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here's your intelligent design bro edition
poo smells lmao
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Innit just mental how there's no Asians with fat arses or tits in porn that aren't just fatties
honestly i spent 5 hours applying to places and calling them for interviews i feel fucking stupid i can't even get a job at walmart and they hire felons
Tzipi Hotovely:
>Self described herself as "ultra-right wing" and "racist"
>Denies the Nakba ever happened or that any Palestinians were killed or had land stolen by Israel in the 1940s/50s
>Unironically believes almost nobody lived in Palestine before the Jews arrived in the 20th century
>Believes mixed race, and mixed religion marriages should be illegal
>Believes Israel should seize all land in the West Bank and Gaza and that it's acceptable to kill any number of Palestinians to achieve her desired one state solution
>Said it's acceptable to bomb "every school, every mosque, every second house" in the West Bank and Gaza
>Believes non-Jews should not be allowed any citizenship or human rights within Israel

She was given a warm welcome to Labour Party conference this week and had meetings and photographs with both Rachel Reeves and representatives of Labour Friends of Israel.
mad how nobody appreciates spainnonce's shite gimmicks so he has to randomly samefag about them at 1am

ah did the obese incel from chester post it again?
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I've got
I'll never complain about an ingrown toenail again
Oh and btw I've been to the town where Ronnie James Dio was born in upstate NY. It is a sad place 2bh. I wish I never knew about it. It's basically as if Ozzy was born in Luton.
So you're saying it's a skin-colour based slur based on classist and racist stereotypes?
I thought the left was against such things?
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that guy seems fucking thick but this one looks like a bit of a thinker
>I thought the left was against such things?
they show new levels of hypocrisy every year

for most people the redpill was in 2020 with the "mostly peaceful" protests and incitement to violence
Do find it funny how heavily linked being antisocial and depressed is with "alt-right" and further political beliefs.

Just plain lashing out at a world that doesn't seem to care innit.
honestly my dad is right if i can't find a job i am worthless and should give up
*slathers you in honey and mustard and puts you in the oven at 180 for two hours*

Seethe on you incel freak
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that's what your mum said last night in bed m8
I was reverse-redpilled in 2023 when I saw right-wingers drop literally all of their principles just to start shilling for AI slop.

Well it's their choice to turn red through their diet tbf
Fuck off Spainsimp you demented freak.
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*takes him out raw when you arent looking and licks all the honey and mustard off him*
Any reason you're posting this in a non-political message board at 1AM?
Live off nothing but pints, chips and red meat, what do you expect
seventy-four..... seventy-five.....
oh I thought gammon was a common name or something among that generation/type of people
Proper mongy twat hours. All the normoids gone to bed.
he's really having a leftypol meltdown at 1am

im guessing hes the one you see complaining about there being too many rorkes on /brit/ late at night.
Is there a town in England with zero refugees? Like you'd be walking down the street and there would be all local people around you?
My post was >>202684475 how on fucking earth did you think I was Spainnonce?
Not the janitor are you now? Fuck off little hall monitor type freak.
anyone remember that stock police radio that sounds like "brannet prospector 35-6" or something to that effect
heard it in loads of films and video games when the police show up, don't know what it means
Yeah, just utter schizos and losers at this time. Time to get some sleep I reckon lol
does rorke become deano when he gets a gf or is he always rorke
Nobody capitalises "spainnonce", i know its you.
Get some sleep you freak.
we have anne arundel county in Maryland, too.
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the body keeps the score, as they say
no preworkout for me today. it too late in the day
Bet it doesn't have a thousand year old castle thoughbeit
dat shit funny
>Time to get some sleep I reckon
You won't, parasite.
Ok that's enough attention for little baby Adam. Let him talk to himself into the early morning hours.
Everyone who doesn't repeat the far right incel chud seethe posts like an NPC fueled by liquid hate is Spaino
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I think the thing for me is the greed. Like not just the big corporate greed, that's utterly vampiric and would take everything to destroy.

But it's the local restaurant run by a "local entrepreneur" that gets young people in on a 4 hour unpaid trial every weekend. The local car dealership being scummy for a fed extra quid. The supervisor at the shop on £11.70 an hour trying to stiff the customer assistant on £11.50 an hour of their holiday entitlement. Not to mention Landlords.

