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6 edish
I miss them
When the Jan man testifies
orange you glad they were replaced?
>Elon Musk not invited to UK government's International Investment Summit in response to his social media posts during summer's riots

Imagine not inviting the most successful businessman in the world to an investment summit aimed at boosting Britain because he said something you didn’t like
*bends over and shows him my hairy pooey arsehole*
get an eyeful of this you fat slug
okay... this is kino.
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What's the most fucked up thing you have seen on the deep web?
6 edish 2
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As though looking through a dusty window pane, the past is something he could see, but not touch. And everything he sees is blurred and indistinct.
Haven't had sex in
*Counts fingers*
Approximately 3 months
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bedroom smells foul
i'd just like to say

not exactly made any difference has it

that clearly wasn't my post
said the same thing after looking in ur mum's dusty old fanny last night
>why are you so bitter mate!?!?! >Watching sportsball at the pub totally is speshul mate I’m not just trying to be a part of something that I’m not
for me it's been about a year and 2months (since i broke up with the ex)
have a crush on a certain girl but she now has a french bf which pisses me off
why is keir meeting with donald blumpf, who will obviously lose in november?
bet you can't wait aye lad
mystère et boule de gomme !
literally been 3 years since i last had sex
got myself raped din't i
have never recovered
catberg snoozing peacefully on her special cushion
love her so much x
c'est la vie aha
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i've hit a late stage glow up and have now realized i could be a shagger but avoiding women for the past 26 years has nuked my confidence so now i refuse to actually entertain the attention due to shame of them realizing im a 27 year old virgin
realised I don’t know how to dress my age (27) without looking like an old fuck but still looking less scrote-like and still retaining sex appeal

Out of courtesy, I'd guess.
Remember that foreign affairs, regardless of the political party & people's votes, are unidirectional.
Mate you can't be having a crush on girls who have boyfriends
Thread theme


Thread calls for gyal x baddiedem related content coming soon x
You guys had riots?
what was it about?

some wog shit I assume
Angela Rayner sex arse
imagine getting mindbroken by two towers
mostly white but with muted tortoiseshell markings on her head and tail, may have been a stray at some stage but no way of knowing
she's the best cat ever hands down
Been close a couple times in recent weeks
Maybe could've spun a sex tonight but I found her detestable
British "humour" has a scatological fixation because Brits are raised to feel intense Puritan shame about their own bodies. Same reason they go doopin' mental when they see a nipple. Americans likewise.
You’re thinking about German humour
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this the lass that rocked up to your date on drugs?
eating poo
Your posts are scatological (they're shit)
mais quelle vie de merde hein
yeah well the crush began before she got this boyfriend and i can't get rid of it. we're very good friends you see and every time we chat i'm reminded of how much a love her and have to cry myself to sleep lmao
thank fuck diego isn't here rn otherwise he'd be telling me to blog on big time
Was it any better than it is nowadays?

>inb4 oldfags & oldhags complaining about the dick not working, saggy tits, cellulite, lack of teeth etc
glad i'm not the only one who made the will/chudjak comparison
clobbered that mong
Basically, you'd never see someone on the Continent finding "poo" or "arse" funny in and of itself, because why would they?
bizarre how trendy racism has become
thought we sorted that out that ages ago
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Some weird anime about naked girls stuck in a large bathroom without doors, having a philosophical debate about never getting out of the room. After losing hope and starving for some days everything goes downhill.
They just start screaming and yelling.
Then they all commit suicide, either by smashing their heads on the floor or scratching their necks to bloody pieces
One girl helped the other to drown in the sink, because she asked her to hold her, because she couldn't do it...
I cried myself to sleep right after watching that vid, because I just didn't even know anymore...
Why would anyone draw that with such precision? It was goddamn horrifying.
Looked 80ish in quality (audio too). Japanese dub. English subs. Lasted for about 30 minutes. No credits, but it seemed ripped.
Voices sounded very young, but eh, Japanese sound young in their 50'.
Haven't found or seen it again.
The name of the vid was something along the lines of "Go for a punch" or something.
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open the fucking pubs
I love gay porn
yeah that's shite mate
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Close the fucking pubs
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nth for the gyaldem
been wanking an awful lot to exhibitionist milves on reddit lately mostly in the 40-60 age range
quality stuff tbqh
Why are balkanoids so cool?
Me when I'm getting a lapdance but I forgot my glasses haha
GREAT post
Milves you say?
had to do one of those job interviews where you just sit there alone and record yourself answering automated questions with no human input
just not right is it
not right at all
in a similar boat. I've concluded the only feasible way out of this rut is shagging multiple prossies to build my confidence up but the prospect isn't very appealing
Casual shirt, jeans and boots
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*10th attempt*

