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religion edition
poo smells lmao
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is there a guide to understanding the terminologies, sir?
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thanks lad
where can i buy cheese slices like the ones they use in mcdonalds? i've tried dairylee slices but its not the same
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Start being smug as fuck in public and ignore ethnics at any opportunity. They can't do anything back.
Make sure to interact with white people overtly more in their presence.
it's just shitty american cheese
Mental how we mindraped Ivan
they can and will stab you to death as proved on countless occasions
assume that every wog is armed and dangerous
*don't do anything*
*get stabbed*
prove the stereotypes right
>seas of wogs
Did you see pictures of the nottinghill carnival and think it's just an ordinary day?
would rather not be stabbed
that's why I walk the other way if I see a wog even 100m away
but where can you buy those in the uk? the other shitty cheese slices i've tried here aren't the same
>They can't do anything back.

>You're fired.
>The bank will have its due.
what if one is coming from behind 100m away also
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I mean
The glowies are wypipo
The gangstalkers are ytpipo
There are only so many patterns one can recognize before wypibbles are the culprit
It's time to racemix and end this nightmare.
Was it really worth sacrificing a legacy to put voices into people's heads?
Guess we'll find out
what's the best beach in england
I've been to london
central london
7/10 people are non-white
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>Mother, 21, took her own life while her young son slept in living room after suffering post-natal depression and losing both of her parents
Coffee really does “soften the stools,” as they say. Had a poo, drank a cup, had to poo again not ten minutes later. Funny that
be self employed
driving around listening to it mek and ghost town on repeat
feel the same way about the cheese kebab shops use on their chips
it's so stringy but I can't figure out what it is, just be some mozzarella blend
Every supermarket sells them you mong
Anyway, Emmental is the best burger cheese. Melts like a fucking BOSS
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was going to say somewhere in north wales probably but wales is wales
why are you saying shit like this when literally anyone could get a map of London broken down by ethnicity.
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nth for the baddiedem
you can't buy american cheese per say but these are basically the same

seems fitting that my final act on this earth will be to shit myself
For me, its formby.
Theres a squirrel sanctuary right next to it
mental how yanks have cheese in a spray can
Coffee prevents alcoholic liver disease which i why i drink it instead of tea.Tea just isn't as good it has less caffeine, you have to put milk in or it's shit and it does not prevent alcoholic liver disease.
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>per say
im on codeine
i really be sippin the lean
sit down, sit down! its nearly time for dinner!
whats on trough, you ask? that exquisite smell?
why, those are my bollocks simmering in the oven, at a toasty 400 degrees kelvin
recall you saying about 2 hours ago that it was high time you shit yourself have you done it yet
French people are so smug and feminine they deserve their women being raped
good lad for noticing that one
imagine typing this out while you live in paradise on earth
During the 1970s and 80s the UK used to send roughly 30% of it's cheese to Iraq where it would be turned into cheap American-style burger slices and sold back to us.
This all came to a stop when UN sanctions were placed on the country in 1990.
angela's gashes
>meh, fuck the welfare of my own child I'm out
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why the actual fuck is that the suggestion
Shut up Mousenonce you cretinous incel
Look at this gay ugly cartoon they did where a child grabs his mum's bum.
27th September and it's freezing cold

not turning the heating on though, that's just what Big Heating wants you to do
I will not laugh at his pain wtf
that wasn't me
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godzone (god's own)
Because I live in London and it's not an issue. I know you like to fantasise London is shit so you can be happier, but it's not.

>Banks aren't allowed to invest in risky projects.
>The most risky projects are micro, small, and medium business start-ups.

