have old fasioned nonces
americans have trannies
canadians have jeet creeps

what does australia have?
smoking marijuana and cigs
janny, kill him with a hammer
pooing poo
Can anyone recommend a decent game or DVD?
Janny won't do shit
red alert 2
somalians so busy chopping themselves up they're somalis now

shut up fat
We call British man Sir
Or ingrej Sahab. Plz come to great India and get treated like Saheb..

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