leftypol ambushed, exposed

fingers smell like olives and cheese
where is the worst place you have cummed?
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me lurking /brit/ chortling at posts and getting cozy this winter
sounds frustrating
business idea: pubs repurposed into migrant accommodation
get them closed
get them in
get them paid
get them fed
get them wanked
Mother I'd like to voyeur?
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oh aye
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winter fuel payments redirected into migrant bank accounts
Mental how women age by at least ten years when they have kids. The ones without still looking great.
hey i'm also a libra!
so this... is rorke...
The fuck
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basedsukabros... WE WON
lol poor creature but what a perv
hope hes getting some free morsels
incredibly so
doesn't exactly instill confidence if they can't even be arsed getting someone to spend less than 30 mins of their time to do a proper interview
suppose that's just how it is these days, specky programmers and desk jockeys justifying their existence by creating shite like this
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>want someday
Imagine thinking the pic is talking about the towers and not just using them as a well known symbol to date a time period
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Britons never never never shall be slaves!
Woman just tried to steal my bag in Dawlish
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there's Norway that's true mate!!!!

Not all of them, no.

Yes. All of them. Men too.
No amount of „healthy diet & exercises” reverses the K/D cell multiplication, degeneration, and dying.
I would love to visit your country one day <3
remember when people used to laugh at women over 30 having kids now theres women firing them out in their 40s

grim, women should be forced to produce a baby by 25 at the latest
do people still go out in their early 30s
yeah sure
to the pub and that
30s are the new 20s as they say
I suppose for a man it ages you due to stress and sleepless nights
absolutely sick to fucking bastard death of seeing these shit tier slags posted here. fucking sick of it.
what about getting near paralytic at a club or going raving and to festivals and such

You, the ruzzians, and the Bri'ish deserve each other more than anyone else.
>remember when people used to laugh at women over 30 having kids
most of /brit/ are the children of women in their 40s, of course they dont remember that
mum was 43 when she had me and i turned out ok!
*hears a sudden noise and starts screaming and punching myself in the head*
Alright Rasheed
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need some brits to smuggle me in some of clarkson's beer
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risky webm post of the day
get some of james' gin ordered
How do you mean friend
i saw barton fink a couple of weeks ago
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my gf once wore this leotard thing that button up at the bottom and it was the hottest thing ever. can get a boner just thinking about it. she'd walk around in it, undo the button, and slide onto my willy. godddddddd.
some do, not many though
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archosauria status?
Wow, what a coincidence!
had some while I was over there
it's an alright lager to be fair to clarkson
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say less famm x
it was for the cronem to remind them of their genetic memory hunting tigers in the jungle
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reckon theyve been done in a bit havent they
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nothing for it then
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Our Jared
these are peng
oooo you're 'ard
might go for a handshag right now
as i get older, i want to start smoking more and more. have never smoked before but i imagine it must feel so good, especially on a colder, rainy day like we've been having recently
why can't they make cigarettes without all the bad stuff.
i have to pay £180 for a parking permit so hackney can have libraries
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first mince pie of the year down the hatch
>why can't they make cigarettes without all the bad stuff.
suppose you won't like the answer but thats what vaping is
Just get a pipe
£4.50 for a small packet of crisps is grim behaviour
why do germans like poo so much?
I'm not paying £7 for cigarillos
what fish is that
Lol 4.50 is nothing to me mate
clubs no, you'd look like someone brought their dad
festivals yes
>why can't they make cigarettes without all the bad stuff.

