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catberg edition
poo status?
catberg on a mad one
quite want that virtual TikTok waterproof jacket but what if people recognise it and know I’m wearing a jacket off tiktok for £16
gearing up for the power hour
Never done a poo or had a wank
bet this post was made by op to keep the thread alive
delete this
nice thought but this is impossible here
i'm sure a guy tried that here and ended up getting killed because of it
nobody in this country can mind their own fucking business
i respect it mate
i know all the tactics
i'm pretty fucked up from all the drugs i've been taking lately
when the poo hits your japs eye when you're bumming a guy, that's amore
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zesty ocelot
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dont see a problem with either
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I was afraid this was going to be gore bait
still just a rat in a cage
Was planning on shagging this bird from toil at the company christmas party but now the party's been cancelled so I'm not going to
the quote unquote poo barm, as it were
reginald dwight
yutes squeezing palegyal thighs in the bus rn
is that what a sloppy joe is meant to be
Only person in my team in today (one annual leave and two ill)
Funny how this always happens at month end when we're busiest hmmm
So I fear today will not be very fun at toil because I'm also behind on all my own month end bits (not my fault of course I'm waiting on the higher ups to make decisions they've been stalling on for two weeks)

This all bodes poorly for our upcoming relocation; I suspect many are simply coasting while they seek other employment ahead of the move
almost fell back to sleep reading this post
mornin *farts*
Stay tuned for my next update
Why aren't you doing the same? Get a clue
can't believe yanks don't have kettles and toasters
what do they actually do if they want some toast and a tea
corrrrrr *inhales it straight from the source*
boil it in a pot and grill it under their "broiler"
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Her farts are smelly.
having a look
taking a squiz
doing a geeze
Because shirking my responsibilities now isn't going to help me next week is it
When my FD asks why we haven't been paid and my response is "well I didn't do the payment runs" what's that going to do for me?
More work more stress and I don't need it

As it is I may have a lot of work to do but I am unstressed about it
as far as I know yanks put water in a glass jug and microwave it to boil it which does work
have used this technique a few times to my advantage when I want a cup of tea but don't want everyone in the house hounding me to make them one as well because they heard the kettle boiling
making an arrangement
thank god i live in australia where no one under 50 drinks tea unless they're a hipster or a weirdo
Microwaved tea? Not the same is it
I remember seeing the adult characters in shows and movies as a kid who had all given up on their dreams and just fell in to place as another cog in society and thinking "I'm never going to end up like them"