Try again, John.
Bridge Over The River Kawaii
>freezing cold
it's not even jacket weather mate
schizo gyppo
Have noticed 'sheedposting died off and I suspect it's because most of you already are 'sheeds so you think you're normal.
>you have to put milk in tea or it’s shit
N00b detected
if I dont win the next euromillion I will take my life the next again night
im going down to Cow Town this afternoon
the cows are friends to me
i dont believe its true when my father died in front of me he did not shit himself or if he did it was the most silent and non odourous shit ever taken
haha really pathetic backpedal mate.
>nuh uh its not actually happening
>ok its actually happening but its not a problem
so im assuming you'll next be telling everyone why its actually a good thing you're a stranger in your own capital city?
it really is
you can't step outside your 5 square meter safe space otherwise you'll be stabbed to death by a wog instantly
This is the last, last stand

Of all the Rorkes
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And then compare it to this beautiful fun adventure
Zelenskyy is literally out there fighting WW3 for us so we don’t have to. And we won’t even send the cunt a few missiles? Sick of this pussy country we deserve everything that happens to us
he did a silent but violent out of respect for you
Cold and lonely world innit
I refuse to believe there are sheeds here this place is for marginalised manchild white men like me
I actually hate milk in tea
Also I only drink iced coffee
bloody hell that's a bit chilly
there's a half jewish 29 year old guy who posts here
Marry and reproduce.
I need a gimmick like smoking a pipe or something to make me seem interesting
proper kentuckian stuff
You should see this cunt in this thread btw
no ukrainans are trained to use our missiles
we would have to send british forces to ukraine to fire our missiles into russia for them
that means us starting a war with russia directly
you think poo barmer is that barmy?
poo barmers barmy army?
Don’t know if you’re talking about me (I’ve only mentioned it a few times) but I am a 30 year old half Jewish lad (non religious) and I post here pretty regularly
And also making vague references to bringing back slavery
didn't some autist spend literal decades animating this
3 sausages
2 bacon rashers
2 eggs
2 slices of toast
half a tin (200g) beans
3 sliced chestnut mushrooms
2 slices black pudding
I smoke Toscanos
no theres another half jew
Didn't say any of that really. Never said there aren't a lot of non-whites here. Also never said it is happening and isn't a problem.
Just consistently said quality of life in London is high. People are friendly, I've been up north and they weren't.
>you're a stranger in your own capital city?
Not a brit am I? Am white however before you get any ideas.
brown people can have this place... let them steal your energy !!
those two 12 year olds that murdered a 19 year old with a machete will be back on the streets when they are 21

leng ting bringing coffee to the yardie office worker
89 days to Christmas lads. Seems like summer was 5 minutes ago really.
forgot the tomato
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>no tomato halves
>no 3x hash browns
Then we train the Ukrainians. Simple as.

Even if we fired them ourselves Putin isn’t going to do shit. He’s threatened us with nuclear weapons plenty of times already, the cunt is clearly bluffing and would have no grounds to use them against a NATO country. The Kremlin would be glassed in minutes if he tried it.
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AngloYankChads are passionate and dedicated to their life's work
I grew a moustache for my gimmick. Was surprisingly effective
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Highest crime area of London compared to other english cities
ah so you're brown
no wonder you love london
LOVE black pudding
You forgot the tomato you THICK TWAT
your mate is in the other thread making fun of some Serbs dead dad
>Not a brit am I?
then im not really interested in your opinion. you're part of the problem.
We should just send the army in. He'll do fuck all, mad theory is a load of shite.
naw mate zelda
he threatened nuclear weapons if we entered the war
hol hols are too low IQ to use british technology so we would need to be the ones firing them
just don't be surprised when london gets turned into dust in return
don't like tomato in my FE sorry
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I smoke a pipe. It’s cool but your mouth feels like an ashtray the day after
hash browns do NOT belong in a fryup
The good guys are russia, china and trump's White america.
I fuck to Sussudio. Always.
Then you don't like a Full English
Fuck off
Fuck off
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realise real eyes real lies
Don't recall asking, London Paki.
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new lightbulb purchased