We're +8 billion on this muddy planet, lad.

Can't genocide anymore, it stands to reason to help them kill themselves without realizing it, albeit slowly & imperceptibly, via the „invisible hand”.

After all, we don't need these many people.
why are they all covered in jew ink scribbles
little goggle eyed runtoid freak
i look like an 18 year old
vaping fries the ol' lungs out mate
lovely picture that
saving it for my phone wallpaper next summer
pretty sure it's a 'deen
whenever I wake up with a hangover, have a wank and go back to sleep I always have a sex dream
still the lesser of two evils though it's twice as gay
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slick aesthetics and excuse me but a signfican amount of nat's tats are anime related going by area
i just got pwned
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'deens mentioned
Millers Crossing >>>
basically just crisps for breakfast
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by 6
how do you buy crypto to buy drugs with
used to get it from localmonero then turn it into btc with xmr.to
do they really taste better than own-brand lidl stuff
like the reason i buy 'deens in the first place is because they're cheap. buying the expensive stuff kinda defeats their purpose for me
Me and catberg laying back to back
i want to fuck you like an animal
i want to feel you from the inside
love this
mine also turns around to be the big spoon and kneads my back like the gay bastard he is
revolut or telegram
care to explain further?
Just a nigga from the aryan tribe rolling up opp packs
mad that biber has had puffs black rod up his teenage arse
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rorke (26 year old lifelong NEET KHHV) seething at this from his smeggy childhood bedroom
Ate all my pepperjack it's over
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there's this... thing in it
Steve won. The monkey lost.
my old seller on localmonero added a telegram link to his bio and i buy from him on there
>rorke (26 year old lifelong NEET KHHV)
>smeggy childhod bedroom
im in my smeggy studio flat
the mid-range ones you can find in supermarkets like King Oscar and Parmentier taste significantly better than own brand
however the extra fancy ones in that kraut's photo that you have to buy from specialist shops are only marginally better than mid-range despite costing something like £5 a tin
what is your justification fo rthis claim?
>Stephen Merchant’s wealth grew almost £2million last year.

>Newly filed documents show his company’s assets grew from £25.1million to £27million over the course of 2023.

>The Companies House papers show £17million of that is in investments, with the rest in cash and the difference between what the firm is owed, and what it owes to creditors.
what attracts people to camden?
no idea it's utterly awful nowerdays if i'm ever walking and i start encroaching on the area i turn back
Getting downvoted on Reddit for being a smug cunt, it's no one's fault but my own
whats wrong with it
doesn't really answer my question but yh i feel the same but girls seem to like it
dirty/ugly af
Im a wreck without my little China girl
*shoves charts, graphs and essays in your face*
Your beliefs are WRONG Rorke, science confirms it!
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ahh hell nah
i got reese's puffs in my bowl
and just like that i'm on a roll
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said fuck it and made my lunch at 11am
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No, im as surprised as you are.
they did this here too
eyes bulging with imagined riches
Reality is my justification
slapping women
>hello goyim
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going tip in a bit
begging the question
please provide non falacious argumentation
Happy slapping women
so this is the fabled r/4chan
you'll never see a white person in tottenham unless they're playing... sad
spurs fans are jews thoughbeit
in my car and rubbing my dick
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i live in tottenham and im white
Writing up a presentation on the wild goats of great Britain
If anyone wants an introduction to these noble beasts I suggest giving this a read

leave the football before the football leaves you
that's not how 4chan works
I am straight yet I fear women. So does that mean I'm gay?
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no it means you're a coward
there's the wicked witch in the top window
that means you're a hetrophobe
remember when you gave some youths money to leave you alone lol
>liminal space
>outside in the open
No. I have confidence in my understanding of reality, and if you don't agree with it, that's your problem not mine.
want to find out? ive developed sophisticated methods to determine such things
couldn't imagine not thanking when i cross the road
I sit like this
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Americans go to colleges like this where they experience true freedom for the first time and spend their days living in dorm rooms with colourful characters, going to campus events, driving to Wendy's with their new friends, getting shitfaced at frat parties and having non-stop casual sex with everybody they know and then still graduate and get hired at some major law firm or tech company.