It's that £100-500k level person greed that really gets me. Little Hitlers every single one.
I hate being a neet its driving me crazy like why does everyone have it easy when applying for work
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You are delusional. I fucking despise Spainnonce, how could you think I'm him? Take your meds
my dad keeps pushing me to get married. he's basically forcing me to have sex which is weird
Drank wee once meself. It's really really really disgusting. It's the hard knock life for us who dislike the taste yet have a piss fetish.
Aww he's having a melty over getting called out, how cute. Look at him, writhing in his gaming chair while scrambling to pick up his other iphones.
You're totally brain broken, schizo
heathermong meltdown
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surely that depends on your diet
did yours throw a hissy fit and tell you about how he wants to kill himself
one day /brit/ will have a civil war over SSM, and i know which side I will stand on. I'll defend my leeed 4 times quicker
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Ah yes the old "everyone I ever disagree with in future is one namefag who I argued with 7 months ago" schizo-gimmick
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true. and you are right. all whypipo in arundel
look at this trad wife. so wholesome. proper english folk.
kill me more like
can't stop listening to yacht rock
Completely organic posts.

Can tell you're a /britfeel/ faggot by the way you talk about "civil war" and taking sides, having enemies, making stands etc.
Melodramatic retards the lot of you
>The supervisor at the shop on £11.70 an hour trying to stiff the customer assistant on £11.50 an hour of their holiday entitlement.
yep, reckon its a meltdown
spaedo attempting to muddy the water with frivolous spaedo accusations again

Fuck off parasite. Fuck off, go kill yourself and make sure your parents dont find your body because its the least you can do for them.
there is nothing but soup in your rancid little skull
Melty melty
mine tells me he would pick his wife over me because i give him no value
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watched a really awkward travel vid in germany
got beaten badly vs some random in chess, didnt know how to get pastries out of a bakery storage bin, referred to a castle as a "berg" flexing german when it actually means mountain
dont know why awkward retard is a marketable youtube personality now
funny fart compilation 2024 | 4K
If you've ever seen /brit/ late at night when Spainmong isn't here it is way more dead, way less Brit flags and ofcourse more good posters because he doesnt scare everyone away and replace them with samefagging.

This is him. Look how many posts in succession. This is a weekday, and he's here, doing this.

Oh he did it again. How funny.
Landlady is booting us out of the flat so she can sell up, little does she know there's been a leak underneath the bathtub for 6 months and the floor is all rotten and she's going to have to declare it to any potential buyers which will undoubtedly put a huge dent in the asking price. Not my problem.
trying too hard
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Yeh i should just go back to the usual low effort stuff that usually sets him off.
I should just do that.
No more attention feeding. He doesnt deserve it.

where will you live
we are now living in a post gimmick /brit/
Wondering if I'm so into hobbies because it makes me forget how shit the UK is

Like for every night I'm painting Warhammer, or playing football, or doing parkrun, am I just avoiding how shit this island is.

Clinging onto the embers of community and trust in others; whilst most of this island lives in a Road Rage, plastic pub, retail development, Ant & Dec and Mrs Brown's Boys haze.
Old school Tizer was just red coloured lemonade, then they changed it into some weird horrible mixed fruit drink.
Mental how my schizo namefag gimmick infected another poster
got to say, the schizo melties where he accused every post of being made by the same person is quite funny
I wonder if at some point he'll start replying to himself, accusing himself of being Spaino
Probably the next step in the evolution of his mental illness
was in the barbershop yesterday waiting for my turn when i smelled a quite powerful fart
wasn't me
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What makes people fly these flags on their property?
is it true warhammer people all hate total war warhammer
At the end of the day you have to remember this is an actual grown man that is getting a buzz out of doing this trolling routine every day.

The gimmicks dont really matter, he could probably think of something better but he doesnt care. He just wants to spam the thread and turn it into his dollhouse.

