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self reflection edition

I am a pretty princess.
you dropped this dear
*hands you your tiara*
I’m dying
In what way?
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I'm getting a little cosmetic surgery done to help me get an interview in tech. My name is Lilith now by the way
This should be illegal
Breast implants over a certain size. We shouldn't enable people's body dysmorphia
what's going on buddy
oh dear
Good morning sers. Happy Friday.
I agree, but only until they make implants that look and feel realistic- after which case they should be made legal again
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>one of my female students keeps staying after class to talk to me when everyone else has left

She's going to ruin my life, isn't she? I've never been this scared of a woman in my adult life.
i'm craving pickles and mustard suddenly
why am i like this
You're just silly like that
why is she staying after class? does she need help with something?
don't psych yourself out
your life is not a porn setup. she doesn't want your dick.
No, porn IS like real life!!
Bro is unaware, the amount of girls having sex with teachers is way more than you think
Not even, she's just chatting with me
ruin her life first
i mean you could always tell her that you have to maintain a professional relationship with your students, and she's making you uncomfortable
it might make her angry but if you really want absolutely nothing to do with her, that may be the best move
> oh? have i been a bad, bad girl? i need to be punished?
hush yourself
What you need to know is that women are giga whores pretty much as soon they hit puberty so like 14 at the latest
I'll wait until she explicitly crosses a boundary before doing that. It's very possible that she's just friendly, I just think about worst case scenarios a lot.
is she hot
of course, i was going to mention that obviously there's nothing wrong with just idle conversation, as long as it's appropriate
you're definitely just overthinking and plotting out the worst case scenario for everything, i do that a lot and the what actually happens is never as bad as you imagine happening
I'm sorry, hot sexy coeds. My heart belongs to Linear Algebra.
i dont feel so good
when i wash my mouth out with brine and my tounge gets hot, i feel it right now all over my body. not just muscles
i drank a lot of water yesterday. ive not had an energy drink in like a week and didn't get headaches from that like i was worried might happen
based math lover
it was difficult to pee and had to watch to make sure it was coming out. half way through it stopped
Idea: women should only be friendly to men that they want to have sex with, this way no one is confused.
sad world
word of the day is reprehensible
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i hope the bun got away
surely that dog couldn't give chase through all that snow
got a perfect nytimes connection score today
ezpz lemon squeezy
Literally every single teacher that doesn't look disgusting and isn't a Giga old boomer has had teen pussy thrust upon him and some of them don't refuse and that's something you or any other avarage Timmy would go not knowing, a lot of shit going down with girls in school while you were playing call of duty and being unaware
i'm gonna try hold on
This is one of your craziest incel fantasies yet
i failed because it was sports terms i swear i'm not stupid
> cum was never invited to the office fantasy league
i've never been into sports i just know the football team my family likes
i don't have anything against it but it's just not really appealing to me
fantacel league
whenever a restaurant has pepsi products instead of coke they have sierra mist instead of sprite and it's a bummer
Do you have children?
Do you want to have children?
Sierra mist is out. It's Starry now.
i haven't had it yet
i would hope it's just a copy of sprite as close as they could get it
Maybe, leaning towards no
imho Sierra mist was closer
people with downsyndrome complaining that it could be cured or the fetus aborted with detections possible earlier and earlier on, is the same as people with student loan debt complaining about student loan forgiveness
A lot of the obscure music i used to listen to now has millions and millions of views. Guess i have normie taste but always 6 or 7yrs ahead.
They made this hurricane seem like a bigger deal than it actually is
awful news
none of the smaller bands i know have really blown up so i don't know the feeling
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Who else here is seshing?
brb forum
i did not realize what time it was i need to take my medicine whoops
ill have a bit of the pen before bed
Ye im disappointed as well. Huge nothingburger.
That means you probably have patrician taste.
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good night
Listening to The Last Dinner Party
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Another fine morning, lads.
VIOLENTLY farting. I cannot sleep.
Goodnight sweet dreams
2am and no posts in 20 minutes. /cum/ truly is normie central.
So true. You should come cuddle with me
Penis genius
Today it hurts to breathe and two people (also I'm outside) have asked if I'm sick or need that kind of help
Me personally I feel great right now and I'm not going to turn around to government to thank them for starving me so that I could jump up steps or grass and walk properly, and feel the cold but also th3 heat. Like really feel it. Also from the second hunger now I see that I've lost my horrible belly and feel more attractive. Maybe I am walking a but more feminate. Guess I'm just a sucker for it though so I'm not going to fall for it. Maybe I will just try to better my life one more time
Ok, give me directions
It hurts when my heart bewts though and that's gay
up your butt and around the corner
I hope he/she is comfy n there
did you know shark tank is based on a canadian show called dragon's den
Sounds chinese
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watching kino
Linear algebra might be the only math more boring than women.

