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Suzi edition
leftypol on a mad one LMAO
she's only gone and hit the bleeding wall
What a beautiful GIRL
I haven't the slightest iota of interest in this leftypol or his so-called "mad one".
Wild how my autism let me get away with everything at school so I went around screaming slurs and being a menace to society now I can't
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gluck gluck gluck gluck
rape the disabled
Getting way more ads on Youtube now. Very troubling.
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it's not just you. there are more now and they're longer too
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Wish she was my gf
Real GDP per person is at a record high in the US. That's remarkable considering the economic catastrophe of Covid-19 just 4 years ago.

At $68,088 in 2024, real GDP per person is over twice as high as in 1980.
dark days are these
dyeing my beard
*you wish she WERE your girlfriend
a wish implies a hypothetical, which requires the subjunctive mood
bro doesn't have adblock in 2024
Thanks my very autistic friend
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leftypol will defend this
I hate alcohol because I am scared of becoming a alcoholic because everyone in my family became one or a cocaine addict
What is this meant to prove
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When I was in America with my ex she watched Youtube on the telly and I shit you not there was like 6 unskippable 30 second ads in the video. Fucking mental how she was just so used to it that she could just shrug it off.
Thankfullly he's only doing it very infrequently so it's just slightly embarrassing rather than truly annoying. Also he's a great guy in every other way, I'm actually surprised he likes AI shit like this.
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Even Dadberg McBoomerstein doesn't like Israel anymore.
When even the Fox News boomers are growing skeptical now, they've really fucked it.
are they yeah al?
No more blonde women.
nobody should like that disgusting country
that's a man i've seen his willy
just found a cute new brown girl to wank to
God I love the internet
Where's all the money going
youtube is going to collapse soon, I've never been so sure of anything in my life
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blog on catyank

... that's a man, innit?
Would you guys house me if I get money to go to the UK I am gonna stay there illegally too
haven't seen catyank in a while now that you mention it. where's he scampered off to
Been looking for a deleted podcast episode that she did on a podcast called Coffee With Clemps. It was a Halloween-themed episode where her, Clemps, and Super Eyepatch Wolf all sat around for three hours and talked about their paranormal experiences.

Suzi had this one really creepy story about being lured up a flight of stairs as a child by a voice she thought was her mother's. When she got to the top of the stairs, there was nothing there but an empty hallway.

Anybody know what I'm talking about? It was released in 2017 and I haven't been able to find it since.
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has the economy grown
if it hasnt does that mean we should expect real wage growth to be stagnant

how will bongs cope now
There is no money
Spaffed away by Gordon Brown the Clown
she's packing some meat there
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If that's a man then my name is Stinky Loo Loo, and thank goodness it's not.
It's not fair that a fucking tranny has a bigger cock than me
looks like bailey jay
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Gdp has gotten up but it doesn't show inflation, struggle or poverty its basically meaningless
who's having the trannard melty then
You, apparently.
Not enough images of her feet
no but real wages should account for inflation i think
im no expert at all but it seems to me like poverty is the biggest load of bullshit there is as a stat
why do americans have so many of these weird sayings?
omdz what a freak
Now you've crossed the fuckin' line, pal. Get your putrid degeneracy out of my sight.
You can easily lie with stats its why people can use the 1 percent or certain groups to lie about how bad things are.
been having fun with his jay dyer sex arse
>using idioms is LE BAD
What a chud, kek.
Hey mate, you think you can come here and post emo girls without people wanting to see their feet?
Eh I thought most of our weird sayings came from england

>Go right into the eagles nest
>It will be a cold day in hell
>Right as rain
The feet are not a sexual organ, only a subhuman would treat them as such.
Wat were that all about
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tights spotted
Still id like to visit the UK and it doesn't help my face was spammed by a schizo and I have no friends
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Ok tastelet.
>it doesn't help my face was spammed by a schizo
What happened?
Why? It's plain as a pikestaff! Our culture is centered around friendliness and hospitality to the stranger.
Google’s cybersecurity unit, Mandiant, has found dozens of US companies have accidentally hired North Korean spies using fake identities as remote workers.