Narcissist and probably mental problems i dont know about.
God that's a horrific hairline
even the classic horseshoe would look better than that
Bought a house, paid in full, no mortgage, we move in middle of next month. Wifeberg inherited wonga when her Dad died.
My friends are into both heavily both fantasy and 40k
shut it spainnonce
fucks sakes mate thats cheating you cant just do that
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Er, Rorke...?
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either gay or Ukraine. Like Clockwork. Even rural England is woke as fuck.
At least it's not the tranny flag. Got no issue with gays, it's the child mutilating knicker fetishists who need gassing.
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Never played it. Kinda seems cool but it seems to attract the "secondaries" type who have to Flanderise everything and focus on the plotlines of named characters rather than the setting as a whole. Which has also infected the way GW thing and the whole thing is turning into Marvel tier sloppa.
As if it isn't painfully obvious when spainonce is shitting up the thread.
And that's probably you having the same meltdown over me calling you out.
So bye.
No more feeding you. Little baby Adam is full. Time for a nap i think.
Fuck off really? Jealous. Condolences on the dead dad though.
Another meltdown in your smelly childhood bedroom is it Spaedo?
wonder if it's still possible for a restaurant to earn a michelin star if they're not vegan or at least serve ze bugs
Parasite latching on again.
Negative drain on the thread whenever he is around.
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Kill yourself incel
Yeah he was a top lad and died too young, but at least he made sure his kids would all be provided for.
>most of this island lives in a Road Rage, plastic pub, retail development, Ant & Dec and Mrs Brown's Boys haze.
men should have more hobbies tbqh
any escargot eating man in
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>nevaeh shipyard
We all know it's you Spaedo. Fuck off.
escargot to the polls
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I have no issue with anyone except when it turns into a religion and they mark territory with flags and LGBTQ+ colors everywhere.
>getting angry that people are opposed to mutilating confused children
Well done exposing yourself you nonce
I wish Spaino actually was here :/ /Brit/ just ain’t the same without the big man
I live in Chichester and this is false lmao
was just in a big meeting and I swear I heard someone wanking
heard heavy breathing and a quiet "oh my god" before they asked everyone to go on mute
rorke pronouncing escargot with a hard T on a matter of principle
did it sound like a big gay porn bumwank with all the bells and whistles
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Getting the chicken tingatoil on tomorrow
Going to make a big batch then freeze it for whenever I want tacos or quesadillas or that sort of thing
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Yeah I agree, and trannyism is a full blown cult at this point that needs destroyed
>mutilating confused children
Literally never happens. You're seething about a fiction invented by Neo-Nazi internet grifters, because you yourself are an incel chud manchild Neo-Nazi with a low IQ who needs his daily hate slop.
Btw calling for people to be "gassed" is a crime in the UK. Hope you get arrested you evil ghoul.
go to sleep, everything is alright
fucks sake now I'm picturing a man fucking his own ass with bells on Hubert's and ankles while also blowing a whistle
sounded like he was trying to be sneaky
just left the meeting instantly
would MUCH prefer this over getting caught wanking
rorke is in jail and currently on a speech strike
actually got bored reading this post about five words in
that's how boring it was
i actually spent more time typing this response just to tell you how boring it was than i did managing to read that post
did he get charged with battery?
I dunno about Chichester but Arundel is tiny and it is more like a medieval Museum in the open air. Very few people actually live there.
lolled @ this
Whats more likely? This is samefagging or two retards are really still arguing about this hours and hours later. How long has it been? Eight hours? Get a life please I'm begging you
>Literally never happens.
bellend smells of skips
just found out buzzfeed still exists, thought they went under a few years ago alongside gawker and tumblr
just off the phone with my london gyal and she said she's had her phone stolen out of her phone twice and seen it happen to other people twice
mad how much of a total shit hole london is turning into
thats insane
>we are everywhere
sounds like a threat
>chest binders and patches and shit
absolutely grim
>Nope, never happens.
trip on
oh right just a little demure & surreptitious toilwank
mental how ok groomer fell off
>Not even once, promise

