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Britscuits edish
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bidets should be standard no reason for them not to be
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>its autumn/winter evening
>got the fire on in the living room
>grandad opens the ginger nut packet and offers you one
feel bad for JFs who will never experience comfy british culture
Mental how we've now had two prime ministers in a row who have openly supported and funded genocide and apartheid, in the modern era, in 2024.
In a just and moral world they will both one day find themselves in handcuffs at The Hague.
>Brits have no cuisin-
no need to post all at once lads
The Asian Fanny
In a just and moral world every Hamas member is shot, poisoned or publicly hanged and democracy and liberalism is restored to Palestine to aid their self-determination
thoughts on orcs?
I think they're incredibly sexy
timmy's last hope
if i shoot you, i'm brainless
but if you shoot me, then you're famous
what's a nigga to do?
Orcs are a bit underrated. Everyone just assumes they're the fantasy equivalent of wog and paki hordes.
So they're either fetishized or outcasts.
because they are
tolkien even admitted it
going to have a tinkle and then go to sleep x
jodie comer like ginger nut so i choose that. chewy. spicy. yum

second? probably jammy dodger

then hobnob comes in 3rd i think. just coz its a reliable biscuit and oats are a good base especially with the added fibre
In things like Elder Scrolls you have other things that are a substitute for that though.

I prefer the noble savage orc. Like a mix between slavs and native americans.
Jammy Dodger second?? You’re mental, it’s not even top five
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look at him go!
I've had mcvitie hobnob those are good. Saved the image x
Talking about biscuits at 4am on a Wednesday. Fuck me
oh you've hobbed a few nobs then have you?
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whats yours then?
so much about yhis is just fucking absurd

how is a chinaman just calmly
Jaffa cakes were named after the historical, beautiful, Arab Christian town of Jaffa in Palestine.
Jaffa no longer exists. It was destroyed, and all the native Christian Arab Palestinians murdered in the 1940s/50s by Jewish Israeli Zionist colonisers.
Today, what was once Jaffa is now a American style suburb of Tel-Aviv, home to detached middle class new builds and apartments.
Not seen this gif in a while. Used to see it alot on shitposting discord servers before i ever went on 4chan.
calmly garna pick up a firework like that
New Crusader Kings 3 DLC dropping
That's the next 200 hours of my free time sorted then
people in the 1600s ate rich tea biscuits?

This is what i know it for.
Pure kino.

What is it? Not played in over 2 years, only ever played it when i got xbox gamepass
and what was there before the arab christian town
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And more, much more than this
I did it my way
everyone dies

all my fave movies getting deleted from youtube


life is so shit

you know mozart died at 35
chopin 39?
sylvia plath 30
james deen 23

just terrible existence
mozart knew he was going to die i reckon he was murdered
stomp on the ground, jump jump jump, move it all around, Der Der Der Der
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Murdered by the lead in "sweet" wine that destroyed his liver. Yes.
poo and crackers
the streets is watchin
You can now play as a landless adventurer, and wander around the map as a random peasant, doing mental tasks on behalf of barons, counts, etc to earn their favourite - whether it's fighting for them or dealing with crop failures or local civil disputes.
A lot more RPG focused stuff. And of course you can go from being a landless nobody to being a landed dynasty and earning your own family name, etc if you impress the right people.
You'll be my dirty little secret, dirty little secret, dirty little secret
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would rather live a great short life like them than a long dull modern one
im probably going to live to like 100 because all my relatives are still alive
corr scran

they shpuld do this for total war
Egyptians were the first people we know controlled it so if you want to play that retarded logic of "it belongs to the oldest claim", then half of Tel-Aviv should be given to Egypt.
The orcs were little oriental people, even the uruk hai were barely man sized. Modern fantasy orcs are an american invention
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going live in a sec x
*Meant menial not mental but is what it is
I'm sure there's probably some mental case stuff too if you have the right traits
you know in parks you get those benches and people pay to have it dedicated for a dead family member like a grandparent?