Quantum Mechanics is cool though and its just Linear Algebra + Fourier Analysis
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Whole body is sore
did you just say womp womp?
My grandma touched my butt, and now I feel suicidal.
This is what you do to cum and then you have hysteric meltdown
my grandma touched my penis in the bath
uh oh
looks like mousey's having a melty about me again
you all know what to do, just let him tire himself out and he'll calm down in a few hours
Alright you fucking Yanks it's time to post and get to 300, then 300 again. And 300 again after that, and again. I've a need to post something Ober and over again



Shut the fuck up

1 or 2 posts does not equal a meltdown and if you weren't such the antichrist then everyone would know that it's you starting the problem and then pinning it on me
Before this I hadn't even made a post at you - but you came here into this thread to say that I am

You are going to lose
looks like he just needs some attention lol
*ruffles tobys hair*
whos spainos favourite mouse?

Mods deleted this thread like they always do

They do it when they cant defend the actions

Any of them delete the images but sometimes when the rest can't jump in for them they all have to go delete an entire thread because their backwardness shows

They can't justify it anyways and is always just silence

Also fuck off parasiteb
Spainparasite you go back to your containment thread right now you fucking parasite. Fucknoff you mentally retarded fuck. No arguing or making a post back at me, I won't read it and don't want to hear from you. I am putting my phone down ans walking away

The people yoi are siding with mods

The people you are shocked for when I tell them to kill themselves
Why are quoting the other thread just fuck off you mentally ill monkey
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Someone else likely got my building's wifi banned for low quality posts. No post given so I don't even know for sure though
>banned for low quality posts
I got banned for this too, no idea why
With no post number and recently,?
yeah recently, they didn't show what post I was banned for
Wtf is the point of this? Killing the site by scaring off everyone except spammers?
i got banned for saying the t word
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I'm in the path of Helene and it's already really windy and pouring even though it's hours away
For breakfast I ate 4 maple sausages and a glass of milk with leftover coffee from yesterday heated in the microwave. Now it's off to my bullshit office job I hate for the next 9 hours.
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On the way to the wage cage ngl
college cancelled
Otro capitulo en el arte y placer de disfrutar lo votado.
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Yummy cheese balls oops sorry I stepped on them
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The ideal GF
I'm almost home! Listening to some high up do a job interview
O Canada
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too much crap on the desk
I'm bool on the front like a prostitute
This is what the interviewer looks like
>We shouldn't enable people's body dysmorphia
a bit transphobic, don't you think?
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Fatty oils lkke salmon !
Which also contain B3
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Ogh don't look at me like that owo
Oh no this guy took his talking window too long
He realized at the same time as the other normal guy sitting here

Crazy how bosswomen feel like theu need.to skip meals and then eat pasta while they give an interview. But I guess it makes it more.comfy

