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tommy walsh edition
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What free tool do you redeem saar?
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Subversion of the host population
from the article:

>Mr Bromley has decided not to name the restaurant as he "doesn't want retribution"

>I noticed a cash-only sign

>he reported the incident to the police. he said they had told him that although it was a hate crime, it was "unlikely" officers could pursue it further.

says it all really. another example of horrible bigotry from foreigners getting swept under the rug from their dick-sucking leftypol devotees.
Woah woah woah, hang on a sec...you're telling me rappers are mistreating women now? RAPPERS? Is nothing sacred?
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Got nothing to say, really
earth auger to strap a massive dildo to drill into my arse
that rascally rabbi
raped justin bieber's arse too
Ooh hard choice
Maybe multitool, auger, or maybe another battery for my impact driver
Collecting that atomised goyim rent money
It thursday guys. Practically the weekend now
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corrr need to get the power pruner to work on my scrote x
I don’t like working class ‘culture’ and I don’t like working class people.
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All in here btw
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bieber got gaped?
not a toiler and not drinking so weekend means fuck all to me
Just mirrored my webcam video so I can see what I look like from other people's POV

Holy shit I want to kms lmfao
No wonder I've never had a gf
Coincidentally the new match
Alri Keir
>not a toiler
student or neet?
Wait that's how others see us?
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Rorkes new tat
ahhhhh you’ll be right mate it’s a phenomenon most people experience as they’re used to seeing themselves mirrored
don’t be hard on yourself
Out on the patio
might do a cybersecurity course in my free time

i tried coding before but it was too much alongside full-time toiling
friend took photos of me at a party and it was unbelievable how grim I looked on camera
I don't know I was really drunk at the time
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New tshirt arrived
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we sit
and the humidity
we breathe
Matter of fact it's all dark

i just thought i’d let you know that my induction into the adf is going well and that i’m looking at enlisting next year, maybe mid-januaryish

god speed
bad enough people actually eat like this but this person can't even follow the basic cooking instructions on the packet?
bear in mind focal length distorts your face. webcams and phone front cameras have shitty focal lengths
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alas I am phoneposting this eve and can’t contribute
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I don't actually mind the NPD-isn't-real Heathmermong tearaway since it's one of his more cogent takes.
The smell of pussy is like fish
Fucking nasty
DA JOOS is hardly cogent.
hope you get blown up
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Tag yourself
off the shampoo me
vile stuff so it is
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haven't pooed in 2 days on account of my server caloric restrictions
a fishy fanny is an indication of bacterial vaginosis
Yeah, but the smell of an unwashed, hairy bumhole could be classified as chemical warfare
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well rorke/?
bfs proto-fanny smells like poo
mihai rising from his coffin like dracula at the mere mention of unwashed hairy bumhole
tried that. i just had horrible greasy hair and an itchy flaky scalp for months.
went back to shampoo and my hair has never been better
Days at work are the same as always, no stress, chill, easy money, especially over the weekend, I need new clothes though. I need a haircut too, I’m sure I look a mess, need to lose weight too. I should buy some new clothes instead of more trading cards. Going to stop now, just selling stuff, I think the problem is that when I sell stuff on that website it sits as credit on my account, it costs 35p to withdraw so I wait until I hit like £100 but it’s tempting to just make some casual purchases here and there. Selling stuff is a pain too, getting dressed to go outside, need to buy more envelopes now too, so two trips outside tomorrow and it’s a pain packing stuff with sellotape, ensuring it won’t bend etc.

Plans for my time off? Haha, what are you, my work colleagues? No, they know better than to ask anymore. I will play it by ear as always. Perhaps visit my father who returned from Pakistan, encourage him to start charging, my sister, her husband and their baby rent for living there. It’s outrageous they’re doing that at her age when I was mocked and hounded out at a much younger age. I cancelled the broadband there, I didn’t mind paying so my mother had some entertainment/access to the world but I’m not giving my sister free broadband when she speaks to me with such disrespect. It was hilarious that she didn’t even know how to set up a new broadband contract or even how a contract works. She thought it was like a Netflix subscription or something, they went without internet for weeks.
Rust is literally me though
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Well yeah I wouldn't go so far as to say it's a Jewish subversion plot but the notion that western families are atomised and don't place enough value on nurturing and protecting their own, to their own detriment, holds water for me.

