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blue footed boobies edition

It's genuinely impossible to commit warcrimes against Muslims
It's like saying you're commiting a warcrime against the worms in the ground when you test a bomb
A bird? With blue feet? Preposterous!
i am no great friend of israel but i just honestly dont care about le hunger games palestine resistance
what does this have to do with the elephant man
outrageous, scandalous even
me on the left
I can smell your sweaty yarmulke from here. You shoulda stayed in Poland, Moshe
*something happens in any other country*
Reported for hate speech. Enjoy your prison sentence
R Kelly is a bad person but I will never stop listening to Trapped in the Closet
i don't even care what happens to me, much less my neighbor
elephant man sub edition
quite literally me
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Shut the fuck up Shartammad
Jews in America can't suck Muslim cock fast enough to prove how progressive they are
You must be confused, I'm not a Euroshitstain
How to be a boring cocksucker in 7 easy steps
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idea: kms
Idea: Become rich
zoomies have thin skin, there was no little kiddy chimp out over iraq that I remember
>zoomies have thin skin
*brown skin
What are you talking about there was "no blood for oil" shit everywhere
They’re eating the dogs, they’re eating the cats
bad idea and not profitable and don't do that
Zoomers get their news from the TikTok algorithm
I wanna fuck an old lady with huge tits
didnt say it was a business idea
how do we stop islam
>Muh zoomers
We get it you’re an old seething failure shut the fuck up already
ok well still don't do that
You got sent to prison for hate speech. What's this? Prison is full of muslims? You gonna have a bad time
zoomers have horns under their jewfro and nasty yellow teeth, gangrenous toes and they will steal your vapes at night
I'm posting here instead of that other gay thread for fags.
i really like this post
boob diversity day
how bout keith sweat n joe
Hate speech is very legal in the US
For example: Finniggers deserve to be exterminated. They are below rats, below worms. The only thing they deserve is a bullet between the eyes. If all Finns died today, the world would not change in a single noticeable way.
best part of that show was the sister
>insulting white europeans
Stunning and brave!
mfw I just stole all your vapes
That Fallout TV show fell off hard
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Finns are Chinaswedes NOT white
he is so talented
i'm glad they let him play along
out of the wagecage into the incelbed. sampling everything this rich buffet of life has to offer
Ok I'm more hungover than I thought. Christ
they literally btfo the nazis because they are the whitest, blondest, most blue-eyed country on earth and not aryan in any sense
Gonna make an egg ham and cheese sandwich when I come home from work
Living the dream, I see
why is it an incelbed
The Germans are also not white
I personally think that Benjamin Franklin was right about who is and isn't white
If you wouldn't be considered white by Franklin, you're not white
because no woman will ever leave a dent in it
benjamin franklin was reincarnated as chris-chan
yo listen up here's the story of an incel
who lives in an incel
sleeps in an incel bed
and drives an incel car
im incel da ba de da ba die ba da ba dee da ba die dabe die
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>me when a Fennoswede speaks
Das raycist. I'm legally not allowed to agree with any of that, I just want to own guns
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Imagine willingly paying money to fellate a cancer stick.
Benjamin Franklin was never reincarnated because his spirit couldn't find a body that was Anglo-Saxon enough for his liking
The god of whiteness rests at the gates of white heaven, turning all the dumb and swarthy savages away to browngatory
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it's raining cumbums
why am I paying $14 for advil when a melanin gentleman can walk in and out with three big paks of TP for free without repercussions?
I had sex with my gf on my bed, but that was like eight years ago.
even if that is true it's because you will get a new, nicer mattress to share with a woman who loves you in the future
Will you post your ancestry mutt-sama
I smoked for ten years, but quit now the smell of cigarettes makes me retch
that's why i smoke butts off da streetz
tips on quitting?
Join your brothers in Michigan and become a professor of Finnish Studies
Was it grippy?
he's all ears
i literally cant comprehend that people dont pretend to have sex and dont put it on the internet
Fitting a 2nd newport 100 in to my 30 minute lunch break
michigan is comfy

