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LNER Class A4 4468 Mallard edition
>Britain paying highest electricity prices in the world

>Cost of power for industrial businesses now four times more expensive than in US
reminds me of that lad with the glasses and the barbour jacket
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slags sub edition
It the weekend, but everyday is a weekend when you're SeasdieMARK. 4x lush lifestyle dee lads
My first ever reply to my first ever post on /brit/ was Diego telling me to blog on (about five years ago)
no idea what you're on about fella I just think it's a nice train is all
mad that isn't it when we have one of the biggest reserves of natural gas in the world in the north sea waiting to be drilled
we could literally be dubai: the island if we wanted to
bit nippy out
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posted in this general for about 10 years, me

and on this website since 2007 lol
my first ever exchange here got multiple replies saying 'screaming' and the likes
cats having a rest in bed with me lads
he's loving it
on the smirnoff ices tonight then lads
why would it harm my defence if I don't mention something which I later rely on in court
all downhill from there
(blog on)
one of my first days on /brit/ I got in an argument with Spainlard
Might become a furry
get bloggy with it~
Cant remember my first time on /brit/
fucking hate this webm so much
his stupid fucked up doorway made even tinier with that pull up bar, even without it he would have to awkwardly tilt his body in order to enter it
all just to show off the fact he can lift his own body weight which is probably like 60kg or something pathetic. fuck this lanky freak
my first time on /brit/ was in 2013 when somebody linked it in a matchthread on /sp/
Idea is that if you can get your story straight from the start it's much more convincing
Guy at the local coffee stand looks so much like Chibi it creeps me out to no end.
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They might reasonably ask you why you didn't mention that thing at the time. They might argue to the jury that it's more likely you simply came up with that thing after hearing the evidence against you.
On one of my first days I SN started arguing with me (I forget what about exactly). He made himself look like such a fool he was forced to stop using his trip for like 4 weeks until people forgot
grim, imagine spending 11 years here
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I got him to stop using his trip indefinitely lol
nothing to do with you, it obviously just got perm banned
don't you have your own general to post in?
sure Adam
Haha sure
mate get a pullup bar purchased and begin training pullups
well can you explain why he stopped posting because of you
normies assume that everyone has sievebrains like them and can't remember shit
On my first day on / brit/ everybody flocked around me like chinese countryside kids seeing their first black man.

It was very cute kek.
it's worse than that
I've been using 4chan since 2008
fucks sake lads, just seen i missed this mallard bants about 20 mins after i decided to take a nap
always just miss out on the good stuff me
mad how bad some people's memories are
on the ketty tonight de lads
haha you plonker
I don't remember my first day on /brit/ and I've only been on here for a year
been on 4chan for 5.
Don't tell them I told you this but you lot are much cooler.
*rubs your hands to see if the colour comes off*
never done ket

probably the one 'main' drug that I've never done. Wouldn't mind doing it tbf
le ket
neighbour's got his fit daughter over
on the sake tonight lads
wish 190 still posted here, he could tell us about all of the drugs he's ever done...
Yooooooooowch poo pain poo pain
ket's pretty good. other drugs don't compare
Destroyed his LARP completely by autistically bullying him for ages
it was all a larp
he's never done drugs once
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>wish 190 still posted here
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fuck sake
japanese people be like:
for fuck, sake
Lots of dodgy stuff going on in the UK electricity market. Producers submitting no or false information about their energy production, collusion/insider trading.
The worst one is that they're simply switching off their generators at peak times to keep the system price nice and high.