one in my local park for a 13 year old boy

just oppressive this life
its only just that the slaves of egypt should own egyptian land
surely the indigenous people were there before egyptians came
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the oriental white adjacent gf
Egyptians were indigenous to the Levant in ancient times, as were dozens of other Semitic tribes
Pharaoh, let my people go
Skinamarinky dinky dink
Skinamarinky doo
I love poo
miss 190 so much lads
wonder what he'd say if he were with us now
Might watch a 45 minute handjob compilation
We're all Africans :)
(>_<) <- me thinking about life
I'm walking on eggshells
woahhh oh
I'm walking on eggshells
woahhh oh
cause dad will abuse!
oh yeah
Certain species, such as rabbits, need to eat their own poop to stay healthy.
I'm very glad humans aren't one of those species.
use and abuse me
don't lie to me you little pervert
I saw chickens eating swan poo the other day
if you are indigenous to the levant then you are a levantine or cananite not an egyptian

thats what indigenous menas
Life would be so much easier if I weren't such an ugly mentally ill faggot loser
Lads, I must say, it's absolutely fantastic having a foreskin
Just had sex with the gf and my cock hurts like a dull pain as if I came too hard now I'm trying to take a shit life is hard fuck me
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Can't stop seething about how much of an evil ghoul Starmer is
might bring a pack of stella to the pub
I sometimes wonder if there are people on here who only ever come here to moan
I don't really mind the moaning I just wonder if those posters also sometimes post funny jovial banter or if they just only post to moan and mope and look for commiseration
any insights on this?
Keep your nose out of other people's business, bozo
we are not a happy clappy shitey country
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Need an Emma Watson pooey bumhole gf.
Yes ppl whine and complain not knowing noone cares.
what do you think will happen on the day he finds out emma watson never poos?
If nobody cares then why are you posting about it? Why not let them be.
£9 for two ice creams with bits of chewing gum at the bottom? Bloody hell
Because 1. He asked 2. Noone cares
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mad how often people die waiting in line on top everest
I care
is this verboten in the pub
Playing Skyrim as a dark elf. Came across 3 stormcloak soldiers patrolling on a remote path.
Was going to leave them be but one racially insulted me so I murdered them all.
Anyway, somehow I got 40 bounty for the initial assault, then 1000 for the first murder. Game didn't count it as murder for the 2nd and 3rd stormcloaks since they hit me first.
After they were all dead the 1000 bounty was removed as there were no more witnesses. But the 40 bounty didn't disappear.
So who reported my crime? Nobody. It's a bug. But now it means I have to deal with guards pestering me and wanting to arrest me. Annoying.
Sir Pedo Defender
how often?
Off by one. Check these
those are awful and not even worth a single pound
got a Chinese burn in my penis
no clue that's why i want to be a nuisance and find out
Btw more people have died trying to swim the English Channel than climbing Mount Everest. Google it if you want.
Difference is you can see all the frozen corpses when you climb the mountain. You don't see all the corpses at the bottom of the Channel when you see it. I expect sea creatures have eaten all the flesh so it's just bones desu.
everyone in that photo is dead
sooooo lucky
they should put windows in the chunnel so you can see them
never mind I just remembered the chunnel is under the rock not in the water
still it would be nice
ignoring the content of the video, this has been completely bogged and ruined by AI enhancing, looks creepily awful

Ladies and gentlemen, this is SHANE GILLIS AND JOOOE ROGGAN
so we ought to put sea creatures on mount everest? I don't see where your going with this
juat moronic innit
What happens after we die
We can't know for sure in this life
Feels really kind of mental and sad if this is it and then you cease to exist, never getting to know the answers to this universe or why it is. But then if you no longer exists I guess you can't be sad about it either.
I really hope there's something more out there especially since so many people's lives are nothing but suffering it's would be so sad if that's all they experienced.
But I don't see any evidence for anything lurking behind the veil either.
Even doing acid or mushrooms doesn't really prove anything or give you concrete proof.
I just want answers and peace of mind and to know something nice comes next and that this isn't it. But deep down I know I can never get that assurance.
All the people in the comments need to have their heads turned to paste by the NKVD chekists
>nkvd chekists
Nothing. Total blackness. Unconsciousness. Eternal sleep.