Id like to live in kalamazoo
You gotta want it. I didn't want to smoke anymore so I didn't.
I'm also not white, I have too much French and too much German ancestry
I'm also a subhuman who deserves nothing but expulsion from this great nation
But being a swarthy subhuman savage, I'm not strong enough to put the good of the country over my own wishes so I refuse to leave
i'd like to be
under the sea
in an octopus's garden, in the shade
switch to a vape and then taper down on the vape until you don't need it anymore
nicotine pouches work too like zyn and stuff
american spirits are organic. they're basically a health food
As a gay teenager I discovered quickly that a lot of gay men are pedophiles and the gay community tolerates and protects such behavior
should i jerk off or take a nap
we would be warm
yeah that's why i drink hard fruit punch at noon
unbirthing fetish
I'm debating the same thing right now.
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Anyone notice how a disproportionate amount of not only pedophiles but also serial killers are gay men?
Why is the homo so dangerous?
all men are pedos
niggas be like
"Im treating my lungs to a nice tar bath"
I can't finish a whole one of these. It's the only one I can't.
the perique ones what am i a millionaire
all gay people are possessed by a demon, and that's why they all start to sound the same. that demon's name? ba'alzenbum
Brian is a serial killer
>Why is the homo so dangerous?
t. neanderthal
anyone notice 99% of crime are committed by men
b-b-but "homo" is the genus name for all hominids
Look as long as I’ve been alive I’ve heard there will never be a magic cure for being fat and I won’t be walking around with a calculator on me at all times
Now there’s Ozempic and Smartphones
I’m gonna keep smoking because I’m hedging my beta that they’ll make a magic cure for black lung and cancer
AmSpi's are harsh as fuck
It's like smoking a birds nest
i've only had them a few times and they are quite strong
i bought a pack of the yellow ones years ago and it was okay
In the Philippines and thailand trannies don't consider themselves women, they identify as gay men. I wonder if western trannies are aware of this
Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis is the full species name for Neanderthals thoughbeit
We’re also a hybrid mutt species
The crimes women commit are never reported
do you ever stop thinking about trannies
i was just being funny i know
There's a muscled up womxn at my gym but she still can't lift more than me. I bet she still can't protect herself from rape
keep your friends close, and your psycho-sexual fixations closer
We need to encourage girls to be criminals as well and increase the number of female criminals
We can’t let men keep dominating crime
women never commit crime. says a lot about men
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For me its the newport 100
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Who'd wanna rape a broad what looks like a dude
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That’s because a male fent fiend needs to steal to pay for his habits while a female can sell her crusty pussy
I'm sorry. You should never ask an american where he's from, I apologize
cutting open a smoker's chest and extracting the black tar heroin from his lungs
why cant men just admit they are biologically violent
based soul brotha
The fuck you say?
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I’m not American, only pure Anglos can be American
I’m a foreign rat
I would especially if she has penis for me
Are you the guy that's on his lunch break?
the most recent of my ancestors to come to america is one of my great-grandparents who came from finland
>washoe teacher
>was a hoe
who writes this shit
are you telling me that bob ross is a violent person
i know men commit more crime and are more violent but it's a spectrum. not every guy on the street is a bloodthirsty psycho, and women are no perfect angels either
Currently doing a lot of micro farting in the office
Umm saying that makes you a misogynist and transphobe because women and men are exactly the same and sexual dimorphism isn’t real
that shouldn't be a crime
crop dusting, we call it