>Electricity generator Beatrice Offshore Windfarm Limited (“BOWL”) has accepted that it breached one of its licence conditions and will make a redress payment of £33.14m as a result
>Following an Ofgem review, BOWL, the operator of an 84-turbine wind farm off the North East coast of Scotland, has accepted it breached one of its licence conditions.....by charging excessive prices to reduce its generation output when this was required to keep the electricity grid balanced, thereby pushing up costs for consumers.
>BOWL’s prices did not properly reflect the financial benefits of reducing its output related to avoided payments that the company would otherwise have been required to make under the Government’s Contracts for Difference scheme.
heading to east croydon x
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<-I can give you a mallard
I would prefer you would be quiet
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what do you mean by 'bullying'
need a leftypol gf
>nonbreeding male
Cousin here asking my to give some money to her kid's school so they can buy bikes or something
Nah, fuck them kids
you don't know nann nigga who know mo' niggas than me, who do mo' killings than me, and weigh mo' dope dealings than me
wor spencer always providing the bantz
sacked tranny could learn a few things from mihai (pbuh)
he was a bender from britfeel as well but he assimilated into /brit/ culture and ended up being pretty well liked by the time of his death
what a horrific looking mallard lmao
Middle one has that janice soprano body where her legs are extremely thin but with a fridge upper body
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Calling him a lying incel autistic loser who has never had a friend not ever etc at every opportunity
You DO have a synthwave playlist, right?
Me entering brit like
190, Spaino and Employed Woman walk into a bar...
the trains to east croydon will see a significant uptick in usage tonight x
he's had that for years, literally every thread
not sure why you think your words carried any more weight
did a british man fornicate with your mother
And the next chapter of your incel freka headcanon?
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this guy hit the jackpot
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What interests me is the complete loss of control in a K-hole.

Like I remember thinking LSD would be all these mad visual fractals and all that and that I'd just be 'along for the ride' then it was nothing like that, even up to 3 tabs at one time; I was still 'me' and I still knew where I was an all that.

need to experience a drug that will just turn me into goo while I try to deal with it. Apparently mushrooms are better in that respect but I've never done them either
don't see why you care
mmhmm nun u cud do x
Need a tanned brunette on my cock
Took a hit of the euphemism bong did we eh
miss when spaedo posted on his trip
his belgian vpn posting has been stale for ages
if you didnt get visuals on 3 tabs of acid either it wasn't acid or your brain is abnormal
because you're acting like a smug captain who just organised the hit of a mob boss, but in reality you're just as much as an autistic freak as he is
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>mmhmm nun u cud do x
Vocaroo this for us
My favorite type of sake is for fuck sake.
was gonna do ket last weekend in a hotel room but my old dealer stopped selling ket because it's too hard to shift these days apparently
why arent you out shagging?
Okay sorry I hurt your feelings lol
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been noticing patterns too, you know which ones
Don't get me wrong I got carpet swirls and all that but I wasn't transported into Mario Kart Rainbow Road or anything.
is that ebin?
project on
I definitely loss my sense of self and reality on ket but most times with k-holes you'll still respond to stimuli if there is any. It's easy to 'fall' inside of yourself but if someone calls your name or something you'll come out. I used to K-hole a lot before but now I keep it light, I like some while watching a film with the visual deformations/color constrast change/different field of view and also elevated emotional affect that happens
can get arrested for that in the uk
getting all the poo out
mmhmm the leng tings are shaving their fannies smooth for the machete wielding goons rn x
timmy sr... he has a bad gut feeling, he kno...
haha and lil timmy? mmhmm left dat lil whiteboy on read, sorry!
Only thing I'm noticing is how my beer is empty and I need another one
the _____ cries out in pain as he strikes you
Basic as fuck
>had less than 6 hours sleep (morn-afternoon)
>go to sleep earlier
>only get 2 hours of sleep
>stay up for a few hours
>go back to sleep before noon
>get 5 hours sleep
>stay up until i go to sleep at the same time as before on late Saturday night
>go to sleep
>get 3 hours sleep
>Monday morning
>stay up for a few hours again but longer
>go to sleep
>get 4 hours sleep
>wait until late Monday night like the previous nights but earlier
>get 4 hours sleep
>also have night terror (sleep walk) because of the mounting sleep deprivation
>Tuesday morning
>go to sleep again after noon
>feel like the insomnia has gotten worse aswell as the light keeping me from sleeping sooner
>get 5 hours sleep
>pitch black when i wake up
>go to sleep late at night at same time as previous nights
>get less than 1 hour
>cant sleep again so wait a few hours
>get less than 1 hour, get woken up by noise
>Wednesday morning
>realise i'm in a really bad state
>head is fucked, cant think
>go out of bed but heart rate goes up when i move and talk too much
>makes me go really faint like i nearly had a heart attack
>any slight movement at this point and my body freaks out so i try and relax more, breath better and find a comfortable position to sleep again
>feels almost impossible in the state im in
>takes me 3 hours to get to sleep
>sleep from noon for 5 hours
>go to sleep earlier again earlier this time
>get nearly 4 hours sleep
>stay up for a few hours
>ends up being longer than i wanted
>Thursday morning
>get to sleep around noon but wake up every 1 or 2 hours, and feel like pure shit
>finally get up after possibly 4-5 hours of on and off sleeping throughout the day
>go to sleep slightly earlier than night before
>get about 3 hours sleep
>takes me the entirety of Friday morning to get back to sleep
I want to believe this will get better but this really does feel like purgatory. I suppose i deserve it for being a deformed rancid neet goblin.
might pick up poetry again tbqh
If you're a National Socialist coke snorter, you must support Israel.
I read every word of this
Vocaroo this for us
not reading that
Millennials really thought AVGN was funny...
you expect me to read all that pal?
Do you think I could make a lot of money selling maga stuff to retards when they go around town?
you're literally staying at home while the 'goons' go out shagging
get the fucking safe-for-work-british-culture slags posted
blog on
Diego take this
never goon
bizarre post commiemong
>/brat/ on the left
>me on the right
mmhmm clapmeat out and about hunting for a baton to bop on
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>gets britishly arrested
Got black women reactions on
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If you weren’t alive for the release life of the NES, you have no valid opinion on the matter.
you a big lad? 250ug of acid sends me to space
Why would they support Jews? You are so confused
Vocaroo this for us
Can't be worse than Chicago there is a schizo who goes to every station there and preaches the word of God
he's genuinely very knowledgeable at his job and is entertaining and likeable to boot
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Looks like was cut and pasted into that hallway in half-life 2
right suppose I'll start on the rum then
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mental how tarantino made a nazi the brave hero and a jew the vile butcher
counterpoint: if you were you should be retired and playing golf by now or something. definitely prohibited from having real opinions on the internet
I made a funny thread for the new
do you think he'll make one after your 100000th request?
trying to finish last 2 cans before bed
only 6 mate
why are you going to bed at 6pm on a Friday
it's only 6
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Gonna cry?
you started overstepping boundaries
The Vocaroo that broke /brit/
You know...