>t. knower
Leon Trotsky's real name was Lev Davidovich Bronstein
I feel like I should say that's preferable to eternal suffering.
But it's not really is it? You can't logically compare a non-state, a non-being to any kind of actual being, since for one side of the equation there is nothing to compare.
It's like you can't compare how to things are rated against each other, if one thing is rated with an actual score, and the other thing is a divide by zero problem.
i have erettiles dysfunction from alcoholism
sources confirm that i "simply cannot get hard for any reason"
in other news, minorities are expected to be phased out and replaced by harmless holograms by the first quarter of 2028
So, basically like before I was born then?
can't stand people who get tongue-tied easily and a repeatedly mispronounce words, i know it's not their fault but it triggers my autism
That is what atheists believe at least
Being dead is the exact same experience as you had for millions of years before you were born, lasting for the rest of eternity after you die
i reckon our minds are like radio frequencies that our soul is tuned into, when we die it just tunes to a different frequency
he thinks not existing is an experience LOL
AI shills seem to get off on intentionally ruining things with their fucking garbage technology.

Seen people kindly ask for something like a wallpaper in higher resolution and some retard in the comments will show up like “I AI upscaled it for you” and it looks like a blurry mess

Of course it’s forbidden for anyone to call this out though or else you’ll be labelled a “bigot Luddite” and exiled from mainstream society.
Literally everything in the universe is vibrating
Particles are constantly popping in and out of existence
Quantum particles can be in multiple locations simultaneously and only collapse into a single state if you measure them
A false vacuum decay could destroy our reality and literally change the laws of mathematics at any given moment
Mass literally bends the fabric of reality around it, distorting both space and time
We're billions of sapient hairless apes on a distant isolated rock, seemingly all alone in the universe
This place we find ourselves in is incredibly strange and hard to understand
me so horny me love you long time
Hello, I'm Timmy, your virtual assistant, how may I help you?
you get turned into carbon im told although you're also already carbon?
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>he thinks he knows what's after death
alri rupert sheldrake
no idea who that is but he has a sick name
let me guess, he advocates for DMT use?
don't care I think the ai upscaling used on the get back film looked great
There's lots of types of carbon
The graphite in your pencil and a diamond are both made only of carbon
The difference is how the particles are arranged, what structure they have
the buddhists figured it out, if you understand what you are this very moment there's no after death for you because there's no you even now
You’re a shill and you have shit taste.
yeah so we get our carbon rearranged and you come to life in another form

could end up a pencil or a prince, depending on how the wind blows
you can grow concrete
What's the most popular brand of digestives in the UK
on trees?
gestating a poobaby
Do you ever miss being a kid?
No stress or worries, no toiling constantly, no existential despair.
Just innocently playing about, not realising everything will get so much worse.
shall be tending to my crops today
That was Cameron. He grows trees then cuts them down and makes things from them. Brilliant. Marvellous. I don't think I ever want to talk to those people.
i had lots of existential despair as a kid
got a poo on pause
>the English eat Scottish digestives
Is this is why y'all are so against Scottish independence?

Even more embarrassing is Indians eating huge amounts of Britannia digestives
i'm a borderer bro
the lines dividing are nonsense
im ethnically scottish
i get told i sound scottish
but i'm english by birth
binsulate britain (throw it in the bin, the whole country)
I just want to be happy and free from suffering
On that Baldwin IV sigma grindset
even though my childhood had a lot of trauma i would say emphatically yes
when i was 9 was great, hard a close circle of friends, lived in a comfy small town where we could ride bikes or scooters everywhere, and not a care in the world
work mexican work
Some of us never had a childhood, some of us were working in the mines as soon as we could hold a bucket
Brush my teeth? I'll do it tomorrow.
be a doll and pencil in a wank at 4 o clock
he's a real cool dude
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>are complex systems conscious (star systems)
>are they intelligent?
this was really interesting and i linked a vid here yesterday of him
The Greenland shark doesn't reach sexual maturity until it's 150 years old.
We don't know how old they can live to, or if they can even die of old age at all. But it's at least 500 years old.
Most of them are also blind because they are prone to eye parasites.
Imagine spending 150 years before you even reach adulthood and can shag.
Imagine living for 500 years but all that time you're a blind shark in the arctic ocean.
Gay nerd bullshit
it looked good and it's a useful technology
your ideology is casting a veil over your perception
which video was it?
whales > sharks
im completely insane, I've lost my mind
every moment I'm alive is painful
just want it all to end
My favorite british biscuits are chocolate digestives and pink wafers, even though pink wafers in america have strawberry cream not vanilla. I really want to try jammie dodgers and jaffa cakes.
My ideology is objectively correct, as evidenced by how much it triggers and upsets normalfags like yourself.