Why can't women admit they live violent men and enjoy being treated like absolute garbage
it was revealed he beat his wife
TikTok loves to show me shit I don’t care about like how hard it is from a cripple to get to class
I’ve never had TikTok on my phone at any point
i use tik tok to jerk off
>violent serial killers
>true crime podcasts
>taylor swift
Women get off on being victims
I agree, it should be encouraged and rewarded
All women secretly want to be killed by a serial killer
Simple as
>I’m not American, only pure Anglos can be American
You gatekeeping? America is a nation of ideals
women can't rape men, it's just impossible
all i can find is that there was some rumors of an affair he had, but nothing concrete
why would you lie to me about something like that
Only people who say that are non-Anglos
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talk about something else
I hate being dumb and weird
Misjudged what someone was trying to say and replied in a hostile manner then they apologized and now I feel bad
I confess, I'm a non-anglo
how do I cleanse whatever intestinal worm/virus is making me take big dumps every time I eat anything
john lennon beat his wife but most people still think of him as the peace-loving hippie, which he still was, but men are violent
Called someone a retard once on CoD 4 and they said sorry my bad and I haven’t stopped feeling bad since
fiber will make you more regular
yeah he was a scumbag
most chads beat women, is just something that women look for in a man
you shouldn't beat women
Nah everyone knows now
Him and Elvis are personally disliked but people acknowledge that you can separate the art and the artist
kill yourself at your earliest convenience please and thank you
many of them have it coming
the only serial killer I find impressive is the Gainsville ripper, arriving at his victim's apartment he discovered a football player sleeping on the couch, undeterred he strangled him then raped and killed stacey
>America is a nation of ideals
America is a nation of White ideals
the only thing you should be beating is that pussy. amen
I’ve had an uncomfortable amount of girls ask me to choke and slap them
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>mfw some bitch on 4chan calls me a scumbag
btw that's my fine ass bitch i picked up from indonesia next to me, but we tell everyone she's japanese LMAO
Everyone knows Lennon beat his wife itd like the most popular reddit fact in the world. Among younger people its probably the first thing they know about him even though Paul did it too
as long as it's consensual there's no issue
as dreadfully popular as it is, most people do not use reddit
My favorite is jeffery dahmer with his acid in the brain experiments and his skeleton alter idea
im a degenerate cum slut
It must've been so satisfying to fuck up Yoko Ono
why did you come here and post incendiary things and then do this
i think it was his first wife (who was white)
i'm not even sure of the story but i'll continue to call him a wife-beater and a cool dude
It’s going to be 10 years since I graduated college soon and I used to be underage on 4chan
I don’t use Reddit or TikTok but I’m assuming it’s all over TikTok because that’s how kids these days get their information
Yoko has never looked hotter than she does in this image
Bro I enjoyed american media way back when it was cool. I mourn the death of white America, shit used to be so cool
In Sacramento for work and the entire city smells like weed all the time
I thought San Francisco smelled like weed but you can’t even drive on the freeway without the smell
you know what you did stop playing dumb
i know what you're doing
shut up bitch
I’m getting a check from Soros and Putin at the same time to post inflammatory material
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i wish i weren't a social retard
i've never heard of elvis being disliked
btw blacks stole more from him than vice versa
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just finished the cheese cake feel bloated as hell
Is Roy Rogers Restaurant any good?
can't tell if my internet is shitting itself or 4chan is shitting itself
I actually just pinched the cable that leads from the 4chan servers to your PC
>btw blacks stole more from him than vice versa