Many of them hold multiple jobs and decline Zoom meetings at work to avoid detection.
Basically i posted my face on fit and then some schizo posted my face while spamming stupid shit about america and Chicago
lol no one is going to recognize you from a vague general on 4chan dude
oopsie daisy
If I ever got doxxed on 4chan I would honestly just kill myself
Nah I wanted to meet friends to houss me
Heartburn's a lot better since I stopped taking my meds
Coincidence? dont know
i used to frequent tinychat rooms that were linked on 4chan a lot, there's probably some caps of my face around
who cares as long as you dont get the emmet treatment but he put it on himself
i don't like life. But, I do like my ass
I've gone ten pin bowling 7 days straight. Think I've got an addiction lads. Haha.
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i'd just ignore it, no one actually cares enough to go out of their way harass you as long as you don't feed the trolls, or if you're a proper creature like chris chan
doing quite the poo lads. quite the poo indeed.
did a big curry poo earlier
The worst trolls did to me was send me Uber eats and call the pizza hut I worked and they completely ignored them
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was just browsing 9gag and found this. is it true?
Nooo 190 don't we'd miss you haha x
you should be taking them on an empty stomach
AmberPeach on myfreecams lads. Corr.
How is catyank a real person? He seems like he would be a side character in something like Peep Show whose humor comes from how cringe and pathetic he is.
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It's a portal to adventuuuuuuuuuuuure...

*switches on portal*

Step insiiiiiiiide... and seeeeeeee what adventure awaits youuuuuuuuuuuuu...
Drinking the cheap co op wine tonight
Still when I get money I wanna go to the UK because why not also because I think a road trip /Brit edition will be fun
>Go from Scotland to London
It's literally a caked uo chudjack, lmao.
thought this was hot until i saw the hand go through the neck
immersion ruined
*spaffs into the portal*
He's just extremely autistic and for whatever reason latched on to 4chan as his place to blogpost. In an alternate timeline he might be shitting up Reddit, or uploading 10 videos to Youtube per day and getting no views
Australians expect us to take them seriously while being from places called Wollongong and moowombu
He's just a regular autistic guy there is nothing remarkable about him you only know who he is because he is an avatarfag
*steps into the portal*
What does that mean exactly? Normally I'd take them just before sleep so a good bit after tea but having eaten all my day's food. Doc told me was good to take at night because they make me unreasonably sleepy (doesn't seem to help that problem)
what's happening? why are they naked?
Long live Blairism-Brownism and Keir Starmer thought
Looks like the entrance to a level in Spyro
Rip no one is willing to hangout with me when I go to London I am saving up 600 bucks for it just need a place to stay when I visit everywhere
*pokes my arse through and does a poo*
you can grow concrete
What makes some autismos go hardcore chud anti-semite like Catyank, and others go proper lefty and/or commie
Is there an alternate universe where Catyank's autism was channeled differently and he trooned out instead?
Brown sold the gold at rock bottom prices and raided the private pension funds
a stranger online isnt going to house you moron
normally you take them after you wake up so your stomach is empty and there's not as much acid for it to react with but if they make you sleepy that's quite a catch 22
We need to go the fuck back bros...