e27 fitting
3000k colour temp
500 lumens
Thoughts about fries in a fry-up. Seems like it could work but feels wrong
you're male and wear a dress
youll try and shag him then
seems lime something a filthy yank would do
what's a characteristic heathermong post
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>russia are the good guys
more of a grill up when I cook it
The Johnson-Patel immigration boom of 2022/3 is notable not only for the sheer numbers involved, but the total collapse in migrant quality: an explosion of low-skilled migrants on low wages; an influx of students at bottom-tier universities; and skyrocketing use of dependant provisions.
>somebody shitting up the thread saying how great london is compared to the rest of the country
>admits he's a poojeet
every single time
rorke cradling a hot mug with both hands, sipping it and saying "mmmmmm"
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Bringing back memories of Ukraine and Russia supporters jaking each other
I look like this and do this
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>you're male and wear a dress
watching a video of a bloke ordering a $65 slop pizza
aisha doesn't think you're very nice 190
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Whiter than you Nige. (There's more than one pro-Londoner here, the other may or may not be brown).
that's about right for a large dominos to be fair
You fucking towelhead
You wear a towel on your head, you fucking towelhead

Towelhead, towelhead. Towelhead, you fucking towelhead
How does one identify a heathermong post?
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There's no less than three bradders in the top 200 image reposts on this board

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cafe near me does little fried potatoes instead like pic related, much better than chips imo
I reckon it's mousey
I single-handedly pushed the top bradders image from 90th to 89th btw
Incredible, and they are none of the brads I use.
i saw you cryin
i saw you cryin at the discotheque
>my dad had a heart attack
>he's fucking dead
dadberg is having some sort of crisis. He's thrown a bunch of his valuables away and has basically cut contact with his friends. Why the fuck are old people like this?
everything has to mean something and be dramatic, they just can't be normal.
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I really, really hope someone kills Heathermong.
Post the Reggies
Post the Peters
Post the Dragons
Post the Dr Mikes
Post the Chemicals
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very interesting little post this
how do you know it's heathermong?
have you asked him about it?
You said fuck all when I posted it yesterday.
Neighbour’s daughter stomping about the house again
that cock-suckin piece of shit tony soprano's cousin
guys im stuck in a fucking bottle again-- HELP, HELPPPP MEEEE, HEEEEEEEEEELP!
get her shagged
you don't live in a detached house?
Money for nothin
Chicks for free
I didn't see it lad I was out on the beers yesterday
his skin is the colour of poo
Bradleys Walsh
I have an autistic prowess for poster identification
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russia mong on his way to destroy hohols
>foreign flag yet speaks English like a native
>obsessed with the topic of race especially interracial breeding
>endlessly repeats the same posts
yeah he like "I'm living in the past, should have a fresh start"
but I just KNOW it's all bollocks, he won't change or anything, he thinks his life wil magically become much better as a result but I know he'll just regret it and become lonely and bitter
he won't be told otherwised but the thing about my dadberg is that he's very naive despite his age, and never really grew up. He just have the emotional maturity to act rationally and he's always been a bit of a pain as a result
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he's the belgian freak?
which autismo was posting this 2000 times
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ah no good
cutting off his friends abruptly reminds me of brendan gleeson in that recent film he was in with colin farrell
might move to japan and become a businessman
tl;dr hole
Bournemouth or Weymouth
Been up since 2 am. 4 now. Toil in 4 hours. May just have a cuppa
new brighton
all my life I've had to be the wise and rational one despite him being my fucking dad and I'm sick of it
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Really don’t care
ktim but going to korea
why did janny delete the op
it's a heathermong melty
yeah rough go lad
He just didn't like him no more.
it's politics
>uploading pictures of my arsehole to thousands of strangers to wank over is looked down upon but I don't understand why??!
As I sober up from the booze the electronic harassment symptoms return
mental that most of this is empty and unused. australia should fill it solar panels then undersea cables to export clean energy to nz and indonesia

Take back your retarded spastic parasite freak

Stay in this thread you worthless fuck

Also foe the rest of the thread look at this >>202734400
On the archives, and qhqt the Mods deleted and what they sided with
No, ignore that poster.