Going to an American college is the peak of these people's lives, it is that good.

Meanwhile in Australia we still live with our parents and have to catch the bus into uni, go to a dead lecture where nobody talks, stay for an hour or two and then go home, rinse and repeat for 3 year. Barely anybody makes university friends, and most Aussies will never make friends outside of their high school social circle. There are no events, no frat parties, no dorms, nothing.
I am a ne'er-do-well
bossberg says i can sometimes be a bit too formal with people at toil.
i dont quite see it myself, but then again i do have a touch of the 'tism so perhaps its that
You're more likely to die crossing a road than in a plane crash. I reckon we should all start applauding whenever someone crosses a road safely.
if you are not able to provide any evidence for your position why should anyone take your "understanding of reality" seriously? therefore why should anyone give your opinion any weight?
yeah what's the problem?
i have never worked a single day in my life
i have relationships with women
and sex with men
>having a car while living on campus
alright your majesty
haha neither
Everyone's on reddit and I fucking hate reddit.
zoomer horror is so shit
t. 27 year old boomer zoomer
Can you stop your incessant whining and bitching, it's ruining the thread, thanks.
bet you're fun at parties
how am i embarking on "incessant whining and bitching"?
Fuck you. You get to live like you're in a movie while us yuropeeins suffer. Fuck you, again.
good tits on there
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I've had the odd spot of working but I really can't be arsed. 32 and think I'm pushing it now though, I can't really keep this going any longer
>yeah what's the problem?
absolute victim mentality
It is but I played a new horror game that was actually decent although it's in demo.
Might hop on Grindr after work, see if i can get my wilbert sucked x
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it is indeed true that australian and american tertiary education cultures are very different
I went to a uni that was a half-hour drive from home, worked full-time throughout, and don't talk to anyone I went there with anymore
still hang out with the lads from my youth or mates I made at work
i've noticed you-know-whos don't thank you ever when driving or as a pedestrian

>let them cross the road. no thanks
>let them out at a junction if they're driving. no thanks
>road narrows so you let them go first. no thanks

horrible people 2bh

If you're straight, yet afraid of women, it means you've been harassed by a woman, and the memory of it is still stuck somewhere in your brain.
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>get robbed for 4x or give x to diffuse the situation
just simple logic mate
no this is your mental illness projection
Going to a brit thread after the migration is so creepy. It's a liminal thread.
I am I get really drunk and make outrageous statements that everyone laughs at
what's it called?
Diego got mugged, what’s the story there lol?
Does it bother you?
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If money talks then I'm a mime
If time is money then I'm out of time
And I was once worth a million quid
Have a seat I'll tell you what I did
Can't sit down ‘cos I'm a dancer
And you know that I'm the answer
Die slow, die fast now
‘Cos it's never gonna last now
We'll karaoke all night long
We'll Macarena ‘til the break of dawn
We'll drive around ‘til the morning light
All night… all night… all night… all night
Americans have to share rooms with people at uni, that's a complete dealbreaker for me. I need my own room with a lockable door, so I can keep my belongings and have sex/a wank in private.
mental how
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Grim. Old lad at my bottom tier wage job is talking about getting in to IT i was too afraid to tell him his life is over and he will be toiling for pennies until his untimely death
mad how many things there are
What do you mean?
your maths good but that's still the wrong answer
This has to be my favourite soyjak template.
>your maths good
>your *math's good
>your math is good
been mugged many times i have lived in london for over 15 years and i am short/unphysically threatening, gone out to all manner of degenerate ends of londons for nightlife, and drink substantially
how so?
Reckon I'll be good doing self-employed shite but just can't be arsed making the effort you know
how old is he
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>Brighton cat owner's shock after beloved pet mauled to death by dog
imagine living in london lol
nigga gotta squidward dog
no cause I have a fulfilling social life, shag and uni was yonks ago
plus I have one thing yanks will never have: pub culture
>yeah im bubbas prison wife but he protects me so it's cool (y)
Pretty sure your option on any matter on here doesn’t matter and isn’t considered
They're such terrible drivers I don't give way to them anymore, if you see a car with a trail of traffic following most of the time it'll be a black
Good luck
'No, I'm not a Human'. Maybe pushing it calling it a horror but I find the concept interesting. The game is quite bare bones at the moment.
All you’ll ever be able to do is imagine it you provincial loser lmao, life here is fucking amazing
Imagine living outside London lol
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what does my opinion have to do with anything? i have not made the claim lol
imagine living in a woghole
>no this is your mental illness projection