selfish little gimp
air frying a poo
might have a guinness for brekkie
Mad that women have arse cracks. They even fart and poo. Genuinely mental.
you lot ought to be kicked out of the commonwealth for this
Tea is a bit shit tbf
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'Women of Punk' 1980 London. (Back row L-R) Chrissie Hynde,Debbie Harry, Viv Albertine, Siouxsie Sioux, (front)- Poly Styrene &Pauline Black (photo by M.Putland)
Bit bloody blustery today
how long does it take for you lads to start feeling like you miss your gf? remember once a gf of mine got upset because she said she missed me after less than 24 hours since we'd last seen one another and asked me if I felt the same, I answered honestly and said no because I'd seen her about 12 hours prior
don't think I'm a weird cunt for this either reckon she was the weird one
just tell her yes you autismo
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I'd sniff her bottom to be honest lads.
>I rimimber seeing the udult chiructers in shows und movies is a kud who had all given up on thir dreams und just fill in to place uz another cog in society und thinking "I'm nivir going to ind up like thum"
(8) where have you been all your life (8)
Stealing this idea
that's a lie though and shan't tell porkies just to placate her
not really the basis of a healthy relationship is it
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gentle breeze here in the people's republic of south shropshire
Don't think not missing your gf is the basis of a healthy relationship either
>owning a microwave
alri runts
Hate lying
Love making people I love feel bad
Simple as
Using this queer-as banger to advertise family SUVs
after 12 hours when I know I'm seeing her again the next day? starting to think you're also a woman
I miss my cat when I go to the office for 8 hours
my microwave is literally part of the wall in my home, next to the oven
need to start thinking about what films I'll fire up on the OLED tonight for my incelfilmnight
same but I love lying
Going to play some RDR2 and drink four beers
what a shit yank post they really are bugs
Used to microwave frozen spinach sometimes but that was it so I lobbed it into storage and replaced it with a based air fryer
snivelling little gimp
four beers anon? four? that's insane
drinking a green tea to get the neurons firing before I log in for some wfhtoil
Bait? You be the judge.
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Mornin' all
how is pointing out that your microwave is integral to a wall a bad post or bug like
why does that yank always post the picture of that woman and why isn't that avatarposting
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Ears are aching a bit from the strong wind
Such are the difficulties of leaving my incelflat
It was attached to a yank flag
Ill stop. Moving on.
do you not have an incel ushanka to keep your ears warm?
A can of tasty Carabao down the hatch
nowt wrong with weed is there?
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The sheeps are out today
Why don't they all eat their breakfast together I wonder
Solitary creatures but theyre stuck in a field with one another
ven restauraunts have microwaves
the only based drugs are alcohol, acid and DMT
everything else is cringe or needlessly destructive
it smells like skunks so sometimes I mistakenly believe skunks are about
makes no sense
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squished that bug
so they don't accidentally eat each others shit
alri lads. anyone got any tickets for the game tomorrow. hospitality only please, I won't sit with paupers
but if you do it at home it's not actually that bad, is it? it's like alcohol
alri trainlad
on the train again are we?
it's illegal mr policeman
they don't have the emotional capability to socialise they just get sad if there are no other sheep around
Australians and kiwis are one and the same, just like the Welsh and the Irish
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weedmongs have to be the most boring bastards in the world. their whole personality revolves around 'lol i smoke weed'
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Off it now
all smelly people go immediately to jail me included
right I'm off to the shop for milk and fags, back in a bit
*opens door exposing the thread to gale force winds and rain*
maralise leguana hehe
nice fit mate hope you have a good day at work
wagwan bredrin mi nem sir ganga farmer
we smoke pon de erb eyboi
nuffadem battymans we prez jah all dem time
aww lovely
the criminal justice system is not your personal gay porn fantasy
I'm smoking some gas right now tastes strong when I blow it out. Smells like gasoline. High af stay mad losers
yes it is
hope you've got some galoshes to keep them creps nice and clean
Yeah alri Your Honour
Aren't about 50% of pozzies hipsters?
luv ubuntu
luv free software
simple as
mentally ill pedo freak
get in the cell you smelly bastard
fucks sake *slams door behind you and turns the latch*
close the bastard door next time you oaf, I'll let you back in when you've learnt your lesson
ubuntu is way too bloated
Can't get your mind of her huh. Can't blame ya
was he born in a barn? was he?
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>luv ubuntu
>luv free software
>simple as
imagine having the name josh
archies love to complain about bloat on their pc to compensate for their massively bloated bellies
Big fan of Lubuntu cos I'm a retarded boomer who couldn't cope with anything post Windows 95
for me it's newscast with adam fleming
Know a black man called Ivan
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Today in /brit/ (the shagger's general) we're discussing our favourite computer operating system and why my version of linux is better than yours.
it fucks up your sleep quality because it blocks your brains ability to enter the REM stage which is the most important stage of sleep
sure you can still get a full night's sleep no problem but without REM it's like a meal with no nutrition
how do you tell an old man that he fucking stinks
Fairly popular name amongst latinos
And besides there's lots of blacked Russians
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Why do the mainlanders seethe so hard and why are /brits/ not like that too?
Oh piss off
"you fucking stink"
could literally be applied to anything
people who play tennis? their whole personality revolves around 'lol i play tennis'
Dunno, think they've just been on a consistent seethe about anglo success for about 300 years now
>move to some posho shithole city where you have to pay 2k for rent instead of living with mum and dad
>waaaaaaaaah I don't have any money I'm so pooooor
tennis wankers
we have pints and chippy, they have... err... hmm... snow?
That's fine. Tennis involves skill, keeps you active. Having one's life revolve around something like weed, or other drugs, or drinkijg, or wanking, is sad
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the weekend is upon us
I should stop wearing hoodies for Autumn this year
Business idea: Bestselling financial self-help book called "Live with Your Parents"
love drinkijg me
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i dont use arch. i switched back to windows after using debian for a while because of driver issues with my old hardware
if i cared enough about my pc and upgraded i would keep running it but nah it's not worth
Every single time a chick with short hair gets posted, a trans person comes along and seethes going how you’re gay if you think the short hair chick is cute. The reason why is that (largely) no matter what haircut or masculine clothing a cute chick wears you can still see that it’s a cute chick, meanwhile no matter how much a dude tries to look feminine and girly you will always be able to tell that it’s a dude. This causes unfathomable seething.
>He's not on holidays already
gonna get tanked up eh bruce?
Coffee drinkers:

>Gay people
>Labour party members
>World Economic Forum

Tea drinkers:

>Andrew Tate
>Japanese people
>Anime girls
>MMA fighters

Need I say more?
I am minutes away from the pub
nah to be fair weeders (as I've come to call them) are particularly obnoxious about it
I love drinking you as well haha x
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Fascinating. Please tell me more about your Linux journey.
probably the most homoerotic post i've ever seen on /brit/ and that's saying a lot
every normal person drinks both you freak
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Who would you say the UK's closest friend is?

Not in terms of geopolitical strategy but just the average people from each country getting along with each other
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ahah xx
>Who would you say the UK's closest friend is?
What tea is better to drink?
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luv a bit of green tea with honey
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Good morning
Ununironically Eire
>but just the average people from each country getting along with each other
in my experience irl aussies (and by extension nieu zillunders) and poms click very well
Earl Grey, hot
earl grey gives you kidney stones
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how's it going lad
oz and nz
never understood this phenomenon of troons expecting to pass and then being baffled when they dont
surely they can instantly tell a troon same as everyone else? It's a deeply ingrained human instinct
>after paying all my bills I have 600 euros left over
>this is bad
aus/nz, eire
>I haven't slept in three days
Imagine you haven't slept in days and instead of going to bed you go on reddit and sneed about America
red bull gives you wings
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if you legitimately think Tate is someone to look up to you are almost certainly underage
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i posted this image here first btw
*Pushes you off a balcony*
good lad
would rather read a manga about a schoolgirl (who is of age) getting fucked by an octopus than read any "classic" literature.
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Dont know anything about photography like composition and all that but this looks nice imo
menbros what the fuck
jokes on you that's what 90% of the classics are about
sometimes I wonder if a random post I made on 4chan got shared on Twitter and got hundreds of likes and retweets
don't give a rats arse about this
you just know it will be post feminist art school bollocks
I'd rather be
Under the sea
In an octopus's gooncave
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Belly chains are so peng
OK and what about the trannies
>But on Friday, Tasmanian Supreme Court Justice Shane Marshall found that men could be excluded from the Ladies Lounge, because the law allows for discrimination if it promotes “equal opportunity” for a marginalised group.
Ah yes the marginalised group known as women
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>Pregnant woman loses unborn child after being struck by car while crossing Fairfield street
not me i deliberately tailor all of my posts to be as hateable to as large a number of twitter people as possible. no ones going to profit off my posts
Precisely what it is mate
There's also a "Picasso" painting involved
looks like that cunt in longlegs
fuck me you cunts are obsessed
leave us alone
>I'm a virgin for life! I'm never going to have sex!
how big is it?
>fuck me
um yes please lol xo
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case in point
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Imagine being put to die in one of these things by an overweight black rnhs woman and she watches you take your last breaths. There’s a Carl Sagan quote on it, so you get to die a reddittor
do tom boy trannards exist?
is it even possible to pull it off?
you'd probably need to be on hrt straight out the womb
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how's it going today fellow troon
Why is that quote on it? Makes it look so tacky.
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*knocks on the thread door*
eerrr lads I'm back from the shop... could you let me in? It's raining really quite hard out here...
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>fuck me you cunts are obsessed
>leave us alone
gentle reminder that you will never have this effect on a woman
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I'd rather just be shot in the head
Let me see your teeth first!
Coffee in the morning
Strong tea in the afternoon
Herbal infusion in the evening
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You're not interesting and you have nothing going for yourself. End it.
is that a normal thing shaggers experience?
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its friday my dudes
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says the porn addict
Why is only 4chan obsessed with trannies
Nobody else on the internet cares except JK and she's just a dried up old feminazi
This is just a misdirected fear and fawning response
who is brilliant man
i dunno
gotta nuke something
How quick is it?
She got kinda fat...
culture war
well see I come here to do that and hardly bring them up in conversation outside of this place
probably the first time she ever experienced vaginal penetration
least homosexual hamas worshipper
remember harambe?
I don't get the point of these
why not just hang yourself?
Real women care.
So many times I’ve been thanked for speaking out when the topic comes up and I say it’s bollocks and that a caricature of the opposite sex does not the opposite sex make
The Americans on that app are on 300k+ and it's not uncommon to see 700k+. The rent doesn't rly matter
Someone who should be President
Probably quite a bit more comfortable I'd imagine
Also hanging often fails and leaves you brain damaged
You're one of them 'visitors', ain't you?
another plebbit tier response. foy
love this webm
Ham-ass? They an obese terrorist group or something?
lord forgive me
n-no... just a very wet lad that wants to come back in... I brought crisps...
it was in the complete interest of ireland to be conquered, dominated and ethnically replaced by the british empire