oh no a few thousand gay yanks
maximum mental illness
seek help
not surreptitious enough obviously
ironically I did just wank 10 minutes before that meeting
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>Eagle Mountain woman arrested after 4-month-old son dies of multiple head injuries
*plays the guitar on the MTV*
Puberty blockers are literally banned in the UK.
Besides you were talking about surgery, don't think I didn't notice you shift the goal posts after being called out you lying nazi mongo freak.
Surgery, which again never happens on under 18s.
You are full of seething hate because you're an incel and mentally retarded. And you've let paedophile nazi grifters like Andrew Tate groom you into spending all your time being a seething little chud who only cares about hate and calling for violence against minorites you've never interacted with in real life.
You're such a failure and so evil it's unreal. Turn your fucking life around.
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did the evil chud nazis get you riled up again
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>Puberty blockers are literally banned in the UK.
Yeah and the tranny cultists are fuming about it.
>Surgery, which again never happens on under 18s.
You're a liar and a paedophile.
>Everyone is a paedophile!!!
weird way to project. seek help you sick nazi nonce fuck. leave the trans people alone.
zoomer and gen alpha men all going bent/trans just means more slags for the millenial STUD
Only 50 young confused girls in Scotland having their breasts removed for no medical reason whatsoever, no big deal.
that ain't working
nah zoomers are all lesbians
You're a confirmed liar and defender of child mutilating paedophiles
lesbians don't exist mate
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they will learn very soon that weakness attracts violence
very punchable face
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LGBTQ is a violent paedophilic child mutilation cult.
most normal tranny
you have been groomed by paedophile internet nazi grifters into spending every waking moment of your incel chud life seething and filled with hate about minorities you never interact with.
you have objectively failed at existence and will never experience sex, perhaps the only thing that could undo some of your internet grooming.
most ladylike tranny
makes me sad that 99% of australia's biggest celebrities immediately fuck off to london or los angeles when they start making it big, bloody sellouts
Zoomer boys are into Andrew Tate and supporting Mason Greenwood actually a lot of the time. It's worrying
The sanest days are mad
Why don't you find out for yourself?
Then you'll see the price
Very closely
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canada's run to America too but for obvious reasons, it's right there. australia however is on the opposite end of the world
Do you have a job?
a lot of them watch bald and bankrupt (sex tourist rapist YouTuber) too
those are all muslims
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given that he posts here about how he wants to murder trans people just for existing for 18 hours a day we can assume not.
Let it be
Let it be
Let it be
Let it be
There will be an answer
Let it be
Students are turning to YouTube, podcasts and ChatGPT-crafted summaries rather than actually reading their assignments for class. Professors are unsure how to adapt.
*walks like an egyptian*
No only bugmen do that.
can taste blood in my mouth again
young men are unironically fucked
half of them are turbo incel rorkesheeds and the other half are on tranny pills
Let's be honest if we have to pick a side, the latter are vastly preferable.
Andrew Tate is literally a child sex trafficker under arrest for raping children, and these mentally retarded chuddies groomed by him will defend that while simultaneously calling all LGBT people paedophiles
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most young men are normal men who like the football and going to the pub
a minority of internet weirdos don’t change that
>right wing paedos bad
>left wing paedos good
I'm not picking a side I'm just gonna shag the girls and rent out properties to indians
Hahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa yweah bwoiiii
This ain't true lad. Kids do drugs and drink a lot less now
most still are doing that stuff lol
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name one left wing political internet personality who has committed child sex trafficking crimes
the first tiiiiiiime
ever I sawwwww yourrrrrrr faceeeeeee
heard those programs that check your essay for AI give a lot of false positives

at least thats what I try to tell my professors
if you're a WIMP
yh obviously I'm exaggerating but it's clear more young men are becoming subnormal than in the past

Lad you're wrong
I sometimes wish I was born in the UK because it's kino also because I wouldn't have to work hard
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Alex Jones having to sell off his conspiracy media empire to pay off the sandy hook victims
Sucks to be him!
so you've realised it's only far right political influencers that rape kids? or you going to cope somehow?
>drinking in the past week
whoop de do
it's the drugs that they're doing
Peter Tatchell has spent his life defending paedophilia and is considered an icon and a hero of LGBTQ to this day.
Go to bed man nobody cares
anyone know a better alternative to chrome? stupid browser eats way too much memory and i'm sick of it chugging up on me all the time, stupid lazy pajeet coders, do they think i'm made of RAM or something?
nobody cares because we all know it's false and you're a schizo
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The other thing is that zoomers and alpha parents are themselves childlike late millennials and Xers now

If I rarely got in trouble at school I'd get told off at home as well. Now a child gets a detention and the parents are ringing in enraged that their little angel dare be held to account