Just the nature of autism.
One or two weird things become their special interests and their entire lives revolve around them.
Eh I had someone house me in NYC
no you didnt
*steps through and appears behind a glory hole with a willy poking through*
'ay 'orn on
'ot 'oodle in
Does this make you feel like a tough guy, saying mean things about a person who never fights back
Erick Sparrow the Chad
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I knew him from discord for years so he let me sleep on his couch for a week while we walked acround
cockmogs me
How is that anything like random chan posters from another country
shut the fuck up
Catyank rarely gets angry even when people verbally abuse him. He has more character than any of you.
i liked american wasteland better
roast chook for dindins tonight methinks
Well he is a random stranger
how is this rubbish even legal
yeah like we're supposed to know what ERP is
pull your head in seamus
reckon i'm gonna heat up some of my extra kebab meat from my doner n chips the other night and eat it all up in pita bread mm mmmm scrandelicious, scrandissimo, *mwah* bueno, bueno, si, si, bella, eh a mama mia, *mwah* BELLA!
what's that
That you've communicated with directly for years
I'm not saying he's a bad person. I don't even hate him. He's just really weird and pathetic is all
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he spergs out pretty hard when you post his stupid cat images pretending to be him
I've only ever known 2 gays in real life
I never met him until we met in person
a chook that's been roasted
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i've only known 2 days of life
what's a chook
indian made meme
day old kebab sounds grim
hes an unpleasant bastard who avatarfags, spams, talks to himself and parrots shit no one cares about from someone no one cares about. hes shit
He's fucked it so bad its unreal LMAO
does the average person even know what that flag means
nice political post retard
2 days old and it's not (no grimmer than fresh)
it's one of those birds that have red bits dangling off their head and go cluck cluck cluck
You knew who he was he wasn't a stranger
do you think the rich saudis seethe when they do their daily shop...
>up in 4 hours
>can't sleep
another day feeling like shite then
watching the episode of reno 911 with kenny rogers
I would Suzi if there werent any AIDS
He's not that bad and easy to filter
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I literally don't know any Democrats irl. From my personal frame of reference, Democrats literally do not exist.
is that a kookaburra a budgerigar a cassowary or an emu
Why do you assume she has AIDS
migiht start doing ketamine to wean myself off opioids, i'm not physically addicted just mentally
You have no friends and you never leave the house
they think it means be kind and tolerant when really it means paedophilia
Because she got fucked by notorious tranny fucker Christian while he had HIV
Based Christian XXX giving deadly STDs to trannoids.
They have good drugs for that now anyway. Not a big deal
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Yes I do. It's just that I live in a small town in Nebraska. Literally everyone is a Trump supporter here, besides the people who just don't care and don't vote for anyone.
Fuck off yank
Curious how you hate "trannoids" yet know the name of a pornstar who shags them...
I have a very broad general knowledge on a wide variety of topics.
all this tranny talk is getting me frisky, tonight it shall be femboy/ tranny porn which is good because as it so happens I shaved my cock today so I have really immerse myself
And what does any of this have to do with the topic of this thread?
might start wearing a watch 24/7 to get used to it on my wrist
even while sleeping and lifting
Yeah bet your cock has a broad general knowledge after you abused it to a wide variety of hardcore tranny porn.
run out of rollie papers, might get the bong out and smoke through that
That's illegal.
"Femboy" is pure degenerate nonsense and "people" who masturbate to them should be sent to an asylum.
Not interested in your weird fantasies mate.
get those cheap chink builds
This is fake right?
no it isn't
What is fake?
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ahaha lads it's like a full on midget ewhore
onlyfans and everything
my word
Weed is illegal in the UK.
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bafflingly horny
love how thicc midgets are
That disturbing image you posted
i like this genre of women but this particular specimen is quite a poor example
Horrible interior design
Would not bang
dirty deeds
thunder chief
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Why are Israelites so different from Jewish Americans? You are like polar opposites.
you'd think midgets would have a small fanny but it's actually the same size as a normal woman
hoping they had tiny pussies were you you nonce case
yea and what?
imagine the grip
eyesight is starting to deteriorate lads, i knew staring at a screen all day every day for at least 15 years would catch up to me eventually
blimey ruddy norah
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All yanks can leave the thread, please. This is a space for the strong, noble /brit/ man to have for himself.
>go to prison for two years
>comes out as trans
>commits suicide
well that was unexpected

depends on the variation, one effects bones so all the organs are regular human sized but another effects the whole body so fannies I imagine would be effected to
feels so wrong looking at midget porn
Commander Riker, report to my ready room.
nothing wrong with shagging little midgets de lads
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as rorke as i am i still can't help but find it extremely jarring how stupid the average poster on /pol/ is
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Saw this video the other gay
So bizarre he tried to escape considering he was facing the least charges and probably would have gotten the least time in prison of them all had he not had a mental breakdown
That's true although to be fair, you have to understand that a huge percentage of it is shills and bots.
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whack that cunt under the grill with some teriyaki sauce
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>the other gay
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It makes sense when you realise they’re all self-loathing mixed race yank mutts
phwoar yes
Posting this image is illegal.
Got called a piece of shit in bullawayo
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This is Sophia Diamond?
need swede
The intellect is staggering
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it's not though mate, that's the thing
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I used to know a Swedish girl irl and she was really nice to me. She had a very gentle and sweet personality.
Also she was gorgeous.
why didn't anyone speak up about diddy 20 years ago? he's been raping roasties with impunity for three decades
Name of girl?
u fuck her?
i could write a book, piece of piss, chapter one: the end
alright that's enough
No. I would never dishonor such a beautiful angel. Don't even talk like that about her.
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Gen Z are aging too fast
the women hadn't decided it was rape yet since they didn't realise how much money they could get
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>Got called a piece of shit in bullawayo
mentally still toddlers thoughbeit
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based madeline
do you lads ever go around with a haircut, and an ipod, and piercings, and a strap-on?
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Horror game like Dead by Daylight but set on Epstein’s Island featuring classic and modern day paedos. The Predators: Epstein, Saville, Cosby, P Diddy, Schofield, Edwards, Gary Glitter
see if it was me I woulda fucked her but I'm not going to say something so crass outta respect for you sensibilities
just one thin piece of fabric between her fanny and the world
Did she have a cute accent?
To be fair he doesnt do just trans, he does fat women, old women, men, women, everything
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they should rename this general /SoiledNappy/