I am saying things that are truly provocative and dangerous by slaughtering your precious sacred cow that is “AI”.
the one about michael mass
ai isn't a sacred cow to me that's a bizarre thing to say
you seem very confused
I will never know what romantic love is like
sounds retarded
oh I just saw that in my recommendations
I'll check it out thanks
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Lemtop sex arse
that's even worse, instead of having an ideology you just have shit taste and broken eyes
Come to daddy, kittens...
It’s a sacred cow of modern society at least.
they looked into themselves and realized there's nothing there to reincarnate, that's enlightenment, simple really
what the fuck
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it's really not
I wanna know what love is
Did you know there's an animal called a racoon dog, and it's neither a type of racoon or a type of dog. it's actually a type of fox.
It is. Just try and say anything negative about AI in any public space, especially on the internet. Normoids will act like you’re some crazy person or that you just murdered their dog.
i know this post was a reference to some film or something but wouldn't you be loaded if you started working that young?
imagine being the little kid with wads of cash. you'd be a king at school
now let's see what she looks like under all that tonnes of makeup
I see far more negativity and anger over the use of ai actually
just came back from the gym and had a gnarly arm pump
first time ever i felt like i had massive arms
also people are probably reacting to you that way for other reasons
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mad how some people go out of their way to have a row with others when it's easier to just avoid it and go home and wank to tranny porn
Not really, all I see is people soifacing over how “le heckin epic” it is

Just look at Reddit where there’s like 10 different AI cultist/techbro subs all with huge activity, but there’s only one singular anti-AI sub and it’s barely active at all (and it only focuses on the art issue and not anything else)

I feel incredibly marginalised and ostracised from mainstream culture as an anti-AI person these days
finally became a youtube partner
finally i never have to work a real job again
none of those people are "normoids"
You gotta shite
For your right
To farty
AI is grim but there's no point railing against it publicly unless you've already got a massive audience
It's already being pushed hard by the megacorpos (copilot, Google AI etc etc) so it'll be a part of life soon enough for everyone
Personally I just filter/block it where I can and ignore any AI content because it's utter drivel and lacks any sort of soul or human creativity, it's completely godless and without substance which is an apt allegory for current year
What are you talking about, Reddit is normoid central
Your father caught you bumming and he said “that’s gay”
That hypocrite shags two fags a day
not really. they're like the lumpenprole of normies, the bottom of the barrel
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just did an absolutely enormous poo
may have had something to do with me eating an entire tin of mushy peas with my tea last night
If I had twin sons, I'd name them Hengist and Horsa
Release your inhibitions!
*bends over and shows you my pooey hairy arsehole* like this?
Feel my cum on your skin
>It's already being pushed hard by the megacorpos (copilot, Google AI etc etc) so it'll be a part of life soon enough for everyone
This is a dumb fucking cuck mentality and I don’t understand it

You are under no obligation to participate in something just because corporate ghouls are marketing it to you. Microsoft is not holding a gun to your head and forcing you to use their chatbots

If corporations are forcing something morally wrong and repulsive on the world, you don’t roll over and take it like a cuck, you resist it with all your might until they get the message

This is the #1 issue for me, I literally don’t care about anything else anymore, this is the most pressing issue for humanity right now in my view
You've been making the same post for several years now lad.
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>may have had something to do with me eating an entire tin of mushy peas with my tea last night
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any dark triad niggas in?