Absolute dog island
might actually go to bed
Boy George went to prison for chaining a rentboy to a radiator and beating him with a chain, but he is still considered an icon and hero of the LGBTQ and regularly appears as a spokesman for their cause.
not even that guy but Mr beasts tranny mate and that one that gets posted here all the time got busted for exactly that
someones eaten all five of my doughnuts today the greedy prick
Hahaaaaaaaaaaaah aa hahahaha !! Yippee !!!!!!!! no doughnuts for thee no doughnuts for thee!
not sure what they did to deserve that much money. got harassed a bit? boo hoo
it's based on the same architecture as chrome isn't it? can't see why it would be any less of a memory hog
Here's Eddie Izzard playing with his balls while he queues up for the women's loos at St Pancras Station.
Not even that anon but lemme answer your question about obscure internet pedo lore nobody cares about at quarter to 2am on a Thursday morning
>Liverpool man who posted monkey torture videos online jailed
The quintessence of /brit/
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The UK is a Tatchellite Paedocracy
>Mr beast "obscure internet lore"
give your head a wobble mate
eating a huge bag of quavers and listening to Rush
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I literally have zero clue how men in their 30s should dress
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reckon what your family would make of you spending every waking moment filled with hate and anger towards LGBT people no different to some Afghani or Nigerian Muslim cleric
Some of them had their child’s grave desecrated
it's not what you wear but how it fits
there's a big difference between a loose fitting shirt and pants vs a proper fit
insane how much of the BBC's online content from the 2000s has been lost because they never bothered to archive it
even wayback machine's ruffle is useless at getting all the flash files to work
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I'm such a mentally ill freak
It would be better for the world if I was dead
i yam the doughnut kingggggg
that goat needs to be ok
Nobody cares
This shit doesn't work when it's not remotely accurate, just makes you look even weirder
women should face the consequences of their actions
Turns out my dad was a pussy all he did was threaten me and I told him that he was built like the letter b
Nice fantasy you dreamed up in your head.
that literally does happen you tranny cunt
What are you looking for
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yer de king uh dogshite!
thought you'd post something pathetic like that
shut up and stop embarrassing yourself
Literally never met a single white person in my entire life who had any issue with LGBT people
Utterly bizarre phenomena limited only to internet mongs who never go outside I reckon
bad boys bad boys, watcha gonna do
watcha gonna do when they come for you
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The former head of Stonewall literally described lesbians who won't sleep with trannies as 'sexual racists'.
You lying defender of paedophiles.
It's hilarious in here
Like Big Bang Theory
This sums up every mong crying about LGBT people ITT
thats a good thing, unnecessary storage wastefully uses energy, thus contributing to climate change
>thats a good thing, unnecessary storage wastefully uses energy, thus contributing to climate change
because they would lose their job over it?
ive also called gay people faggots to their face but you can make a yanks arent white or whatever joke it's fine
Tech corpos haven't got the memo clearly, cause they're busy overflowing the entire web with infinite useless AI-generated garbage right now.
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And there it is. The mask comes off.
Trannyism is a misogynist cult that prioritises the sexual gratification of fetishistic men over the safety and wellbeing of women and children.
paper was a carbon sink so this was a tragedy unlike internet dogshit being recycled
Chuddies ignoring this post after it was exposed every single poster here seething about trans people is a London Paki
don't see what the Boston Fire has to do with this
When was the last time you spoke to a woman IRL
Its common among men also I used to scream death to faggots at school when ever I wanted to have a week off
AIslop spam is so grim
Friend of mine keeps posting his generated images in the group chat and no one has the heart to say fuck off
You will never have sex and that fact makes me happy. Enjoy dying alone in your parent's spare room, Adolf Chudler.
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kek which one are you
*wee woo wee woo*
Halt! Transphobia police! Pay the court a fine a serve your sentence! Your hateful words are now forfeit.
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You sound insufferable and genuinely mentally retarded. Maybe it's common in Arkansas or Missouri or whatever shithole you're from but not in the civilised world.
A sort-of-mate of mine used to do that. The mong actually bought a Stable Diffusion subscription and used to spam images on our Discord channel and blogpost every time they did a new updoot. By coincidence he was also an unemployed communist who claimed to be so disabled he couldn't work. For unrelated reasons I don't talk to him anymore
I hated school so I tried to get expelled by going on rants about Israel to my Jewish teacher and screaming the n word
very nice detail on the red bits
>For unrelated reasons I don't talk to him anymore
you tried to bum him didn't you
failed parent
Yeah you sound like an idiot. Hope a gay black cop shoots you next time you do some Nazi rally in the town square of your flyover state.
Think most zoomers are quitting drinking cos they all gamble now honestly
Been gambling since I was 14
CSGO skins, not real money
you sound autistic as fuck lmao
No, I'm not bent but even if I was he's not very attractive
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Have you heard of the high elves?
gamble with my life, me. always in a dangerous situation
any stupid idiot dumbasses in
mad how every school just has one of these kids
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done you lads there tbf
I've fought HYURGH mudcrabs more fearsome than you!
I accidentally befriended the Muslim guys because I said there can't be peace in the middle east as long as Israel and Jews exist also I went around screaming the n word and breaking things
This line is never said in oblivion
>and breaking things
like your mums heart?
I remember when my friends were crying of laughter because i carved a giant penis onto a car
By the nine divines! Assault! ASSAULT!
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yeah loads of birds look like cool weird bejewelled aliens dont they
I broke a door, laptops, fenced, window and a desk
yew dumbarse...
Eh I kind of find it funny because I remember screaming heil Hitler and throwing a laptop on a roof

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