would be more appropriate considering the quality of poster here
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This just a random pic or she have socials?
no one reads scots wikipedia
Imagine how brutal it must be being a male midget
>have to compete with normal men in looks
>have to compete with normal men in dick size (probably not that different i think but i never bothered looking into midget dick size), where their women get filled out easily by average dicks
>have difficulty getting jobs
Theres only a few midges i would dare make fun of because it must be a truly brutal existence
If we were in the same room right now I would punch your lights out for speaking of her like this. You odious, contemptible, slimy little man. You aren't worthy to kiss her feet.
Life's got me mad,
But if I had a midget I'd be glad
To watch him jump around on my Nintendo power pad
He'd have a big head, short legs and long torso
The name that I'd give my pet midget is little Gordo
I'd teach him tricks like back flips and side kicks
When company came over he'd preform and get tips
While I'm eatin' at night,
In the kitchen he'd be able,
To get the food scraps that I threw under the table
If my midget was ever bad,
And acted in rage,
Then I'd take him to the bathroom,
And put him in his cage
But if he kept actin' up and really made me sick
I'd hang him upside down, and poke him with a stick
Little Gordo
Would be good, mosta the time though,
He'd like to wear a helmet and run around yelling "hiyo"
I'd take I'm for walks in the park on the weekends
And if he saw other midgets he'd say "can we be friends?"
He'd only need a 3 foot coffin when he was dead,
And he be in the Guinness book for the worlds biggest head
What a funny little fellow,
But don't call him a shrimp,
Or he'll attack your legs cause Gordo's a tough gimp!
He'd have a pogo ball that he'd bounce on for hours,
And dirty little fat head Gordo wouldn't take showers
When Halloween came,
He wouldn't be a chump,
Gettin' all the candy goin' around as a tree stump
how does one even weigh it
the fella that did mini me in austin powers had his sex tape leaked
i've never seen it myself but i imagine if you were so inclined to conduct that sort of research that would be a good place to start
Nice 1
Sometimes my friends would chase Gordo with a gun,
It'd be fun,
Because midgets wobble when they run
They're so close to the ground,
And so easy to kick
They're so slow in the head,
And so easy to trick
Gordo could do somersaults,
His special thing
At the fair I would make him enter mud wrestling
Sometimes he wears stilts,
And pretend to be tall
So I'd kick him over,
And then I'd laugh at him fall
Silly little Gordo,
Just be yourself
I'd put wood on his head,
And he'd just be a shelf
He'd do funny little dances,
But that's irrelevant
At the beach Gordo got attacked by pelicans
He had a girlfriend once,
But she was an ogre,
It didn't last long cause he couldn't fuck her sober
Gordo had a problem,
Gordo wet the bed,
So I'd make him wear diapers on his ass and his head
He'd have to clean up his own cage himself,
And if he lost a little weight he'd be Keebler elf
He'd really be somthin',
My mangled little munchkin,
Plus his head would be larger than any big pumpkin
This perfect little fool would make a perfect foot stool,
Sometimes I'd kick him in the head and say "BITCH BE COOL",
I'd have a great life,
I'd be happy I know,
If I only owned a pet midget named Gordo,
do what the lass said and pop it on a scale
Considering how many dudes he fucked and how they carreers hinged on their image id say not many guys would have wanted that to go public
chop it off and then reattach it when you've finished
Based. Zoomers have no sense of decency.
>troy verne had a sex tape leak
Thanks i wish i could unlearn this
I said I wouldn't say that about your sweetie. I mean she ain't even your gal just some gal you know.
Throw another shrimp on the barbie aha
wonder how long before it's medically feasible to do penis transplants, obviously blokes with tiny willies are going to want that, alongside ftm trannies
ya fackin pom
a little bit, but her English was very good
feeling quite sleepy but i've had so many painkillers today and yesterday i'm afraid i won't wake up if i sleep
me the black guy grinning in the background
what just pop squat or get those scales in the butchers
Haha damn that sucks boring drugmong x
The next poster will have the length of his penis reduced by three inches
Ghost of Tsushima just got pozzed
Might start wearing a nappy to bed so I can just soil myself in the night instead of getting up and going to the bathroom
here's your posted it again award lad, one (You) and no cents
what the fuck
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Nora Fawn
Literally GOYslop lmao

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