How to identify Heathermong:
>autistic fascination with bizarre topics - unrelenting posting of the same images, usually
>consistent use of capitaliation and generally accurate spelling
>almost always posts images
>use of AI
>typically uses custom file names for images; no 4chanx randomised filenames

And a few other things. But here's the big one:
>inability for self-reflection

Heathermong will post 'proof' that the Irish are obsessed with blacks due to low intelligence, but will spend the following thread spamming AI images of black men. He lacks the mental capacity to recognise this.
wrongun you
>am I fitting in yet?
you ok spaedo?
beat it sounds like a song about wanking
nah thats out of pocket
What's your plans for today then lads? Me? Nothing.
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>I bought all the sodas at the gas station
You are severely mentally ill.
is spaedo still on a melty from yesterday?
seems like he hasn't stopped for 24 hours now
showering, shitting, and wanking. in that order.
I see. Thank you.
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spaedo has been on a meltdown since it was found out he lied about moving to spain and being married
>file deleted

Desperate to fit in ghoul
meant for >>202735931
They should made giant solar panels and put houses and roads under them so they Australians can fight in the shade
it's so sad, you can't even empathise with that anon as you don't even care about your parents enough to grieve them if they died.
I hope you can get some help
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Squattoil in a bit then shave, shower and might go to the shop later to get a bottle of wine for a spot of steamingtoil this evening.

Not locked in though. Sometimes I go off the idea of getting drunk and just remain sober. Have to be in the right self-destructive mood.
He's been on a gigamelty since Valentine's Day
are you proud of yourself adam?
spamming that poor blokes thread until it got deleted?
/brit/ has on many occasions canvassed the "flooding the interior" idea, reconstituting australia's ancient inland sea
Yes yes, give me the (you)'s

Like a necromancer, I turn dead dads into (you)'s
when they going to find madeline mccanns remains then
Kay's Cooking 'Members Only' video is a year old and has zero views, came up in my feed for some reason.
Gonna go out in a few minutes to get some beers, then I'm going to watch breaking bad and drink for the rest of today. Might have a wank to WMAF creampies later after post-cans horniness kicks in
Devil ape species




ALSO THE ABSOLUTE STATE of this thread. Glad you pissants report images of mice so you get this quality of thread for choosing the side and janny that only serves to make the thread worse. MUCH DESERVED
>one bottle of wine
can't get steaming off that
even 60 year old grannies drink more ya poof
QRD on the various characters of /brit/?
Alright attention seeker
Going to a proper posh restaurant later for oysters and champagne.
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I drink like 4 times a year though and I'm not fat so it gets me plenty drunk.
looks like he isnt going to calm down any time soon
just ignore him until he tires out lol
they're all spaino (adam)
he uses a spreadsheet to record his posts and interactions with his various personas
very sad little freak
miss old deegs. he'll be forever in our hearts
reading the genealogy of morals and mewing
Why does he do it?
Can’t believe he got killed by that grindr serial killer. You see this stuff on tv but you never think it would happen to someone you know
Starmers gonna get him into work soon
40 hours a week in the amazon workhouse
Hilarious stuff
you reckon it's not so bad working in mcdonalds or what?
ferretberg just did a really squitty poo and fart sound was loud
You have to remember that he is still, at the end of the day, just a severely mentally ill human being. He is not some supernatural spamming spirit that feeds on (You)s. There is a genuinely autistic disabled loser cunt retard that spams this thread — and God only knows where else — every day, all day, replying to himself like he’s playing dollhouse on 4chan. Sometimes, I think of a particularly hurtful way to get under his skin, so I post it to watch him squirm. It has obviously been working, as the public display of his mental illness has become more frequent and extreme as time goes on. It amuses me to toy with his mind like the fragile piece of hodgepodge “art” an idiot child might proudly give you, one that you will discard as soon as they forget about it. He is a vessel waiting to be filled with hatred, a masochistic subhuman, even lower than an animal. He is a worthless piece of refuse on a highway, something you can’t help but notice, try to avoid, and curse, while also hoping it is removed immediately. Since the authorities will not deal with him, I must grind him into dust when he least expects it, then move on like a speeding car. Of course, he will pretend to not be bothered by it, then cope with one of his other dissociated characters’ inane spam. To me, it means nothing. Remember, Adam, I am always here.
depends if you've completely given up on life or not
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a gu trd taei hsao akt ns k
where's spaino gone to?
you'll be working with teens
Think the brown gf knows I have nazi leanings but doesn't mind.
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I have.
yeah it'd be great working as the lowest of the low in some global megacorporation where you're constantly watched like a hawk and have to deal with members of the great british public. lush.
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Diego come back we miss you
Honestly it would be better if you worked in a warehouse or something. Maybe get a forklift license too, much less humiliating than working in hospitality/retail
any good song recs diego?