link me anyway and i'll do it
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What's the reason you're so passionate about this then
Is AI ruining your trans furry hentai scat porn commission business or something?
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pic rel is my schedule as a wfh wagie
im going to sleep in until 11 tomorrow though since im going to bed late
the redditspacer is angry about what people say on reddit
he must spend a lot of time there
no surprise
Guess what Horsa means
pic rel is my actual
>This is the #1 issue for me, I literally don’t care about anything else anymore, this is the most pressing issue for humanity right now in my view
this is probably why people react to you as if you're insane
had the pengest indian chick deliver my food today. bit chubby, with the crop top, could see that chubby belly. so fuckin hot lads. licked the handles of that paper bag when she got done dropping it off.
If you're so smart, explain to me why my poo smells so bad
very interesting
poo is brown
brown things smell bad
simple as
Why is it always the same shit with you people. Do you think only trans people value real human creativity and human relationships?
bit racist
lucy letby will never walk the streets again
she will never have friends again
she will never enjoy anothre decent meal
she will never get married
she will never get to have children
she will never feel safe
history will remember her as a complete monster
all this in spite of the fact that she's innocent
for what it's worth I too love having a paranoid doomsday ideology and delusions of persecution
it just feels good
Do you make out with your hot, barely legal plump-breasted sister with that mouth, you freak?
Seriously I don’t get it
>if you don’t want humans and their talents to be replaced, you are le trans furry

Why has 4chan latched on to this “argument” so hard in the past 2 years
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the election tourist thinks spaces between lines is reddit

he doesnt understand that it's the natural way of separating thoughts and has been done on 4chan since the beginning and even back to the days of something awful, other forums, and BBSes

he truly is retarded
lucy letby will never eat fried chicken again, the good kind... let that sink in lads...
Thanks for contributing to the thread, but I do not like or care about this post, so please delete it.
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*intercepts you in your path*
I miss when 4chan used this font. Also based moot for slapping down that attention whore.
>she will never get to have children
i can smuggle some of my sperm in for her if she likes
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clear skies tonight
good for sleeping
mad how moot was literally 17 underageb& when he wrote that
What test is the bottom right one
probably because when I search for "ai upscaling used on the get back film" one of the first links that comes up is this https://cohost.org/Foxtrot68/post/943488-remember-that-beatle
you share an uninformed ignorant paranoid zealotry with a certain demographic
just how it is
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Mental how she's 100% innocent
cant sleep might have another wank
stop flaming my posts you dumb jocks >_<
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Don't touch your penis. Not even to piss.
it is interesting that a lot of the real professional established artists I follow on instragram will occasionally post work where they used ai tools in creative ways to achieve certain effects and the only artists I see railing against it are usually creators of absolute garbage shitty fanart or furry crap
it's a long one (104 questions)
absolute love this spacker cat
Wisdom from the Ancient Kingdom of Axum
Everything that individual said is correct though, and you just dismissed their argument out-of-hand because “they are… le trans!”

I used to hate trannies and now I find myself agreeing with them because somehow they have consistently better takes on this stuff than you mongs who seem to decide whether you like or hate something based off “does X group also like/hate it?”
>My IQ has been tested to be excess of 180