If you played that clip backwards the food geting sentient and flying into her nouth would actually look realistic.
Hahaaaa. Ja
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I mean I was absolutely fucked to be sure like I forgot what day it was and all that but I could still tell visually where I was. I was sat on my couch watching David Linklater's Before Sunset film (great movie) and I kept thinking to myself "if I had a knife from the kitchen on me right now then I'd kill myself" and then the following week I DID try to kill myself and went to mental hospital

but I didn't have crazy fractals or all that. Like I still knew I was watching the telly.
just dont understand why you waste your time with him
ngl i'd shag her
it's gore time
gonna take me til about 8
>dad gets pissy about me not being able to find work on indeed
>Drives to 4 places and harasses the management
>They tell him it's all on the computer
>Comes home and calls me a jackass

God don't you like boomers
fucking get the bags in
lil timmy can only manage one day out per week LOL
you'll switch to the dutch flag? okay..?
you'll be in here all day spamming your nonsense
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me and the missus
tradie internship might become an apprenticeship at the end of next month lads
sorting the life out
last saturday he was here till quarter to 11 and we're supposed to believe that he turned off his pc at that moment and went out
remember oxford bender's straight arc
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mmhmm cope
im not cloggy
>I kept thinking to myself "if I had a knife from the kitchen on me right now then I'd kill myself" and then the following week I DID try to kill myself and went to mental hospital
reckon i might have been right on the "abnormal brain" front tbf, no offense
got such a nice bum, lads. reckon I'd get a lot of attention from tops if I was gay
looks like she's been hanging out with are diego
those chimneys you were posting were looking clean as fuck lad