god wanted it
the twink 'fast
Ordering a hamburger from the fish and chip shop
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>blurb, spittle, 4chan buzzword reply
The last time I browsed /brit/ was 3 months ago, and you were sat here posting your same pathetic posts laughing at people dying in Britain. Since that time, I've found a girlfriend, fucked her, and split up with her. All while you've sat on your ass posting garbage you maggot excrement
I'm so cold lad.... s-so cold.... *collapses*
'ats not veray christian ov u mayte isi
deep fried?
you are based my friend
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You lads think a woman who was escorting in her past is now capable of feeling love? Talking about a homegrown woman who did it for 4 figures a night during uni not some immigrant pimped out whore
*sigh* better safe than sorry as much as i would've liked those crisps… *closes door*
had almost exactly the same 'kfast except toast not bagel and strawberry bonne maman x
Work's going well, definitely going to make that lunchtime deadline
Think I'll take a 30 minute break so I can fuck it all up and have a mad dash to the finish line
you may come in
my teef are yellow
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Right lads can we discuss the ending of Twin Peaks? I always interpreted it as a dialogue on the stark differences between the TV world and the real world.

never seen it
then you may come in
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No. Find a different one.
don't be a fucking retard
omg what a cutieeee! let him in rorke
4 figures a night? She have 10 fannies or summat?
prefer not to discuss it 2bh
interesting scenarios you end up in frenchlad
probably shes still a human being but something about it is disgusting so i personally wouldnt touch her with a pole
Richer men will pay extra for a good looking young woman who can look good in public and be discreet
Reckon if I were a chick I'd have got on the game out of high school and let my nicer looking clients go bareback
Then I'd let the resulting bastards get to school age and go to uni cashed up and with kids out of the way already
redundant to say with your flag
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pierre if you want to be a cuckold faggot that is up to you now go away
my teeth are white and my wisdom teeth all came through nicely without pain
ARGHH ก้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้IGGER
kek this isnt me in the slightest
the cronem are in the office chatting with the katies
*blows your head off with a double barrelled shotgun*
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was told that i needed to get my wisdom teeth pulled but i didnt and felt no pain during
think it's a scam
Is bret weinstein on ozempic or did he have a face lift?
The first thing youd do is get fucked by as many men as possible? And theyd cum in you?
You gay, pal?
you're an actual gimp
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going to get me banned for nothing you little toolbag
you don't get banned for redundant news
don't even get banned for sharing them like 15 posts early usually
ok my fears have been assuaged
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careful lad
janny banned me for that earlier

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