The notion of "you're on your own when you're 18 bucko!" would be completely absurd in somewhere like India or Spanish-speaking places.
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fingers crossed that doesnt happen

i’m a techbro and in a tech role currently and planning to follow up into a tech role, so i probably won’t see much combat which is fine by me,
Service guarantees citizenship
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yeah that's generally how conquering other people's lands goes
you did it wrong and got fooled by the 'poo jew
These people have such an insanely childish view of the empire. Only Ireland and India really have any right to be upset with us (and even then India grossly overexaggerate our role in them being an utter shithole 80 years after we left)
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>you did it wrong
i stopped using shampoo. how is that doing it wrong. thats all there is to it.
Yeah, your mirror reflection is flipped, so everyone else sees you the reverse of how you see yourself

It might not sound like a big deal but after a lifetime of seeing yourself one way when your image gets mirrored you immediately see all your flaws 100x more clear since they aren't where they usually are

it's like when you hear a recording of your own voice and you sound like a mong
so you're gonna be one of those specky bams at a computer that goes "uhhh... sir.... you're gonna wanna take a look at this"
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Well, rorke?
bro got excited
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Left is for goyim
Right is for Jews
Looked up my girlfriend when I was 16 and she fully looks like a bloke now
One day you will realise how racist you are, and you will be ashamed.
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I have a lazy eye
unnoticeable in my reflection, extremely obvious from others POV
Nobody cares mate
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Europeans are like putty in their hands
>>I noticed a cash-only sign
That's a sure a sign as any
Interesting they say it can't be pursued, I was walking past a shop that had suffered some damage from a drunkard once and overheard the police asking the owner if the guy had said any slurs
Like they were trying to make a hate crime out of an unrelated incident
And yet here we have a blatant hate crime and they don't care
he's probably referring to the use of cider vinegar and other more natural methods of cleaning hair however I did all that and still had gross greasy hair all the time so it's all bollocks
this but my boyfriend and he fully looks like a lass x
Business idea: Hunter Biden chemsex video but it's Kambabla giving him a blowie
Spain VPN paedophile and Heatherantisemitesubhuman should take their feud to private dms
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The satanists do say that we worship by proxy whoever has created the God we worship. Always thought there was a lot of truth to that.
Just wish the schizos and gimmickmongs who post here would have the dignity to throw on a trip so I can filter them.
Autism doesnt care if nobody cares
>Jews are an ethnic group
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This woman is a quarter white
This is what they mean by bleaching
because it goes against the leftypol narrative that infects institutions.
everything has a two tier system in place.
brown people are infallible mate (and all the brown people who do crime will be dealt with very quietly to avoid any questions)
i went to a work night out last year and when the pictures were uploaded to whatsapp group, i looked at myself in it and was like "oh. so THAT'S why women are repulsed by me"
mgiht got damascus
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yea, breddy much

i won’t say the name but the role itself is for cybersec and it’s mainly centred around trying to hack into australia’s current systems day in and out generally speaking as a whole

if you can’t break in that’s good, if you can that’s even better

i think my consultant is a bit of a brainlet and told me more than i really needed to know but that’s more or less what i do now for a living
been coveting my neighbour's ox a lot recently
I'd volunteer to continue the process
Christians in America worship Israel
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i look like shit
feel like shit
am retarded as shit
have no friends
am a virgin freak with a small and impotent cock
live with my parents
can't get a job
can't do anything
can't even fucking sleep properly
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erm... i hope you didn't do that on porpoise mate!
kek this is me!
Me when I see East Asians
christians here too. diego is always saying oddly reverential things about them during his pathetic squabbles here.
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oh just grow up will you
holy shit
thank you good sir, you have changed my life
I wish I knew where this tree was located
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Pull it together lads.

