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The pengest women speak Spanish edition

sometimes wonder why Israel and Russia are the only countries that are so brazen about assassinations
just blowing up pagers and poisoning people in public and not caring who knows about it
probably get up to some sneaky stuff ourselves but you those two just don't care that you know they did it
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>Argentina mentioned
Latinx can't suffer
Just learnt that American footballers in high school are forced by their coach to walk around campus holding hands and doing army chants lmao
>In 2018, a 29-year-old prostitute died in Saint Petersburg, Russia, after choking on a condom while performing fellatio on a man. The condom slipped off the client during the act and blocked the prostitute's airways
reading about unusual sexo deaths lads
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Would you prefer to wear robes if it were socially permissible?
Well. I'm not sure that has anything to do with British culture.
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harlots, skedaddle
that's me under the white sheet
wonder how many posties are actually shagging women whilst there out delivering post
wenches flee
just get the number of black posties and there you have it
are we hard at work
or hardly workin'?
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never saw this
What are some pants you can wear besides jeans?

The only thing I can think of is chinos but they're gay as fuck
you can't wear just suit pants can you?
what else is there?
I became an uncle overnight. I'm buzzing but also secretly feel rubbish that fatherhood seems so far away for me if it should ever happen at all. Obviously cant discuss that with family. Cant really discuss it with anyone, the couple of mates I have or my colleagues, it would make me sound like a right cretin and lead to other uncomfortable conversations about how im basically an incel.
can anyone translate that
I hate women.
love moonrise kingdom me
Thought this was about Spike Milligan at first haha
slags depart
canvas pants
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can't get over the fact that they couldn't get eva green back to play rachel in the dark knight (2008) so they had to cast jake gyllenhaal's sister who is pretty ugly but everyone always comments on how beautiful she is because her character is supposed to be even though it's not represented at all by that minger they replaced eva with
If I had to guess, she's playfully explaining how it's important to keep hydrated as she donates a bottle of water to the homeless man masturbating on methamphetamine while laying under a white sheet right outside the petrol station she either works at or is a patron of.
lil timmy using medieval tools LOL
You should be killed
what the fuck man
2 years of daily stretching and risking erectile dysfunction to get maybe half the size of an average bbc? Tragic man
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Migrants' bellies full.
Migrants' bollocks empty.
accidentally put diesel in the cat
makes you wonder why they are so fearless right now right?
the joker called her beautiful, but he was just joking haha
omdz hope you're joking
jaaaaaaannnnyyy I'm baaaaaacccckk
earlier than the time allotted to me aswell >:^)
see a lot of zoomers wearing trousers not far off these to be fair
Back when men were men.
whores exit
I used to take things from the co op too

Never liked the co op, very communisty

You're allowed to steal from communists because they want to steal from you
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screaming looking at pictures of american toilets what the fuck is wrong with these idiots
ive been wondering this too. i cant stand jeans, they rub against the skin and you cant even do anything active without feeling the denim begin the first phase of irritation.
for me it's Samsung Galaxy
won't someone think of the grocery chains
Fraud is probably accounting for £39.75 million of that

mate, please
someone just posts a pic of his willy stretcher and the thread just talks about the co-op next wtf is wrong with you people
from what i hear it's incredibly common to sit on one and have your family jewels touch the water
why are you looking at pictures of toilets
blue board
They pass the cost on to their customers (which is everyone!)
White dress shirt
Black tie
Black suit pants
Black dress shoes
hows that for a fit?

keep in mind I'm a gymcel so have athletic physique
• Get the migrants fed
• Get the migrants washed
• Get the migrants medically checked
• Get the migrants housed
• Get the migrants shagged
• Get the migrants paid
Yes if you're black
yeah thats why i was curious, was wondering how thats possible unless every yank has a meter long willy. the bowl is so massive too
none of your business
r susanna grilling keir banger
Xiaomi are fine, but have much worser marketing

Xiaomi 13, 14 probably are good phones but foo expensive for me + One UI is more different than HyperOS
mental illness
how do you know what it is?
got myself a monster energy nitro super dry
pensioners frozen
migrants housed
jah bless
Yanks don't wash their asses after toilet, leaving micropieces of poo on underwear, but laughing at Indians where everyone does it.
another day of talking about other men's meat is it?
Stretching my weener with a weener stretcher.
>In 2013, a man and woman in Zimbabwe were having sex outdoors when they were attacked by a lion; the woman died.[39][40]
190 logging on for another 20 hour shift of posting about black willies all day every day for the rest of his life
my friends at church warned me
4 sleeps until the Conservative Party Conference
Chinese-designed muck
Much prefer my Korean-designed phones thank you
are you Emmayank?