Delusion. His whole schtick was copy pasted from delta blues shit inna deep south
no it doesnt. Are you walking past dispensaries and then complaining that it smells like pot?

like no shit, dude
can you cut it instead of pinching it
play on, sambo
Had too much caffeine now I feel sick
Those 10 shots of espresso were a bad idea
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this album is a masterpiece
you're having an episode
spinster, you're from elvis country, what do you think of him?
I was at that mall outside of the Golden 1 Center and it smelled
Walked through Old Sacramento and saw someone rolling up a joint
Went to the gym yesterday and there was an old man smoking a pipe in his car with the window open while he played music
Elvis is loved in England, even to this day. My dad wanted to name my brother Elvis but my mother wouldnt allow it.
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I did see an absolutely incredible amount of dispensaries though and drove by at least two grow warehouses
I see billboards for dispensaries all over the highway
Sacramento loves their weed I guess
>I was at a stoner hangout and smelled weed
>I wlaked past a guy smoking a joint and it smelled like weed
>I saw a (probably black) guy smoking in his car and it smelled like weed
one for the money, two for the show, three for the honeys now GO CAT GO
chickfila is good
That was a few examples
It smells like weed everywhere downtown
sacramento is the big hub for everything since its just suburbs and farmland around it. if you want weed, like most college dropouts/people living in the sticks do, you have to drive into Sac to get it
I us d to live in Saguramend (Sacramento). The city was clean and nice but everything closed mad early. Ain't shit to do after 10pm
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>decent human being
my dad wanted to name me Ike lmao
i fight for my friends
no it doesnt, youre stupid
I have the same first and last name as my father but our middle names are different. Not sure why. I would a like to have been a Junior. Or Uncle June to my niece
i wish my name was buck. life would be a lot different
Ever been to Frank Fats?
Boss is making me go there later today because he’s a tourist and wants to go there
I was driving down some road jsut north of downtown and saw a few what look like Greymarket bars
Shit ton of people outside of an old newspaper office at 2am
change your name
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cummies, im drinking covfefe
Chick Fil A is expensive
Be careful I had too much caffeine and feel loopy now
nah, Id always visit my buddy at this sushi place he worked at, but it went under during the pandemic. University of beer is really good by the capitol, and iirc theres a chinese joint right across the street
i don't want my parents to think they did a bad job naming me even though they did
i had mine earlier
all fast food is expensive now so you might as well get something actually good desu
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business idea: cum in a messssicans cumhole
if you ain't got the dough re mi son, if you don't have the dough re mi
well you'd better go back to beautiful texas, oklahoma kansas georgia tennessee
california is a garden of eden
a paradise to live in or see
but believe it or not, you won't find it so hot, if you ain't got the dough re mi
Lots of folks back East, they say, is leavin' home every day
Beatin' the hot old dusty way to the California line
'Cross the desert sands they roll, gettin' out of that old dust bowl
They think they're goin' to a sugar bowl, but here's what they find
Now, the police at the port of entry say
you're number fourteen thousand for toDAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYY
ngl i dont really get the reference. i tried googling it and it came up with an anime clip on tiktok.
I associate Ike with the President Dwight Eisenhower.
hey i know this song
I’ve been to University of Beer but it looks like the one I went to on 16th street is closed now
And there’s a Thai place across the street that I heard was good
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I am immortal
I have inside me blood of kings
I have no rival
No man can be my equal
Take me to the future of your world
They have been talking about opening Chick Fil A in the UK for years but this third world shithole gets nothing good.
The only Ike I know is from southpark or Ike and Tina
kick the baby
yeah but is it the original woody guthrie version or the AJJ cover?
I feel bad for the Amazon driver who has to carry my 38 lb box of cat litter all the way up the stairs to my door.
why. he's getting paid
i'm familiar with both
here's a good cover of a woody guthrie song that i like
Favorite line from Lock Stock?