Yeah we're all friendless, virgin retard NEETs but you've got to remain sane.
yes mate?
off to the tip in an hour
that's the sum of all my activity for the day
if you're under 40 and didnt know that then you have a problem
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this is me
Day #4 of food poisoning: shat my pjs earlier, poos are still watery albeit less frequent, stomach cramps less severe but still present, bloating hasn't subsided and it causing me discomfort
going there tomorrow me
Rape the disabled
chug a whole bottle of milk in one go that should help
what did you eat
What does using two fingers on the touchpad do?
This is what NZ's only recognised dog breed looks like
developed to be a working dog, specifically sheep herding in mountainous terrain

what you reckon?
will you just be posting here the rest of the day
i actually did know it before but i forgot about it
but heaven forbid i don't know something lest i get ripped to shreds by technological elitists hey
english people should not be allowed to vote in welsh elections and polls
don't really get it how normies think they have any real problems in life
like mate, you literally have sex, you've literally got a wife and children. please explain how any of your problems actually matter
more like dipping in and out while consuming various media
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lmao this is me
goofy ahh
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alright seriously, explain to me as a 27 year old boomer what the fuck "ahh" means in zoomer/gen alpha babble
"goofy ahh"
me on the left wearing a pink cowboy hat
It's how you would expect a black african american man to say the word "ass".
i just know those jowls flop around like mad when he runs around the backyard
makes me sad knowing prostitution exists
90% of the planet uses the Roman law system (or at least in part)
does he enjoy the shower? couldn't imagine my cats allowing me to do this they would skoot as soon as the water hit them
the moon belongs to Australia
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who's a British celeb that 100% of Britons like?
Who's our Keanu?

is it Holly?
KFC from a store run by a bunch of fat guys
cronem's loot
Blud I work IT and a large percentage of clients don't even know you can right-click or that you can download things outside of app stores

the worst ones aren't boomers either, zoomers are legitimately way worse with computers than boomers
morning timmy
its giving demure that understood the assignment
my local psychological services say they don't take on alcoholics anymore because they can't be trusted
just a heads up, it's probably one of starmer's new anti-pints policies
fat but i like it
t. sheep that got herded
David Attenborough
do black americans really only say ahh instead of ass
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Don't like her myself
lazy eyes are quite trendy
Doing absolutely criminally rotten poots this morning.
A shite must be on the cards.
Smell like dog farts. Vile!
yh so do white boys now
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Woman in the chippy has a lazy eye and I never know if she's talking to me or the guy behind me
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might start visiting the chip shop more often now that there's a very cute nervous trainee girl working the till
flat as an ironing board
When I was referred to my area's psychological services they sent me a leafleft (8 months later when the referral was picked up) with some information, including the proviso that they wouldn't treat you if you had substance abuse problems as the treatment "wouldn't work" while you were still abusing drugs or alcohol.
Can farts be a sexual thing?
she's probably like 15
finna axe them for you
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therapy is a meme blud. no science behind it at all
But the smell is gross
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hey niggas
What gets me is that every single tattoo in this image is fresh i.e she's got them all at the same time near enough. Gone from pure white porcelain to this cubicle door rubbish.