I'm not 190
Shoplifting overall amounted to almost £2billion last year
Fucking hate this lawless shithole
based Samsung enjoyer
You have no idea how high I can fly
Found out about some Soviet high jumper who grew 23cm taller in his 20s
Watching an interview with him now, might have to steal his routine haha
I would literally be 190, if not scoliosis
Androphilia is a mental illness, imagine actively wanting to sleep every night for the rest of your life next to a bollock faced hairy beer bellied norwood blob
mad how peng peng gay twinks pooing peng gay poo porn is
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oh no he stole the beer, its over its fucking over theres no coming back from this
sounds peng
correction: it was katie holmes not eva green, don't know why i throught it was eva green, but regardless the crux of my point still stands
What do you want us to do, work for a living? Hahaha get fucked
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Daily reminder that 'gender identity' does not exist.
There is no such thing as being 'transgender'.
Human beings cannot change their sex.

Transgenderism is a paedophillic misogynistic cult that harms women and children.
>subreddit called r/unpopularopinion
>all the top posts aren't unpopular opinions at all
>actually unpopular opinions would be downvoted so hard they'd disappear
i hate them so much lads
don't recall asking mate
those Welsh sausages are seriously goated
mad how the only times I've ever been on rebbit is when it has been linked here
Just ordered a new bottle of 100ml Encre Noire only £15 fuckin bargain.
Imagine letting strangers tell you what websites you can and cannot browse.
use some of the subreddits for niche wanks desu
sciatica got me on the fucking ropes
reddit an ugly website
stormzy - shut up (s l o w e d + r e v e r b)
mad how rap isn't even music
Maggie is hot mate, you have shit taste. Recommend her in The Secretary
might start using a straight razor, i get a much cleaner shave with them
might start using a gay razor
>The Secretary
No such film
Have literally never in my life heard anyone mention any London artist outside of /brit/. It's mental how astroturfed that little subculture is.
Rorke playing Battle B-Daman
Where do you live?
larts are legal highs still a thing in england i am going to london and i really really want drugs
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the fuck is /mu/'s problem, someone have a word
maggie and jake both being actors and doing brother-sister roles together is actually kind of cute and wholesome
wonder if he's ever shagged her up the arse
He unironically only means on 4chan. 4chan is his life.
might attach an outboard motor to the cat, see what happens
My apologies
I know my ex loved that film once we broke up, she must’ve been getting up to all kinds of kinky shit with her new fella god bless her
Can't imagine anything more pathetic than going to the pub on your own.
why not just get illegal ones?
dead board (dying site (more like shite))
hope thatll be /int/ soon just a load of /brit/s
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i look exactly like chudjak except i don't wear glasses
I think I’m turning Japanese
not saying that I caused the worldwide popularity of kpop but I did used to start all the kpop threads on /mu/
anyone else ever wank?
fuck off junkie scum
please gentley let your penis out of that machine, then throw the machine in the bin, then go get a doctor to examine your penis and tell him exactly what you've done.
i don't know anyone there i can't reliably find a drugs man i think
mad how we invented everything
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London Paki immediately lashed out, hilarious. Complete lack of self-awareness.
Try looking in the mirror.
Just message random black people on snapchat and you'll find a dealer eventually.
I've only got this one life, I need to start dressing smarter. Nice shoes, clean trousers, shirts, blazers. I am sick and fucking tired of myself and everyone else looking like FUCKING SLOBS. No more to trackie bottoms and hoodies, toy trainers made in China. It is a DISGRACE. You can't be wearing this rubbish in your thirties. Smarten up NOW.
mans still shotting
who the fuck is londonpaki
is he also LOLpaki?
Sex with beautiful women
chavs everywhere seething at this
this is unironically a sign of autism lad
Mate why are you stressing yourself? It ain’t worth it to impress people
grrrrrr i MUST know who every last poster is i MUST play dollhouse all day because i have no irl friends
based sharp dressed man
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is it?
i have the same opinion, i like joggers because they're more loose and dont make you feel caged in
ive been sayin this since day one doe!
Serious post: my life is a mess in all the usual incel ways BUT I have £50k in the bank. How can I leverage this to become at least semi-normie?
This thick fuck paki actually thinks the average English person says "peng", or has any familiarity or interest whatsoever in (British) drill artists, or any of the other dogshit effluent coming out of London. Because /brit/ is -his- life he's been here for over a decade
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Nah I don’t remember that
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ah, evening all
buy a gun for a few hundred, send the rest to me and then shoot yourself
at the end of the day blacks fucking rebuilt britain after the luftwaffle bombed us to fuck
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*does a wee in your tea*
wadiyatalkinabeet donny ya fuckin druggo
get your clobber sold on vinted and get some proper clothes in
Struth, morning Bruce! What did you get up to this alvo?
don't know about shoes but hypersensitivity to certain fabrics and clothes (ie jeans) is a sign of autism, yes
chris chan famously has
>usual incel ways
list them
fuck up
Not pictured: You, just off camera, tongue firmly up his smelly dirty arse hole.
>Evri - We've got your parcel!
porn on the cob
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you've turned me yorkshire into a yorkshire gold
toil, as one does
eating krave (the cat treats waster cereal)
I started on reddit when I got a month long ban last November. It's not nearly as bad as people on here make out.
rare good yank post
Live with parents
No gf
Basically 2 friends
Okay job but nothing special
Metal Elvis
sacked tranny sporting a semi at this
>as one does