proud of you x
but you were here all day last saturday
Seethe on Spaincuck!!7E5lfieo3ojfi3u3jerh
aisha will never be yours
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it takes you two hours to drink two cans of beer?
no i logged off
I fucking hate boomers because they are so retarded I had one tell me I could raise a family on 16 an hour
one more reply and he'll definitely fuck off for good lads
just one more reply
the distance between being and nothingness is infinite
mogs me
yes, at quarter to 11
Remember when I first started looking for jobs and my mum told me to print off my cv and go around town handing them in at different places.
I believed her like a fool. Spent 3 or 4 hours just wandering into different places, asking to speak to the manager, and then giving them a cv while they looked at me confused or just told me they don't accept cv's.
This was nearly 10 years ago so I can't imagine how embarrassing it would be to do that now.
want them to sit on my lap so we can play jumpy jumpy pop
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Watching The Chase.
clapmeat for the nubian brethren
cheers lad, think i found my calling
I'm a friend of Dorothy
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once saw an embarrasswd lad who looked to be about 18-19 stood beside him mum in tesco while his mum angrily spoke to the manager about how he was a "good worker" and they should take a chance on him, paper CV in hand

they don't have a clue these bints. Living in their own little world.
need them coated in congolese cream
yeah man, i love Time Traveling Daleks
Imagine having respect for boomers I constantly remind my dad his generation ruined the country and that most boomers are retarded man children who cry when people ask for change
being and time... the greatest story ever told
don't be too hard on your mumbergs lads, they're only doing out of of love
Dropped a milk carton in the Co-op today
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I'm a friend of Dorothy (the first single released by Hers in 2016, less than 3 years before their tragic deaths)
That's me in bed
What deliberately?
Israel is fascist and based.
All true fascists support Israel.
Get Fashpilled baybay
arseing about
Leftypol is mindbroken by both fashycunt and commiemong
imagine browsing /brit/ while driving then getting in a head on collision with another vehicle, killing two people, and then the courts get your cellphone records to prove you were distracted and all the investigators and judge see you were browsing /brit/ and they all snicker at you
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She tried her best to be sure, especially with the resources at hand (i.e she's poor) but she doesn't know her arse from her elbow.

She had no business having children, specially not with the autistic spacker that is my dad, but it is what it is. You reap what you sow.
No, purely from human error
just stop the oil yeah. it's not hard
you've said too much
how is your dad autistic
Get the cans posted
I've posted on /brit/ whilst driving before
might get a smartphone specifically for toil that's really robust and has an infrared camera so i don't have to spend nearly a grand on the newest model of iphone or keep running my old dinky android with a dying battery
would a fascist support fascist governments that aren't their own?

>Brit YouTuber's Indian street food hell: Tourist sobs uncontrollably and whines about hospital treatment after marijuana-infused milk made by holy man leaves him with green diarrhoea

* snigger
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I have, in the past, played out scenarios where a judge reads out my /brit/ posts in court and I can't help myself laughing and the judge says you think that's funny do you and I have to admit that I do think it's funny.
Get BAPpilled
Israel is fascist and implicitly European
too bloody fit
katy ready to head to the traphouse
Really dampens the mood here when you know you could unwittingly trigger a spainmelty at almost any moment.
Britain isn't that bad, is it? It's just bad comparatively to 20 years ago.
ava that's not normal
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So, lad, you are this here 'canslad' is it?
>Yes Judge, lad.
Sounds like we could all do with more cans in our life, be more careful now.
I'm on the Don Papa x
Poo comes from that.
Why do virtually no fascists support Israel then
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Vocaroo this for us
I posted on Brit while in class I am not taking this semester seriously because I don't want to continue this major. I also started saying leftist things around my professor to set him off
Co-worker mentioned randomly getting bhang-lassi in india kek in for a good time
(8) what is it worth to love me on earth (8)
Yeh and most cunts only remember back that far