It's not shameful to admit that you've been verbally abused/demoralized by a woman (maybe when you were a kid, that's usually the zero point), or physically abused (beaten like a dog, living in fear of not saying/doing the perceived wrong by the woman in your life, maybe your mother or your demented grandmother), or sexually abused when you didn't knew any better (kissed by an older woman, when you were a kid, in such a way that it bothered you greatly & felt like she used you, like rape).

Don't be a puritanist/protestant cretin, and do some introspection on your life.
Something has happened to you, against you, because of a woman that overpowered you.
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>Imagine living outside London lol
What migration
1. i never said i'm afraid of women
2. stop projecting
3. you are severely mentally ill
Liminal threads are transitional or in-between states that exist between one condition and another, much like a thread connecting two points. These threads represent moments of ambiguity or disorientation, where one is neither fully in the past nor entirely in the future. They are often characterized by a sense of unease, nostalgia, or eeriness because they exist outside the typical flow of time and experience.

Imagine walking down a deserted hallway at night, or standing in an empty parking lot at dawn—these threads connect familiar moments with something unknown, creating a feeling of being on the edge of something, in a place that is both recognizable and strange. Liminal threads are those fleeting, often unsettling moments that challenge our sense of reality as we pass from one phase to another
Oh thank fuck I thought you were going to say 27 or something anyway I feel quite bad for the bloke you're talking about and I don't even know the cunt
i wonder if college dorms still have co-ed living with how faggy and bitch made "higher" education has become
back in my day, boys and girls lived on the same floor and had communal shower rooms
you'd see your fair share of bare breasts and ass cheeks
I live in a comfy london commuter town

cheapish and high wages
what's the link, stink?
Okay poor people.
yank tries not to show off challenge *impossible*
My dream is that London declares independence from the UK and joins the EU. So tired of my beautiful city being dragged down from being attached to a grim povvo provincial backwater filled with inbreds and sheeds
im so glad i don't wear glasses and can't see black women looking at me
currently scouring through my years worth of printed and filed threads to find out who asked
one pan full english on the go
Fuck you, horrible cunt.
you might make a bit more money but everything is much more expensive in london and you have to live surrounded by wogs
Nobody is going to your bait thread 190
least mentally ill remainer
time to suck a covfefe
@XMRPaul/Martin on telegram
The Anon you've responded to earlier said he's fearing women even though he's heterosexual. That's a basic sign of abuse that has been hidden, you inbred son of a whore.

>3. you are severely mentally ill

Did Luther & Calvin told you that just now about me, or are you demonstrably a trash human, or do you harbour resentment against your parents for not doing a proper job with you?
With every post you write
>you might make a bit more money
A lot more
>everything is much more expensive
Only housing
>you have to live surrounded by wogs
Not true I live in a beautiful leafy neighbourhood that is majority white
same but it's high price and low wages
William, It Was Really Nothing
Not sure what's meant to be more expensive. My rent is like 25% of my salary after tax. Sainsbury's prices are the same.
If I lived up norf the whites are feral.
If you live in like devon or something I can see an argument.
what makes that applicable to my posts but not yours?
you can't just stay in your neighbourhood
if you travel anywhere outside of your ivory tower then you're met with seas of wogs
everything is more expensive, the average price of a pint in london is £7 compared to £3 up north
foul troll
My posts are reasonable and correct, yours are whining and bitching
how so?

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