Now there's an awkward silence and she did that thing women do where they go, hmm?
But he's almost getting her talking again!
Powers out, tree has fallen in the yard
It fizzled
Plus she yawned when he talked. Even though she probably yawned bevause she had decided beforehand that she was bored
Cor you should make a rabbit hutch!!!
The sky is green
Making Asians more white by ignoring the split second where they initially make eyebcontact to smile at them in their peripheral so they smile back without making eye contact
Smiling is a white person thing and this isn't a crime to make them do it. To make them more polite
Literally no reason for why yoi cant make a rabbit hutch. Just chainsaw it into logs and then split the logs and hammer them together
Your ancestors made HATS out of some gay squirrel, like a racoon or something
I'm part of a team writing a TV commercial for a children's product (contract work), and i just realized, i have no idea how 'normal' kids dress nowadays.
How do I go about finding research materials on children's fashion without looking like a brit
>Killing the site by scaring off everyone except spammers?
Literally yes. Allowing more spammers = more revenue. Hiroshimoot is a greedy jap.
Make a rabbit hutch
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I'll be joining you soon, lights are flickering and wind is picking up
Be right back Forum
I made the guy laugh and then he laughed at her when she came back. Got.to go now
Wonder what that interview was about
Are you retarded? Do you think chinkmoot gets paid per post or something?
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>i have no idea how 'normal' kids dress nowadays.
same as adults
more site traffic = more valuable ads
that is a TODDLER, incapable of making its own decisions.
my target audience is between the ages of 12-15
4chan ads are and always have been very cheap to begin with
anyone that advertises here does it for the audience, not the reach
Friday at last
Hope some least coasters die or lose everything in the hurricane
I'm in the eye of the hurricane rn
make it wink
what is one admirable quality about you
Nicest chicano
objection: relevance
you can just admit that you're retarded
Aww look at them
It seems I am the only leaf in again
>If you or someone you know chose not to evacuate, PLEASE write your, Name, birthday and important information on your arm or leg in A PERMANENT MARKER so that you can be identified and family notified
alternatively carry your driver's license in your rectum
a bit passive aggressive, innit?
Body will bloat and release all material that's in the rectal cavity, id will float away.
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trump part 2 will be glorious
going to be amazing, don't fail Burgerbros I'm looking forward to the seethe irl
im home. fuck you feed me amino acids
i want to eat selenium anyway. so selenium cystine is just someones DNA? i will eat it!
Its so fucking over
>t. has a small setback
ive had a crush on the cleaner (shes actually a security guard and cleaner, and so are all the others but she always seems to be cleaning)
so i will ask her out on a date before blowing my brains out
all of the girls i like are so cute but nobody else likes them. i dont care. nobody likes me either - maybe they are just jealous of her
i looked at her face for longer than like 3 seconds (or you knwo that amount of time)
and i guess she didnt talk to me - and i didnt talk to her either. maybe she is just hateful and wants to be alone. i will break through that
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There's another leaf in this general who replies to posts asking me a question, as if he is me. At first I thought it was a coincidence but he does it too often.
ive lost my Ethiopian pot belly - because the government STARVED me - TWICE
now i just look like a holocaust survivor
a nurse looked at me today on her break and she looked liek that anime
i cant find it
the anime girl whos eating a cookie or food-something looking concerned to her side - but she didnt look at disgusted. she kind of just looked at me in a cute way while she was eating som food :3

yes my skin has gone completely pink because i havent eaten in 2 days
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My honest feeling on the USA
cute watching NHS nurses eat their dinner with two hands looking at stuff. also im stuff (i a m very sick and look like a holocaust victim)
>nooo you cant say that about hte holocaust
i want to make it clear that if i kill myself- with it being Scotlands fault - and it would be - it would not, however, be any jab at any civil servants that are just doing their job, like my work coach or random workers at the council. i mean GOVERNMENT. its YOUR fault GOVERMENT you killed me on purpose and ive done loads of stuff
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I wonder why this happened...
hello, a/s/l?
if the NHS gave me meth 5 years ago i would have a daily job right now and whether i would be dead or not, neither of us cares. i have always said it - even pre-pandemic - that i LOVE work and think men should work, there shouldnt be a cap on work. you should have pride in your job! i would say something to government and then blow my brains out, but unfortunately i am not intelligent enough to say something proper, for when it it kept in history and changes the world. for i am one of those Scots
how's it going?
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It's happening
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give me meth. give me meth right now!!
if i work for 1-2 years then i pay BACK even MORE money than i have ever taken from government, in my lifetime- from ONE year of taxes. GIVE ME METH AND I WILL WORK UNTIL I DROP. I DONT NEED METH TO GO AND WORK THOSE JOBS BUT I WANT IT TO GO DO MY 100 PERCENT OR MORE
WFHchad here, all is well
What October surprise do you think they are saving? been wayyyy too quiet recently
i am going to ask government to let me make meth in a flask - and i will do a "flask version" of what they do in the shake and bake method as primary, but "just for fun" i will do another synthesis
my disposal method would be melting it in with sand and quarts. why because i hate you. fuck you. and then i put it in a bag, and in a biohazard bag. if someone is rooting through biohazard bags, then literally no one cares if they get some meth. theyve got other problems to deal with
i want to give rats fluorinated LITERALLY methampetamine

unfortunately some chemicals are ILLEGAL in this world. wew live in a society
not going to ruin it for myself by saying that making some of the nitroglycerin that YouTubers dont give a fuck about anymore is worse than uploading a video about making methamphetamine. if someone tries it they will actually explode.i i want to do it to dispose of it funny - my hpyothesis is that 3 or 7- fluorinated methampethamine in crystal form in rats IV, would have the OPPOSITe effect - then I can hypothesize whether its a more competitive antagonist, or reverse antagonist, when they give me i think atrophine. then i will take the methampethamine with my atrophine and histamine ready - THATS HEALTH AND SAFETY!
nice to hear bud
what i say i want t do is health and safety because i learned of a Russian professor demonstratin nerve agents with atropine ready, and when he took it, he died before he could inject it into himself. i dont care about the rest but YOU - anon - know that is where health and safety coems from
yes i know of his certain situation and now can do it safely, following safety procedures