Remember less than 100 years ago when Britain was like 99.9999% white?
compared to aus and usa economically it's really bad
you don't know what you're missing out on
Hate living in a posh tarq area
Can't just nip to the shops and get some booze in in a hoodie and jeans
Everyone's dressed to the nines or running in sports gear, doing posho tarq things
Lads, plans for the night?
Cans, of course. Might stick on the aul Mean Machine film
Inane post
Eh right now the job market is fucked in America you could be the second coming of Christ and walk on water but they won't hire you.
>Yet they always say they are hiring
what's stopping you? worried people are going to complain that you're lowering the property value or something?
Tin of tuna, bit of book, bed
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I dropped out of 2 (two) separate degrees at 2 (two) separate universitieis over a span of 4 years. I would HIGHLY reccommend not sacking off uni and trying to finish your degree if you can.

There's fucking nothing out there for you without a degree lad. Nothing.
scranning some pork belly like a common chink then playing my steam deck
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Absolutely battered off this wine. Might get on the painkillers later.
on the lash
Work is got through connections
You the lad getting pissed off one bottle of wine?
a lot of postings are fake to gather CV information because there's money in it and a lot of jobs are bullshit
get a real skill and you won't have a problem getting hired
simple as that really
Britain is unironically 3rd world with London attached to it
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le kino man
Tuna is health. Books are good for the mind. Good lad.
Bit racist, lad. But pork belly is nice. What you planning on playing?

Good lad

How much wine you had, lad? And why the pain killers?
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feel like the big man on this particular anime website on friday night do you yeah

calm down
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Want her to squeeze out a hot thick log into my mouth.
I went just feel freakish when everyone's dressed in nice expensive coats and I'm waltzing about in my tatty hoodie
Fuck up
always laugh when women are like "ugh I'm such an alcoholic I just had a whole bottle of wine" when a bottle of wine is like 4 pints of beer
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Because there's pain needing killing.
said it before lad, if you're still making legible, well structured posts you aren't drunk at all
pov: you're a dreadhead goon
Spaino omds
I need money to pay for trade school jackass it's not free here
where the fuck is toby
Like a modern day Raskolnikov me
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>Klarc Klarcson eating a mallard (1885)
i sleep a lot and read st thomas aquinas
why do you spend your fridays doing this?
It's not that hard to write legible posts if you have a reasonably high IQ.

If I hammer out some word salad I just backspace and redo it.
gimmick idea: boby
Kek in the same situation. Posh area with square lots and a shop. Youre expected to have a car drive to the jogging trail. Can't walk all willy-nilly here no.
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el vino did flow
Get ready for it, lads
pic not related?
I am doing HVAC training my dad signed me up behind my back and got angry when I told him I can't stand uni. He told me they would never automate accountants because they will need atleast one human
and listen to gay music and do gay little dances you repressed little poof
Go to a doctor mate, you've got an over active thyroid or suttin
how do you get up from an all time low?
I am still pissed at my dad because he signed me up for one more semester Even though I told him I was dropping out. This is why I am not taking college seriously i got suspended for speeding in the parking lot and telling a teacher lawyers are days
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Apparently there are two main types of facesitting stool.
Everyone in my area is either old or young and attractive (and wealthy). Get mogged whenever I go out
Women typical weigh less and have smaller bodies, eh?
>baroque style
>replying to a 30 miniute old post
fuck off
gf wants to go on the pill
never heard anyone say this in my life
not in this country
the only woman he interacts with is his mum and that's definitely not true in her case lol
the cyanide pill, because she realised she's dating you?
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Oh because the neck hold is the other way around.
Have it on good intel that Diego is collating his notes on the guests for tonight's Graham Norton Show
Whats that flower that inactivates the pill, again? Grows all over the country side. Was a big howdy-dowdy here because it was used as a filler in vegan food.
he doesn't want people responding to 30 minute old posts so he's gonna hate this, isn't he?
early, lad
its my post so i dont mind as much x
It very much feels like there is an obvious third style just waiting to be created, a stocks-sort where the neck rest is a circle which opens at the middle.


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