Not me! I’m a dosser!
>goes home and flushes all my packages down the toilet
another fine days work as an evri delivery driver
start by spending some of that 50K on buying me a pint, then I'll impart my wisdom
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your prim and proper grammar + capitalisation virgin typing cadence suggests you'd fit in there perfectly
I dunno, buy a car and start drifting
ahaha fair enough lad!
they're fine round here, my delivery bloke is sound
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Brown women
Bizarre as fuck post from the trannycase poster
Mad about stuff? Good.
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a poo brew please
hello new zealand, long time no see
you know it in your heart to be true
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did william blake really see angels?
Well I'm not that anon so
the gold coast, australia is not for the faint of heart
I'll knock your fucking teeth out, dick head.
Weird, I don't remember turning on a UK vpn and making this post
heh looks like 4 screenshots from burning the tree in elden ring
really love store-bought frozen raviolis lads, i could live off them forever, don't know why gordon ramsay gets so butthurt when he finds out the raviolis are store bought
nothing going on in catbergs head
devoid of thought
>lives with parents
these are always closely linked
How so?
Care to explain what's wrong with the outfit?
Please welcome Free Gear Keir and his wife Victoria Sponger
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Hi mate

How're things in Ausland?
NZ is reddit, as-per usual
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>Victoria Sponger
you're not sending a fucking work email lad you can type normally here
If I had £50k in the bank I'd sack off work and NEET it up for the next 3-4 years.

AI will have made jobs obsolete by the time that money runs out.
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Not very hygienic. Her poo particles would get in your beer.
balancing on one foot atop an empty can then tapping it with the other foot crushing it into a disc like a miniature oceangate
she is a sudaca
why does this look like a gta v screenshot
no chance ai is taking any job you could do wastrel
yeah good, lots of beer, sun
Urgh tinned ravioli is vile, what were my parents thinking
So you think I'm capable of doing highly complex jobs? Erm, cheers I guess.
got the hot rats on
always liked tinned ravioli me
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not sure, have a gta 6 gameplay webm
I don't write emails at work. Let's have some standards here on /brit/.
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>Let's have some standards here on /brit/.
like the frozen gyoza
could probably convince me this is real if it didn't have that acura logo, because as we all know rockstar doesn't feature real car manufacturers in their games
sucking some peaches en regalia
need to stick my love inside you
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america is a wild place, not for me
Sometimes I’ll bump into the neighbours catberg when I’m walking down our road.
Might pick it up next time and hug it for a few seconds lol
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sheikin mah booty
mad how one impulsive decision can negatively affect the rest of your life, leading to years in prison

such is the daily tightripe that low-inhibition mongs walk
Yeah this is the kinda girl I could go for
mad how that driver probably got away with this because the victim had a gun and he had reasonable grounds for a self-defence case
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holy slampig batman
holy cheberoni
don't do it mate, someone will see you and say something to the other neighbours, then they will all call you catnonce
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Commercial Tuna fisheries often get dolphins caught in their nets and just chuck them in with the fish to be processed anyway
Something like 15% of canned tuna is actually dolphin
If you eat canned tuna, look for a logo that says "Dolphin safe" to avoid this
Man denied his yapping rights.
And damn right he should get away with it, some road-rage cunt pulls out a gun and starts hitting your car while spitting abuse? Most clear cut case of self defence
He went full road rage and pulled a gun on a guy and got blasted. Clear case of self defense.
nah, I'll eat the dolphin
s'all good protein innit