I know for a fact she regrets it. Naturally she will never admit as much and will instead encourage other women to get tattoos to drag them down.
My school had a sister school in Japan we did an exchange program with
What an absolute scam, our guys got to go to Japan and their guy had to come to NZ

felt so bad for the Japanese lads who had to come here every time I saw them round school
Imagine leaving Japanese highschool then having to deal with Polynesians gang kids with face tats and meth head bogans
got out of bed at 9AM today

quite a late start but I had the bedroom window open and it was very windy so I didn't want to leave my duvet cocoon (for the bruces: doona coccoon)
Sounds like quite an experience
the haircuts that are considered cool in India look very funny to me
i've never heard a black man pronounce "ass" as "ahh"
might get this printed on a tshirt
right wing goon squads
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I'd scran her stool sample.
Why do you care so much for Asiatics? Are you Asiatic yourself? If not, then you should not worry yourself about the safety of Asiatics
did you get up to any shagging in japan?
Right heathermong thats enough
so I'm at hospital the other day
ironically they've got Doctors, a soap that airs on BBC1 at 2pm on weekdays on the TV
I'm watching this shite and there's a plot of one of the junior doctors becoming a foot porn model

at 2pm on a weekday
thought I was delirious from the drugs but I've just looked it up on iplayer and it actually was real


Timestamp: 15:43

bizarre that, aye?
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might get you in trouble with the artsy types as you've not supported a local artist in the creation of the image but instead turned to AI technology
need a hot gf
love sexy girls me
too bad I'm an autistic mentally ill human who will never have sex
bit weird yeah
Rorke writing a screed about how this woman shows that the West has fallen
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Middle-aged woman at my work, who I suspect has a mild case of aspergers, was bragging about how her 15 year old daughter was making good money selling her worn socks online. I'm not sure she quite got it and I didn't have the heart to tell her.
going bald from stress
tying my willy into a balloon animal
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Imagine putting itching powder inside 6th form girls' sweaty knickers
fucking strange alright
I always wonder who the fuck is watching doctors
must be an easy job being an actor on it because it must be so chill because you know that fucking nobody is watching
Yeah same
balloon earthworm is it
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I got a girl to suck her toes for me on cam when I was in secondary as part of a very innocent truth or dare thing
She thought it was hilarious and I was such a goofball

Women have no idea how revolting we are
that's basically paedo shit
nonces paying to sniff a 15 year olds socks, the mum should 100% be made aware that people are wanking to them but I definitely wouldn't be the one to tell her
heard toilberg describe sitting next to me as like sitting next to ned flanders. not sure what that means
It's ending in December
inflationary pressures post-covid or summat
They used to put on Only Fools and Horses in the middle of the afternoon
wouldn't mind them returning to that
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dolescum, OAPs and prisoners
that's their entire audience
you're an overly nice sick-in-the-mud
ending for good?
would be a shame desu, there's something comfy about knowing it exists
I don't know how to reconcile the fact that hozier writing anti-war and colonialism songs is kinda negated by having a girlfriend who is culturally appropriating, doing colonialistic tourism, following pseudoscience people who believe in alt cures for cancer, among other stuff. Moreover, when called out upon it by some fans, both Hozier and his girlfriend blocked them. They were comments on his reply where he mentioned she's his "gf."

When I listen to something like swan upon leda and butchered tongue and empire now, they don't sound sincere anymore.
Did WW3 start last night then or no?
never see those sentinel island '''inhabitants''' do this
well you see mr starmer, I can't go back to work because I suffer from long covid
Yeah, bet it was a mental part of their life for them
I'm sure they had a lot to tell their friends when they got back

retarded take

I didn't go but my mate did
He did apparently, but that could just be the typical teenage "yeah I totally do bro, you just don't know her, she goes to a different school" taken to the extreme
Always hated the programme Doctors
nary a word
do you use the word "diddly" a lot
why's that? it seems so inoffensive and boring
love doing nowt and getting free money from the government
me? only shag girls half my age. More energy than older lasses. Coincidentally does anyone want to come to my 20th birthday night out next week?
maJ laJf Jz ə ˈfʌkJŋ ʤəʊk
yeah you missed the whole thing
at one point Finland invaded Greece, it was mental
ktim as a wfh government worker
100k and I woke up at 2:30pm today
doctors is wild mate, here's a patient who think she's being stalked by joe pasquale
Con confirm
It’s so shit but it’s comfy dole dossing tv
you've been DONE
East Asians as foes not friends you fool
You're probably an Irish diaspora cretin with no sense of self-preservation
even better
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Woman at toil just casually referenced 'one of the ladies I used to stand in the Tesco queue with during lockdown' like it wasn't the most depressing thing ever
heathermong youre mentally ill
Doctors has a different writer each week. Some storylines are fucking wild and clearly a joke
yes for good