Wut? lol
I don't make decisions that way
you are a mental case
pretty sure it's a validity question to make sure you aren't just clicking random shit.
You’re a shill who advocates for human creativity to be replaced with machines. You are scum of the earth, lower than literal trash in my view.
My black penis is throbbing
get the human creativity replaced
Have you seen this AI model that creates a "podcast" of two characters riffing on a document that you feed it? So bizarre
i feel like giving up i applied to 55 places none of them answered back I am so angry why the fuck is my life so shit why can't i just have one thing go right in my life everything is expensive
I am not shilling and I do not believe or agree with what you said
that is a bizarre leap to make
you believe humans will stop being creative because the only reason for human creativity is to make money so if there are no jobs for commercial artists then no artists will exist
that is an absurd idea
you are SHILLING a doomsday scenario and becoming hateful and potentially dangerous because of it
you should focus your energy and attention on something else
maybe go make some art if you care so much about it
Pop the poo pill Paulo
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Say it one more time, dawg
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Oh, to be stepped on by a fit Chinese bird
off t'shops
No, I believe that if you give humans a tool that enables them to bypass developing actual skills and talent and instead ask a machine to do all the work for them, 99.9% of people will just take the easy route and do exactly that. And in a few generations time we’ll be living in a world where the idea of humans writing, drawing, or making music is as outdated as the idea of knitting your own clothing. I do not want to live in that future, it repulses me.
*sniffs air* Smell that? Checkem
Don't understand how you have spacial and verbal IQ but you're low in openness/intellect
my dad told me that me saying accountants will be automated is stupid because they need humans for the job
>this shit made me laugh
Might have to start drinking again boys. What are we thinking? What are my best friends thinking :3 I'll text them ahahahaha fuck you! Not good for a man to never leave his computer every day.
Who are you talking to?
British are cool.
Americans are vulgar.
The yank that linked his psychometric profile
brits get 1000 dollars a month for unemployment while most americans get jack shit even when they are on the floor dying
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A push for automation without a discussion of UBI is worrying
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Got a root canal happening next week
Personality traits are heavily environment governed. Can make anyone anything practically with the right wrong upbringing.
my dad and i had a argument about it but we compromised on one more semester of college and then i can try trade school
It’s also worrying when techbros and journalists use seemingly-positive phrases like “modernising” to just mean “removing humans from the equation entirely”
Would you say your childhood was traumatic because if so surely that would make you more neurotic?
>Our moon vs Mars' moons

oh my DAYS
so you knit weave and sew all of your own clothes then? or someone does that for you by hand? is the present repulsive to you? do you know how to cook? have people stopped learning culinary arts because processed prepackaged food exists? if a person uses bottled worcestershire sauce in a recipe instead of making their own isn't that essentially taking the easy route? is the idea of people who don't have the time or natural talents to acquire artistic skills having access to tools which let them express themselves creatively more easily horrifying to you? does it scare you? do you want to stop them? do you want to have control over others? would you like to dictate what people can and can't do?
its bullshit white collar jobs will be replaced first while people like me will be rich while white collar people cry
Am I stupid for not getting this comic?
most artists don't want to spend their time working on commercial projects if a tool can be used to spend less time on that and more time on their own personal art they will take advantage of that and it's a good thing because you will end up with MORE original art not less
you are not an artist and have no understanding of the industry or what drives creative people
you are a thick small minded pig crawling up your own arse
hey hey hey, stay outta my shed
Have woken up like 5 times for a poo tonight
God you are fucking boring.
what the fuck are you eating
alri pooeybumlad
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I need to find me some chocolate bourbons
It's a stomach bug... I hope...
should i give up on finding a job? i also went in person today because my step mom threw a hissy fit about how if i went in person it would work better
evens i get a haircut, odds and i don't, dubs and i buzz it myself
Hope the Norwood Fairy visits you in your sleep
not going to happen to me as it does not run in my family
buzz buzz buzz!
Hope your mum's parents' milkman was as bald as a coot
i am so sad i just want to have a job and friends i can't get either i should debt max and kill myself
>watch the latest series of Taskmaster Australia being uploaded to the Taskmaster youtube channel
>it's actually funny
It's fucking amazing what can be done, when they put comedians on it, and aren't pandering for woke points.
You can only complain when you prevent the UK flags from posting in /cum/.
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>licked the handles of that paper bag when she got done dropping it off.
find it VERY hard to believe TM OZ isn't woke
Aussie comedy is severely lacking when it comes to kiwi comedy

even Canadian comedy is better

Thankyou for supporting the Australian stupid gay Asian bogans industry
i wish i could visit Australia it looks so cool
I mean, it's got diversity on it, but it's still funny.
I'm supporting your stupid gay African/Middle Easterns industry. So the Hungarian barber shops can expand.
NEW >>202647024
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crammed a jamm- rammed a jammy do- jammed a jammy dodger up me arse

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