never did any harm
are you sure

whats the uk equivalent of this video?
going the sainsburys
londoners be like ooga booga, jihad blud. apples and pears
is it a dolphin in a bathtub?
I don't give a single bollock how many dolphins I eat. The dreams of little girls must be crushed
you're from the sainsburys aren't you
thats not mad
biblical poo brewing
not taking that bait, thank you

get me a cheesy baton
the trouble with chunky birds like this is they can't wipe their arsehole properly so when you bend them over you inevitably get a big waft of old caked on shit smell up your nostrils
hey cutie reading this post x
mmm tasty tuna dolphin
Yeah but Brits call everything "mad" or "mental"
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this is my world today
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shes not even that big you retard
Is there a world where you fuck off?

;) x
Not really mad at all though is it
Some random stranger ran up to him with a gun, he was 100% justified
she's the size of a house

would be like shagging a water bed
big enough to have a shitty arsehole mate
if you get into a road rage incident 3 times you should have your licence permanently revoked imho, these mongs don't seem to understand that you're at your most dangerous while driving so you also have to be your most sensible
Do you really think girls that weigh more than 70 kilos can't wipe their own arse
just sits there for hours with a vacant stare on his face
edna crabapple
Dolphin is a type of tuna anyway
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Fucking hate cotoilers who think whacking out mockney or aussie slang every other sentence makes them charismatic
No, Kirsty, you do not call the afternoon "arvo", you are from Cambridge
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I'm always at my most dangerous
mental how fit they are
eating a dozen chiko rolls and shitting up my back like a baby
kek this happeend with my ex
Kirsty single?
Imagine the kind of person complaining online because someone at work said "arvo"
Have a biscuit
someone pulled out of a junction in front of the other me and I had to brake harshly

I didn't beep my horn I just said "fucks sake" at a normal volume inside the car then resumed driving safely
Shut your trap you flaming galaa
not properly no
it's just a matter of physics
Bart Simpson turned 10 in the Season 3 episode "Radio Bart"
Season 36 premieres on Sunday and it is entitled "Bart's Birthday"

Do you reckon he will turn 11 or will he have ANOTHER 10th birthday?
The simpsons community is up in arms over this discussion
Bruv she's fat as fuck
lots of bright red blood wiping my arse reckon a hemorrhoid or whatever you call them has burst
not mockney or aussie but the absolute worst one for me is "y'all", sets my fucking teeth on edge
*blaagrhghgagrghgh* *pant, pant*

just getting spitroast-*BLAAGHRAGHARGBAHRGBRHG*
It's unironically better to have never had a gf than had one and lost her with no prospect of getting another
whats the biggest bum size my 5.5 inch wilbertberg can penetrate?
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>in front of the other me
If I have a proper near miss I'm generally silent or just shake my head
If it's something minor like an old biddy needlessly letting someone out of a side road, I go effing mental
omg got to get a girlfriend so people will think i'm normal and so i can fit in... yaaaaaaay!!!!
I'm the latter
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Wow I thought the Simpsons had way more episodes than that
One Piece has go it beat by about 300
*blaagrhghgagrghgh* *pant, pant*
japslop doesn't count
This is like if someone decided to rewrite Charles Dickens' stories
They can write whatever they want, it doesn't make any difference because The Simpsons ended at season 10
Mental how many hours have been collectively wasted by humanity on 'One Piece'
look I know we've all got belters in the clipboard but let's get over the line first shall we
Alri Matt Groening
Simpsons takes summer and January (american football on Fox) off

One Piece is literally every single week without a break
What kind of absolute slop does an anime have to have to be (and I mean slop by the already subterranean standards of anime) to have over a thousand episodes
get the gta sa installed
Friendly reminder that anime is for nonces.
Got called gay
few months ago some boomer pulled out in front of me while I was going about 50 and I just barely swerved around him, must have missed by inches, then just casually carried on driving. That was probably the closest I've ever come to death and I didn't even bother mentioning it to anyone
is "you all" ok? i say that to address a room
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Lmao you drama queen
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I drive a 20 year old Polo, it's got an airbag and that's about it. I don't think I'd survive a head-on crash at 50mph

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