i could do heroin or ANYTHING and not be addicted. heroin nonwidthstanding because it takes 3 months of injecting someone with heroin to get them addicted. its just GOVERNMENT being DICKS!
Canada is the only one reading my shit right now
did you know that this one time, i camped outside the "refugees welcome" Edinburgh signs with no clothes on, laying down, and the ambulance came and said that if i dont come with them - to not die - then they will call the cops? but then the refugees stopped - NOT
that was my protest. so what the FUCK is GOVERNMENT going to do
i wish i had paid attention in school more rather than being the P.E. guy who can jump really high and gave a shit in the exercise where we held our arms out. not that nothing came out of that - if i were rich in the UK, i would be able to play cricket for fun. i mean that my only doubt is that all of the nerds werent really friends. they didnt exist in my school

i didnt tell this to the /brit/ FREAKS but one time they put me in the high set for biology in one testing session and gave me a test. with no prep or teaching me actual things
i was in the P.E. set where people got off to running that long as fuck running race to getting off saying "they drank their own spit for water" - fucking idiot. he beat me though. running is so fucking gay
i could straight up heem anyone in this thread
i would beat the fuck out of you
and i can jump higher than you on my back
get fucked. IDIOT
my P.E. teacher knew my mother and uncles and aunts and then he taught me. cuty folkxs could actually never neither could west yorkshire
up until now you thought it was anger, or at least random
get fuced. IDIOT
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if we GMO poppies then they will take over the world bros
poppies dont want to take over the world. there are apoptosis switches in them to prevent that. stop trying to do good bros
heroin is AI from 6000 years ago
if it had fooled the experts, then well, it would have been like fluoride. imagine buying break and it has morhinemorphine in it bros
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poppies could have been the dominant species on this world, but they chose to be secnod place. THINK ABOUT THAT BROS!
they are tooooooooooooooooo powerful !!
mental how every single time the pepe posters in their gaslighting choose to be the antichrist
nothing like the opium poppies
opiates are better for you tham marijuana
all you weed smokers anad eaters are fucking drug addicts

if it was just heroin then it would be a thing that is good for our hearts and thats all
heroin is good for you

they should legalize heroin in China. no, not "hydroxylcodeine

there would be a lot less sadness in the world
you never see a fat heroin addict

never see a skinny heroin dealer

heroin could combat the "opioid crisis" but they dont care
just used toothpaste as an adhesive to finish an assignment
Canada proved to me that legal drugs (which i was against, and i could easily say "ha ha you get what you deserve" and gloat, could be smug about the situation), that it is bad. but opiates are good, in every way. dont you see that a society doing heroin is good?
Be right back forum
should've used cum
shrimply wouldn't have been enough, I needed to glue 3 different labels
of course the government giving people opioids is bad, but cant you see, every person shoudl have opioids, to improve their heart health, as in a government thing, wherein people should be allowed drugs again? Scotland is the highest opioid death country, ever. so everyone should get opioids - and no, i wont explain, that it shouldnt be government, nor gangs, obviously, that it should just be them getting them if they want them, for their health?
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Me on the left

GBP/JPY // - 1.65%
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No offense bro but do you mind shutting the frick up! Jesus Christ!
if government gave me heroin then i would say no. except if it was some sort of trial which talks about opioids. but if government is giving people heroin then it is cause for concern - no?
but heroin is good for you
actually, that's me on the left
i hate Germany, infact. and the UK could invade easily and win. so shut up! i need to go for a pee, and havent pooped in 3+ days
i havent fully been through the opium poppy and derivatives but it seems like all of them go to just one country in the EU and if someone gave a shit about where the EU is trading money to other countries (WITH CONTRACTS!) then i would love to hear it
it would at least be soulful if government had some stupid plan you would say would never work if you couldnt think it was bad. it would definitely be worth it
i want to buy hydrogen + iodine, and hypophosphoric acid, just to piss the government off
not that i would be making meth (and i woudl if i could) but just so they assume. i might be. i dont care if they get mad at that
Just drank a fifth of vodka you dare me to drive
Yep. This is why i will never do tax fraud. I wouldn’t event think of it
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I could've contributed
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hola fk. hows it going?
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Doing just fine hbu
Made a 'za dough but didn’t have enough regular flour left so I used half regular/half whole wheat not sure how it’ll turn out with the hydration I’ll keep u updated
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new cure song

Breddi alright if u axe me
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Black Hank Hill
doing okay