I had a job at McDonalds when I was 16. It was fun at the time socially. The rumours are true about McDonalds crews. You also get a meal if your shift is long enough.
proud of yourself are you adam?
What rumours?
why did adam barrett of chester suddenly stop pretending to have a wife and live in spain?
fake deegs. the real one was found with an orange stuffed up his arse on hampstead heath last year
? thanksd but im here
it's a cold world by frankie knucles
i want him to be mine by terisa griffin
quadrant dub I by BC (basic channel)
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You'd be in the back on the fryers as a 25+ year old man, wouldn't be anywhere near the public.

16-18 year old lasses on the tills. T'was ever thus.
they all shag each other in the storage sheds
>he's fucking dead
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Right then

There's the hangover munchy box from the pakis
good honest work that, lad. getting the big macs ready for an african to deliver to us wfhchads. keeps the economy going
scent of the day? favvy all-time fragrance?
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Pretty sure he started becoming extremely mentally ill around the time of the Oct 7 attack
Now it's coming up on the one year anniversary and everyone is changing their mind about Israel so he's completely losing whatever was left of his mind
Like really how badly was he bullied as a child that he would spam a thread like that?
grim pizza
fuckin rank
jpg ultra male
Holy fuck
Nice tripadvisor copy paste job Adam
Still desperate to fit in are you?
Would LOVE to have a good old rummage in her knickers LOL Xx
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I already have this pic in my munchy box folder.
toby, thoughts on adam ruining /brit/ this morning?
Im not spaino and I got it off ratemytakeaways twitter page
>why yes I do take it up the arse, how could you tell?
Just want to grab a females tits...
Yes very good have you considered suicide?
inside is yellow :)
Flatmate is coming home from 2 weeks on holiday... prefer living alone. Can't afford to because London rent is retarded.

I should be able to afford a 1 bed flat with a reasonable bike ride to work. Why does that cost £1500+ per month?

They need to stop building 600k flats, and start building 150k ones.
Because you're an evil subhuman ghoul that everyone hates
existentialism is a threat to capitalism because capitalism is built on people living inauthentically, people must live inauthentically in order for capitalism to function.
That would be you I think
treating the colon to a cheeky toilpoo
Abandon London. All hope is lost.
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so this is rorke
there is no such thing as living (in)authentically under existetialism you bizarre scrote
Alright man have fun shitting up this forgotten corner of the internet all day because you have never had a friend not ever
Project on
>In throwing ourselves into socially approved activities and roles, we disown ourselves and spin a web of self-deception in trying to avoid facing up to the truth about what we are. This picture of inauthentic existence is contrasted with a vision of a way of living that does not slide into self-loss and self-deception.
in case you're not trolling if you continue to read the article you see that the only "authentic" you in existenalism is that there is no "authentic" you

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