as bad as the acting is the writing is 10x worse
this must be the easiest gig on tv
my mumsy used to walk straight into Tesco (she was a key worker you see)
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the fabled Monktopus blocks your path
It's uncomfy. The GP setting with echoey rooms. The doctors and patients giving out stressed and nervy energy.
business idea: every person in the country at some point in their life has to write one episode of Doctors, like jury duty
who the fuck is heather
When i started seeing my ex she was 15, she said shed fantasise about fucking the old men on the bus
can't see the guy who replied to me as the post has been auto-filtered which means it is either a cuckpost or some spam shit
Wow If those grainy unverified png isn't evidence of a global Jewish conspiracy I don't know what is!
what's the most outlandish storyline?
dont think scissoring looks very fun personally
looks inconvenient
wtf is that rreal
Friend at work's little sister (who was definitely under 16) got really popular on twitch and no one batted an eye, they had this idea that she was somehow lucky for getting online attention and money. I saw straight through it though and knew it was just a bunch of pervs watching her

She ended up self-harming and going bonkers and had to delete all of her socials, definitely had nothing to do with being perved on by horny men as a 14 year old lol
seems like a well adjusted young woman
reckon that aussie in here has serious, unresolved mental problems. The funny and witty aussie left a couple years ago, replaced by this unemployed wog who "screams" at the mildest of posts
what was her twitch name?
There's just something low-key depressing about Britain at all times, even in the nice bits, just an underlying mild grimness, you know what I mean
it was heathermong so right on both counts
People are allowed fantasies rorke
put your pecker away mate
A 30-year-old khhv American woman with autism who is deeply Christian and conservative
pretty horny. got a load of chores to do but might fuck it all off to shag a brass.
don't understand how people can still be this naive about the internet
sure in the 2000s the average person didn't know it was full of perverts but now I thought it was common knowledge
thats the grimwank out the way
Heather's younger half-sister is grown up now
Toillass' daughter goes about shagging footballers, toillass complains they're only after her for her looks, as if she's after them for their sparkling personalities and towering intellects
Friend of mine's sister (16) has been doing try on haul stuff on youtube for about two years now and has a decent sub count and I think we all just know without saying a word that it's basically just old blokes wanking off to her trying on tight dresses.
Not everyone sees things through the eyes of a deranged pervert at all times rorke
remember bonbibonkers?

She went through that whole wringer. Started off at what, 12 or 13 making what were (to her) normal, innocuous cosplay videos of cartoon and anime characters she liked then popped off due to the perverts then of course ended up going down the e-girl route and ended up fucked in the head.
white ppl dont play bout dey caesar salad
sound terrible mate you got a link so i can report the channel?
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Her sis moves young
Fucking hate going to work when I have a cold but I'm not sick enough to justify calling in sick.
make america white again
are we all pretending you wouldnt jump into bed with a 16 year old again? the age of consent is 16 in this country you yankified runts
is she legal?
Mate that’s for 16 year olds getting with other 16 year olds, not for pervy old men like you
Lower the voting age to 16
Raise the age of consent to 68
shut the fuck up
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Thames Valley Police are inviting me along for an interview tomorrow morning
they'd have to be peng as for me to think about it
thread's glowing so bright i can barely stand to look at the screen
what the fuck's happened to this place, man
From the video she looks mid teens
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It’s not really 16 though is it
you're handling food you fucking welt. take the day off.
a job interview? right?
Sorry lad but I'm not a nonce like you
Honeypot Thursday
you need to stop pretending 16 isnt hot
i'm seeing a 17 year old at the minute (it was her doing) and it's alright

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