>I’ll keep u updated
post pics once 'za is out of the oven. are you planning to make 'roni 'za?
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that buck looks good enough to break
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Broken but never defeated
Semi-charmed life >>202738551
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Never understood how people can watch streamers, I cannot watch more than a few seconds before I close it.
the only streams I ever watch are nado chasing or SGDQ/AGDQ
don't look at me like that. i don't get it either
GDQ is garbage and a shell of its former self, you are a disgrace
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ok, but I still want to watch people break classic games open
then watch any other speedrunning marathon that isn't run by fun-hating lgbtq+++ freaks
XGDQ hasn't been entertaining since 2013
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dad found out that im gay
those being?
blocked, faggot
i'm kicking you out of /cum/
you'll find your kind more welcome in /brit/
Stop being a homosexual
ESA, NASA, and Shots Fired
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i ain't watching
stop being straight
literally who?
literally who?
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this is you

>literally who?
>literally who?
this is the reason they're good you dolt
no attention-starved trannies that picked up [irrelevant speedgame] for attention from all of the desperate virgins that watch speedrunning
i look like this when i watch speed running
That's like asking water to be wet or fire not to burn things, it's the normal state of things, it cannot be stopped.
men are naturally gay
stop replying to the obese pedophile
you are neither a man, nor natural
my name is shaun and I'm racist
more of a man than you will ever be
Each of these imply something a little different about the person
i'm trans btw. not sure if that matters
Got a mild hangover but I made it to work
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>woke up
>drank a monster
>hit abs
>now drinking a sugar free redbull
>puffing on a lemon cherry gelato live resin cart
hmm yep I'm thinking it's a good morning
>high fructose corn syrup first thing in the morning
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>>puffing on a lemon cherry gelato live resin cart
they were both sugar free actually
the monster was sunrise (the best flavor)
>They were both sugar free actually
Good goy, drink your Aspartame
Blood clots aren't real
grandma in dementia asking me to install WhatsApp again fucking stupid bitch. always asking me to download WhatsApp
Thinking about my date later tonight 9 inches uncut and full of poz
I wanna fly an airplane
dementia stricken grandma with her %th-4 receptors activated sending me another £30 ($65) for no reaso, if only this could be stopped and let her see if i would "let it die" to lower the pension sapp (im the only grandkid she loves)
if only the money would go to someone who deserves it when she dies instead of giving it to her favourite. its totally wasted
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>janny heems one annoying schizo
>another one takes his place
no winning here
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Is anyone else here home gym master race?
stop being black
>Jokic fan
It's over lol
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>NBA jerseys
i want to sit with Canada (with a PdD in psychology) or btain surgeon anon with the words spinning so much that i dont care to read them
Keep being a n word
U real nword
Total shitbull death?
Race doesn't matter. Either you a real ass nigga or a bitch
also, no im too poor.
i'm thinking it's the haitian migrants
if i could go into an insane asylum and suck their dicks for 4 days then i would

i bet this was the greatest 4chan post in decades
>t. jealous poors/bitch niggas
Ultimate black pill
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My doctor asked me whether I drink and/or smoke. I said no and he was surprised.
oh no no no no no
i want to play League of Legends
almost everyone drinks casually.
We are in the clay age of Man.
I wasn’t being mean niqqua. Keep it real mane
I don’t. It’s why I’m aging better than most people
this evening i will take bath salts and let CHina vs. Scotland/UK right on the astral plane to decide who is better. whatever i get into is what the winner decides
do you keep active as well?
1 month left before i vote yes on amendment 3
Yes. I do cardio and lift 3 times a week
>his health is so bad the doctor assumed he must be a smoker or alcoholic
bitch I collect hockey jerseys, the mercedez benz of sportswear
Someone left me a chicken pot pie at work, very thoughtful
the mercedes benz of collectables are funko pops
obvious b8
Gonna do a quick sesh of push ups brb
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>you mean, the CHAOS emeralds?
She was not wrong
Poor bastard. What's he supposed to do?
the face of a man who should have asked for peace two years ago
Hello CIA goyim general please probe my anus thx
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>Poor bastard.
new >>202746588
new >>202746588
new >>202746588
new >>202746588
Too early and gay as all fuck. No.
get this zesty buck out of my thread NOW
hell no
Ferns are good plants
sex with fern
Did you know the humble roly poly is more closely related to crustaceans than insect?
It's a tiny lobster cousin
Zesty Buck is a cool rapper name
I did, also the non-rolly varieties as well (woodlice)
My life be like OOOOOH AHHHHH

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