I like "Would you like a sandwich, Bacon?"
bro you never answered my question about elvis
Once ordered a 300lb olympic weight set from Dicks Sporting Goods and had to help the guy bring it in
Sheinbaum is a traditional Mexican name
I woulda sat back and sipped a strawberry fucking daquiri and watched him struggle with it
apologies but i don't memorize movie lines from random foreign films made 30 years ago.
my grandmother really liked the elvis christmas album, i'm not a huge fan or anything
Ever notice how "the Jews" are always originally Polish?
It's because it's actually "the Poles"
you've been to his house right?
Tell me you're a zoomer without telling me you're a zoomer
>it's me bren gun
only line i remember. i should rewatch it some time
Hey yeah. Even if she's Sephardim, how does she have an AshkeNAZI last name
I should've because I ended up doing most of the carrying
He asked me what was in it because he had no idea what would be that heavy in a small box
do you tip? i work for asda doing delivery, its kinda the Walmart of the UK but shit, and 38 lb isn't an issue. people hardly ever give tips on anything here, i wouldnt expect it, but maybe would if I were in the states.
1. i'm 34
2. if i were to ask any random gen x boomer, they'd likely not even know what film you're talking about
it's kinda strange to me that german jews and russian jews are both grouped under ashkenazi
i'd think they'd be very different
39 lbs isnt even heavy
Did a DNA test and it came back 0% Jewish
There goes my ticket into the Illuminati
i haven't but i know people who have been

I like when they pulled the bb gun on the robbers and kept shooting them and the ginger goes OW! I e been shot!
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Why is it Volodymyr Zelenskyy and not something like Grünberg?
Did Jews in Slavland try to blend in?
what is your first decree king apu
Yes they would kiddo
They all came from HRE i guess the ones who were expelled moved east
you just don't speak russian, slavs can probably recognize jewish last names
ill mandate that everyone should be happy for life
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Genuinely still feels like 2016 was 2 years ago
that's nice of you i was expecting something cruel and unusual
You ain't never lied 2017-2024 seems like one year
Seems like the name might be associated with the placename "Zelenka"
Probably a common name for Jewish villages
ive seen enough of cruelty in life
I don't have many concrete memories that I'm certain aren't false memories implanted by the CIA since 2016
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I keep coming back to this because it makes me laugh
I've been at my current job for four years and it still feels like I started at the beginning of this year
I know EXACTLY what you mean
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Based fellow fa/tv/irgin
Thread bottlenecked at 280?
thread theme
make 25 more posts
this was clearly BASED
>A dose of 1 gram of caffeine can cause extreme side effects, including:
restlessness, nervousness, irritability, delirium, vomiting, neuromuscular tremors, convulsions, tachycardia, and increased respiration

>100mg of caffiene in one shot
>I've had 12 shots

I'm having a spiritual awakening from these caffiene-induced delusions
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asuka is a whore
>Gook shit
Fuck off weeb
Gonna name my son Sigismaximillian Jonathaniel
I watched Letterman growing up. They never showed Jay Leno over here.
With that much caffeine you should be able to see through time
drink some water and sit down you'll be ok
Your delivery driver has it pretty easy. My mom orders 3 boxes of cat litter every two weeks (for kittens) but each box has 3 jugs of litter and then there's a tenth jug that has it's own baby box and there's also a bag of cat food.
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get fucked pussy lips
I've seen the universe's birth, death, and rebirth a million times
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It's not cool to hate anime anymore
Zoomers love anime
/cum/ has ALWAYS been pro-anime
checked but zoomers aren't cool so who cares what they think
Yeah but everyone hates zoomers
the point is to be a contrarian because society is consistently wrong and going in circles
I've have MULTIPLE zoomer girls want to watch Studio Ghibli with me
One of them liked Hunter x Hunter
everyone like studio ghibli movies, they occupy the same anime niche as dbz but for white people
I don't like anime at all
didnt like the wind rises
very stupid plot
can i still beg for money here? i want tl buy this doll, and its no longer im production, so buying her its really expensive
how many of them are on track for retirement? do they live paycheck to paycheck? how much debt do they have? how much interest is their savings account? what are their goals in life? will they achieve their goals?
Contrary to popular belief, this is not actually an anime website.
is there any japanese animation that isn't anime? western animation has such a wide range of styles, why do japs make most of their stuff look basically the same
I actually own this website and it's actually themed around Alaskan bushcraft
if you have to crowdfund a monster high doll you probably don't need it
The true and rightful edition
ok future wizard i make double your wage and i got hot babes blowing my massive DICK daily

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